# Module Declarations [String[]]$flogiHeader = "Interface", "VSANID", "FCID", "PortWWN", "NodeWWN", "Flags", "DeviceAlias"; [String[]]$LogInHeader = "Array", "DirPort", "WWN", "NodeName", "PortName", "FCID", "LoggedIN", "OnFabric"; # # Non-Exported Functions . $PSScriptRoot\Local\Get-ArrayInfoXML.ps1 function Set-SYMCLI-Options { if ($env:SYMCLI_WAIT_ON_GK -eq $null) { New-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_WAIT_ON_GK -Value "1" | Out-Null } else { Set-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_WAIT_ON_GK -Value "1" | Out-Null; } if ($env:SYMCLI_WAIT_ON_DB -eq $null) { New-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_WAIT_ON_DB -Value "1" | Out-Null } else { Set-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_WAIT_ON_DB -Value "1" | Out-Null; } if ($env:SYMCLI_CTL_ACCESS -eq $null) { New-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_CTL_ACCESS -Value "PARALLEL" | Out-Null; } else { Set-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_CTL_ACCESS -Value "PARALLEL" | Out-Null; } } function Set-symapi_db { if ($env:SYMCLI_OFFLINE -eq $null) { New-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_OFFLINE -Value "0" | Out-Null } else { Set-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_OFFLINE -Value "0" | Out-Null; } Set-SYMCLI-Options } function Set-SymcliConnect { param ([string]$connectName) if ($env:SYMCLI_CONNECT -eq $null) { New-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_CONNECT -Value $connectName | Out-Null New-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_CONNECT_TYPE -Value "REMOTE" | Out-Null Write-Verbose "New-Item $env:SYMCLI_CONNECT & $env:SYMCLI_CONNECT_TYPE"; #symcfg discover } elseif ($env:SYMCLI_CONNECT -match $connectName) { } else { Set-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_CONNECT -Value $connectName | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Set-Item $env:SYMCLI_CONNECT"; #symcfg discover } } function Get-SymcliConnect { param ([string]$cliServer) if ($env:COMPUTERNAME -notmatch $hostnm) { # processing against remote symapi_db Set-SymcliConnect $cliServer } elseif (($env:COMPUTERNAME -match $hostnm) -and ($remote -match $cliServer)) { # symcli processed locally on this host if ($env:SYMCLI_CONNECT -ne $null) { Remove-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_CONNECT | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Remove-Item SYMCLI_CONNECT" } if ($env:SYMCLI_CONNECT_TYPE -ne $null) { Remove-Item -Path env:SYMCLI_CONNECT_TYPE | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Remove-Item SYMCLI_CONNECT_TYPE" } } else { Set-SymcliConnect $cliServer } } function Remove-FALogin { param ([string]$symmID, [string]$faPort, [string]$wwn) #$yn = Read-Host (" symaccess -sid $symmID -wwn $wwn -dirport $faPort -login remove -nopr"); #if ($yn -match "y") { $rslt = symaccess -sid $symmID -wwn $wwn -dirport $faPort -login remove -nopr; if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { # last command executed without error Write-Verbose " $wwn Login removed from $faPort on $symmID"; } else { Write-Host " Error: $wwn Login removed from $faPort on $symmID" -ForegroundColor Red; } #} } function Set-PortValue { param ([string]$pv) ($blade,$port) = $pv.Split("/"); if ($blade.Length -eq 4) { $blade = $blade.Substring(2,2) } else { $blade = "0" + $blade.Substring(2,1) } if ($port.Length -eq 1) { $port = "0" + $port }; $tmp = $blade + $port; return $tmp; } function Set-WwnAlias { param ([string]$symmID, [string]$wwn) $pwwn = $wwn -replace "([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})",'$1:' # Insert ':' $pwwn = $pwwn.TrimEnd(":",1); # Remove trailing ':' # This code snippet searches all the fabric folders searching for a matching # flogi entry in the files named, "*_flogi.csv". [bool]$flogiFound = $false; Get-ChildItem $Script:SwOrgPath | ForEach-Object { # Processing flogi for each folder in <execution path>\SWInfo-<org> $FBPath = $_.PSPath; if (!