
function Get-DiagBackupServer {
        Function to build Backup Server object.
        Build a diagram of the configuration of Veeam VBR in PDF/PNG/SVG formats using Psgraph.
        Version: 0.6.19
        Author: Jonathan Colon
        Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr
        Github: rebelinux



    process {
        try {

            $BackupServerInfoArray = @()

            if (( -Not $DatabaseServerInfo.Name ) -and ( -Not $EMServerInfo.Name ) -and ($BackupServerInfo.Name)) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Collecting Backup Server Information."

                $BackupServerInfoArray += $BackupServerInfo.Label
            } elseif (($DatabaseServerInfo.Name -ne $BackupServerInfo.Name) -and ($EMServerInfo.Name -ne $BackupServerInfo.Name )) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Collecting Backup Server, Database Server and Enterprise Manager Information."

                $BackupServerInfoArray += $EMServerInfo.Label
                $BackupServerInfoArray += $BackupServerInfo.SpacerLeft
                $BackupServerInfoArray += $BackupServerInfo.Label
                $BackupServerInfoArray += $BackupServerInfo.SpacerRight
                $BackupServerInfoArray += $DatabaseServerInfo.Label
            } elseif (($DatabaseServerInfo.Name -ne $BackupServerInfo.Name) -and (-Not $EMServerInfo)) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Not Enterprise Manager Found: Collecting Backup Server and Database server Information."

                $BackupServerInfoArray += $BackupServerInfo.Label
                $BackupServerInfoArray += $DatabaseServerInfo.Label
            } elseif (($EMServerInfo.Name -eq $BackupServerInfo.Name) -and ($DatabaseServerInfo.Name -eq $BackupServerInfo.Name)) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Database and Enterprise Manager server collocated with Backup Server: Collecting Backup Server and Enterprise Manager Information."

                $BackupServerInfoArray += $BackupServerInfo.Label
            } elseif (($EMServerInfo.Name -eq $BackupServerInfo.Name) -and ($DatabaseServerInfo.Name -ne $BackupServerInfo.Name)) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Enterprise Maneger server colocated with Backup Server: Collecting Backup Server and Enterprise Manager Information."

                $BackupServerInfoArray += $BackupServerInfo.Label
                $BackupServerInfoArray += $DatabaseServerInfo.Label
            } elseif ($EMServerInfo -and ($DatabaseServerInfo.Name -eq $BackupServerInfo.Name)) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Database server colocated with Backup Server: Collecting Backup Server and Enterprise Manager Information."

                $BackupServerInfoArray += $EMServerInfo.Label
                $BackupServerInfoArray += $BackupServerInfo.Label
            } else {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Collecting Backup Server Information."
                $BackupServerInfoArray += $BackupServerInfo.Label

            if ($BackupServerInfoArray) {

                $columnSize = $BackupServerInfoArray.Count

                $BackupServerInfoSubGraph = (Get-DiaHTMLSubGraph -CellSpacing 4 -ImagesObj $Images -TableArray $BackupServerInfoArray -Align 'Center' -IconDebug $IconDebug -Label 'Backup Server' -LabelPos "top" -fontColor $BackupServerFontColor -fontSize 26 -TableStyle "dashed,rounded" -TableBorderColor $Edgecolor -TableBorder "0" -columnSize $columnSize)

                Node -Name BackupServers -Attributes @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLSubGraph -ImagesObj $Images -TableArray $BackupServerInfoSubGraph -Align 'Right' -IconDebug $IconDebug -Label 'Management' -LabelPos "down" -fontColor $Fontcolor -fontSize 14 -TableStyle "rounded" -TableBorderColor $Edgecolor -TableBorder "2" -columnSize 1); style = 'filled,rounded'; shape = 'plain'; fillColor = $BackupServerBGColor; fontsize = 14; fontname = "Segoe Ui" }

            } else {
                throw "No Backup Server Information Found."

        } catch {
            Write-Verbose -Message $_.Exception.Message
    end {}