function Import-VUMContent { <# .SYNOPSIS This function imports an ESXi image or patch to a VUM instance. With thanks to Lyuboslav Asenov @ VMWare for providing assistance with new Update Manager API. .DESCRIPTION This function uses a combination of file copy and VC Integrity API to perform content import on a VUM instance. The file is first copied to the VCSA to a known location on the local file system. File copy can either be by VM tools file copy or a CURL command for HTTP hosted content. The VC Integrity API is then used to import the content to VUM. .PARAMETER FilePath The path to the file to be imported to VUM. This may be a local path or an HTTP URL. .PARAMETER ImportType Use Image to import an ISO, and Patch to import patch content. .PARAMETER vcVM The VM name of the VCSA hosting VUM. .PARAMETER vcRootCredential Root credentials for the VCSA VM to allow VM tools to perform a file copy, or to allow CURL command to execute in case of HTTP hosted content. .PARAMETER vumVI Should be used if there is more than one VI connection. More than one VI connection can be used in scanarios where the VCSA does not manage it's own VM object. .EXAMPLE Import-VUMContent -FilePath E:\VUM\Patches\ -ImportType Patch -vcVM VCSA60-02 -vcRootCredential $vcRootcreds Import a patch to VUM. .EXAMPLE Import-VUMContent -FilePath E:\VUM\Images\VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.0.0.update03-5050593.x86_64.iso -ImportType Image -vcVM VCSA60-02 -vcRootCredential $vcRootcreds Import an ESXi image to VUM. .EXAMPLE Import-VUMContent -FilePath E:\VUM\Images\VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.7.0.update03-14320388.x86_64.iso -ImportType Image -vcVM DEVVCSA -vcRootCredential $vcRootcreds -vumVI devvcsa.lab.local -Verbose This is an example of a content import to a VUM instance where the vCenter does not manage it's own VM object. This command is run in the context of having 2 VI connections, one to the VCSA that manages DEVVCSA, and another VI connection devvcsa.lab.local This allows VM tools to import to DEVVCSA, and the API call to be made to devvcsa.lab.local .EXAMPLE Import-VUMContent -FilePath http://vumcontent.local/VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.7.0.update03-14320388.x86_64.iso -ImportType Image -vcVM DEVVCSA -vcRootCredential $vcRootcreds -vumVI devvcsa.lab.local -Verbose This is an example of a content import to a VUM instance where the vCenter does not manage it's own VM object. This command is run in the context of having 2 VI connections, one to the VCSA that manages DEVVCSA, and another VI connection devvcsa.lab.local A remote script will be executed to CURL down the ISO file to the appliance where an it can then be imported. .LINK .NOTES 01 14/11/18 Initial version. A McNair 02 29/11/18 Changed file copy for Windows VUM from UNC to PS Drive so a credential can be specifed. A McNair 03 23/12/19 Tidied up synopsis and added verbose output. A McNair Added additonal parameter vumVI to allow for content import to non-self managed VCSA's 04 02/09/21 Added support for content from an HTTP location. A McNair 05 30/11/22 Reworked for PowerCLI 12.7 and new API. A McNair Removed support for Windows hosted vCenter. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [String]$FilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [ValidateSet("Patch","Image")] [string]$ImportType, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [String]$vcVM, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$vcRootCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [String]$vumVi ) process { Write-Verbose ("Function start.") ## Get a VUM service connection object try { $vumCon = Connect-VUM -vumVI $vumVI -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose ("Got VUM connection.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to connect to VUM instance. " + $_.Exception.Message) } # catch ## Create import spec object $importSpec = New-Object IntegrityApi.FileUploadManagerFileUploadSpec $importSpec.SessionId = "" ## Change if patch or image switch ($ImportType) { "Image" { $importSpec.FileFunctionalType = "Upgrade" $importSpec.OpType = "UploadAndConfirm" } # Image "Patch" { $importSpec.FileFunctionalType = "Patch" $importSpec.OpType = "Upload" } # Patch } # switch ## Get filename from path $FileName = Split-Path $FilePath -Leaf ## Get VM object for VCSA try { $VCSAVMObject = Get-VM -Name $vcVM -Erroraction Stop Write-Verbose ("Got VM object for VCSA.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to get VM object for VCSA. " + $_.Exception.Message) } # catch ## If path starts with HTTP or HTTPS, we'll use a remote CURL command to pull down content. ## If not, we'll use VM tools to invoke a file copy. switch -Wildcard ($FilePath) { ## Is an HTTP URL, use CURL "http*" { ## Issue a CURL command via VM tools to download the ISO to the patch import folder Write-Verbose ("HTTP path detected. Downloading ISO to target appliance from " + $FilePath) $remoteCmd = ("curl " + $FilePath + " --output /storage/updatemgr/patch-store-temp/" + $FileName + " --fail") try { $scriptOutput = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $remoteCmd -VM $VCSAVMObject -GuestCredential $vcRootCredential Write-Verbose ("Remote script execution completed.") } # try catch { throw ("Attempt to execute remote script failed. " + $_.exception.message) } # catch ## Check script exit code is 0, i.e. no errors thrown. if ($scriptOutput.ExitCode -ne 0) { throw ("Attempt to download ISO to appliance failed. CURL exit code was " + $scriptOutput.ExitCode + ". The script output was " + $scriptOutput.ScriptOutput) } # if } # http ## Is a conventional path, use VM tools file copy default { ## Copy file to VCSA path using VM tools Write-Verbose ("Copying content via VM Tools.") try { Copy-VMGuestFile -Source $FilePath -Destination "/storage/updatemgr/patch-store-temp/$($FileName)" -LocalToGuest -VM $VCSAVMObject -GuestCredential $vcRootCredential -force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose ("File copied to VCSA.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to copy file to VCSA. " + $_.exception.message) } # catch } # default } # switch ## Set file import spec path for VCSA $importSpec.FilePath = ("/storage/updatemgr/patch-store-temp/$($FileName)") ## Start import try { $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.ImportFileRequestType $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.fileUploadManager $reqType.fileSpec = $importSpec $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.ImportFile_TaskRequest($reqType) $taskMoRef = ($vumCon.vumWebService.ImportFile_Task($svcRefVum)).ImportFile_TaskResponse.returnval Write-Verbose ("Import task started.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to import file. " + $_.Exception.Message) } # catch ## Get task $taskId = $taskMoRef.type + "-" + $taskMoRef.value try { $Task = Get-Task -Id $taskId -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose ("Got task object for import.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to get task object. " + $_.Exception.Message) } # catch ## Wait for task to complete Write-Verbose ("Waiting on import task to complete.") Wait-Task -Task $Task | Out-Null ## Get task result try { $Task = Get-Task -Id $taskId -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose ("Got task object, verifying status.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to get task object. " + $_.Exception.Message) } # catch ## Get task result if ($Task.state -ne "Success") { throw ("Image import task failed with status " + $Task.State) } # if Write-Verbose ("Import task was successful.") ## If image import, no further work is necessary. If patch import, we need to confirm imported patches. if ($ImportType -eq "Patch") { Write-Verbose ("Content type is Patch, confirming import.") ## Get vum task info so we can get associated session ID try { $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.getVUMTaskInfoRequestType -ErrorAction Stop $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.taskManager $reqType.taskMO = $taskMoRef $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.getVUMTaskInfoRequest($reqType) -ErrorAction Stop $taskInfo = ($vumCon.vumWebService.getVUMTaskInfo($svcRefVum)).getVUMTaskInfoResponse.returnval Write-Verbose ("Got VUM task.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to get VUM task object. " + $_.Exception.Message) } # catch ## Configure confirm spec $fileImportResponse = $taskInfo.result $sessionId = $fileImportResponse.sessionId $confirmSpec = New-Object IntegrityApi.FileUploadManagerFileUploadSpec $confirmSpec.FilePath = "" $confirmSpec.FileFunctionalType = "Patch" $confirmSpec.OpType = "Confirm" $confirmSpec.SessionId = $sessionId Write-Verbose ("Confirm spec set.") ## Confirm imported patches try { $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.ImportFileRequestType $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.fileUploadManager $reqType.fileSpec = $confirmSpec $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.ImportFile_TaskRequest($reqType) $taskMoRef = ($vumCon.vumWebService.ImportFile_Task($svcRefVum)).ImportFile_TaskResponse.returnval Write-Verbose ("Import task started.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to import file. " + $_.Exception.Message) } # catch ## Get task $taskId = $taskMoRef.type + "-" + $taskMoRef.value try { $Task = Get-Task -Id $taskId -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose ("Got task.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to get task object. " + $_.Exception.Message) } # catch ## Wait for task to complete Write-Verbose ("Waiting for confirm task to complete.") Wait-Task -Task $Task | Out-Null ## Get task result try { $Task = Get-Task -Id $taskId -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose ("Got task.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to get task object. " + $_.Exception.Message) } # catch ## Get task result if ($Task.state -ne "Success") { throw ("Image import task failed with status " + $Task.State) } # if Write-Verbose ("Import has completed.") } # if } # process end { ## Logoff session try { $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.VciLogoutRequestType -ErrorAction Stop $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.sessionManager $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.VciLogoutRequest($reqType) $vumCon.vumWebService.VciLogout($svcRefVum) | Out-Null Write-Verbose ("Disconnected from VUM API.") } # try catch { Write-Warning ("Failed to disconnect from VUM API.") } # catch } # end } # function |