($flogiFound)) { Get-ChildItem $FBPath -Filter "*_flogi.csv" | Where-Object { $_.Attributes -ne "Directory"} | ForEach-Object { If (Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -List -SimpleMatch -Encoding ascii -Pattern $pwwn ) { # $_.FullName; # <execution path>\SWInfo-<org>\<fabricname>\<switchname>_flogi.csv # $_.PSChildName; # <switchname>_flogi.csv $flogiFound = $True; ($switch,$s1) = $_.PSChildName.Split("_"); # GET SWITCH NAME $swChars = $switch.ToCharArray(); # EXTRACT THE RECORD FROM THE FILE $obj = Select-String -Path $_.FullName -List -SimpleMatch -Encoding ascii -Pattern $pwwn # REMOVE SQUARE BRACKETS SURROUNDING THE DEVICE-ALIAS NAME $found = $obj.Line $found = $found -replace "\[", ""; $found = $found -replace "\]", ""; Write-Verbose " found: $found" # # CONVERT RECORD INTO CSV OBJECT $flogiObj = ConvertFrom-CSV -InputObject $found -Header $flogiHeader; # # EXTRACT HOSTNAME or StorageArray FROM DEVICE-ALIAS $DeviceAlias = $flogiObj.DeviceAlias; if ($DeviceAlias -eq $null) { # $dvAlias = $flogiObj.Flags; if ($swChars -eq "s") { # it's a storage edge switch $hostn = $dvAlias; } else { ($hostn,$hostHba ) = $dvAlias.Split("_"); } } else { if ($swChars -eq "s") { # it's a storage edge switch $hostn = $DeviceAlias; } else { ($hostn,$hostHba) = $DeviceAlias.Split("_"); } }; <# # take first numeric to end of HBA string. $sz = $hostHba.Length - 1; $hary = $hostHba.ToCharArray(); for ($i=0;$i -le $sz;$i++) { if ($hary[$i] -match "[0-9]") {$offset = $i; continue;} } $len = ($sz - $offset) + 1; $intnum = $hostHba.Substring($offset,$len); #> if ( ($hostn -ne "VP") -and ($hostn -ne "V") -and ($hostn -ne "P") ) { # ADD LEADING ZEROS TO Blade and port if needed $portname = Set-PortValue $flogiObj.Interface; $hostn = $hostn.ToLower(); $alias = "$hostn" + "/" + "$switch" + "_" + "$portname"; if ($alias.Length -gt 29) { # Max size of the alias field $hostn = $hostn.Replace("0",""); # Remove ZEROS from hostname $alias = "$hostn" + "/" + "$switch" + "_" + "$portname"; } $symmAlias = '"' + $alias + '"'; symaccess -sid $symmid rename -wwn $wwn -alias $symmAlias 2> $errFile; if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { # last command executed without error Write-Host " $wwn set to $symmAlias on $symmID"; } else { $errRslt = Get-Content -Path $errFile; $errLine = $errRslt -match "already assigned"; if ($errLine) { # found line indicating duplicate name $hbanum = $hostHba -replace '\D+(\d+)','$1'; # extract numeric value if ($hbnum -eq $hostHba) { $hbanum = "9"}; # no numeric in string; $alias = "$hostn" + "_" + "$hbanum" + "/" + "$switch" + "_" + "$portname"; $symmAlias = '"' + $alias + '"'; symaccess -sid $symmid rename -wwn $wwn -alias $symmAlias 2> $errFile; if (Test-Path $errFile) { Remove-Item -Path $errFile }; if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { Write-Host " $wwn set to $symmAlias on $symmID"; }; } else { Write-Host " Error: $wwn setting $symmAlias on $symmID" -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Host " Flogi Entry: $found" -ForegroundColor Magenta #Read-Host " Waiting on Error Result @285" } } } else { Write-Host " $pwwn missing device-alias assignment" -ForegroundColor Red; } } else { # Flogi entry not found is this fabric } } if (Test-Path $errFile) { Remove-Item -Path $errFile }; } } } function Update-FALogin { param ([string]$symmID, [string]$faPort) begin { } process { $wwn = $_.originator_port_wwn; $node = $_.awwn_node_name; $pname = $_.awwn_port_name; $onFab = $_.on_fabric; $onFA = $_.logged_in; if ($onFA -match "No") { Remove-FaLogin $symmID $faPort $wwn <# to delete selected NOT logged in initiators if ( ($node -eq "NULL") -or ($node -eq $wwn) -or ($node -match "vmx") ) { Remove-FaLogin $symmID $faPort $wwn } #> } elseif (($node -eq "NULL") -or ($node -eq $wwn) -or ($node -match "not") ) { $Script:initCnt++; Set-WwnAlias $symmID $wwn } else { $Script:initCnt++ } } end { } } function Set-CSVFALogin { param ([string]$symmID, [string]$faPort) begin { } process { $wwn = $_.originator_port_wwn; $node = $_.awwn_node_name; $pname = $_.awwn_port_name; $fcid = $_.fcid; $onFab = $_.on_fabric; $onFA = $_.logged_in; if ($onFA -eq "Yes") { $Script:initCnt++; } else { $Script:notCnt++ }; if ($SetLogin) { $csvRec = $symmID + "," + $faPort + "," + $wwn + "," + $node + "," + $pname + ","; $csvRec += $fcid + "," + $onFA + "," + $onFab; $csvRec | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii -FilePath $csvFile } } end { } } function Get-FALogins { param ([string]$symmID, [string]$faPort) symaccess -sid $symmID list logins -dirport $faPort 2>$1 > $rstFile; # suppressing error output if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { [xml]$faLogin = symaccess -sid $symmID list logins -dirport $faPort -out xml_element; if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { # last command executed without error if (($SetLogin) -or ($SumLogin)) { $faLogin.SelectNodes("//Login") | Set-CSVFALogin $symmID $faPort } else { $faLogin.SelectNodes("//Login") | Update-FALogin $symmID $faPort } } else { } } else { if (!