
function Get-HostImage {
        Get a list of ESXi images.
        With thanks to Lyuboslav Asenov @ VMWare for providing assistance with new Update Manager API.
        Makes a call to the VC Integrity API to get a list of ESXi images.
        IntegrityApi.UpgradeProductManagerUpgradeProduct One or more VUM ESXi images.
        Return a list of all ESXi images on this VUM server.
        01 13/11/18 Initial version. A McNair
        02 23/12/19 Tidied up synopsis and added verbose output. A McNair
        03 30/11/22 Reworked for PowerCLI 12.7 and new API A McNair


    Write-Verbose ("Function start.")

    ## Get a VUM service connection object
    try {
        $vumCon = Connect-VUM -ErrorAction stop
        Write-Verbose ("Got VUM connection.")
    } # try
    catch {
        throw ("Failed to connect to VUM instance. " + $_.Exception.Message)
    } # catch

    ## Get available images
    try {
        $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.QueryAvailableProductsRequestType -ErrorAction Stop
        $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.upgradeProductManager
        $reqType.productType = "Host"

        $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.QueryAvailableProductsRequest($reqType)
        $images = ($vumCon.vumWebService.QueryAvailableProducts($svcRefVum)).QueryAvailableProductsResponse1

        Write-Verbose ("Acquired available images.")
    } # try
    catch {
        throw ("Failed to query available images. " + $_.Exception.Message)
    } # catch

    ## Logoff session
    try {
        $reqType = New-Object IntegrityApi.VciLogoutRequestType -ErrorAction Stop
        $reqType._this = $vumCon.vumServiceContent.RetrieveVcIntegrityContentResponse.returnval.sessionManager
        $svcRefVum = New-Object IntegrityApi.VciLogoutRequest($reqType)
        $vumCon.vumWebService.VciLogout($svcRefVum) | Out-Null

        Write-Verbose ("Disconnected from VUM API.")
    } # try
    catch {
        Write-Warning ("Failed to disconnect from VUM API.")
    } # catch

    Write-Verbose ("Function completed.")

    ## Return images
    return $images

} # function