# Proxy Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrProxyInfo { param ( ) try { Write-Verbose "Collecting Proxy information from $($VBRServer.Name)." $Proxies = @() $Proxies += Get-VBRViProxy $Proxies += Get-VBRHvProxy if ($Proxies) { $ProxiesInfo = @() $Proxies | ForEach-Object { $inobj = [ordered] @{ 'Type' = Switch ($_.Type) { 'Vi' { 'vSphere' } 'HvOffhost' { 'Off host' } 'HvOnhost' { 'On host' } default { $_.Type } } 'Max Tasks' = $_.Options.MaxTasksCount } $IconType = Get-IconType -String 'ProxyServer' $TempProxyInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Host.Name AditionalInfo = $inobj IconType = $IconType } $ProxiesInfo += $TempProxyInfo } } return $ProxiesInfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } # Nas Proxy Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrNASProxyInfo { param ( ) try { Write-Verbose "Collecting NAS Proxy information from $($VBRServer.Name)." $Proxies = @() $Proxies += Get-VBRNASProxyServer if ($Proxies) { $ProxiesInfo = @() $Proxies | ForEach-Object { $inobj = [ordered] @{ 'Enabled' = Switch ($_.IsEnabled) { 'True' { 'Yes' } 'False' { 'No' } default { 'Unknown' } } 'Max Tasks' = $_.ConcurrentTaskNumber } $IconType = Get-IconType -String 'ProxyServer' $TempProxyInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Server.Name AditionalInfo = $inobj IconType = $IconType } $ProxiesInfo += $TempProxyInfo } } return $ProxiesInfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } # Wan Accel Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrWanAccelInfo { param ( ) try { Write-Verbose "Collecting Wan Accel information from $($VBRServer.Name)." $WanAccels = Get-VBRWANAccelerator if ($WanAccels) { $WanAccelsInfo = @() $WanAccels | ForEach-Object { $inobj = [ordered] @{ 'CacheSize' = "$($_.FindWaHostComp().Options.MaxCacheSize) $($_.FindWaHostComp().Options.SizeUnit)" 'TrafficPort' = "$($_.GetWaTrafficPort())/TCP" } $TempWanAccelInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name AditionalInfo = $inobj } $WanAccelsInfo += $TempWanAccelInfo } } return $WanAccelsInfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } # Repositories Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrRepositoryInfo { param ( ) [Array]$Repositories = Get-VBRBackupRepository | Where-Object { $_.Type -notin @("SanSnapshotOnly", "AmazonS3Compatible", "WasabiS3", "SmartObjectS3") } | Sort-Object -Property Name [Array]$ScaleOuts = Get-VBRBackupRepository -ScaleOut | Sort-Object -Property Name if ($ScaleOuts) { $Extents = Get-VBRRepositoryExtent -Repository $ScaleOuts | Sort-Object -Property Name $Repositories += $Extents.Repository } if ($Repositories) { $RepositoriesInfo = @() foreach ($Repository in $Repositories) { $Role = Get-RoleType -String $Repository.Type $Rows = [ordered]@{} if ($Repository.Host.Name) { $Rows.add('Server', $Repository.Host.Name.Split('.')[0]) } else { $Rows.add('Server', 'N/A') } $Rows.add('Repo Type', $Role) $Rows.add('Total Space', "$(($Repository).GetContainer().CachedTotalSpace.InGigabytes) GB") $Rows.add('Used Space', "$(($Repository).GetContainer().CachedFreeSpace.InGigabytes) GB") if (($Role -ne 'Dedup Appliances') -and ($Role -ne 'SAN') -and ($Repository.Host.Name -in $ViBackupProxy.Host.Name -or $Repository.Host.Name -in $HvBackupProxy.Host.Name)) { $BackupType = 'Proxy' } else { $BackupType = $Repository.Type } $IconType = Get-IconType -String $BackupType $TempBackupRepoInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "$((Remove-SpecialChar -String $Repository.Name -SpecialChars '\').toUpper()) " AditionalInfo = $Rows IconType = $IconType } $RepositoriesInfo += $TempBackupRepoInfo } return $RepositoriesInfo } } # Object Repositories Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrObjectRepoInfo { param ( ) $ObjectRepositories = Get-VBRObjectStorageRepository if ($ObjectRepositories) { $ObjectRepositoriesInfo = @() $ObjectRepositories | ForEach-Object { $inobj = @{ 'Type' = $_.Type 'Folder' = & { if ($_.AmazonS3Folder) { $_.AmazonS3Folder } elseif ($_.AzureBlobFolder) { $_.AzureBlobFolder } else { 'Unknown' } } 'Gateway' = & { if (-Not $_.UseGatewayServer) { Switch ($_.ConnectionType) { 'Gateway' { switch (($_.GatewayServer | Measure-Object).count) { 0 { "Disable" } 1 { $_.GatewayServer.Name.Split('.')