#clean-up because I'm re-running this over and over stop-process -Name VISIO -ea SilentlyContinue remove-item c:\temp\testvisio5.vsdx -ea SilentlyContinue import-module VisioBot3000 -Force Diagram C:\temp\TestVisio5.vsdx # Define shapes, containers, and connectors for the diagram Stencil Servers -From SERVER_U.vssx Shape WebServer -From Servers -MasterName 'Web Server' Shape SQLServer -From Servers -MasterName 'Database Server' Connector SQL -Color Red -arrow #this is the diagram WebServer Web1 WebServer Web2 WebServer Web3 Set-RelativePositionDirection Vertical SQLServer DB1 SQLServer DB2 SQL -from Web1,Web2,Web3 -to DB1,DB2 Complete-Diagram |