function Get-DiagBackupToRepo { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to build a Backup Server to Repository diagram. .DESCRIPTION Build a diagram of the configuration of Veeam VBR in PDF/PNG/SVG formats using Psgraph. .NOTES Version: 0.6.5 Author: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr Github: rebelinux .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( ) begin { # Get Veeam Backup Server Object Get-DiagBackupServer } process { try { $BackupRepo = Get-VbrBackupRepoInfo $LocalBackupRepo = Get-VbrBackupRepoInfo | Where-Object { $_.Role -like '*Local' -or $_.Role -like '*Hardened' } $DedupBackupRepo = Get-VbrBackupRepoInfo | Where-Object { $_.Role -like 'Dedup*' } $ObjStorage = Get-VbrBackupObjectRepoInfo $ArchiveObjStorage = Get-VbrBackupArchObjRepoInfo $NASBackupRepo = Get-VbrBackupRepoInfo | Where-Object { $_.Role -like '*Share' } if ($BackupServerInfo) { if ($BackupRepo) { SubGraph MainSubGraph -Attributes @{Label = 'Backup Repositories'; fontsize = 22; penwidth = 1; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed,rounded'; color = $SubGraphDebug.color } { if ($LocalBackupRepo) { SubGraph LocalRepos -Attributes @{Label = 'Local Repositories'; fontsize = 18; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed,rounded' } { Node LocalRepo @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLNodeTable -ImagesObj $Images -inputObject ($LocalBackupRepo | ForEach-Object { $_.Name.split('.')[0] }) -Align "Center" -iconType "VBR_Repository" -columnSize 4 -IconDebug $IconDebug -MultiIcon -AditionalInfo ($LocalBackupRepo.AditionalInfo )); shape = 'plain'; fillColor = 'transparent'; fontsize = 14; fontname = "Segoe Ui" } } Edge -From MainSubGraph:s -To LocalRepo @{minlen = 1; style = $; color = $EdgeDebug.color } } if ($NASBackupRepo) { SubGraph NasRepos -Attributes @{Label = 'NAS Repositories'; fontsize = 18; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed,rounded' } { Node NasRepo @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLNodeTable -ImagesObj $Images -inputObject ($NASBackupRepo | ForEach-Object { $_.Name.split('.')[0] }) -Align "Center" -iconType "VBR_NAS" -columnSize 4 -IconDebug $IconDebug -MultiIcon -AditionalInfo ($NASBackupRepo.AditionalInfo )); shape = 'plain'; fillColor = 'transparent'; fontsize = 14; fontname = "Segoe Ui" } } Edge -From MainSubGraph:s -To NasRepo @{minlen = 1; style = $; color = $EdgeDebug.color } } if ($DedupBackupRepo) { SubGraph RemoteRepos -Attributes @{Label = 'Deduplicating Storage Appliances'; fontsize = 18; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed,rounded' } { Node RemoteRepo @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLNodeTable -ImagesObj $Images -inputObject ($DedupBackupRepo | ForEach-Object { $_.Name.split('.')[0] }) -Align "Center" -iconType "VBR_Deduplicating_Storage" -columnSize 4 -IconDebug $IconDebug -MultiIcon -AditionalInfo ($DedupBackupRepo.AditionalInfo )); shape = 'plain'; fillColor = 'transparent'; fontsize = 14; fontname = "Segoe Ui" } } Edge -From MainSubGraph:s -To RemoteRepo @{minlen = 1; style = $; color = $EdgeDebug.color } } if ($ObjStorage) { SubGraph ObjectStorages -Attributes @{Label = 'Object Repositories'; fontsize = 18; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed,rounded' } { Node ObjectStorage @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLNodeTable -ImagesObj $Images -inputObject ($ObjStorage | ForEach-Object { $_.Name.split('.')[0] }) -Align "Center" -iconType "VBR_Cloud_Repository" -columnSize 4 -IconDebug $IconDebug -MultiIcon -AditionalInfo ($ObjStorage.AditionalInfo )); shape = 'plain'; fillColor = 'transparent'; fontsize = 14; fontname = "Segoe Ui" } } Edge -From MainSubGraph:s -To ObjectStorage @{minlen = 1; style = $; color = $EdgeDebug.color } } if ($ArchiveObjStorage) { SubGraph ArchiveObjectStorages -Attributes @{Label = 'Archive Object Repositories'; fontsize = 18; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed,rounded' } { Node ArchiveObjectStorage @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLNodeTable -ImagesObj $Images -inputObject ($ArchiveObjStorage | ForEach-Object { $_.Name.split('.')[0] }) -Align "Center" -iconType "VBR_Cloud_Repository" -columnSize 4 -IconDebug $IconDebug -MultiIcon -AditionalInfo ($ArchiveObjStorage.AditionalInfo )); shape = 'plain'; fillColor = 'transparent'; fontsize = 14; fontname = "Segoe Ui" } } Edge -From MainSubGraph:s -To ArchiveObjectStorage @{minlen = 1; style = $; color = $EdgeDebug.color } } } Edge -From $BackupServerInfo.Name -To MainSubGraph @{minlen = 3 } } } } catch { $_ } } end {} } |