
# Define these variables since they are not defined in WinPS 5.x
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssigments', '')]
    $IsWindows = $true
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssigments', '')]
    $IsLinux = $false
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssigments', '')]
    $IsMacOS = $false

    Provide PowerShell completion for Vim Native applications
     Provide completion for vim, vimdiff, gvim, gvimdiff, and evim similar to zsh. See LINK for `compdef vim`.

     For PowerShell Core 6 and above, rely on TabExpansion2.

     For Windows PowerShell 5.1 and below, override TabExpansion to handle -, -- & + correclty.
.PARAMETER WordToComplete
    TabExpansion2 sets WordToComplete to value the user has provided before they pressed Tab. Used to determine tab completion values. It may be an empty string.
    This parameter is set to the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for the current input line.

    CommandElements : {vim, --remote, -}
    InvocationOperator : Unknown
    DefiningKeyword :
    Redirections : {}
    Extent : vim --remote -
    Parent : vim --remote -
.PARAMETER CursorPosition
    This parameter is set to the position of the cursor when the user pressed Tab.
    The legacy TabExpansion function sets this parameter to the last block, as delimited by | or ;, or otherwise to the entire command line, when the user presses Tab.

    See Get-Help TabExpansion -Full for additional detail.
    PS C:\> vim - <Ctrl-Space>
    -- -D --literal -O --remote-tab -T -x
    -A -e -m -p --remote-wait --ttyfail -y
    -b -E -M -r --remote-wait-silent -u -Z
    -c -h -n -R -s -v
    -C -H -N --remote -S -V
    --clean -i --noplugin --remote-expr --serverlist --version
    --cmd -l --not-a-term --remote-send --servername -w
    -d -L -o --remote-silent --startuptime -W

    -- Only file names after this (does not work with default installed Windows *vim*.bat files)
    PS C:\> vim -V10'C:\ <Ctrl-Space>
    -V10'C:\data' -V10'C:\SWSETUP'
    -V10'C:\ESD' -V10'C:\Symbols'
    -V10'C:\SymCache' -V10'C:\inetpub'
    -V10'C:\Intel' -V10'C:\Users'
    -V10'C:\PerfLogs' -V10'C:\Windows'
    -V10'C:\Program Files' -V10'C:\msdia80.dll'
    -V10'C:\Program Files (x86)'

    PowerShell interprets : as a switch and . as a property. Surround the file
    name with single quotes, 'fname', to prevent this.
    PS C:\> vim -V10'C:\ <Ctrl-Space>

    -V10'C:\data' -V10'C:\SWSETUP'
    -V10'C:\ESD' -V10'C:\Symbols'
    -V10'C:\GENuclearEnergy' -V10'C:\SymCache'
    -V10'C:\inetpub' -V10'C:\tools'
    -V10'C:\Intel' -V10'C:\Users'
    -V10'C:\PerfLogs' -V10'C:\Windows'
    -V10'C:\Program Files' -V10'C:\msdia80.dll'
    -V10'C:\Program Files (x86)'

    -V[N][fname] Be verbose [level N] (default: 10) [log messages to fname]
     When bigger than zero, Vim will give messages about what it is doing.
      Always quote [fname]--e.g., 'C:\' or 'tst.log'
    PS C:\> TabExpansion2 -inputScript 'vim --' -cursorColumn 6 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CompletionMatches

    CompletionText ListItemText ResultType ToolTip
    -------------- ------------ ---------- -------
    -- -- ParameterName -- Only file names after this
    --clean --clean ParameterName --clean 'nocompatible', Vim defaults, no plugins, no viminfo
    --cmd --cmd ParameterName --cmd <command> Execute <command> before loading any vimrc file
    --help --help ParameterName -h or --help Print Help and exit
    --literal --literal ParameterName --literal Don't expand wildcards
    --nofork --nofork ParameterName --nofork Foreground: Don't fork when starting GUI
    --noplugin --noplugin ParameterName --noplugin Don't load plugin scripts
    --not-a-term --not-a-term ParameterName --not-a-term Skip warning for input/output not being a terminal
    --remote --remote ParameterName --remote <files> Edit <files> in a Vim server if possible
    --remote-expr --remote-expr ParameterName --remote-expr <expr> Evaluate <expr> in a Vim server and print result
    --remote-send --remote-send ParameterName --remote-send <keys> Send <keys> to a Vim server and exit
    --remote-silent --remote-silent ParameterName --remote-silent <files> Edit <files> in a Vim server if possible and don't complain if t...
    --remote-tab --remote-tab ParameterName --remote-tab Edit <files> in a Vim server if possible, but open tab page for each file
    --remote-tab-silent --remote-tab-silent ParameterName --remote-tab-silent Edit <files> in a Vim server if possible, but open tab page for each...
    --remote-tab-wait --remote-tab-wait ParameterName --remote-tab-wait Edit <files> in a Vim server if possible, but open tab page for each f...
    --remote-tab-wait-silent --remote-tab-wait-silent ParameterName --remote-tab-wait-silent Edit <files> in a Vim server if possible, but open tab page for...
    --remote-wait --remote-wait ParameterName --remote-wait <files> Edit <files> in a Vim server if possible and wait for files to hav...
    --remote-wait-silent --remote-wait-silent ParameterName --remote-wait-silent <files> Edit <files> in a Vim server if possible, wait for files to...
    --serverlist --serverlist ParameterName --serverlist List available Vim server names and exit

    --servername --servername ParameterName --servername <name> Send to/become the Vim server <name>. Tab to expand running server n...
    --startuptime --startuptime ParameterName --startuptime <file> Write startup timing messages to <file>

    --ttyfail --ttyfail ParameterName --ttyfail Exit if input or output is not a terminal

    --version --version ParameterName --version Print version information and exit


function VimCompletion {
            ParameterSetName = 'AstInputSet',
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0
            ParameterSetName = 'AstInputSet',
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1
            ParameterSetName = 'AstInputSet',
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 2
            ParameterSetName = 'LegacyTabExpansion',
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0

    if ( $LastBlock ) {
        $Words = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($LastBlock, [ref]$null) |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content

        if ( $Words[-1] -match '^[-\+]' ) {
            # Lastword starts with - or +
            if ($LastBlock[-1] -eq ' ') {
                # LastBlock ends with space as in `--servernam `
                $WordToComplete = ''
            } else {
                # LastBlock ends without space as in `-V10`
                $WordToComplete = $Words[-1]
            $PreviousWord = $Words[-1]
        } elseif ( $Words[-2] -match '^[-\+]' ) {
            # Penultimate word starts with - or +
            $PreviousWord = $Words[-2]
            $WordToComplete = $Words[-1]
        } else {
            $PreviousWord = ''
            $WordToComplete = $Words[-1]
        # $PreviousWord = $PreviousWord -replace "'",""
        # $WordToComplete = $WordToComplete -replace "'",""
    } else {
        # mikebattista / PowerShell-WSL-Interop developed snippet to locate
        # PreviousWord based on CursorPosition.
        $LastBlock = $CommandAst.Parent
        for ($i = 1; $i -lt $CommandAst.CommandElements.Count; $i++) {
            $Extent = $CommandAst.CommandElements[$i].Extent
            if ($CursorPosition -lt $Extent.EndColumnNumber) {
                # The cursor is in the middle of a word to complete.
                $PreviousWord = $CommandAst.CommandElements[$i - 1].Extent.Text
            } elseif ($CursorPosition -eq $Extent.EndColumnNumber) {
                # The cursor is immediately after the current word.
                $PreviousWord = $Extent.Text
            } elseif ($CursorPosition -lt $Extent.StartColumnNumber) {
                # The cursor is within whitespace between the previous and
                # current words.
                $PreviousWord = $CommandAst.CommandElements[$i - 1].Extent.Text
            } elseif (
                $i -eq $CommandAst.CommandElements.Count - 1 -and `
                    $CursorPosition -gt $Extent.EndColumnNumber
            ) {
                # The cursor is within whitespace at the end of the line.
                $PreviousWord = $Extent.Text

    # Empty result prevents file completion.
    $EmptyResult = (
        New-Object System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult `
            ' ', ' ', 'ParameterValue', ' '

    switch -Regex -CaseSensitive ($PreviousWord) {
        '--servername' {
            & vim --serverlist |
            Where-Object { $_ -like "$WordToComplete*" } |
            Sort-Object -Unique |
            ForEach-Object {
                $CompletionText = $_
                $ListItemText = $_

                New-Object System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult `
                    $CompletionText, $ListItemText, 'ParameterValue', `
        '^-[rL]$' {
            $result = Get-VimSwapFile |
            Where-Object { $_.CompletionText -like "*$WordToComplete*" } |
            New-TabItem -Line $LastBlock -ResultType 'ProviderItem' `

            if ($result) {
                return $result
            return $EmptyResult
        '^-t$' {
            try {
                # Look for readtags executable.
                $Command = Get-Command readtags -ErrorAction Stop

                # Look for tags in current directory.
                $TagFile = Get-ChildItem -Path .\ tags -ErrorAction Ignore

                if ($null -eq $TagFile) {
                    # Look for tags in project root.
                    $TagFile = Invoke-Git rev-parse --show-toplevel `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
                    $TagFile = Get-ChildItem -Path "$TagFile" tags `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch {
                return $EmptyResult

            $CompletionText = & $Command -t "$TagFile" -l |
            ForEach-Object -Process {
            } |
            Sort-Object -Unique -CaseSensitive |
            ForEach-Object -Process {
                    CompletionText = $_

            $ToolTip = Get-VimOption |
            Where-Object { $_.CompletionText -clike $Matches[0] }
            $ToolTip = $ToolTip.ToolTip

            $CompletionText |
            Where-Object { $_.CompletionText -like "$WordToComplete*" } |
            New-TabItem -Line $LastBlock `
                -ResultType 'ParameterValue' -ToolTip $ToolTip

        '^-[uU]$' {
            # Expand [g]vimrc
            # -u <vimrc> Use <vimrc> instead of any .vimrc
            # -U <gvimrc> Use <gvimrc> instead of any .gvimrc
            $ToolTip = 'Skip initialization from files and environment variables'
            $Argument = @(
                # Doesn't appear to work on Windows. Still sources vimrc.
                # However, either correclty doesn't source gvimrc.
                    CompletionText = 'NONE'
                    ToolTip        = $ToolTip
                    CompletionText = 'NORC'
                    ToolTip        = "${ToolTip}, but load plugins"
            if ($Matches[0] -ceq '-u') {
                # gvim only supports -U NONE to skip GUI initialization.
                $Argument += @(
                        CompletionText = 'DEFAULTS'
                        ToolTip        = "${ToolTip}, but load defaults.vim"

            $Argument |
            Where-Object { $_.CompletionText -clike "$WordToComplete*" } |
            Sort-Object -Property CompletionText -Unique -CaseSensitive |
            New-TabItem -ResultType 'ParameterValue' -Line $LastBlock

            # Complete [g]vimrc files.
            $Argument = Get-VimOption |
            Where-Object { $_.CompletionText -clike $Matches[0] }
            $ToolTip = $Argument.ToolTip

            Get-VimChildItem -Path "$WordToComplete*" -ToolTip $ToolTip |
            New-TabItem -Line $LastBlock


    # Complete parameters starting with -|+ or default to Path completion.
    switch -Regex -CaseSensitive ($WordToComplete) {
        '^-[oOp]$' {
            # Expand N:
            # -o[N] Open N windows (default: one for each file)
            # -O[N] Open N windows split vertically (default: one for each file)
            # -p[N] Open N tab pages (default: one for each file)
            $ResultType = 'ParameterName'

            $Argument = Get-VimOption |
            Where-Object { $_.CompletionText -clike $Matches[0] }
            $ToolTip = $Argument.ToolTip

            1..4 | ForEach-Object -Process {
                $CompletionText = "$($Matches[0])$_"
                $ListItemText = $CompletionText
                New-Object System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult `
                    $CompletionText, $ListItemText, $ResultType, $ToolTip

        '^-V' {
            # Expand N in
            # -V[N] Be verbose [level N]
            $VimOption = $Matches[0]
            $OptionToComplete = $WordToComplete.Substring($VimOption.Length)

            Get-VimVerbose |
            Where-Object { $_.CompletionText -like "$OptionToComplete*" } |
            Sort-Object -Property CompletionText -Unique |
            New-TabItem -ResultType 'ParameterName' -Line $LastBlock `
                -VimOption "${VimOption}"
        '^-V\d{1,2}' {
            # Expand fname in
            # -V[N][fname] Be verbose [level N]
            $Argument = Get-VimOption |
            Where-Object { $_.CompletionText -clike '-V' }
            $ToolTip = $Argument.ToolTip
            $ToolTip += "`n Always quote [fname]--e.g., 'C:\' or 'tst.log'"

            $VimOption = $Matches[0]
            $FileToComplete = $WordToComplete.Substring($VimOption.Length)

            $result = Get-VimChildItem -Path "$FileToComplete*" -Quote -ToolTip $ToolTip
            if ($WordToComplete -match '\s') {
                $result | New-TabItem -Line $LastBlock
            } else {
                $result | New-TabItem -Line $LastBlock -VimOption "${VimOption}"
        '^[-+]' {
            # Expand -, -- and + OPTIONS
            Get-VimOption |
            Where-Object { $_.CompletionText -clike "$WordToComplete*" } |
            Sort-Object -Property CompletionText -Unique -CaseSensitive |
            New-TabItem -ResultType 'ParameterName' -Line $LastBlock
        Default { return }

## POWERSHELL CORE TAB COMPLETION ##############################################################
if (!$UseLegacyTabExpansion -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5)) {
    $Vim = @( 'vim', 'vimdiff', 'gvim', 'gvimdiff', 'evim')
    Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Register-ArgumentCompleter `
        -Command $Vim `
        -Native `
        -ScriptBlock $function:VimCompletion