($SetLogin) -and (!($SumLogin))) { Write-Host " No device masking login entries for $faPort on $symmID" -ForegroundColor Magenta } } } function Get-DirectorInfo { param([string]$symmID) begin { }; process { $faID = $; ($f1,$fa) = $faID.Split("-"); [int]$portCnt = $_.Dir_Info.ports; Write-Verbose " Processing FA $fa"; ForEach-Object -InputObject $_.Port { for ($i=0; $i -lt $portCnt; $i++) { $port = $_.Port_Info.port[$i]; $faPort = $fa + ":" + $port; if (($SetLogin) -or ($SumLogin)) { Write-Host " Processing FA Port - $faPort" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline } else { Write-Host " Processing FA Port - $faPort" -ForegroundColor Green } $Script:initCnt = 0; $Script:notCnt = 0; Get-FALogins $symmID $faPort; if (($SetLogin) -or ($SumLogin)) { Write-Host " $Script:initCnt logged in $faPort Not Logged In $Script:notCnt" -ForegroundColor Magenta } else { Write-Host " $Script:initCnt initiators logged into $faPort" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host " " } } } }; end { }; } function Get-Symm-ArrayInfo { begin { } process { $remote = $_.remote; $symm = $_.Model $symmSid = $_.sid; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($remote)) { Write-Host "Skipping $symm : $symmSid no symcli server available" -ForegroundColor Red; } else { Get-SymcliConnect $remote Write-Host "Processing $symm : $symmSid on $remote" -ForegroundColor Green; [xml]$faXml = symcfg -sid $symmSid list -FA all -out xml_element if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { # last command executed without error $faXml.SelectNodes("//Director") | Get-DirectorInfo $symmSid } else { Write-Host "Error Getting FA Info for $symmSid" -ForegroundColor Red } } } end { } } function Show-Logins { $matchMe = "*_ListLogins-" + $Script:org + ".csv" $loginFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $Global:FAPath | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -Like $matchME} | Sort-object -property @{Expression={$_.LastWriteTime}; Ascending=$false}; #$loginFile | get-member | Out-Host if ($loginFile.count -gt 1) { $FileIn = $loginFile.FullName[0] } else { $FileIn = $loginFile.FullName } #Read-Host "file: $FileIn - $faPath" Import-CSV -Path $FileIn -Header $LogInHeader | Out-GridView -Title $FileIn } function Set-SymmDefaults { if (!(Test-Path $Global:FAPath)) { New-Item $Global:FADir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; } # Load XMLDB & Validate Org Param $Script:xmlDB = Get-ArrayInfoXML; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($org)){ $unique = $Script:xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Array") | Select-Object -Property Org, Name -Unique; $Script:org = $unique[0].Org } else { $unique = $Script:xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Array") | Where-Object {$_.Org -match $Org } | Select-Object -Property Org, Name -Unique; if ($unique -is [Object]) { $Script:org = $unique[0].Org } else { Write-Host "$Org not not found in the XMLDB" -ForegroundColor Red $unique = $Script:xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Array") | Select-Object -Property Org -Unique; Write-Host "Valid Org name values are:" -ForegroundColor Green $unique | Format-Table -AutoSize return $null } } # $Script:SwOrgPath = $Global:SWPath + "-" + $Script:org; $noErrors = "0" return $noErrors } # # Exported Functions # Set-VeSymmLogin <# .SYNOPSIS Creates Symmetrix alias for each initiator logged into a FA port. Or records the login entries to a csv file and reports on the csv file entries in a Out-GridView. .DESCRIPTION Each login entry for a FA port is examined for existance of an alias. If the initiator is logged into the FA port and the an alias name does not exist, a new alias name is established. The