Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # Load common code $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path . "$here\common.ps1" function _buildURL { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $projectName, [int] $id ) if(-not $VSTeamVersionTable.Account) { throw 'You must call Add-VSTeamAccount before calling any other functions in this module.' } $version = $VSTeamVersionTable.DistributedTask $resource = "/distributedtask/queues" $instance = $VSTeamVersionTable.Account if($id) { $resource += "/$id" } # Build the url to list the projects return $instance + "/$projectName" + '/_apis' + $resource + '?api-version=' + $version } # Apply types to the returned objects so format and type files can # identify the object and act on it. function _applyTypes { param($item) $item.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'Team.Queue') $item.pool.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'Team.Pool') } function Get-VSTeamQueue { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List')] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='List')] [string] $queueName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='List')] [ValidateSet('None','Manage', 'Use')] [string] $actionFilter, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ByID')] [Alias('QueueID')] [string] $id ) DynamicParam { _buildProjectNameDynamicParam } process { # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable $ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"] if($id) { # Build the url $url = _buildURL -projectName $projectName -id $id if (_useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -UserAgent (_getUserAgent) -Uri $url -UseDefaultCredentials } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -UserAgent (_getUserAgent) -Uri $url -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic $env:TEAM_PAT"} } _applyTypes -item $resp # Call the REST API Write-Output $resp } else { # Build the url $url = _buildURL -projectName $projectName if ($queueName) { $url += "&queueName=$queueName" } if ($actionFilter) { $url += "&actionFilter=$actionFilter" } # Call the REST API if (_useWindowsAuthenticationOnPremise) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -UserAgent (_getUserAgent) -Uri $url -UseDefaultCredentials } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -UserAgent (_getUserAgent) -Uri $url -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic $env:TEAM_PAT"} } # Apply a Type Name so we can use custom format view and custom type extensions foreach($item in $resp.value) { _applyTypes -item $item } Write-Output $resp.value } } } Set-Alias Get-Queue Get-VSTeamQueue Export-ModuleMember ` -Function Get-VSTeamQueue ` -Alias Get-Queue |