
Function New-Publication { 
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Create Publication v 4
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance:$_ -query:"select 1" })]
        [string] $Publisher , 
        [string] $Publication , 
        [switch]$start_snapshot_agent=$true  ,
    ) # end param
        Begin { 
            If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
                $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
            else { 
                $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 
            $sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
        Process {
            Box "Create Publication $Publication at $Publisher " 
            # get dbn
            switch -regex ($Publication) { 
                'cash' { ($dbn = 'ArizonaCASH');break }
                'VisiSys' { ($dbn = 'VisiSystem');break } 
                default { ($dbn = 'Arizona') } 
            Write-debug "DBN: $dbn " 
            # build query
            $qry = "EXEC sp_visi_create_Publication @Publication = '$Publication' , @drop = 0" 
            if ( $dynamic_filters -eq $false ) { 
                $qry = $qry  + ', @dynamic_filters = ''false'' '       
            Write-Debug $qry  
            # create Publication
            Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Publisher -Database $dbn -Query $qry -QueryTimeout 100000
            # start snapshot agent
            if ($start_snapshot_agent.IsPresent) {
                $qry = $("exec sp_startPublication_snapshot @Publication = '" + $Publication + "';")
                Write-Debug "Starting snapshot agent for $Publication on $Publisher" 
                invoke-sqlcmd -Serverinstance $Publisher -database $dbn -Query $qry 
            } #end if snapshot agent
        End { 
            #collect time stats
            "Total Time elapsed: {0} " -f $($sw.Elapsed) 
    Function Add-Subscription { 
    Adds a subscriber to a Publication
    Subscriber (pipeline)
    default Value = $true
    Get-VisiCaisses DEV1
    Add-Subscription -srv SRV-MAG2 -Publication Address -Publisher SRV-ONECMR
    Get-VisiServers DEV2 | Add-subscription -Publication Address -Publisher SRV-SQLDEV2\DEV2OCM
            [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance:$_ -query:"select 1" })]
            [string] $subscriber = $env:COMPUTERNAME, 
            [string] $Publication , 
            [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance:$_ -query:"select 1" })]
            [string] $Publisher ,
            [switch]$start_job = $true  
        ) # end param
        Begin { 
            If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { $DebugPreference = "Continue" } 
            else { $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" } 
            Write-Debug "Subscriber = $subscriber" 
            $freq = 17
        Process { 
            # get dbn
            $dbn = (Get-Publications -Publisher $Publisher | ? name -eq $Publication).database 
            Test-EmptyString $dbn 
            Write-Debug "dbn = $dbn" 
            # resolve overloaded host_name
            if ($Publication -match 'cash') { 
                    write-debug 'cash #1 '
                    $qry_cash = 'SELECT cr_organizational_unit_guid as hst_name FROM ArizonaCASH.dbo.CR_organizational_unit cou WHERE crou_locally_used =1 ; ' 
                    $hst_name = (invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance:$subscriber -Query:$qry_cash ).hst_name
            else { 
                switch -regex ($Publication) { 
                    '(ItemComp|ConfigComp)' { 
                        $hst_name = (invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance:$subscriber -Database:$dbn -Query:'select dbo.fn_get_current_company() as hst_name' ).hst_name
                        break } 
                    '(Stock|Archive|Document|Address|Azconfig|ConfigSub|Inventory|Item)' { 
                        $hst_name = [math]::Abs((invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance:$subscriber -Database:$dbn -Query:'select dbo.fn_get_current_sub() as hst_name' ).hst_name)
                        break } 
                    '.*CASH' { 
                        write-debug 'cash'
                        $qry_cash = 'SELECT cr_organizational_unit_guid as hst_name FROM ArizonaCASH.dbo.CR_organizational_unit cou WHERE crou_locally_used =1 ; ' 
                        $hst_name = (invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance:$subscriber -Query:$qry_cash ).hst_name
                        break } 
                    '(VisiSys)' { 
                        $hst_name = $subscriber ; 
                        break } 
                    default {Throw "Publication name $Publication not valid"; exit 1; }
                } # end switch
                write-debug "host_name = $hst_name" 
            #check $hst_name
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($hst_name) ) { Throw "Host name could not be determined"; EXit 1; } 
            box $("Host-name for [{0}] on [{1}] ([{2}]) : {3} " -f $Publication, $subscriber, $Publisher , $hst_name ) 
            #build query
            $qry_add_sub = "
            exec sp_addmergesubscription @Publication = '$Publication'
                , @subscriber = '$subscriber'
                , @subscriber_db = '$dbn'
                , @subscription_type = N'Push'
                , @sync_type = N'None'
                , @subscriber_type = N'local'
                , @subscription_priority = 75
                , @description = null
                , @use_interactive_resolver = N'False'
                , @hostname = '$hst_name'
            exec sp_addmergepushsubscription_agent @Publication = '$Publication'
                , @subscriber = '$subscriber'
                , @subscriber_db = '$dbn'
                , @job_login = null
                , @job_password = null
                , @subscriber_security_mode = 1
                , @Publisher_security_mode = 1
                , @frequency_type = 4
                , @frequency_interval = 1
                , @frequency_relative_interval = 1
                , @frequency_recurrence_factor = 1
                , @frequency_subday = 4
                , @frequency_subday_interval = "
 + $freq +"
                , @active_start_time_of_day = 100
                , @active_end_time_of_day = 215959
                , @active_start_date = 20121219
                , @active_end_date = 99991231
                , @enabled_for_syncmgr = N'False'
            Write-Debug $qry_add_sub
            #exec qry
            invoke-sqlcmd -Serverinstance $Publisher -Database $dbn -Query $qry_add_sub -QueryTimeout 1500 -Ea Stop -ConnectionTimeout 15
            if ($start_job.IsPresent) { 
                $qry_job = "
                    FROM MSmerge_agents AS ma
                    WHERE Publication = '$Publication'
                    AND subscriber_name = '$subscriber'; "

