
# Using
  using module .\Progress.psm1

# Module Declarations

    $FEHeader = @("Host","Date","Time","Zone","Initiator-WWN","Target","Target-WWN","IOps","Relative-IO");
    $Script:PureMetricsCSV    = "PureMetrics.csv";


# Non-Exported Functions

    . $PSScriptRoot\Local\Get-ArrayInfoXML.ps1

    # Utility Functions

        function Convert-Ztime {
            param (
                #expected format:2016-10-30T00:19:32Z
            $t1 = $zulustr.Replace("-","");
            $t2 = $t1.Replace("T","");
            $t1 = $t2.Replace(":","");
            $t2 = $t1.Replace("Z","");

            $localtime = [DateTime]::ParseExact($t2,"yyyyMMddHHmmss",$null,"AssumeUniversal")

            return $localtime;

        function Set-Credentials {
            Param ([string]$borg, [string]$username)

      $credBase = "-" + $borg + "-" + $env:COMPUTERNAME + $credExt;
      $Script:credfilename = $Global:CRPath + "\" + $username + $credBase;

      if (!(Test-Path $Script:credfilename)) { # create cache credential
        Write-Host "Pure Credentials require for $borg Storage" -ForegroundColor Green
        Export-PSCredential $username $credBase
        Start-Sleep 3;

      $Script:cred = Import-PSCredential $Script:credfilename
      $Script:org = $borg;


        function Get-InitiatorCount {
            begin { [int]$objcnt = 0; $Script:InitCnt = 0;}
            process { $objcnt++ }
            end { $Script:InitCnt = $objcnt }

        filter isNumeric() {
                return $_ -is [byte]  -or $_ -is [int16]  -or $_ -is [int32]  -or $_ -is [int64]  `
                    -or $_ -is [sbyte] -or $_ -is [uint16] -or $_ -is [uint32] -or $_ -is [uint64] `
                    -or $_ -is [float] -or $_ -is [double] -or $_ -is [decimal]


    # Report Functions

        function Get-SGMetrics-Summary {
            param ([string]$sgID, [int]$count, [string]$sid4)
            begin { $tsmax = "0";
                $IOmax = "0"; $IOsum = 0; $RIOmax = "0"; $RIOsum = 0; $WIOmax = "0";
                $MBmax = "0"; $MBsum = 0; $RMBmax = "0"; $RMBsum = 0; $WMBmax = "0"; $WMBsum = 0;
                $RTmax = "0"; $RTsum = 0; $RRTmax = "0"; $RRTsum = 0; $WRTmax = "0"; $WRTsum = 0;
                $RPmax = "0"; $RPsum = 0; $WPmax = "0"; $WPsum = 0;
                $IOSmax = "0"; $IOSsum = 0; $RSmax = "0"; $RSsum = 0; $WSmax = "0"; $WSsum = 0;
                $BSmax = "0"; $BSsum = 0; $XSTmax = "0"; $XSTsum = 0; $mSTmax = "0"; $MSTsum = 0;
            process {
                if ($_."IO (ps)" -gt $IOmax) { $IOmax = $_."IO (ps)"; }  $IOsum += $_."IO (ps)";
                if ($_."Read IO (ps)" -gt $RIOmax) { $RIOmax = $_."Read IO (ps)"; }  $RIOsum += $_."Read IO (ps)";
                if ($_."Write IO (ps)" -gt $WIOmax) { $WIOmax = $_."Write IO (ps)"; }  $WIOsum += $_."Write IO (ps)";
                if ($_."MB (ps)" -gt $MBmax) { $MBmax = $_."MB (ps)"; }  $MBsum += $_."MB (ps)";
                if ($_."Read MB (ps)" -gt $RMBmax) { $RMBmax = $_."Read MB (ps)"; }  $RMBsum += $_."Read MB (ps)";
                if ($_."Write MB (ps)" -gt $WMBmax) { $WMBmax = $_."Write MB (ps)"; }  $WMBsum += $_."Write MB (ps)";
                if ($_."Response Time (ms)" -gt $RTmax) { $RTmax = $_."Response Time (ms)"; }  $RTsum += $_."Response Time (ms)";
                if ($_."ReadRT(ms)" -gt $RRTmax) { $RRTmax = $_."ReadRT(ms)"; }  $RRTsum += $_."ReadRT(ms)";
                if ($_."WriteRT(ms)" -gt $WRTmax) { $WRTmax = $_."WriteRT(ms)"; }  $WRTsum += $_."WriteRT(ms)";
                if ($_."Read %" -gt $RPmax) { $RPmax = $_."Read %"; }  $RPsum += $_."Read %";
                if ($_."Write %" -gt $WPmax) { $WPmax = $_."Write %"; }  $WPsum += $_."Write %";
                if ($_."AvgIOSize" -gt $IOSmax) { $IOSmax = $_."AvgIOSize"; }  $IOSsum += $_."AvgIOSize";
                if ($_."AvgReadSize" -gt $RSmax) { $RSmax = $_."AvgReadSize"; }  $RSsum += $_."AvgReadSize";
                if ($_."AvgWriteSize" -gt $WSmax) { $WSmax = $_."AvgWriteSize"; }  $WSsum += $_."AvgWriteSize";
                    if ($_."BlockSize" -gt $BSmax) { $BSmax = $_."BlockSize"; } $BSsum += $_."BlockSize";
                    if ($_."MaxIOServiceTime" -gt $XSTmax) { $XSTmax = $_."MaxIOServiceTime"; } $XSTsum += $_."MaxIOServiceTime";
                    if ($_."MinIOServiceTime" -gt $mSTmax) { $mSTmax = $_."MinIOServiceTime"; } $mSTsum += $_."MinIOServiceTime";

