# Collect and report on Vester test details within Get-VesterTest function Extract-VestDetails { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Object ) Write-Verbose "[Extract-VestDetails] $($Object.Name)" # Create $Title/$Description/$Type/$Actual/$Fix from the test file . $Object.FullName # That doesn't work to find $Desired's value, so do it here $Desired = ((Select-String -Path $Object.FullName -Pattern 'Desired \=').Line -split ' ')[-1] # Output all properties for capturing in a $Vest variable [PSCustomObject]@{ # Add a custom type name for this object # Used with DefaultDisplayPropertySet PSTypeName = 'Vester.Test' Name = $Object.Name Scope = $Object.Scope FullName = $Object.FullName Title = $Title Description = $Description Desired = $Desired Type = $Type Actual = $Actual.ToString().Trim() Fix = $Fix.ToString().Trim() } } |