                $qry_distributor = "
                    SELECT data_source
                    FROM sys.servers
                    WHERE NAME = 'repl_distributor'; "
                $distributor = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Publisher -Query $qry_distributor  -ea Stop ).data_source
                Write-Debug $("Distributor = {0} " -f $distributor ) 
                $job_name  = (invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $distributor -Database Distribution -Query $qry_job -ea Stop ).Name
                Write-Debug $("Job Name = {0} " -f $job_name  ) 
                Write-Debug "Starting job $job_name @ $distributor" 
                $qry_start_job = "exec dbo.sp_start_job '$job_name'" 
                Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $distributor -Database MSDB -Query $qry_start_job -ea Stop 
            } # end if start_job
        } # end process
    Function Remove-Publication { 
            [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance:$_ -query:"select 1" })]
            [string] $Publisher 
            [string] $Publication 
        Begin { 
            If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
                $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
            else { 
                $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 
        Process { 
            $sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
            Write-Debug "Attempting to drop Publication [$Publication] @ [$Publisher]..." 
            # get dbn
            $dbn = (Get-DbaRepPublication -PublicationType Merge -SqlInstance $publisher | ? publicationName -eq $publication ).database
            Test-EmptyString $dbn "Publication not found" 
            Write-debug "DBN: $dbn " 
            # proceed to dropping Publication
            $qry = "if exists (select 1 from sysmergePublications where name ='$Publication')
                    EXEC sp_dropmergePublication @Publication='$Publication'"

            Write-Debug $qry 
            Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance:$Publisher -Database:$dbn -Query: $qry -ErrorAction Stop -verbose -QueryTimeout:10000
        } #end Process
    Function Update-RepliJobSchedule {
    Stagger repli job schedule
    .PARAMETER Publication
    Value from Pipeline = $true
    Default = 13
    .PARAMETER Publisher
    Default = SRV-ONECM
    .PARAMETER Start
    Timespan - first execution of the day
    Timespan - last execution of the day
    Update-RepliJobSchedule -Publication Document -freq 17
    $params = @{
        start = $(New-Object System.TimeSpan(3,0,0))
        stop = $(New-Object System.TimeSpan(5,0,0))
        Publication = 'VisiSys'
        freq = 60
        Publisher = 'SVR-ONECM'
    Update-RepliJobSchedule @params
    # default Freq = 13
    (Get-Publications -Publisher SRV-ONECMR).name | Update-RepliJobSchedule -Publisher SRV-ONECMR
        Param (
                [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty() ]
                [string] $Publication 
                [ValidateScript({ $_ -gt 0 })]
                [int] $freq  = -1 #frequence in minutes
                [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance $_ -query "select 1" -ConnectionTimeout 10 })] 
                [string] $Publisher='SRV-ONECM' 
                [timespan] $start  = $(New-Object System.TimeSpan(5,0,0))
                [timespan] $stop  = $(New-Object System.TimeSpan(22,59,0))
        Begin {
                If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
                    $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
                else { 
                    $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 
        } # end begin
        Process { 
            Write-Debug "Publication : $Publication " 
            # get dbn
            $dbn = (Get-Publications -Publisher $Publisher| ? Name -eq $Publication ).Database
            Test-EmptyString $dbn "Table not found in any database (dbn could not be determined) " 
            Write-debug "DBN: $dbn " 
            # get distributor
            $distributor = Get-Distributor -Publisher $Publisher 
            Test-EmptyString $distributor "Distributor not found"
            Write-Debug $("Distributor = {0}" -f $distributor ) 
            # get job names
            $qry = "SELECT s.application_name as job_name
            FROM dbo.sysmergesubscriptions AS s
            JOIN dbo.sysmergePublications AS p ON p.pubid = s.pubid
            WHERE = '$Publication'
            AND s.subscriber_server <> @@servername "
            #Write-Debug $("Qry = {0}" -f $qry )
            $jobNames = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Publisher -Database $dbn -Query $qry -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop ).job_name
            # get smo jobs
            $SMOserver = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') -argumentlist $distributor -ErrorAction Stop 
            $jobs = $SMOserver.JobServer.Jobs| Where-Object {$_.Name -in $jobNames } 
            Write-Debug $("Jobs found = {0}" -f $($jobs).count) 
            $delta = New-Object System.TimeSpan (0,0,$(Get-Random -Maximum 30))
            $ActiveStartTimeOfDay = $start
            foreach ($job in $jobs) { 
                $ActiveStartTimeOfDay = $ActiveStartTimeOfDay.Add($delta) 
                $sch = $job.JobSchedules[0]
                $sch.FrequencySubDayTypes = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.FrequencySubDayTypes]::Minute
                $sch.ActiveStartTimeOfDay = $ActiveStartTimeOfDay  
                $sch.FrequencySubDayInterval = $freq 
                $sch.ActiveEndTimeOfDay = $stop
                $sch.IsEnabled = $true 
                $sch.ActiveStartDate = Get-Date
                "Job:{4}`n`tStart:{0} `tEnd:{1} `tFrequency:{2} `tFrequency unit:{3} `tDelta:{5} `n" -f $sch.ActiveStartTimeOfDay, $($sch.ActiveEndTimeOfDay),$($sch.FrequencySubDayInterval) ,$sch.FrequencySubDayTypes, $job.Name , $delta
            } #end foreach job
        } # end process
    } # end function
    Set-Alias -Name Stagger-RepliJobSchedule -Value Update-RepliJobSchedule
Function Get-RepliCmd { 
    Get repli command
    Get repli command
    .PARAMETER $subscriber_name_patter
    Enough to match a subscriber
    Bla bla bla
        Param ( 
            [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty() ]
            [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty() ]
            [string] $Publication_name_pattern
            #[switch] $recette = $false
            [switch] $high_verbose_level = $false 
            [switch] $high_query_timeout = $false 
        ) # end param
        Begin {
            If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
                $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
            else { 
                $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 
        Process { 
            # get Publisher
            ($Publisher = Get-Publisher $subscriber)
            Test-EmptyString $Publisher 
            Write-Debug $("Publisher = {0}" -f $Publisher)  
            # get distributor
            ($distributor = Get-Distributor $Publisher)
            Test-EmptyString $distributor 
            Write-Debug $("Distributor = {0}" -f $distributor)  
            # get Publication
            #($Publication = Get-Publications -Publisher $Publisher | Where-Object { $ -imatch $Publication_name_pattern } )
            ($Publication = Get-DbaRepPublication -SqlInstance $Publisher | ? PublicationName -imatch $Publication_name_pattern)
            Test-EmptyString $($Publication.PublicationName)
            Write-Debug $("Publication = {0}" -f $Publication.PublicationName)
            # get dbn
            ($dbn = $Publication.Database)
            Test-EmptyString $Publication.DataBase 
            Write-Debug $("Dbn = {0}" -f $dbn) 
            # get job_name
            $qry = "SELECT s.subscriber_server,, s.application_name
            FROM dbo.sysmergesubscriptions AS s
            JOIN dbo.sysmergePublications AS p ON p.pubId = s.pubId
            WHERE s.subscriber_server = '$subscriber'
            and = '$($Publication.PublicationName)'"
            Write-Debug $qry 
            $job_name = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Publisher -Database $dbn -Query $qry ).application_name
            Test-EmptyString $job_name 
            Write-Debug $("Job name = {0}" -f $job_name) 
            # get command line
            $smoSrv = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $distributor 
            Write-Debug $("SMO job count : {0}" -f $($($smoSrv.JobServer.Jobs).Count))
            $job = $smoSrv.JobServer.Jobs| ? Name -eq $job_name 
            $job_command = $job.JobSteps["Run agent."].Command 
            Test-EmptyString $job_command
            Write-Debug $("job_command = {0}" -f $job_command) 
            # process final string to be returned
            $str = "c:`r`ncd\replmerg`r`nreplmerg.exe $job_command " 
            # add output and timeout options
            if ($high_verbose_level.isPresent) { 
                $str += " -outputVerboseLevel 2 " 
            else { 
                $str += " -outputVerboseLevel 1 " 
            if ($high_query_timeout -eq $true ) { 
                $str += " -QueryTimeout 15000 " 
            # copy to clipboard
            Write-Host `n$str `n 
        } # end process
    Set-Alias -Name grc -Value Get-RepliCmd -Force 
    Function Get-Publications{
        Param (
            [string]$Publisher = 'SRV-ONECM' , 
            [string]$dbn = 'Arizona' 
        Begin { 
                if ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
                    $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
                else { 
                    $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 
                $qry = "
                    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.##p') IS NOT NULL
                        DROP TABLE ##p;
                    CREATE TABLE ##p ([Name] SYSNAME, [Database] SYSNAME DEFAULT DB_NAME() )
                    EXEC sp_msforeachDB '
                    USE ? ;
                    IF OBJECT_ID(''dbo.sysmergePublications'',''U'') IS NOT NULL
                        EXEC sys.sp_executeSQL N'' INSERT ##p ([name]) SELECT NAME FROM sysmergePublications''
                    SELECT *
                    FROM ##p
                    ORDER BY [name] ASC , [database] ASC ;

