
function Get-TppEngineFolder {
    Get TPP folder/engine assignments

    When the input is a policy folder, retrieves an array of assigned TPP processing engines.
    When the input is a TPP engine, retrieves an array of assigned policy folders.
    If there are no matching assignments, nothing will be returned.

    The full DN path or Guid to a TPP processing engine or policy folder.

    Get all engine/folder assignments

    .PARAMETER VenafiSession
    Authentication for the function.
    The value defaults to the script session object $VenafiSession created by New-VenafiSession.
    A TPP token can also provided, but this requires an environment variable TPP_SERVER to be set.



    Get-TppEngineFolder -Path '\VED\Engines\MYVENSERVER'

    Get an array of policy folders assigned to the TPP processing engine 'MYVENSERVER'.

    Get-TppEngineFolder -Path '\VED\Policy\Certificates\Web Team'

    Get an array of TPP processing engines assigned to the policy folder '\VED\Policy\Certificates\Web Team'.

    [guid]'866e1d59-d5d2-482a-b9e6-7bb657e0f416' | Get-TppEngineFolder

    When the GUID is assigned to a TPP processing engine, returns an array of assigned policy folders.
    When the GUID is assigned to a policy folder, returns an array of assigned TPP processing engines.
    Otherwise nothing will be returned.





    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ID')]

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ID', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)]
        [Alias('EngineGuid', 'Guid', 'EnginePath', 'Path')]
        [String] $ID,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All', Mandatory)]
        [switch] $All,

        [psobject] $VenafiSession = $script:VenafiSession

    begin {
        Test-VenafiSession -VenafiSession $VenafiSession -Platform 'TPP'

    process {

        if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All' ) {
            Invoke-VenafiRestMethod -UriLeaf 'ProcessingEngines/' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Engines | Get-TppEngineFolder
        } else {

            if ( [guid]::TryParse($ID, $([ref][guid]::Empty)) ) {
                $thisObject = Get-TppObject -Guid $ID -VenafiSession $VenafiSession
            } else {
                $thisObject = Get-TppObject -Path $ID -VenafiSession $VenafiSession

            $thisObjectGuid = '{{{0}}}' -f $thisObject.Guid

            if ( $thisObject.TypeName -eq 'Venafi Platform' ) {

                # engine

                $response = Invoke-VenafiRestMethod -UriLeaf "ProcessingEngines/Engine/$thisObjectGuid" -VenafiSession $VenafiSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Folders

                $response | Where-Object { $_.FolderGuid -ne $thisObjectGuid } | Select-Object FolderName,
                @{ 'n' = 'FolderPath'; 'e' = { $_.FolderDN } },
                @{ 'n' = 'FolderGuid'; 'e' = { $_.FolderGuid.Trim('{}') } },
                @{ 'n' = 'EngineName'; 'e' = { $thisObject.Name } },
                @{ 'n' = 'EnginePath'; 'e' = { $thisObject.Path } },
                @{ 'n' = 'EngineGuid'; 'e' = { $thisObject.Guid } }

            } elseif ( $thisObject.TypeName -eq 'Policy' ) {

                # policy folder

                $response = Invoke-VenafiRestMethod -UriLeaf "ProcessingEngines/Folder/$thisObjectGuid" -VenafiSession $VenafiSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Engines

                $response | Select-Object EngineName,
                @{ 'n' = 'EnginePath'; 'e' = { $_.EngineDN } },
                @{ 'n' = 'EngineGuid'; 'e' = { $_.EngineGuid.Trim('{}') } },
                @{ 'n' = 'FolderName'; 'e' = { $thisObject.Name } },
                @{ 'n' = 'FolderPath'; 'e' = { $thisObject.Path } },
                @{ 'n' = 'FolderGuid'; 'e' = { $thisObject.Guid } }

            } else {
                throw ('Unsupported object type, {0}' -f $thisObject.TypeName)