function Get-TppAttribute { <# .SYNOPSIS Get object attributes as well as policy attributes .DESCRIPTION Retrieves object attributes as well as policy attributes. You can either retrieve all attributes or individual ones. Policy folders can have attributes as well as policies which apply to the resultant objects. For more info on policies and how they are different than attributes, see Attribute properties are directly added to the return object for ease of access. To retrieve attribute configuration, see the Attribute property of the return object which has properties Name, PolicyPath, Locked, Value, Overridden (when applicable), and CustomFieldGuid (when applicable). .PARAMETER Path Path to the object. If the root is excluded, \ved\policy will be prepended. .PARAMETER Attribute Only retrieve the value/values for this attribute. For custom fields, you provided either the Guid or Label. .PARAMETER Class Get policy attributes instead of object attributes. Provide the class name to retrieve the value for. If unsure of the class name, add the value through the TPP UI and go to Support->Policy Attributes to find it. The Attribute property will contain the path where the policy was applied. .PARAMETER All Get all object attributes or policy attributes. This will perform 3 steps, get the object type, enumerate the attributes for the object type, and get all the values. Note, expect this to take longer than usual given the number of api calls. .PARAMETER VenafiSession Authentication for the function. The value defaults to the script session object $VenafiSession created by New-VenafiSession. A TPP token can be provided directly. If providing a TPP token, an environment variable named TPP_SERVER must also be set. .INPUTS Path .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject .EXAMPLE Get-TppAttribute -Path '\VED\Policy\certificates\' -Attribute 'State' Name : Path : \VED\Policy\Certificates\ TypeName : X509 Server Certificate Guid : b7a7221b-e038-41d9-9d49-d7f45c1ca128 Attribute : {@{Name=State; PolicyPath=\VED\Policy\Certificates; Locked=False; Value=UT; Overridden=False}} State : UT Retrieve a single attribute .EXAMPLE Get-TppAttribute -Path '\VED\Policy\certificates\' -Attribute 'State', 'Driver Name' Name : Path : \VED\Policy\Certificates\ TypeName : X509 Server Certificate Guid : b7a7221b-e038-41d9-9d49-d7f45c1ca128 Attribute : {@{Name=State; PolicyPath=\VED\Policy\Certificates; Locked=False; Value=UT; Overridden=False}, @{Name=Driver Name; PolicyPath=; Locked=False; Value=appx509certificate; Overridden=False}} State : UT Driver Name : appx509certificate Retrieve multiple attributes .EXAMPLE Get-TppAttribute -Path '\VED\Policy\certificates\' -Attribute 'ServiceNow Assignment Group' Name : Path : \VED\Policy\Certificates\ TypeName : X509 Server Certificate Guid : b7a7221b-e038-41d9-9d49-d7f45c1ca128 Attribute : {@{CustomFieldGuid={7f214dec-9878-495f-a96c-57291f0d42da}; Name=ServiceNow Assignment Group; PolicyPath=; Locked=False; Value=Venafi Management; Overridden=False}} ServiceNow Assignment Group : Venafi Management Retrieve a custom field attribute. You can specify either the guid or custom field label name. .EXAMPLE Get-TppAttribute -Path '\VED\Policy\certificates\' -All Name : Path : \VED\Policy\Certificates\ TypeName : X509 Server Certificate Guid : b7a7221b-e038-41d9-9d49-d7f45c1ca128 Attribute : {@{CustomFieldGuid={7f214dec-9878-495f-a96c-57291f0d42da}; Name=ServiceNow Assignment Group; PolicyPath=; Locked=False; Value=Venafi Management; Overridden=False}…} ServiceNow Assignment Group : Venafi Management City : Salt Lake City Consumers : {\VED\Policy\Installations\Agentless\US Zone\mydevice\myapp} Contact : local:{b1c77034-c099-4a5c-9911-9e26007817da} Country : US Created By : WebAdmin Driver Name : appx509certificate ... Retrieve all attributes applicable to this object .EXAMPLE Get-TppAttribute -Path 'Certificates' -Class 'X509 Certificate' -Attribute 'State' Name : Certificates Path : \VED\Policy\Certificates TypeName : Policy Guid : a91fc152-a9fb-4b49-a7ca-7014b14d73eb Attribute : {@{Name=State; PolicyPath=\VED\Policy\Certificates; Locked=False; Value=UT}} ClassName : X509 Certificate State : UT Retrieve a policy attribute value for the specified policy folder and class. \ved\policy will be prepended to the path. .EXAMPLE Get-TppAttribute -Path '\VED\Policy\certificates' -Class 'X509 Certificate' -All Name : Certificates Path : \VED\Policy\Certificates TypeName : Policy Guid : a91fc152-a9fb-4b49-a7ca-7014b14d73eb Attribute : {@{CustomFieldGuid={7f214dec-9878-495f-a96c-57291f0d42da}; Name=ServiceNow Assignment Group; PolicyPath=; Locked=False; Value=}…} ClassName : X509 Certificate Approver : local:{b1c77034-c099-4a5c-9911-9e26007817da} Key Algorithm : RSA Key Bit Strength : 2048 Managed By : Aperture Management Type : Enrollment Network Validation Disabled : 1 Notification Disabled : 0 ... Retrieve all policy attributes for the specified policy folder and class .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Attribute')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Attribute', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'All', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('DN')] [String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Attribute')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]] $Attribute, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('ClassName', 'PolicyClass')] [string] $Class, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'All')] [switch] $All, [Parameter()] [psobject] $VenafiSession = $script:VenafiSession ) begin { Write-Debug $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName Test-VenafiSession -VenafiSession $VenafiSession -Platform 'TPP' $newAttribute = $Attribute if ( $All -and $Class ) { Write-Verbose "Getting attributes for class $Class" $newAttribute = Get-TppClassAttribute -ClassName $Class -VenafiSession $VenafiSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -Unique } $params = @{ VenafiSession = $VenafiSession Method = 'Post' Body = @{} UriLeaf = 'config/ReadEffectivePolicy' } if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Class') ) { $params.UriLeaf = 'config/FindPolicy' $params.Body.Class = $Class } } process { $newPath = $Path | ConvertTo-TppFullPath $thisObject = Get-TppObject -Path $newPath -VenafiSession $VenafiSession if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Class') -and $thisObject.TypeName -ne 'Policy' ) { Write-Error ('You are attempting to retrieve policy attributes, but {0} is not a policy path' -f $Path) continue } # get all attributes if item is an object other than a policy # Get-TppClassAttribute will return matching names from different classes so ensure the list is unique if ( $All -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Class') ) { $newAttribute = Get-TppClassAttribute -ClassName $thisObject.TypeName -VenafiSession $VenafiSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -Unique } $params.Body.ObjectDN = $newPath $return = [pscustomobject] @{ Name = $thisObject.Name Path = $newPath TypeName = $thisObject.TypeName Guid = $thisObject.Guid Attribute = [pscustomobject] @{} } if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Class') ) { $return | Add-Member @{ 'ClassName' = $Class } } $allAttributes = foreach ($thisAttribute in $newAttribute) { Write-Verbose "Processing attribute $thisAttribute" $customField = $VenafiSession.CustomField | Where-Object { $_.Label -eq $thisAttribute -or $_.Guid -eq $thisAttribute } if ( $customField ) { $params.Body.AttributeName = $customField.Guid } else { $params.Body.AttributeName = $thisAttribute } $response = Invoke-VenafiRestMethod @params if ( $response.Error ) { if ( $response.Result -in 601, 112) { Write-Error "'$thisAttribute' is not a valid attribute for $Path. Are you looking for a policy attribute? If so, add -Class." continue } elseif ( $response.Result -eq 102) { # attribute is valid, but value not set # we're ok with this one } else { Write-Error $response.Error continue } } $valueOut = $null if ( $response.Values ) { switch ($response.Values.GetType().Name) { 'Object[]' { switch ($response.Values.Count) { 1 { $valueOut = $response.Values[0] } Default { $valueOut = $response.Values } } } Default { $valueOut = $response.Values } } } $newProp = [pscustomobject] @{} # only add attributes to the root of the response object if they have a value # always add them to .Attribute ($newProp) if ( $CustomField ) { $newProp | Add-Member @{ Name = $customField.Label 'CustomFieldGuid' = $customField.Guid } if ( $valueOut ) { $return | Add-Member @{ $customField.Label = $valueOut } } } else { if ( $valueOut ) { $return | Add-Member @{ $thisAttribute = $valueOut } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $newProp | Add-Member @{ Name = $thisAttribute } } $newProp | Add-Member @{ Value = $valueOut PolicyPath = $response.PolicyDN Locked = $response.Locked } # overridden not available at policy level if ( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Class') ) { $newProp | Add-Member @{ 'Overridden' = $response.Overridden } } $newProp } $return.Attribute = @($allAttributes) $return } } |