                Write-Debug $qry 
                $Publications = invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Publisher -Query $qry -Database $dbn 
                # return objects
                return $Publications 
    Function Enable-RepliJobSchedule {
        Param (
            [string]$Publication ,
            [string]$Publisher = 'SRV-ONECM'
        Begin { 
                if ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
                    $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
                else { 
                    $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 
            $Publication -split ',' | % { 
                Write-Debug $("Publication = {0}" -f $_ ) 
                Alter_RepliJobSchedule -Publication $_ -Publisher  $Publisher -isEnable $true 
    Function Disable-RepliJobSchedule {
        Param (
            [string]$Publication ,
            [string]$Publisher = 'SRV-ONECM'
        Begin { 
                if ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
                    $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
                else { 
                    $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 
            $Publication -split ',' | % { 
                Write-Debug $("Publication = {0}" -f $_ ) 
                Alter_RepliJobSchedule -Publication $_ -Publisher  $Publisher -isEnable $false 
    Function Alter_RepliJobSchedule {
        Param (
            [string] $Publication ,
            [string] $Publisher = 'SRV-ONECM',
        Begin { 
                if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DebugPreference')) { 
                    $debugPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('DebugPreference')
            # get dbn
            #$dbn = InferDbnFromPublication -Publication $Publication
            $dbn = Get-PublicationDbn -Publisher $Publisher -Publication $Publication 
            Write-Debug $("Dbn = {0}" -f $dbn ) 
            #get distributor
            $qry = "
            SELECT p.distributor
            FROM dbo.sysmergePublications AS p
            join dbo.sysmergesubscriptions AS s ON s.pubid = p.pubid
            WHERE = '$Publication'
            AND s.application_name IS NULL "

            $distributor = (invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Publisher -Database $dbn -Query $qry).distributor
            Write-Debug $("Distributor = {0} " -f $distributor) 
            #get job names
            $qry = "
            SELECT s.application_name as jobName
            FROM dbo.sysmergePublications AS p
            join dbo.sysmergesubscriptions AS s ON s.pubid = p.pubid
            WHERE = '$Publication'
            AND s.application_name IS NOT NULL "