alias naming convention is: <initiator-name> / <switch name>_<xxyy> The <initiator-name> is determined by looking up the device-alias name found in flogi database. Only the first part of the device-alias name is used to construct the <initiator-name>. The <xxyy> value is the blade and port value of the switch that the initiator is connected to. If the initiator entry is not logged into the FA port, the initiator entry is removed from the FA port. .PARAMETER sid The four digit Symmetric ID value .PARAMETER SetLogin Adds the storage port login entries from the specified sid to a csv file found in the folder: <execution path>\FAInfo\Current_ListLogins-<Org>.csv .PARAMETER ListLogin Displays the contents of the most recent login csv file named: <execution path>\FAInfo\Current_ListLogins-<Org>.csv .PARAMETER SumLogin Displays a count of the initiators logged in and not logged in per storage port. .PARAMETER Org Each XMLDB record has an Org value. By default the first record in the XMLDB determines the default Org value to be used. To process logins for the non-default Org, the parameter must be specified a valid Org value. .PARAMETER Api Determines which communication access method used to access the array. symcli - Solution Enabler (command line interface) restapi - RESTAPI protocol The restapi is not implemented at this time. .INPUTS The folders named, SWInfo/<fabric name> each contain an extracted copy of the flogi database from each switch in a CSV file format. This folder structure is maintained by Set-DeviceAlias.ps1. The WWN value found in the FA login entry is used to search for the flogi entry located in the SWInfo/<fabric name> directory structure. .OUTPUTS Out-Gridview of login entries .EXAMPLE Set-VeSymmLogin -sid 0153 Remove initiators not logged into the FA ports and for initiators missing a symm alias a value, an alias value is added in the following form: <WWN name>\<switch_xxpp> Where <WWN name> is extracted from the device-alias. Where <switch> is the switch name where WWN is logged in. Where <xx> is the switch blade. Where <pp> is the switch port. .EXAMPLE Set-VeSymmLogin -sid 1136 -SetLogin Adds storage port login entries, to a csv file named, <execution path>\FAInfo\Current_ListLogins-<Org>.csv for VMAX array 1136. Set-SymmLogin -sid 0000 -SetLogin For each symmetric array in the XMLDB, the storage port login entries will be appended to the csv file named: <execution path>\FAInfo\Current_ListLogins-<Org>.csv If the csv file has a 'LastWriteTime' older than 24 hours, the current csv file will be rename to OLD and a new csv file will be created. .EXAMPLE Set-VeSymmLogin -sid 0134 -ListLogin Displays the storage port login entries in the most recent csv file. .EXAMPLE Set-VeSymmAlias -sid 0955 -SumLogin Displays a count of the initiators login status per storage port. .NOTES Author: Craig Dayton 07/20/2017 : cadayton : Converted to cmdlet, Set-VeSymmLogin Updated: 02/11/2017 - initial release. .LINK .LINK #> function Set-VeSymmLogin { # Set-VeSymmLogin Params [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter four digit Symm ID", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidatePattern("^[0-9]{4}$")] [string]$sid, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Either symcli or restapi", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateSet("symcli","restapi")] [string]$api = "symcli", [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Create FA Login CSV file", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [switch]$SetLogin, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "View FA Login CSV file", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [switch]$ListLogin, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "View FA Login CSV file", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [switch]$SumLogin, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Organization Name", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [string]$Org = $null ) # Write-Host "Set-VeSymmLogin version" -ForegroundColor Green $rdom = Get-Random -Maximum 999 -Minimum 101; $rstFile = "$PWD\rslt-" + "$rdom" + ".txt"; $errFile = "$PWD\errRslt-" + "$rdom" + ".txt"; $hostnm = "Mojo69"; $rslt = Set-SymmDefaults; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($rslt)) { return } $csvFile = $Global:FAPath + "\" + "Current_ListLogins-" + $Script:org + ".csv"; $oldFile = $Global:FAPath + "\" + "Old_ListLogins-" + $Script:org + ".csv"; # Age off $csvFile if older that 24 hours if ($SetLogin) { if (Test-Path $csvFile) { $ci = Get-ChildItem -Path $csvFile; $lastWrite = $ci.LastWriteTime; $lwAge = New-TimeSpan -Start $lastWrite; $lwDayInHours = $lwAge.Days * 24; $lwHours = $lwAge.Hours + $lwDayInHours; if ($lwHours -gt 24) { # rename to old if (Test-Path $oldFile) { Remove-Item $oldFile; } Rename-Item -Path $csvFile -NewName $oldFile; } } } # switch ($api) { "symcli" { Set-symapi_db; if ($sid) { if ($ListLogin) { Show-Logins; } elseif ($sid -ne "0000") { $Script:xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Array") | Where-Object {$_.sid -match $sid -and $_.Org -match $Script:org} | Get-Symm-ArrayInfo } else { $Script:xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Array") | Where-Object {$_.Model -match "VMAX" -and $_.Org -match $Script:org} | Get-Symm-ArrayInfo } } if ($SetLogin) { Write-Host "Created $csvFile" -ForegroundColor Magenta }; if (Test-Path $rstFile) { Remove-Item -Path $rstFile; } } "restapi" { Write-Host "Sorry RESTAPI not implemented yet!" -ForegroundColor Green } default { Write-Host "$api is not a valid choice" -ForegroundColor Red } } } # # Find-VeSymmLogin <# .SYNOPSIS List initiators logged into storage arrays based on specified search criteria. .DESCRIPTION Find Initiator login on storage ports. The csv file named, Current_ListLogins-<org>.csv is searched based on the specified search criteria. If no search criteria is specified, then all login entries are displayed in an Out-GridView. The search criteria is anyone or combination of sid, WWN, Name, switch, FCID, or Login value. Reports on the differences between the current login entries and prior login entries. .PARAMETER sid Limits the search to a specific symmetrix array four digit serial number or a specific array name. .PARAMETER dirport Limits the search to a specific director port. .PARAMETER WWN Limits the search to a specific WWN value. .PARAMETER Name Limits the search to a specific initiator name. A initiator name can be either a host name or an array name. .PARAMETER switch Limits the search to a specific switch name. .PARAMETER fcid Limits the search to a FCID value. .PARAMETER Login Limits the search to a Login value of Yes or No. .PARAMETER compare Compare the current login entries to the prior login entries and list the differences. .PARAMETER Obj The selected entries are returned as an object rather than console output. .INPUTS The csv file, FAInfo/Current_ListLogins-<org>.csv. .OUTPUTS Console Output, Out-Gridview or object returned .EXAMPLE Find-VeSymmLogin -sid 0153 -dirport 2e:0 Lists all the login entries for VMAX array 0153 on director 2e port 0. .EXAMPLE Find-VeSymmLogin -name mojo69 Lists all login entries for host, 'mojo69' on all storage arrays. .EXAMPLE Find-VeSymmLogin -wwn 1000c4346b200498 or Find-VeSymmLogin -wwn 10:00:c4:34:6b:20:04:98 Lists all login entries associated with the WWN value. .EXAMPLE Find-VeSymmLogin -login No List all login entries NOT logged into a storage array port. .EXAMPLE Find-VeSymmLogin -switch mdsmojo01_04 List all login entries from switch pxbh102 on blade 04. .EXAMPLE Find-VeSymmLogin -compare List the differences between the current Login DB and the prior Login DB. .NOTES Author: Craig Dayton 07/20/2017 : cadayton : Converted to cmdlet, Find-VeSymmLogin Updated: 02/11/2017 - initial release. .LINK .LINK #> function Find-VeSymmLogin { # Find-VeSymmAlias Params [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter four digit Symm ID", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidatePattern("^[0-9]{4}$")] [string]$sid, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a director and port number (i.e. 2e:0)", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$dirport, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a WWN", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$wwn, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a host or array name", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$name, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a