function Get-DiagBackupToSobr { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to build a Backup Server to Repository diagram. .DESCRIPTION Build a diagram of the configuration of Veeam VBR in PDF/PNG/SVG formats using Psgraph. .NOTES Version: 0.1.0 Author: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr Github: rebelinux .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( ) process { try { $SobrRepo = Get-VbrBackupSobrInfo if ($SobrRepo) { $Rank = @() if ($SobrRepo) { SubGraph SOBR -Attributes @{Label=''; fontsize=18; penwidth=1.5; labelloc='t'; style='dashed'; color=$SubGraphDebug.color} { # Dummy Node used for subgraph centering node SOBREPO @{Label='SOBR Repository'; fontsize=22; fontname="Comic Sans MS bold"; fontcolor='#005f4b'; shape='plain'} foreach ($SOBROBJ in $SobrRepo) { $SubGraphName = Remove-SpecialChars -String $SOBROBJ.Name -SpecialChars '\- ' SubGraph $SubGraphName -Attributes @{Label=$SOBROBJ.Name; fontsize=18; penwidth=1.5; labelloc='t'; style='dashed'} { $SOBRHASHTABLE = @{} $ | ForEach-Object { $SOBRHASHTABLE[$_.Name] = $_.Value } node $SOBROBJ -NodeScript {$_.Name} @{Label=$SOBRHASHTABLE.Label} if ($SOBROBJ.Performance) { SubGraph "$($SubGraphName)Performance" -Attributes @{Label="Performance Extent"; fontsize=18; penwidth=1.5; labelloc='b'} { $SOBROBJ.Performance | ForEach-Object {node $_.Name @{Label=Get-NodeIcon -Name $_.Name -Type $_.Icon -Align "Center" -Rows $_.Rows}} } } if ($SOBROBJ.Capacity) { SubGraph "$($SubGraphName)Capacity" -Attributes @{Label="Capacity Extent"; fontsize=18; penwidth=1.5; labelloc='b'} { $SOBROBJ.Capacity | ForEach-Object {node $_.Name @{Label=Get-NodeIcon -Name $_.Name -Type $_.Icon -Align "Center" -Rows $_.Rows}} } } if ($SOBROBJ.Archive) { SubGraph "$($SubGraphName)Archive" -Attributes @{Label="Archive Extent"; fontsize=18; penwidth=1.5; labelloc='b'} { $SOBROBJ.Archive | ForEach-Object {node $_.Name @{Label=Get-NodeIcon -Name $_.Name -Type $_.Icon -Align "Center" -Rows $_.Rows}} } } if ($SOBROBJ.Archive) { $SOBROBJ.Performance | ForEach-Object {edge -from $SOBROBJ.Name -to $SOBROBJ.Archive.Name,$SOBROBJ.Capacity.Name,$_.Name @{minlen=2}} | Select-Object -Unique } else {$SOBROBJ.Performance | ForEach-Object {edge -from $SOBROBJ.Name -to $SOBROBJ.Capacity.Name,$_.Name @{minlen=2}} | Select-Object -Unique} } edge -From SOBREPO -To $SOBROBJ.Name @{minlen=2; style=$; color=$EdgeDebug.color} } } edge -from $BackupServerInfo.Name -to SOBREPO @{minlen=2} } } } catch { $_ } } end {} } |