function Start-VagrantEnvironment { <# .SYNOPSIS Start a vagrant environment by specifying it's friendly name .DESCRIPTION Reads the backend path to a vagrant directory and starts that environment based on the environment's friendly name .PARAMETER Environment The friendly name of the vagrant environment to start .EXAMPLE Start-VagrantEnvironment -Environment CCM .NOTES #> [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command,$Parameter,$WordToComplete,$CommandAst,$FakeBoundParams) $r = Get-VagrantConfig $results = @($ If($WordToComplete){ $results.Where{$_ -match "^$WordToComplete"} } Else { $results } } )] [String] $Environment ) begin { $config = Get-VagrantConfig } process { Push-Location "$($config.$Environment)" vagrant up Pop-Location } } |