            end {

                $Sum = New-Object -typename PSObject;
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TimeStamp" -Value $_.timestamp
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMAX" -Value $sid4
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SG" -Value $sgID
                #$va6 = $val.ToString().PadLeft(6,'0');
                $IOavg = [Math]::Round(($IOsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IO Max (ps)" -Value $IOmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IO Avg (ps)" -Value $IOavg
                $RIOavg = [Math]::Round(($RIOsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read IO Max(ps)" -Value $RIOmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read IO Avg(ps)" -Value $RIOavg
                $WIOavg = [Math]::Round(($WIOsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write IO Max(ps)" -Value $WIOmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write IO Avg(ps)" -Value $WIOavg
                $MBavg = [Math]::Round(($MBsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "MB Max(ps)" -Value $MBmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "MB Avg(ps)" -Value $MBavg
                $RMBavg = [Math]::Round(($RMBsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read MB Max(ps)" -Value $RMBmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read MB Avg(ps)" -Value $RMBavg
                $WMBavg = [Math]::Round(($WMBsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write MB Max(ps)" -Value $WMBmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write MB Min(ps)" -Value $WMBavg
                $RTavg = [Math]::Round(($RTsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Response Time Max(ms)" -Value $RTmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Response Time Avg(ms)" -Value $RTavg
                $RRTavg = [Math]::Round(($RTsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read RT Max(ms)" -Value $RRTmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read RT Avg(ms)" -Value $RRTavg
                $WRTavg = [Math]::Round(($WRTsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write RT Max(ms)" -Value $WRTmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write RT Avg(ms)" -Value $WRTavg
                $RPavg = [Math]::Round(($RPsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read Max%" -Value $RPmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read Avg%" -Value $RPavg
                $WPavg = [Math]::Round(($WPsum / $count),1);
                $va8 = "$WPmax / $WPAvg"
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write Max%" -Value $WPmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write Avg%" -Value $WPavg
                $IOSavg = [Math]::Round(($IOSsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AvgIOSize Max" -Value $IOSmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AvgIOSize Avg" -Value $IOSavg
                $RSavg = [Math]::Round(($RSsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AvgReadSize Max" -Value $RSmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AvgReadSize Avg" -Value $RSavg
                $WSavg = [Math]::Round(($WSsum / $count),1);
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AvgWriteSize Max" -Value $WSmax
                $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AvgWriteSize Avg" -Value $WSavg
                    $BSavg = [Math]::Round(($BSsum / $count),1);
                    $va8 = "$BSmax / $BSAvg"
                    $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "BlockSize" -Value $va8
                    $XSTavg = [Math]::Round(($XSTsum / $count),1);
                    $va8 = "$XSTmax / $XSTAvg"
                    $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "MaxIOServiceTime" -Value $va8
                    $mSTavg = [Math]::Round(($mSTsum / $count),1);
                    $va8 = "$mSTmax / $mSTAvg"
                    $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "MinIOServiceTime" -Value $va8

                if ($csv) {
                    $capmet = Get-SG-CapInfo $sgID
                    $CapGB, $Vols = $capmet.Split("_");
                    $va6 = [Math]::Round($CapGB,1)
                    $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Capacity (gb)" -Value $va6
                    $va6 = [Math]::Round($Vols,1)
                    $Sum | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Volumes" -Value $va6
                if ($csv) { $Script:SGMetSum += $Sum }
                if ($con) { return $Sum };

        function Show-IOMetrics {
            begin {}

            process {
                $Met = New-Object -typename PSObject

                if ($report -match "Summary") {
                    $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Array" -Value $Script:ArrayNam;
                    $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Model" -Value $Script:ArrayMod;

                $ztime = $_.time
                $ltime = Convert-Ztime $ztime;
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TimeStamp" -Value $ltime
                $wps = $_.writes_per_sec;
                $rps = $_.reads_per_sec;
                $iorate = $wps + $rps;
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IO (ps)" -Value $iorate
                #$readrt = [Math]::Round($_.RESPONSE_TIME_READ,1);
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read (ps)" -Value $rps
                #$writert = [Math]::Round($_.RESPONSE_TIME_WRITE,1);
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write (ps)" -Value $wps
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read (us)" -Value $_.usec_per_read_op
                #$writert = [Math]::Round($_.RESPONSE_TIME_WRITE,1);
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write (us)" -Value $_.usec_per_write_op
                if ($report -ne "Summary") {
                    $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "QDepth" -Value $_.queue_depth
                $readmbps = $_.output_per_sec / (1024 * 1024);
                $readmb = [Math]::Round($readmbps);
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Reads (MB)" -Value $readmb
                $writembps = $_.input_per_sec / (1024 * 1024);
                $writemb = [Math]::Round($writembps);
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Writes (MB)" -Value $writemb;
                $Script:IOMetrics += $Met

            end {
                if ($report -ne "Summary") {
                    if ($con) {
                        Write-Host "IO Metrics for $pureName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                        $Script:IOMetrics | Format-Table -AutoSize
                    } else {
                        $title = "IO Metrics for $pureName"
                        $Script:IOMetrics | Out-GridView -Title $title

        function Get-PureIOMetrics {
            begin { $PureMetrics = @();}
            process {
                $PureMet = New-Object -typename PSObject

                $PureMet | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Array" -Value $Script:ArrayNam;
                $PureMet | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Model" -Value $Script:ArrayMod;

                $ztime = $_.time
                $ltime = Convert-Ztime $ztime;
                $PureMet | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Time Stamp" -Value $ltime
                $wps = $_.writes_per_sec;
                $rps = $_.reads_per_sec;
                $iorate = $wps + $rps;
                $PureMet | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IO (ps)" -Value $iorate
                $rms = $_.usec_per_read_op / 1000;
                $readrt = [Math]::Round($rms,1);
                $PureMet | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read RT (ms)" -Value $readrt;
                $wms = $_.usec_per_write_op / 1000;
                $writert = [Math]::Round($wms,1);
                $PureMet | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write RT (ms)" -Value $writert

                $readmbps = $_.output_per_sec / (1024 * 1024);
                $readmb = [Math]::Round($readmbps);
                $PureMet | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Reads (MB)" -Value $readmb
                $writembps = $_.input_per_sec / (1024 * 1024);
                $writemb = [Math]::Round($writembps);
                $PureMet | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Writes (MB)" -Value $writemb;

