
# PSM1 Contents
function Format-Json {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        $cleaner = {
    Process {
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
            try {
                $indent = 0;
                $res = $Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($_ -match '[\}\]]') {
                        # This line contains ] or }, decrement the indentation level
                    $line = (' ' * $indent * 2) + $_.TrimStart().Replace(': ', ': ')
                    if ($_ -match '[\{\[]') {
                        # This line contains [ or {, increment the indentation level
                $res -join "`n"
            catch {
                ($Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {$cleaner.Invoke($_)}) -join "`n"
        else {
            ($Json -split '\n' | ForEach-Object {$cleaner.Invoke($_)}) -join "`n"

function Get-TrueCount {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Process {
        if ($array) {
            if ($array.Count) {
                $count = $array.Count
            else {
                $count = 1
        else {
            $count = 0
    End {
        return $count

function New-VSError {
    Error generator function to use in tandem with $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError()
    .PARAMETER Result
    Allows input of an error from AWS SDK, resulting in the Exception message being parsed out.
    .PARAMETER String
    Used to create basic String message errors in the same wrapper

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        Result { $Exception = "$($result.Exception.InnerException.Message)" }
        String { $Exception = "$String" }
    $e = New-Object "System.Exception" $Exception
    $errorRecord = New-Object 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord' $e, $null, ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation), $null
    return $errorRecord

function ResolveS3Endpoint {
    Resolves the S3 endpoint most appropriate for each region.

    $endpointMap = @{
        "us-east-2" = ""
        "us-east-1" = ""
        "us-west-1" = ""
        "us-west-2" = ""
        "ca-central-1" = ""
        "ap-south-1" = ""
        "ap-northeast-2" = ""
        "ap-southeast-1" = ""
        "ap-southeast-2" = ""
        "ap-northeast-1" = ""
        "eu-central-1" = ""
        "eu-west-1" = ""
        "eu-west-2" = ""
        "sa-east-1" = ""
    return $endpointMap[$Region]

function Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceAuthorizationConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.AuthorizationConfig resource property to the template. The AuthorizationConfig property type specifies the authorization type and configuration for an AWS AppSync http data source.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.AuthorizationConfig resource property to the template.
The AuthorizationConfig property type specifies the authorization type and configuration for an AWS AppSync http data source.

AuthorizationConfig is a property of the AWS AppSync DataSource HttpConfig: property type.


    .PARAMETER AwsIamConfig
        The AWS IAM settings.

        Type: AwsIamConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AuthorizationType
        The authorization type required by the HTTP endpoint.
+ **AWS_IAM**: The authorization type is Sigv4.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncDataSourceAuthorizationConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceAuthorizationConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceAwsIamConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.AwsIamConfig resource property to the template. Use the AwsIamConfig property type to specify AwsIamConfig for a AWS AppSync authorizaton.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.AwsIamConfig resource property to the template.
Use the AwsIamConfig property type to specify AwsIamConfig for a AWS AppSync authorizaton.

AwsIamConfig is a property of the AWS AppSync DataSource AuthorizationConfig: resource.


    .PARAMETER SigningRegion
        The signing region for AWS IAM authorization.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER SigningServiceName
        The signing service name for AWS IAM authorization.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncDataSourceAwsIamConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceAwsIamConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceDeltaSyncConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.DeltaSyncConfig resource property to the template. Describes a Delta Sync configuration.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.DeltaSyncConfig resource property to the template.
Describes a Delta Sync configuration.


        The number of minutes an Item is stored in the datasource.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DeltaSyncTableTTL
        The number of minutes a Delta Sync log entry is stored in the Delta Sync table.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DeltaSyncTableName
        The Delta Sync table name.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncDataSourceDeltaSyncConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceDeltaSyncConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceDynamoDBConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.DynamoDBConfig resource property to the template. The DynamoDBConfig property type specifies the AwsRegion and TableName for an Amazon DynamoDB table in your account for an AWS AppSync data source.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.DynamoDBConfig resource property to the template.
The DynamoDBConfig property type specifies the AwsRegion and TableName for an Amazon DynamoDB table in your account for an AWS AppSync data source.

DynamoDBConfig is a property of the AWS::AppSync::DataSource: property type.


    .PARAMETER TableName
        The table name.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AwsRegion
        The AWS Region.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Versioned
        Set to TRUE to use Conflict Detection and Resolution with this data source.

