.SYNOPSIS Get Team info .DESCRIPTION Get info for a VaaS or TPP team including members and owners. For VaaS, you can retrieve info on all teams as well. .PARAMETER ID Team ID, required for TPP. For VaaS, this is the team guid. For TPP, this is the local prefixed universal ID. You can find the group ID with Find-TppIdentity. .PARAMETER All Provide this switch to get all teams .PARAMETER VenafiSession Authentication for the function. The value defaults to the script session object $VenafiSession created by New-VenafiSession. A TPP token or VaaS key can also provided. If providing a TPP token, an environment variable named TppServer must also be set. .INPUTS ID .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject .EXAMPLE Get-VenafiTeam -ID 'ca7ff555-88d2-4bfc-9efa-2630ac44c1f2' Get info for a VaaS team .EXAMPLE Get-VenafiTeam -ID 'local:{803f332e-7576-4696-a5a2-8ac6be6b14e6}' Get info for a TPP team .EXAMPLE Find-TppIdentity -Name MyTeamName | Get-VenafiTeam Search for a team and then get details .EXAMPLE Get-VenafiTeam -All Get info for all teams .LINK .LINK .LINK #> function Get-VenafiTeam { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ID', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('PrefixedUniversal', 'Guid')] [string] $ID, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'All')] [switch] $All, [Parameter()] [Alias('Key', 'AccessToken')] [psobject] $VenafiSession = $script:VenafiSession ) begin { $platform = Test-VenafiSession -VenafiSession $VenafiSession -PassThru $params = @{ VenafiSession = $VenafiSession Method = 'Get' } } process { if ( $platform -eq 'VaaS' ) { if ( $Id ) { $params.UriLeaf = "teams/$ID" } else { $params.UriLeaf = 'teams' } $response = Invoke-VenafiRestMethod @params if ( $response.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'teams' ) { $response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty teams } else { $response } } else { if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All' ) { # no built-in api for this, get group objects and then get details Find-TppObject -Path '\VED\Identity' -Class 'Group' -VenafiSession $VenafiSession | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne 'Everyone'} | Get-VenafiTeam -VenafiSession $VenafiSession } else { # check if just a guid or prefixed universal id if ( Test-TppIdentityFormat -Identity $ID ) { $guid = [guid]($ID.Replace('local:', '')) } else { try { $guid = [guid] $ID } catch { Write-Error "$ID is not a valid team id" Continue } } $params.UriLeaf = ('Teams/local/{{{0}}}' -f $guid.ToString()) $response = Invoke-VenafiRestMethod @params $out = [pscustomobject] ($response.ID | ConvertTo-TppIdentity) $out | Add-Member @{ Members = $response.Members | ConvertTo-TppIdentity Owners = $response.Owners | ConvertTo-TppIdentity } $out } } } } |