function Get-IconType { <# .SYNOPSIS Translates repository type to icon type object for Veeam.Diagrammer. .DESCRIPTION The Get-IconType function takes a repository type as input and returns the corresponding icon type object. This is used by Veeam.Diagrammer to map different repository types to their respective icons. .PARAMETER String The repository type as a string. Possible values include: - LinuxLocal - Hardened - LinuxHardened - WinLocal - Cloud - GoogleCloudStorage - AmazonS3Compatible - AmazonS3Glacier - AmazonS3 - AzureArchive - AzureBlob - DDBoost - HPStoreOnceIntegration - ExaGrid - SanSnapshotOnly - Proxy - ProxyServer - ESXi - HyperVHost - ManuallyDeployed - IndividualComputers - ActiveDirectory - CSV - CifsShare - Nfs - Netapp - Dell - VirtualLab - ApplicationGroups .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-IconType -String 'LinuxLocal' VBR_Linux_Repository This example translates the 'LinuxLocal' repository type to its corresponding icon type 'VBR_Linux_Repository'. .LINK #> param( [string]$String ) $IconType = Switch ($String) { 'LinuxLocal' { 'VBR_Linux_Repository' } 'Hardened' { 'VBR_Linux_Repository' } 'LinuxHardened' { 'VBR_Linux_Repository' } 'WinLocal' { 'VBR_Windows_Repository' } 'Cloud' { 'VBR_Cloud_Repository' } 'GoogleCloudStorage' { 'VBR_Amazon_S3_Compatible' } 'AmazonS3Compatible' { 'VBR_Amazon_S3_Compatible' } 'AmazonS3Glacier' { 'VBR_Amazon_S3_Compatible' } 'AmazonS3' { 'VBR_Amazon_S3' } 'AzureArchive' { 'VBR_Azure_Blob' } 'AzureBlob' { 'VBR_Azure_Blob' } 'DDBoost' { 'VBR_Deduplicating_Storage' } 'HPStoreOnceIntegration' { 'VBR_Deduplicating_Storage' } 'ExaGrid' { 'VBR_Deduplicating_Storage' } 'SanSnapshotOnly' { 'VBR_Storage_NetApp' } 'Proxy' { 'VBR_Repository' } 'ProxyServer' { 'VBR_Proxy_Server' } 'ESXi' { 'VBR_ESXi_Server' } 'HyperVHost' { 'Hyper-V_host' } 'ManuallyDeployed' { 'VBR_AGENT_MC' } 'IndividualComputers' { 'VBR_AGENT_IC' } 'ActiveDirectory' { 'VBR_AGENT_AD' } 'CSV' { 'VBR_AGENT_CSV' } 'CifsShare' { 'VBR_NAS' } 'Nfs' { 'VBR_NAS' } 'Netapp' { 'VBR_NetApp' } 'Dell' { 'VBR_Dell' } 'VirtualLab' { 'VBR_Virtual_Lab' } 'ApplicationGroups' { 'VBR_Application_Groups' } default { 'VBR_No_Icon' } } return $IconType } function Get-RoleType { <# .SYNOPSIS Translates a role type string to a function type object. .DESCRIPTION The Get-RoleType function takes a string input representing a role type and translates it into a more descriptive function type object. This is used by Veeam.Diagrammer to provide meaningful role descriptions. .PARAMETER String The role type string to be translated. Possible values include: - LinuxLocal - LinuxHardened - WinLocal - DDBoost - HPStoreOnceIntegration - ExaGrid - InfiniGuard - Cloud - SanSnapshotOnly - vmware - hyperv - agent - nas - CifsShare - Nfs .RETURNS A string representing the translated function type object. Possible return values include: - Linux Local - Linux Hardened - Windows Local - Dedup Appliances - Cloud - SAN - VMware Backup Proxy - HyperV Backup Proxy - Agent and Files Backup Proxy - NAS Backup Proxy - SMB Share - NFS Share - Unknown .NOTES Version: 0.6.5 Author: Jonathan Colon .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-RoleType -String 'LinuxLocal' Linux Local PS C:\> Get-RoleType -String 'vmware' VMware Backup Proxy .LINK #> param( [string]$String ) $RoleType = Switch ($String) { 'LinuxLocal' { 'Linux Local' } 'LinuxHardened' { 'Linux Hardened' } 'WinLocal' { 'Windows Local' } 'DDBoost' { 'Dedup Appliances' } 'HPStoreOnceIntegration' { 'Dedup Appliances' } 'ExaGrid' { 'Dedup Appliances' } 'InfiniGuard' { 'Dedup Appliances' } 'Cloud' { 'Cloud' } 'SanSnapshotOnly' { 'SAN' } "vmware" { 'VMware Backup Proxy' } "hyperv" { 'HyperV Backup Proxy' } "agent" { 'Agent and Files Backup Proxy' } "nas" { 'NAS Backup Proxy' } "CifsShare" { 'SMB Share' } 'Nfs' { 'NFS Share' } default { 'Unknown' } } return $RoleType } function ConvertTo-TextYN { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a boolean string representation to "Yes" or "No". .DESCRIPTION This function is used to convert boolean string values ("True" or "False") to their corresponding textual representations ("Yes" or "No"). If the input is an empty string, a space, or null, it returns "--". Any other input is returned as-is. .PARAMETER TEXT The string value to be converted. It can be "True", "False", an empty string, a space, or null. .OUTPUTS [String] The converted string value. .NOTES Version: 0.3.0 Author: LEE DAILEY .EXAMPLE PS C:\> ConvertTo-TextYN -TEXT "True" Yes PS C:\> ConvertTo-TextYN -TEXT "False" No PS C:\> ConvertTo-TextYN -TEXT "" -- PS C:\> ConvertTo-TextYN -TEXT " " -- PS C:\> ConvertTo-TextYN -TEXT $Null -- PS C:\> ConvertTo-TextYN -TEXT "Maybe" Maybe .LINK #> [OutputType([String])] Param ( [Parameter ( Position = 0, Mandatory)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string] $TEXT ) switch ($TEXT) { "" { "--"; break } " " { "--"; break } $Null { "--"; break } "True" { "Yes"; break } "False" { "No"; break } default { $TEXT } } } # end function ConvertTo-FileSizeString { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a size in bytes to a human-readable string representation in KB, MB, GB, TB, or PB. .DESCRIPTION This function takes a size in bytes and converts it to a more readable format by automatically selecting the appropriate unit (KB, MB, GB, TB, or PB) based on the size. The result is a string that includes the rounded size and the unit. .PARAMETER Size The size in bytes to be converted. This parameter is mandatory and must be a 64-bit integer. .OUTPUTS [String] A string representing the size in the most appropriate unit. .NOTES Version: 0.1.0 Author: Jonathan Colon .EXAMPLE PS> ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size 1073741824 1 GB .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] Param ( [Parameter ( Position = 0, Mandatory)] [int64] $Size ) $Unit = Switch ($Size) { { $Size -gt 1PB } { 'PB' ; Break } { $Size -gt 1TB } { 'TB' ; Break } { $Size -gt 1GB } { 'GB' ; Break } { $Size -gt 1Mb } { 'MB' ; Break } Default { 'KB' } } return "$([math]::Round(($Size / $("1" + $Unit)), 0)) $Unit" } # end |