
# PSM1 Contents
function Format-Json {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        $cleaner = {
    Process {
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
            try {
                $indent = 0;
                $res = $Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($_ -match '[\}\]]') {
                        # This line contains ] or }, decrement the indentation level
                    $line = (' ' * $indent * 2) + $_.TrimStart().Replace(': ', ': ')
                    if ($_ -match '[\{\[]') {
                        # This line contains [ or {, increment the indentation level
                $res -join "`n"
            catch {
                ($Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {$cleaner.Invoke($_)}) -join "`n"
        else {
            ($Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {$cleaner.Invoke($_)}) -join "`n"

function Get-TrueCount {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Process {
        if ($array) {
            if ($array.Count) {
                $count = $array.Count
            else {
                $count = 1
        else {
            $count = 0
    End {
        return $count

function New-VSError {
    Error generator function to use in tandem with $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError()
    .PARAMETER Result
    Allows input of an error from AWS SDK, resulting in the Exception message being parsed out.
    .PARAMETER String
    Used to create basic String message errors in the same wrapper

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        Result { $Exception = "$($result.Exception.InnerException.Message)" }
        String { $Exception = "$String" }
    $e = New-Object "System.Exception" $Exception
    $errorRecord = New-Object 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord' $e, $null, ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation), $null
    return $errorRecord

function ResolveS3Endpoint {
    Resolves the S3 endpoint most appropriate for each region.

    $endpointMap = @{
        "us-east-2" = ""
        "us-east-1" = ""
        "us-west-1" = ""
        "us-west-2" = ""
        "ca-central-1" = ""
        "ap-south-1" = ""
        "ap-northeast-2" = ""
        "ap-southeast-1" = ""
        "ap-southeast-2" = ""
        "ap-northeast-1" = ""
        "eu-central-1" = ""
        "eu-west-1" = ""
        "eu-west-2" = ""
        "sa-east-1" = ""
    return $endpointMap[$Region]

function Add-VSEventsConnectionApiKeyAuthParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.ApiKeyAuthParameters resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.ApiKeyAuthParameters resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER ApiKeyName
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER ApiKeyValue
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsConnectionApiKeyAuthParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsConnectionApiKeyAuthParameters'

function Add-VSEventsConnectionAuthParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.AuthParameters resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.AuthParameters resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER ApiKeyAuthParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: ApiKeyAuthParameters

    .PARAMETER BasicAuthParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: BasicAuthParameters

    .PARAMETER OAuthParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: OAuthParameters

    .PARAMETER InvocationHttpParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: ConnectionHttpParameters


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsConnectionAuthParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsConnectionAuthParameters'

function Add-VSEventsConnectionBasicAuthParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.BasicAuthParameters resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.BasicAuthParameters resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER Username
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Password
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsConnectionBasicAuthParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsConnectionBasicAuthParameters'

function Add-VSEventsConnectionClientParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.ClientParameters resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.ClientParameters resource property to the template.


        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER ClientSecret
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsConnectionClientParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsConnectionClientParameters'

function Add-VSEventsConnectionConnectionHttpParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.ConnectionHttpParameters resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.ConnectionHttpParameters resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER HeaderParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: Parameter

    .PARAMETER QueryStringParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: Parameter

    .PARAMETER BodyParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: Parameter


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsConnectionConnectionHttpParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsConnectionConnectionHttpParameters'

function Add-VSEventsConnectionOAuthParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.OAuthParameters resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.OAuthParameters resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER ClientParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: ClientParameters

    .PARAMETER AuthorizationEndpoint
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER HttpMethod
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER OAuthHttpParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: ConnectionHttpParameters


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsConnectionOAuthParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsConnectionOAuthParameters'

function Add-VSEventsConnectionParameter {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.Parameter resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection.Parameter resource property to the template.