        PrimitiveType: Boolean
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DeltaSyncConfig
        The DeltaSyncConfig for a versioned datasource.

        Type: DeltaSyncConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER UseCallerCredentials
        Set to TRUE to use AWS IAM with this data source.

        PrimitiveType: Boolean
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncDataSourceDynamoDBConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceDynamoDBConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceElasticsearchConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.ElasticsearchConfig resource property to the template. The ElasticsearchConfig property type specifies the AwsRegion and Endpoints for an Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain in your account for an AWS AppSync data source.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.ElasticsearchConfig resource property to the template.
The ElasticsearchConfig property type specifies the AwsRegion and Endpoints for an Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain in your account for an AWS AppSync data source.

ElasticsearchConfig is a property of the AWS::AppSync::DataSource: property type.


    .PARAMETER AwsRegion
        The AWS Region.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Endpoint
        The endpoint.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncDataSourceElasticsearchConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceElasticsearchConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceHttpConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.HttpConfig resource property to the template. Use the HttpConfig property type to specify HttpConfig for an AWS AppSync data source.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.HttpConfig resource property to the template.
Use the HttpConfig property type to specify HttpConfig for an AWS AppSync data source.

HttpConfig is a property of the AWS::AppSync::DataSource: resource.


    .PARAMETER Endpoint
        The endpoint.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AuthorizationConfig
        The authorization configuration.

        Type: AuthorizationConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncDataSourceHttpConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceHttpConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceLambdaConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.LambdaConfig resource property to the template. The LambdaConfig property type specifies the Lambda function ARN for an AWS AppSync data source.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.LambdaConfig resource property to the template.
The LambdaConfig property type specifies the Lambda function ARN for an AWS AppSync data source.

LambdaConfig is a property of the AWS::AppSync::DataSource: property type.


    .PARAMETER LambdaFunctionArn
        The ARN for the Lambda function.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncDataSourceLambdaConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceLambdaConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceOpenSearchServiceConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.OpenSearchServiceConfig resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.OpenSearchServiceConfig resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER AwsRegion
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Endpoint
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncDataSourceOpenSearchServiceConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceOpenSearchServiceConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceRdsHttpEndpointConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.RdsHttpEndpointConfig resource property to the template. Use the RdsHttpEndpointConfig property type to specify RdsHttpEndpoint for an AWS AppSync relational database.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.RdsHttpEndpointConfig resource property to the template.
Use the RdsHttpEndpointConfig property type to specify RdsHttpEndpoint for an AWS AppSync relational database.

RdsHttpEndpointConfig is a property of the AWS AppSync DataSource RelationalDatabaseConfig: resource.


    .PARAMETER AwsRegion
        AWS Region for RDS HTTP endpoint.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Schema
        Logical schema name.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        Logical database name.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DbClusterIdentifier
        Amazon RDS cluster ARN.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AwsSecretStoreArn
        AWS secret store ARN for database credentials.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncDataSourceRdsHttpEndpointConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceRdsHttpEndpointConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceRelationalDatabaseConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.RelationalDatabaseConfig resource property to the template. Use the RelationalDatabaseConfig property type to specify RelationalDatabaseConfig for an AWS AppSync data source.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource.RelationalDatabaseConfig resource property to the template.
Use the RelationalDatabaseConfig property type to specify RelationalDatabaseConfig for an AWS AppSync data source.

RelationalDatabaseConfig is a property of the AWS::AppSync::DataSource: property type.


    .PARAMETER RdsHttpEndpointConfig
        Information about the Amazon RDS resource.

        Type: RdsHttpEndpointConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER RelationalDatabaseSourceType
        The type of relational data source.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncDataSourceRelationalDatabaseConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncDataSourceRelationalDatabaseConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncFunctionConfigurationLambdaConflictHandlerConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration.LambdaConflictHandlerConfig resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration.LambdaConflictHandlerConfig resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER LambdaConflictHandlerArn
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncFunctionConfigurationLambdaConflictHandlerConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncFunctionConfigurationLambdaConflictHandlerConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncFunctionConfigurationSyncConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration.SyncConfig resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration.SyncConfig resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER ConflictHandler
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER ConflictDetection
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER LambdaConflictHandlerConfig
        Type: LambdaConflictHandlerConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncFunctionConfigurationSyncConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncFunctionConfigurationSyncConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProvider {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.AdditionalAuthenticationProvider resource property to the template. Describes an additional authentication provider.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.AdditionalAuthenticationProvider resource property to the template.
Describes an additional authentication provider.


