Describe "[Global Unit]" -Tag Global { Context "[Global Unit]-[Test Host: $($env:COMPUTERNAME)]-System Requirements" { It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] must be the minimum required major version of Validate-DCB" { (Get-Module Validate-DCB -ListAvailable).Version.Major | Should BeGreaterThan '20190904' } It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] must be the minimum required minimum version of Validate-DCB" { (Get-Module Validate-DCB -ListAvailable).Version.Revision | Should BeGreaterThan '60' } $pesterModule = (Get-Module -Name Pester -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ### Verify TestHost has Pester Module It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] must have Pester module" { $pesterModule | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } $NodeOS = Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_OperatingSystem' ### Verify the TestHost is sufficient version It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] must be Windows 10, Server 2016, or Server 2019" { $caption = ($NodeOS.Caption -like '*Windows 10*') -or ($NodeOS.Caption -like '*Windows Server 2016*') -or ($NodeOS.Caption -like '*Windows Server 2019*') $caption | Should be $true } ### Verify PowerShell Modules are available on the TestHost $reqModules = @('ServerManager','DcbQos', 'NetQos', 'NetAdapter') # Add Hyper-V cmdlets to the list if there's at least one vmSwitch defined in the config If ($ConfigData.AllNodes.VMSwitch.Count -ge 1) { $reqModules += 'Hyper-V' } $reqModules | ForEach-Object { It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] Must have the module [$_] available" { $module = Get-Module $_ -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $module | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } } #Import-Module "$here\helpers\NetworkConfig\NetworkConfig.psd1" If ($Deploy) { $fnNetworkConfig = Get-ChildItem 'Function:\NetworkConfig' It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] must have the NetworkConfig command" { $fnNetworkConfig | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] NetworkConfig command must be a Configuration" { $fnNetworkConfig.CommandType | Should be 'Configuration' } } ### Verify PowerShell cmdlets are available on the TestHost $reqCmdlets = @('Get-WindowsFeature','Get-NetQosPolicy', 'Get-NetQosFlowControl', 'Get-NetQosTrafficClass', 'Get-NetAdapterQos', 'Get-NetQosDcbxSetting') # Add Hyper-V cmdlets to the list if there's at least one vmSwitch defined in the config If ($ConfigData.AllNodes.VMSwitch.Count -ge 1) { $reqCmdlets += 'Get-VMSwitch' } $reqCmdlets | ForEach-Object { It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] must have the cmdlet [$_] available" { $cmd = Get-Command $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $cmd | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } } } Context "[Global Unit]-Config File Integrity" { ### Verify the config file exists $configFileExists = Get-ChildItem -Path $configFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[Config File] $($configFileExists.Name) must exist" { $configFileExists.Exists | Should Be $true } ### Verify configData contains the AllNodes HashTable It "[Config File]-[AllNodes] Config File must contain the AllNodes Hashtable" { $configData.AllNodes | Should BeOfType System.Collections.Hashtable } ### Verify configData contains the NonNodeData HashTable It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData] Config File must contain the NonNodeData Hashtable" { $configData.NonNodeData | Should BeOfType System.Collections.Hashtable } $legend = @('AllNodes','NonNodeData', 'Drivers') $configData.Keys.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { ### Verify that the entries under $configData are in $legend It "[Config File]-[Tested key: $_] Should contain only recognized keys" { $_ -in $legend | Should be $true } } ### Verify at least one node is specified [NodeName] It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.NodeName] Config File must contain at least 1 Node" { $configData.AllNodes.NodeName.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0 } ### Verify nodes are only listed once in the config file [NodeName] $reference = $configData.AllNodes.NodeName | Select-Object -Unique -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.NodeName] Nodes cannot be specified more than once in the config file" { Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $reference -DifferenceObject $ConfigData.AllNodes.NodeName | Should BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify Config File includes at least one RDMAEnabledAdapters entry It "[Config File]-[AllNodes] Must include at least one RDMAEnabledAdapters or vmswitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters entry" { ($configData.AllNodes.RDMAEnabledAdapters + $configData.AllNodes.vmswitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters).Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0 } foreach ($thisNode in $configData.AllNodes) { $AdapterEntry = 1 $legend = @('Role','NodeName','RDMAEnabledAdapters','RDMADisabledAdapters','VMSwitch') ($configData.AllNodes.Keys.