function Set-VeeamAgentLowSpaceMonitor { param( $GBLimit = 100GB, $PercentLimit = 10 ) $Query = @' SELECT (((dbo.BackupRepositories.total_space) / 1024) /1024 / 1024) as 'RepositorySize' FROM dbo.BJobs JOIN dbo.BackupRepositories ON ( = dbo.BJobs.repository_id) JOIN dbo.ObjectsInJobs ON (dbo.ObjectsInJobs.job_id = WHERE dbo.BJobs.type = 4000 '@ $Repository = Invoke-VeeamAgentDBQuery -Query $Query $Total = "$($Repository.RepositorySize)GB" [int]$Percent = $GBLimit / $Total * 100 [int]$CurrentSetting = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Endpoint Backup').BackupRepositoryFreeSpaceThresholdPercent if ($Percent -lt $PercentLimit -and $Percent -ne $CurrentSetting){ Write-Output "Adjusting low space threshold to $($Percent)%" New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Endpoint Backup' -Name 'BackupRepositoryFreeSpaceThresholdPercent' -PropertyType DWORD -Value $Percent -Force | Out-Null break } if ($CurrentSetting -eq $PercentLimit){ return } if ($Percent -gt $PercentLimit) { Write-Output "Adjusting low space threshold to limit $($PercentLimit)%" New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Endpoint Backup' -Name 'BackupRepositoryFreeSpaceThresholdPercent' -PropertyType DWORD -Value $PercentLimit -Force | Out-Null } else { Write-Output "Current threshold is correct." } } |