function Get-VbrBackupSobrInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to extract veeam backup & replication scale-out backup repository information. .DESCRIPTION Build a diagram of the configuration of Veeam VBR in PDF/PNG/SVG formats using Psgraph. .NOTES Version: 0.5.3 Author: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr Github: rebelinux .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object[]])] Param ( ) process { Write-Verbose -Message "Collecting Scale-Out Backup Repository information from $($VBRServer.Name)." try { $Sobrs = Get-VBRBackupRepository -ScaleOut $SobrInfo = @() if ($Sobrs) { foreach ($Sobr in $Sobrs) { $SobrRows = @{ 'Placement Policy' = $Sobr.PolicyType 'Encryption Enabled' = ConvertTo-TextYN $Sobr.EncryptionEnabled } if ($Sobr.EncryptionEnabled) { $SobrRows.add('Encryption Key', $Sobr.EncryptionKey.Description) } if ($Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository.AmazonS3Folder) { $Folder = $Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository.AmazonS3Folder } elseif ($Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository.AzureBlobFolder) { $Folder = $Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository.AzureBlobFolder } elseif ($Sobr.ArchiveExtent.Repository.AzureBlobFolder) { $Folder = $Sobr.ArchiveExtent.Repository.AzureBlobFolder } else {$Folder = 'Unknown'} foreach ($Extent in $Sobr.Extent) { $PerformanceRows = [pscustomobject]@{ 'Path' = $Extent.Repository.FriendlyPath 'Total Space' = "$((($Extent).Repository).GetContainer().CachedTotalSpace.InGigabytes) GB" 'Used Space' = "$((($Extent).Repository).GetContainer().CachedFreeSpace.InGigabytes) GB" } } $SOBRPERFHASHTABLE = @{} $ | ForEach-Object { $SOBRPERFHASHTABLE[$_.Name] = $_.Value } $CapacityRows = @{ Type = $Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository.Type Folder = "/$($Folder)" Gateway = &{ if (-Not $Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository.UseGatewayServer) { Switch ($Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository.ConnectionType) { 'Gateway' { switch ($Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository.GatewayServer.count) { 0 {"Disable"} 1 {$Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository.GatewayServer.Name.Split('.')[0]} Default {'Automatic'} } } 'Direct' {'Direct'} default {'Unknown'} } } else { switch ($Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository.GatewayServer.count) { 0 {"Disable"} 1 {$Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository.GatewayServer.Name.Split('.')[0]} Default {'Automatic'} } } } } $ArchiveRows = [ordered]@{ Type = $Sobr.ArchiveExtent.Repository.ArchiveType Gateway = &{ if (-Not $Sobr.ArchiveExtent.Repository.UseGatewayServer) { Switch ($Sobr.ArchiveExtent.Repository.GatewayMode) { 'Gateway' { switch ($Sobr.ArchiveExtent.Repository.GatewayServer.count) { 0 {"Disable"} 1 {$Sobr.ArchiveExtent.Repository.GatewayServer.Name.Split('.')[0]} Default {'Automatic'} } } 'Direct' {'Direct'} default {'Unknown'} } } else { switch ($Sobr.ArchiveExtent.Repository.GatewayServer.count) { 0 {"Disable"} 1 {$Sobr.ArchiveExtent.Repository.GatewayServer.Name.Split('.')[0]} Default {'Automatic'} } } } } if ($Sobr.ArchiveExtent.Repository.AzureBlobFolder) { $ArchiveRows.add('Folder', "/$($Folder.Name)") $ArchiveRows.add('Container', $($Folder.Container)) } $TempSobrInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "$($Sobr.Name.toUpper())" Label = Get-NodeIcon -Name "$($Sobr.Name)" -Type "VBR_SOBR" -Align "Center" -Rows $SobrRows Capacity = $Sobr.CapacityExtent.Repository | Select-Object -Property @{Name= 'Name'; Expression={Remove-SpecialChar -String $_.Name -SpecialChars '\'}},@{Name = 'Rows'; Expression={$CapacityRows}}, @{Name = 'Icon'; Expression={Get-IconType -String $_.Type}} Archive = $Sobr.ArchiveExtent.Repository | Select-Object -Property @{Name= 'Name'; Expression={Remove-SpecialChar -String $_.Name -SpecialChars '\'}},@{Name = 'Rows'; Expression={$ArchiveRows}}, @{Name = 'Icon'; Expression={Get-IconType -String $_.ArchiveType}} Performance = $Sobr.Extent | Select-Object -Property @{Name= 'Name'; Expression={Remove-SpecialChar -String $_.Name -SpecialChars '\'}},@{Name = 'Rows'; Expression={$SOBRPERFHASHTABLE}}, @{Name = 'Icon'; Expression={Get-IconType -String $_.Repository.Type}} } $SobrInfo += $TempSobrInfo } } return $SobrInfo } catch { $_ } } end {} } |