using namespace System.Collections.Generic using namespace System.Management.Automation function Select-GitCommit { <# .SYNOPSIS Performs a rebase. .DESCRIPTION You can rebase one branch onto another, or you can rebase a single branch to rewrite history. A git rebase takes commits, starting from a particular commit, and replays them with some change. Broadly-speaking, there are two use cases: - rebasing onto another branch, e.g. staging, so that your feature branch is up-to-date with upstream changes - rebasing interactively, so that you can clean up your commit history They are not strictly exclusive. This command runs git rebase with the --autostash parameter; any uncommitted changes will be stashed at the start of the rebase and re-applied at the end. This command also uses --autosquash option; any commits with messages beginning with 'fixup!' or 'squash!' will be moved to the matching commit in the history and squashed into that commit. This is skipped if no matching commit is found. .PARAMETER Count Specify the number of commits to include in the rebase. .PARAMETER Onto Specify a branch or commit reference onto which to rebase. .PARAMETER FromRef Specify the starting commit for the rebase. This is exclusive - the commit provided will not be touched. Only the commits after the specified commit will be included in the rebase. .PARAMETER Interactive Specifies to perform an interactive rebase. This command may return before the rebase is complete; the user may need to run git commands to complete the rebase. Help will be shown in the terminal. .PARAMETER NoAutosquash Specifies that an interactive rebase should not automatically perform squashes and fixups. .PARAMETER Abort Aborts an interactive rebase that has paused at an intermediate point. .PARAMETER Continue Continues an interactive rebase that has paused at an intermediate point. .PARAMETER Skip Skips the current commit in an interactive rebase that has paused at an intermediate point. .OUTPUTS [psobject] .EXAMPLE rebase staging rebase: moved from 3ed185d to 0eb7f36 | 4 + GitShell.psd1 | 2 +- Jenkinsfile (gone) | 749 ----------------------------------------------- Public/New-GitBranch.ps1 | 5 + Public/New-GitRepo.ps1 | 6 +- docs/ | 4 +- 6 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 753 deletions(-) Rebases commits since the last merge onto the staging branch. Outputs a summary of the diff between the old and new heads. If this rebase does not complete successfully, it will abort and return to the original state. .EXAMPLE rebase staging -Interactive Created autostash: 72c6252 error: could not apply 5d99581... Version bump Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with "git add/rm <conflicted_files>", then run "git rebase --continue". You can instead skip this commit: run "git rebase --skip". To abort and get back to the state before "git rebase", run "git rebase --abort". Could not apply 5d99581... Version bump Auto-merging GitShell.psd1 CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in GitShell.psd1 Auto-merging CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in # Edit GitShell.psd1 and to resolve the conflicts > git add * > rebase -Continue [detached HEAD dd33e45] Version bump 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) rebase: moved from 5d99581 to dd33e45 | 4 + GitShell.psd1 | 4 - Jenkinsfile (gone) | 749 ----------------------------------------------- Public/New-GitBranch.ps1 | 5 + Public/New-GitRepo.ps1 | 6 +- docs/ | 4 +- 6 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 756 deletions(-) Applied autostash. Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/4165-rebasing. Opens the Gitlens extension in VS Code to interactively order and amend the git history, before rebasing onto staging. In this example, a merge conflict was introduced in the GitShell.psd1 and files. The command dropped to the terminal. We had to manually edit those files to resolve the conflicts. Then we ran `git add *` and `git rebase --continue` to complete the rebase. On success, outputs a summary of the diff between the old and new heads. .EXAMPLE > ggl 8 Id Author UpdatedAt Summary -- ------ --------- ------- 3d42d52 Freddie Sackur 6 minutes ago fixup! Summary after successful interactive rebase aa505ef Freddie Sackur 7 minutes ago fixup! Don't output to Info stream on calls within the module 8784987 Freddie Sackur 11 minutes ago Updated help ba8fb23 Freddie Sackur 12 minutes ago Summary after successful interactive rebase 45c7c99 Freddie Sackur 2 hours ago Add Undo-Git 973e46c Freddie Sackur 3 hours ago Added deprecation warning to Untracked 1d70004 Freddie Sackur 3 hours ago Tidy 927400e Freddie Sackur 5 hours ago Don't output to Info stream on calls within the module > rebase 8 rebase: moved from 3d42d52 to 3680238 Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/4165-rebasing. > ggl 6 Id Author UpdatedAt Summary -- ------ --------- ------- 3680238 Freddie Sackur 11 minutes ago Updated help 273dc05 Freddie Sackur 12 minutes ago Summary after successful interactive rebase b7f1385 Freddie Sackur 2 hours ago Add Undo-Git 238f6b6 Freddie Sackur 3 hours ago Added deprecation warning to Untracked 55e185e Freddie Sackur 3 hours ago Tidy f79de78 Freddie Sackur 5 hours ago Don't output to Info stream on calls within the module Performs a non-interactive autosquash rebase. Before the rebase, there are two commits with a 'fixup!' prefix, corresponding to two older commits in the history. After the rebase, these fixup commits have been squashed into the older commits. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Count')] param () dynamicparam { $DynParams = [RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new() if (-not $Script:RebaseParams) { function _rebase { param ( #region params for active rebase [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Continue', Mandatory)] [switch]$Continue, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Abort', Mandatory)] [switch]$Abort, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Skip', Mandatory)] [switch]$Skip, #endregion params for active rebase #region params for starting a rebase [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Count', Position = 0)] [ValidateRange(1, 5000)] [int]$Count, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FromRef', Position = 0)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Count')] [string]$Onto, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FromRef')] [string]$FromRef, [Parameter()] [switch]$Interactive, [Parameter()] [switch]$NoAutosquash #endregion params for starting a rebase ) } $Script:RebaseParams = (Get-Command _rebase).Parameters.Values | Write-Output } $Params = if (Test-ActiveRebase) {$Script:RebaseParams[0..2]} else {$Script:RebaseParams[3..7]} foreach ($Param in $Params) { $DynParam = [RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new( $Param.Name, $Param.ParameterType, $Param.Attributes ) $DynParams.Add($DynParam.Name, $DynParam) } return $DynParams } end { $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {Set-Variable $_.Key $_.Value} if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -in ('Abort', 'Continue', 'Skip')) { try { $_editor = $env:GIT_EDITOR $env:GIT_EDITOR = 'true' # short-circuits git's editor, so --continue doesn't prompt return git rebase --$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLower()) } finally { $env:GIT_EDITOR = $_editor } } $RebaseArgs = @( "rebase", "-i", # Always operate in interactive mode, to apply autosquash - we hack it with GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR "--autostash" ) if (-not ($Interactive -and $NoAutosquash)) { $RebaseArgs += "--autosquash" } if ($Onto) { $RebaseArgs += "--onto" $RebaseArgs += $Onto } if (-not $FromRef) { if ($Count) { $FromRef = "HEAD~$Count" } else { $FromRef = Get-GitLog -SinceLastMerge | Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty Id if (-not $FromRef) { throw "Unable to determine the last merge in the commit history to use as a rebase base. Try specifying FromRef or Count." } $FromRef = "$FromRef^1" } } $RebaseArgs += $FromRef if ($Interactive) { return git $RebaseArgs } try { $Output = $null $_gse = $env:GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR $env:GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR = "true" # short-circuits git's todo editor, but not the primary editor $Output = git $RebaseArgs 2>&1 if ($LASTEXITCODE) { throw $LASTEXITCODE } } catch { $Escape = [char]27 $Firebrick = "$Escape[38;2;178;34;34m" $Reset = "$Escape[0m" @($Output) -match '^CONFLICT' | ForEach-Object {Write-Information "$Firebrick$_$Reset" -InformationAction Continue} $Output | Select-Object -Last 1 | Write-Error git rebase --abort } finally { $env:GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR = $_gse } } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Select-GitCommit -ParameterName Onto -ScriptBlock { param ($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) $BranchNames = Get-GitBranch | Where-Object Active -ne $true | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name ($BranchNames -like "$wordToComplete*"), ($BranchNames -like "*?$wordToComplete*") | Write-Output } |