
function Start-VagrantEnvironment {
    Start a vagrant environment by specifying it's friendly name
    Reads the backend path to a vagrant directory and starts that environment based on the environment's friendly name
    .PARAMETER Environment
    The friendly name of the vagrant environment to start
    Name of host in Vagrantfile to bring online, if multiple are defined in Vagrantfile.
    Id of Vagrant environment to start, not tied to Environment parameter.
    Start-VagrantEnvironment -Environment CCM
    Turn on all hosts defined in the CCM Vagrantfile
    Start-VagrantEnvironment -Environment CCM -Name client
    Only turn on the client defined in the CCM Vagrantfile
    Start-VagrantEnvironment -Id a23459ef
    Bring up specified vagrant ID

                $r = Get-VagrantConfig
                $results = @($

                    $results.Where{$_ -match "^$WordToComplete"}

                Else {



                $results = @((Get-VagrantEnvironment).Id)

                    $results.Where{$_ -match "^$WordToComplete"}

                Else {



    begin {

        $config = Get-VagrantConfig

    process {

        Switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            "Environment" {

                Push-Location "$($config.$Environment)"

                if(!$Name) {
                    vagrant up
                else {
                    vagrant up $Name


            "Id" {

                vagrant up $Id