            $jobNames = (invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Publisher -Database $dbn -Query $qry).jobName
            Write-Debug $("job names count = {0}" -f $jobNames.Count) 
            # get repli jobs
            $SMOserver = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') -argumentlist $distributor -ErrorAction Stop 
            foreach ($job in $SMOserver.JobServer.Jobs |Where-Object {$_.Name -iin $jobNames} )  {
                foreach ($sched in $job.JobSchedules) { 
                    $sched.IsEnabled = $isEnabled
                    Write-Verbose $("Job = {0} Schedule = {1} IsEnabled = {2} " -f $job.Name , $sched.Name , $sched.IsEnabled ) 
Function Get-Distributor {
    Get distributor
    Get distributor
    .PARAMETER $Publisher
    bla bla bla
    Get-Publisher 'SRV-MAG1'
            [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance $_ -query "select 1" -ConnectionTimeout 3 })] 
            [string] $Publisher 
            ) # end Param
        Process { 
            If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
                $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
            else { 
                $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 
            Write-Debug $("Publisher = {0} " -f $Publisher ) 
            $qry = "SELECT data_source as ds FROM sys.servers AS s WHERE s.is_distributor = 1 " 
            (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Publisher -Query $qry ).ds 
        } # end process
    Function Get-Publisher {
    Get Publisher
    Get Publisher
    .PARAMETER srv
    Server for which the Publisher will be returned
    Get-Publisher 'SRV-MAG1'
            [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance $_ -query "select 1" -ConnectionTimeout 10 })] 
            [string] $srv = $env:COMPUTERNAME
            ) # end Param
        Begin {
            If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
                $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
            else { 
                $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 
        Process { 
            Write-Debug $("Srv = {0} " -f $srv ) 
            $qry = "
            BEGIN TRY
                EXEC ('select @@serverName as server_name') at ArizonaCASH ;
            END TRY
            BEGIN CATCH
                RAISERROR ('Checking Publisher using linked server Arizona CASH failed', 16, -1)
            END CATCH "
            Write-debug $qry; 
            (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Query $qry -ErrorAction stop).server_name 
        } # end process
Function Remove-Subscription { 
            [string] $subscriber , 
            [string] $Publisher , 
            [string] $Publication  , 
            [switch]$cleanAtSubscriber = $true
        ) # end param
        Begin {
            If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
                $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
            else { 
                $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 
    Process { 
        $sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
        Box "Remove subscription to $Publisher.$Publication on $subscriber " 
        Write-Debug "Publisher = $Publisher" 
        Write-Debug "Publication = $Publication" 
        Write-Debug "Subscriber = $subscriber" 
        # get dbn
        $dbn = (Get-DbaRepPublication -PublicationType Merge -SqlInstance $srv | ? publicationName -eq $publication ).database
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dbn)) { 
            Throw "Database for Publication [$Publication] could not be found or Publication does not exists " 
        Write-Debug "Database for Publication [$Publication] = [$dbn] " 
        # check if Publication exists
        ## a faire
        # proceed to dropping subscription
        $qry = "
        IF EXISTS (
            SELECT, *
            FROM sysmergesubscriptions s
            JOIN sysmergePublications p ON s.Pubid = p.Pubid
            WHERE subscriber_server = '$subscriber'
            AND = '$Publication'
            AND [DB_NAME] = '$dbn'
            AND s.[status] <> 2 )
            exec dbo.sp_dropmergesubscription @Publication = '$Publication'
                , @subscriber = '$subscriber'
                , @subscriber_db = '$dbn'
                , @subscription_type = 'both'
        Write-Debug $qry 
        Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance:$Publisher -Database:$dbn -Query:$qry -Verbose -QueryTimeout:4500 
        #cleanup subscription @ subscriber
        if ($cleanAtSubscriber.ispresent) { 
            Write-Verbose "Cleaning up replication objects @ [$subscriber]" 
            $qry= "exec sp_mergesubscription_cleanup @Publisher='$Publisher', @Publisher_db='$dbn',@Publication ='$Publication'"
            Write-Debug "`n$qry "
            Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance:$subscriber -Database:$dbn -Query:$qry -Verbose -QueryTimeout:4500 
        } # end if clean at subscriber
        else { 
            Write-Verbose "No Cleanup @ $subscriber executed. Do not omit to run sp_mergesubscription_cleanup @ $subscriber" 
        } # end else
        #collect time stats
        "Total Time elapsed: {0} " -f $($sw.Elapsed) 
        } #end Process
    Function Remove-AllSubscriptions {
            [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance $_ -query "select 1" -ConnectionTimeout 10 })]
            [string] $Publisher
            [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty() ]
            [string] $Publication
        Begin {
            If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) {
                $DebugPreference = "Continue"
            else {
                $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
        Process {
            Get-AllSubscribers -Publisher $Publisher -Publication $Publication | % {
                $params = @{
                    Publisher = $Publisher
                    Subscriber = $_.subscriberName
                    Publication = $Publication
                Remove-Subscription @params
    Function Get-AllSubscribers { 
        Param (
                [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance $_ -query "select 1" })]
                [string] $Publisher , 
                [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty() ]
                [string] $Publication 
        ) #end param
        Begin { 
            If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
                $DebugPreference = "Continue" } 
            else { 
                $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" } 
            Write-Debug $("Publisher = {0} Publication = {1} " -f $Publisher, $Publication ) 
            # get dbn
            $dbn = (Get-Publications -Publisher $Publisher| ? Name -eq $Publication ).Database
            Test-EmptyString $dbn "Table not found in any database (dbn could not be determined) " 
            Write-debug "DBN: $dbn " 
            # start RMO server
            $RMOserver = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationServer') -argumentlist $Publisher 
            write-debug "RMOServer = $($RMOserver.Name)" 
            write-debug "Publications = $($RMOserver.Publications)" 
            # get subscribers
            $RMOserver.ReplicationDatabases[$dbn].MergePublications[$Publication].MergeSubscriptions | Select SubscriberName 
        } # end process
    } # end function
Function Get-PublicationDbn { 
        Param (
            [string]$Publisher = 'SRV-ONECM' , 
            [string]$Publication = 'Arizona' 
        ) #end param
        Process { 
            (Get-Publications -Publisher $Publisher | ? name -eq $Publication ).DataBase 
Function Get_RowCount { 
Param ( 
Process {
    [int] $row_count=-1 
    if ($data_set -eq $null ) { 
            $row_count = 0 
        else { 
            if ($data_set.Count -eq $null)  { 
            else { 
                $row_count = $data_set.Count
    return $row_count 

