<# .SYNOPSIS PowerShell module to access the features of Venafi Trust Protection Platform REST API .DESCRIPTION Author: Greg Brownstein #> $folders = @('Enum', 'Classes', 'Public', 'Private') foreach ( $folder in $folders) { $files = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$folder\*.ps1" -Recurse Foreach ( $thisFile in $files ) { Try { Write-Verbose ('dot sourcing {0}' -f $thisFile.FullName) . $thisFile.fullname if ( $folder -eq 'Public' ) { Export-ModuleMember -Function $thisFile.Basename } } Catch { Write-Error ("Failed to import function {0}: {1}" -f $thisFile.fullname, $folder) } } } $script:CloudUrl = '' $script:ModuleVersion = '5.3.0' $Script:VenafiSession = $null Export-ModuleMember -Variable VenafiSession $aliases = @{ 'ConvertTo-TppDN' = 'ConvertTo-TppPath' 'Get-TppWorkflowDetail' = 'Get-TppWorkflowTicket' 'Restore-TppCertificate' = 'Invoke-TppCertificateRenewal' 'Get-TppLog' = 'Read-TppLog' 'fto' = 'Find-TppObject' 'ftc' = 'Find-TppCertificate' 'itcr' = 'Invoke-TppCertificateRenewal' 'New-TppSession' = 'New-VenafiSession' 'Invoke-TppRestMethod' = 'Invoke-VenafiRestMethod' 'Get-TppCertificate' = 'Export-VenafiCertificate' 'Get-TppCertificateDetail' = 'Get-VenafiCertificate' 'Read-TppLog' = 'Read-VenafiLog' 'Get-TppIdentity' = 'Get-VenafiIdentity' 'Find-TppCertificate' = 'Find-VenafiCertificate' } $aliases.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { Set-Alias -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value } Export-ModuleMember -Alias * # Force TLS 1.2 [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 # vaas fields to ensure the values are upper case $vaasValuesToUpper = 'certificateStatus', 'signatureAlgorithm', 'signatureHashAlgorithm', 'encryptionType', 'versionType', 'certificateSource', 'deploymentStatus' # vaas fields proper case $vaasFields = @( 'certificateId', 'applicationIds', 'companyId', 'managedCertificateId', 'fingerprint', 'certificateName', 'issuerCertificateIds', 'certificateStatus', 'statusModificationUserId', 'modificationDate', 'statusModificationDate', 'validityStart', 'validityEnd', 'selfSigned', 'signatureAlgorithm', 'signatureHashAlgorithm', 'encryptionType', 'keyCurve', 'subjectKeyIdentifierHash', 'authorityKeyIdentifierHash', 'serialNumber', 'subjectDN', 'subjectCN', 'subjectO', 'subjectST', 'subjectC', 'subjectAlternativeNamesByType', 'subjectAlternativeNameDns', 'issuerDN', 'issuerCN', 'issuerST', 'issuerL', 'issuerC', 'keyUsage', 'extendedKeyUsage', 'ocspNoCheck', 'versionType', 'activityDate', 'activityType', 'activityName', 'criticality' ) |