function Get-VbrBackupRepoInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to extract veeam backup & replication backup repository information. .DESCRIPTION Build a diagram of the configuration of Veeam VBR in PDF/PNG/SVG formats using Psgraph. .NOTES Version: 0.6.12 Author: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr Github: rebelinux .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object[]])] Param ( ) process { Write-Verbose -Message "Collecting Backup Repository information from $($VBRServer.Name)." try { [Array]$BackupRepos = Get-VBRBackupRepository [Array]$ScaleOuts = Get-VBRBackupRepository -ScaleOut $ViBackupProxy = Get-VBRViProxy $HvBackupProxy = Get-VBRHvProxy if ($ScaleOuts) { $Extents = Get-VBRRepositoryExtent -Repository $ScaleOuts $BackupRepos += $Extents.Repository } $BackupRepoInfo = @() if ($BackupRepos) { foreach ($BackupRepo in $BackupRepos) { $Role = Get-RoleType -String $BackupRepo.Type $Rows = @{} if ($Role -like '*Local' -or $Role -like '*Hardened') { $Rows.add('Server', $BackupRepo.Host.Name.Split('.')[0]) $Rows.add('Path', $BackupRepo.FriendlyPath) $Rows.add('Total-Space', (ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size $BackupRepo.GetContainer().CachedTotalSpace.InBytesAsUInt64)) $Rows.add('Used-Space', (ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size ($BackupRepo).GetContainer().CachedFreeSpace.InBytesAsUInt64)) } elseif ($Role -like 'Dedup*') { $Rows.add('DedupType', $BackupRepo.TypeDisplay) $Rows.add('Total-Space', (ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size ($BackupRepo).GetContainer().CachedTotalSpace.InBytesAsUInt64)) $Rows.add('Used-Space', (ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size ($BackupRepo).GetContainer().CachedFreeSpace.InBytesAsUInt64)) } elseif ($Role -like '*Share') { $Rows.add('Path', $BackupRepo.FriendlyPath) $Rows.add('Total-Space', (ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size ($BackupRepo).GetContainer().CachedTotalSpace.InBytesAsUInt64)) $Rows.add('Used-Space', (ConvertTo-FileSizeString -Size ($BackupRepo).GetContainer().CachedFreeSpace.InBytesAsUInt64)) } else { $Rows.add('Server', 'Uknown') $Rows.add('Path', 'Uknown') $Rows.add('Total-Space', "0 B") $Rows.add('Used-Space', "0 B") } if (($Role -ne 'Dedup Appliances') -and ($Role -ne 'SAN') -and ($Role -notlike '*Share') -and ($BackupRepo.Host.Name -in $ViBackupProxy.Host.Name -or $BackupRepo.Host.Name -in $HvBackupProxy.Host.Name)) { $BackupType = 'Proxy' } else { $BackupType = $BackupRepo.Type } $Type = Get-IconType -String $BackupType $TempBackupRepoInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "$((Remove-SpecialChar -String $BackupRepo.Name -SpecialChars '\').toUpper()) " Label = Get-DiaNodeIcon -Name "$((Remove-SpecialChar -String $BackupRepo.Name -SpecialChars '\').toUpper())" -IconType $Type -Align "Center" -Rows $Rows -ImagesObj $Images -IconDebug $IconDebug Role = $Role AditionalInfo = $Rows } $BackupRepoInfo += $TempBackupRepoInfo } } return $BackupRepoInfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } end {} } |