                $readpct1 = ($rps/$iorate) * 100;
                $readpct2 = [Math]::Round($readpct1);
                $PureMet | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "READ %" -Value $readpct2
                $PureMet | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "HIT %" -Value "N/A"
                $PureMetrics += $PureMet

            end { $Script:SumMetrics += $PureMetrics[$PureMetrics.Length - 1]; }

        function Show-HGMetrics {
            param ([string]$hosttype)
            begin {}

            process {
                $Met = New-Object -typename PSObject

                $ztime = $_.time
                $ltime = Convert-Ztime $ztime;
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TimeStamp" -Value $ltime
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Host" -Value $_.name
                if ($hosttype -match "Group") {
                    $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "HG" -Value "Y"
                } else {
                    $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "HG" -Value "N"
                $wps = $_.writes_per_sec;
                $rps = $_.reads_per_sec;
                $iorate = $wps + $rps;
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IO (ps)" -Value $iorate
                    $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read (ps)" -Value $rps
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write (ps)" -Value $wps
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Read (us)" -Value $_.usec_per_read_op
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Write (us)" -Value $_.usec_per_write_op
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Input (ps)" -Value $_.input_per_sec
                $Met | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Output (ps)" -Value $_.output_per_sec
                $Script:HGMetrics += $Met

            end {
                if ($hosttype -match "Host") {
                    if ($con) {
                        Write-Host "Host & Host Group Metrics for $pureName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                        $Script:HGMetrics |
                            Sort-Object Timestamp, "IO (ps)" |
                            Format-Table -AutoSize
                    } else {
                        $title = "Host & Host Group Metrics for $pureName"
                        $Script:HGMetrics |
                            Sort-Object Timestamp, "IO (ps)" -Descending |
                            Out-GridView -Title $title

        function Get-PureArrayIP {

            $doc = Get-ArrayInfoXML;
            $doc.SelectNodes("//Array") | Where-Object {$_.Name -match $arrayName} |
            [string]$ip = $Script:PSArrays[0].ArrayIP;
            $Script:usr = $Script:PSArrays[0].UserName;
            $Script:org  = $Script:PSArrays[0].Org;
            $ipx = $ip.Trim();
            return $ipx;


        function Get-FrontEndObj {
            param ([string]$feStr)
                $feStr | Set-Content gpm.txt
                # remove header
                $a = (get-content gpm.txt)
                    $a = $a[1..($a.count - 1)]
                # replace spaces with comma
                $a | ForEach-Object {$_.Trim() -replace "\s+",","} | set-content gpm.csv
                $a1 = (get-content gpm.csv)
                # generate valid CSV file
                $a1 | ForEach-Object { # generate valid CSV file
                    $b = $_;
                    if ($b.Length -gt 2) {
                        $c = $_.SubString(0,1)
                        if ($c -match '^[0-9]') { # Append needed commas
                            $newline = ",,,," + $b + ","
                            $newline | Add-Content gpm1.csv
                        } else {
                            $newline = $b.Trim() -replace ",-","";
                            $newline += ","
                            $newline | Add-Content gpm1.csv
                $feObj = Import-CSV gpm1.csv -Header $FEHeader
                $feObj | ForEach-Object { # Add hostname to entries w/o
                    $nm = $_.Host
                    if ($_.Host -ne "") {
                        $hostnm = $_.Host;
                    } else {
                        $_.Host = $hostnm
                #Remove temp files
                Remove-Item gpm.txt
                Remove-Item gpm.csv
                Remove-Item gpm1.csv
                return $feObj


        function Get-PureXMLObj {

            begin {$Script:PSArrays = @();}

            process {
                $PSArray = New-Object -typename PSObject
                $PSArray | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Org" -Value $_.Org
                $PSArray | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Data Center" -Value $_.DataCenter
                $PSArray | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Array" -Value $_.Name
                $PSArray | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ArrayIP" -Value $_.remote
                $PSArray | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Model" -Value $_.Model
                $PSArray | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Usage" -Value $_.usage
                $PSArray | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "UserName" -Value $_.username
                $Script:PSArrays += $PSArray