Function Verify_Publication { 

# Function Verify_publication
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# History:
# 2017-12-19 MNI Creation

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Verify publication v1
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance:$_ -query:"select 1" })]
        [string] $subscriber, 

        [string] $publication , 

        [switch]$push_to_sub=$false , 
        [switch]$push_to_pub=$false , 

        [switch]$hide_zero_values=$false , 

        $exclude_tables = @()   , 

        [switch]$bulk_fix = $false  # use bulk fix
    ) # end param

    Process {
        If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
            $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
        else { 
            $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 
        # get publisher
        $publisher = Get-Publisher -srv $subscriber 
        Test-EmptyString $publisher  "Publisher not found" 
        Write-Debug "Publisher: $publisher"     

        # get dbn
        $dbn = (Get-Publications -publisher $publisher| ? Name -eq $publication ).Database
        Test-EmptyString $dbn "Table not found in any database (dbn could not be determined) " 
        Write-debug "DBN: $dbn " 

        #validate publication
        # to do later

        $articles_qry = "exec sp_visi_Get_repli_articles @publication = '$publication' " 
        $articles = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $publisher -Database $dbn -Query $articles_qry

        foreach ($article in $articles | Where-Object {$_.article_name -inotin $exclude_tables} ) { 

            Write-Debug $("`nArt: {0} Bidir = {1}" -f $article.article_name , $(-not $article.upload_options))
            if ($bulk_fix.IsPresent) { 
                Compare_publisher_subscriber_bulkFix -srv:$subscriber -publication:$publication  -table:$article.article_name -check_missing_at_pub:$(-not $article.upload_options) -check_missing_at_sub -hide_zero_values:$hide_zero_values -push_to_pub:$push_to_pub -push_to_sub:$push_to_sub -ErrorAction Stop 
            else { 
                Compare_publisher_subscriber -srv:$subscriber -publication:$publication  -table:$article.article_name -check_missing_at_pub:$(-not $article.upload_options) -check_missing_at_sub -hide_zero_values:$hide_zero_values -push_to_pub:$push_to_pub -push_to_sub:$push_to_sub -ErrorAction Stop 

        } # end foreach article

    } #end Process
Set-Alias -Name Verify-Publication -Value Verify_publication  

function Compare_publisher_subscriber_bulkFix  {
# Function Compare_publisher_subscriber bulk fix
# mni 2018-03-22 - createed
    [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance $_ -query "select 1" -ConnectionTimeout 3 })] 
    [string] $srv , 

    [string] $publication , 

    [string]  $table , 

    [switch] $check_missing_at_pub = $false , # check rows missing at publisher (cm)

    [switch] $check_missing_at_sub = $false , # check rows missign at subscriber(mag)

    [switch] $push_to_pub = $false ,          # push rows to publisher (mdu @ sub )

    [switch] $push_to_sub = $false ,          # push rows to subscriber (mdu @ pub )

    [switch] $hide_zero_values = $false 

) # end param

Process { 
    If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { $DebugPreference = "Continue" } 
    else { $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" } 

    #check switches
    if (-not($check_missing_at_pub.IsPresent) -and -not($check_missing_at_sub.IsPresent)) { 
        Write-Output "No check parameters have been specified.`nExiting routine" ; 
        Return ;  

    #legacy var name -- too lazy to fix
    $pub = $publication 

    #infer dbn
    $dbn = InferDbnFromPublication -publication $publication
    Write-debug "DBN: $dbn " 
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dbn)) { 
        throw "Table not found in any database (dbn could not be determined) " ;  exit 1;   

    #get publisher
    $publisher = Get-Publisher $srv -debug:$false 
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($publisher)) { 
        throw "Publisher not found" ; exit 1; 
    Write-Debug "Publisher: $publisher"     

    #get objid at publisher ?? Is this still necessary ?
    $qry = "select object_id('$table', 'U') as objid " 
    $objid  = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $publisher -Database $dbn -Query $qry ).objid
    Write-Debug $("Objid = {0} " -f $objid )           
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($objid)) { 
        throw "Table objectId could not be determined" ;  exit 1;   

    #get sub
    if ($dbn -eq 'ARIZONACASH') { 
        #get current ou from CASH
        $qry = "SELECT cou.CR_organizational_unit_GUID as sub FROM CR_organizational_unit AS cou WHERE cou.CROU_locally_used = 1 ; "
    else { 
        #get current sub from AZ
        $qry = "
        declare @sub int ;
        select @sub = dbo.fn_get_Current_Sub() ;
        if @@servername like 'SRV-ACHATS%' select @sub = 1
        select @sub as sub ; "