switch name value", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$switch, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a FCID value", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$fcid, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a FCID value", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$loginHost, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a FCID value", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$loginAll, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Enter a FCID value", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [switch]$compare, [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Output returned as object", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [switch]$obj, [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Organization Name", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [string]$Org = $null ) # # Main Routine Write-Host "Find-VeSymmLogin version" -ForegroundColor Green $rslt = Set-SymmDefaults; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($rslt)) { return } $matchMe = "*_ListLogins-" + $Script:org + ".csv"; $loginFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $Global:FAPath | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -Like $matchME} | Sort-object -property @{Expression={$_.LastWriteTime}; Ascending=$false}; if ($loginFile.count -gt 1) { $FileIn = $loginFile.FullName[0]; $FileIn1 = $loginFile.FullName[1]; } else { $FileIn = $loginFile.FullName; } $logins = Import-CSV -Path $FileIn -Header $LogInHeader; # All logins if ($compare) { # Difference between Login entries DBs if ($loginFile.count -gt 1) { Write-Host ""; Write-Host "Listing the difference between:" -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host " $FileIn and " -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " $FileIn1" -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host ""; $logins1 = Import-CSV -Path $FileIn1 -Header $LogInHeader; # All Prior logins $diff = Compare-Object $logins $logins1; if ($diff -ne $null) { if ($diff.InputObject.gettype().name -eq "String") { # single record difference if ($diff.SideIndicator -eq "=>") { # missing login entry $dateTS = Get-Date -Format "yyMMdd-HHmm" $loginentry = $diff.InputObject; Write-Host " Missing: $logientry" -ForegroundColor Red } else { $logientry = $diff.InputObject; Write-Host " New: $flogientry" -ForegroundColor Blue } } else { [int]$sz = $diff.InputObject.Length; for ($i=0; $i -lt $sz; $i++) { if ($diff.SideIndicator[$i] -eq "=>") { # missing flogi entry $logientry = $diff.InputObject[$i]; Write-Host " Missing: $logientry" -ForegroundColor Red; } else { $logientry = $diff.InputObject[$i]; Write-Host " New: $logientry" -ForegroundColor Blue } } } } else { Write-Host "No differences Found" -ForegroundColor Green; } } else { Write-Host "There is only one file in $Script:FAPath so nothing to compare" -ForegroundColor Red return $null } } else { # Process filter criteria [bool]$filtered = $false; # search filters if ($sid) { $logins = $logins | Where-Object { $_.Array -eq $sid } $filtered = $true; } if ($dirport) { $logins = $logins | Where-Object { $_.DirPort -eq $dirport } $filtered = $true; } if ($wwn) { if ($wwn -match ":") { $wwn = $wwn -replace ":", ""; } $logins = $logins | Where-Object { $_.WWN -eq $wwn } $filtered = $true; } if ($name) { $logins = $logins | Where-Object { $_.NodeName -match $name } $filtered = $true; } if ($switch) { $logins = $logins | Where-Object { $_.PortName -match $switch } $filtered = $true; } if ($fcid) { $logins = $logins | Where-Object { $_.FCID -eq $fcid } $filtered = $true; } if ($loginHost) { $logins = $logins | Where-Object { $_.LoggedIN -match $loginHost } | Where-Object { $_.NodeName -notmatch "vmx"}; # Where-Object { $_.NodeName -notmatch "NULL"} $filtered = $true; } elseif ($loginAll) { $logins = $logins | Where-Object { $_.LoggedIN -match $loginAll } $filtered = $true; } # if ($obj) { return $login } elseif ($logins -ne $null) { Write-Host ""; $finfo = Get-ChildItem -Path $FileIn; $lwrite = $finfo.LastWriteTime; $lup = Get-Date -Date $lwrite -Format g; Write-Host "Search Results from $FileIn" -ForegroundColor Green; write-Host " Last Updated: $lup" -ForegroundColor Magenta; if ($filtered) { $logins | Format-Table -AutoSize Write-Host "Output search results to GridView GUI? (Y or N)" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline $rslt = Read-Host " "; if ($rslt -match "Y") { Write-Host " Building Out-GridView Table" -ForegroundColor Green $logins | Out-GridView -Title $FileIn } } else { Write-Host " Building Out-GridView Table" -ForegroundColor Green $logins | Out-GridView -Title $FileIn } } else { Write-Host " Found no login entries matching the specified criteria" -ForegroundColor Red } } # } # # Start-VeUnisphere <# .SYNOPSIS Starts the Unisphere Manager interface for the specified <sid> .PARAMETER sid Four digit Symmetrix ID of the Unisphere Manager to launch. .EXAMPLE Start-VeUnisphere -sid 0153 Starts the Unisphere Manager managing VMAX array 0153. .NOTES Author: Craig Dayton 07/20/2017 : cadayton : initial release. .LINK .LINK #> function Start-VeUnisphere { param ([string][ValidatePattern("^[0-9]{4}$")]$sid ) Write-Host "Start-VeUnisphere version" -ForegroundColor Green $xmlDB = Get-ArrayInfoXML; $unique = $xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Array") | Where-Object { $_.Model -match "VMAX" -and $_.sid -eq $sid} | Select-Object -Property restapi -Unique; if ($unique -is [Object]) { $userver = $unique[0].restapi; $URL = "https://" + $userver + ":8443/univmax/#" Write-Host "Starting Unisphere: $URL" -ForegroundColor Green Start-Process $URL } else { Write-Host "$sid " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host "is not a valid " -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline Write-Host "VMAX " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host "array in the XMLDB" -ForegroundColor Blue (new-object Media.SoundPlayer "$PSScriptRoot\Data\LOL.wav").play(); } } # # Start-VeVappManager <# .SYNOPSIS Starts the VappManager interface for the specified <sid> .PARAMETER sid Four digit Symmetrix ID of the VappManager to launch. .EXAMPLE Start-VeVppManager -sid 0153 Starts the VppManager for VMAX array 0153. .NOTES Author: Craig Dayton 07/20/2017 : cadayton : initial release. .LINK .LINK #> function Start-VeVappManager { param ([string][ValidatePattern("^[0-9]{4}$")]$sid ) Write-Host "Start-VeVappManager version" -ForegroundColor Green $xmlDB = Get-ArrayInfoXML; $unique = $xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Array") | Where-Object { $_.Model -match "VMAX3" -and $_.sid -eq $sid} | Select-Object -Property restapi -Unique; if ($unique -is [Object]) { $userver = $unique[0].restapi; $URL = "https://" + $userver + ":5480/" Write-Host "Starting VappManager: $URL" -ForegroundColor Green Start-Process $URL } else { Write-Host "$sid " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host "is not a valid " -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline Write-Host "VMAX3 " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host "array in the XMLDB" -ForegroundColor Blue (new-object Media.SoundPlayer "$PSScriptRoot\Data\LOL.wav").play(); } } # # Start-VeEcomConfig <# .SYNOPSIS Starts the EcomConfig interface for the specified <sid> .PARAMETER sid Four digit Symmetrix ID of the EcomConfig to launch. .EXAMPLE Start-VeEcomConfig -sid 0153 Starts the VeEcomConfig for VMAX array 0153. .NOTES Author: Craig Dayton 07/20/2017 : cadayton : initial release. .LINK .LINK #> function Start-VeEcomConfig { param ([string][ValidatePattern("^[0-9]{4}$")]$sid ) Write-Host "Start-VeEcomConfig version" -ForegroundColor Green $xmlDB = Get-ArrayInfoXML; $unique = $xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Array") | Where-Object { $_.Model -match "VMAX3" -and $_.sid -eq $sid} | Select-Object -Property restapi -Unique; if ($unique -is [Object]) { $userver = $unique[0].restapi; $URL = "https://" + $userver + ":5889/ECOMConfig" Write-Host "Starting EcomConfig: $URL" -ForegroundColor Green Start-Process $URL } else { Write-Host "$sid " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host "is not a valid " -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline Write-Host "VMAX3 " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline Write-Host "array in the XMLDB" -ForegroundColor Blue (new-object Media.SoundPlayer "$PSScriptRoot\Data\LOL.wav").play(); } } # # |