            # return an array of PureSystem arrays
            end { $Script:PSArrays }

        function Set-PureArray {
            param ([string]$ip, [string]$borg, [string]$account)
            # Get or Set Credentials $account
            Set-Credentials $borg $account
            try {
                $Script:pure = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $ip -Credentials $Script:cred -IgnoreCertificateError
            catch {
                Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor "Red"
                Write-Host "New-PfaArray -EndPoint $ip failed";
                return $null


        function Select-PureArray {
            $doc = Get-ArrayInfoXML;
            $title = "Select a PureSystem array for the report";
            [int]$objcnt = 0;
            $doc.SelectNodes("//Array") | Where-Object {$_.Class -match "Pure"} | Get-PureXMLObj |
                Sort-Object Org, "Data Center", Name |
                Out-GridView -Title $title -OutputMode Single |
                ForEach-Object {
                    if ($objcnt -eq 0) {
                        $arrayName = $_.Array
                        $arrayIP = $_.ArrayIP
                        $arrayOrg = $_.Org
                        $arrayAcct = $_.UserName
            if ($arrayName -eq $null) {
                Write-Host " selection cancelled" -ForegroundColor Red
                Write-Host "Thanks for trying! Bye" -ForegroundColor Blue
                return $null

            Set-PureArray $arrayIP $arrayOrg $arrayAcct
            return $arrayName

        function Select-Report {

            $reports = @();
            $reports += [pscustomobject]@{Report="ArrayMetrics";
                Description = " Performance metrics for PureSystem $pureName"}
            $reports += [pscustomobject]@{Report="FrontEnd";
                Description = " Front End port performance metrics PureSystem $pureName"};
            $reports += [pscustomobject]@{Report="StorageGroup";
                Description = " Performance metrics for Hosts and Host Groups"};
            $reports += [pscustomobject]@{Report="Summary";
                Description = " IO Performance Summary of all Pure Storage arrays"};
            $title = "Select a PureSystem Performance Report"
            $selectA_report = $reports | Out-GridView -Title $title -OutputMode Single;
            if ($selectA_report -eq $null) {
                Write-Host " Selection Cancelled" -ForegroundColor Red
                Write-Host "Thanks for trying! Bye" -ForegroundColor Blue
                return "Cancel"
            } else {
                return $selectA_report.report


        function Get-Arrays {
            param ([ProgressManager]$pm)
            begin { }

            process { 
                $Script:ArrayNam    = $_.Name;
                $Script:ArrayMod    = $_.Model;
                $Script:org              = $_.Org;
                $Script:usr                = $_.username;
                $aryIP                         = $_.Remote;

                $PSCmdlet.WriteProgress($pm.GetCurrentProgressRecord(2, "Getting Pure credential Info"))
                Set-PureArray $aryIP $Script:org $Script:usr

                $PSCmdlet.WriteProgress( $pm.GetCurrentProgressRecord(3, "Pure Metric data for $Script:ArrayNam"))
                $Script:IOMetrics = @();
                if ($reports -eq "Summary") {
                    Get-PfaArrayIOMetrics -array $Script:pure -timerange "1h" |
                    $Script:SumMetrics += $Script:IOMetrics[$Script:IOMetrics.Length - 1];
                } else {
                    Get-PfaArrayIOMetrics -array $Script:pure -timerange "1h" |

            end { }


        function Get-Summary {
            [long]$totalTasks = 3;
      $pm = [ProgressManager]::new("Retrieving Pure metric data...", " ", $totalTasks)
      $PSCmdlet.WriteProgress( $pm.GetCurrentProgressRecord(1, "Gathering Pure array Info form the XMLDB"))
            $xmlDB = Get-ArrayInfoXML;
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($org)) {
                $xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Array") | Where-Object {$_.Class -match "Pure"} | Get-Arrays $pm
            } else {
                $xmlDB.SelectNodes("//Array") | Where-Object {$_.Class -match "Pure" -and $_.org -match $org} | Get-Arrays $pm


            $Script:SumMetrics | Format-Table -AutoSize
            $metCSVfile = "$PWD" + "\" + $Script:org + "-" + $Script:PureMetricsCSV;
      if (Test-Path $metCSVfile) { Remove-Item -Path $metCSVfile }
            $Script:SumMetrics | Export-CSV -Path $metCSVfile -Delimiter "," -Append -NoTypeInformation

