Param ( [parameter(Position=0)] $ForceDotSource = $false ) #Get public and private function definition files. $Public = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Public -Recurse -Filter "*.ps1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) $Private = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Private -Recurse -Filter "*.ps1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) $VaporshellPath = $PSScriptRoot #Execute a scriptblock to load each function instead of dot sourcing (Issue #5) foreach ($file in @($Public + $Private)) { if ($ForceDotSource) { . $file.FullName } else { $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript( $false, ( [scriptblock]::Create( [io.file]::ReadAllText( $file.FullName, [Text.Encoding]::UTF8 ) ) ), $null, $null ) } } # Load AWS .NET SDK if not already loaded if (!([AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object {$_.Location -like "*AWSSDK.CloudFormation.dll"})) { if ($IsCoreCLR) { Write-Verbose "Loading AWS SDK for *NetCore*!" $sdkPath = (Join-Path $Script:VaporshellPath "bin\NetCore" -Resolve) } else { Write-Verbose "Loading AWS SDK for *Net45*!" $sdkPath = (Join-Path $Script:VaporshellPath "bin\Net45" -Resolve) } Get-ChildItem $sdkPath -Filter "*.dll" | ForEach-Object { [reflection.assembly]::LoadFrom("$($_.FullName)") | Out-Null } } # Add Intrinsic and Condition Function short aliases $aliases = @() Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Public\Intrinsic Functions" | ForEach-Object { $aliases += ($_.BaseName).Replace('Add-','') New-Alias -Name ($_.BaseName).Replace('Add-','') -Value $_.BaseName -Force } Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Public\Condition Functions" | ForEach-Object { $aliases += ($_.BaseName).Replace('Add-','') New-Alias -Name ($_.BaseName).Replace('Add-','') -Value $_.BaseName -Force } # Add in Pseudo Parameter variables from private text file (allows growth in case additional parameters need to be added in) $vars = @() Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Private\PseudoParams.txt" | ForEach-Object { $name = "_$(($_ -replace "::").Trim())" New-Variable -Name $name -Value "$(($_).Trim())" $vars += $name } $DSLModulePath = (Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\DSL\VaporShell.DSL.psm1").Path Import-Module $DSLModulePath -DisableNameChecking -Force -Verbose:$false Export-ModuleMember -Function ($Public.Basename + (Get-Command -Module VaporShell.DSL).Name) -Variable $vars -Alias $aliases -Verbose:$false |