        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Value
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER IsValueSecret
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Boolean


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsConnectionParameter]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsConnectionParameter'

function Add-VSEventsEndpointEndpointEventBus {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.EndpointEventBus resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.EndpointEventBus resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER EventBusArn
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsEndpointEndpointEventBus]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsEndpointEndpointEventBus'

function Add-VSEventsEndpointFailoverConfig {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.FailoverConfig resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.FailoverConfig resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER Primary
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: Primary

    .PARAMETER Secondary
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: Secondary


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsEndpointFailoverConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsEndpointFailoverConfig'

function Add-VSEventsEndpointPrimary {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.Primary resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.Primary resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER HealthCheck
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsEndpointPrimary]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsEndpointPrimary'

function Add-VSEventsEndpointReplicationConfig {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.ReplicationConfig resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.ReplicationConfig resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER State
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsEndpointReplicationConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsEndpointReplicationConfig'

function Add-VSEventsEndpointRoutingConfig {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.RoutingConfig resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.RoutingConfig resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER FailoverConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: FailoverConfig


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsEndpointRoutingConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsEndpointRoutingConfig'

function Add-VSEventsEndpointSecondary {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.Secondary resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint.Secondary resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER Route
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsEndpointSecondary]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsEndpointSecondary'

function Add-VSEventsEventBusPolicyCondition {
        Adds an AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy.Condition resource property to the template. A JSON string which you can use to limit the event bus permissions you are granting to only accounts that fulfill the condition. Currently, the only supported condition is membership in a certain AWS organization. The string must contain Type, Key, and Value fields. The Value field specifies the ID of the AWS organization. Following is an example value for Condition:

        Adds an AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy.Condition resource property to the template.
A JSON string which you can use to limit the event bus permissions you are granting to only accounts that fulfill the condition. Currently, the only supported condition is membership in a certain AWS organization. The string must contain Type, Key, and Value fields. The Value field specifies the ID of the AWS organization. Following is an example value for Condition:

'{"Type" : "StringEquals", "Key": "aws:PrincipalOrgID", "Value": "o-1234567890"}'


        Specifies the type of condition. Currently the only supported value is StringEquals.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Value
        Specifies the value for the key. Currently, this must be the ID of the organization.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        Specifies the key for the condition. Currently the only supported key is aws:PrincipalOrgID.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsEventBusPolicyCondition]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsEventBusPolicyCondition'

function Add-VSEventsEventBusTagEntry {
        Adds an AWS::Events::EventBus.TagEntry resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::EventBus.TagEntry resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER Value
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsEventBusTagEntry]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsEventBusTagEntry'

function Add-VSEventsRuleAwsVpcConfiguration {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.AwsVpcConfiguration resource property to the template. This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used. This structure is relevant only for ECS tasks that use the awsvpc network mode.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.AwsVpcConfiguration resource property to the template.
This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used. This structure is relevant only for ECS tasks that use the awsvpc network mode.


    .PARAMETER AssignPublicIp
        Specifies whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address. You can specify ENABLED only when LaunchType in EcsParameters is set to FARGATE.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER SecurityGroups
        Specifies the security groups associated with the task. These security groups must all be in the same VPC. You can specify as many as five security groups. If you do not specify a security group, the default security group for the VPC is used.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Subnets
        Specifies the subnets associated with the task. These subnets must all be in the same VPC. You can specify as many as 16 subnets.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleAwsVpcConfiguration]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleAwsVpcConfiguration'

function Add-VSEventsRuleBatchArrayProperties {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.BatchArrayProperties resource property to the template. The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array. The array size can be between 2 and 10,000. If you specify array properties for a job, it becomes an array job. This parameter is used only if the target is an AWS Batch job.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.BatchArrayProperties resource property to the template.
The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array. The array size can be between 2 and 10,000. If you specify array properties for a job, it becomes an array job. This parameter is used only if the target is an AWS Batch job.


        The size of the array, if this is an array batch job. Valid values are integers between 2 and 10,000.

        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleBatchArrayProperties]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleBatchArrayProperties'

function Add-VSEventsRuleBatchParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.BatchParameters resource property to the template. The custom parameters to be used when the target is an AWS Batch job.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.BatchParameters resource property to the template.
The custom parameters to be used when the target is an AWS Batch job.


    .PARAMETER ArrayProperties
        The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array. The array size can be between 2 and 10,000. If you specify array properties for a job, it becomes an array job. This parameter is used only if the target is an AWS Batch job.

        Type: BatchArrayProperties
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER JobDefinition
        The ARN or name of the job definition to use if the event target is an AWS Batch job. This job definition must already exist.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER JobName
        The name to use for this execution of the job, if the target is an AWS Batch job.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER RetryStrategy
        The retry strategy to use for failed jobs, if the target is an AWS Batch job. The retry strategy is the number of times to retry the failed job execution. Valid values are 1–10. When you specify a retry strategy here, it overrides the retry strategy defined in the job definition.

        Type: BatchRetryStrategy
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleBatchParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleBatchParameters'

function Add-VSEventsRuleBatchRetryStrategy {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.BatchRetryStrategy resource property to the template. The retry strategy to use for failed jobs, if the target is an AWS Batch job. If you specify a retry strategy here, it overrides the retry strategy defined in the job definition.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.BatchRetryStrategy resource property to the template.
The retry strategy to use for failed jobs, if the target is an AWS Batch job. If you specify a retry strategy here, it overrides the retry strategy defined in the job definition.


    .PARAMETER Attempts
        The number of times to attempt to retry, if the job fails. Valid values are 1–10.

        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleBatchRetryStrategy]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleBatchRetryStrategy'

function Add-VSEventsRuleCapacityProviderStrategyItem {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.CapacityProviderStrategyItem resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.CapacityProviderStrategyItem resource property to the template.


        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER CapacityProvider
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Weight
        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleCapacityProviderStrategyItem]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleCapacityProviderStrategyItem'

function Add-VSEventsRuleDeadLetterConfig {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.DeadLetterConfig resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.DeadLetterConfig resource property to the template.


        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleDeadLetterConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleDeadLetterConfig'

function Add-VSEventsRuleEcsParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.EcsParameters resource property to the template. The EcsParameters property type specifies custom parameters to be used when the target is an Amazon ECS task.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.EcsParameters resource property to the template.
The EcsParameters property type specifies custom parameters to be used when the target is an Amazon ECS task.

EcsParameters is a property of the Target: property type.


    .PARAMETER CapacityProviderStrategy
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: CapacityProviderStrategyItem
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER EnableECSManagedTags
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        PrimitiveType: Boolean
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER EnableExecuteCommand
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        PrimitiveType: Boolean
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Group
        Specifies an ECS task group for the task. The maximum length is 255 characters. For more information, see Task Groups:

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER LaunchType
        Specifies the launch type on which your task is running. The launch type that you specify here must match one of the launch type compatibilities of the target task. The FARGATE value is supported only in the Regions where AWS Fargate with Amazon ECS is supported. For more information, see AWS Fargate on Amazon ECS: in the *Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide*.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER NetworkConfiguration
        Use this structure if the ECS task uses the awsvpc network mode. This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups associated with the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used. This structure is required if LaunchType is FARGATE because the awsvpc mode is required for Fargate tasks.
If you specify NetworkConfiguration when the target ECS task does not use the awsvpc network mode, the task fails.

        Type: NetworkConfiguration
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER PlacementConstraints
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: PlacementConstraint
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER PlacementStrategies
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: PlacementStrategy
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER PlatformVersion
        Specifies the platform version for the task. Specify only the numeric portion of the platform version, such as 1.1.0. If you omit this, the latest platform version is used.
This structure is used only if LaunchType is FARGATE. For more information about valid platform versions, see AWS Fargate Platform Versions: in the *Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide*.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER PropagateTags
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER ReferenceId
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER TagList
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: Tag
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER TaskCount
        The number of tasks to create based on TaskDefinition. The default is 1.

        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER TaskDefinitionArn
        The ARN of the task definition to use. If no task revision is supplied, it defaults to the most recent revision at the time of resource creation.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleEcsParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleEcsParameters'

function Add-VSEventsRuleHttpParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.HttpParameters resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.HttpParameters resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER HeaderParameters
        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        Type: Map
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER PathParameterValues
        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER QueryStringParameters
        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        Type: Map
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleHttpParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleHttpParameters'

function Add-VSEventsRuleInputTransformer {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.InputTransformer resource property to the template. The InputTransformer property type specifies settings that provide custom input to an EventBridge target based on certain event data.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.InputTransformer resource property to the template.
The InputTransformer property type specifies settings that provide custom input to an EventBridge target based on certain event data.

InputTransformer is a property of the Target: property type.


    .PARAMETER InputPathsMap
        Map of JSON paths to be extracted from the event. You can then insert these in the template in InputTemplate to produce the output you want to be sent to the target.
InputPathsMap is an array key-value pairs, where each value is a valid JSON path. You can have as many as 10 key-value pairs. You must use JSON dot notation, not bracket notation.
The keys cannot start with "AWS."

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        Type: Map
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER InputTemplate
        Input template where you specify placeholders that will be filled with the values of the keys from InputPathsMap to customize the data sent to the target. Enclose each InputPathsMaps value in brackets: <*value*> The InputTemplate must be valid JSON.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleInputTransformer]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleInputTransformer'

function Add-VSEventsRuleKinesisParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.KinesisParameters resource property to the template. The KinesisParameters property type specifies settings that control shard assignment for a Kinesis data stream target.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.KinesisParameters resource property to the template.
The KinesisParameters property type specifies settings that control shard assignment for a Kinesis data stream target.

KinesisParameters is a property of the Target: property type.

This object enables you to specify a JSON path to extract from the event and use as the partition key for the Amazon Kinesis data stream, so that you can control the shard that the event goes to. If you don't include this parameter, the default is to use the eventId as the partition key.


    .PARAMETER PartitionKeyPath
        The JSON path to be extracted from the event and used as the partition key. For more information, see Partition Key: in the *Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Developer Guide*.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleKinesisParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleKinesisParameters'

function Add-VSEventsRuleNetworkConfiguration {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.NetworkConfiguration resource property to the template. This structure specifies the network configuration for an ECS task.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.NetworkConfiguration resource property to the template.
This structure specifies the network configuration for an ECS task.


    .PARAMETER AwsVpcConfiguration
        Use this structure to specify the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used. This structure is relevant only for ECS tasks that use the awsvpc network mode.

        Type: AwsVpcConfiguration
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleNetworkConfiguration]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleNetworkConfiguration'

function Add-VSEventsRulePlacementConstraint {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.PlacementConstraint resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.PlacementConstraint resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER Expression
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRulePlacementConstraint]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRulePlacementConstraint'

function Add-VSEventsRulePlacementStrategy {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.PlacementStrategy resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.PlacementStrategy resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER Field
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRulePlacementStrategy]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRulePlacementStrategy'

function Add-VSEventsRuleRedshiftDataParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.RedshiftDataParameters resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.RedshiftDataParameters resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER Database
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER SecretManagerArn
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER StatementName
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER WithEvent
        PrimitiveType: Boolean
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleRedshiftDataParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleRedshiftDataParameters'

function Add-VSEventsRuleRetryPolicy {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.RetryPolicy resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.RetryPolicy resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER MaximumEventAgeInSeconds
        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER MaximumRetryAttempts
        PrimitiveType: Integer
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleRetryPolicy]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleRetryPolicy'

function Add-VSEventsRuleRunCommandParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.RunCommandParameters resource property to the template. The RunCommandParameters property type specifies the parameters to use when a rule invokes the AWS Systems Manager Run Command.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.RunCommandParameters resource property to the template.
The RunCommandParameters property type specifies the parameters to use when a rule invokes the AWS Systems Manager Run Command.

RunCommandParameters is a property of the Target: property type.

This parameter contains the criteria (either InstanceIds or a tag used to specify which EC2 instances are to be sent the command.


    .PARAMETER RunCommandTargets
        The criteria either InstanceIds or a tag that specifies which EC2 instances the command is sent to.
Currently, you can include only one RunCommandTarget block, which specifies a list of InstanceIds or a tag.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: RunCommandTarget
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleRunCommandParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleRunCommandParameters'

function Add-VSEventsRuleRunCommandTarget {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.RunCommandTarget resource property to the template. The RunCommandTarget property type specifies information about the Amazon EC2 instances that the Run Command is sent to. A RunCommandTarget block can include only one key, but the key can specify multiple values.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.RunCommandTarget resource property to the template.
The RunCommandTarget property type specifies information about the Amazon EC2 instances that the Run Command is sent to. A RunCommandTarget block can include only one key, but the key can specify multiple values.

RunCommandTarget is a property of the RunCommandParameters: property type.

Information about the EC2 instances that are to be sent the command, specified as key-value pairs. Each RunCommandTarget block can include only one key, but this key may specify multiple values.


        Can be either tag: *tag-key* or InstanceIds.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Values
        If Key is tag: *tag-key*, Values is a list of tag values. If Key is InstanceIds, Values is a list of Amazon EC2 instance IDs.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        PrimitiveItemType: String
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleRunCommandTarget]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleRunCommandTarget'

function Add-VSEventsRuleSageMakerPipelineParameter {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.SageMakerPipelineParameter resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.SageMakerPipelineParameter resource property to the template.


        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Value
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleSageMakerPipelineParameter]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleSageMakerPipelineParameter'

function Add-VSEventsRuleSageMakerPipelineParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.SageMakerPipelineParameters resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.SageMakerPipelineParameters resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER PipelineParameterList
        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: SageMakerPipelineParameter
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleSageMakerPipelineParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleSageMakerPipelineParameters'

function Add-VSEventsRuleSqsParameters {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.SqsParameters resource property to the template. The SqsParameters property type specifies the custom parameter to be used when the target is an Amazon SQS FIFO queue.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.SqsParameters resource property to the template.
The SqsParameters property type specifies the custom parameter to be used when the target is an Amazon SQS FIFO queue.

SqsParameters is a property of the Target: property type.


    .PARAMETER MessageGroupId
        The FIFO message group ID to use as the target.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleSqsParameters]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleSqsParameters'

function Add-VSEventsRuleTag {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.Tag resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.Tag resource property to the template.


        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Value
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleTag]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleTag'

function Add-VSEventsRuleTarget {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.Target resource property to the template. The Target property type specifies a target, such as an AWS Lambda function or an Amazon Kinesis data stream, that EventBridge invokes when a rule is triggered.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule.Target resource property to the template.
The Target property type specifies a target, such as an AWS Lambda function or an Amazon Kinesis data stream, that EventBridge invokes when a rule is triggered.

The Targets property of the AWS::Events::Rule: resource contains a list of one or more Target property types.


        The Amazon Resource Name ARN of the target.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER BatchParameters
        If the event target is an AWS Batch job, this contains the job definition, job name, and other parameters. For more information, see Jobs: in the *AWS Batch User Guide*.

        Type: BatchParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DeadLetterConfig
        Type: DeadLetterConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER EcsParameters
        Contains the Amazon ECS task definition and task count to be used, if the event target is an Amazon ECS task. For more information about Amazon ECS tasks, see Task Definitions : in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide*.

        Type: EcsParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER HttpParameters
        Type: HttpParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable

        A name for the target. Use a string that will help you identify the target. Each target associated with a rule must have an Id unique for that rule.
The Id can include alphanumeric characters, periods ., hyphens -, and underscores _.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Input
        Valid JSON text passed to the target. If you use this property, nothing from the event text itself is passed to the target.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER InputPath
        When you don't want to pass the entire matched event, InputPath describes which part of the event to pass to the target.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER InputTransformer
        Settings to enable you to provide custom input to a target based on certain event data. You can extract one or more key-value pairs from the event and then use that data to send customized input to the target.

        Type: InputTransformer
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER KinesisParameters
        The custom parameter you can use to control the shard assignment, when the target is a Kinesis data stream. If you do not include this parameter, the default is to use the eventId as the partition key.

        Type: KinesisParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER RedshiftDataParameters
        Type: RedshiftDataParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER RetryPolicy
        Type: RetryPolicy
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER RoleArn
        The Amazon Resource Name ARN of the IAM role to be used for this target when the rule is triggered. If one rule triggers multiple targets, you can use a different IAM role for each target.
If you're setting an event bus in another account as the target and that account granted permission to your account through an organization instead of directly by the account ID, you must specify a RoleArn with proper permissions here in this parameter.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER RunCommandParameters
        Parameters used when you are using the rule to invoke Amazon EC2 Run Command.

        Type: RunCommandParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER SageMakerPipelineParameters
        Type: SageMakerPipelineParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER SqsParameters
        Contains the message group ID to use when the target is a FIFO queue.
If you specify an SQS FIFO queue as a target, the queue must have content-based deduplication enabled.

        Type: SqsParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRuleTarget]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSEventsRuleTarget'

function New-VSEventsApiDestination {
        Adds an AWS::Events::ApiDestination resource to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::ApiDestination resource to the template.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

        UpdateType: Immutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Description
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER ConnectionArn
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER InvocationRateLimitPerSecond
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

    .PARAMETER InvocationEndpoint
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER HttpMethod
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsApiDestination]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSEventsApiDestination'

function New-VSEventsArchive {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Archive resource to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Archive resource to the template.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER ArchiveName
        UpdateType: Immutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER SourceArn
        UpdateType: Immutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Description
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER EventPattern
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Json

    .PARAMETER RetentionDays
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: Integer

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsArchive]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSEventsArchive'

function New-VSEventsConnection {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection resource to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Connection resource to the template.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

        UpdateType: Immutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Description
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER AuthorizationType
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER AuthParameters
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: AuthParameters

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsConnection]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSEventsConnection'

function New-VSEventsEndpoint {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint resource to the template.

        Adds an AWS::Events::Endpoint resource to the template.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

        UpdateType: Immutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER RoleArn
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER Description
        UpdateType: Mutable
        PrimitiveType: String

    .PARAMETER RoutingConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: RoutingConfig

    .PARAMETER ReplicationConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: ReplicationConfig

    .PARAMETER EventBuses
        UpdateType: Mutable
        Type: List
        ItemType: EndpointEventBus

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsEndpoint]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSEventsEndpoint'

function New-VSEventsEventBus {
        Adds an AWS::Events::EventBus resource to the template. The AWS::Events::EventBus resource creates or updates a partner event bus or custom event bus. Partner event buses can receive events from applications and services created by AWS SaaS partners. You need to create a partner event bus for each partner event source that you want to receive events from.

        Adds an AWS::Events::EventBus resource to the template. The AWS::Events::EventBus resource creates or updates a partner event bus or custom event bus. Partner event buses can receive events from applications and services created by AWS SaaS partners. You need to create a partner event bus for each partner event source that you want to receive events from.

Custom event buses can receive events from your own custom applications.

To review the limit for how many rules each event bus may have, see Service Limits:


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER EventSourceName
        The name of the partner event source to associate with this event bus, if you are creating a partner event bus.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

        Type: List
        ItemType: TagEntry
        UpdateType: Immutable

        The name of the event bus you are creating. The names of custom event buses can't contain the / character. You can't use the name default for a custom event bus.
If you are creating a partner event bus, this name must exactly match the name of the partner event source that this bus is matched to.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsEventBus]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSEventsEventBus'

function New-VSEventsEventBusPolicy {
        Adds an AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy resource to the template. The AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy resource creates an event bus policy for Amazon EventBridge. An event bus policy enables your account to receive events from other AWS accounts. These events can trigger EventBridge rules created in your account. For more information, see Sending and Receiving Events Between AWS Accounts: in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide*.

        Adds an AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy resource to the template. The AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy resource creates an event bus policy for Amazon EventBridge. An event bus policy enables your account to receive events from other AWS accounts. These events can trigger EventBridge rules created in your account. For more information, see Sending and Receiving Events Between AWS Accounts: in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide*.

If you grant permissions using Condition and specifying an organization, then accounts in that organization must specify a RoleArn with proper permissions when they use PutTarget to add your account's event bus as a target.

The permission policy on the default event bus can't exceed 10 KB in size.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER EventBusName
        The name of the event bus to associate with this policy.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER Condition
        Condition is a JSON string that you can use to limit the event bus permissions that you're granting only to accounts that fulfill the condition. Currently, the only supported condition is membership in a certain AWS organization. For more information about AWS Organizations, see What Is AWS Organizations?: in the *AWS Organizations User Guide*.
Condition is a property of the AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy: resource type.
If you specify Condition with an AWS organization ID and specify "*" as the value for Principal, you grant permission to all the accounts in the named organization.

        Type: Condition
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Action
        The action that you are enabling the other account to perform. Currently, this must be events:PutEvents.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER StatementId
        An identifier string for the external account that you're granting permissions to. If you later want to revoke the permission for this external account, you must specify this StatementId.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER Statement
        PrimitiveType: Json
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Principal
        The 12-digit AWS account ID that you are permitting to put events to your default event bus. Specify "*" to permit any account to put events to your default event bus.
If you specify "*" without specifying Condition, avoid creating rules that may match undesirable events. To create more secure rules, make sure that the event pattern for each rule contains an account field with a specific account ID from which to receive events. Rules with an account field do not match any events sent from other accounts.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsEventBusPolicy]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSEventsEventBusPolicy'

function New-VSEventsRule {
        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule resource to the template. The AWS::Events::Rule resource creates a rule that matches incoming events and routes them to one or more targets for processing. For more information, see What Is Amazon Eventbridge?:

        Adds an AWS::Events::Rule resource to the template. The AWS::Events::Rule resource creates a rule that matches incoming events and routes them to one or more targets for processing. For more information, see What Is Amazon Eventbridge?:

A rule must contain at least an EventPattern or ScheduleExpression. Rules with EventPattern are triggered when a matching event is observed. Rules with ScheduleExpression self-trigger based on the given schedule. A rule can have both an EventPattern and a ScheduleExpression, in which case the rule triggers on matching events as well as on a schedule.

Most services in AWS treat : or / as the same character in Amazon Resource Names (ARNs. However, EventBridge uses an exact match in event patterns and rules. Be sure to use the correct ARN characters when creating event patterns so that they match the ARN syntax in the event that you want to match.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER Description
        The description of the rule.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER EventBusName
        The event bus to associate with this rule. If you omit this, the default event bus is used.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER EventPattern
        Describes which events are routed to the specified target. For more information, see Events and Event Patterns in EventBridge: in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide*.
When using CloudFormation, you must enclose each part of the event pattern in square brackets, as follows:
"EventPattern": { "source": "aws.ec2" ], "detail-type": "EC2 Instance State-change Notification" ] }
A rule must contain either EventPattern or ScheduleExpression.

        PrimitiveType: Json
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The name of the rule. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the rule name.
If you specify a name, you can't perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource, specify a new name.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER RoleArn
        The Amazon Resource Name ARN of the role that is used for target invocation.
If you're setting an event bus in another account as the target and that account granted permission to your account through an organization instead of directly by the account ID, you must specify a RoleArn with proper permissions in the Target structure, instead of here in this parameter.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER ScheduleExpression
        The scheduling expression that determines when and how often the rule runs. For more information, see Schedule Expressions for Rules:
A rule must contain either ScheduleExpression or EventPattern.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER State
        Indicates whether the rule is enabled.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Targets
        The AWS resources that are invoked when the rule is triggered. For information about valid targets, see PutTargets:
If you're setting the event bus of another account as the target and that account granted permission to your account through an organization instead of directly by the account ID, you must specify a RoleArn with proper permissions in the Target structure. For more information, see Sending and Receiving Events Between AWS Accounts: in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide*.

        DuplicatesAllowed: False
        ItemType: Target
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [EventsRule]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSEventsRule'