# Private function to collect *.Vester.ps1 files in the target directory # Exports a list of each test's FullName (Get-Item / Get-ChildItem property) function Get-VesterTest { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object[]]$Test ) # Construct empty array to throw file paths of tests into $TestFiles = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[String]' # Need to ForEach if multiple -Test locations ForEach ($TestPath in $Test) { # Gracefully handle FileSystemInfo objects (Get-Item / Get-ChildItem) If ($TestPath.FullName) { $TestPath = $TestPath.FullName } If (Test-Path $TestPath -PathType Container) { # If Test-Path finds a folder, get all *.Vester.ps1 files beneath it Write-Verbose "Discovering *.Vester.ps1 files below directory '$TestPath'." $GCI = (Get-ChildItem $TestPath -Filter '*.Vester.ps1' -File -Recurse).FullName If ($GCI) { # Add each *.Vester.ps1 file found to the array $GCI | ForEach-Object { $TestFiles.Add($_) } } Else { throw "No *.Vester.ps1 files found at location '$TestPath'." } $GCI = $null } Else { # Add the single file to the array if it matches *.Vester.ps1 If ($TestPath -like '*.Vester.ps1') { $TestFiles.Add($TestPath) } Else { # Because Vester tests have a very specific format, # and for future discoverability of that test if parent folder is specified, # prefer that tests are consciously named *.Vester.ps1 throw "'$TestPath' does not match the *.Vester.ps1 naming convention for test files." } } #If Test-Path } #ForEach -Test param entry $TestFiles } #function |