[0] } Default { 'Automatic' } } } 'Direct' { 'Direct' } default { 'Unknown' } } } else { switch (($_.GatewayServer | Measure-Object).count) { 0 { "Disable" } 1 { $_.GatewayServer.Name.Split('.')[0] } Default { 'Automatic' } } } } } $IconType = Get-IconType -String $_.Type $TempObjectRepositoriesInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name AditionalInfo = $inobj IconType = $IconType } $ObjectRepositoriesInfo += $TempObjectRepositoriesInfo } return $ObjectRepositoriesInfo } } # Archive Object Repositories Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrArchObjectRepoInfo { param ( ) $ArchObjStorages = Get-VBRArchiveObjectStorageRepository | Sort-Object -Property Name if ($ArchObjStorages) { $ArchObjRepositoriesInfo = @() $ArchObjStorages | ForEach-Object { $inobj = @{ Type = $_.ArchiveType Gateway = & { if (-Not $_.UseGatewayServer) { Switch ($_.GatewayMode) { 'Gateway' { switch (($_.GatewayServer | Measure-Object).count) { 0 { "Disable" } 1 { $_.GatewayServer.Name.Split('.')[0] } Default { 'Automatic' } } } 'Direct' { 'Direct' } default { 'Unknown' } } } else { switch (($_.GatewayServer | Measure-Object).count) { 0 { "Disable" } 1 { $_.GatewayServer.Name.Split('.')[0] } Default { 'Automatic' } } } } } $IconType = Get-IconType -String $_.ArchiveType $TempArchObjectRepositoriesInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name AditionalInfo = $inobj IconType = $IconType } $ArchObjRepositoriesInfo += $TempArchObjectRepositoriesInfo } return $ArchObjRepositoriesInfo } } # Scale-Out Backup Repository Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrSOBRInfo { param ( ) try { Write-Verbose "Collecting Scale-Out Backup Repository information from $($VBRServer.Name)." $SOBR = Get-VBRBackupRepository -ScaleOut | Sort-Object -Property Name if ($SOBR) { $SOBRInfo = @() $SOBR | ForEach-Object { try { $inobj = [ordered] @{ 'Placement Policy' = $_.PolicyType 'Encryption Enabled' = switch ($_.EncryptionEnabled) { "" { "--" } $Null { "--" } "True" { "Yes"; break } "False" { "No"; break } default { $_.EncryptionEnabled } } } $TempSOBRInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name AditionalInfo = $inobj } $SOBRInfo += $TempSOBRInfo } catch { Write-Verbose "Error: Unable to process $($_.Name) from SOBR table: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } return $SOBRInfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } # Storage Infrastructure Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrSANInfo { param ( ) try { Write-Verbose "Collecting Storage Infrastructure information from $($VBRServer.Name)." $SANHost = @() $SANHost += Get-NetAppHost | Select-Object -Property Name, @{ Name = 'Type'; Expression = { 'Netapp' } } $SANHost += Get-VBRIsilonHost | Select-Object -Property Name, @{ Name = 'Type'; Expression = { 'Dell' } } if ($SANHost) { $SANHostInfo = @() $SANHost | ForEach-Object { try { $IconType = Get-IconType -String $_.Type $inobj = [ordered] @{ 'Type' = switch ($_.Type) { "Netapp" { "NetApp Ontap" } "Dell" { "Dell Isilon" } default { 'Unknown' } } } $TempSanInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name AditionalInfo = $inobj IconType = $IconType } $SANHostInfo += $TempSanInfo } catch { Write-Verbose "Error: Unable to process $($_.Name) from Storage Infrastructure table: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } return $SANHostInfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } # Tape Servers Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrTapeServersInfo { param ( ) try { Write-Verbose "Collecting Tape Servers information from $($VBRServer.Name)." $TapeServers = Get-VBRTapeServer | Sort-Object -Property Name if ($TapeServers) { $TapeServernfo = @() $TapeServers | ForEach-Object { $inobj = [ordered] @{ 'Is Available' = switch ($_.IsAvailable) { "" { "--" } $Null { "--" } "True" { "Yes"; break } "False" { "No"; break } default { $_.IsAvailable } } } $TempTapeServernfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name.split('.')[0] AditionalInfo = $inobj } $TapeServernfo += $TempTapeServernfo } } return $TapeServernfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } # Tape Library Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrTapeLibraryInfo { param ( ) try { Write-Verbose "Collecting Tape Library information from $($VBRServer.Name)." $TapeLibraries = Get-VBRTapeLibrary | Sort-Object -Property Name if ($TapeLibraries) { $TapeLibrariesInfo = @() $TapeLibraries | ForEach-Object { $inobj = [ordered] @{ 'State' = $_.State 'Type' = $_.Type 'Model' = $_.Model } $TempTapeLibrariesInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name AditionalInfo = $inobj } $TapeLibrariesInfo += $TempTapeLibrariesInfo } } return $TapeLibrariesInfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } # Tape Library Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrTapeVaultInfo { param ( ) try { Write-Verbose "Collecting Tape Vault information from $($VBRServer.Name)." $TapeVaults = Get-VBRTapeVault | Sort-Object -Property Name if ($TapeVaults) { $TapeVaultsInfo = @() $TapeVaults | ForEach-Object { $inobj = [ordered] @{ 'Protect' = Switch ($_.Protect) { 'True' { 'Yes' } 'False' { 'No' } default { 'Unknown' } } } $TempTapeVaultsInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name AditionalInfo = $inobj } $TapeVaultsInfo += $TempTapeVaultsInfo } } return $TapeVaultsInfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } # Tape Library Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrServiceProviderInfo { param ( ) try { Write-Verbose "Collecting Service Provider information from $($VBRServer.Name)." $ServiceProviders = Get-VBRCloudProvider | Sort-Object -Property 'DNSName' if ($ServiceProviders) { $ServiceProvidersInfo = @() $ServiceProviders | ForEach-Object { $inobj = [ordered] @{ 'Cloud Connect Type' = & { if ($_.ResourcesEnabled -and $_.ReplicationResourcesEnabled) { 'BaaS and DRaaS' } elseif ($_.ResourcesEnabled) { 'BaaS' } elseif ($_.ReplicationResourcesEnabled) { 'DRaas' } elseif ($_.vCDReplicationResources) { 'vCD' } else { 'Unknown' } } 'Managed By Provider' = ConvertTo-TextYN $_.IsManagedByProvider } $TempServiceProvidersInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.DNSName AditionalInfo = $inobj } $ServiceProvidersInfo += $TempServiceProvidersInfo } } return $ServiceProvidersInfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } # SureBackup Virtual Lab Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrVirtualLabInfo { param ( ) try { Write-Verbose "Collecting VirtualLab information from $($VBRServer.Name)." $VirtualLab = Get-VBRVirtualLab if ($VirtualLab) { $VirtualLabInfo = @() $VirtualLab | ForEach-Object { $inobj = [ordered] @{ 'Platform' = Switch ($_.Platform) { 'HyperV' { 'Microsoft Hyper-V' } 'VMWare' { 'VMWare vSphere' } default { $_.Platform } } 'Server' = $_.Server.Name } $IconType = Get-IconType -String 'VirtualLab' $TempVirtualLabInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name AditionalInfo = $inobj IconType = $IconType } $VirtualLabInfo += $TempVirtualLabInfo } } return $VirtualLabInfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } # SureBackup Application Groups Graphviz Cluster function Get-VbrApplicationGroupsInfo { param ( ) try { Write-Verbose "Collecting Application Groups information from $($VBRServer.Name)." $ApplicationGroups = Get-VBRApplicationGroup if ($ApplicationGroups) { $ApplicationGroupsInfo = @() $ApplicationGroups | ForEach-Object { $inobj = [ordered] @{ 'Machine Count' = ($_.VM | Measure-Object).Count } $IconType = Get-IconType -String 'ApplicationGroups' $TempApplicationGroupsInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name AditionalInfo = $inobj IconType = $IconType } $ApplicationGroupsInfo += $TempApplicationGroupsInfo } } return $ApplicationGroupsInfo } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } |