Describe "[Modal Unit]" -Tag Modal { $configData.AllNodes | ForEach-Object { $thisNode = $_ $nodeName = $thisNode.NodeName $cfgVMSwitch = $_.VMSwitch $cfgRDMAEnabledAdapters = $_.RDMAEnabledAdapters $cfgRDMADisabledAdapters = $_.RDMADisabledAdapters $AllRDMAEnabledAdapters = @() If ($cfgRDMAEnabledAdapters) { $AllRDMAEnabledAdapters = $cfgRDMAEnabledAdapters} If ($cfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters) { $AllRDMAEnabledAdapters += $cfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters} $NetAdapter = @() $NetAdapter += Get-NetAdapter -CimSession $nodeName -Name $AllRDMAEnabledAdapters.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $NetAdapterBinding = @() $NetAdapterBinding += Get-NetAdapterBinding -CimSession $nodeName -Name $AllRDMAEnabledAdapters.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $actNetAdapterState = @{} $actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter += $netAdapter $actNetAdapterState.netAdapterBinding += $netAdapterBinding Remove-Variable -Name NetAdapter, NetAdapterBinding foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $cfgRDMAEnabledAdapters) { Context "[Modal Unit]-[RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[SUT: $nodeName]-Physical NetAdapter Basic Checks" { ### Verify the interface is enabled It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Interface operation status must be `"Up`"" { ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).Status | Should be 'Up' } ### Verify the interface has media link It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Interface media state must be `"Connected`"" { ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).MediaConnectionState | Should Be 'Connected' } ### Verify interface is capable of 10+ Gbps It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Interface must be at least 10 Gbps" { # Using 9000000000 (9 Gbps) since there is no -ge for Pester 3.x ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).ReceiveLinkSpeed | Should BeGreaterThan 9000000000 } ### Verify interface is physical hardware It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Interface must be physical hardware" { ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).ConnectorPresent | Should Be $true } ### Verify interface IS NOT attached to virtual switch It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterBinding] Interface must not be attached to the virtual switch" { $testedBinding = ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapterBinding | Where-Object{ $_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.ComponentID -eq 'vms_pp'}).Enabled $testedBinding -eq $Null -or $testedBinding -eq $false | Should be $true } ### Verify interface is NOT bound to LBFO It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterBinding] Interface should NOT be bound to the LBFO multiplexor" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterBinding | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.ComponentID -eq 'ms_implat'}).Enabled | Should be $false } #Note: $thisDriver will be empty if using a driver that is not recognized $driverName = ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).DriverName.Split('\') $thisDriver = $configData.drivers.Where{$_.DriverFileName -eq $driverName[$driverName.Count - 1]} ### Verify interface is using a known adapter #TODO: Update once certifications are complete It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Must use a certified device [e.g. Cavium, Chelsio, Intel, Broadcom, Mellanox]" { $thisDriver | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify interface is using at least the recommended driver version It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Driver must use the recommended version ($($thisDriver.MinimumDriverVersion) or later" { ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).DriverVersionString -ge $thisDriver.MinimumDriverVersion | Should be $true } } } foreach ($thisCfgVMSwitch in $cfgVMSwitch) { foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $thisCfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters) { Context "[Modal Unit]-[VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[SUT: $nodeName]-Physical NetAdapter Basic Checks" { ### Verify the interface is enabled It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Interface operation status must be `"Up`"" { ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).Status | Should Be 'Up' } ### Verify the interface has media link It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Interface media state must be `"Connected`"" { ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).MediaConnectionState | Should Be 'Connected' } ### Verify interface is capable of 10+ Gbps It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Interface must be at least 10 Gbps" { # Using 9000000000 (9 Gbps) since there is no -ge for Pester 3.x ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).ReceiveLinkSpeed | Should BeGreaterThan 9000000000 } ### Verify interface is physical hardware It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Interface must be physical hardware" { ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).ConnectorPresent | Should Be $true } ### Verify interface IS attached to virtual switch It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterBinding] Interface MUST be attached to the virtual switch" { ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapterBinding | Where-Object{ $_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.ComponentID -eq 'vms_pp'}).Enabled | Should Be $true } ### Verify interface is NOT bound to LBFO It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterBinding] Interface must NOT be bound to the LBFO multiplexor" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterBinding | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.ComponentID -eq 'ms_implat'}).Enabled | Should be $false } ### Verify interface is NOT bound to TCP/IP v4 It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterBinding] Interface must NOT be bound to TCP/IP v4" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterBinding | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.ComponentID -eq 'ms_tcpip'}).Enabled | Should be $false } ### Verify interface is NOT bound to TCP/IP v6 It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterBinding] Interface must NOT be bound to TCP/IP v6" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterBinding | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.ComponentID -eq 'ms_tcpip6'}).Enabled | Should be $false } ### Verify interface is NOT bound to Client for Microsoft Networks It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterBinding] Interface must NOT be bound to Client for MS Networks" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterBinding | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.ComponentID -eq 'ms_msclient'}).Enabled | Should be $false } #Note: $thisDriver will be empty if using a driver that is not recognized $driverName = ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).DriverName.Split('\') $thisDriver = $configData.drivers.Where{$_.DriverFileName -eq $driverName[$driverName.Count - 1]} ### Verify interface is using a known adapter #TODO: Update once certifications are complete It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Must use a known device [e.g. Cavium, Chelsio, Intel, Broadcom, Mellanox]" { $thisDriver | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify interface is using at least the recommended driver version It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Driver must use the recommended version ($($thisDriver.MinimumDriverVersion)) or later" { ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).DriverVersionString -ge $thisDriver.MinimumDriverVersion | Should be $true } } } } $netAdapterAdvancedProperty = @() $netAdapterAdvancedProperty += Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -CimSession $nodeName -Name $AllRDMAEnabledAdapters.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty = $netAdapterAdvancedProperty Remove-Variable -Name netAdapterAdvancedProperty #Note: $thisDriver will be empty if using a driver that is not recognized $driverName = ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).DriverName.Split('\') $thisIHV = $configData.drivers.Where{$_.DriverFileName -eq $driverName[$driverName.Count - 1]}.IHV foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $cfgRDMAEnabledAdapters) { Context "[Modal Unit]-[RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[SUT: $nodeName]-Physical NetAdapter Advanced Property Settings" { ### Verify Interface is RDMA Capable (includes the *NetworkDirect Keyword) It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should be NetworkDirect (RDMA) capable" { $actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirect'} | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify Interface is RDMA Enabled It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have NetworkDirect (RDMA) Enabled" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirect'}).DisplayValue | Should Be 'Enabled' } ### Verify Interface has a VLAN assigned - These NICs are native adapters (no VMSwitch attached) It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have VLAN $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VLANID) assigned" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq 'VLANID'}).RegistryValue | Should Be $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VLANID } ### Verify if JumboPackets are specified in the config file that they are set properly on the interfaces If ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.JumboPacket) { It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have Jumbo Packet set to [$($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.JumboPacket)]" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*JumboPacket'}).RegistryValue | Should Be $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.JumboPacket } } ### Verify if EncapOverhead is specified in the config file that they are set properly on the interfaces If ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.EncapOverhead) { It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have EncapOverhead set to [$($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.EncapOverhead)]" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*EncapOverhead'}).RegistryValue | Should Be $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.EncapOverhead } } Switch -wildCard ($thisIHV) { 'Chelsio ' { #Test for NetworkDirectTechnology - Adapter must specify iWARP It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Network Direct Technology must be '1' (iWARP) on Chelsio adapters" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirectTechnology').RegistryValue | Should Be 1 } } 'Cavium' { #Test for NetworkDirectTechnology - As they support multiple options, we test that the system specifies iWARP or RoCEv2 It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Network Direct Technology must be '1'(iWARP) or '4' (RoCEv2) on Marvell/Cavium adapters" { $NetworkDirectTechnologyValue = (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirectTechnology').RegistryValue $NetworkDirectTechnologyValue -eq 1 -or $NetworkDirectTechnologyValue -eq 4 | Should be $true } } 'Intel' { #Test for NetworkDirectTechnology - Adapter must specify iWARP It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Network Direct Technology must be '1' (iWARP) on Intel adapters" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirectTechnology').RegistryValue | Should Be 1 } } 'Mellanox' { If ($driverName[$driverName.Count - 1] -like 'mlx4*') { It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Miniport IPv4 RSC should be disabled" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*RscIPv4').RegistryValue | Should Be 0 } It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Miniport IPv6 RSC should be disabled" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*RscIPv6').RegistryValue | Should Be 0 } } Else { #Test for NetworkDirectTechnology - Adapter must specify RoCEv2 It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Network Direct Technology must be '4' (RoCEv2) on Mellanox adapters" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirectTechnology').RegistryValue | Should Be 4 } } $thisInterfaceDescription = ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).InterfaceDescription $lastBoot = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $nodeName -LogName System -MaxEvents 1 -FilterXPath "*[System[Provider[@Name='eventlog'] and (Level=4 or Level=0) and (EventID=6005)]]" Try { # To get all events for testing (not just last boot) remove the TimeCreated in the FilterHashtable $FWEvent = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $nodeName -FilterHashTable @{LogName="System"; TimeCreated=$lastboot.TimeCreated; ID = 263; ProviderName = 'mlx5'} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $thisFWEvent = $FWEvent | Where-Object Message -like "$thisInterfaceDescription Firmware version*" $XMLFWEvent = [xml]$thisFWEvent[0].ToXml() $FWIndexStart = (0..($XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data.Count - 1) | Where-Object { $XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data[$_] -eq $thisInterfaceDescription }) + 1 $FWIndexEnd = $XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data.Count - 2 $FWIndexMid = ($FWIndexStart..($FWIndexEnd)).Count / 2 $actFWVersion = $null $recFWVersion = $null $XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data[$FWIndexStart..($FWIndexStart + $FWIndexMid - 1)] | ForEach-Object { $actFWVersion += $_ + "." } $XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data[($FWIndexStart + $FWIndexMid)..$FWIndexEnd] | ForEach-Object { $recFWVersion += $_ + "." } # Regex replace for last character (extra period) $actualFWVersion = [string]::Concat($actFWVersion) -replace ".$" $recommendedFWVersion = [string]::Concat($recFWVersion) -replace ".$" Remove-Variable -Name actFWVersion, recFWVersion $interfaceIndex = (0..($XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data.Count - 1) | Where-Object { $XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data[$_] -eq $thisInterfaceDescription }) If ($XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data[$interfaceIndex]) { It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Log: System; EventID: 263] Should have the recommended firmware version for this driver" { $actualFWVersion | Should be $recommendedFWVersion } } } Catch { # If you entered here, then there are no events within the last boot time It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Log: System; EventID: 263] Should not report a driver/firmware mismatch warning (MLX5 Event: 263)" { $true | Should be $true } } } 'Broadcom' { #Test for NetworkDirectTechnology - Adapter must specify RoCEv2 It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Network Direct Technology must be '4' (RoCEv2) on Broadcom adapters" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirectTechnology').RegistryValue | Should Be 4 } } '*' { # Tests for all IHVs } 'Default' { It 'Hardware Vendor for Adapter not Identified' { $false | Should be $true } } } } } foreach ($thisCfgVMSwitch in $cfgVMSwitch) { foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $cfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters) { Context "[Modal Unit]-[VMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters]-[SUT: $nodeName]-Physical NetAdapter Advanced Property Settings" { ### Verify Interface is RDMA Capable (includes the *NetworkDirect Keyword) It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should be NetworkDirect (RDMA) capable" { $actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirect'} | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify Interface is RDMA Enabled It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have NetworkDirect (RDMA) Enabled" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirect'}).DisplayValue | Should Be 'Enabled' } ### Verify Interface has a VLAN of 0 - These NICs are attached to a VMSwitch attached, so vNICs will have the VLANID It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have VLAN '0' assigned" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq 'VLANID'}).RegistryValue | Should Be 0 } ### Verify if JumboPackets are specified in the config file that they are set properly on the interfaces If ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.JumboPacket) { It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have Jumbo Packet set to [$($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.JumboPacket)]" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*JumboPacket'}).RegistryValue | Should Be $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.JumboPacket } } ### Verify if EncapOverhead is specified in the config file that they are set properly on the interfaces If ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.EncapOverhead) { It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have EncapOverhead set to [$($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.EncapOverhead)]" { ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*EncapOverhead'}).RegistryValue | Should Be $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.EncapOverhead } } Switch -wildCard ($thisIHV) { 'Chelsio ' { #Test for NetworkDirectTechnology - Adapter must specify iWARP It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Network Direct Technology must be '1' (iWARP) on Chelsio adapters" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirectTechnology').RegistryValue | Should Be 1 } } 'Cavium' { #Test for NetworkDirectTechnology - As they support multiple options, we test that the system specifies iWARP or RoCEv2 It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Network Direct Technology must be '1'(iWARP) or '4' (RoCEv2) on Marvell/Cavium adapters" { $NetworkDirectTechnologyValue = (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirectTechnology').RegistryValue $NetworkDirectTechnologyValue -eq 1 -or $NetworkDirectTechnologyValue -eq 4 | Should be $true } } 'Intel' { #Test for NetworkDirectTechnology - Adapter must specify iWARP It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Network Direct Technology must be '1' (iWARP) on Intel adapters" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirectTechnology').RegistryValue | Should Be 1 } } 'Mellanox' { If ($driverName[$driverName.Count - 1] -like 'mlx4*') { It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Miniport IPv4 RSC should be disabled" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*RscIPv4').RegistryValue | Should Be 0 } It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Miniport IPv6 RSC should be disabled" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*RscIPv6').RegistryValue | Should Be 0 } } Else { #Test for NetworkDirectTechnology - Adapter must specify RoCEv2 It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Network Direct Technology must be '4' (RoCEv2) on Mellanox adapters" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirectTechnology').RegistryValue | Should Be 4 } } $thisInterfaceDescription = ($actNetAdapterState.netAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).InterfaceDescription $lastBoot = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $nodeName -LogName System -MaxEvents 1 -FilterXPath "*[System[Provider[@Name='eventlog'] and (Level=4 or Level=0) and (EventID=6005)]]" Try { # To get all events for testing (not just last boot) remove the TimeCreated in the FilterHashtable $FWEvent = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $nodeName -FilterHashTable @{LogName="System"; TimeCreated=$lastboot.TimeCreated; ID = 263; ProviderName = 'mlx5'} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $thisFWEvent = $FWEvent | Where-Object Message -like "$thisInterfaceDescription Firmware version*" $XMLFWEvent = [xml]$thisFWEvent[0].ToXml() $FWIndexStart = (0..($XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data.Count - 1) | Where-Object { $XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data[$_] -eq $thisInterfaceDescription }) + 1 $FWIndexEnd = $XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data.Count - 2 $FWIndexMid = ($FWIndexStart..($FWIndexEnd)).Count / 2 $actFWVersion = $null $recFWVersion = $null $XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data[$FWIndexStart..($FWIndexStart + $FWIndexMid - 1)] | ForEach-Object { $actFWVersion += $_ + "." } $XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data[($FWIndexStart + $FWIndexMid)..$FWIndexEnd] | ForEach-Object { $recFWVersion += $_ + "." } # Regex replace for last character (extra period) $actualFWVersion = [string]::Concat($actFWVersion) -replace ".$" $recommendedFWVersion = [string]::Concat($recFWVersion) -replace ".$" Remove-Variable -Name actFWVersion, recFWVersion $interfaceIndex = (0..($XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data.Count - 1) | Where-Object { $XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data[$_] -eq $thisInterfaceDescription }) If ($XMLFWEvent.Event.EventData.Data[$interfaceIndex]) { It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Log: System; EventID: 263] Should have the recommended firmware version for this driver" { $actualFWVersion | Should be $recommendedFWVersion } } } Catch { # If you entered here, then there are no events within the last boot time It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Log: System; EventID: 263] Should not report a driver/firmware mismatch warning (MLX5 Event: 263)" { $true | Should be $true } } } 'Broadcom' { #Test for NetworkDirectTechnology - Adapter must specify RoCEv2 It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-(Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty) Network Direct Technology must be '4' (RoCEv2) on Broadcom adapters" { (($actNetAdapterState.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name) | Where-Object RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirectTechnology').RegistryValue | Should Be 4 } } '*' { # Tests for all IHVs } 'Default' { It 'Hardware Vendor for Adapter not Identified' { $false | Should be $true } } } } } } # No Disabled Adapters need to be specified, so only run this if there are disabled adapters If ($cfgRDMADisabledAdapters.Name -or $cfgVMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapters.Name) { $DisabledNetAdapterAdvancedProperty = @() $DisabledNetAdapterAdvancedProperty += Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -CimSession $nodeName -Name $cfgRDMADisabledAdapters.Name, $cfgVMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapters.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $actNetAdapterState.DisabledNetAdapterAdvancedProperty = $DisabledNetAdapterAdvancedProperty Remove-Variable DisabledNetAdapterAdvancedProperty #TODO: Make sure this works with multiple vmswitch.adapters Context "[Modal Unit]-[DisabledAdapters]-[SUT: $nodeName]-RDMA Disabled Physical NetAdapter" { foreach ($thisRDMADisabledAdapter in $cfgRDMADisabledAdapters.Name) { ### Verify RDMA is disabled or not capable on this adapter It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMADisabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have NetworkDirect (RDMA) Disabled" { ($actNetAdapterState.DisabledNetAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMADisabledAdapter.Name -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirect'}).DisplayValue | Should Not Be 'Enabled' } } foreach ($thisRDMADisabledAdapter in $cfgVMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapters.Name) { ### Verify RDMA is disabled or not capable on this adapter It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have NetworkDirect (RDMA) Disabled" { ($actNetAdapterState.DisabledNetAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMADisabledAdapter -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirect'}).DisplayValue | Should Not Be 'Enabled' } } foreach ($thisRDMADisabledAdapter in $cfgVMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapters.VMNetworkAdapter) { ### Verify RDMA is disabled on this VMNetworkAdapter adapter It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch.RDMADisabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have NetworkDirect (RDMA) Disabled" { ($actNetAdapterState.DisabledNetAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMADisabledAdapter -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirect'}).DisplayValue | Should Not Be 'Enabled' } } } } Context "[Modal Unit]-[NetQos]-[SUT: $nodeName]-NetQos Settings" { $NetQosPolicy = Get-NetQosPolicy -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $NetAdapterQos = Get-NetAdapterQos -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $NetQosFlowControl = Get-NetQosFlowControl -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $NetQosTrafficClass = Get-NetQosTrafficClass -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $NetQosDcbxSettingInterfaces = @() $AllRDMAEnabledAdapters.Name | ForEach-Object { $NetQosDcbxSettingInterfaces += Get-NetQosDcbxSetting -InterfaceAlias $_ -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $actNetQoSState = @{} $actNetQoSState.NetQoSPolicy = $NetQosPolicy $actNetQoSState.NetAdapterQos = $NetAdapterQos $actNetQoSState.NetQoSFlowControl = $NetQosFlowControl $actNetQoSState.NetQosTrafficClass = $NetQosTrafficClass $actNetQoSState.NetQosDcbxSettingInterfaces = $NetQosDcbxSettingInterfaces Remove-Variable -Name NetQosPolicy, NetAdapterQos, NetQosFlowControl, NetQosTrafficClass, NetQosDcbxSettingInterfaces foreach ($thisPolicy in $configData.NonNodeData.NetQoS) { ### Verify this NetQos Policy exists It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosPolicy] should have a NetQos policy named ($($thisPolicy.Name)) assigned" { $actNetQoSState.NetQoSPolicy.Name -contains $($thisPolicy.Name) | Should Be $true } If ($thisPolicy.Template) { ### Verify this NetQos policy uses the specified template It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosPolicy] The NetQos policy named ($($thisPolicy.Name)) should be the ($($thisPolicy.Name)) template" { ($actNetQoSState.NetQoSPolicy | Where-Object Name -eq $thisPolicy.Name).Template | Should Be $thisPolicy.Template } } elseif ($thisPolicy.NetDirectPortMatchCondition) { ### Verify this NetQos policy uses the specified NetDirectPortMatchCondition It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosPolicy] The NetQos policy named ($($thisPolicy.Name)) should be assigned port ($($thisPolicy.NetDirectPortMatchCondition))" { ($actNetQoSState.NetQoSPolicy | Where-Object Name -eq $thisPolicy.Name).NetDirectPortMatchCondition | Should Be $thisPolicy.NetDirectPortMatchCondition } } ### Verify this NetQos policy is the specified priority It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosPolicy] The NetQos policy named ($($thisPolicy.Name)) should be priority ($($thisPolicy.PriorityValue8021Action))" { ($actNetQoSState.NetQoSPolicy | Where-Object Name -eq $thisPolicy.Name).PriorityValue8021Action | Should Be $thisPolicy.PriorityValue8021Action } #TODO: Check that Default and Cluster FlowControl is disabled If ( $($thisPolicy.template) -notlike 'Default' -and $($thisPolicy.template) -notlike 'Cluster' ) { ### Verify the NetQos Priority is Enabled for lossless TCs It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQoSFlowControl] The NetQoS priority ($($thisPolicy.PriorityValue8021Action)) for policy ($($thisPolicy.Name)) should be enabled" { ($actNetQoSState.NetQoSFlowControl | Where-Object Priority -eq $thisPolicy.PriorityValue8021Action).Enabled | Should Be $true } } If (( $($thisPolicy.Name) -like '*default*' )) { ### Verify Should have the specified traffic class It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosTrafficClass] Should have a traffic class named '[$($thisPolicy.Name)]'" { $actNetQoSState.NetQosTrafficClass.Name -contains "[$($thisPolicy.Name)]" | Should Be $true } ### Verify this traffic class is the expected BandwidthPercentage It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosTrafficClass] The traffic class named '[$($thisPolicy.Name)]' should have a bandwidth percentage of ($($thisPolicy.BandwidthPercentage))" { ($actNetQoSState.NetQosTrafficClass | Where-Object Name -Like '*default*').BandwidthPercentage | Should Be $thisPolicy.BandwidthPercentage } ### Verify this traffic class is the expected Algorithm It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosTrafficClass] The traffic class named '[$($thisPolicy.Name)]' should have an algorithm of ($($thisPolicy.Algorithm))" { ($actNetQoSState.NetQosTrafficClass | Where-Object Name -Like '*default*').Algorithm | Should Be $thisPolicy.Algorithm } } Else { ### Verify Should have the specified traffic class It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosTrafficClass] Should have a traffic class named ($($thisPolicy.Name))" { $actNetQoSState.NetQosTrafficClass.Name -contains "$($thisPolicy.Name)" | Should Be $true } ### Verify This traffic class is the expected priority It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosTrafficClass] The traffic class named ($($thisPolicy.Name)) should be priority ($($thisPolicy.PriorityValue8021Action))" { ($actNetQoSState.NetQosTrafficClass | Where-Object Name -eq "$($thisPolicy.Name)").Priority | Should Be $thisPolicy.PriorityValue8021Action } ### Verify this traffic class is the expected BandwidthPercentage It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosTrafficClass] The traffic class named ($($thisPolicy.Name)) should have a bandwidth percentage of ($($thisPolicy.BandwidthPercentage))" { ($actNetQoSState.NetQosTrafficClass | Where-Object Name -eq $thisPolicy.Name).BandwidthPercentage | Should Be $thisPolicy.BandwidthPercentage } ### Verify this traffic class is the expected Algorithm It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[NetQos: $($thisPolicy.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosTrafficClass] The traffic class named ($($thisPolicy.Name)) should have a algorithm of ($($thisPolicy.Algorithm))" { ($actNetQoSState.NetQosTrafficClass | Where-Object Name -eq $thisPolicy.Name).Algorithm | Should Be $thisPolicy.Algorithm } } } foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $AllRDMAEnabledAdapters) { ### Verify this adapter has an enabled NetAdapterQos policy It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapters: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterQos] should be enabled" { ($actNetQoSState.NetAdapterQos | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).Enabled | Should Be $true } ### Verify this adapter's DCBX setting is not Willing It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[RDMAEnabledAdapters: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetQosDcbxSetting] interfaces DCBX 'Willing' option should be false" { ($actNetQoSState.NetQosDcbxSettingInterfaces | Where-Object InterfaceAlias -like $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).Willing | Should Be 'false' } } } foreach ($thisCfgVMSwitch in $cfgVMSwitch) { $vmSwitch = Get-VMSwitch -Name $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $vmSwitchTeam = Get-VMSwitchTeam -Name $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $actvmSwitch = @{} $actvmSwitch.vmSwitch = $vmSwitch $actvmSwitch.vmSwitchTeam = $vmSwitchTeam If ($thisCfgVMSwitch.IovEnabled) { $NetAdapterSRIOV = @() foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $thisCfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters) { $NetAdapterSRIOV += Get-NetAdapterSRIOV -Name $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $actvmSwitch.NetAdapterSRIOV = $NetAdapterSRIOV } Remove-Variable -Name VMSwitch, VMSwitchTeam, NetAdapterSRIOV -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Context "[Modal Unit]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[SUT: $nodeName]-VMSwitch Settings" { ### Verify the expected VMSwitch exists It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] vSwitch should exist" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).Name | Should Be $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name } Switch ($thisCfgVMSwitch.EmbeddedTeamingEnabled) { $false { ### Verify Non-teamed interfaces contain only 1 adapter specified It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] vSwitch should contain only 1 adapter" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).NetAdapterInterfaceDescriptions.Count | Should Be 1 } ### Verify LBFO Multiplexor is not used It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] vSwitch should not use LBFO Teaming" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).NetAdapterInterfaceDescription | Should Not Be 'Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver' } ### Verify Non-teamed interfaces are actually non-teamed It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] vSwitch should not be a teamed interface" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).NetAdapterInterfaceDescription | Should Not Be 'Teamed-Interface' } ### Verify the expected adapter is attached to the vSwitch It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] vSwitch interface should be [$($thisCfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters.Name)]" { $thisInterfaceDescription = ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).NetAdapterInterfaceDescription ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object InterfaceDescription -eq $thisInterfaceDescription).Name | Should Be $thisCfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters.Name } } $true { ### Verify SET contains the expected number of adapters It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] vSwitch contains ($($thisCfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters.Count)) adapters" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).NetAdapterInterfaceDescriptions.Count | Should Be $thisCfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters.Count } ### Verify LBFO Multiplexor is not used It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] vSwitch should not use LBFO Teaming" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).NetAdapterInterfaceDescription | Should Not Be 'Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver' } ### Verify the vSwitch is a teamed interface (implies SET based on the previous test) It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] vSwitch should be a teamed interface" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).NetAdapterInterfaceDescription | Should Be 'Teamed-Interface' } foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $thisCfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters) { ### Verify the expected phyiscal adapters are part of the team It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitchTeam] Interface should be a member of the SET team" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitchTeam | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).NetAdapterInterfaceDescription -contains ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).InterfaceDescription | Should be $true } } ### Verify adapters in the team are symmetric: DriverFileName It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Adapters in the team are symmetric [same DriverFileName]" { (($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter).DriverName | Select-Object -Unique).Count | Should be 1 } ### Verify adapters in the team are symmetric: DriverVersion It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] Adapters in the team are symmetric [same DriverVersion]" { (($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter).DriverVersion | Select-Object -Unique).Count | Should be 1 } ### Verify the team is SwitchIndependent (Currently the only option but -- Future Proofing) It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitchTeam] TeamingMode must be SwitchIndependent" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitchTeam | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).TeamingMode | Should Be 'SwitchIndependent' } ### Verify the load balancing algorithm is the expected. Either setting is acceptable; testing for consistency If ($thisCfgVMSwitch.LoadBalancingAlgorithm) { It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitchTeam] LoadBalancingAlgorithm must be $($thisCfgVMSwitch.LoadBalancingAlgorithm)" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitchTeam | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).LoadBalancingAlgorithm | Should Be $thisCfgVMSwitch.LoadBalancingAlgorithm } } Else { It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitchTeam] LoadBalancingAlgorithm should be 'Hyper-V Port' if not specified in the config file" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitchTeam | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).LoadBalancingAlgorithm | Should Be 'HyperVPort' } } ### Verify PacketDirect is disabled (not required for RDMA; best practice for VMSwitch) It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] PacketDirect must be Disabled" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).PacketDirectEnabled | Should Be $false } } ### Verify no catastrophic failures in the VMSwitch testing... default { It "Could not determine the EmbeddedTeamingEnabled configuration" { $false | Should be $true }} } Switch ($thisCfgVMSwitch.IovEnabled) { $false { ### Verify the VMSwitch has disabled SR-IOV (e.g. No Guest RDMA possible) It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] The VMSwitch should have SR-IOV disabled" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).IovEnabled | Should Be $false } } $true { foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $thisCfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters) { ### Verify the expected phyiscal adapters have SR-IOV enabled It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterSRIOV] Interface should report SR-IOV is supported" { ($actvmSwitch.NetAdapterSRIOV | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).Enabled | Should be $true # If support is disabled, review for potential reasons https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/netadapter/get-netadaptersriov?view=win10-ps } It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: NetAdapterSRIOV] Interface should have at least 1 VF" { ($actvmSwitch.NetAdapterSRIOV | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).NumVFs | Should BeGreaterThan 0 } } ### Verify IOV is supported by the VMSwitch (Summary of the Adapters) It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] The VMSwitch should support SR-IOV" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).IovSupport | Should Be $true } ### Verify the VMSwitch has SR-IOV Enabled It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] The VMSwitch should have SR-IOV enabled" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).IovEnabled | Should Be $true } ### Verify the VMSwitch has at least one Iov Queue Pair It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] The VMSwitch's IovQueuePairCount must be at least 1" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).IovQueuePairCount | Should BeGreaterThan 0 } ### Verify the VMSwitch has at least 1 Virtual Function to hand out It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[Noun: VMSwitch] The VMSwitch's IovVirtualFunctionCount must be at least 1" { ($actvmSwitch.vmSwitch | Where-Object Name -eq $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name).IovVirtualFunctionCount | Should BeGreaterThan 0 } } } } foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $thisCfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters) { $VMNetworkAdapter = @() $VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping = @() $VMNetworkAdapter = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -Name $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping = Get-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -Name $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $NetAdapter = @() $NetAdapterRDMA = @() $netAdapterAdvancedProperty = @() If ($VMNetworkAdapter.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter) { $NetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object DeviceID -eq $VMNetworkAdapter.DeviceID $NetAdapterRDMA = Get-NetAdapterRDMA -Name $NetAdapter.Name -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $NetAdapterAdvancedProperty = Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NetAdapter.Name -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $actvmSwitch.NetAdapter = $NetAdapter $actvmSwitch.NetAdapterRDMA = $NetAdapterRDMA $actvmSwitch.NetAdapterAdvancedProperty = $NetAdapterAdvancedProperty $actvmSwitch.VMNetworkAdapter = $VMNetworkAdapter $actvmSwitch.VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping = $VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping Remove-Variable -Name NetAdapter, NetAdapterRDMA, NetAdapterAdvancedProperty, VMNetworkAdapter, VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Context "[Modal Unit]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[SUT: $nodeName]-Virtual NICs NetAdapter and NetAdapterAdvancedProperty Settings" { ### Verify the virtual NIC's NetAdapter Name is the same as the VMNetworkAdapter name It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: NetAdapter, VMNetworkAdapter] NetAdapter Name for the virtual NIC is named the same as the VMNetworkAdapter name" { ($actvmSwitch.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter).Name | Should be $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter } ### Verify the interface is a virtual interface It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] The interface must be virtual" { ($actvmSwitch.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter).ConnectorPresent | Should Be $false } ### Verify the interface is enabled It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] The virtual interface status must be `"Up`"" { ($actvmSwitch.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter).Status | Should Be 'Up' } ### Verify the interface has media link It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: NetAdapter] The virtual interface media state must be `"Connected`"" { ($actvmSwitch.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter).MediaConnectionState | Should Be 'Connected' } If ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.JumboPacket) { ### Verify if the JumboPacket param is specified in the cfg file, that the vNIC also has the jumbo packet setting It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should have Jumbo Packet set to [$($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.JumboPacket)]" { ($actvmSwitch.NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*JumboPacket'}).RegistryValue | Should Be $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.JumboPacket } } ### Verify Interface is RDMA Capable (includes the *NetworkDirect Keyword) It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: NetAdapterAdvancedProperty] should be NetworkDirect (RDMA) capable" { $actvmSwitch.netAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter -and $_.RegistryKeyword -eq '*NetworkDirect'} | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } ### Verify the NetAdapter is Enabled for RDMA It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: NetAdapterRDMA] VMNetworkAdapter should be enabled for RDMA" { ($actvmSwitch.NetAdapterRDMA | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter).Enabled | Should be $true } } Context "[Modal Unit]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[SUT: $nodeName]-VMNetworkAdapter Settings" { ### Verify the VMNetworkAdapter specified in the config file exists It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: VMNetworkAdapter] VMNetworkAdapter should exist" { (($actvmSwitch.VMNetworkAdapter).Name -contains $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter) | Should be $true } ### Verify the VMNetworkAdapter Status is OK It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: VMNetworkAdapter] VMNetworkAdapter Status should be 'OK'" { ($actvmSwitch.VMNetworkAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter).Status | Should be 'Ok' } ### Verify the VMNetworkAdapter is attached to the VMSwitch It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: VMNetworkAdapter] VMNetworkAdapter should be connected to the VMSwitch" { ($actvmSwitch.VMNetworkAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter).SwitchName | Should be $thisCfgVMSwitch.Name } ### Verify the VMNetworkAdapter maintains IEEEPriority Tag for vNIC traffic It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: VMNetworkAdapter] VMNetworkAdapter should maintain IEEEPriority tags" { ($actvmSwitch.VMNetworkAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter).IeeePriorityTag | Should be 'On' } ### Verify the VMNetwork adapter is mapped to the specified pNIC If ($thisCfgVMSwitch.EmbeddedTeamingEnabled -eq $true) { It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[VMSwitch: $($thisCfgVMSwitch.Name)]-[RDMAEnabledAdapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping] VMNetworkAdapter should be mapped to the physical adapter" { ($actvmSwitch.VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping | Where-Object NetAdapterName -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).ParentAdapter.Name | Should be $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter } } } } } Context "[Modal Unit]-[SMB Direct]-[SUT: $nodeName]-SMB Client Settings" { $SMBClient = Get-SmbClientConfiguration -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $SMBClientNetworkInterface = Get-SmbClientNetworkInterface -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Noun: SmbClientConfiguration] SMB Multichannel must be enabled on the SMB client" { ($SMBClient).EnableMultichannel | Should Be 'True' } It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Noun: SMBClientConfiguration] SMB Signing must not be required" { ($SMBClient).RequireSecuritySignature | Should Be 'false' } foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $cfgRDMAEnabledAdapters) { $NetAdapter = @() $NetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[SMB Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: SMBClientNetworkInterface] SMB Client must report RDMA Capable" { ($SMBClientNetworkInterface | Where-Object InterfaceIndex -eq $NetAdapter.IfIndex).RdmaCapable | Should be $true } } foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $thisCfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters) { $NetAdapter = @() $NetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[SMB Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: SMBClientNetworkInterface] SMB Client must report RDMA Capable" { ($SMBClientNetworkInterface | Where-Object InterfaceIndex -eq $NetAdapter.IfIndex).RdmaCapable | Should be $true } } } Context "[Modal Unit]-[SMB Direct]-[SUT: $nodeName]-SMB Server Settings" { $SMBServer = Get-SmbServerConfiguration -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $SMBServerNetworkInterface = Get-SmbServerNetworkInterface -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Noun: SmbServerConfiguration] SMB Multichannel must be enabled on the SMB server" { ($SMBServer).EnableMultichannel | Should Be 'True' } It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Noun: SmbServerConfiguration] SMB Encryption must be disabled on the SMB server" { ($SMBServer).EncryptData | Should Be 'false' } It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[Noun: SmbServerConfiguration] SMB Signing must be disabled on the SMB server" { ($SMBServer).EnableSecuritySignature | Should Be 'false' } foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $cfgRDMAEnabledAdapters) { $NetAdapter = @() $NetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[SMB Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name)]-[Noun: SMBServerNetworkInterface] SMB Client must report RDMA Capable" { (($SMBServerNetworkInterface | Where-Object InterfaceIndex -eq $NetAdapter.IfIndex) | Select-Object -first 1).RdmaCapable | Should be $true } } foreach ($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter in $thisCfgVMSwitch.RDMAEnabledAdapters) { $NetAdapter = @() $NetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue It "[SUT: $nodeName]-[SMB Adapter: $($thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.VMNetworkAdapter)]-[Noun: SMBServerNetworkInterface] SMB Client must report RDMA Capable" { (($SMBServerNetworkInterface | Where-Object InterfaceIndex -eq $NetAdapter.IfIndex) | Select-Object -first 1).RdmaCapable | Should be $true } } $VMHostLiveMigration = Get-VMHost -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $SMBBandwidthLimit = Get-SmbBandwidthLimit -Category LiveMigration -CimSession $nodeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If ($VMHostLiveMigration.VirtualMachineMigrationPerformanceOption -eq 'SMB') { $AdapterLinkSpeed = ($actNetAdapterState.NetAdapter | Where-Object Name -eq $thisRDMAEnabledAdapter.Name).ReceiveLinkSpeed $configData.NonNodeData.NetQos | Foreach-Object { $thisPolicy = $_ If ($thisPolicy.ContainsKey('NetDirectPortMatchCondition')) { Switch ($AdapterLinkSpeed) { # SMB Bandwidth Limit is being calculated MB and being compared to adapter speed which is in Gbps converted to MiBps {$_ -le 10000000000} { $expectedLimitMB = (((($thisPolicy.BandwidthPercentage / 100) * .6) * $AdapterLinkSpeed) / 8) / 1000000 It "Should have a Live Migration limit of less than $expectedLimitMB MBps" { $SMBBandwidthLimit.BytesPerSecond / 1MB | Should BeLessThan ($expectedLimitMB + 1) } } # Setting to a Max of 750 MBps for adapters over 10 Gbps # https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/failover-clustering/optimizing-hyper-v-live-migrations-on-an-hyperconverged/ba-p/396609 {$_ -gt 10000000000} { $expectedLimitMB = (((($thisPolicy.BandwidthPercentage / 100) * .6) * $AdapterLinkSpeed) / 8) / 1000000 It "Should have an Live Migration limit of 750 MBps" { $SMBBandwidthLimit.BytesPerSecond / 1MB | Should Be 750 } } default { It 'Link speed was not identified and so optimal live migration limit could not be determined' { $false | Should be $true } } } } } } } } } #TODO: Update test helpers to check for VLAN Isolation and not VMnetworkAdapterVlan |