    $sub = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose).sub 
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sub)) { 
        "Server = {0} ; Dbn = {1} ; Qry = {2} " -f $srv , $dbn, $qry 
        throw  "Subsidiary not found" ;  exit 1;   
    } # end if sub is empty
    Write-Debug "HostName override: $sub" 
    #generate repli meta data @ pub
    $qry = "EXEC sp_get_repli_metadata @in_publication='$pub',@in_subsidiary_id='$sub',@in_table='$table'" 
    Write-Debug $qry 
    $repliData = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $publisher -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop )  
    $pk = ($repliData  | Where-Object {$_.object_id -eq $objid } ).pk
    $schema = ($repliData  | Where-Object {$_.object_id -eq $objid } ).schema
    $tableLongName = ($repliData  | Where-Object {$_.object_id -eq $objid } ).article_long_name
    $article = ($repliData  | Where-Object {$_.object_id -eq $objid } ).article
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pk)) { 
        Throw "Pk could not be determined for table $table" ; Exit 1; 
    Write-Debug "Table: $tableLongName" 
    Write-Debug "Pk: $pk" 
    $from =  ($repliData  | Where-Object {$_.object_id -eq $objid } ).from_clause  
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($from)) { 
        Throw "From clause could not be determined for table $table" ; Exit 1; 
    Write-Debug "From clause: $from" 

    # pull cm data 2 mag
    $qry = "
    -- begin extract data query
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.$article') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.$article;
    SELECT TOP 0 $pk
    INTO tempdb.dbo.$article
    FROM $dbn.$schema.$article;
    USE $dbn;
    SELECT $pk
    $from ;`"
    INSERT tempdb.dbo.$article
    EXEC(@sql) At ArizonaCASH;
    -- end extract data query
    $qry = $($qry -ireplace "INNER", "`nINNER" )
    $qry = $($qry -ireplace " AND " , "`nAND " ) 
    Write-Debug "Extract data qry=`n $qry " 

    #proceed to execute @ mag
    Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop -QueryTimeout 100000 -verbose:$false 
    Write-Debug "End pull cm data to mag" 

    #get rows missing @ pub
    if ($check_missing_at_pub -eq $true) { 
        Write-Debug "Check missing @ Pub" 
        $qry = "
        -- begin missing @ Pub query
        ;WITH missing_at_cm AS (
            SELECT $pk
            SELECT $pk FROM tempdb.dbo.$article
        SELECT x.ROWGUIDCOL as rgd_ , x.$pk as pk_
        FROM missing_at_cm AS m
        JOIN $dbn.$schema.$article AS x ON m.$pk = x.$pk
        -- end missing @ Pub query
        Write-Debug $qry

        $rows = $(Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop )
        $rc = Get_RowCount($rows) 
        if (-not( $hide_zero_values.IsPresent  -and ($rc -lt 1 ))) { 
            "[{0}].[{1}].[{2}] rows missing at [{3}]: {4} " -f $srv, $dbn, $table, $publisher, $rc

        #push2pub (mdu@mag)
        if ($push_to_pub.IsPresent -and $rc -gt 0 ) { 
            #select candidate col for update to avoid oop error
            $qry = "
                SET NOCOUNT ON ;
                DECLARE @table SYSNAME = '$tableLongName';
                DECLARE @xc TABLE ( c SYSNAME) ;
                INSERT @xc
                SELECT CONCAT('%',, '%')
                FROM dbo.sysmergearticles AS a
                JOIN dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters AS f ON f.artid = a.artid
                JOIN dbo.sysmergearticles AS ja ON f.join_nickname = ja.nickname
                WHERE a.objid = OBJECT_ID(@table,'U') ;
                IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM @xc)
                    INSERT @xc SELECT COL_NAME(OBJECT_ID(@table,'U'),1);
                SELECT TOP 1 as colName
                FROM sys.tables AS t
                JOIN sys.[columns] AS c ON t.[object_id] = c.[object_id]
                JOIN sys.schemas AS s ON s.[schema_id] = t.[schema_id]
                WHERE LIKE PARSENAME(@table, 1)
                AND c.column_id > 1
                AND LIKE '%%'
                AND LIKE IsNull(PARSENAME(@table,2),'dbo')
                AND t.is_ms_shipped = 0
                AND NOT LIKE ( SELECT c FROM @xc) "
            write-debug $qry 
            $xcol = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop -QueryTimeout 10000 ).colName
            Write-Debug $( "col used for bulk update = {0}" -f $xcol )

            # proceed to update @ subscriber
            $qry  = "
            -- bulk update query
            BEGIN TRAN
            ;WITH missing_at_cm AS (
                SELECT $pk
                SELECT $pk FROM tempdb.dbo.$article
                UPDATE $tableLongName
                SET $xcol = $xcol
                FROM $tableLongName AS x
                JOIN missing_at_cm AS mac ON x.$pk = mac.$pk
            --ROLLBACK TRAN
            COMMIT TRAN

            write-debug $qry
            Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop  -QueryTimeout 10000

    #get rows missing @ Sub
    if ($check_missing_at_sub -eq $true ) { 
        Write-Debug "Check missing @ SUB " 
        $qry = "
        -- begin missing @ Sub query
        SELECT $pk as pk_ FROM tempdb.dbo.$article
        SELECT $pk from $table
        -- end missing @ Sub query
        Write-Debug $qry

        $rows = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop -QueryTimeout 10000
        $rc = Get_RowCount($rows) 
        $rows_missing_at_subscriber = $rc #save for closing statements
        if (-not( $hide_zero_values.IsPresent  -and ($rc -lt 1 )) ) { 

            "[{0}].[{1}].[{2}] rows missing at [{3}]: {4} " -f $publisher, $dbn, $table, $srv, $rc

        #push rows 2 sub (mdu@pub)
        if ($push_to_sub.IsPresent -and $rc -gt 0) { 
            $qry = 
            DECLARE @table SYSNAME = '$tableLongName';
            SELECT TOP 1 as colName
            FROM sys.tables AS t
            JOIN sys.[columns] AS c ON t.[object_id] = c.[object_id]
            JOIN sys.schemas AS s ON s.[schema_id] = t.[schema_id]
            WHERE LIKE PARSENAME(@table, 1)
            AND LIKE '%%'
            AND LIKE IsNull(PARSENAME(@table,2),'dbo')
            AND t.is_ms_shipped = 0
            AND NOT LIKE '$pk'
            AND not like '%subsidiar%'"
            $xcol = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry  -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop ).colName
            Write-Debug $( "col used for bulk update = {0}" -f $xcol )

            $qry = "
                BEGIN TRAN
                SET XACT_ABORT ON;
                ;WITH mx AS (
                    SELECT $pk FROM tempdb.dbo.$article
                    SELECT $pk from $tableLongName
                    UPDATE ArizonaCASH.$dbn.$tableLongName
                    SET $xcol = $xcol
                    FROM ArizonaCASH.$dbn.$tableLongName AS a
                    JOIN mx ON a.$pk = mx.$pk
                --ROLLBACK TRAN
                COMMIT TRAN
            write-debug $qry
            Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop -QueryTimeout 15000

        # create temp table at publisher
        $qry  = "IF OBJECT_ID('$tableLongName') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE $tableLongName; CREATE TABLE $tableLongName ($pk SYSNAME) " 
        write-debug $qry 
        Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $publisher -Database TempDB -Query $qry -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop -QueryTimeout 10000
        # populate tenp table at publisher
        $qry  = "INSERT ONECM.tempdb.$tableLongName
                    SELECT $pk FROM tempdb.dbo.$article
                    SELECT $pk from $tableLongName "

        write-debug $qry 
        Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop -QueryTimeout 10000

        # proceed to update at publisher
        $qry = "
                UPDATE $tableLongName
                SET $xcol = $xcol
                FROM $tableLongName AS a
                JOIN tempdb.$tableLongName as mx ON a.$pk = mx.$pk
        write-debug $qry 
        Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop -QueryTimeout 15000 


    } #end if check_missing_at_mag

        #closing statements
        #$note = "Rows missing at publisher: $rows_missing_at_publisher; Rows missing at subscriber: $rows_missing_at_subscriber"
        #$qry = "
        #EXEC dbo.sp_Save_VisiSys_Log
        #@Id = '$log_id',
        #@note = '$note',
        #@status= '0' ,
        #@rowCount = $($rows_missing_at_publisher + $rows_missing_at_subscriber) "
        #Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Query $qry -Verbose -QueryTimeout 10000 -ErrorAction stop
    } # end process
} # End function

function Compare_publisher_subscriber {
# Function Compare_publisher_subscriber
# Now using sp_get_repli_metaData
# mni 2017-03-20
# mni 2018-03-22 - add publication parameter
# - using infer dbn from publication function
# - adapt to new pub Archive ( same table Name in 2 diff pubs)
    [ValidateScript({invoke-sqlcmd -serverInstance $_ -query "select 1" -ConnectionTimeout 3 })] 
    [string] $srv , 

    [string] $publication , 

    [string]  $table , 

    [switch] $check_missing_at_pub = $false , # check rows missing at publisher (cm)

    [switch] $check_missing_at_sub = $false , # check rows missign at subscriber(mag)

    [switch] $push_to_pub = $false ,          # push rows to publisher (mdu @ sub )

    [switch] $push_to_sub = $false ,          # push rows to subscriber (mdu @ pub )

    [switch] $hide_zero_values = $false 

) # end param

Process { 
    If ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent ) { 
        $DebugPreference = "Continue" 
    else { 
        $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 

    Write-Debug "Compare_publisher_subscriber Version 3 " 

    [int] $rc = -1 

    #check switches
    if (-not($check_missing_at_pub.IsPresent) -and -not($check_missing_at_sub.IsPresent)) { 
        Write-Output "No check parameters have been specified.`nExiting routine" ; 
        Return ;  

    #write log
    $qry = "
    DECLARE @domain SYSNAME = 'Controle_replication'
    EXEC dbo.sp_Save_VisiSys_Log @Id = @log_id OUTPUT, @Domain = 'Controle_replication', @Module = '$table';
    SELECT @log_id as log_id "
    $log_id = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database 'master' -Query $qry -Verbose -QueryTimeout 10000 -ErrorAction stop    ).log_id 
    Write-Debug "Log id = $log_id " 

    #get publisher
    $publisher = Get-Publisher -srv $srv 
    Test-EmptyString $publisher  "Publisher not found" 
    Write-Debug "Publisher: $publisher"     

    # get dbn
    $dbn = (Get-Publications -publisher $publisher| ? Name -eq $publication ).Database
    Test-EmptyString $dbn "Table not found in any database (dbn could not be determined) " 
    Write-debug "DBN: $dbn " 
    #get publication
    $pub = $publication 
    Write-Debug "Publication: $pub " 

    #get objid at publisher
    $qry = "select object_id('$table', 'U') as objid " 
    $objid  = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $publisher -Database $dbn -Query $qry ).objid
    Test-EmptyString $objid    "Table objectId could not be determined" 
    Write-Debug $("Objid = {0} " -f $objid )    

    #get sub
    #sub (ou if CASH)
    if ($dbn -imatch 'CASH') { 
        #get current ou from CASH
        $qry = "SELECT cou.CR_organizational_unit_GUID as sub FROM CR_organizational_unit AS cou WHERE cou.CROU_locally_used = 1 ; "
    else { 
        if ($pub -imatch 'Arizona_OU') { 
            $qry = "SELECT dbo.fn_Get_CV_Value('cvCurrentOrganizationalUnit', null) as sub " 
        else { 
            #get current sub from AZ
            $qry = "
            declare @sub int ;
            select @sub = dbo.fn_get_Current_Sub() ;
            if @@servername like 'SRV-ACHATS%' select @sub = 1
            select @sub as sub ; "


    #Write-Debug $qry

    $sub = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose).sub 
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sub)) { 
        "Server = {0} ; Dbn = {1} ; Qry = {2} " -f $srv , $dbn, $qry 
        throw  "Subsidiary not found" ;  exit 1;   
    } # end if sub is empty