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -Unique) | ForEach-Object { ### Verify that the entries under $configData.AllNodes are in $legend It "[Config File]-[AllNodes]-[$($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Tested key: $_] Should contain only recognized keys" { $_ -in $legend | Should be $true } } foreach ($thisRDMADisabledAdapter in $thisNode.RDMADisabledAdapters) { $legend = @('Name') ($thisRDMADisabledAdapter.Keys.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -Unique) | ForEach-Object { ### Verify that the only entries under $configData.AllNodes.RDMADisabledAdapters are in $legend It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.RDMADisabledAdapters]-[RDMADisabledAdapter: $($thisRDMADisabledAdapter.Name)]-[Tested key: $_]-Should contain only recognized keys" { $_ -in $legend | Should be $true } } } foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $thisNode.RDMAEnabledAdapters) { $legend = @('Name','VLANID','JumboPacket','EncapOverhead') ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Keys.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -Unique) | ForEach-Object { ### Verify that the entries under $configData.AllNodes.RDMAEnabledAdapters are in $legend It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Tested key: $_]-Should contain only recognized keys" { $_ -in $legend | Should be $true } } ### Verify each RDMAEnabledAdapter includes the Name property from Get-NetAdapter It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $AdapterEntry]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Must include the Name property for each entry" { $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify each RDMAEnabledAdapter includes the VLANID property from Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] Must include the VLANID property for each entry" { $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VLANID | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify each RDMAEnabledAdapter's VLANID property is not '0' It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] VLANID property should not be non-zero" { $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VLANID | Should Not Be '0' } ### Verify RDMAEnabledAdapter Entry is not included in RDMADisabledAdapter It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterRDMA] Should not be in both RDMAEnabledAdapters and RDMADisabledAdapters" { $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -in $thisNode.RDMADisabledAdapters.Name | Should Be $false } ### Verify RDMAEnabledAdapter Entry is not included in vmswitch.RDMADisabledAdapter It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterRDMA] Should not be in both RDMAEnabledAdapters and vmswitch.RDMADisabledAdapters" { $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -in $thisNode.vmswitch.RDMADisabledAdapters.Name | Should Be $false } $AdapterEntry ++ } $AdapterEntry = 1 $VMSwitchEntry = 1 foreach ($thisVMSwitch in $thisNode.vmSwitch) { $RDMADisabledAdapters = $thisVMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapters $legend = @('Name','VMNetworkAdapter') foreach ($thisRDMADisabledAdapter in $RDMADisabledAdapters) { $thisRDMADisabledAdapter.Keys.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { ### Verify entries under $configData.AllNodes.VMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapters are in $legend It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapters]-[VMSwitch: $($thisVMSwitch.Name))]-[RDMADisabledAdapter: $($thisRDMADisabledAdapter.($_))]-[Tested key: $_]-Should contain only recognized keys" { $_ -in $legend | Should be $true } } } } foreach ($thisVMSwitch in $thisNode.VMSwitch) { $legend = @('Name','EmbeddedTeamingEnabled','IovEnabled','LoadBalancingAlgorithm','RDMAEnabledAdapters','RDMADisabledAdapters') $thisVMSwitch.Keys.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { ### Verify that the entries under $configData.AllNodes.VMSwitch are in $legend It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisVMSwitch.Name))]-[Tested key: $_]-Should contain only recognized keys" { $_ -in $legend | Should be $true } } ### Verify VMSwitch entry contains the Name property It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $VMSwitchEntry)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] Must include the Name Property" { $thisVMSwitch.Name | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify VMSwitch entry contains the EmbeddedTeamingEnabled property It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisVMSwitch.Name))]-[Noun: VMSwitch] Must include the EmbeddedTeamingEnabled Property" { $thisVMSwitch.EmbeddedTeamingEnabled | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify VMSwitch EmbeddedTeamingEnabled property is a boolean It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisVMSwitch.Name))]-[Noun: VMSwitch] EmbeddedTeamingEnabled Property must be a boolean" { $thisVMSwitch.EmbeddedTeamingEnabled | Should BeOfType System.Boolean } If ($thisVMSwitch.ContainsKey('IovEnabled')) { ### Verify VMSwitch IovEnabled property is a boolean It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisVMSwitch.Name))]-[Noun: VMSwitch] The IovEnabled property must be boolean" { $thisVMSwitch.IovEnabled | Should BeOfType