.SYNOPSIS Find certificates based on various attributes .DESCRIPTION Find certificates based on various attributes .PARAMETER Path Starting path to search from .PARAMETER Guid Guid which represents a starting path .PARAMETER Recursive Search recursively starting from the search path. .PARAMETER First Limit how many items are returned. Default is 0 for no limit. It is definitely recommended to filter on another property when searching with no limit. .PARAMETER Offset The number of results to skip. .PARAMETER Country Find certificates by Country attribute of Subject DN. .PARAMETER CommonName Find certificates by Common name attribute of Subject DN. .PARAMETER Issuer Find certificates by issuer. Use the CN, O, L, S, and C values from the certificate request. .PARAMETER KeyAlgorithm Find certificates by algorithm for the public key. .PARAMETER KeySize Find certificates by public key size. .PARAMETER KeySizeGreaterThan Find certificates with a key size greater than the specified value. .PARAMETER KeySizeLessThan Find certificates with a key size less than the specified value. .PARAMETER Locale Find certificates by Locality/City attribute of Subject Distinguished Name (DN). .PARAMETER Organization Find certificates by Organization attribute of Subject DN. .PARAMETER OrganizationUnit Find certificates by Organization Unit (OU). .PARAMETER State Find certificates by State/Province attribute of Subject DN. .PARAMETER SanDns Find certificates by Subject Alternate Name (SAN) Distinguished Name Server (DNS). .PARAMETER SanEmail Find certificates by SAN Email RFC822. .PARAMETER SanIP Find certificates by SAN IP Address. .PARAMETER SanUpn Find certificates by SAN User Principal Name (UPN) or OtherName. .PARAMETER SanUri Find certificates by SAN Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). .PARAMETER SerialNumber Find certificates by Serial number. .PARAMETER SignatureAlgorithm Find certificates by the algorithm used to sign the certificate (e.g. SHA1RSA). .PARAMETER Thumbprint Find certificates by one or more SHA-1 thumbprints. .PARAMETER IssueDate Find certificates by the date of issue. .PARAMETER ExpireDate Find certificates by expiration date. .PARAMETER ExpireAfter Find certificates that expire after a certain date. .PARAMETER ExpireBefore Find certificates that expire before a certain date. .PARAMETER Enabled Include only certificates that are enabled or disabled .PARAMETER InError Only include certificates in an error state .PARAMETER NetworkValidationEnabled Only include certificates with network validation enabled or disabled .PARAMETER CreatedDate Find certificates that were created at an exact date and time .PARAMETER CreatedAfter Find certificate created after this date and time .PARAMETER CreatedBefore Find certificate created before this date and time .PARAMETER CertificateType Find certificate by category of usage. Use CodeSigning, Device, Server, and/or User. .PARAMETER ManagementType Find certificates with a Management type of Unassigned, Monitoring, Enrollment, or Provisioning .PARAMETER PendingWorkflow Only include certificates that have a pending workflow resolution (have an outstanding workflow ticket) .PARAMETER Stage Find certificates by one or more stages in the certificate lifecycle .PARAMETER StageGreaterThan Find certificates with a stage greater than the specified stage (does not include specified stage) .PARAMETER StageLessThan Find certificates with a stage less than the specified stage (does not include specified stage) .PARAMETER ValidationEnabled Only include certificates with validation enabled or disabled .PARAMETER ValidationState Find certificates with a validation state of Blank, Success, or Failure .PARAMETER CountOnly Return the count of certificates found from the query as opposed to the certificates themselves .PARAMETER VenafiSession Session object created from New-VenafiSession method. The