function Get-IconType { <# .SYNOPSIS Used by Veeam.Diagrammer to translate repository type to icon type object. .DESCRIPTION .NOTES Version: 0.6.1 Author: Jonathan Colon .EXAMPLE .LINK #> param( [string]$String ) $IconType = Switch ($String) { 'LinuxLocal' { 'VBR_Linux_Repository' } 'WinLocal' { 'VBR_Windows_Repository' } 'Cloud' { 'VBR_Cloud_Repository' } 'AzureBlob' { 'VBR_Cloud_Repository' } 'AmazonS3' { 'VBR_Cloud_Repository' } 'AmazonS3Compatible' { 'VBR_Cloud_Repository' } 'AmazonS3Glacier' { 'VBR_Cloud_Repository' } 'AzureArchive' { 'VBR_Cloud_Repository' } 'DDBoost' { 'VBR_Deduplicating_Storage' } 'HPStoreOnceIntegration' { 'VBR_Deduplicating_Storage' } 'ExaGrid' { 'VBR_Deduplicating_Storage' } 'SanSnapshotOnly' { 'VBR_Storage_NetApp' } 'Proxy' { 'VBR_Repository' } 'ESXi' { 'VBR_ESXi_Server' } 'HyperVHost' { 'Hyper-V_host' } 'ManuallyDeployed' { 'VBR_AGENT_MC' } 'IndividualComputers' { 'VBR_AGENT_IC' } 'ActiveDirectory' { 'VBR_AGENT_AD' } 'CSV' { 'VBR_AGENT_CSV' } 'CifsShare' {'VBR_NAS'} 'NfsShare' {'VBR_NAS'} default { 'VBR_No_Icon' } } return $IconType } function Get-RoleType { <# .SYNOPSIS Used by Veeam.Diagrammer to translate role type to function type object. .DESCRIPTION .NOTES Version: 0.6.1 Author: Jonathan Colon .EXAMPLE .LINK #> param( [string]$String ) $RoleType = Switch ($String) { 'LinuxLocal' { 'Linux Local' } 'WinLocal' { 'Windows Local' } 'DDBoost' { 'Dedup Appliances' } 'HPStoreOnceIntegration' { 'Dedup Appliances' } 'ExaGrid' { 'Dedup Appliances' } 'InfiniGuard' { 'Dedup Appliances' } 'Cloud' { 'Cloud' } 'SanSnapshotOnly' { 'SAN' } "vmware" { 'VMware Backup Proxy' } "hyperv" { 'HyperV Backup Proxy' } "agent" { 'Agent & Files Backup Proxy' } "nas" { 'NAS Backup Proxy' } "CifsShare" { 'SMB Share' } "NfsShare" { 'NFS Share' } default { 'Unknown' } } return $RoleType } function ConvertTo-TextYN { <# .SYNOPSIS Used by As Built Report to convert true or false automatically to Yes or No. .DESCRIPTION .NOTES Version: 0.3.0 Author: LEE DAILEY .EXAMPLE .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] Param ( [Parameter ( Position = 0, Mandatory)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string] $TEXT ) switch ($TEXT) { "" { "-" } $Null { "-" } "True" { "Yes"; break } "False" { "No"; break } default { $TEXT } } } # end |