System.Boolean } } If ($thisVMSwitch.ContainsKey('LoadBalancingAlgorithm')) { ### Verify VMSwitch Load Balancing Algorithm is either Dynamic (2016 Default) or HyperVPort (2019 Default) It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisVMSwitch.Name))]-[Noun: VMSwitch] The LoadBalancingAlgorithm property must be either HyperVPort or Dynamic " { ($thisVMSwitch.LoadBalancingAlgorithm -eq 'Dynamic' -or $thisVMSwitch.LoadBalancingAlgorithm -eq 'HyperVPort') | Should be $true } } $reference = $thisNode.VMSwitch.Name | Select-Object -Unique -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ### Verify VMSwitch.Name entries are unique It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch] VMSwitch.Name cannot be specified more than once in the config file" { Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $reference -DifferenceObject $thisNode.VMSwitch.Name | Should BeNullOrEmpty } foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $thisVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters) { $legend = @('Name','VMNetworkAdapter','VLANID','JumboPacket','EncapOverhead') $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Keys.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { ### Verify that the only entries under $configData.AllNodes.VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters are in $legend It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisVMSwitch.Name))]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Tested Key: $_]-Should contain only recognized keys" { $_ -in $legend | Should be $true } } ### Verify each VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapter includes the Name property from Get-NetAdapter It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $AdapterEntry]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Must include the Name property for each entry" { $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify each VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapter includes the Name property from Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: VMNetworkAdapter] Must include the VMNetworkAdapter property for each entry" { $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify each VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapter includes the VLANID property from Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] Must include the VLANID property for each entry" { $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VLANID | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify each VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapter's VLANID property is not 0 It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] VLANID property should not be non-zero" { $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VLANID | Should Not Be '0' } ### Verify each VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapter entry is not included in RDMADisabledAdapter It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterRDMA] Should not be in both VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters and RDMADisabledAdapters" { $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -in $thisNode.RDMADisabledAdapters.Name | Should Be $false } ### Verify VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapter Entry is not included in VMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapter It "[Config File]-[AllNodes.VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[Node: $($thisNode.NodeName)]-[Entry: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterRDMA] Should not be in both VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters and VMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapters" { $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -in $thisNode.VMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapters.Name | Should Be $false } $AdapterEntry ++ } $VMSwitchEntry ++ } } $legend = @('NetQos', 'AzureAutomation') $configData.NonNodeData.Keys.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { ### Verify that the only entries under $configData.NonNodeData are in $legend It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData]-[Tested key: $_] Should contain only recognized keys" { $_ -in $legend | Should be $true } } ### Verify NetQos is included in the config file It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos] Config File must contain the NetQos section" { $ConfigData.NonNodeData.NetQos | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify at least 3 policies exist in the Qos Policies (Default and one for SMB) It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos]-[Noun: NetQosPolicy] NetQos must contain at least 3 policies" { $ConfigData.NonNodeData.NetQos.