
function Get-DiagBackupToViProxy {
        Function to build Backup Server to Proxy diagram.
        Build a diagram of the configuration of Veeam VBR in PDF/PNG/SVG formats using Psgraph.
        Version: 0.6.8
        Author: Jonathan Colon
        Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr
        Github: rebelinux




    begin {
        # Get Veeam Backup Server Object

    process {
        try {
            $VMwareBackupProxy = Get-VbrBackupProxyInfo -Type 'vmware'
            if ($BackupServerInfo) {
                if ($VMwareBackupProxy) {
                    $ProxiesAttr = @{
                        Label = 'VMware Backup Proxies'
                        fontsize = 18
                        penwidth = 1.5
                        labelloc = 'b'
                        color = $SubGraphDebug.color
                        style = 'dashed,rounded'
                    SubGraph MainSubGraph -Attributes $ProxiesAttr -ScriptBlock {

                        Node ViProxies @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLNodeTable -ImagesObj $Images -inputObject ($VMwareBackupProxy | ForEach-Object { $_.Name.split('.')[0] }) -Align "Center" -iconType "VBR_Proxy_Server" -columnSize 4 -IconDebug $IconDebug -MultiIcon -AditionalInfo ($VMwareBackupProxy.AditionalInfo )); shape = 'plain'; fontsize = 14; fontname = "Segoe Ui" }


                    Edge $BackupServerInfo.Name -To ViProxies:n @{minlen = 3 }

                    # $VirtObjs = Get-VBRServer | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'VC'}
                    # $EsxiObjs = Get-VBRServer | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Esxi' -and $_.IsStandaloneEsx() -eq 'True'}
                    # SubGraph MainVMwareProxies -Attributes @{Label=$DiagramLabel; style='dashed,rounded'; color=$SubGraphDebug.color; fontsize=18; penwidth=1.5} {
                    # node DummyVMwareProxy @{Label='VMwareProxyMain'; shape='plain'; style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color}
                    # foreach ($ProxyObj in ($VMwareBackupProxy | Sort-Object)) {
                    # $PROXYHASHTABLE = @{}
                    # $ | ForEach-Object { $PROXYHASHTABLE[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
                    # node $ProxyObj -NodeScript {$_.Name} @{Label=$PROXYHASHTABLE.Label}
                    # edge -From DummyVMwareProxy -To $ProxyObj.Name @{style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color}
                    # }
                    # # if ($VirtObjs -or $EsxiObjs) {
                    # # # Dummy Node used for subgraph centering (Always hidden)
                    # # node VMWAREBackupProxyMain @{Label='VMWAREBackupProxyMain'; style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color; shape='plain'}
                    # # # Edge Lines from VMware Backup Proxies to Dummy Node VMWAREBackupProxyMain
                    # # edge -from ($VMwareBackupProxy | Sort-Object).Name -to VMWAREBackupProxyMain:n @{style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color;}
                    # # }
                    # }

                    # if ($VirtObjs -or $EsxiObjs) {
                    # SubGraph vSphereMAIN -Attributes @{Label='vSphere Infrastructure'; style='dashed,rounded'; color=$SubGraphDebug.color; penwidth=1} {
                    # if ($EsxiObjs) {
                    # SubGraph ESXiMAIN -Attributes @{Label='Standalone Servers'; style='dashed,rounded'; color=$SubGraphDebug.color; fontsize=18; penwidth=1} {
                    # # Dummy Node used for subgraph centering
                    # node ESXiBackupProxy @{Label='ESXiBackupProxy'; style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color; shape='plain'}
                    # if (($EsxiObjs | Measure-Object).count -le 4) {
                    # foreach ($ESxiHost in $EsxiObjs) {
                    # $ESXiInfo = @{
                    # Version = $ESxiHost.Info.ViVersion.ToString()
                    # IP = try {$ESxiHost.getManagmentAddresses().IPAddressToString} catch {"Unknown"}
                    # }
                    # node $ESxiHost.Name @{Label=(Get-NodeIcon -Name $ESxiHost.Name -IconType 'VBR_ESXi_Server' -Align "Center" -Rows $ESXiInfo)}
                    # edge -From ESXiBackupProxy:s -To $ESxiHost.Name @{style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color}
                    # }
                    # }
                    # else {
                    # $Group = Split-array -inArray $EsxiObjs -size 4
                    # $Number = 0
                    # while ($Number -ne $Group.Length) {
                    # $Random = Get-Random
                    # SubGraph "SAESXiGroup$($Number)_$Random" -Attributes @{Label=' '; style=$; color=$SubGraphDebug.color; fontsize=18; penwidth=1} {
                    # $Group[$Number] | ForEach-Object { node $_.Name @{Label=(Get-NodeIcon -Name $_.Name -IconType 'VBR_ESXi_Server' -Align "Center" -Rows ($ESXiInfo = @{Version = $_.Info.ViVersion.ToString(); IP = try {$_.getManagmentAddresses().IPAddressToString} catch {"Unknown"}})) }}
                    # }
                    # $Number++
                    # }
                    # edge -From ESXiBackupProxy:n -To $Group[0].Name @{style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color}
                    # $Start = 0
                    # $ESXiNum = 1
                    # while ($ESXiNum -ne $Group.Length) {
                    # edge -From $Group[$Start].Name -To $Group[$ESXiNum].Name @{style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color}
                    # $Start++
                    # $ESXiNum++
                    # }
                    # }
                    # }
                    # if ($EsxiObjs) {
                    # edge -from vSphereInfraDummy:s -to ESXiBackupProxy:n @{minlen=2; style='dashed'}
                    # }
                    # }

