
    Convert Vim OPTIONS into PSCustomObject with CompletionText and ToolTip properties. ExcludeArgument property lists incompatible OPTIONS.
    Convert Vim OPTIONS into PSCustomObject with CompletionText and ToolTip properties. ExcludeArgument property lists incompatible OPTIONS separated with the Regex 'or', '|', operator.

    CompletionText and ToolTip are required.
    An arrary of

        CompletionText = "Vim OPTION"
        ToolTip = "Vim OPTION with help"
        ExcludeArgument = '-v|-E|-d|-y'

    function Get-VimOption {

        if (Get-Command -Name vim -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            $VimArguments = & vim --help | Select-String -Pattern '^\s*[-+]'
        } else {
            return ''

        $VimArguments | ForEach-Object -Process {
            $ToolTip = $_.ToString()
            $CompletionText = ($ToolTip -Split '\t+', 0, "RegexMatch")
            $Length = [int] $CompletionText.Length
            if ($Length -eq 2) {
                $CompletionText = $CompletionText[0].Trim()
            } else {
                $CompletionText = $CompletionText.Trim().Split()[0]
            $CompletionText = ($CompletionText -Split '[[<( ]')[0]
            $ToolTip = $ToolTip.Trim()

                Argument = "$CompletionText"
                ToolTip = "$ToolTip"

function Get-VimOption {

    $Argument = @(
            CompletionText = '-'
            ToolTip        = "-`tRead text from stdin"
            CompletionText = '--'
            ToolTip        = "--`tOnly file names after this"

    $Argument += @(
            CompletionText = '-m'
            ToolTip        = "-m`tModifications (writing files) not allowed"
            CompletionText = '-M'
            ToolTip        = "-M`tModifications in text not allowed"
            CompletionText = '-b'
            ToolTip        = "-b`tBinary mode"
            CompletionText = '-l'
            ToolTip        = "-l`tLisp mode"

        $ToolTip = @(
            "-V[N][fname]`tBe verbose [level N] (default: 10)",
            "[log messages to fname]`n",
            "When bigger than zero, Vim will give messages about what it is doing."
        ) -join ' '
            CompletionText = '-V'
            ToolTip        = $ToolTip

            CompletionText = '-D'
            ToolTip        = "-D`tDebugging mode"
            CompletionText = '-n'
            ToolTip        = "-n`tNo swap file, use memory only"
            CompletionText = '-r'
            ToolTip        = "-r [swap file]`tList swap files and exit or recover from a swap file."
            CompletionText = '-L'
            ToolTip        = "-L [swap file]`tList swap files and exit or recover from a swap file."
            CompletionText  = '-A'
            ToolTip         = 'Start in Arabic mode'
            ExcludeArgument = '-H|-F'
            CompletionText  = '-H'
            ToolTip         = 'Start in Hebrew mode'
            ExcludeArgument = '-A|-F'
            CompletionText  = '-F'
            ToolTip         = 'Start in Farsi mode'
            ExcludeArgument = '-A|-H'
            CompletionText = '-u'
            ToolTip        = "-u <vimrc>`tUse <vimrc> instead of any .vimrc"
            CompletionText = '--noplugin'
            ToolTip        = "--noplugin`tDon't load plugin scripts"
            CompletionText = '-o'
            ToolTip        = "-o[N]`tOpen N windows (default: one for each file)"
            CompletionText = '-O'
            ToolTip        = "-O[N]`tOpen N windows split vertically (default: one for each file)"
            CompletionText = '-p'
            ToolTip        = "-p[N]`tOpen N tab pages (default: one for each file)"
            CompletionText = '-q'
            ToolTip        = "-q [errorfile]`tEdit file with first error quickfix file]"
            CompletionText = '--cmd'
            ToolTip        = "--cmd <command>`tExecute <command> before loading any vimrc file"
            CompletionText = '-c'
            ToolTip        = "-c <command>`tExecute <command> after loading the first file"
            CompletionText = '-S'
            ToolTip        = "-S <session>`tSource file <session> after loading the first file"
            CompletionText = '-s'
            ToolTip        = "-s <scriptin>`tRead Normal mode commands from file <scriptin>"
            CompletionText = '-w'
            ToolTip        = "-w <scriptout>`tAppend all typed commands to file <scriptout>"
            CompletionText = '-W'
            ToolTip        = "-W <scriptout>`tWrite all typed commands to file <scriptout>"
            CompletionText = '--startuptime'
            ToolTip        = "--startuptime <file>`tWrite startup timing messages to <file>"
            CompletionText = '--help'
            ToolTip        = "-h or --help`tPrint Help and exit"
            CompletionText = '-h'
            ToolTip        = "-h or --help`tPrint Help and exit"
            CompletionText = '--version'
            ToolTip        = "--version`tPrint version information and exit"
            CompletionText = '-t'
            ToolTip        = "-t tag`tEdit file where tag is defined"

    $Argument += @(
            CompletionText  = '-e'
            ToolTip         = "-e`tEx mode (like ""ex"")"
            ExcludeArgument = '-v|-E|-d|-y'
            CompletionText  = '-E'
            ToolTip         = "-E`tImproved Ex mode"
            ExcludeArgument = '-v|-e|-d|-y'
            CompletionText  = '-v'
            ToolTip         = "-v`tVi mode (like ""vi"")"
            ExcludeArgument = '-e|-E|-s|-d|-y'
            CompletionText  = '-y'
            ToolTip         = "-y`tEasy mode (like ""evim"", modeless)"
            ExcludeArgument = '-v|-e|-E|-s|-d'
            CompletionText = '-C'
            ToolTip        = "-C`tCompatible with Vi: 'compatible'"
            CompletionText = '-N'
            ToolTip        = "-N`tNot fully Vi compatible: 'nocompatible'"
        # Not implemented
        # [PSCustomObject]@{
        # CompletionText = '-T'
        # ToolTip = "-T <terminal>`tSet terminal type to <terminal>"
        # }
            CompletionText = '--not-a-term'
            ToolTip        = "--not-a-term`tSkip warning for input/output not being a terminal"
            CompletionText = '--ttyfail'
            ToolTip        = "--ttyfail`tExit if input or output is not a terminal"
        # Not implemented on Windows
        # [PSCustomObject]@{
        # CompletionText = '-X'
        # ToolTip = 'Do not connect to X server'
        # }
            CompletionText = '-x'
            ToolTip        = "-x`tEdit encrypted files"

    # gvim GUI parameters
    $Argument += @(
        # Not supported on Windows. Use gvim
        # [PSCustomObject]@{
        # CompletionText = '-g'
        # ToolTip = "-g`tRun using GUI (like ""gvim"")"
        # }
            CompletionText = '-f'
            ToolTip        = "-f`tForeground: Don't fork when starting GUI"
            CompletionText = '--nofork'
            ToolTip        = "--nofork`tForeground: Don't fork when starting GUI"
            CompletionText = '-U'
            ToolTip        = "-U <gvimrc>`tUse <gvimrc> instead of any .gvimrc"

        # Windows specific GUI options
        if ($IsWindows) {
                CompletionText = '-P'
                ToolTip        = "-P <parent title>`tOpen Vim inside parent application"
                CompletionText = '--windowid'
                ToolTip        = "--windowid <HWND> Open Vim inside another win32 widget"

    $Remote = 'Edit <files> in a Vim server if possible'
    $Silent = 'don''t complain if there is no server'
    $Wait = 'wait for files to have been edited'
    $Tab = 'but open tab page for each file'
    $Argument += @(
            CompletionText = '--remote'
            ToolTip        = "--remote <files>`t$Remote"
            CompletionText = '--remote-silent'
            ToolTip        = "--remote-silent <files>`t$Remote and $Silent"
            CompletionText = '--remote-wait'
            ToolTip        = "--remote-wait <files>`t$Remote and $Wait"
            CompletionText = '--remote-wait-silent'
            ToolTip        = "--remote-wait-silent <files>`t$Remote, $Wait and $Silent"
            CompletionText = '--remote-tab'
            ToolTip        = "--remote-tab`t$Remote, $Tab"
            CompletionText = '--remote-tab-silent'
            ToolTip        = "--remote-tab-silent`t$Remote, $Tab, and $Silent"
            CompletionText = '--remote-tab-wait'
            ToolTip        = "--remote-tab-wait`t$Remote, $Tab, and $Wait"
            CompletionText = '--remote-tab-wait-silent'
            ToolTip        = "--remote-tab-wait-silent`t$Remote, $Tab, and $Wait, and $Silent"
    $Argument += @(
            CompletionText = '--remote-send'
            ToolTip        = "--remote-send <keys>`tSend <keys> to a Vim server and exit"
            CompletionText = '--remote-expr'
            ToolTip        = "--remote-expr <expr>`tEvaluate <expr> in a Vim server and print result"
            CompletionText = '--literal'
            ToolTip        = "--literal`tDon't expand wildcards"
            CompletionText = '--serverlist'
            ToolTip        = "--serverlist`tList available Vim server names and exit"
            CompletionText = '--servername'
            ToolTip        = "--servername <name>`tSend to/become the Vim server <name>. Tab to expand running server names"
            CompletionText = '-i'
            ToolTip        = "-i <viminfo>`tUse <viminfo> instead of .viminfo"
            CompletionText = '--clean'
            ToolTip        = "--clean`t'nocompatible', Vim defaults, no plugins, no viminfo"
    $Argument += @(
            CompletionText = '+'
            ToolTip        = "+<lnum>`tStart at line <lnum>"
            CompletionText = '+ '
            ToolTip        = "+`tStart at end of file"

    return $Argument