
   Pushes variables to the variable stash.
   Pushes variables to the variable stash. The pushed variables will be stored on the top of the stash (index 0).
   Pushes variables to the variable stash. Since the -Name parameter is omitted, a default name will be set (a guid).
   Push-VariableStash -Name MyStash
   Pushes variables to the variable stash with name MyStash.

function Push-VarStash {
    param (
                $_.IndexOfAny([System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() + [char]'_') -eq -1
            ErrorMessage = 'Name must have valid file name characters and cannot contain underscore.')]

    Process {

        # Get variables
        # Scope need to be 2 when running as a function inside a module.
        # Scope need to be 1 when running as a function not part of a module.
        try {
            $AllVariables = Get-Variable -Scope 2
        catch [System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentOutOfRangeException] {
            try {
                Write-Verbose "Using scope 1"
                $AllVariables = Get-Variable -Scope 1
            catch {
                Throw $_
        catch {
            Throw "Unable to get variables. Error: $_" 

        # Get blacklist
        $Blacklist = Get-VarStashBlackList

        # Remove blacklisted variables
        $ApprovedVariables = $AllVariables.Where({$_.Name -notin $Blacklist})
        # Remove variables which are read only, constants or private
        $WritableApprovedVariables = $ApprovedVariables.Where({$_.Options -notin 1, 2, 9, 10})
        # Any variables left?
        if ($WritableApprovedVariables.Count -eq 0) {
            Write-Error -Message 'No variables to stash.' -Category ObjectNotFound 
        else {
            # Generate filename
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
                $FileName = "VariableStash_$((New-Guid).Guid).xml"
            else {
                $FileName = "VariableStash_$Name.xml"

            # Prepare folder if needed
            if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$env:APPDATA\VariableStash" -PathType 'Container')) {
                $null = New-Item -Path $env:APPDATA -Name 'VariableStash' -ItemType 'Container'

            # Write to disk
            Export-Clixml -InputObject $WritableApprovedVariables -Path "$env:APPDATA\VariableStash\$FileName"
