######################################################################### # # # Example of how to orchestrate some of the Venom cmdlets together # # # # Change the parameter values to match your XMLDB records. # # # ######################################################################### function Start-WeeklyUpdates { function Get-XMLDB { $File1Path = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\bin\ps\ArrayInfo | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -like "ArrayInfo*.xml"} | Sort-object -property @{Expression={$_.LastWriteTime}; Ascending=$false}; $FileIn = $File1Path.FullName[0] if ((Test-Path $FileIn)) { # input file exist? $doc = new-object "System.Xml.XmlDocument" $doc.Load($FileIn) return $doc; } else { Write-Host "$FileIn not found in $File1Path" -ForegroundColor Red return $null } } $xmlDB = Get-XMLDB; # Fabric update processing $xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Fabric") | Where-Object {$_.DataCenter -eq "Snake" -and $_.Org -eq "Mojo"} | Select-Object -Property fabric | ForEach-Object { $fab = $_.fabric; $logFile = "$PWD\$fab.log"; Write-Host "Generating Device-Alias cmd files for $fab" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " See log $logFile for the ouput" -ForegroundColor Green Set-VeDeviceAlias -FabricName $fab *> $logFile Write-Host "Applying Device-Alias cmd files for $fab" -ForegroundColor Green Set-VeDeviceAlias -FabricName $fab -apply *>> $logFile Write-Host "Updating flogi csv files for $fab" -ForegroundColor Green Update-VeFlogi -FabricName $fab -Org EIT *>> $logFile } # # Symm update processing $logFile = "$PWD\Snake-SymmLogin.log"; Write-Host " " Write-Host "Updating Symm Login entries for Snake see log $logFile" -ForegroundColor Green $xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Array") | Where-Object { $_.Model -match "VMAX" -and $_.DataCenter -eq "Snake" -and $_.Org -eq "Mojo"} | Select-Object -Property sid | ForEach-Object { Write-Host " Setting Symm Aliases for $_.sid" -ForegroundColor Magenta Set-VeSymmLogin -sid $_.sid *> $logFile Write-Host " Updating Current Login csv file for $_.sid" -ForegroundColor Magenta Set-VeSymmLogin -sid $_.sid -SetLogin *>> $logFile } # } |