TOPIC VSTeam Profiles SHORT DESCRIPTION Profiles allow you to store account information so you do not have to remember your Personal Access Token (PAT). Simply create a profile for the desired account and use the profile name to switch to that account using the Set-VSTeamAccount function. You can press tab after the -Profile parameter to cycle through your profile names. LONG DESCRIPTION Using profiles makes it easier to switch from one account to another. Profiles store the URL to the account and authentication information. To use a profile with the Set-VSTeamAccount function use the -Profile parameter. Calling Add-VSTeamProfile with the same account as an existing entry will overwrite that entry. EXAMPLES Add-VSTeamProfile -Account demonstrations -Name demonstrations -PersonalAccessToken 7a8ilh6db4aforlrnrqmdrmgap3mziwnga -Version VSTS This will add a profile named demonstrations for use with Set-VSTeamAccount using the AzD API. Get-VSTeamProfiles | Remove-VSTeamProfiles -Force This will delete all the profiles. Set-VSTeamAccount -Profile demonstrations This will add the account https://dev.azure.com/demonstrations/ KEYWORDS Team Services, VSTS, TFS, VSO, TFS, DevOps SEE ALSO Set-VSTeamAccount Set-VSTeamAPIVersion about_vsteam about_vsteam_provider |