function Get-VagrantConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns current configuration for this module .DESCRIPTION Returns the json config file for the module as an object .PARAMETER Path If you store your config outside of the module default, use Path to specify it .EXAMPLE Get-VagrantConfig Return default configuration .EXAMPLE Get-VagrantConfig -Path C:\vagrantey\config.json Return the configuration found in C:\vagrantey\config.json .NOTES #> [cmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [String] $Path ) process { if(!$Path){ if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop"){ $root = $env:USERPROFILE } else{ if ($IsWindows) { $root = $env:USERPROFILE } if ($IsMacOS) { $root = $env:HOME } if ($IsLinux) { $root = $env:HOME } } $defaultConfigPath = "$root\vagrantey\VagrantConfig.json" if (Test-Path -Path $defaultConfigPath) { Get-Content $defaultConfigPath | ConvertFrom-Json } else { Write-Warning "No config found. Run 'Set-VagrantConfig' to configure vagrant environments. For help run Get-Help Set-VagrantConfig -Examples" } } else{ Get-Content $Path | ConvertFrom-Json } } } |