#Requires -Modules TfsCmdlets #Requires -Modules VSTeam <# License GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 See License.txt #> function New-TBOrg { [OutputType([boolean])] [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # Project Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ProjectName, # Project Description [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectDescription, # Import File path. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidatePattern('(\.csv|\.xml)$')] [string] $ImportFile, # Project Description [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProcessTemplate = "Agile", # Create new project when set. [switch] $NewProject, # Generates a template file at the path specified in the ImportFile paramater. [switch] $GenerateImportFile ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." $isReturned = $true return $false } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $true #endregion #region Import File Validation and Processing $XMLAdvancedImport = $null $CSVImport = $null $isXML = $false $isReturned = $false if (-not (Test-Path($ImportFile))) { if ($GenerateImportFile) { _generateImportFile -ImportFile $ImportFile $isReturned = $true return $true } } if ($ImportFile -like '*.csv') { $CSVImport = Import-CSV $ImportFile if ($CSVImport.Count -lt 1) { Write-Verbose "Import File is empty. Please run -GenerateTemplateFile switch to get started." $isReturned = $true return $false } $validColumns = @( "TeamProjectName", "TeamName", "TeamCode", "TeamPath", "TeamDescription", "isCoded", "ProcessOrder" ) $validColumnNameCount = 0 $colNames = ($CSVImport[0].psobject.Properties).name foreach ($colName in $colNames) { if ($validColumns.IndexOf($colName) -ne -1) { $validColumnNameCount ++ } } if ($validColumnNameCount -gt ($colnames.Length)) { Write-Verbose "CSV File does not have required Columns for processing. Please run -GenerateTemplateFile switch to get started." $isReturned = $true return $false } } else { $XMLAdvancedImport = Import-Clixml -Path $ImportFile $isXML = $true Write-Verbose "This feature is not implemented at this time. Please use CSV file." $isReturned = $true return $true } #endregion #region Creating New Team Project if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Creating New Team Project.") -and $NewProject) { $TFVC = $false try{ $projectExists = Get-VSTeamProject -Name $projectNameLocal }catch{ $projectExists = $null } if ($null -eq $projectExists) { if ($TFVC) { #$holder = Add-VSTeamProject -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -Description $ProjectDescription -ProcessTemplate $processTemplate -TFVC } else { $holder = Add-VSTeamProject -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -Description $ProjectDescription -ProcessTemplate $ProcessTemplate } } } #endregion #region Creating Teams if ($isXML) { foreach ($teamNode in $teams) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Creating Team: $($row.TeamName). Advanced Config")) { if ($teamNode.iscoded -eq 'y') { $result = New-TBTeam -Name $($teamNode.TeamName) -Description $($teamNode.TeamDescription) -TeamCode $($teamNode.TeamCode) -TeamPath $($teamNode.TeamPath) -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -IsCoded } else { $result = New-TBTeam -Name $($teamNode.TeamName) -Description $($teamNode.TeamDescription) -TeamCode $($teamNode.TeamCode) -TeamPath $($teamNode.TeamPath) -ProjectName $projectNameLocal } if ($result) { Write-Verbose "------------ Successfully Created Team $($teamNode.TeamName) ------------------" } else { Write-Verbose "------------ Team $($teamNode.TeamName) Created but with errors ------------------" } } } } else { $CSVImportSorted = $CSVImport| Sort-Object -Property ProcessOrder foreach ($row in $CSVImportSorted) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Creating Team: $($row.TeamName). Basic Config")) { if ($row.iscoded -eq 'y') { $result = New-TBTeam -Name $($row.TeamName) -Description $($row.TeamDescription) -TeamCode $($row.TeamCode) -TeamPath $($row.TeamPath) -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -IsCoded } else { $result = New-TBTeam -Name $($row.TeamName) -Description $($row.TeamDescription) -TeamCode $($row.TeamCode) -TeamPath $($row.TeamPath) -ProjectName $projectNameLocal } if ($result) { Write-Verbose "------------ Successfully Created Team $($row.TeamName) ------------------" } else { Write-Verbose "------------ Team $($row.TeamName) Created but with errors ------------------" } } } } #endregion if(-not $isReturned){ return $result } <# .SYNOPSIS New-TBOrg will create TFS/VSTS Project and Team structure from an associated CSV or XML file. .DESCRIPTION This function creates Teams with associated security groups, iterations, area, repos, and dashboards(future release). By specifying a template file, TFS/VSTS admins can use automation to manage large projects. This function can be run to also reset permissions and settins on current projects created by this tool. Define your template and never manually create a team again. .EXAMPLE New-TBOrg -ProjectName "MyTestProject" -ProjectDescription "The best project ever." -ImportFile C:\MyTFSOrgImport.csv -NewProject This command creates a new Project named MyTestProject and creates teams defined in the CSV file name MyTFSOrgImport.csv. CSV File import will create groups based on TeamCode and no custom names. .EXAMPLE New-TBOrg -ProjectName "MyTestProject" -ProjectDescription "The best project ever." -ImportFile C:\MyTFSOrgImport.xml -NewProject This command creates a new Project named MyTestProject and creates teams defined in the xml file name MyTFSOrgImport.xml. The xml file can define advanced settings for permissions and custom group names. .EXAMPLE New-TBOrg -ProjectName "MyTestProject" -XMLAdvancedImportFile C:\MyTFSOrgImport.xml -GenerateImportFile This command creates a new Project named MyTestProject and creates teams defined in the CSV file name MyTFSOrgImport.csv #> } function Remove-TBOrg { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # Project Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ProjectName, # Import File path. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ImportFile ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $true #endregion #region Import File Validation and Processing $XMLAdvancedImport = $null $CSVImport = $null $isXML = $false if (-not (Test-Path($ImportFile))) { if ($GenerateImportFile) { _generateImportFile -ImportFile $ImportFile return $true } } if ($ImportFile -like '*.csv') { $CSVImport = Import-CSV $ImportFile if ($CSVImport.Count -lt 1) { Write-Verbose "Import File is empty. Please run -GenerateTemplateFile switch to get started." return $false } $validColumns = @( "TeamName", "TeamCode", "TeamPath", "TeamDescription", "isCoded" ) $validColumnNameCount = 0 $colNames = ($CSVImport[0].psobject.Properties).name foreach ($colName in $colNames) { if ($validColumns.IndexOf($colName) -ne -1) { $validColumnNameCount ++ } } if ($validColumnNameCount -gt ($colnames.Length)) { Write-Verbose "CSV File does not have required Columns for processing. Please run -GenerateTemplateFile switch to get started." return $false } } else { $XMLAdvancedImport = Import-Clixml -Path $ImportFile $isXML = $true Write-Verbose "This feature is not implemented at this time. Please use CSV file." return $true } #endregion #region Removing Teams Basic config if ($isXML) { foreach ($teamNode in $teams) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Removing Team: $($teamNode.TeamName). Advanced Config")) { if ($teamNode.iscoded -eq 'y') { $result = Remove-TBTeam -Name $($teamNode.TeamName) -TeamCode $($teamNode.TeamCode) -TeamPath $($teamNode.TeamPath) -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -IsCoded } else { $result = Remove-TBTeam -Name $($teamNode.TeamName) -TeamCode $($teamNode.TeamCode) -TeamPath $($teamNode.TeamPath) -ProjectName $projectNameLocal } if ($result) { Write-Verbose "------------ Successfully Created Team $($teamNode.TeamName) ------------------" } else { Write-Verbose "------------ Team $($teamNode.TeamName) Created but with errors ------------------" } } } } else { foreach ($row in $CSVImport) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Removing Team: $($teamNode.TeamName). Basic Config")) { if ($row.iscoded -eq 'y') { $result = Remove-TBTeam -Name $($row.TeamName) -TeamCode $($row.TeamCode) -TeamPath $($row.TeamPath) -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -IsCoded } else { $result = Remove-TBTeam -Name $($row.TeamName) -TeamCode $($row.TeamCode) -TeamPath $($row.TeamPath) -ProjectName $projectNameLocal } if ($result) { Write-Verbose "------------ Successfully Removed Team $($row.TeamName) ------------------" } else { Write-Verbose "------------ Team $($row.TeamName) Removed but with errors ------------------" } } } } #endregion return $result <# .SYNOPSIS Remove-TBOrg will remove TFS/VSTS Project structure define in associated template file. .DESCRIPTION Remove-TBOrg will remove TFS/VSTS Project structure define in associated template file. .EXAMPLE Remove-TBOrg -ProjectName "MyTestProject" -ImportFile C:\MyTFSOrgImport.csv .EXAMPLE Remove-TBOrg -ProjectName "MyTestProject" -ImportFile C:\MyTFSOrgImport.xml #> } function _generateImportFile { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # Project Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( {-not (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf)})] [ValidatePattern('(\.csv|\.xml)$')] [string] $ImportFile ) $result = $true if($ImportFile -like '*.csv'){ #Create resources folder and generate CSV file if(Test-Path("$ImportFile")){ Write-Verbose "Csv template file already exists. ." } $CSVList = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ "TeamProjectName" = "VSTeamBuilderDemo" "TeamName" = "MyTestTeam" "TeamCode" = "MTT" "TeamPath" = "" "TeamDescription" = "Best Test Team" "isCoded" = "y" "ProcessOrder" = 1 }, [PSCustomObject]@{ "TeamProjectName" = "VSTeamBuilderDemo" "TeamName" = "MyTestTeam2" "TeamCode" = "MTT2" "TeamPath" = "MTT" "TeamDescription" = "Best Test Team2" "isCoded" = "n" "ProcessOrder" = 2 } ) try { $CSVList | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "$ImportFile" Write-Information "CSV Template File created successfully. File Path: $ImportFile" } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error creating CSV file. Error: $_" $result = $false } }else{ #Generate XML File here. } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS _generateImportFile creates a default csv or xml file for later import. .DESCRIPTION _generateImportFile creates a default csv or xml file for later import. .EXAMPLE _generateImportFile -ImportFile C:\MyTFSOrgImport.csv #> } function New-TBTeam { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] [OutputType([boolean])] Param( # TFS Team Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, # TFS Team Description [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Description, # TFS TeamCode - Used for Repo, Area, and Iteration Names [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $TeamCode, # TFS Team Iteration/Area Root Path - Nested paths must not have leading back slash. Required back slash as a seperator. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $TeamPath = "", # TFS RepoList - List of repo names to generate. Default is the TeamCode [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $RepoList = @('{TeamCode}'), # TFS IterationList - List of iteration names to generate. Default is the TeamCode [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $IterationList = @('{TeamCode}'), # TFS Team Security Groups - List of Application Security Groups to create. Default is "{TeamCode}-Contributors","{TeamCode}-CodeReviewers","{TeamCode}-Readers" [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $TeamGroups = @("Contributors", "CodeReviewers", "Readers"), # TFS TeamCode - Used for Repo, Area, and Iteration Names [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName, # isCoded switch will make Version Control Repos if set. [switch] $IsCoded ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $true #endregion #region Create Team Area if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create Team Area.")) { $areaExists = Get-TFSArea -Area "$TeamPath\$TeamCode" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) if ($null -eq $areaExists) { $holder = New-TfsArea -Area "$TeamPath\$TeamCode" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) Write-Verbose "Created Area: $TeamPath\$TeamCode" } else { Write-Verbose "Area already exists: $TeamPath\$TeamCode" } } #endregion #region Create Team Application Security Groups if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create Team Application Security Groups.")) { foreach ($group in $TeamGroups) { $holder = New-TBSecurityGroup -Name "$TeamCode-$group" -Description "$TeamCode-$group" -ProjectName $projectNameLocal Write-Verbose "Created TFS Application Security Group: $TeamCode-$group" } } #endregion #region Create Team and set default area. if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create Team and set default area.")) { $teamExists = $null try { $teamExists = Get-VSTeam -Name $Name -Project $projectNameLocal -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { $teamExists = $null } if ($null -eq $teamExists) { $holder = Add-VSTeam -TeamName $Name -Description $Description -ProjectName $projectNameLocal Write-Verbose "Created Team: $Name" } #Setting Default Area. $holder = Set-TBTeamAreaSetting -TeamName $Name -AreaPath "$TeamPath\$TeamCode" -ProjectName $projectNameLocal Write-Verbose "Set team Area $TeamPath\$TeamCode to team $Name" } #endregion #TODO #region Add Team Lead and team members if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Processing section 1.")) { #Process something here. } #endregion #region Create Version Control Repos if ($IsCoded) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create Version Control Repos")) { foreach ($repoName in $RepoList) { $FullReponame = "$TeamCode-$repoName" if ($repoName -eq '{TeamCode}') { $FullReponame = "$TeamCode" } $repoExists = $null try { $repoExists = Get-VSTeamGitRepository -ProjectName $ProjectName -Name "$FullRepoName" } catch { $repoExists = $null } if ($null -eq $repoExists) { #Creating Repo $holder = Add-VSTeamGitRepository -Name "$FullRepoName" -ProjectName $projectNameLocal #$holder = New-TFSGitRepository -Name "$FullRepoName" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) Write-Verbose "$FullReponame Repo Created." } else { Write-Verbose "$FullReponame Repo already exists. " } $repoExists = $null } } } else { Write-Verbose "This team is Non-Coded. No Version Control Repos will be created." } #endregion #region Create Team Iterations and set default iteration for the team. $teamIterationRootPath = "$TeamPath\$TeamCode" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create Team Iterations and set default iteration for the team.")) { foreach ($iteration in $IterationList) { if ($iteration -eq '{TeamCode}') { $iteration = $teamIterationRootPath } else { $iteration = "$teamIterationRootPath\$iteration" } $iterationExists = Get-TFSIteration -Iteration "$iteration" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) if ($null -eq $iterationExists) { #Creating Repo $holder = New-TFSIteration -Iteration "$iteration" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) Write-Verbose "$iteration Iteration Created." if ($iteration -eq $teamIterationRootPath) { $holder = Set-TBTeamIterationSetting -IterationName $iteration -TeamName $Name -ProjectName $projectNameLocal Write-Verbose "Set Default Backlog Iteration to Team: $Name. Iteration Set: $iteration" } else { $holder = Add-TBTeamIteration -IterationName $iteration -TeamName $Name -ProjectName $projectNameLocal Write-Verbose "Added iteration $iteration to Team: $Name" } } else { Write-Verbose "$teamIterationRootPath\$iteration Iteration already exists. " } $repoExists = $null } } #endregion #TODO #region Create Team Work Item Query Folder and Work Item Query if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Processing section 1.")) { #Process something here. } #endregion #TODO #region Create Build Folder and default build definition if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Processing section 1.")) { #Process something here. } #endregion #region Assign TFS Application Groups permissions to objects. #region Permissions for VersionControl Repos if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Assign Version Control Permissions.") -and $IsCoded) { foreach ($repoName in $RepoList) { $FullReponame = "$TeamCode-$repoName" if ($repoName -eq '{TeamCode}') { $FullReponame = "$TeamCode" } try { $repo = Get-VSTeamGitRepository -Name $FullReponame -ProjectName $projectNameLocal } catch { $repo = $null } if ($null -eq $repo) { continue } $repoToken = Get-TBToken -ObjectId $repo.id -NsName "Git Repositories" -ProjectName $projectNameLocal try { #TODO Need to add foreach loop to process through TeamGroups Variable. $holder = Set-TBPermission -TokenObject $repoToken -GroupName "$TeamCode-Contributors" -AllowValue 118 -ProjectName $projectNameLocal $holder = Set-TBPermission -TokenObject $repoToken -GroupName "$TeamCode-Readers" -AllowValue 2 -ProjectName $projectNameLocal } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error in setting permissions. $_" $result = $false } $repo = $null } } #endregion #region Permissions for Iterations if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Assign Iteration Permissions.")) { $iterationDefault = Get-TFSIteration -Iteration "$teamIterationRootPath" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) $iterationId = ($iterationDefault.Uri -split "Node/")[1] $iterationToken = Get-TBToken -ObjectId $iterationId -NsName "Iteration" -ProjectName $projectNameLocal try { #TODO Need to add foreach loop to process through TeamGroups Variable. $holder = Set-TBPermission -TokenObject $iterationToken -GroupName "$TeamCode-Contributors" -AllowValue 7 -ProjectName $projectNameLocal $holder = Set-TBPermission -TokenObject $iterationToken -GroupName "$TeamCode-Readers" -AllowValue 1 -ProjectName $projectNameLocal } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error in setting permissions. $_" $result = $false } } #endregion Permissions for Iterations #region Permissions for Areas if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Assign Area Permissions.")) { $areaDefault = Get-TFSArea -Area "$TeamPath\$Teamcode" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) $areaId = ($areaDefault.Uri -split "Node/")[1] $areaToken = Get-TBToken -ObjectId $areaId -NsName "CSS" -ProjectName $projectNameLocal try { #TODO Need to add foreach loop to process through TeamGroups Variable. $holder = Set-TBPermission -TokenObject $areaToken -GroupName "$TeamCode-Contributors" -AllowValue 49 -ProjectName $projectNameLocal $holder = Set-TBPermission -TokenObject $areaToken -GroupName "$TeamCode-Readers" -AllowValue 17 -ProjectName $projectNameLocal } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error in setting permissions. $_" $result = $false } } #endregion Permissions for Areas #region Permissions for Project if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Assign Project Permissions.")) { $namespaceId = (Get-TBNamespaceCollection | Where-Object -Property name -eq "Project").namespaceId try { $projectObject = Get-VSTeamProject -Name $projectNameLocal #Get-TFSTeamProject -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) #FixNow } catch { $projectObject = $null } if($null -ne $projectObject){ $projectToken = "`$PROJECT:$($projectObject.Uri)" $props = @{ "namespaceId" = $namespaceId "token" = $projectToken } $projectTokenObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props try { #TODO Need to add foreach loop to process through TeamGroups Variable. $holder = Set-TBPermission -TokenObject $projectTokenObject -GroupName "$TeamCode-Contributors" -AllowValue 513 -ProjectName $projectNameLocal $holder = Set-TBPermission -TokenObject $projectTokenObject -GroupName "$TeamCode-Readers" -AllowValue 513 -ProjectName $projectNameLocal } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error in setting permissions. $_" $result = $false } }else{ Write-Verbose "Project could not be found. Exiting." $result = $false } } #endregion Permissions for Project #endregion Assign TFS Application Groups permissions to objects. #region Add Team to TFS application security group if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Add Team to contributors group.")) { $holder = Add-TBSecurityGroupMember -MemberName "$Name" -GroupName "$TeamCode-Contributors" -ProjectName $projectNameLocal Write-Verbose "Added Team: $Name to group $TeamCode-Contributors" } #endregion return $result <# .SYNOPSIS New-TBTeam will create a TFS Team with associated Repos, Areas, Iterations, and TFS Application Security Groups (with assigned permissions) .DESCRIPTION New-TBTeam will create a TFS Team with associated Repos, Areas, Iterations, and TFS Application Security Groups (with assigned permissions) .EXAMPLE New-TBTeam -Name "My Team" -Description "My Best Team" -Teamcode "My-Team" -TeamPath "ParentTeam\MY-TEAM" -ProjectName "MyProject" -IsCoded #> } function Remove-TBTeam { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # TFS Team Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, # TFS TeamCode - Used for Repo, Area, and Iteration Names [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $TeamCode, # TFS Team Iteration/Area Root Path - Nested paths must not have leading back slash. Required back slash as a seperator. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $TeamPath = "", # TFS RepoList - List of repo names to remove. Default is the TeamCode [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $RepoList = @('{TeamCode}'), # TFS IterationList - List of iteration names to remove. Default is the TeamCode [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $IterationList = @('{TeamCode}'), # TFS Team Security Groups - List of Application Security Groups to remove. Default is "{TeamCode}-Contributors","{TeamCode}-CodeReviewers","{TeamCode}-Readers" [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $TeamGroups = @("Contributors", "CodeReviewers", "Readers"), # TFS TeamCode - Used for Repo, Area, and Iteration Names [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName, # isCoded switch will make Version Control Repos if set. [switch] $IsCoded ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $true #endregion $result = $true try { #region Remove Version Control Repos if ($IsCoded) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove Version Control Repos")) { foreach ($repoName in $RepoList) { $FullReponame = "$TeamCode-$repoName" if ($repoName -eq '{TeamCode}') { $FullReponame = "$TeamCode" } try { $repoToDelete = Get-VSTeamGitRepository -ProjectName $ProjectName -Name "$FullRepoName" } catch { $repoToDelete = $null } if ($null -ne $repoToDelete) { #Creating Repo $holder = Remove-VSTeamGitRepository -Id "$($repoToDelete.id)" -Force #$holder = New-TFSGitRepository -Name "$FullRepoName" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) Write-Verbose "$FullReponame Repo removed." } else { Write-Verbose "$FullReponame Repo already removed. " } $repoExists = $null } } } #endregion #region Remove Team Iterations. $teamIterationRootPath = "$TeamPath\$TeamCode" foreach ($iteration in $IterationList) { if ($iteration -eq '{TeamCode}') { $iteration = $teamIterationRootPath } else { $iteration = "$teamIterationRootPath\$iteration" } $iterationExists = Get-TFSIteration -Iteration "$iteration" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) if ($null -ne $iterationExists) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove Team Iteration. Iteration Name: $iteration")) { #Creating Repo $holder = Remove-TFSIteration -Iteration "$iteration" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) Write-Verbose "$iteration Iteration Created." } } else { Write-Verbose "$teamIterationRootPath\$iteration Iteration already removed. " } $repoExists = $null } #endregion #region Delete Team Area if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove Team Area.")) { $areaExists = Get-TFSArea -Area "$TeamPath\$TeamCode" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) if ($null -ne $areaExists) { $holder = Remove-TfsArea -Area "$TeamPath\$TeamCode" -Project $projectNameLocal -Collection $($VSTBConn.AccountUrl) Write-Verbose "Removed Area: $TeamPath\$TeamCode" } else { Write-Verbose "Area already removed: $TeamPath\$TeamCode" } } #endregion #region Remove Team Application Security Groups if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove Team Application Security Groups.")) { foreach ($group in $TeamGroups) { $holder = Remove-TBSecurityGroup -Name "$TeamCode-$group" -ProjectName $projectNameLocal Write-Verbose "Removed TFS Application Security Group: $TeamCode-$group" } } #endregion #region Remove Team if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove Team.")) { try { $teamExists = Get-VSTeam -Name $Name -Project $projectNameLocal } catch { $teamExists = $null } if ($null -ne $teamExists) { $holder = Remove-VSTeam -Team $Name -Project $projectNameLocal -Force Write-Verbose "Removed Team: $Name" } } #endregion } catch { $result = $false Write-Verbose "There was an error removing the team. Error: $_" } return $true <# .SYNOPSIS Remove-TBTeam will remove all team security groups,areas,inerations,VersionControl Repos. .DESCRIPTION Remove-TBTeam will remove all team security groups,areas,inerations,VersionControl Repos .EXAMPLE Remove-TBTeam -Name "My Team" -Teamcode "My-Team" -TeamPath "ParentTeam\MY-TEAM" -ProjectName "MyProject" -IsCoded #> } function New-TBSecurityGroup { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # Security Group Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, # Security group description [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Description, # Parameter help description [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $null #endregion #TODO: RestAPI method https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/vsts/graph/groups/create?view=vsts-rest-4.1 #region Connect to TFS/VSTS with TeamFoundation Client DLL class. #Team Explorer Connection $tExConn = $null try { $tExConn = $VSTBConn.TeamExplorerConnection #$tExConn.EnsureAuthenticated() } catch { Write-verbose "There was an error connection to the TFS/VSTS server. $_" return $null } #endregion #region Get TFS Project ID $cssService = $tExConn.GetService("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.ICommonStructureService3") $project = $cssService.GetProjectFromName($projectNameLocal) $projectId = ($project.Uri -split "TeamProject/")[1] if ($null -eq $projectId) { Write-Verbose "Could not find project $projectNameLocal in Collection. Exiting Function." return } else { Write-Verbose "Found project id: $projectNameLocal : $projectId" } #endregion if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Creating New team Security Group. TeamName: $Name")) { $idService = $tExConn.GetService("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client.IIdentitymanagementService") $group = Get-TBSecurityGroup -Name $Name -ProjectName $projectNameLocal if ($null -eq $group.DisplayName) { try { $result = $idService.CreateApplicationGroup($projectId, $Name, $Description) Write-Verbose "Creating new security group. Name: $Name" Write-Verbose "Security Group Creation Output. $result" } catch { Write-Verbose "Group already exists or there was an error creating the group. Error: $_" } } } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS New-TBSecurityGroup will create a new TFS/VSTS Security group. .DESCRIPTION New-TBSecurityGroup will create a new TFS/VSTS Security group. .EXAMPLE New-TBSecurityGroup -Name "MySecurityGroup" -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" -Description "The best Security group." #> } function Remove-TBSecurityGroup { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # Security Group Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, # Parameter help description [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $null #endregion #TODO: restapi method https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/vsts/graph/groups/delete?view=vsts-rest-4.1 #region Connect to TFS/VSTS with TeamFoundation Client DLL class. #Team Explorer Connection $tExConn = $null try { $tExConn = $VSTBConn.TeamExplorerConnection #$tExConn.EnsureAuthenticated() } catch { Write-verbose "There was an error connection to the TFS/VSTS server. $_" return $null } #endregion #region Get TFS Project ID # $cssService = $tExConn.GetService("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.ICommonStructureService3") # $project = $cssService.GetProjectFromName($projectNameLocal) # $projectId = ($project.Uri -split "TeamProject/")[1] # if($null -eq $projectId){ # Write-Verbose "Could not find project $projectNameLocal in Collection. Exiting Function." # return # }else{ # Write-Verbose "Found project id: $projectNameLocal : $projectId" # } #endregion if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove team Security Group. GroupName: $Name")) { $idService = $tExConn.GetService("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client.IIdentitymanagementService") $group = Get-TBSecurityGroup -Name $Name -ProjectName $projectNameLocal if ($group.DisplayName -like "*$Name") { try { $groupSID = $group.Descriptor $result = $idService.DeleteApplicationGroup($groupSID) Write-Verbose "Removing security group. Name: $Name" Write-Verbose "Security Group Removal Output. $result" } catch { Write-Verbose "Group doesn't exists or there was an error removing the group. error: $_" } } } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS Remove-TBSecurityGroup will remove a TFS/VSTS Security group. .DESCRIPTION Remove-TBSecurityGroup will remove a TFS/VSTS Security group. .EXAMPLE Remove-TBSecurityGroup -Name "MySecurityGroup" -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" #> } function Get-TBSecurityGroup { [cmdletbinding()] Param( # Security Group Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, # Project Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } #endregion #TODO: Possible RestAPI to get group list. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/vsts/graph/groups/list?view=vsts-rest-4.1 #region Connect to TFS/VSTS with TeamFoundation Client DLL class. #Team Explorer Connection $tExConn = $null try { $tExConn = $VSTBConn.TeamExplorerConnection #$tExConn.EnsureAuthenticated() } catch { Write-verbose "There was an error connection to the TFS/VSTS server. $_" return $null } #endregion $tfsSecGroup = "" $idService = $tExConn.GetService("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client.IIdentityManagementService") $groupArr = $null try { $groupArr = $idService.ReadIdentities([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common.IdentitySearchFactor]::AccountName, "[$projectNameLocal]\$Name", [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common.MembershipQuery]::Expanded, [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common.ReadIdentityOptions]::TrueSid) $tfsSecGroup = $groupArr[0][0] } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error with the query. Error: $_" } Write-Verbose "Security Group Found. Name: $Name" return $tfsSecGroup <# .SYNOPSIS Get-TBSecurityGroup outputs the TFS security group object. .DESCRIPTION Get-TBSecurityGroup outputs the TFS security group object. .EXAMPLE Get-TBSecurityGroup -Name "MySecurityGroup" -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" #> } function Add-TBSecurityGroupMember { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # TFS Member Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $MemberName, # GroupName to apply member to. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $GroupName, # Project Name. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $null #endregion #region Connect to TFS/VSTS with TeamFoundation Client DLL class. #Team Explorer Connection $tExConn = $null try { $tExConn = $VSTBConn.TeamExplorerConnection #$tExConn.EnsureAuthenticated() } catch { Write-verbose "There was an error connection to the TFS/VSTS server. $_" return $null } #endregion if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Add Member to Security Group")) { $idService = $tExConn.GetService("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client.IIdentityManagementService") $group = Get-TBSecurityGroup -Name $GroupName -ProjectName $projectNameLocal $memberToAdd = Get-TBSecurityGroup -Name $MemberName -ProjectName $projectNameLocal if ($null -ne $group.Descriptor -and $null -ne $memberToAdd.Descriptor) { try { $result = $idService.AddMemberToApplicationGroup( $($group.Descriptor), $($memberToAdd.Descriptor) ) Write-Verbose "Added member: $MemberName to GroupName: $GroupName successfully." Write-Verbose "Result output. $result" } catch { Write-Verbose "There was and error adding member to group. Error: $_" } } } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS Add-TBSecurityGroupMember will add a TFS member to a TFS Application Security Group. .DESCRIPTION Add-TBSecurityGroupMember will add a TFS member to a TFS Application Security Group. .EXAMPLE Add-TBSecurityGroupMember -MemberName "JoeFunny" -GroupName "MyTestGroup" -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" #> } function Remove-TBSecurityGroupMember { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # TFS Member Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $MemberName, # GroupName to apply member to. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $GroupName, # Project Name. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $null #endregion #region Connect to TFS/VSTS with TeamFoundation Client DLL class. #Team Explorer Connection $tExConn = $null try { $tExConn = $VSTBConn.TeamExplorerConnection #$tExConn.EnsureAuthenticated() } catch { Write-verbose "There was an error connection to the TFS/VSTS server. $_" return $null } #endregion if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Add Member to Security Group")) { $idService = $tExConn.GetService("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client.IIdentityManagementService") $group = Get-TBSecurityGroup -Name $GroupName -ProjectName $projectNameLocal $memberToRemove = Get-TBSecurityGroup -Name $MemberName -ProjectName $projectNameLocal if ($null -ne $group.Descriptor -and $null -ne $memberToRemove.Descriptor) { try { $result = $idService.RemoveMemberFromApplicationGroup( $($group.Descriptor), $($memberToRemove.Descriptor) ) Write-Verbose "Removed member: $MemberName to GroupName: $GroupName successfully." Write-Verbose "Result output. $result" } catch { Write-Verbose "There was and error removing member to group. Error: $_" } } } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS Remove-TBSecurityGroupMember will remove a TFS member to a TFS Application Security Group. .DESCRIPTION Remove-TBSecurityGroupMember will remove a TFS member to a TFS Application Security Group. .EXAMPLE Remove-TBSecurityGroupMember -MemberName "JoeFunny" -GroupName "MyTestGroup" -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" #> } function Set-TBTeamAreaSetting { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # Default Area Path for the team. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $AreaPath, # TFS Team Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $TeamName, # TFS Project Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $null #endregion if ($AreaPath -notlike "$projectNameLocal*") { $AreaPath = "$projectNameLocal\$AreaPath" } $props = @{ "defaultValue" = "$AreaPath"; "values" = @( @{ "value" = "$AreaPath"; "includeChildren" = $true; } ) } $JSONObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props $JSON = ConvertTo-Json $JSONObject try { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Adding IterationID: $AreaPath to team: $TeamName")) { #$result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -area "$TeamName" -resource "_apis/work/teamsettings/teamfieldvalues" -method Patch -body $JSON -ContentType "application/json" -version 2.0-preview.1 $Url = "$($VSTBConn.AccountUrl)/$projectNameLocal/$TeamName/_apis/work/teamsettings/teamfieldvalues?api-version=3.0" $result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Url $Url -method Patch -body $JSON -ContentType "application/json" } } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error: $_" } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS Set-TBTeamAreaSetting will set the default area for the team. .DESCRIPTION Set-TBTeamAreaSetting will set the default area for the team. .EXAMPLE Set-TBTeamAreaSetting -AreaPath "Team1-AreaPath" -Teamname "MyFavoriteTeam" -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" #> } function Get-TBTeamAreaSetting { [cmdletbinding()] Param( # TFS Team Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $TeamName, # TFS Project Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $null #endregion try { #$result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -area "$Teamname" -resource "_apis/work/teamsettings/teamfieldvalues" -method Get -version 2.0-preview.1 $Url = "$($VSTBConn.AccountUrl)/$projectNameLocal/$TeamName/_apis/work/teamsettings/teamfieldvalues?api-version=3.0" $result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Url $Url -method Get } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error: $_" } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS Get-TBTeamAreaSetting will get default team area. .DESCRIPTION Get-TBTeamAreaSetting will get default team area. .EXAMPLE Get-TBTeamAreaSetting -TeamName "MyTeam" -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" #> } function Set-TBTeamIterationSetting { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # Adding Iteration to Team. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $IterationName, # TFS Team Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $TeamName, # TFS Project Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $null #endregion #region Get Iteration ID # Eventually replace this with VSTeam API Call instead of TFSCmdlets Module function. $iterationId = "" $iteration = Get-TfsIteration -Iteration $IterationName -Project $ProjectName -Collection $VSTBConn.AccountUrl $iterationId = ($iteration.Uri -split "Node/")[1] #endregion $props = @{ "bugsBehavior" = "AsTasks"; "workingDays" = @( "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday" ); "defaultIteration" = "$iterationId" "backlogIteration" = "$iterationId" } $JSONObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props $JSON = ConvertTo-Json $JSONObject try { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Adding IterationID: $iterationId to team: $TeamName")) { #$result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -area "$Teamname" -resource "_apis/work/teamsettings" -method Patch -body $JSON -ContentType "application/json" -version 2.0-preview.1 $Url = "$($VSTBConn.AccountUrl)/$projectNameLocal/$TeamName/_apis/work/teamsettings?api-version=3.0" $result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Url $Url -method Patch -body $JSON -ContentType "application/json" } } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error: $_" } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS Set-TBTeamIterationSetting set default iteration settings. .DESCRIPTION Set-TBTeamIterationSetting set default iteration settings. .EXAMPLE Set-TBTeamIterationSetting -IterationName "Team1-Iteration1" -Teamname "MyFavoriteTeam" -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" #> } function Get-TBTeamIterationSetting { [cmdletbinding()] Param( # TFS Team Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $TeamName, # TFS Project Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $null #endregion try { #$result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -area "$Teamname" -resource "_apis/work/teamsettings" -method Get -version 2.0-preview.1 $Url = "$($VSTBConn.AccountUrl)/$projectNameLocal/$TeamName/_apis/work/teamsettings?api-version=3.0" $result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Url $Url -method Get } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error: $_" } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS Get-TBTeamIterationSetting gets the Team iteration settings. .DESCRIPTION Get-TBTeamIterationSetting gets the Team iteration settings. .EXAMPLE Get-TBTeamIterationSetting -TeamName "MyTeam" -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" #> } function Add-TBTeamIteration { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # Adding Iteration to Team. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $IterationName, # TFS Team Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $TeamName, # TFS Project Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $null #endregion #region Get Iteration ID # Eventually replace this with VSTeam API Call instead of TFSCmdlets Module function. $iterationId = "" $iteration = Get-TfsIteration -Iteration $IterationName -Project $ProjectName -Collection $VSTBConn.AccountUrl $iterationId = ($iteration.Uri -split "Node/")[1] #endregion $props = @{ "id" = "$iterationId" } $JSONObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props $JSON = ConvertTo-Json $JSONObject try { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Adding IterationID: $iterationId to team: $TeamName")) { #$result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -area "$Teamname" -resource "_apis/work/teamsettings/iterations" -method Post -body $JSON -ContentType "application/json" -version 2.0-preview.1 $Url = "$($VSTBConn.AccountUrl)/$projectNameLocal/$TeamName/_apis/work/teamsettings/iterations?api-version=3.0" $result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Url $Url -method Post -body $JSON -ContentType "application/json" } } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error: $_" } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS Add-TBTeamIteration adds an iteration to a team. .DESCRIPTION Add-TBTeamIteration adds an iteration to a team. .EXAMPLE Add-TBTeamIteration -IterationName "Team1-Iteration1" -Teamname "MyFavoriteTeam" -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" #> } function Get-TBTeamIteration { [cmdletbinding()] Param( # TFS Team Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $TeamName, # TFS Project Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $null #endregion try { #$result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -ProjectName $projectNameLocal -area "$Teamname" -resource "_apis/work/teamsettings/iterations" -method Get -version 2.0-preview.1 $Url = "$($VSTBConn.AccountUrl)/$projectNameLocal/$TeamName/_apis/work/teamsettings/iterations?api-version=3.0" $result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -Url $Url -method Get } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error: $_" } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS Get-TBTeamIteration Retrieves teh Team Iteration object. .DESCRIPTION Get-TBTeamIteration Retrieves teh Team Iteration object. .EXAMPLE Get-TBTeamIteration -TeamName "MyTeam" -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" #> } function Set-TBPermission { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( # TFS Token Object [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Object] $TokenObject, # Group Name to assign permission to. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $GroupName, # NamespaceID obtained from TFS API guide or Get-TBNamespaceCollection # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] # [string] # $NamespaceId, # Allow Permission value. Allow Permission values are added together like linux unix file permissions. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $AllowValue = 0, # Deny Permission value. Deny Permission values are added together like linux unix file permissions. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $DenyValue = 0, # Will not merge settings and wipe permissions of token [switch] $NoMerge, # TFS/VSTS Project Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } $result = $null #endregion $SecurityGroup = Get-TBSecurityGroup -Name $GroupName -ProjectName $projectNameLocal if ($null -ne $SecurityGroup) { #$holder = Set-VSTeamAPIVersion -Version $API $Descriptor = "$($SecurityGroup.Descriptor.IdentityType);$($SecurityGroup.Descriptor.Identifier)" $merge = $true if ($NoMerge) { $merge = $false } $props = @{ "token" = "$($TokenObject.token)"; "merge" = $merge; "accessControlEntries" = @( @{ "descriptor" = "$Descriptor"; "allow" = $AllowValue; "deny" = $DenyValue; "extendedinfo" = @{} } ) } $JSONObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props $JSON = Convertto-Json $JSONObject -Depth 99 try { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Setting permission on token $TFSToken for Group name $GroupName")) { $result = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -area "accesscontrolentries" -resource "$($TokenObject.namespaceId)" -method Post -body $JSON -ContentType "application/json" -version 1.0 } } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error: $_" } } return $result <# .SYNOPSIS Set-TBPermission sets a tfs permission for a tfs token object. .DESCRIPTION Set-TBPermission sets a tfs permission for a tfs token object. .EXAMPLE Set-TBPermission -TokenObject $gitRepoToken.token -GroupName "MyTFSSecurityGroup" -AllowValue 7 -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" --Deprecated -- Set-TBPermission -TokenObject $gitRepoToken.token -GroupName "MyTFSSecurityGroup" -NamespaceId "00-000" -AllowValue 7 -ProjectName "MyFirstProject" #> } function Get-TBTokenCollection { [cmdletbinding()] Param( # TFS Namespace ID [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $NamespaceId, # Force Refresh of Token Collection [switch] $ForceRefresh ) #region global connection Variables $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } #endregion $TokenCollection = $null if ($null -eq $Global:VSTBTokencollection) { $Global:VSTBTokencollection = @{} $TokenCollection = $Global:VSTBTokencollection } else { $TokenCollection = $Global:VSTBTokencollection } if ($null -eq $TokenCollection[$NamespaceId] -or $ForceRefresh) { try { $acls = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -area "accesscontrollists" -resource $NamespaceId -method Get -version 1.0 $TokenCollection.Remove($NamespaceId) $TokenCollection.Add("$NamespaceId", $($acls.value)) } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error processing this request. $_" } } $Global:VSTBTokencollection = $TokenCollection $namespaceTokens = $TokenCollection[$NamespaceId] return $namespaceTokens <# .SYNOPSIS Get-TBTokenCollection retrieves all the tokens for a specific namespace and project. .DESCRIPTION Get-TBTokenCollection retrieves all the tokens for a specific namespace and project. .EXAMPLE Get-TBTokenCollection -NamespaceId "000" Outputs TFS Token Collection and sets global variable VSTBTokencollection #> } function Get-TBNamespaceCollection { [cmdletbinding()] Param( # Refresh the Collection object in memory [switch] $ForceRefresh ) #region global connection Variables $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } #endregion if ($null -eq $Global:VSTBNamespaceCollection -or $ForceRefresh) { $namespaces = Invoke-VSTeamRequest -area "securitynamespaces" -resource "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" -method Get -version 1.0 $Global:VSTBNamespaceCollection = $namespaces.value return $namespaces.value } else { return $Global:VSTBNamespaceCollection } <# .SYNOPSIS Get-TBNamespaceCollection pulls all namespaces from TFS for permission identification. .DESCRIPTION Get-TBNamespaceCollection pulls all namespaces from TFS for permission identification. This is primarily used in Set-TBPermission. This functions sets the variable $Global:VSTBNamespaceCollection. .EXAMPLE Get-TBNamespaceCollection .EXAMPLE Get-TBNamespaceCollection -ForceRefresh This refreshes the Global variable $Global:VSTBNamespaceCollection #> } function Get-TBToken { [OutputType([PSObject])] [cmdletbinding()] Param( # TFS ObjectID (Group Name) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ObjectId, #NamespaceName [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $NsName, # Team Project to search from [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ProjectName ) #region global connection Variables $projectNameLocal = $null $tokenCollection = $null $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if (! (_testConnection)) { Write-Verbose "There is no connection made to the server. Run Add-TBConnection to connect." return } if ($null -eq $ProjectName) { if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName) { Write-Verbose "No ProjectName specified." throw "No Default ProjectName or ProjectName Variable specified. Set the default project or pass the project name." } else { $projectNameLocal = $VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName } } else { $projectNameLocal = $ProjectName } #endregion #region Get Namespaceid from name if ($null -eq $Global:VSTBNamespaceCollection) { $holder = Get-TBNamespaceCollection } $nameSpaceId = ($Global:VSTBNamespaceCollection | Where-Object -Property name -eq $NsName).Namespaceid if ($null -eq $nameSpaceId) { Write-Verbose "Could not find namespace id. Exiting." return } else { Write-Verbose "Found Namespace Id: $nameSpaceId" } #endregion #region Get VSTB Token Collection $tokenCollection = $null if ($null -eq $Global:VSTBTokencollection) { $tokenCollection = Get-TBTokenCollection -NamespaceId $nameSpaceId } else { if ($Global:VSTBTokencollection.ContainsKey($nameSpaceId)) { $tokenCollection = $Global:VSTBTokencollection[$nameSpaceId] } else { $tokenCollection = Get-TBTokenCollection -NamespaceId $nameSpaceId } } #endregion $token = $tokenCollection | Where-Object -Property Token -match "^.*$ObjectId$" if ($null -eq $token) { $updateTokencollection = Get-TBTokenCollection -NamespaceId $nameSpaceId -ForceRefresh $token = $updateTokencollection | Where-Object -Property Token -match "^.*$ObjectId$" } $props = @{ "namespaceId" = $namespaceid "token" = $token.token } $returnObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props return $returnObj <# .SYNOPSIS Get-TBToken return a token object with namespaceid and token id .DESCRIPTION Get-TBToken return a token object with namespaceid and token id .EXAMPLE Get-TBToken -ObjectId "group1" -ProjectName "myproject" -- Deprecated -- Get-TBToken -ObjectId "group1" -NsName "security" -ProjectName "myproject" #> } function Add-TBConnection { [OutputType([boolean])] [cmdletbinding()] Param( # TFS/VSTS AccountUrl - Proper format: [accountname].visualstudio.com or http(s)://[TFS Site URl]/[Collection Name]. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ if(($_ -match '.*\.visualstudio.com') -or ($_ -match '\.*.com/{1}\.*')){ $true }else{ throw "$_ is not a valid value. Value must be in format [accountname].visualstudio.com or http(s)://[TFS Site URl]/[Collection Name]" } })] [string] $AcctUrl, # PAT Token [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $PAT, # Server Type [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('TFS2017', 'TFS2018', 'VSTS')] [string] $API, # Use Windows Authentication [switch] $UseWindowsAuth ) $Success = $true $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if ($null -eq $VSTBConn) { $props = @{ "AccountUrl" = $AcctUrl "TeamExplorerConnection" = $null "DefaultProjectName" = $null "VSTeamAccount" = $false "TFSCmdletsConnection" = $false } $VSTBConn = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $props } else { $VSTBConn.AccountUrl = $AcctUrl } #region TFSCmdlets Module connection if ($null -eq $Global:TfsTpcConnection) { if ($UseWindowsAuth) { Connect-TfsTeamProjectCollection -Collection $AcctUrl | Out-Null $VSTBConn."TFSCmdletsConnection" = $true Write-Verbose "TfsCmdlets Successfully Connected to: $AcctUrl" } elseif ($null -ne $PAT) { $patCred = Get-TfsCredential -PersonalAccessToken $PAT Connect-TfsTeamProjectCollection -Collection $AcctUrl -Credential $patCred | Out-Null $VSTBConn."TFSCmdletsConnection" = $true Write-Verbose "TfsCmdlets Successfully Connected to: $AcctUrl" } else { Write-Verbose "No valid credentials passed. Please set UseWindowsAuth or provide PAT token." $Success = $false } $VSTBConn.TeamExplorerConnection = $Global:TfsTpcConnection } else { Write-Verbose "TfsCmdlets Already Connected to Project Collection: $AcctUrl" } #endregion #region VSTeam Module connection if ($null -eq $env:TEAM_ACCT) { if ($UseWindowsAuth) { Add-VSTeamAccount -Account $AcctUrl -UseWindowsAuthentication | Out-Null $VSTBConn.VSTeamAccount = $true Write-Verbose "Successfully connected TFS VSTeam to: $AcctUrl" } elseif ($null -ne $PAT) { #Add-VSTeamProfile -Account $AcctUrl -PersonalAccessToken $PAT -Version "$API" -Name tb #Add-VSTeamAccount -Profile tb -Version $API Add-VSTeamAccount -Account $AcctUrl -Version $API -PersonalAccessToken $PAT | Out-Null $VSTBConn.VSTeamAccount = $true Write-Verbose "Successfully connected TFS VSTeam to: $AcctUrl" } else { Write-Verbose "No valid credentials passed. Please set UseWindowsAuth or provide PAT token." $Success = $false } } else { Write-Verbose "Already Connected to VSTeam" } #endregion $Global:VSTBConn = $VSTBConn return $Success <# .SYNOPSIS Add-TBConnection will add TB Connection to current session. .DESCRIPTION Add-TBConnection will add TB Connection to current session. Windows Credentials and PAT tokens are only supported at this time. .EXAMPLE Add-TBConnection -AcctUrl "http://mywebsite.com/tfs" #> } function Remove-TBConnection { [OutputType([boolean])] [cmdletbinding()] Param( # All Variables switch does nothing. [switch] $AllVariables ) $Success = $true $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if ($null -ne $VSTBConn) { try { $Global:VSTBConn = $null } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error $_" $Success = $false } } if ($null -ne $env:TEAM_ACCT) { Remove-VSTeamAccount | Out-Null #$holder = Get-VSTeamProfile | Remove-VSTeamProfile -Force } if ($null -ne $Global:TfsTpcConnection) { try { Disconnect-TfsTeamProjectCollection -Collection $VSTBConn.AccountUrl | Out-Null Write-Verbose "TFSCmdlets Disconnected to TFS Collection" $Global:TFSConnectionProps = $null } catch { Write-Verbose "There was an error $_" } } $Global:VSTBNamespaceCollection = $null $Global:VSTBTokencollection = $null if ($Success) { Write-Verbose "Successfully Disconnected" } else { Write-Verbose "There was an error disconnecting." } return $Success <# .SYNOPSIS Remove-TBConnection will remove Global Variable for this module. .DESCRIPTION Remove-TBConnection will remove Global Variable for this module. .EXAMPLE Remove-TBConnection #> } function _testConnection { [OutputType([boolean])] [cmdletbinding()] Param( # Test all variables [switch] $TestAll ) $VSTBConn = $Global:VSTBConn if ($null -eq $VSTBConn.AccountUrl -and $null -eq $VSTBConn.TeamExplorerConnection) { return $false } else { return $true } <# .SYNOPSIS _testTBConnection tests if TFS connection is made. .DESCRIPTION _testTBConnection tests if TFS connection is made. .EXAMPLE _testTBConnection #> } function Set-TBDefaultProject { [cmdletbinding()] Param( # TFS/VSTS Project [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ProjectName ) $VSTBConn = $null if ($null -eq $Global:VSTBConn) { $props = @{ "AccountUrl" = $null "TeamExplorerConnection" = $null "DefaultProjectName" = $ProjectName "VSTeamAccount" = $false "TFSCmdletsConnection" = $false } $VSTBConn = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $props $Global:VSTBConn = $VSTBConn } else { $Global:VSTBConn.DefaultProjectName = $ProjectName } <# .SYNOPSIS Set-TBDefaultProject will add the project name to the $VSTBVersionTable Object. .DESCRIPTION Set-TBDefaultProject will add the project name to the $VSTBVersionTable Object and have all other functions use it. .EXAMPLE Set-TBDefaultProject -ProjectName "MyProjectName" #> } # Export only the functions using PowerShell standard verb-noun naming. Export-ModuleMember -Function *-* |