    .PARAMETER OpenIDConnectConfig
        The OpenID Connect configuration.

        Type: OpenIDConnectConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER LambdaAuthorizerConfig
        *Update requires*: No interruption:

        Type: LambdaAuthorizerConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER UserPoolConfig
        The Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.

        Type: CognitoUserPoolConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AuthenticationType
        The authentication type: API key, AWS IAM, OIDC, or Amazon Cognito user pools.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncGraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProvider]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProvider'

function Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviders {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.AdditionalAuthenticationProviders resource property to the template. A list of additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi API.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.AdditionalAuthenticationProviders resource property to the template.
A list of additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi API.

*Required*: No

*Type:* List of AdditionalAuthenticationProvider:

*Update requires:* No interruption



    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncGraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviders]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviders'

function Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiCognitoUserPoolConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.CognitoUserPoolConfig resource property to the template. Describes an Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.CognitoUserPoolConfig resource property to the template.
Describes an Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.


    .PARAMETER AppIdClientRegex
        A regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito user pool app client ID.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER UserPoolId
        The user pool ID.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AwsRegion
        The AWS Region in which the user pool was created.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncGraphQLApiCognitoUserPoolConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiCognitoUserPoolConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.LambdaAuthorizerConfig resource property to the template.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.LambdaAuthorizerConfig resource property to the template.


    .PARAMETER IdentityValidationExpression
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AuthorizerUri
        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds
        PrimitiveType: Double
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncGraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiLogConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.LogConfig resource property to the template. The LogConfig property type specifies the logging configuration when writing GraphQL operations and tracing to Amazon CloudWatch for a AWS AppSync GraphQL API.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.LogConfig resource property to the template.
The LogConfig property type specifies the logging configuration when writing GraphQL operations and tracing to Amazon CloudWatch for a AWS AppSync GraphQL API.

LogConfig is a property of the AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi: property type.


    .PARAMETER CloudWatchLogsRoleArn
        The service role that AWS AppSync will assume to publish to Amazon CloudWatch Logs in your account.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER ExcludeVerboseContent
        Set to TRUE to exclude sections that contain information such as headers, context, and evaluated mapping templates, regardless of logging level.

        PrimitiveType: Boolean
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER FieldLogLevel
        The field logging level. Values can be NONE, ERROR, or ALL.
+ **NONE**: No field-level logs are captured.
+ **ERROR**: Logs the following information only for the fields that are in error:
+ The error section in the server response.
+ Field-level errors.
+ The generated request/response functions that got resolved for error fields.
+ **ALL**: The following information is logged for all fields in the query:
+ Field-level tracing information.
+ The generated request/response functions that got resolved for each field.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncGraphQLApiLogConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiLogConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiOpenIDConnectConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.OpenIDConnectConfig resource property to the template. The OpenIDConnectConfig property type specifies the optional authorization configuration for using an OpenID Connect compliant service with your GraphQL endpoint for an AWS AppSync GraphQL API.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.OpenIDConnectConfig resource property to the template.
The OpenIDConnectConfig property type specifies the optional authorization configuration for using an OpenID Connect compliant service with your GraphQL endpoint for an AWS AppSync GraphQL API.

OpenIDConnectConfig is a property of the AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi: property type.


    .PARAMETER Issuer
        The issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery must exactly match the value of iss in the ID token.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER ClientId
        The client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.

        PrimitiveType: Double
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.

        PrimitiveType: Double
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncGraphQLApiOpenIDConnectConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiOpenIDConnectConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiTags {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.Tags resource property to the template. An arbitrary set of tags (key-value pairs for this GraphQL API.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.Tags resource property to the template.
An arbitrary set of tags (key-value pairs for this GraphQL API.

*Required:* No

*Type:* List of Tag:

*Update requires:* No interruption



    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncGraphQLApiTags]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiTags'

function Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiUserPoolConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.UserPoolConfig resource property to the template. The UserPoolConfig property type specifies the optional authorization configuration for using Amazon Cognito user pools with your GraphQL endpoint for an AWS AppSync GraphQL API.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.UserPoolConfig resource property to the template.
The UserPoolConfig property type specifies the optional authorization configuration for using Amazon Cognito user pools with your GraphQL endpoint for an AWS AppSync GraphQL API.

LogConfig is a property of the AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi: property type.


    .PARAMETER AppIdClientRegex
        A regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito user pool app client ID.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER UserPoolId
        The user pool ID.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AwsRegion
        The AWS Region in which the user pool was created.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DefaultAction
        The action that you want your GraphQL API to take when a request that uses Amazon Cognito user pool authentication doesn't match the Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncGraphQLApiUserPoolConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncGraphQLApiUserPoolConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncResolverCachingConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::Resolver.CachingConfig resource property to the template. The caching configuration for a resolver that has caching enabled.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::Resolver.CachingConfig resource property to the template.
The caching configuration for a resolver that has caching enabled.


    .PARAMETER CachingKeys
        The caching keys for a resolver that has caching enabled.
Valid values are entries from the $context.identity and $context.arguments maps.

        PrimitiveItemType: String
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The TTL in seconds for a resolver that has caching enabled.
Valid values are between 1 and 3600 seconds.

        PrimitiveType: Double
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncResolverCachingConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncResolverCachingConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncResolverLambdaConflictHandlerConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::Resolver.LambdaConflictHandlerConfig resource property to the template. The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::Resolver.LambdaConflictHandlerConfig resource property to the template.
The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.


    .PARAMETER LambdaConflictHandlerArn
        The Arn for the Lambda function to use as the Conflict Handler.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncResolverLambdaConflictHandlerConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncResolverLambdaConflictHandlerConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncResolverPipelineConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::Resolver.PipelineConfig resource property to the template. Use the PipelineConfig property type to specify PipelineConfig for an AWS AppSync resolver.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::Resolver.PipelineConfig resource property to the template.
Use the PipelineConfig property type to specify PipelineConfig for an AWS AppSync resolver.

PipelineConfig is a property of the AWS::AppSync::Resolver: resource.


    .PARAMETER Functions
        A list of Function objects.

        PrimitiveItemType: String
        Type: List
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncResolverPipelineConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncResolverPipelineConfig'

function Add-VSAppSyncResolverSyncConfig {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::Resolver.SyncConfig resource property to the template. Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::Resolver.SyncConfig resource property to the template.
Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.

Contains information on which Conflict Detection as well as Resolution strategy should be performed when the resolver is invoked.


    .PARAMETER ConflictHandler
        The Conflict Resolution strategy to perform in the event of a conflict.
+ **OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY**: Resolve conflicts by rejecting mutations when versions do not match the latest version at the server.
+ **AUTOMERGE**: Resolve conflicts with the Automerge conflict resolution strategy.
+ **LAMBDA**: Resolve conflicts with a Lambda function supplied in the LambdaConflictHandlerConfig.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER ConflictDetection
        The Conflict Detection strategy to use.
+ **VERSION**: Detect conflicts based on object versions for this resolver.
+ **NONE**: Do not detect conflicts when executing this resolver.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER LambdaConflictHandlerConfig
        The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.

        Type: LambdaConflictHandlerConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncResolverSyncConfig]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-VSAppSyncResolverSyncConfig'

function New-VSAppSyncApiCache {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::ApiCache resource to the template. Represents the input of a CreateApiCache operation.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::ApiCache resource to the template. Represents the input of a CreateApiCache operation.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

        The cache instance type.
+ **T2_SMALL**: A t2.small instance type.
+ **T2_MEDIUM**: A t2.medium instance type.
+ **R4_LARGE**: A r4.large instance type.
+ **R4_XLARGE**: A r4.xlarge instance type.
+ **R4_2XLARGE**: A r4.2xlarge instance type.
+ **R4_4XLARGE**: A r4.4xlarge instance type.
+ **R4_8XLARGE**: A r4.8xlarge instance type.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER TransitEncryptionEnabled
        Transit encryption flag when connecting to cache. This setting cannot be updated after creation.

        PrimitiveType: Boolean
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AtRestEncryptionEnabled
        At rest encryption flag for cache. This setting cannot be updated after creation.