                    # # Dummy Node used for subgraph centering
                    # node vSphereInfraDummy @{Label='vSphereInfraDummy'; style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color; shape='box'}
                    # edge -from VMWAREBackupProxyMain:s -to vSphereInfraDummy:n @{minlen=2; style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color}

                    # if ($VirtObjs) {
                    # SubGraph VCENTERMAIN -Attributes @{Label='VMware vCenter Servers'; style='dashed,rounded'; color=$SubGraphDebug.color; fontsize=18; penwidth=1} {
                    # # Dummy Node used for subgraph centering
                    # node vCenterServers @{Label='vCenterServers'; style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color; shape='plain'}
                    # foreach ($VirtManager in ($VirtObjs | Sort-Object)) {
                    # $VCInfo = @{
                    # Version = $VirtManager.Info.ViVersion.ToString()
                    # IP = try {$VirtManager.getManagmentAddresses().IPAddressToString} catch {"Unknown"}
                    # }
                    # $vCenterSubGraphName = Remove-SpecialChar -String $VirtManager.Name -SpecialChars '\-. '
                    # SubGraph $vCenterSubGraphName -Attributes @{Label=' '; style=$; color=$SubGraphDebug.color; fontsize=18; penwidth=1} {
                    # node $VirtManager.Name @{Label=(Get-NodeIcon -Name $VirtManager.Name -IconType 'VBR_vCenter_Server' -Align "Center" -Rows $VCInfo)}
                    # # foreach ($ESXi in $VirtManager.getchilds()) {
                    # if ($VirtManager.getchilds().Length -le 4) {
                    # # Dummy Node used for subgraph centering
                    # foreach ($ESXi in $VirtManager.getchilds()) {
                    # $ESXiInfo = @{
                    # Version = $ESxi.Info.ViVersion.ToString()
                    # IP = try {$ESxi.getManagmentAddresses().IPAddressToString} catch {"Unknown"}
                    # }
                    # node $ESXi.Name @{Label=(Get-NodeIcon -Name $ESXi.Name -IconType 'VBR_ESXi_Server' -Align "Center" -Rows $ESXiInfo)}
                    # edge -From "$($VirtManager.Name):s" -To $ESXi.Name @{style='dashed'}
                    # }
                    # }
                    # else {
                    # $EsxiHosts = $VirtManager.getchilds()
                    # $Group = Split-array -inArray $EsxiHosts -size 4
                    # $Number = 0
                    # while ($Number -ne $Group.Length) {
                    # $Random = Get-Random
                    # SubGraph "ESXiGroup$($Number)_$Random" -Attributes @{Label=' '; style=$; color=$SubGraphDebug.color; fontsize=18; penwidth=1} {
                    # $Group[$Number] | ForEach-Object { node $_.Name @{Label=(Get-NodeIcon -Name $_.Name -IconType 'VBR_ESXi_Server' -Align "Center" -Rows ($ESXiInfo = @{Version = $_.Info.ViVersion.ToString(); IP = try {$_.getManagmentAddresses().IPAddressToString} catch {"Unknown"}}))}}
                    # }
                    # $Number++
                    # }
                    # edge -From $VirtManager.Name -To $Group[0].Name @{style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color}
                    # $Start = 0
                    # $ESXiNum = 1
                    # while ($ESXiNum -ne $Group.Length) {
                    # edge -From $Group[$Start].Name -To $Group[$ESXiNum].Name @{style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color}
                    # $Start++
                    # $ESXiNum++
                    # }
                    # }
                    # }
                    # }
                    # }
                    # # Edge Lines from Dummy Node vCenter Servers to Dummy Node vSphere Virtual Infrastructure
                    # edge -from vCenterServers:s -to $VirtObjs.Name @{style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color}
                    # # Edge Lines from Dummy Node vSphere Virtual Infrastructure to Dummy Node vCenter Servers
                    # edge -from vSphereInfraDummy:s -to vCenterServers:n @{minlen=2; style='dashed'}
                    # }
                    # }
                    # }
        } catch {
    end {}