            [int]$totalIOPS            = 0;
            [int]$totalRead            = 0;
            [int]$totalWritten    = 0;
            [int]$sz = $Script:SumMetrics.Length - 1;

            for ($i=0; $i -le $sz; $i++) {
                $totalIOPS         += $Script:SumMetrics[$i]."IO (ps)"
                $totalRead        += $Script:SumMetrics[$i]."Reads (MB)"
                $totalWritten    += $Script:SumMetrics[$i]."Writes (MB)"            

            Write-Host " Total IOPS: $totalIOPS Reads (MB): $totalRead Writes (MB): $totalWritten"  -ForegroundColor Green




# Exported Functions

            Reports on PureSystem array performance data by executing
            RESTAPI calls from the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK
            to a specific PureArray.
            Reports PureSystem array metrics. A table of existing arrays
            is presented for selection of the desired array for reporting.
        .PARAMETER pureNAME
            PureSystem array name.
            Default "select" - A table of arrays will be presented for selection.
        .PARAMETER timeRange
            One of the following values: 1h,3h,24h,7d,30d,90d,1y
            Default: 1h
            By default 1 hour of data samples will be presented.
        .PARAMETER report
            Default 'select' to present a table of reports for selection.
            ArrayMetrics - Displays performance metrics for PureSystem array.
            FrontEnd - Displays front end port IO Balance metrics
                                        for a PureSystem array.
            StorageGroup - Displays a list of Hosts and Groups along with performance
                            metrics of each from a PursSystem array.
            Summary - Displays summarized view of IO Performance metrics and the display
                                is updated every 6 minutes.
        .PARAMETER sg
            Name of the Host or Host Group for the Performance report.
        .PARAMETER con
            Output to the console rather than Out-Gridview.
        .PARAMETER csv
            For SGPerformance report. Output to summary csv file
            in the 'SGInfo' folder. (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
        .PARAMETER repeat
            For the Summary report. The report will be repeated every 6 minutes.
            Reads the file to present a table for selecting the desired PureSystem array.
            Contains encrypted credentials for the pureuser account.
            If the file is not present, there will be prompt for the
            credentials and the file will be regenerated.
            The file can only be decrypted on system it was created on.
                Output defaults to Out-GridView unless the -con option
                is specified.
            Pureuser encrypted credentials.
            Input parameters are provided though a series of Out-Gridview selections.
            Get-VePureMetrics bowpur002 -report FrontEnd
            Displays the FrontEnd report for bowpur002.
            Get-Pure-Metrics bowpur002 -report ArrayMetrics
            Displays one hour of array metrics for bowpur002.
            Get-Pure-Metrics bowpur002 -report StorageGroups
            Display Hosts & Host Groups metrics.
            Get-Pure-Metrics -report Summary
            Displays a summary of the ArrayMetrics report for all Pure Storage arrays.f
          The display is updated every 6 minutes with new metrics values.
            Requires Installation of PureSystem PowerShell module.
            Execute the following to install PureStorage PowerShell module.
            Install-Module -Name PureStoragePowerShellSDK.
            Author: Craig Dayton
   07/10/2017 : cadayton : Converted to cmdlet exported from the PureMetrics module.
            Updated: 03/31/2017 Added a summary report.
            Updated: 01/05/2017 Cached credential file now machine specific.
            Updated: 11/15/2016 FrontEnd Report modified to count initiators & CSV output.
            Updated: 11/01/2016 Input validations added.
            Updated: 10/31/2016 Initial release

    Function Get-VePureMetrics {
        # Get-VePureMetrics Params
                Param (        
                        # [ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}")]
                    [string]$pureName = "select",
                        # expected choices: 1h, 3h, 24h, 7d, 30d, 90d, 1y
                    [string]$timeRange = "1h",
                    [string]$report = "select",
                    [bool]$repeat =$true,
                    [string]$org = $null

        Write-Host "Get-VePureMetrics version" -ForegroundColor Green

        if ($pureName -match "select" -and $report -ne "Summary" -and $report -ne "Summary1") {
            $pureName = Select-PureArray;
            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($pureName)) {$report = "Cancel"}
        } elseif ($report -ne "Summary" -and $report -ne "Summary1") { # Verify array exists
            [string]$pureIP = Get-PureArrayIP $pureName;
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pureIP)) {
                Write-Host "PureSystem $pureName does not exist in the XMLDB" -ForegroundColor Red
                Write-Host "The XMLDB may need to be updated" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                $report = "Cancel"
            } else {
                Set-PureArray $pureIP $Script:org $Script:usr

        if ($report -match "select") {
            $report = Select-Report

        switch -Wildcard ($report) {
            "ArrayMetrics" {
                $Script:IOMetrics = @();
                Write-Host "Generating array metrics report for $pureName ..." -ForegroundColor Green
                Get-PfaArrayIOMetrics -array $Script:pure -timerange $timeRange |
            "Summary*" {
                $Script:SumMetrics = @();

                if ($repeat) {
                    $StopWatch = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
                    $ticker = $null;
                    try {
                        While ($repeat) {
                            if ($ticker -eq $null) {
                                Write-Host " ";
                                Write-Host "Refresh in 6 minutes " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
                                Write-Host " Ctrl-C to exit"
                            $ticker = $StopWatch.Elapsed.ToString();
                                $curPos = $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition
                                $y = $curPos.Y - 1;
                                #$curPos.X = 2;
                                $curPos.Y = $y;
                                $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $curPos

                            Start-Sleep -Seconds 10;
                            if ($StopWatch.Elapsed.minutes -ge 6) {
                                $Script:SumMetrics = @();
                                $ticker = $null;
                    catch { }
                    finally {
                        #Write-Host "Performing clean up work"
                return $null;
            "FrontEnd" {
                [long]$totalTasks = 3;
          $pm = [ProgressManager]::new("Generating Front End report for $pureName ...", " ", $totalTasks)
                $PSCmdlet.WriteProgress( $pm.GetCurrentProgressRecord(1, "Gathering $pureName Info from the XMLDB"))
              [string]$pureIP = Get-PureArrayIP $pureName;

                $PSCmdlet.WriteProgress( $pm.GetCurrentProgressRecord(2, "Requesting metric data from $pureName @ $pureIP"))
                try {
                    $fe = New-PfaCLICommand -EndPoint $pureIP -Credentials $Script:cred -CommandText "purehost monitor --balance"
                catch {
                    Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor "Red"
                    return $null
                $feObj = Get-FrontEndObj $fe;
                $title = "Front End Report for PureSystem, $pureName";
                if ($con) {
                    Write-Host $title -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $feObj | Format-Table -AutoSize;
                } elseif ($csv) {
                    if (!(Test-Path $Global:FAPath)) { New-Item -Path $PWD\$Global:FADir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; }
                    $PSCmdlet.WriteProgress( $pm.GetCurrentProgressRecord(2, "Creating CSV file"))            
                    $csvPath = "$Global:FAInfo" + $Script:org + "-" + $pureName + "-Report.csv"
                    $feObj | Export-Csv -Path $csvPath -NoTypeInformation
                    $feObj | Sort-Object -property Initiator-WWN -unique | Get-InitiatorCount
                    Write-Host "Front-Report for $pureName with $Script:InitCnt Initiators saved to $csvPath" -ForegroundColor Green;
                } else {
                    $PSCmdlet.WriteProgress( $pm.GetCurrentProgressRecord(3, "Generating report output & counting initiators"))
                    $feObj | Sort-Object -property Initiator-WWN -unique | Get-InitiatorCount
                    Write-Host "$pureName has $Script:InitCnt Initiators" -ForegroundColor Green
                    $feObj | Out-GridView -Title $title;
            "StorageGroup" {
                $Script:HGMetrics = @();
                Write-Host "Generating Host & Host Group metric report for $pureName ..." -ForegroundColor Green
                Get-PfaAllHostGroupIOMetrics -array $Script:pure |
                    Show-HGMetrics "Group"
                Get-PfaAllHostIOMetrics -array $Script:pure |
                    Show-HGMetrics "Host"
            "Cancel" {            }
            Default {
                Write-Host "Report logic not defined for $report" -ForegroundColor Red

