function Assert-DCBValidation { <# .SYNOPSIS Validate-DCB is a module that validates the RDMA and Data Center Bridging (DCB) configuration best practices on Windows. DCB is a suite of standards used to provide hardware based bandwidth reservations and flow control. This is not required for iWARP RDMA traffic, however it is mandatory for RoCE RDMA traffic. .DESCRIPTION Note: Validate-DCB is now an alias for Assert-DCBValidation to avoid a warning when importing the module using an unapproved verb Validate-DCB allows you to: - Validate the expected configuration on one to N number of systems or clusters - Validate the configuration meets best practices Additional benefits include: - The configuration doubles as DCB documentation for the expected configuration of your systems. - Answer the question "What Changed?" when faced with an operational issue This tool does not modify your system. As such, you can re-validate the configuration as many times as desired. .PARAMETER LaunchUI Use to launch a user interface to help create a configuration file. Use the following values to specify one of the example files. Optionally allows you to deploy the configuration using Azure Automation at the end. .PARAMETER ExampleConfig Use to specify one of the example configuration files. Use the following values to specify one of the example files | Value | Location | | ------- |------------------------------------------| | NDKm1 | .\Examples\NDKm1-examples.DCB.config.ps1 | | NDKm2 | .\Examples\NDKm2-examples.DCB.config.ps1 | Possible options include NDKm1 or NDKm2. This option cannot be used with the $ConfigFilePath parameter .PARAMETER ConfigFilePath Specifies the literal or relative paths to a custom configuration file. This option cannot be used with the $ExampleConfig parameter .PARAMETER ContinueOnFailure By default, Validate-DCB will exit at the end of a describe block if at least one test has failed. The intent is to give you an opportunity to correct the issue prior to moving on. This could have an impact on the ability of future tests to run successfully. Use this to attempt all tests even if a test failure is detected. .PARAMETER Deploy Deploy the configuration specified in the config file to the nodes. By default, Validate-DCB validates the configuration. With this option, it will modify your system. Please note: Due to the nature of declarative PowerShell (DSC) this could be destructive. For example, if your config file specify's that a vSwitch's IovEnabled property is $true and it is not actually configured properly on the system DSC will attempt to destroy the vSwitch and recreate it with the correct settings. Since this option can only be configured at vSwitch creation time, there is only one option. .PARAMETER TestScope Determines the describe block to be run. You can use this to only run certain describe blocks. By default, Global and Modal (currently all) describe blocks are run. .EXAMPLE Validate-DCB .EXAMPLE Validate-DCB -ExampleConfig NDKm2 .EXAMPLE Validate-DCB -ConfigFilePath c:\temp\ClusterA.ps1 .EXAMPLE Validate-DCB -ExampleConfig NDKm1 -TestScope Modal .NOTES Author: Windows Core Networking team @ Microsoft Please file issues on GitHub @ .LINK More projects : Windows Networking Blog : RDMA Configuration Guidance : #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Create Config')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DefaultConfig')] [ValidateSet('NDKm1', 'NDKm2')] [string] $ExampleConfig, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CustomConfig')] [string] $ConfigFilePath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Create Config')] [switch] $LaunchUI = $true, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $ContinueOnFailure = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet('All', 'Global', 'Modal')] [string] $TestScope = 'All' , [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DefaultConfig')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CustomConfig')] [switch] $Deploy = $false , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $reportPath ) Clear-Host If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Create Config') { $LaunchUI = $false } # TODO: Once converted to module, just add pester to required modules If (-not (Get-Module -Name Pester -ListAvailable)) { Write-Output 'Pester is an inbox PowerShell Module included in Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and later' Throw 'Catastrophic Failure :: PowerShell Module Pester was not found' } $here = Split-Path -Parent (Get-Module -Name Validate-DCB).Path $startTime = Get-Date -format:'yyyyMMdd-HHmmss' New-Item -Name 'Results' -Path $here -ItemType Directory -Force If ($global:deploy -eq $true -or $LaunchUI -eq $true) { Write-Output 'Deploy or LaunchUI options were selected...Verifying prerequisites' $testFile = Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath "tests\unit\global.unit.tests.ps1" $launch_deploy = Invoke-Pester -Script $testFile -Tag 'Launch_Deploy' -PassThru $launch_deploy | Select-Object -Property TagFilter, Time, TotalCount, PassedCount, FailedCount, SkippedCount, PendingCount | Format-Table -AutoSize If ($launch_deploy.FailedCount -ne 0) { Write-Error -Message "One or more of the required modules was not available on the system." Break } Else { Import-Module "$here\helpers\NetworkConfig\NetworkConfig.psd1" -Force Import-Module "$here\helpers\UI\vDCBUI.psm1" -Force } } #region Getting helpers & data... If ($LaunchUI) { $CheckModule = Get-Module -Name NetworkConfig, vDCBUI If ($CheckModule.Count -ne 2) { 'NetworkConfig or vDCBUI Module was not available for import'; break } Write-Output 'Launching Configuration and Deployment UI' vDCBUI $ConfigFile = $global:ConfigPath If ($configFile -eq $null) { Write-Error "Configuration file was not successfully saved" break } Else { Write-Output "The configuration is located at $ConfigFile" } } ElseIf ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ExampleConfig')) { $ConfigFile = $(Join-Path $Here -ChildPath "Examples\$ExampleConfig-examples.DCB.config.ps1") $fullPath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $configFile).FullName Write-Output "Example Configuration Mode ($ExampleConfig) was specified" Write-Output "The default configuration located at $fullPath will be used" } ElseIf ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ConfigFilePath')) { $fullPath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $ConfigFilePath).FullName Write-Output "The Config File at $fullPath will be used" $ConfigFile = $ConfigFilePath } If (Test-Path $ConfigFile) { & $ConfigFile } Else { Throw "Catastrophic Failure :: Configuration File was not found at $ConfigFile" } Remove-Variable -Name configData -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Import-Module "$here\helpers\helpers.psd1" -Force $configData += Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path .\helpers\drivers\drivers.psd1 #endregion Switch ($TestScope) { 'Global' { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('reportPath')) { $outputFile = $reportPath } Else { $outputFile = "$here\Results\$startTime-Global-unit.xml" } $testFile = Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath "tests\unit\global.unit.tests.ps1" $GlobalResults = Invoke-Pester -Script $testFile -Tag 'Global' -OutputFile $outputFile -OutputFormat NUnitXml -PassThru $GlobalResults | Select-Object -Property TagFilter, Time, TotalCount, PassedCount, FailedCount, SkippedCount, PendingCount | Format-Table -AutoSize } 'Modal' { If ($global:deploy) { Publish-Automation } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('reportPath')) { $outputFile = $reportPath } Else { $outputFile = "$here\Results\$startTime-Modal-unit.xml" } $testFile = Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath "tests\unit\modal.unit.tests.ps1" $ModalResults = Invoke-Pester -Script $testFile -Tag 'Modal' -OutputFile $outputFile -OutputFormat NUnitXml -PassThru $ModalResults | Select-Object -Property TagFilter, Time, TotalCount, PassedCount, FailedCount, SkippedCount, PendingCount | Format-Table -AutoSize } Default { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('reportPath')) { $outputFile = $reportPath } Else { $outputFile = "$here\Results\$startTime-Global-unit.xml" } $testFile = Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath "tests\unit\global.unit.tests.ps1" $GlobalResults = Invoke-Pester -Script $testFile -Tag 'Global' -OutputFile $outputFile -OutputFormat NUnitXml -PassThru $GlobalResults | Select-Object -Property TagFilter, Time, TotalCount, PassedCount, FailedCount, SkippedCount, PendingCount | Format-Table -AutoSize If ($global:deploy) { Publish-Automation } If ($GlobalResults.FailedCount -ne 0) { Write-Host 'Failures in Global exist. Please resolve failures prior to moving on' Break } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('reportPath')) { $outputFile = $reportPath } Else { $outputFile = "$here\Results\$startTime-Modal-unit.xml" } $testFile = Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath "tests\unit\modal.unit.tests.ps1" $ModalResults = Invoke-Pester -Script $testFile -Tag 'Modal' -OutputFile $outputFile -OutputFormat NUnitXml -PassThru $ModalResults | Select-Object -Property TagFilter, Time, TotalCount, PassedCount, FailedCount, SkippedCount, PendingCount | Format-Table -AutoSize } } } New-Alias -Name 'Validate-DCB' -Value 'Assert-DCBValidation' |