
using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.SHiPS

[SHiPSProvider(UseCache = $true)]
[SHiPSProvider(BuiltinProgress = $false)]
class VSTeamAccount : SHiPSDirectory {

   # Default constructor
   ) : base($Name) {

      # Invalidate any cache of projects.
      [VSTeamProjectCache]::timestamp = -1

   [object[]] GetChildItem() {
      $poolsAndProjects = @(
         [VSTeamPools]::new('Agent Pools'),

      $items = Get-VSTeamProject | Sort-Object Name

      foreach ($item in $items) {
         $poolsAndProjects += $item

      return $poolsAndProjects

   [void] hidden AddTypeName(
      [string] $name
   ) {
      # The type is used to identify the correct formatter to use.
      # The format for when it is returned by the function and
      # returned by the provider are different. Adding a type name
      # identifies how to format the type.
      # When returned by calling the function and not the provider.
      # This will be formatted without a mode column.
      # When returned by calling the provider.
      # This will be formatted with a mode column like a file or
      # directory.
      $this.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, $name)