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 2 } ### Verify the default policy is specified in the config file It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos]-[Noun: NetQosPolicy] NetQos must specify a 'Default' policy" { $ConfigData.NonNodeData.NetQos.Name -contains 'Default' | Should be $true } ### Verify the Cluster policy is specified in the config file It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos]-[Noun: NetQosPolicy] NetQos must specify a Cluster policy" { $ConfigData.NonNodeData.NetQos.Template -contains 'Cluster' | Should be $true } # Note: Templates only specify TCP settings and do not apply to RDMA # For RDMA, please use NetDirectPortMatchCondition ### Verify At least one policy must specify the NetDirectPortMatchCondition It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos]-[Noun: NetQosPolicy] must specify the 'NetDirectPortMatchCondition' property for exactly 1 policy" { $ConfigData.NonNodeData.NetQos.Keys -contains 'NetDirectPortMatchCondition' | Should be $true } ### Verify Cluster Bandwidth Percentage is equal to 1% It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos]-[Noun: NetQosTrafficClass] Cluster BandwidthPercentage must be 2% or less" { ($ConfigData.NonNodeData.NetQos.GetEnumerator().Where{ $_.Template -eq 'Cluster' }).BandwidthPercentage | Should BeLessThan 3 } ### Verify BandwidthPercentage totals 100 It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos]-[Noun: NetQosTrafficClass] BandwidthPercentage must total 100%" { ($ConfigData.NonNodeData.NetQos.BandwidthPercentage | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum | Should Be 100 } $policyEntry = 1 foreach ($thisPolicy in $ConfigData.NonNodeData.NetQos) { $legend = @('Name', 'NetDirectPortMatchCondition', 'Template', 'PriorityValue8021Action', 'BandwidthPercentage', 'Algorithm') $thisPolicy.Keys.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { ### Verify that the only entries under $configData.NonNodeData.NetQos are in $legend It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData]-[Tested key: $_] Should contain only recognized keys" { $_ -in $legend | Should be $true } } ### Verify Name property is specified for each policy It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos]-[Policy Entry: $policyEntry]-[Noun: NetQosPolicy] Must specify the 'Name' property" { $thisPolicy.Name | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify either NetDirectPortMatchCondition or Template are specified It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos]-[Policy: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosPolicy] Must specify either 'Template' or 'NetDirectPortMatchCondition' property" { ($thisPolicy.NetDirectPortMatchCondition -or $thisPolicy.Template) | Should Be $true } ### Verify PriorityValue8021Action is specified It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos]-[Policy: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosPolicy] Must specify the 'PriorityValue8021Action' property" { $thisPolicy.PriorityValue8021Action | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify BandwidthPercentage is specified It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos]-[Policy: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosTrafficClass] Must specify the 'BandwidthPercentage' property" { $thisPolicy.BandwidthPercentage | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify Algorithm is specified It "[Config File]-[NonNodeData.NetQos]-[Policy: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosTrafficClass] Must specify the 'Algorithm' property" { $thisPolicy.Algorithm | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } $policyEntry ++ } } $ConfigData.AllNodes | ForEach-Object { $nodeName = $_.NodeName Context "[Global Unit]-[SUT: $nodeName]-Connectivity Tests" { ### Verify Basic Network Connectivity to each Node It "[Global Unit]-[SUT: $nodeName] must respond to available over the network" { Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $nodeName -InformationLevel Quiet | Should Be $true } ### Verify each node responds to WinRM It "[Global Unit]-[SUT: $nodeName] must respond to WinRM requests" { Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $nodeName -CommonTCPPort WINRM -InformationLevel Quiet | Should Be $true } } Context "[Global Unit]-[SUT: $nodeName]-System Requirements" { $NodeOS = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $nodeName -ClassName 'Win32_OperatingSystem' ### Verify the SUTs are Server SKU, 2016 or Higher It "[Global Unit]-[SUT: $nodeName] must be Server 2016, or Server 2019" { $caption = ($NodeOS.Caption -like '*Windows Server 2016*') -or ($NodeOS.Caption -like '*Windows Server 2019*') $caption | Should be $true } $reqModules = @('DcbQos', 'NetQos', 'NetAdapter','ServerManager') $reqFeatures = @('Data-Center-Bridging') # Add Hyper-V to the list if there's at least one vmSwitch defined in the config If ($ConfigData.AllNodes.VMSwitch.Count -ge 1) { $reqFeatures += 'Hyper-V' $reqModules += 'Hyper-V' } $actModules, $actFeatureState = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock { $deploy = $using:deploy $modules = Get-Module -Name $using:reqModules -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $featureState = Get-WindowsFeature -Name $using:reqFeatures -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $Modules, $featureState } ### Verify that the required features exist on the SUT $reqFeatures | ForEach-Object { It "[Global Unit]-[SUT: $nodeName] should have the Windows Feature [$_] installed" { ($actFeatureState | Where-Object Name -eq $_).InstallState | Should be 'Installed' } } ### Verify that each required module existed on the SUT $reqModules | ForEach-Object { It "[Global Unit]-[SUT: $nodeName] should have the module [$_] installed" { ($actModules | Where-Object Name -eq $_) | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 | Should be $true } } ### Verify the following cmdlets are available on each SUT $reqCmdlets = @('Get-WindowsFeature','Get-NetQosPolicy', 'Get-NetQosFlowControl', 'Get-NetQosTrafficClass', 'Get-NetAdapterQos', 'Get-NetQosDcbxSetting') # Add Hyper-V cmdlets to the list if there's at least one vmSwitch defined in the config If ($ConfigData.AllNodes.VMSwitch.Count -ge 1) { $reqCmdlets += 'Get-VMSwitch' } $reqCmdlets | ForEach-Object { It "[Global Unit]-[SUT: $nodeName] should have the cmdlet [$_] available" { $actModules.ExportedCommands.Values -contains $_ | Should be $true } } ### Verify none of the nodes are actually virtual machines It "[Global Unit]-[SUT: $nodeName] should not be a virtual machine" { (Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $nodeName -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem) | Should Not Be 'Virtual Machine' } } } If ($deploy) { Context "Deployment" { $AzureRMContext = Get-AzureRmContext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It '[Global Unit]-[Noun: AzureRMContext] Azure Context should be logged in using Connect-AzureRMAccount' { $AzureRMContext | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It "[Global Unit]-[Noun: AzureRMContext] Azure Context specifies an account. Current Account is [$($AzureRMContext.Account.ID)]" { $AzureRMContext.Account | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It "[Global Unit]-[Noun: AzureRMContext] Azure Context specifies a subscription. Current subscription [$($AzureRMContext.Subscription.Name)]" { $AzureRMContext.Subscription.Name | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } $AzureRMResourceGroup = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $configData.NonNodeData.AzureAutomation.ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[Global Unit]-[Noun: AzureRmResourceGroup] Azure Resource Group [$($configData.NonNodeData.AzureAutomation.ResourceGroupName)] should be available in the account" { $AzureRMResourceGroup | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } # Sub-expression required for cmdlet to work properly $AzureRMAutomationAccount = Get-AzureRmAutomationAccount -Name $configData.NonNodeData.AzureAutomation.AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroupName $($configData.NonNodeData.AzureAutomation.ResourceGroupName) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[Global Unit]-[Noun: AzureRmAutomationAccount] Azure Automation Account [$($configData.NonNodeData.AzureAutomation.AutomationAccountName)] should be found in the Resource Group" { $AzureRMAutomationAccount | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } } } Describe "[Global Unit]" -Tag Launch_Deploy { Context "[Global Unit]-[Test Host: $($env:COMPUTERNAME)]-Launch and Deploy prerequisites" { $reqModules = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$here\helpers\NetworkConfig\NetworkConfig.psd1" ($reqModules).RequiredModules.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { Remove-Variable module -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $module = Get-Module $_.ModuleName -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] Must have the module [$($_.ModuleName)] available" { $module.Name | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } If ($_.ContainsKey('ModuleVersion')) { It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] Must be at least version $($_.ModuleVersion)" { $module.version -ge $_.ModuleVersion | Should be $true } } } ### Verify PowerShell cmdlets are available on the TestHost $reqCmdlets = @('Get-ClusterNode') $reqCmdlets | ForEach-Object { It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] must have the cmdlet [$_] available" { $cmd = Get-Command $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $cmd | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } } $reqDSCResources = @('DCBNetAdapterQos', 'DCBNetQosDcbxSetting', 'DCBNetQosFlowControl', 'DCBNetQosPolicy', 'DCBNetQosTrafficClass', 'VMNetworkAdapterIsolation', 'VMNetworkAdapterSettings', 'VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping', 'WindowsFeature', 'NetAdapterAdvancedProperty', 'NetAdapterRDMA', 'xVMSwitch', 'xVMNetworkAdapter', 'NetAdapterRsc' ) $reqDSCResources | ForEach-Object { It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] must have the DSC Resource [$_] available" { $cmd = Get-DSCResource $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $cmd | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } } $module = Import-Module -Name "$here\helpers\NetworkConfig\NetworkConfig.psd1" -PassThru -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] must import the NetworkConfig module successfully" { $module | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } $module = Import-Module -Name "$here\helpers\UI\vDCBUI.psm1" -PassThru -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[Global Unit]-[TestHost: ${env:ComputerName}] must import the vDCBUI module successfully" { $module | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } } |