function Format-VerticalWide { Param( $Column = 2, [string[]]$Properties = "Name", [Switch]$AutoSize) $array = @($input) $count = $array.Count <# Convert input object to PSCustomObject to write nulls so I can properly output blank cells #> #Build a ScriptBlock with variable number of properties like this: #'$array | ForEach-Object -Process {[PSCustomObject] @{$($Properties[0])=$_.$($Properties[0]);$($Properties[1])=$_.$($Properties[1])}}' $MainBlock = '$array | ForEach-Object -Process {[PSCustomObject]' $ProcessBlock = '@{' foreach ($n in 0..($Properties.Count-1)) { $ProcessBlock += '$($Properties[' + $n + '])=[string]$_.$($Properties[' + $n + ']);' } $ProcessBlock += '}}' $ScriptBlock = $MainBlock + $ProcessBlock $block = [ScriptBlock]::Create($ScriptBlock) $array = Invoke-Command $block # Get column widths based off the longest string in each column/property # Store each column width in array $colwidths = @() foreach ($n in 0..($Properties.Count-1)) { $proplengths = @() foreach ($a in $array) { if ($null -eq $a) { $proplengths += 0 } else { $proplengths += $a.$($Properties[$n]).Length #Check for null } } $maxlength = $proplengths | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum $colwidths += $maxlength } #AutoSize #Total max lengths of each property $coltotal = $colwidths | Measure-Object -sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum #Add double the count of elements to account for space in between sub-columns $coltotal += ($colwidths | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count)*2 #Get char width of current console window $consolewidth = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width #divide console width by total major column width $autocols = [Math]::Floor($consolewidth/$coltotal) if ($AutoSize) { $cols = $autocols } else { $cols = $Column } # limit columns allowed to half of count if ($cols -gt $count/2) {$cols = $count/2} $rows = [math]::Ceiling($count/$cols) #round up $colmod = $count%$cols $reordered = @() #initialize array <# Rearrange array to output vertically versus horizontally Horizontal 1 | 2 | 3 4 | 5 | 6 7 | 8 | 9 Vertical 1 | 4 | 7 2 | 5 | 8 3 | 6 | 9 #> if ([Math]::Ceiling($count/$rows) -eq $cols) { <# down, then over 1..13 | %{[PSCustomObject]@{Name = $_}} | Format-VerticalWide -Column 4 13 values with 4 columns 1 | 5 | 9 | 13 2 | 6 | 10 | 3 | 7 | 11 | 4 | 8 | 12 | default #> for ($i = 0; $i -lt $rows; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j -lt $count; $j += $rows) { if ($i+$j -ge $count) { #Blank cells for remainder of space on last column, lower right corner $reordered += [PSCustomObject]@{Names = $null} } else { $reordered += $array[$i+$j] } } } } else { <# spread 1..13 | %{[PSCustomObject]@{Name = $_}} | Format-VerticalWide -Column 6 13 values with 6 columns 1 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 2 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 11 | 13 3 | | | | | stretch to number of columns specified #> for ($i = 0; $i -lt $rows; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j -lt $count; $j += $rows) { if (($j/$rows -gt $colmod) -and ($colmod -ne 0)) { $j-- } if (($i+$j -ge $count) -or (($colmod -ne 0) -and ($i -eq $rows-1) -and (($j+1)/$rows -gt $colmod))) { #Blank cells for remainder of space on last column, lower right corner $reordered += [PSCustomObject]@{Names = $null} } else { $reordered += $array[$i+$j] } } } } #Build ScriptBlock for variable amount of properties to pass to Format-Wide cmdlet $MainBlock = '$reordered | Format-Wide -Column $cols -Property ' $ProcessBlock = '@{e={"' foreach ($n in 0..($Properties.Count-1)) { $ProcessBlock += '{' + $n + '} ' } $ProcessBlock += '" -f ' foreach ($n in 0..($Properties.Count-1)) { if ($n -ne $Properties.Count-1) { $ProcessBlock += '$_.$($Properties[' + $n + ']).ToString().PadRight($($colwidths[' + $n + ']),[char]32), ' #TODO: Check for Null? } else { $ProcessBlock += '$_.$($Properties[' + $n + '])}}' } } $ScriptBlock = $MainBlock + $ProcessBlock $block = [ScriptBlock]::Create($ScriptBlock) Write-Debug $ScriptBlock #Resulting script block should look like this: #$reordered | Format-Wide -Column $cols -Property @{e={"{0} {1}" -f $_.$($Properties[0]), $_.$($Properties[1])}} Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $block <# .Synopsis Custom function for displaying data in vertical columns .DESCRIPTION Format-Wide organizes horizontally, similar to ls --format horizontal. Format-VerticalWide rearranges the pipeline input and re-outputs to Format-Wide so that data flows down rather than to the right. Similar to ls command in UNIX and Microsoft Word columns. Format-Wide layout Horizontal 1 | 2 | 3 4 | 5 | 6 7 | 8 | 9 Format-VerticalWide layout Vertical 1 | 4 | 7 2 | 5 | 8 3 | 6 | 9 .PARAMETER Column Specifies the number of columns in the display. You cannot use the AutoSize and Column parameters in the same command. .PARAMETER Properties Specifies the object properties that appear in the display and the order in which they appear. .PARAMETER AutoSize Adjusts the column size and number of columns based on the width of the data. Overrides Column property. .EXAMPLE Get-Process | Format-VerticalWide ApplicationFrameHost svchost AppVShNotify svchost armsvc svchost audiodg svchost Calculator svchost conhost svchost conhost svchost csrss svchost csrss svchost ctfmon svchost dasHost svchost dllhost svchost dllhost svchost ... .EXAMPLE Get-Process | Format-VerticalWide -Column 3 ApplicationFrameHost powershell_ise svchost AppVShNotify Registry svchost armsvc RuntimeBroker svchost audiodg RuntimeBroker svchost Calculator RuntimeBroker svchost conhost RuntimeBroker svchost conhost RuntimeBroker svchost csrss RuntimeBroker svchost csrss RuntimeBroker svchost ctfmon RuntimeBroker svchost dasHost RuntimeBroker svchost dllhost SearchApp svchost dllhost SearchIndexer svchost dllhost Secure System svchost ... .EXAMPLE Get-Process | Format-VerticalWide -Column 3 -Properties Id,Name 7988 ApplicationFrameHost 12700 RuntimeBroker 3252 svchost 8916 AppVShNotify 14300 RuntimeBroker 3572 svchost 4332 armsvc 14436 RuntimeBroker 3636 svchost 7652 audiodg 15248 RuntimeBroker 3644 svchost 2808 Calculator 10104 SearchApp 3784 svchost 9296 conhost 9864 SearchIndexer 3832 svchost 13352 conhost 72 Secure System 3840 svchost 696 csrss 3524 SecurityHealthService 3924 svchost 13884 csrss 4660 SecurityHealthSystray 3968 svchost 5812 ctfmon 440 services 4120 svchost 2356 dasHost 9464 SettingSyncHost 4232 svchost 1288 dllhost 9896 SgrmBroker 4240 svchost 8584 dllhost 428 ShellExperienceHost 4248 svchost 14624 dllhost 12272 sihost 4256 svchost ... #> } Export-ModuleMember -Function Format-VerticalWide |