.SYNOPSIS Test if an identity exists .DESCRIPTION Provided with a prefixed universal id, find out if an identity exists. .PARAMETER Identity The id that represents the user or group. .PARAMETER ExistOnly Only return boolean instead of ID and Exists list. Helpful when validating just 1 identity. .PARAMETER VenafiSession Authentication for the function. The value defaults to the script session object $VenafiSession created by New-VenafiSession. A TPP token or VaaS key can also provided. If providing a TPP token, an environment variable named TppServer must also be set. .INPUTS Identity .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject will be returned with properties 'ID', a System.String, and 'Exists', a System.Boolean. .EXAMPLE 'local:78uhjny657890okjhhh', '' | Test-TppIdentity Test multiple identities .EXAMPLE Test-TppIdentity -Identity '' -ExistOnly Retrieve existence for only one identity, returns boolean .LINK .LINK .LINK #> function Test-TppIdentity { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateScript( { if ( $_ | Test-TppIdentityFormat ) { $true } else { throw "'$_' is not a valid Prefixed Universal Id format. See" } })] [Alias('PrefixedUniversal', 'Contact', 'IdentityId')] [string[]] $ID, [Parameter()] [Switch] $ExistOnly, [Parameter()] [psobject] $VenafiSession = $script:VenafiSession ) begin { Test-VenafiSession -VenafiSession $VenafiSession -Platform 'TPP' $params = @{ VenafiSession = $VenafiSession Method = 'Post' UriLeaf = 'Identity/Validate' Body = @{ 'ID' = @{ 'PrefixedUniversal' = '' } } } } process { foreach ( $thisId in $ID ) { $params.Body.Id.PrefixedUniversal = $thisId $response = Invoke-VenafiRestMethod @params if ( $ExistOnly ) { $null -ne $response.Id } else { [PSCustomObject] @{ Identity = $thisId Exists = ($null -ne $response.Id) } } } } } |