BeforeDiscovery { . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot Test.Setup.ps1) } InModuleScope Victor { Describe Invoke-Git { BeforeAll { $Global:__VICTOR_TEST_CAPTURED_GIT_ARGS = $null function Mock-Git { $Global:__VICTOR_TEST_CAPTURED_GIT_ARGS = $args if ($StdOut) {$StdOut} if ($StdErr) {$StdErr | Write-Error} } Mock Get-Command -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq 'git' -and $CommandType -eq 'Application'} { Get-Item Function:\Mock-Git } Mock Write-Verbose {} } AfterAll { Remove-Variable -Scope Global __VICTOR_TEST_CAPTURED_GIT_ARGS -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Context "<_.Name>" -Foreach @( @{ Name = 'Success' GitArgs = 'log', '-n', '3', '--pretty=oneline' StdOut = '2345678 Commit 3', '1234567 Commit 2', '0123456 Commit 1' StdErr = $null }, @{ Name = 'Error' GitArgs = 'checkout', 'some_nonexistent_branch' StdOut = $null StdErr = 'pathspec ''some_nonexistent_branch'' did not match any file(s) known to git' } ) { BeforeAll { try { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $ActualOutput = Invoke-Expression "git $GitArgs" } catch { $ActualError = $_ } } It "Calls git" { $Global:__VICTOR_TEST_CAPTURED_GIT_ARGS | Should -Be $GitArgs } It "Echoes args to verbose stream" { Should -Invoke Write-Verbose -Scope Context -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Message -eq "git $GitArgs" } } It "$(if ($StdOut) {'Writes'} else {'Does not write'}) output" { $ActualOutput | Should -Be $StdOut } It "$(if ($StdErr) {'Writes'} else {'Does not write'}) error" { $ActualError | Should -Be $StdErr } } } } |