
class VenafiSession {

    [string] $ServerUrl
    [datetime] $Expires
    [PSCustomObject] $Key
    [PSCustomObject] $Token
    [PSCustomObject] $CustomField
    [Version] $Version

    VenafiSession () {

    VenafiSession ([Hashtable] $initHash) {

    [string] Validate() {
        return $this.Validate(($this | Get-VenafiAuthType))

    # AuthType can be key, token or vaas
    # key is TPP and all functions
    # token is TPP and some functions require it
    # tpp is key or token for tpp
    # vaas is Venafi as a Service

    # return $AuthType so functions know what we're working with
    [string] Validate(
        [string] $AuthType
    ) {

        if ( -not $this.Key -and -not $this.Token ) {
            switch ($AuthType) {
                'vaas' {
                    throw "You must first connect to Venafi as a Service with New-VenafiSession -VaasKey"

                'tpp' {
                    throw "You must first connect to a TPP server with New-VenafiSession"

                Default {
                    throw "You must first connect to either Venafi as a Service or a TPP server with New-VenafiSession"


        # newer api calls may only accept token based auth
        if ( $AuthType -eq 'token' -and -not $this.Token ) {
            throw "This function requires the use of token-based authentication"

        # make sure the auth type and url we have match
        # this keeps folks from calling a vaas function with a token and vice versa
        if ( $AuthType -eq 'vaas' ) {
            if ( $this.ServerUrl -ne $script:CloudUrl ) {
                throw 'This function is only accessible for Venafi as a Service, not TPP'
        else {
            if ( $this.ServerUrl -eq $script:CloudUrl ) {
                throw 'This function is only accessible for TPP, not Venafi as a Service'

        # if we know the session is still valid, don't bother checking with the server
        # add a couple of seconds so we don't get caught making the call as it expires
        Write-Verbose ("Key/Token expires: {0}, Current (+2s): {1}" -f $this.Expires, (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds(2))
        if ( $this.Expires -gt (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds(2) ) {
            return $AuthType

        # expired, perform refresh
        Write-Verbose 'Key/token expired. Attempting refresh.'

        switch ( $AuthType ) {
            'key' {

                try {
                    $params = @{
                        Method      = 'Get'
                        Uri         = ("{0}/vedsdk/authorize/checkvalid" -f $this.ServerUrl)
                        Headers     = @{
                            "X-Venafi-Api-Key" = $this.Key.ApiKey
                        ContentType = 'application/json'
                    Invoke-RestMethod @params
                catch {
                    # tpp sessions timeout after 3 mins of inactivity
                    # reestablish connection
                    if ( $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ -eq '401' ) {
                        Write-Verbose "Unauthorized, re-authenticating"
                        if ( $this.Key.Credential ) {
                        else {
                    else {
                        throw ('"{0} {1}: {2}' -f $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__, $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription, $_ | Out-String )

            'token' {
                if ( $this.Token.RefreshExpires ) {
                    Write-Verbose ("Refresh token expires: {0}, Current: {1}" -f $this.Token.RefreshExpires, (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime())

                $newToken = New-TppToken -VenafiSession $this
                $this.Token = $newToken
                $this.Expires = $newToken.Expires

            'tpp' {
                # handled by key/token above

            'vaas' {
                # nothing yet

            Default {
                throw "Unknown auth type $AuthType"
        return $AuthType

    # connect for key based
    [void] Connect(
        [PSCredential] $Credential
    ) {
        if ( -not ($this.ServerUrl) ) {
            throw "You must provide a value for ServerUrl"

        $params = @{
            ServerUrl = $this.ServerUrl

        if ( $Credential ) {
            $params.Method = 'Post'
            $params.UriLeaf = 'authorize'
            $params.Body = @{
                Username = $Credential.UserName
                Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        else {
            $params.Method = 'Get'
            $params.UriLeaf = 'authorize/integrated'
            $params.UseDefaultCredentials = $true

        $response = Invoke-TppRestMethod @params
        $this.Expires = $response.ValidUntil
        $this.Key = [pscustomobject] @{
            ApiKey     = $response.ApiKey
            Credential = $Credential

    hidden [void] _init ([Hashtable] $initHash) {

        if ( -not ($initHash.ServerUrl) ) {
            throw "ServerUrl is required"

        $this.ServerUrl = $initHash.ServerUrl
        if ( $initHash.Credential ) {
            $this.Credential = $initHash.Credential
        $this.CustomField = $null