value defaults to the script session object $VenafiSession. .INPUTS Path, Guid .OUTPUTS TppObject, Int when CountOnly provided .EXAMPLE Find-TppCertificate -ExpireBefore "2018-01-01" Find all certificates expiring before a certain date .EXAMPLE Find-TppCertificate -ExpireBefore "2018-01-01" -First 5 Find 5 certificates expiring before a certain date .EXAMPLE Find-TppCertificate -ExpireBefore "2018-01-01" -First 5 -Offset 2 Find 5 certificates expiring before a certain date, starting at the 3rd certificate found. .EXAMPLE Find-TppCertificate -Path '\VED\Policy\My Policy' Find all certificates in a specific path .EXAMPLE Find-TppCertificate -Issuer 'CN=Example Root CA, O=Venafi,Inc., L=Salt Lake City, S=Utah, C=US' Find all certificates by issuer .EXAMPLE Find-TppCertificate -Path '\VED\Policy\My Policy' -Recursive Find all certificates in a specific path and all subfolders .EXAMPLE Find-TppCertificate -ExpireBefore "2018-01-01" -First 5 | Get-TppCertificateDetail Get detailed certificate info on the first 5 certificates expiring before a certain date .EXAMPLE Find-TppCertificate -ExpireBefore "2019-09-01" | Invoke-TppCertificateRenewal Renew all certificates expiring before a certain date .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK #> function Find-TppCertificate { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'NoPath')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ByPath', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript( { if ( $_ | Test-TppDnPath -AllowRoot ) { $true } else { throw "'$_' is not a valid DN path" } })] [Alias('DN')] [String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ByGuid', ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [guid] $Guid, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPath')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByGuid')] [Switch] $Recursive, [Parameter()] [Alias('Limit')] [int] $First = 0, [Parameter()] [int] $Offset, [Parameter()] [Alias('C')] [String] $Country, [Parameter()] [Alias('CN')] [String] $CommonName, [Parameter()] [String] $Issuer, [Parameter()] [String[]] $KeyAlgorithm, [Parameter()] [Int[]] $KeySize, [Parameter()] [Int] $KeySizeGreaterThan, [Parameter()] [Int] $KeySizeLessThan, [Parameter()] [Alias('L')] [String[]] $Locale, [Parameter()] [Alias('O')] [String[]] $Organization, [Parameter()] [Alias('OU')] [String[]] $OrganizationUnit, [Parameter()] [Alias('S')] [String[]] $State, [Parameter()] [String] $SanDns, [Parameter()] [String] $SanEmail, [Parameter()] [String] $SanIP, [Parameter()] [String] $SanUpn, [Parameter()] [String] $SanUri, [Parameter()] [String] $SerialNumber, [Parameter()] [String] $SignatureAlgorithm, [Parameter()] [String] $Thumbprint, [Parameter()] [Alias('ValidFrom')] [DateTime] $IssueDate, [Parameter()] [Alias('ValidTo')] [DateTime] $ExpireDate, [Parameter()] [Alias('ValidToGreater')] [DateTime] $ExpireAfter, [Parameter()] [Alias('ValidToLess')] [DateTime] $ExpireBefore, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Enabled, [Parameter()] [bool] $InError, [Parameter()] [bool] $NetworkValidationEnabled, [Parameter()] [Alias('CreatedOn')] [datetime] $CreatedDate, [Parameter()] [Alias('CreatedOnGreater')] [datetime] $CreatedAfter, [Parameter()] [Alias('CreatedOnLess')] [datetime] $CreatedBefore, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('CodeSigning', 'Device', 'Server', 'User')] [String[]] $CertificateType, [Parameter()] [TppManagementType[]] $ManagementType, [Parameter()] [Switch] $PendingWorkflow, [Parameter()] [TppCertificateStage[]] $Stage, [Parameter()] [Alias('StageGreater')] [TppCertificateStage] $StageGreaterThan, [Parameter()] [Alias('StageLess')] [TppCertificateStage] $StageLessThan, [Parameter()] [Switch] $ValidationEnabled, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Blank', 'Success', 'Failure')] [String[]] $ValidationState, [Parameter()] [Switch] $CountOnly, [Parameter()] [VenafiSession] $VenafiSession = $script:VenafiSession ) begin { $VenafiSession.Validate() | Out-Null $params = @{ VenafiSession = $VenafiSession Method = 'Get' UriLeaf = 'certificates/' Body = @{ Limit = $First } } if ( $CountOnly.IsPresent ) { $params.Method = 'Head' $params['FullResponse'] = $true } switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'CreatedDate' { $params.Body.Add( 'CreatedOn', ($CreatedDate | ConvertTo-UtcIso8601) ) } 'CreatedBefore' { $params.Body.Add( 'CreatedOnLess', ($CreatedBefore | ConvertTo-UtcIso8601) ) } 'CreatedAfter' { $params.Body.Add( 'CreatedOnGreater', ($CreatedAfter | ConvertTo-UtcIso8601) ) } 'CertificateType' { $params.Body.Add( 'CertificateType', $CertificateType -join ',' ) } 'Offset' { $params.Body.Add( 'Offset', $Offset ) } 'Country' { $params.Body.Add( 'C', $Country ) } 'CommonName' { $params.Body.Add( 'CN', $CommonName ) } 'Issuer' { $params.Body.Add( 'Issuer', $Issuer ) } 'KeyAlgorithm' { $params.Body.Add( 'KeyAlgorithm', $KeyAlgorithm -join ',' ) } 'KeySize' { $params.Body.Add( 'KeySize', $KeySize -join ',' ) } 'KeySizeGreaterThan' { $params.Body.Add( 'KeySizeGreater', $KeySizeGreaterThan ) } 'KeySizeLessThan' { $params.Body.Add( 'KeySizeLess', $KeySizeLessThan ) } 'Locale' { $params.Body.Add( 'L', $Locale -join ',' ) } 'Organization' { $params.Body.Add( 'O', $Organization -join ',' ) } 'OrganizationUnit' { $params.Body.Add( 'OU', $OrganizationUnit -join ',' ) } 'State' { $params.Body.Add( 'S', $State -join ',' ) } 'SanDns' { $params.Body.Add( 'SAN-DNS', $SanDns ) } 'SanEmail' { $params.Body.Add( 'SAN-Email', $SanEmail ) } 'SanIP' { $params.Body.Add( 'SAN-IP', $SanIP ) } 'SanUpn' { $params.Body.Add( 'SAN-UPN', $SanUpn ) } 'SanUri' { $params.Body.Add( 'SAN-URI', $SanUri ) } 'SerialNumber' { $params.Body.Add( 'Serial', $SerialNumber ) } 'SignatureAlgorithm' { $params.Body.Add( 'SignatureAlgorithm', $SignatureAlgorithm -join ',' ) } 'Thumbprint' { $params.Body.Add( 'Thumbprint', $Thumbprint ) } 'IssueDate' { $params.Body.Add( 'ValidFrom', ($IssueDate | ConvertTo-UtcIso8601) ) } 'ExpireDate' { $params.Body.Add( 'ValidTo', ($ExpireDate | ConvertTo-UtcIso8601) ) } 'ExpireAfter' { $params.Body.Add( 'ValidToGreater', ($ExpireAfter | ConvertTo-UtcIso8601) ) } 'ExpireBefore' { $params.Body.Add( 'ValidToLess', ($ExpireBefore | ConvertTo-UtcIso8601) ) } 'Enabled' { $params.Body.Add( 'Disabled', [int] (-not $Enabled) ) } 'InError' { $params.Body.Add( 'InError', [int] $InError ) } 'NetworkValidationEnabled' { $params.Body.Add( 'NetworkValidationDisabled', [int] (-not $NetworkValidationEnabled) ) } 'ManagementType' { $params.Body.Add( 'ManagementType', $ManagementType -join ',' ) } 'PendingWorkflow' { $params.Body.Add( 'PendingWorkflow', '') } 'Stage' { $params.Body.Add( 'Stage', ($Stage | ForEach-Object { [TppCertificateStage]::$_.value__ }) -join ',' ) } 'StageGreaterThan' { $params.Body.Add( 'StageGreater', [TppCertificateStage]::$StageGreaterThan.value__ ) } 'StageLessThan' { $params.Body.Add( 'StageLess', [TppCertificateStage]::$StageLessThan.value__ ) } 'ValidationEnabled' { $params.Body.Add( 'ValidationDisabled', [int] (-not $ValidationEnabled) ) } 'ValidationState' { $params.Body.Add( 'ValidationState', $ValidationState -join ',' ) } } } process { if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path') ) { $thisPath = $Path } elseif ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Guid') ) { # guid provided, get path $thisPath = $Guid | ConvertTo-TppPath -VenafiSession $VenafiSession } if ( $thisPath ) { if ( $Recursive.IsPresent ) { $params.Body.ParentDnRecursive = $thisPath } else { $params.Body.ParentDn = $thisPath } } $response = Invoke-TppRestMethod @params if ( $CountOnly.IsPresent ) { $response.Headers.'X-Record-Count' } else { $response.Certificates.ForEach{ [TppObject] @{ Name = $_.Name TypeName = $_.SchemaClass Path = $_.DN Guid = [guid] $_.Guid } } } } } |