    Write-Debug "HostName override: $sub" 
    #generate repli meta data @ pub
    $qry = "EXEC sp_get_repli_metadata @in_publication='$pub',@in_subsidiary_id='$sub',@in_table='$table'" 
    Write-Debug $qry 
    $repliData = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $publisher -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop )  
    #write-debug $($replidata |select * )

    $pk = ($repliData  | Where-Object {$_.object_id -eq $objid } ).pk
    $schema = ($repliData  | Where-Object {$_.object_id -eq $objid } ).schema
    $tableLongName = ($repliData  | Where-Object {$_.object_id -eq $objid } ).article_long_name
    $article = ($repliData  | Where-Object {$_.object_id -eq $objid } ).article
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pk)) { 
        Throw "Pk could not be determined for table $table" ; Exit 1; 

    Write-Debug "Table: $tableLongName" 
    Write-Debug "Pk: $pk" 
    $from =  ($repliData  | Where-Object {$_.object_id -eq $objid } ).from_clause  
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($from)) { 
        Throw "From clause could not be determined for table $table" ; Exit 1; 

    Write-Verbose "From clause: $from" 

    # pull cm data 2 mag
    #prepare extract data query
    $qry = "
    -- begin extract data query
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.$article') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.$article;
    SELECT TOP 0 $pk
    INTO tempdb.dbo.$article
    FROM $dbn.$schema.$article;
    USE $dbn;
    SELECT $pk
    $from ;`"
    INSERT tempdb.dbo.$article
    EXEC(@sql) At ArizonaCASH;
    -- end extract data query
    $qry = $($qry -ireplace "INNER", "`nINNER" )
    $qry = $($qry -ireplace " AND " , "`nAND " ) 
    Write-Debug "Extract data qry=`n $qry " 
    #proceed to execute @ mag
    Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop -QueryTimeout 100000 -verbose:$false 
    write-debug "End pull cm data to mag" 

    #get rows missing @ pub
    if ($check_missing_at_pub -eq $true) { 
        Write-Debug "Check missing @ Pub" 
        $qry = "
        -- begin missing @ Pub query
        ;WITH missing_at_cm AS (
            SELECT $pk
            SELECT $pk FROM tempdb.dbo.$article
        SELECT x.ROWGUIDCOL as rgd_ , x.$pk as pk_
        FROM missing_at_cm AS m
        JOIN $dbn.$schema.$article AS x ON m.$pk = x.$pk
        -- end missing @ Pub query
        Write-Debug $qry

        $rows = $(Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop )
        $rc = Get_RowCount($rows) 
        if (-not( $hide_zero_values.IsPresent  -and ($rc -lt 1 ))) { 

            "[{0}].[{1}].[{2}] rows missing at [{3}]: {4} " -f $srv, $dbn, $table, $publisher, $rc
        $rows_missing_at_publisher = $rc #save for closing statements

        #push2pub (mdu@mag)
        if ( $push_to_pub -and $rc -gt 0 ) { 
            foreach ($row in $rows) { 
                $qry = "exec sp_mergeDummyUpdate '$table' , '$($row.rgd_)'"
                if ($rc -gt 1) { 
                    $rowIndex = $rows.IndexOf($row) + 1 
                else { 
                    $rowIndex = 1 

                "[{0}] {1}/{2} -- {3} "  -f $srv, $rowIndex, $rc ,$qry 

                ### proceed to mdu row
                Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose

            } #end foreach row
        } #end if push_2_pub
    } #end if $check_missing_at_pub
    #get rows missing @ Sub
    if ($check_missing_at_sub -eq $true ) { 
        Write-Debug "Start check missing @ SUB " 
        $qry = "
        -- begin missing @ Sub query
        SELECT $pk as pk_ FROM tempdb.dbo.$article
        SELECT $pk from $table
        -- end missing @ Sub query
        Write-Debug $qry

        $rows = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop 
        $rc = Get_RowCount($rows) 
        $rows_missing_at_subscriber = $rc #save for closing statements
        if (-not( $hide_zero_values.IsPresent  -and ($rc -lt 1 )) ) { 

            "[{0}].[{1}].[{2}] rows missing at [{3}]: {4} " -f $publisher, $dbn, $table, $srv, $rc
        Write-Debug "End check missing @ SUB " 

        #push rows 2 sub (mdu@pub)

        if ($push_to_sub -eq $true ) { 
            foreach ($row in $rows) { 
                $qry = "DECLARE @rgd UNIQUEIDENTIFIER;SELECT @rgd=ROWGUIDCOL FROM $table WHERE $pk='$($row.pk_)';IF @rgd IS NOT NULL EXEC sp_mergeDummyUpdate '$table' , @rgd "
                if ($rc -gt 1) { 
                    $rowIndex = $rows.IndexOf($row) + 1 
                else { 
                    $rowIndex = 1 

                "[{0}] {1}/{2} -- {3} "  -f $publisher, $rowIndex, $rc ,$qry 
                ### proceed to mdu row
                Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $publisher -Database $dbn -Query $qry -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose

            } #end foreach row
        } #end if
    } #end if check_missing_at_mag

    #closing statements
    $note = "Rows missing at publisher: $rows_missing_at_publisher; Rows missing at subscriber: $rows_missing_at_subscriber" 
    $qry = "
    EXEC dbo.sp_Save_VisiSys_Log
    @Id = '$log_id',
    @note = '$note',
    @status= '0' ,
    @rowCount = $($rows_missing_at_publisher + $rows_missing_at_subscriber) "
    Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $srv -Query $qry -Verbose -QueryTimeout 10000 -ErrorAction stop        
    } # end process
} # End function

#New-Alias -Name Compare_publisher_subscriber -Value Compare_publisher_subscriber_v3

Set-Alias -Name Verify-Table -Value Compare_publisher_subscriber 
Export-ModuleMember -alias * -function *