function GetLocale { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the current locale ID value. .DESCRIPTION Returns the current locale ID value. A locale contains a variety of per-user settings related to language, country/region, and cultural conventions. Keyboard layout, character ordering, and date, time, number, and currency formats are determined by this locale. .OUTPUTS System.Int32 .EXAMPLE PS >GetLocale #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([int])] param() return (Get-WinSystemLocale).LCID } function ScriptEngine { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a string representing the scripting language in use. .DESCRIPTION Returns a string representing the scripting language in use. .OUTPUTS System.String .EXAMPLE PS >ScriptEngine #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param () return 'PowerShell' } function ScriptEngineBuildVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the build version number of the scripting engine in use. .DESCRIPTION Returns the build version number of the scripting engine in use. .OUTPUTS System.Int32 .EXAMPLE PS >ScriptEngineBuildVersion #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([int])] param () # PowerShell CoreだとPSVersionはSemanticVersion型なので # Versionに変換してからビルド番号を取得している return ([Version]$PSVersionTable['PSVersion']).Build } function ScriptEngineMajorVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the major version number of the scripting engine in use. .DESCRIPTION Returns the major version number of the scripting engine in use. .OUTPUTS System.Int32 .EXAMPLE PS >ScriptEngineMajorVersion #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([int])] param () return $PSVersionTable['PSVersion'].Major } function ScriptEngineMinorVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the minor version number of the scripting engine in use. .DESCRIPTION Returns the minor version number of the scripting engine in use. .OUTPUTS System.Int32 .EXAMPLE PS >ScriptEngineMinorVersion #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([int])] param () # PowerShell CoreだとPSVersionはSemanticVersion型なので # Versionに変換してからビルド番号を取得している return $PSVersionTable['PSVersion'].Minor } |