        PrimitiveType: Boolean
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The GraphQL API Id.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER ApiCachingBehavior
        Caching behavior.
+ **FULL_REQUEST_CACHING**: All requests are fully cached.
+ **PER_RESOLVER_CACHING**: Individual resovlers that you specify are cached.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        TTL in seconds for cache entries.
Valid values are between 1 and 3600 seconds.

        PrimitiveType: Double
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncApiCache]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSAppSyncApiCache'

function New-VSAppSyncApiKey {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::ApiKey resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::ApiKey resource creates a unique key that you can distribute to clients who are executing GraphQL operations with AWS AppSync that require an API key.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::ApiKey resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::ApiKey resource creates a unique key that you can distribute to clients who are executing GraphQL operations with AWS AppSync that require an API key.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER Description
        Unique description of your API key.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        + CreateApiKey: operation in the *AWS AppSync API Reference*.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Expires
        Expiration time of the API key in seconds using Unix Epoch time, with a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 365 days. The default value is 7 days.

        PrimitiveType: Double
        UpdateType: Mutable

        Unique AWS AppSync GraphQL API ID for this API key.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncApiKey]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSAppSyncApiKey'

function New-VSAppSyncDataSource {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::DataSource resource creates data sources for resolvers in AWS AppSync to connect to, such as Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Elasticsearch Service. Resolvers use these data sources to fetch data when clients make GraphQL calls.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::DataSource resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::DataSource resource creates data sources for resolvers in AWS AppSync to connect to, such as Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Elasticsearch Service. Resolvers use these data sources to fetch data when clients make GraphQL calls.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

        The type of the data source.
+ **AMAZON_DYNAMODB**: The data source is an Amazon DynamoDB table.
+ **AMAZON_ELASTICSEARCH**: The data source is an Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain.
+ **AWS_LAMBDA**: The data source is an AWS Lambda function.
+ **NONE**: There is no data source. This type is used when you wish to invoke a GraphQL operation without connecting to a data source, such as performing data transformation with resolvers or triggering a subscription to be invoked from a mutation.
+ **HTTP**: The data source is an HTTP endpoint.
+ **RELATIONAL_DATABASE**: The data source is a relational database.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Description
        The description of the data source.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER ServiceRoleArn
        The AWS IAM service role ARN for the data source. The system assumes this role when accessing the data source.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER HttpConfig
        Endpoints for an HTTP data source.

        Type: HttpConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER RelationalDatabaseConfig
        Relational Database configuration of the relational database data source.

        Type: RelationalDatabaseConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER LambdaConfig
        A valid ARN of a Lambda function in your account.

        Type: LambdaConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

        Unique AWS AppSync GraphQL API identifier where this data source will be created.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

        Friendly name for you to identify your AppSync data source after creation.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER DynamoDBConfig
        AwsRegion and TableName for an Amazon DynamoDB table in your account.

        Type: DynamoDBConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER ElasticsearchConfig
        AwsRegion and Endpoints for an Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain in your account.

        Type: ElasticsearchConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncDataSource]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSAppSyncDataSource'

function New-VSAppSyncFunctionConfiguration {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration resource defines the functions in GraphQL APIs to perform certain operations. You can use pipeline resolvers to attach functions. For more information, see Pipeline Resolvers: in the *AWS AppSync Developer Guide*.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration resource defines the functions in GraphQL APIs to perform certain operations. You can use pipeline resolvers to attach functions. For more information, see Pipeline Resolvers: in the *AWS AppSync Developer Guide*.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location
        The location of a response mapping template in an Amazon S3 bucket. Use this if you want to provision with a template file in Amazon S3 rather than embedding it in your CloudFormation template.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER Description
        The Function description.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DataSourceName
        The name of data source this function will attach.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER RequestMappingTemplate
        The Function request mapping template. Functions support only the 2018-05-29 version of the request mapping template.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER ResponseMappingTemplate
        The Function response mapping template.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER FunctionVersion
        The version of the request mapping template. Currently only the 2018-05-29 version of the template is supported.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER SyncConfig
        + CreateFunction: operation in the *AWS AppSync API Reference*.

        Type: SyncConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER RequestMappingTemplateS3Location
        The location of a request mapping template in an Amazon S3 bucket. Use this if you want to provision with a template file in Amazon S3 rather than embedding it in your CloudFormation template.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The AWS AppSync GraphQL API that you want to attach using this function.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

        The name of the function.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncFunctionConfiguration]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSAppSyncFunctionConfiguration'

function New-VSAppSyncGraphQLApi {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi resource creates a new AppSync GraphQL API. This is the top-level construct for your application. For more information, see Quick Start: in the *AWS AppSync Developer Guide*.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi resource creates a new AppSync GraphQL API. This is the top-level construct for your application. For more information, see Quick Start: in the *AWS AppSync Developer Guide*.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER OpenIDConnectConfig
        The OpenID Connect configuration.

        Type: OpenIDConnectConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER LambdaAuthorizerConfig
        + CreateGraphqlApi: operation in the *AWS AppSync API Reference*.

        Type: LambdaAuthorizerConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER XrayEnabled
        A flag representing whether X-Ray tracing is enabled for this GraphqlApi.

        PrimitiveType: Boolean
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER UserPoolConfig
        Optional authorization configuration for using Amazon Cognito user pools with your GraphQL endpoint.

        Type: UserPoolConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

        An arbitrary set of tags key-value pairs for this GraphQL API.

        Type: Tags
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The API name.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AuthenticationType
        Security configuration for your GraphQL API. For allowed values such as API_KEY, AWS_IAM, or AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS, OPENID_CONNECT, see Security: in the *AWS AppSync Developer Guide*.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER LogConfig
        The Amazon CloudWatch Logs configuration.

        Type: LogConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER AdditionalAuthenticationProviders
        A list of additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi API.

        Type: AdditionalAuthenticationProviders
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncGraphQLApi]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSAppSyncGraphQLApi'

function New-VSAppSyncGraphQLSchema {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema resource is used for your AWS AppSync GraphQL schema that controls the data model for your API. Schema files are text written in Schema Definition Language (SDL format. For more information about schema authoring, see Designing a GraphQL API: in the *AWS AppSync Developer Guide*.

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema resource is used for your AWS AppSync GraphQL schema that controls the data model for your API. Schema files are text written in Schema Definition Language (SDL format. For more information about schema authoring, see Designing a GraphQL API: in the *AWS AppSync Developer Guide*.


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER Definition
        The text representation of a GraphQL schema in SDL format.
For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref:

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DefinitionS3Location
        The location of a GraphQL schema file in an Amazon S3 bucket. Use this if you want to provision with the schema living in Amazon S3 rather than embedding it in your CloudFormation template.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The AWS AppSync GraphQL API identifier to which you want to apply this schema.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncGraphQLSchema]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSAppSyncGraphQLSchema'

function New-VSAppSyncResolver {
        Adds an AWS::AppSync::Resolver resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::Resolver resource defines the logical GraphQL resolver that you attach to fields in a schema. Request and response templates for resolvers are written in Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL format. For more information about resolvers, see Resolver Mapping Template Reference:

        Adds an AWS::AppSync::Resolver resource to the template. The AWS::AppSync::Resolver resource defines the logical GraphQL resolver that you attach to fields in a schema. Request and response templates for resolvers are written in Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL format. For more information about resolvers, see Resolver Mapping Template Reference:


    .PARAMETER LogicalId
        The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. For example, if you want to map an Amazon Elastic Block Store volume to an Amazon EC2 instance, you reference the logical IDs to associate the block stores with the instance.

    .PARAMETER ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location
        The location of a response mapping template in an Amazon S3 bucket. Use this if you want to provision with a template file in Amazon S3 rather than embedding it in your CloudFormation template.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER TypeName
        The GraphQL type that invokes this resolver.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER PipelineConfig
        Functions linked with the pipeline resolver.

        Type: PipelineConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER DataSourceName
        The resolver data source name.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER RequestMappingTemplate
        The request mapping template.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER ResponseMappingTemplate
        The response mapping template.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The resolver type.
+ **UNIT**: A UNIT resolver type. A UNIT resolver is the default resolver type. A UNIT resolver enables you to execute a GraphQL query against a single data source.
+ **PIPELINE**: A PIPELINE resolver type. A PIPELINE resolver enables you to execute a series of Function in a serial manner. You can use a pipeline resolver to execute a GraphQL query against multiple data sources.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER CachingConfig
        The caching configuration for the resolver.

        Type: CachingConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER SyncConfig
        The SyncConfig for a resolver attached to a versioned datasource.

        Type: SyncConfig
        UpdateType: Mutable

    .PARAMETER RequestMappingTemplateS3Location
        The location of a request mapping template in an Amazon S3 bucket. Use this if you want to provision with a template file in Amazon S3 rather than embedding it in your CloudFormation template.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Mutable

        The AWS AppSync GraphQL API to which you want to attach this resolver.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER FieldName
        The GraphQL field on a type that invokes the resolver.

        PrimitiveType: String
        UpdateType: Immutable

    .PARAMETER DeletionPolicy
        With the DeletionPolicy attribute you can preserve or (in some cases) backup a resource when its stack is deleted. You specify a DeletionPolicy attribute for each resource that you want to control. If a resource has no DeletionPolicy attribute, AWS CloudFormation deletes the resource by default.

        To keep a resource when its stack is deleted, specify Retain for that resource. You can use retain for any resource. For example, you can retain a nested stack, S3 bucket, or EC2 instance so that you can continue to use or modify those resources after you delete their stacks.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER UpdateReplacePolicy
        Use the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to retain or (in some cases) backup the existing physical instance of a resource when it is replaced during a stack update operation.

        When you initiate a stack update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template and parameters. If you update a resource property that requires that the resource be replaced, AWS CloudFormation recreates the resource during the update. Recreating the resource generates a new physical ID. AWS CloudFormation creates the replacement resource first, and then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement resource. By default, AWS CloudFormation then deletes the old resource. Using the UpdateReplacePolicy, you can specify that AWS CloudFormation retain or (in some cases) create a snapshot of the old resource.

        For resources that support snapshots, such as AWS::EC2::Volume, specify Snapshot to have AWS CloudFormation create a snapshot before deleting the old resource instance.

        You can apply the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute to any resource. UpdateReplacePolicy is only executed if you update a resource property whose update behavior is specified as Replacement, thereby causing AWS CloudFormation to replace the old resource with a new one with a new physical ID. For example, if you update the Engine property of an AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource type, AWS CloudFormation creates a new resource and replaces the current DB instance resource with the new one. The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute would then dictate whether AWS CloudFormation deleted, retained, or created a snapshot of the old DB instance. The update behavior for each property of a resource is specified in the reference topic for that resource in the AWS Resource and Property Types Reference. For more information on resource update behavior, see Update Behaviors of Stack Resources.

        The UpdateReplacePolicy attribute applies to stack updates you perform directly, as well as stack updates performed using change sets.

        Resources that are retained continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those resources. Snapshots that are created with this policy continue to exist and continue to incur applicable charges until you delete those snapshots. UpdateReplacePolicy retains the old physical resource or snapshot, but removes it from AWS CloudFormation's scope.

        UpdateReplacePolicy differs from the DeletionPolicy attribute in that it only applies to resources replaced during stack updates. Use DeletionPolicy for resources deleted when a stack is deleted, or when the resource definition itself is deleted from the template as part of a stack update.

        You must use one of the following options: "Delete","Retain","Snapshot"

    .PARAMETER DependsOn
        With the DependsOn attribute you can specify that the creation of a specific resource follows another. When you add a DependsOn attribute to a resource, that resource is created only after the creation of the resource specified in the DependsOn attribute.

        This parameter takes a string or list of strings representing Logical IDs of resources that must be created prior to this resource being created.

    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The Metadata attribute enables you to associate structured data with a resource. By adding a Metadata attribute to a resource, you can add data in JSON or YAML to the resource declaration. In addition, you can use intrinsic functions (such as GetAtt and Ref), parameters, and pseudo parameters within the Metadata attribute to add those interpreted values.

        This will be returned when describing the resource using AWS CLI.

    .PARAMETER UpdatePolicy
        Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. AWS CloudFormation invokes one of three update policies depending on the type of change you make or whether a scheduled action is associated with the Auto Scaling group.

        You must use the "Add-UpdatePolicy" function or the [UpdatePolicy] class here.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        Logical ID of the condition that this resource needs to be true in order for this resource to be provisioned.


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        $obj = [AppSyncResolver]::new($PSBoundParameters)
        Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Format-Json)"
        Write-Verbose "Resulting object from $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): `n$($obj.ToJson() | Format-Json)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-VSAppSyncResolver'