function Update-VSTeamProject { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByName', SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "High")] param( [string] $NewName = '', [string] $NewDescription = '', [switch] $Force, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByID', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $Id ) DynamicParam { _buildProjectNameDynamicParam -ParameterName 'Name' -AliasName 'ProjectName' -ParameterSetName 'ByName' -Mandatory $false } process { # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable $ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["Name"] if ($id) { $ProjectName = $id } else { $id = (Get-VSTeamProject $ProjectName).id } if ($newName -eq '' -and $newDescription -eq '') { # There is nothing to do Write-Verbose 'Nothing to update' return } if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($ProjectName, "Update Project")) { # At the end we return the project and need it's name # this is used to track the final name. $finalName = $ProjectName if ($newName -ne '' -and $newDescription -ne '') { $finalName = $newName $msg = "Changing name and description" $body = '{"name": "' + $newName + '", "description": "' + $newDescription + '"}' } elseif ($newName -ne '') { $finalName = $newName $msg = "Changing name" $body = '{"name": "' + $newName + '"}' } else { $msg = "Changing description" $body = '{"description": "' + $newDescription + '"}' } # Call the REST API $resp = _callAPI -Area 'projects' -id $id ` -Method Patch -ContentType 'application/json' -body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Core) _trackProjectProgress -resp $resp -title 'Updating team project' -msg $msg # Invalidate any cache of projects. [VSTeamProjectCache]::timestamp = -1 # Return the project now that it has been updated return Get-VSTeamProject -Id $finalName } } } |