
Copyright (c) 2018-2021 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved
The BSD-2 license (the "License") set forth below applies to all parts of the Desired State Configuration Resources for VMware project. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
BSD-2 License
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

Using module '.\VMware.vSphereDSC.Helper.psm1'
Using module '.\VMware.vSphereDSC.Logging.psm1'

enum AcceptanceLevel {

enum ChapType {

enum DomainAction {

enum DRSRuleType {

enum Duplex {

enum Ensure {

enum EntityType {

enum FolderType {

enum GraphicsType {

enum IScsiHbaTargetType {

enum LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation {

enum LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol {

enum LoadBalancingPolicy {

enum LoggingLevel {

enum MultipathPolicy {

enum NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy {

enum Period {
    Day = 86400
    Week = 604800
    Month = 2629800
    Year = 31556926

enum PortBinding {

enum PowerPolicy {
    HighPerformance = 1
    Balanced = 2
    LowPower = 3
    Custom = 4

enum ServicePolicy {

enum SharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy {

enum VMHostState {

enum VMSwapfilePolicy {

enum VsanDataMigrationMode {

enum AccessMode {

enum AuthenticationMethod {

enum NicTeamingPolicy {

enum DrsAutomationLevel {

enum HAIsolationResponse {

enum HARestartPriority {

enum BadCertificateAction {

enum DefaultVIServerMode {

enum PowerCLISettingsScope {

enum ProxyPolicy {

class BasevSphereConnection {
    Credentials needed for connection to the specified Server.

    [PSCredential] $Credential

    Established connection to the specified vSphere Server.

    [PSObject] $Connection

    Saves logs in a HashTable ref in order to retrieve the stream output from outside of Invoke-DscResource execution.

    [ref] $Logs

    hidden [string] $DscResourceName = $this.GetType().Name
    hidden [string] $DscResourceIsInDesiredStateMessage = "{0} DSC Resource is in Desired State."
    hidden [string] $DscResourceIsNotInDesiredStateMessage = "{0} DSC Resource is not in Desired State."

    hidden [string] $TestMethodStartMessage = "Begin executing Test functionality for {0} DSC Resource."
    hidden [string] $TestMethodEndMessage = "End executing Test functionality for {0} DSC Resource."
    hidden [string] $SetMethodStartMessage = "Begin executing Set functionality for {0} DSC Resource."
    hidden [string] $SetMethodEndMessage = "End executing Set functionality for {0} DSC Resource."
    hidden [string] $GetMethodStartMessage = "Begin executing Get functionality for {0} DSC Resource."
    hidden [string] $GetMethodEndMessage = "End executing Get functionality for {0} DSC Resource."

    hidden [string] $SettingIsNotInDesiredStateMessage = "Setting {0}: Current setting value [ {1} ] does not match desired setting value [ {2} ]."
    hidden [string] $DscResourcesEnumDefaultValue = 'Unset'

    hidden [string] $VCenterConnectionRequiredMessage = "The DSC Resource operations are only supported when connection is directly to a vCenter."
    hidden [string] $ESXiConnectionRequiredMessage = "The DSC Resource operations are only supported when connection is directly to an ESXi host."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotEstablishvSphereConnectionMessage = "Could not establish connection to vSphere Server {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotClosevSphereConnectionMessage = "Could not close connection to vSphere Server {0}. For more information: {1}"

    hidden [string] $vCenterProductId = 'vpx'
    hidden [string] $ESXiProductId = 'embeddedEsx'

    Imports the required modules where the used PowerCLI cmdlets reside.

    [void] ImportRequiredModules() {
            The Verbose logic here is needed to suppress the Verbose output of the Import-Module cmdlet
            when importing the 'VMware.VimAutomation.Core' Module.

        $savedVerbosePreference = $global:VerbosePreference
        $global:VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

        Import-Module -Name 'VMware.VimAutomation.Core'

        $global:VerbosePreference = $savedVerbosePreference

    Checks if the passed array is in the desired state and if an update should be performed.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateArraySetting($settingName, $currentArray, $desiredArray) {
        $result = $null

        if ($null -eq $desiredArray) {
            # The property is not specified.
            $result = $false
        elseif ($desiredArray.Length -eq 0 -and $currentArray.Length -ne 0) {
            # Empty array specified as desired, but current is not an empty array, so update should be performed.
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SettingIsNotInDesiredStateMessage, @($settingName, ($currentArray -Join ', '), ($desiredArray -Join ', ')))

            $result = $true
        else {
            $elementsToAdd = $desiredArray | Where-Object { $currentArray -NotContains $_ }
            $elementsToRemove = $currentArray | Where-Object { $desiredArray -NotContains $_ }

            if ($null -ne $elementsToAdd -or $null -ne $elementsToRemove) {
                    The current array does not contain at least one element from desired array or
                    the desired array is a subset of the current array. In both cases
                    we should perform an update operation.

                $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SettingIsNotInDesiredStateMessage, @($settingName, ($currentArray -Join ', '), ($desiredArray -Join ', ')))

                $result = $true
            else {
                # No need to perform an update operation.
                $result = $false

        return $result

    Checks if the passed setting is in the desired state and if an update should be performed.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting($settingName, $currentSetting, $desiredSetting) {
        $result = $null

        if ($this.$settingName -is [string]) {
            $result = ($null -ne $desiredSetting -and $desiredSetting -ne [string] $currentSetting)
        elseif ($this.$settingName -is [enum]) {
            $result = ($desiredSetting -ne $this.DscResourcesEnumDefaultValue -and $desiredSetting -ne $currentSetting)
        else {
            $result = ($null -ne $desiredSetting -and $desiredSetting -ne $currentSetting)

        if ($result) {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SettingIsNotInDesiredStateMessage, @($settingName, $currentSetting, $desiredSetting))

        return $result

    Checks if the Connection is directly to a vCenter and if not, throws an exception.

    [void] EnsureConnectionIsvCenter() {
        if ($this.Connection.ProductLine -ne $this.vCenterProductId) {
            throw $this.VCenterConnectionRequiredMessage

    Checks if the Connection is directly to an ESXi host and if not, throws an exception.

    [void] EnsureConnectionIsESXi() {
        if ($this.Connection.ProductLine -ne $this.ESXiProductId) {
            throw $this.ESXiConnectionRequiredMessage

    Writes a Verbose message specifying if the DSC Resource is in the Desired State.

    [void] WriteDscResourceState($result) {
        $messageToUse = [string]::Empty

        if ($result) {
            $messageToUse = $this.DscResourceIsInDesiredStateMessage
        else {
            $messageToUse = $this.DscResourceIsNotInDesiredStateMessage

        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $messageToUse, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Checks if the specified VIObject is of the specified type.

    [bool] IsVIObjectOfTheCorrectType($viObject, $typeAsString) {
        $result = $false
        $viObjectType = $viObject.GetType()

        if ($viObjectType.FullName -eq $typeAsString) {
            $result = $true
        elseif (($viObjectType.GetInterfaces().FullName -eq $typeAsString).Length -gt 0) {
            $result = $true
        else {
            $baseType = $viObjectType.BaseType

            while ($null -ne $baseType) {
                if ($baseType.FullName -eq $typeAsString) {
                    $result = $true

                $baseType = $baseType.BaseType

        return $result

    Connects to the specified vSphere Server with the passed Credentials.
    The method sets the Connection property to the established connection.
    If connection cannot be established, the method throws an exception.

    [void] ConnectVIServer() {

        if ($null -eq $this.Connection) {
            try {
                $connectVIServerParams = @{
                    Server = $this.Server
                    Credential = $this.Credential
                    ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                    Verbose = $false

                $this.Connection = Connect-VIServer @connectVIServerParams
            catch {
                throw ($this.CouldNotEstablishvSphereConnectionMessage -f $this.Server, $_.Exception.Message)
        } else {
            # this is a connection from a vSphereDSC node
            # a new connection with the same session and server name get created because of an issue with runspaces in PowerShell

            $this.Connection = Connect-VIServer -Session $this.Connection.SessionSecret -Server $this.Connection.Name

    Closes the last open connection to the specified vSphere Server.

    [void] DisconnectVIServer() {
        if ($null -eq $this.Connection) {

        try {
            $disconnectVIServerParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Confirm = $false
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false

            Disconnect-VIServer @disconnectVIServerParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotClosevSphereConnectionMessage -f $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Logs a message to the correct information stream and to a property.

    [void] WriteLogUtil($logType, $message, $arguments) {
        $writeLogSplat = @{
            Message = $message

        # this variable will be added to the logs hashtable
        $logMessage = $message

        if ($null -ne $arguments) {
            $writeLogSplat['Arguments'] = $arguments

            $logMessage = [string]::Format($Message, $Arguments)

        # write to warning or verbose stream
        if ($logType -eq 'Verbose') {
            Write-VerboseLog @writeLogSplat
        } elseif ($logType -eq 'Warning') {
            Write-WarningLog @writeLogSplat

        if ($null -eq $this.Logs) {

            Type = $logType
            Message = $logMessage
        }) | Out-Null

    [void] WriteLogUtil($logType, $message) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil($logType, $message, $null)

class BaseDSC : BasevSphereConnection {
    Name of the Server we are trying to connect to. The Server can be a vCenter or ESXi.

    [string] $Server

class DatacenterInventoryBaseDSC : BaseDSC {
    Name of the Inventory Item located in the Datacenter specified in 'DatacenterName' key property.

    [string] $Name

    Location of the Inventory Item with name specified in 'Name' key property in
    the Datacenter specified in the 'DatacenterName' key property.
    Location consists of 0 or more Inventory Items.
    Empty Location means that the Inventory Item is in the Root Folder of the Datacenter ('Vm', 'Host', 'Network' or 'Datastore' based on the Inventory Item).
    The Root Folders of the Datacenter are not part of the Location.
    Inventory Item names in Location are separated by "/".
    Example Location for a VM Inventory Item: "Discovered Virtual Machines/My Ubuntu VMs".

    [string] $Location

    Name of the Datacenter we will use from the specified Inventory.

    [string] $DatacenterName

    Location of the Datacenter we will use from the Inventory.
    Root Folder of the Inventory is not part of the Location.
    Empty Location means that the Datacenter is in the Root Folder of the Inventory.
    Folder names in Location are separated by "/".
    Example Location: "MyDatacentersFolder".

    [string] $DatacenterLocation

    Value indicating if the Inventory Item should be Present or Absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Type of Folder in which the Inventory Item is located.
    Possible values are VM, Network, Datastore, Host.

    hidden [FolderType] $InventoryItemFolderType

    Ensures the correct behaviour when the Location is not valid based on the passed Ensure value.
    If Ensure is set to 'Present' and the Location is not valid, the method should throw with the passed error message.
    Otherwise Ensure is set to 'Absent' and $null result is returned because with invalid Location, the Inventory Item is 'Absent'
    from that Location and no error should be thrown.

    [PSObject] EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation($expression) {
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
            throw $expression

        return $null

    Returns the Datacenter we will use from the Inventory.

    [PSObject] GetDatacenter() {
        $rootFolderAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $this.Connection.ExtensionData.Content.RootFolder
        $rootFolder = Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Id $rootFolderAsViewObject.MoRef

        # Special case where the Location does not contain any folders.
        if ($this.DatacenterLocation -eq [string]::Empty) {
            $foundDatacenter = Get-Datacenter -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.DatacenterName -Location $rootFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ParentFolderId -eq $rootFolder.Id }
            if ($null -eq $foundDatacenter) {
                return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("Datacenter $($this.DatacenterName) was not found at $($rootFolder.Name).")

            return $foundDatacenter

        # Special case where the Location is just one folder.
        if ($this.DatacenterLocation -NotMatch '/') {
            $foundLocation = Get-Folder -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.DatacenterLocation -Location $rootFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ParentId -eq $rootFolder.Id }
            if ($null -eq $foundLocation) {
                return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("Folder $($this.DatacenterLocation) was not found at $($rootFolder.Name).")

            $foundDatacenter = Get-Datacenter -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.DatacenterName -Location $foundLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ParentFolderId -eq $foundLocation.Id }
            if ($null -eq $foundDatacenter) {
                return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("Datacenter $($this.DatacenterName) was not found at $($foundLocation.Name).")

            return $foundDatacenter

        $locationItems = $this.DatacenterLocation -Split '/'
        $childEntities = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $rootFolder.ExtensionData.ChildEntity
        $foundLocationItem = $null

        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $locationItems.Length; $i++) {
            $locationItem = $locationItems[$i]
            $foundLocationItem = $childEntities | Where-Object -Property Name -eq $locationItem

            if ($null -eq $foundLocationItem) {
                return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("Datacenter $($this.DatacenterName) with Location $($this.DatacenterLocation) was not found because $locationItem folder cannot be found below $($rootFolder.Name).")

            # If the found location item does not have 'ChildEntity' member, the item is a Datacenter.
            $childEntityMember = $foundLocationItem | Get-Member -Name 'ChildEntity'
            if ($null -eq $childEntityMember) {
                return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("The Location $($this.DatacenterLocation) contains another Datacenter $locationItem.")

            If the found location item is a Folder we check how many Child Entities the folder has:
            If the Folder has zero Child Entities and the Folder is not the last location item, the Location is not valid.
            Otherwise we start looking in the items of this Folder.

            if ($foundLocationItem.ChildEntity.Length -eq 0) {
                if ($i -ne $locationItems.Length - 1) {
                    return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("The Location $($this.DatacenterLocation) is not valid because Folder $locationItem does not have Child Entities and the Location $($this.DatacenterLocation) contains other Inventory Items.")
            else {
                $childEntities = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $foundLocationItem.ChildEntity

        $foundLocation = Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Id $foundLocationItem.MoRef
        $foundDatacenter = Get-Datacenter -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.DatacenterName -Location $foundLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ParentFolderId -eq $foundLocation.Id }

        if ($null -eq $foundDatacenter) {
            return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("Datacenter $($this.DatacenterName) with Location $($this.DatacenterLocation) was not found.")

        return $foundDatacenter

    Returns the Location of the Inventory Item from the specified Datacenter.

    [PSObject] GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName) {
        Here if the Ensure property is set to 'Absent', we do not need to check if the Location is valid
        because the Datacenter does not exist and this means that the Inventory Item does not exist in the specified Datacenter.

        if ($null -eq $datacenter -and $this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) {
            return $null

        $validInventoryItemLocation = $null
        $datacenterFolderAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $datacenter.ExtensionData.$datacenterFolderName
        $datacenterFolder = Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Id $datacenterFolderAsViewObject.MoRef

        # Special case where the Location does not contain any Inventory Items.
        if ($this.Location -eq [string]::Empty) {
            return $datacenterFolder

        # Special case where the Location is just one Inventory Item.
        if ($this.Location -NotMatch '/') {
            $validInventoryItemLocation = Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Location -Location $datacenterFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ParentId -eq $datacenterFolder.Id }

            if ($null -eq $validInventoryItemLocation) {
                return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("Location $($this.Location) of Inventory Item $($this.Name) was not found in Folder $($datacenterFolder.Name).")

            return $validInventoryItemLocation

        $locationItems = $this.Location -Split '/'

        # Reverses the location items so that we can start from the bottom and go to the top of the Inventory.

        $datacenterInventoryItemLocationName = $locationItems[0]
        $foundLocations = Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Name $datacenterInventoryItemLocationName -Location $datacenterFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        # Removes the Name of the Inventory Item Location from the location items array as we already retrieved it.
        $locationItems = $locationItems[1..($locationItems.Length - 1)]

        For every found Inventory Item Location in the Datacenter with the specified name we start to go up through the parents to check if the Location is valid.
        If one of the Parents does not meet the criteria of the Location, we continue with the next found Location.
        If we find a valid Location we stop iterating through the Locations and return it.

        foreach ($foundLocation in $foundLocations) {
            $foundLocationAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $foundLocation.Id -Property Parent
            $validLocation = $true

            foreach ($locationItem in $locationItems) {
                $foundLocationAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $foundLocationAsViewObject.Parent -Property Name, Parent
                if ($foundLocationAsViewObject.Name -ne $locationItem) {
                    $validLocation = $false

            if ($validLocation) {
                $validInventoryItemLocation = $foundLocation

        if ($null -eq $validInventoryItemLocation) {
            return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("Location $($this.Location) of Inventory Item $($this.Name) was not found in Datacenter $($datacenter.Name).")

        return $validInventoryItemLocation

    Returns the Inventory Item from the specified Location in the Datacenter if it exists, otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetInventoryItem($inventoryItemLocationInDatacenter) {
        return Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -Location $inventoryItemLocationInDatacenter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ParentId -eq $inventoryItemLocationInDatacenter.Id }

class VMHostEntityBaseDSC : BaseDSC {
    Name of the VMHost which is going to be used.

    [string] $VMHostName

    The VMHost which is going to be used.

    hidden [PSObject] $VMHost

    hidden [string] $RetrieveVMHostMessage = "Retrieving VMHost {0} from vCenter {1}."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveVMHostMessage = "Could not retrieve VMHost {0} from vCenter {1}. For more information: {2}"

    Retrieves the VMHost with the specified name from the server.
    If the VMHost is not found, it throws an exception.

    [void] RetrieveVMHost() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RetrieveVMHostMessage, @($this.VMHostName, $this.Connection.Name))

            $getVMHostParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $this.VMHostName
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false
            $this.VMHost = Get-VMHost @getVMHostParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveVMHostMessage -f $this.VMHostName, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

class DatastoreBaseDSC : VMHostEntityBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the Datastore.

    [string] $Name

    For Nfs Datastore, specifies the remote path of the Nfs mount point.
    For Vmfs Datastore, specifies the canonical name of the Scsi logical unit that contains the Vmfs Datastore.

    [string] $Path

    Specifies whether the Datastore should be present or absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Specifies the file system that is used on the Datastore.

    [string] $FileSystemVersion

    Specifies the latency period beyond which the storage array is considered congested. The range of this value is between 10 to 100 milliseconds.

    [nullable[int]] $CongestionThresholdMillisecond

    Indicates whether the IO control is enabled.

    [nullable[bool]] $StorageIOControlEnabled

    hidden [string] $CreateDatastoreMessage = "Creating Datastore {0} on VMHost {1}."
    hidden [string] $ModifyDatastoreMessage = "Modifying Datastore {0} on VMHost {1}."
    hidden [string] $RemoveDatastoreMessage = "Removing Datastore {0} from VMHost {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateDatastoreMessage = "Could not create Datastore {0} on VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyDatastoreMessage = "Could not modify Datastore {0} on VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRemoveDatastoreMessage = "Could not remove Datastore {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"

    Retrieves the Datastore with the specified name from the VMHost if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetDatastore() {
        $getDatastoreParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Name = $this.Name
            VMHost = $this.VMHost
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        return Get-Datastore @getDatastoreParams

    Checks if the specified Datastore should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifyDatastore($datastore) {
        $shouldModifyDatastore = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('CongestionThresholdMillisecond', $datastore.CongestionThresholdMillisecond, $this.CongestionThresholdMillisecond),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('StorageIOControlEnabled', $datastore.StorageIOControlEnabled, $this.StorageIOControlEnabled)

        return ($shouldModifyDatastore -Contains $true)

    Creates a new Datastore with the specified name on the VMHost.

    [PSObject] NewDatastore($newDatastoreParams) {
        $newDatastoreParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $newDatastoreParams.Name = $this.Name
        $newDatastoreParams.VMHost = $this.VMHost
        $newDatastoreParams.Path = $this.Path
        $newDatastoreParams.Confirm = $false
        $newDatastoreParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'
        $newDatastoreParams.Verbose = $false

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.FileSystemVersion)) { $newDatastoreParams.FileSystemVersion = $this.FileSystemVersion }

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.CreateDatastoreMessage, @($this.Name, $this.VMHost.Name))

            $datastore = New-Datastore @newDatastoreParams

            return $datastore
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateDatastoreMessage -f $this.Name, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Modifies the properties of the specified Datastore.

    [void] ModifyDatastore($datastore) {
        $setDatastoreParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Datastore = $datastore
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if ($null -ne $this.StorageIOControlEnabled) { $setDatastoreParams.StorageIOControlEnabled = $this.StorageIOControlEnabled }
        if ($null -ne $this.CongestionThresholdMillisecond) { $setDatastoreParams.CongestionThresholdMillisecond = $this.CongestionThresholdMillisecond }

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyDatastoreMessage, @($datastore.Name, $this.VMHost.Name))

            Set-Datastore @setDatastoreParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyDatastoreMessage -f $datastore.Name, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Removes the specified Datastore from the VMHost.

    [void] RemoveDatastore($datastore) {
        $removeDatastoreParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Datastore = $datastore
            VMHost = $thiS.VMHost
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RemoveDatastoreMessage, @($datastore.Name, $this.VMHost.Name))

            Remove-Datastore @removeDatastoreParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRemoveDatastoreMessage -f $datastore.Name, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $datastore) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name

        if ($null -ne $datastore) {
            $result.Name = $datastore.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.FileSystemVersion = $datastore.FileSystemVersion
            $result.CongestionThresholdMillisecond = $datastore.CongestionThresholdMillisecond
            $result.StorageIOControlEnabled = $datastore.StorageIOControlEnabled
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.FileSystemVersion = $this.FileSystemVersion
            $result.CongestionThresholdMillisecond = $this.CongestionThresholdMillisecond
            $result.StorageIOControlEnabled = $this.StorageIOControlEnabled

class VMHostBaseDSC : BaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the VMHost to configure.

    [string] $Name

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveVMHostMessage = "Could not retrieve VMHost {0} on Server {1}. For more information: {2}"

    Retrieves the VMHost with the specified name from the specified Server.
    If the VMHost is not found, the method throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetVMHost() {
        try {
            $getVMHostParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $this.Name
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false

            return Get-VMHost @getVMHostParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveVMHostMessage -f $this.Name, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

class EsxCliBaseDSC : VMHostBaseDSC {
    The PowerCLI EsxCli version 2 interface to ESXCLI.

    hidden [PSObject] $EsxCli

    The EsxCli command for the DSC Resource that inherits the base class.
    For the DCUI Keyboard DSC Resource the command is the following: 'system.settings.keyboard.layout'.

    hidden [string] $EsxCliCommand

    The name of the DSC Resource that inherits the base class.

    hidden [string] $DscResourceName = $this.GetType().Name

    hidden [string] $EsxCliAddMethodName = 'add'
    hidden [string] $EsxCliSetMethodName = 'set'
    hidden [string] $EsxCliRemoveMethodName = 'remove'
    hidden [string] $EsxCliGetMethodName = 'get'
    hidden [string] $EsxCliListMethodName = 'list'

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveEsxCliInterfaceMessage = "Could not retrieve EsxCli interface for VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateMethodArgumentsMessage = "Could not create arguments for {0} method. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $EsxCliCommandFailedMessage = "EsxCli command {0} failed to execute successfully. For more information: {1}"

    Retrieves the EsxCli version 2 interface to ESXCLI for the specified VMHost.

    [void] GetEsxCli($vmHost) {
        try {
            $this.EsxCli = Get-EsxCli -Server $this.Connection -VMHost $vmHost -V2 -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveEsxCliInterfaceMessage -f $vmHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Executes the specified method for modification - 'set', 'add' or 'remove' of the specified EsxCli command.

    [void] ExecuteEsxCliModifyMethod($methodName, $methodArguments) {
        $esxCliCommandMethod = "$($this.EsxCliCommand).$methodName."
        $esxCliMethodArgs = $null

        try {
            $esxCliMethodArgs = Invoke-Expression -Command ("`$this.EsxCli." + $esxCliCommandMethod + 'CreateArgs()') -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateMethodArgumentsMessage -f $methodName, $_.Exception.Message)

        # Skips the properties that are defined in the base classes of the Dsc Resource because they are not arguments of the EsxCli command.
        $dscResourceNamesOfProperties = $this.GetType().GetProperties() |
                                        Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DeclaringType.Name -eq $this.DscResourceName } |
                                        Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

        # A separate array of keys is needed because collections cannot be modified while being enumerated.
        $commandArgs = @()
        $commandArgs = $commandArgs + $esxCliMethodArgs.Keys
        foreach ($key in $commandArgs) {
            # The argument of the method is present in the method arguments hashtable and should be used instead of the property of the Dsc Resource.
            if ($methodArguments.Count -gt 0 -and $null -ne $methodArguments.$key) {
                $esxCliMethodArgs.$key = $methodArguments.$key
            else {
                # The name of the property of the Dsc Resource starts with a capital letter whereas the key of the argument contains only lower case letters.
                $dscResourcePropertyName = $dscResourceNamesOfProperties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ToLower() -eq $key.ToLower() }

                # Not all properties of the Dsc Resource are part of the arguments hashtable.
                if ($null -ne $dscResourcePropertyName) {
                    if ($this.$dscResourcePropertyName -is [string]) {
                        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.$dscResourcePropertyName)) { $esxCliMethodArgs.$key = $this.$dscResourcePropertyName }
                    elseif ($this.$dscResourcePropertyName -is [array]) {
                        if ($null -ne $this.$dscResourcePropertyName -and $this.$dscResourcePropertyName.Length -gt 0) { $esxCliMethodArgs.$key = $this.$dscResourcePropertyName }
                    else {
                        if ($null -ne $this.$dscResourcePropertyName) { $esxCliMethodArgs.$key = $this.$dscResourcePropertyName }

        try {
            Invoke-EsxCliCommandMethod -EsxCli $this.EsxCli -EsxCliCommandMethod ($esxCliCommandMethod + 'Invoke({0})') -EsxCliCommandMethodArguments $esxCliMethodArgs
        catch {
            throw ($this.EsxCliCommandFailedMessage -f ('esxcli.' + $this.EsxCliCommand), $_.Exception.Message)

    Executes the specified method for modification - 'set', 'add' or 'remove' of the specified EsxCli command.

    [void] ExecuteEsxCliModifyMethod($methodName) {
        $this.ExecuteEsxCliModifyMethod($methodName, @{})

    Executes the specified retrieval method - 'get' or 'list' of the specified EsxCli command.

    [PSObject] ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($methodName) {
        $esxCliCommandMethod = '$this.EsxCli.' + "$($this.EsxCliCommand).$methodName."

        try {
            $esxCliCommandMethodResult = Invoke-Expression -Command ($esxCliCommandMethod + 'Invoke()') -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            return $esxCliCommandMethodResult
        catch {
            throw ($this.EsxCliCommandFailedMessage -f ('esxcli.' + $this.EsxCliCommand), $_.Exception.Message)

class InventoryBaseDSC : BaseDSC {
    Name of the Inventory Item (Folder or Datacenter) located in the Folder specified in 'Location' key property.

    [string] $Name

    Location of the Inventory Item (Folder or Datacenter) we will use from the Inventory.
    Root Folder of the Inventory is not part of the Location.
    Empty Location means that the Inventory Item (Folder or Datacenter) is in the Root Folder of the Inventory.
    Folder names in Location are separated by "/".
    Example Location: "MyDatacenters".

    [string] $Location

    Value indicating if the Inventory Item (Folder or Datacenter) should be Present or Absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Ensures the correct behaviour when the Location is not valid based on the passed Ensure value.
    If Ensure is set to 'Present' and the Location is not valid, the method should throw with the passed error message.
    Otherwise Ensure is set to 'Absent' and $null result is returned because with invalid Location, the Inventory Item is 'Absent'
    from that Location and no error should be thrown.

    [PSObject] EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation($expression) {
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
            throw $expression

        return $null

    Returns the Location of the Inventory Item (Folder or Datacenter) from the specified Inventory.

    [PSObject] GetInventoryItemLocation() {
        $rootFolderAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $this.Connection.ExtensionData.Content.RootFolder
        $rootFolder = Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Id $rootFolderAsViewObject.MoRef

        # Special case where the Location does not contain any folders.
        if ($this.Location -eq [string]::Empty) {
            return $rootFolder

        # Special case where the Location is just one folder.
        if ($this.Location -NotMatch '/') {
            $foundLocation = Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Location -Location $rootFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ParentId -eq $rootFolder.Id }
            if ($null -eq $foundLocation) {
                return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("Folder $($this.Location) was not found at $($rootFolder.Name).")

            return $foundLocation

        $locationItems = $this.Location -Split '/'
        $childEntities = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $rootFolder.ExtensionData.ChildEntity
        $foundLocationItem = $null

        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $locationItems.Length; $i++) {
            $locationItem = $locationItems[$i]
            $foundLocationItem = $childEntities | Where-Object -Property Name -eq $locationItem

            if ($null -eq $foundLocationItem) {
                return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("Inventory Item $($this.Name) with Location $($this.Location) was not found because $locationItem folder cannot be found below $($rootFolder.Name).")

            # If the found location item does not have 'ChildEntity' member, the item is a Datacenter.
            $childEntityMember = $foundLocationItem | Get-Member -Name 'ChildEntity'
            if ($null -eq $childEntityMember) {
                return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("The Location $($this.Location) contains Datacenter $locationItem which is not valid.")

            If the found location item is a Folder we check how many Child Entities the folder has:
            If the Folder has zero Child Entities and the Folder is not the last location item, the Location is not valid.
            Otherwise we start looking in the items of this Folder.

            if ($foundLocationItem.ChildEntity.Length -eq 0) {
                if ($i -ne $locationItems.Length - 1) {
                    return $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourForInvalidLocation("The Location $($this.Location) is not valid because Folder $locationItem does not have Child Entities and the Location $($this.Location) contains other Inventory Items.")
            else {
                $childEntities = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $foundLocationItem.ChildEntity

        return Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Id $foundLocationItem.MoRef

class InventoryUtil {
    InventoryUtil($viServer, $ensure) {
        $this.VIServer = $viServer
        $this.Ensure = $ensure

    Specifies the established connection to the vCenter Server system.

    [PSObject] $VIServer

    Specifies whether the Inventory Item that is exposed through a DSC Resource that uses the 'InventoryUtil' class
    should be present or absent. It is used to determine the behaviour of the methods in the class
    that retrieve Inventory Items.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    hidden [string] $InvalidLocationMessage = "Location {0} is not a valid location inside Folder {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveRootFolderMessage = "Could not retrieve Inventory Root Folder of vCenter Server {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveDatacenterRootFolderMessage = "Could not retrieve {0} of Datacenter {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveVDSwitchMessage = "Could not retrieve VDSwitch {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotFindDatacenterMessage = "Could not find Datacenter {0} located in Folder {1}."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotFindFolderMessage = "Could not find Folder {0} located in Folder {1}."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotFindInventoryItemMessage = "Could not find Inventory Item {0} located in Inventory Item {1}."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotFindDatastoreClusterMessage = "Could not find Datastore Cluster {0} located in Folder {1}."

    Retrieves the Datacenter with the specified name, located in the specified Folder.

    [PSObject] GetDatacenter($datacenterName, $datacenterLocation) {
        $datacenter = $null
        $inventoryRootFolder = $this.GetInventoryRootFolder()

            If empty Datacenter location is passed, the Datacenter should be located
                in the Root Folder of the Inventory.
            If Datacenter location without '/' is passed, the Datacenter should be located
                in the Folder specified in the Datacenter location.
            If Datacenter location with '/' is passed, the Datacenter should be located
                in the Folder that is lastly specified in the Datacenter location.

        if ($datacenterLocation -eq [string]::Empty) {
            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenterInFolder($datacenterName, $inventoryRootFolder)
        elseif ($datacenterLocation -NotMatch '/') {
            $folder = $this.GetFolder($datacenterLocation, $inventoryRootFolder)
            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenterInFolder($datacenterName, $folder)
        else {
            $folder = $null
            $datacenterLocationItems = $datacenterLocation -Split '/'

            # The array needs to be reversed so we can retrieve the Folder where the Datacenter is located.

            $datacenterLocationName = $datacenterLocationItems[0]
            $foundDatacenterFolderLocations = $this.GetDatacenterFoldersByName($datacenterLocationName, $inventoryRootFolder)

            # The Folder where the Datacenter is located is already retrieved and it's not needed anymore.
            $datacenterLocationItems = $datacenterLocationItems[1..($datacenterLocationItems.Length - 1)]

            foreach ($foundDatacenterFolderLocation in $foundDatacenterFolderLocations) {
                $currentDatacenterLocationItem = $foundDatacenterFolderLocation
                $isDatacenterLocationValid = $true

                foreach ($datacenterLocationItem in $datacenterLocationItems) {
                    if ($currentDatacenterLocationItem.Parent.Name -ne $datacenterLocationItem) {
                        $isDatacenterLocationValid = $false

                    $currentDatacenterLocationItem = $currentDatacenterLocationItem.Parent

                    If the Datacenter location is valid, the first Datacenter location item
                    should be located inside the Root Folder of the Inventory.

                if (
                    $isDatacenterLocationValid -and
                    $currentDatacenterLocationItem.ParentId -eq $inventoryRootFolder.Id
                ) {
                    $folder = $foundDatacenterFolderLocation

            if ($null -eq $folder -and $this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                throw ($this.InvalidLocationMessage -f $datacenterLocation, $inventoryRootFolder.Name)

            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenterInFolder($datacenterName, $folder)

        return $datacenter

    Retrieves the Parent of the Inventory Item located in the specified Datacenter.

    [PSObject] GetInventoryItemParent($inventoryItemLocation, $datacenter, $datacenterRootFolderName) {
        # If the Datacenter doesn't exist, the Inventory Item Parent doesn't exist as well.
        if ($null -eq $datacenter) {
            return $null

        $inventoryItemParent = $null
        $datacenterRootFolder = $this.GetRootFolderOfDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterRootFolderName)

            If empty Inventory Item location is passed, the Inventory Item Parent
                in the Root Folder of the Datacenter.
            If Inventory Item location without '/' is passed, the Inventory Item Parent
                is the Inventory Item specified in the Inventory Item location.
            If Inventory Item location with '/' is passed, the Inventory Item Parent
                is the Inventory Item that is lastly specified in the Inventory Item location.

        if ($inventoryItemLocation -eq [string]::Empty) {
            $inventoryItemParent = $datacenterRootFolder
        elseif ($inventoryItemLocation -NotMatch '/') {
            $inventoryItemParent = $this.GetInventoryItem($inventoryItemLocation, $datacenterRootFolder)
        else {
            $inventoryItemLocationItems = $inventoryItemLocation -Split '/'

            # The array needs to be reversed so we can retrieve the name of the Parent of the Inventory Item.

            $inventoryItemParentName = $inventoryItemLocationItems[0]
            $foundInventoryItemLocations = $this.GetInventoryItemsByName($inventoryItemParentName, $datacenterRootFolder)

            # The Parent name where the Inventory Item is located is already retrieved and it's not needed anymore.
            $inventoryItemLocationItems = $inventoryItemLocationItems[1..($inventoryItemLocationItems.Length - 1)]

            foreach ($foundInventoryItemLocation in $foundInventoryItemLocations) {
                $currentInventoryItemLocationItem = $foundInventoryItemLocation
                $isInventoryItemLocationValid = $true

                foreach ($inventoryItemLocationItem in $inventoryItemLocationItems) {
                    if ($currentInventoryItemLocationItem.Parent.Name -ne $inventoryItemLocationItem) {
                        $isInventoryItemLocationValid = $false

                    $currentInventoryItemLocationItem = $currentInventoryItemLocationItem.Parent

                    If the Inventory Item location is valid, the first Inventory Item location item
                    should be located inside the corresponding Root Folder of the Datacenter.

                if (
                    $isInventoryItemLocationValid -and
                    $currentInventoryItemLocationItem.ParentId -eq $datacenterRootFolder.Id
                ) {
                    $inventoryItemParent = $foundInventoryItemLocation

            if ($null -eq $inventoryItemParent -and $this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                throw ($this.InvalidLocationMessage -f $inventoryItemLocation, $datacenterRootFolder.Name)

        return $inventoryItemParent

    Retrieves the Root Folder of the specified Inventory.

    [PSObject] GetInventoryRootFolder() {
        $getInventoryParams = @{
            Server = $this.VIServer
            Id = $this.VIServer.ExtensionData.Content.RootFolder
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            return Get-Inventory @getInventoryParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveRootFolderMessage -f $this.VIServer.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the specified Root Folder of the Datacenter.

    [PSObject] GetRootFolderOfDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterRootFolderName) {
        $getInventoryParams = @{
            Server = $this.VIServer
            Id = $datacenter.ExtensionData.$datacenterRootFolderName
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            return Get-Inventory @getInventoryParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveDatacenterRootFolderMessage -f $datacenterRootFolderName, $datacenter.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the Datacenter with the specified name, located in the specified Folder.

    [PSObject] GetDatacenterInFolder($datacenterName, $folder) {
        $getDatacenterParams = @{
            Server = $this.VIServer
            Name = $datacenterName
            Location = $folder
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        $whereObjectParams = @{
            FilterScript = {
                $_.ParentFolderId -eq $folder.Id

        $datacenter = Get-Datacenter @getDatacenterParams | Where-Object @whereObjectParams
        if ($null -eq $datacenter -and $this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
            throw ($this.CouldNotFindDatacenterMessage -f $datacenterName, $folder.Name)

        return $datacenter

    Retrieves the Folder with the specified name, located in the specified Folder.

    [PSObject] GetFolder($folderName, $parentFolder) {
        $getFolderParams = @{
            Server = $this.VIServer
            Name = $folderName
            Location = $parentFolder
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        $whereObjectParams = @{
            FilterScript = {
                $_.ParentId -eq $parentFolder.Id

        $folder = Get-Folder @getFolderParams | Where-Object @whereObjectParams
        if ($null -eq $folder -and $this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
            throw ($this.CouldNotFindFolderMessage -f $folderName, $parentFolder.Name)

        return $folder

    Retrieves all Folders with the specified name of type Datacenter,
    located inside the specified Folder.

    [PSObject] GetDatacenterFoldersByName($folderName, $folderLocation) {
        $getFolderParams = @{
            Server = $this.VIServer
            Name = $folderName
            Location = $folderLocation
            Type = 'Datacenter'
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        return Get-Folder @getFolderParams

    Retrieves all Inventory Items with the specified name,
    located inside the specified Inventory Item.

    [array] GetInventoryItemsByName($inventoryItemName, $inventoryItemLocation) {
        $getInventoryParams = @{
            Server = $this.VIServer
            Name = $inventoryItemName
            Location = $inventoryItemLocation
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        return Get-Inventory @getInventoryParams

    Retrieves the Inventory Item with the specified name, located in the specified Inventory Item.

    [PSObject] GetInventoryItem($inventoryItemName, $inventoryItemParent) {
        $getInventoryParams = @{
            Server = $this.VIServer
            Name = $inventoryItemName
            Location = $inventoryItemParent
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        $whereObjectParams = @{
            FilterScript = {
                $_.ParentId -eq $inventoryItemParent.Id

        $inventoryItem = Get-Inventory @getInventoryParams | Where-Object @whereObjectParams
        if ($null -eq $inventoryItem -and $this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
            throw ($this.CouldNotFindInventoryItemMessage -f $inventoryItemName, $inventoryItemParent.Name)

        return $inventoryItem

    Retrieves the Datastore Cluster with the specified name located in the specified Folder.

    [PSObject] GetDatastoreCluster($datastoreClusterName, $folder) {
        $getDatastoreClusterParams = @{
            Server = $this.VIServer
            Name = $datastoreClusterName
            Location = $folder
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        $whereObjectParams = @{
            FilterScript = {
                $_.ExtensionData.Parent -eq $folder.ExtensionData.MoRef

            Multiple Datastore Clusters with the same name can be present in a Datacenter. So we need to filter
            by the direct Parent Folder of the Datastore Cluster to retrieve the desired one.

        $datastoreCluster = Get-DatastoreCluster @getDatastoreClusterParams | Where-Object @whereObjectParams
        if ($null -eq $datastoreCluster -and $this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
            throw ($this.CouldNotFindDatastoreClusterMessage -f $datastoreClusterName, $folder.Name)

        return $datastoreCluster

    Retrieves the VDSwitch with the specified name from the server if it exists.
    If the VDSwitch does not exist and Ensure is set to 'Absent', $null is returned.
    Otherwise the method throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetVDSwitch($vdSwitchName) {
            The Verbose logic here is needed to suppress the Verbose output of the Import-Module cmdlet
            when importing the 'VMware.VimAutomation.Vds' Module.

        $savedVerbosePreference = $global:VerbosePreference
        $global:VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

        $getVDSwitchParams = @{
            Server = $this.VIServer
            Name = $vdSwitchName
            Verbose = $false

        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) {
            $getVDSwitchParams.ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
        else {
            $getVDSwitchParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        try {
            return Get-VDSwitch @getVDSwitchParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveVDSwitchMessage -f $vdSwitchName, $_.Exception.Message)
        finally {
            $global:VerbosePreference = $savedVerbosePreference

class VMHostRestartBaseDSC : VMHostBaseDSC {
    Specifies the time in minutes to wait for the VMHost to restart before timing out
    and aborting the operation. The default value is 5 minutes.

    [int] $RestartTimeoutMinutes = 5

    hidden [string] $NotRespondingState = 'NotResponding'
    hidden [string] $MaintenanceState = 'Maintenance'

    hidden [string] $VMHostIsRestartedSuccessfullyMessage = "VMHost {0} is successfully restarted and in {1} State."
    hidden [string] $VMHostIsStillNotInDesiredStateMessage = "VMHost {0} is still not in {1} State."
    hidden [string] $RestartVMHostMessage = "Restarting VMHost {0}."

    hidden [string] $VMHostIsNotInMaintenanceModeMessage = "The Resource update operation requires the VMHost {0} to be in a Maintenance mode."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRestartVMHostInTimeMessage = "VMHost {0} could not be restarted successfully in {1} minutes."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRestartVMHostMessage = "Could not restart VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"

    Checks if the specified VMHost is in Maintenance mode and if not, throws an exception.

    [void] EnsureVMHostIsInMaintenanceMode($vmHost) {
        if ($vmHost.ConnectionState.ToString() -ne $this.MaintenanceState) {
            throw ($this.VMHostIsNotInMaintenanceModeMessage -f $vmHost.Name)

    Ensures that the specified VMHost is restarted successfully in the specified period of time. If the elapsed time is
    longer than the desired time for restart, the method throws an exception.

    [void] EnsureRestartTimeoutIsNotReached($elapsedTimeInSeconds) {
        $timeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $elapsedTimeInSeconds
        if ($this.RestartTimeoutMinutes -le $timeSpan.Minutes) {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRestartVMHostInTimeMessage -f $this.Name, $this.RestartTimeoutMinutes)

    Ensures that the specified VMHost is in a Desired State after successful restart operation.

    [void] EnsureVMHostIsInDesiredState($requiresVIServerConnection, $desiredState) {
        $sleepTimeInSeconds = 10
        $elapsedTimeInSeconds = 0

        while ($true) {

            Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleepTimeInSeconds
            $elapsedTimeInSeconds += $sleepTimeInSeconds

            try {
                if ($requiresVIServerConnection) {

                $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
                if ($vmHost.ConnectionState.ToString() -eq $desiredState) {

                $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.VMHostIsStillNotInDesiredStateMessage, @($this.Name, $desiredState))
            catch {
                Here the message used in the try block is written again in the case when an exception is thrown
                when retrieving the VMHost or establishing a Connection. This way the user still gets notified
                that the VMHost is not in the Desired State.

                $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.VMHostIsStillNotInDesiredStateMessage, @($this.Name, $desiredState))

        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.VMHostIsRestartedSuccessfullyMessage, @($this.Name, $desiredState))

    Restarts the specified VMHost so that the update of the VMHost Configuration is successful.

    [void] RestartVMHost($vmHost) {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RestartVMHostMessage, @($vmHost.Name))

            $restartVMHostParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                VMHost = $vmHost
                Confirm = $false
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false

            Restart-VMHost @restartVMHostParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRestartVMHostMessage -f $vmHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

        If the Connection is directly to a vCenter we do not need to establish a new connection so we pass $false
        to the method 'EnsureVMHostIsInCorrectState'. When the Connection is directly to an ESXi, after a successful
        restart the ESXi is down so new Connection needs to be established to check the ESXi state. So we pass $true
        to the method 'EnsureVMHostIsInCorrectState'. We also need to set the variable holding the current Connection
        to $null, so a new Connection can be established via the ConnectVIServer().

        if ($this.Connection.ProductLine -eq $this.vCenterProductId) {
            $this.EnsureVMHostIsInDesiredState($false, $this.NotRespondingState)
            $this.EnsureVMHostIsInDesiredState($false, $this.MaintenanceState)
        else {
            $this.Connection = $null
            $this.EnsureVMHostIsInDesiredState($true, $this.MaintenanceState)

class VMHostGraphicsBaseDSC : VMHostRestartBaseDSC {
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveGraphicsManagerMessage = "Could not retrieve the Graphics Manager of VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"

    Retrieves the Graphics Manager of the specified VMHost from the server.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostGraphicsManager($vmHost) {
        try {
            $vmHostGraphicsManager = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $vmHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.GraphicsManager -ErrorAction Stop
            return $vmHostGraphicsManager
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveGraphicsManagerMessage -f $vmHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    The enum value passed in the Configuration should be converted to string value by the following criteria:
    Shared => shared; SharedDevice => sharedDevice

    [string] ConvertEnumValueToServerValue($enumValue) {
        return $enumValue.ToString().Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + $enumValue.ToString().Substring(1)

class VMHostIScsiHbaBaseDSC : VMHostEntityBaseDSC {
    Specifies the type of the CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol).

    [ChapType] $ChapType = [ChapType]::Unset

    Specifies the CHAP authentication name.

    [string] $ChapName

    Specifies the CHAP authentication password.

    [string] $ChapPassword

    Indicates that Mutual CHAP is enabled.

    [nullable[bool]] $MutualChapEnabled

    Specifies the Mutual CHAP authentication name.

    [string] $MutualChapName

    Specifies the Mutual CHAP authentication password.

    [string] $MutualChapPassword

    Specifies whether to change the password for CHAP, Mutual CHAP or both. When the property is not specified or its value is $false, it is ignored.
    If the property is $true the passwords for CHAP and Mutual CHAP are changed to their desired values.

    [nullable[bool]] $Force

    hidden [string] $IScsiDeviceType = 'iSCSI'

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveIScsiHbaMessage = "Could not retrieve iSCSI Host Bus Adapter {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"

    Retrieves the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter with the specified name from the specified VMHost if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetIScsiHba($iScsiHbaName) {
        try {
            $iScsiHba = Get-VMHostHba -Server $this.Connection -VMHost $this.VMHost -Device $iScsiHbaName -Type $this.IScsiDeviceType -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            return $iScsiHba
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveIScsiHbaMessage -f $iScsiHbaName, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Checks if the CHAP settings should be modified based on the current authentication properties.

    [bool] ShouldModifyCHAPSettings($authenticationProperties, $inheritChap, $inheritMutualChap) {
        $shouldModifyCHAPSettings = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('InheritChap', $authenticationProperties.ChapInherited, $inheritChap),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('ChapType', [string] $authenticationProperties.ChapType, $this.ChapType.ToString()),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('InheritMutualChap', $authenticationProperties.MutualChapInherited, $inheritMutualChap),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('MutualChapEnabled', $authenticationProperties.MutualChapEnabled, $this.MutualChapEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Force', $false, $this.Force)

        # CHAP and Mutual CHAP names should be ignored when determining the Desired State when CHAP type is 'Prohibited'.
        if ($this.ChapType -ne [ChapType]::Prohibited) {
            $shouldModifyCHAPSettings += $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting(
                [string] $authenticationProperties.ChapName,
            $shouldModifyCHAPSettings += $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting(
                [string] $authenticationProperties.MutualChapName,

        return ($shouldModifyCHAPSettings -Contains $true)

    Checks if the CHAP settings should be modified based on the current authentication properties.

    [bool] ShouldModifyCHAPSettings($authenticationProperties) {
        return $this.ShouldModifyCHAPSettings($authenticationProperties, $null, $null)

    Populates the cmdlet parameters with the CHAP settings based on the following criteria:
    1. CHAP settings can only be passed to the cmdlet if the 'InheritChap' option is not passed or it is passed with a '$false' value.
    2. Mutual CHAP settings can only be passed to the cmdlet if the 'InheritMutualChap' option is not passed or it is passed with a '$false' value.
    3. CHAP name and CHAP password can be passed to the cmdlet if the CHAP type is not 'Prohibited'.
    4. Mutual CHAP settings can only be passed to the cmdlet if the CHAP type is 'Required'.
    5. Mutual CHAP name and Mutual CHAP password can be passed to the cmdlet if Mutual CHAP enabled is not passed
       or if it is passed with a '$true' value.

    [void] PopulateCmdletParametersWithCHAPSettings($cmdletParams, $inheritChap, $inheritMutualChap) {
        if ($null -ne $inheritChap -and $inheritChap) {
            $cmdletParams.InheritChap = $inheritChap
        else {
            # When 'InheritChap' is $false, it can be passed to the cmdlet only if CHAP type is not 'Prohibited'.
            if ($null -ne $inheritChap -and $this.ChapType -ne [ChapType]::Prohibited) { $cmdletParams.InheritChap = $inheritChap }
            if ($this.ChapType -ne [ChapType]::Unset) { $cmdletParams.ChapType = $this.ChapType.ToString() }

            if ($this.ChapType -ne [ChapType]::Prohibited) {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.ChapName)) { $cmdletParams.ChapName = $this.ChapName }
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.ChapPassword)) { $cmdletParams.ChapPassword = $this.ChapPassword }

        if ($null -ne $inheritMutualChap -and $inheritMutualChap) {
            $cmdletParams.InheritMutualChap = $inheritMutualChap
        else {
            # When 'InheritMutualChap' is $false, it can be passed to the cmdlet only if CHAP type is not 'Prohibited'.
            if ($null -ne $inheritMutualChap -and $this.ChapType -ne [ChapType]::Prohibited) { $cmdletParams.InheritMutualChap = $inheritMutualChap }

            if ($this.ChapType -eq [ChapType]::Required) {
                if ($null -ne $this.MutualChapEnabled) { $cmdletParams.MutualChapEnabled = $this.MutualChapEnabled }

                if ($null -eq $this.MutualChapEnabled -or $this.MutualChapEnabled) {
                    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.MutualChapName)) { $cmdletParams.MutualChapName = $this.MutualChapName }
                    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.MutualChapPassword)) { $cmdletParams.MutualChapPassword = $this.MutualChapPassword }

    Populates the cmdlet parameters with the CHAP settings.

    [void] PopulateCmdletParametersWithCHAPSettings($cmdletParams) {
        $this.PopulateCmdletParametersWithCHAPSettings($cmdletParams, $null, $null)

class VMHostNetworkBaseDSC : VMHostBaseDSC {
    hidden [PSObject] $VMHostNetworkSystem

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveNetworkSystemMessage = "Could not retrieve the Network System of VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"

    Retrieves the Network System from the specified VMHost.

    [void] GetNetworkSystem($vmHost) {
        try {
            $this.VMHostNetworkSystem = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $vmHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.NetworkSystem -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveNetworkSystemMessage -f $this.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

class VMHostNetworkMigrationBaseDSC : VMHostEntityBaseDSC {
    Specifies the names of the Physical Network Adapters that should be part of the vSphere Distributed/Standard Switch.

    [string[]] $PhysicalNicNames

    Specifies the names of the VMKernel Network Adapters that should be part of the vSphere Distributed/Standard Switch.

    [string[]] $VMKernelNicNames

    hidden [string] $RetrievePhysicalNicMessage = "Retrieving Physical Network Adapter {0} from VMHost {1}."
    hidden [string] $RetrieveVMKernelNicMessage = "Retrieving VMKernel Network Adapter {0} from VMHost {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotFindPhysicalNicMessage = "Physical Network Adapter {0} was not found on VMHost {1} and will be ignored."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotFindVMKernelNicMessage = "VMKernel Network Adapter {0} was not found on VMHost {1}."

    Retrieves the Physical Network Adapters with the specified names from the server if they exist.
    For every Physical Network Adapter that does not exist, a warning message is shown to the user without throwing an exception.

    [array] GetPhysicalNetworkAdapters() {
        $physicalNetworkAdapters = @()

        foreach ($physicalNetworkAdapterName in $this.PhysicalNicNames) {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RetrievePhysicalNicMessage, @($physicalNetworkAdapterName, $this.VMHost.Name))

            $getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $physicalNetworkAdapterName
                VMHost = $this.VMHost
                Physical = $true
                ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
                Verbose = $false

            $physicalNetworkAdapter = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter @getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams
            if ($null -eq $physicalNetworkAdapter) {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', $this.CouldNotFindPhysicalNicMessage, @($physicalNetworkAdapterName, $this.VMHost.Name))
            else {
                $physicalNetworkAdapters += $physicalNetworkAdapter

        return $physicalNetworkAdapters

    Retrieves the VMKernel Network Adapters with the specified names from the server if they exist.
    If one of the passed VMKernel Network Adapters does not exist, an exception is thrown.

    [array] GetVMKernelNetworkAdapters() {
        $vmKernelNetworkAdapters = @()

        foreach ($vmKernelNetworkAdapterName in $this.VMKernelNicNames) {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RetrieveVMKernelNicMessage, @($vmKernelNetworkAdapterName, $this.VMHost.Name))

            $getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $vmKernelNetworkAdapterName
                VMHost = $this.VMHost
                VMKernel = $true
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false

            try {
                $vmKernelNetworkAdapter = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter @getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams
                $vmKernelNetworkAdapters += $vmKernelNetworkAdapter
            catch {
                Here 'throw' should be used instead of 'Write-WarningLog' because if we ignore one VMKernel Network Adapter that is invalid, the mapping between VMKernel
                Network Adapters and Port Groups will not work: The first Adapter should be attached to the first Port Group,
                the second Adapter should be attached to the second Port Group, and so on.

                throw ($this.CouldNotFindVMKernelNicMessage -f $vmKernelNetworkAdapterName, $this.VMHost.Name)

        return $vmKernelNetworkAdapters

class VMHostNicBaseDSC : VMHostEntityBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the Port Group to which the VMKernel Network Adapter should be connected. If a Distributed Switch is passed, an existing Port Group name should be specified.
    For Standard Virtual Switches, if the Port Group is non-existent, a new Port Group with the specified name will be created and the VMKernel Network Adapter will be connected to it.

    [string] $PortGroupName

    Value indicating if the VMKernel Network Adapter should be Present or Absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Indicates whether the VMKernel Network Adapter uses a Dhcp server.

    [nullable[bool]] $Dhcp

    Specifies an IP address for the VMKernel Network Adapter. All IP addresses are specified using IPv4 dot notation. If IP is not specified, DHCP mode is enabled.

    [string] $IP

    Specifies a Subnet Mask for the VMKernel Network Adapter.

    [string] $SubnetMask

    Specifies a media access control (MAC) address for the VMKernel Network Adapter.

    [string] $Mac

    Indicates that the IPv6 address is obtained through a router advertisement.

    [nullable[bool]] $AutomaticIPv6

    Specifies multiple static addresses using the following format: <IPv6>/<subnet_prefix_length> or <IPv6>. If you skip <subnet_prefix_length>, the default value of 64 is used.

    [string[]] $IPv6

    Indicates that the IPv6 address is obtained through DHCP.

    [nullable[bool]] $IPv6ThroughDhcp

    Specifies the MTU size.

    [nullable[int]] $Mtu

    Indicates that IPv6 configuration is enabled. Setting this parameter to $false disables all IPv6-related parameters.
    If the value is $true, you need to provide values for at least one of the IPv6 parameters.

    [nullable[bool]] $IPv6Enabled

    Indicates that you want to enable the VMKernel Network Adapter for management traffic.

    [nullable[bool]] $ManagementTrafficEnabled

    Indicates that the VMKernel Network Adapter is enabled for Fault Tolerance (FT) logging.

    [nullable[bool]] $FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled

    Indicates that you want to use the VMKernel Network Adapter for VMotion.

    [nullable[bool]] $VMotionEnabled

    Indicates that Virtual SAN traffic is enabled on this VMKernel Network Adapter.

    [nullable[bool]] $VsanTrafficEnabled

    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateVMKernelNicMessage = "Cannot create VMKernel Network Adapter connected to Virtual Switch {0} and Port Group {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotUpdateVMKernelNicMessage = "Cannot update VMKernel Network Adapter {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRemoveVMKernelNicMessage = "Cannot remove VMKernel Network Adapter {0}. For more information: {1}"

    Retrieves the VMKernel Network Adapter connected to the specified Port Group and Virtual Switch and available on the specified VMHost from the server
    if it exists, otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostNetworkAdapter($virtualSwitch) {
        if ($null -eq $virtualSwitch) {
            If the Virtual Switch is $null, it means that Ensure was set to 'Absent' and
            the VMKernel Network Adapter does not exist for the specified Virtual Switch.

            return $null

        return Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Server $this.Connection -PortGroup $this.PortGroupName -VirtualSwitch $virtualSwitch -VMHost $this.VMHost -VMKernel -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Checks if the passed VMKernel Network Adapter IPv6 array needs to be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateIPv6($ipv6) {
        $currentIPv6 = @()
        foreach ($ip in $ipv6) {
            The IPs on the server are of type 'IPv6Address' so they need to be converted to
            string before being passed to ShouldUpdateArraySetting method.

            $currentIPv6 += $ip.ToString()

        The default IPv6 array contains one element, so when empty array is passed no update
        should be performed.

        if ($null -ne $this.IPv6 -and ($this.IPv6.Length -eq 0 -and $currentIPv6.Length -eq 1)) {
            return $false

        return $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('IPv6', $currentIPv6, $this.IPv6)

    Checks if the passed VMKernel Network Adapter needs be updated based on the specified properties.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVMHostNetworkAdapter($vmHostNetworkAdapter) {
        $shouldUpdateVMHostNetworkAdapter = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('IP', [string] $vmHostNetworkAdapter.IP, $this.IP),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('SubnetMask', [string] $vmHostNetworkAdapter.SubnetMask, $this.SubnetMask),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Mac', [string] $vmHostNetworkAdapter.Mac, $this.Mac),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Dhcp', $vmHostNetworkAdapter.DhcpEnabled, $this.Dhcp),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('AutomaticIPv6', $vmHostNetworkAdapter.AutomaticIPv6, $this.AutomaticIPv6),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('IPv6ThroughDhcp', $vmHostNetworkAdapter.IPv6ThroughDhcp, $this.IPv6ThroughDhcp),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Mtu', $vmHostNetworkAdapter.Mtu, $this.Mtu),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('IPv6Enabled', $vmHostNetworkAdapter.IPv6Enabled, $this.IPv6Enabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('ManagementTrafficEnabled', $vmHostNetworkAdapter.ManagementTrafficEnabled, $this.ManagementTrafficEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled', $vmHostNetworkAdapter.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled, $this.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('VMotionEnabled', $vmHostNetworkAdapter.VMotionEnabled, $this.VMotionEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('VsanTrafficEnabled', $vmHostNetworkAdapter.VsanTrafficEnabled, $this.VsanTrafficEnabled)

        return ($shouldUpdateVMHostNetworkAdapter -Contains $true)

    Returns the populated VMKernel Network Adapter parameters.

    [hashtable] GetVMHostNetworkAdapterParams() {
        $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams = @{}

        $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.Confirm = $false
        $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.IP)) { $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.IP = $this.IP }
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.SubnetMask)) { $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.SubnetMask = $this.SubnetMask }
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.Mac)) { $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.Mac = $this.Mac }

        if ($null -ne $this.AutomaticIPv6) { $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.AutomaticIPv6 = $this.AutomaticIPv6 }
        if ($null -ne $this.IPv6) { $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.IPv6 = $this.IPv6 }
        if ($null -ne $this.IPv6ThroughDhcp) { $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.IPv6ThroughDhcp = $this.IPv6ThroughDhcp }
        if ($null -ne $this.Mtu) { $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.Mtu = $this.Mtu }
        if ($null -ne $this.ManagementTrafficEnabled) { $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.ManagementTrafficEnabled = $this.ManagementTrafficEnabled }
        if ($null -ne $this.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled) { $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled = $this.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled }
        if ($null -ne $this.VMotionEnabled) { $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.VMotionEnabled = $this.VMotionEnabled }
        if ($null -ne $this.VsanTrafficEnabled) { $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.VsanTrafficEnabled = $this.VsanTrafficEnabled }

        return $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams

    Creates a new VMKernel Network Adapter connected to the specified Virtual Switch and Port Group for the specified VMHost.
    If the Port Id is specified, the Port Group is ignored and only the Port Id is passed to the cmdlet.

    [PSObject] AddVMHostNetworkAdapter($virtualSwitch, $portId) {
        $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams = $this.GetVMHostNetworkAdapterParams()

        $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.VMHost = $this.VMHost
        $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.VirtualSwitch = $virtualSwitch

        if ($null -ne $portId) {
            $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.PortId = $portId
        else {
            $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.PortGroup = $this.PortGroupName

        try {
            return New-VMHostNetworkAdapter @vmHostNetworkAdapterParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateVMKernelNicMessage -f $virtualSwitch.Name, $this.PortGroupName, $_.Exception.Message)

    Updates the VMKernel Network Adapter with the specified properties.

    [void] UpdateVMHostNetworkAdapter($vmHostNetworkAdapter) {
        $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams = $this.GetVMHostNetworkAdapterParams()

        IPv6 should only be passed to the cmdlet if an update needs to be performed.
        Otherwise the following error occurs when passing the same array: 'Address already exists in the config.'

        if (!$this.ShouldUpdateIPv6($vmHostNetworkAdapter.IPv6)) {

        Both Dhcp and IPv6Enabled are applicable only for the Update operation, so they are not
        populated in the GetVMHostNetworkAdapterParams() which is used for Create and Update operations.

        if ($null -ne $this.Dhcp) {
            $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.Dhcp = $this.Dhcp

            IP and SubnetMask parameters are mutually exclusive with Dhcp so they should be removed
            from the parameters hashtable before calling Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter cmdlet.


        if ($null -ne $this.IPv6Enabled) {
            $vmHostNetworkAdapterParams.IPv6Enabled = $this.IPv6Enabled

            if (!$this.IPv6Enabled) {
                If the value of IPv6Enabled is $false, other IPv6 settings cannot be specified.


        try {
            $vmHostNetworkAdapter | Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter @vmHostNetworkAdapterParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotUpdateVMKernelNicMessage -f $vmHostNetworkAdapter.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Removes the VMKernel Network Adapter connected to the specified Virtual Switch and Port Group for the specified VMHost.

    [void] RemoveVMHostNetworkAdapter($vmHostNetworkAdapter) {
        try {
            Remove-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Nic $vmHostNetworkAdapter -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRemoveVMKernelNicMessage -f $vmHostNetworkAdapter.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the VMKernel Network Adapter from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHostNetworkAdapter, $result) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name

        if ($null -ne $vmHostNetworkAdapter) {
            $result.PortGroupName = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.PortGroupName
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.IP = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.IP
            $result.SubnetMask = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.SubnetMask
            $result.Mac = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.Mac
            $result.AutomaticIPv6 = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.AutomaticIPv6
            $result.IPv6 = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.IPv6
            $result.IPv6ThroughDhcp = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.IPv6ThroughDhcp
            $result.Mtu = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.Mtu
            $result.Dhcp = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.DhcpEnabled
            $result.IPv6Enabled = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.IPv6Enabled
            $result.ManagementTrafficEnabled = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.ManagementTrafficEnabled
            $result.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled
            $result.VMotionEnabled = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.VMotionEnabled
            $result.VsanTrafficEnabled = $vmHostNetworkAdapter.VsanTrafficEnabled
        else {
            $result.PortGroupName = $this.PortGroupName
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.IP = $this.IP
            $result.SubnetMask = $this.SubnetMask
            $result.Mac = $this.Mac
            $result.AutomaticIPv6 = $this.AutomaticIPv6
            $result.IPv6 = $this.IPv6
            $result.IPv6ThroughDhcp = $this.IPv6ThroughDhcp
            $result.Mtu = $this.Mtu
            $result.Dhcp = $this.Dhcp
            $result.IPv6Enabled = $this.IPv6Enabled
            $result.ManagementTrafficEnabled = $this.ManagementTrafficEnabled
            $result.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled = $this.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled
            $result.VMotionEnabled = $this.VMotionEnabled
            $result.VsanTrafficEnabled = $this.VsanTrafficEnabled

class VMHostVssBaseDSC : VMHostNetworkBaseDSC {
    Value indicating if the VSS should be Present or Absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    The name of the VSS.

    [string] $VssName

    Returns the desired virtual switch if it is present on the server otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetVss() {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        return ($this.vmHostNetworkSystem.NetworkInfo.Vswitch | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.VssName })

class VMHostVssPortGroupBaseDSC : VMHostEntityBaseDSC {
    Name of the the Port Group.

    [string] $Name

    Value indicating if the Port Group should be Present or Absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    The Network System of the specified VMHost.

    hidden [PSObject] $VMHostNetworkSystem

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrievePortGroupMessage = "Could not retrieve Virtual Port Group {0} of VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveNetworkSystemMessage = "Could not retrieve the Network System of VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"

    Retrieves the Virtual Port Group with the specified name from the server if it exists.
    The Virtual Port Group must be a Standard Virtual Port Group. If the Virtual Port Group does not exist and Ensure is set to 'Absent', $null is returned.
    Otherwise it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetVirtualPortGroup() {
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) {
            return $null
        else {
            try {
                $virtualPortGroup = Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -VMHost $this.VMHost -Standard -ErrorAction Stop
                return $virtualPortGroup
            catch {
                throw ($this.CouldNotRetrievePortGroupMessage -f $this.Name, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the Network System of the specified VMHost.

    [void] GetVMHostNetworkSystem() {
        try {
            $this.VMHostNetworkSystem = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $this.VMHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.NetworkSystem -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveNetworkSystemMessage -f $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the specified Policy Setting. If the Inherited Setting is passed and set to $true,
    the Policy Setting should not be populated because "Parameters of the form "XXX" and "InheritXXX" are mutually exclusive."
    If the Inherited Setting is set to $false, both parameters can be populated.

    [void] PopulatePolicySetting($policyParams, $policySettingName, $policySetting, $policySettingInheritedName, $policySettingInherited) {
        if ($null -ne $policySetting) {
            if ($null -eq $policySettingInherited -or !$policySettingInherited) {
                $policyParams.$policySettingName = $policySetting

        if ($null -ne $policySettingInherited) { $policyParams.$policySettingInheritedName = $policySettingInherited }

class Datacenter : InventoryBaseDSC {
    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $datacenterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocation()
            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter($datacenterLocation)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $datacenter) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $datacenter) {
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $datacenterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocation()
            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter($datacenterLocation)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                return ($null -ne $datacenter)
            else {
                return ($null -eq $datacenter)
        finally {

    [Datacenter] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [Datacenter]::new()

            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.Location = $this.Location


            $datacenterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocation()
            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter($datacenterLocation)

            $this.PopulateResult($datacenter, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Returns the Datacenter from the specified Location if it exists, otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetDatacenter($datacenterLocation) {
        The client side filtering here is used so we can retrieve only the Datacenter which is located directly below the found Folder Location
        because Get-Datacenter searches recursively and can return more than one Datacenter located below the found Folder Location.

        return Get-Datacenter -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -Location $datacenterLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ParentFolderId -eq $datacenterLocation.Id }

    Creates a new Datacenter with the specified properties at the specified Location.

    [void] AddDatacenter($datacenterLocation) {
        $datacenterParams = @{}

        $datacenterParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $datacenterParams.Name = $this.Name
        $datacenterParams.Location = $datacenterLocation
        $datacenterParams.Confirm = $false
        $datacenterParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        try {
            New-Datacenter @datacenterParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot create Datacenter $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Removes the Datacenter from the specified Location.

    [void] RemoveDatacenter($datacenter) {
        $datacenterParams = @{}

        $datacenterParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $datacenterParams.Confirm = $false
        $datacenterParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        try {
            $datacenter | Remove-Datacenter @datacenterParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot remove Datacenter $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Datacenter from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($datacenter, $result) {
        if ($null -ne $datacenter) {
            $result.Name = $datacenter.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent

class DatacenterFolder : InventoryBaseDSC {
    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $datacenterFolderLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocation()
            $datacenterFolder = $this.GetDatacenterFolder($datacenterFolderLocation)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $datacenterFolder) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $datacenterFolder) {
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $datacenterFolderLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocation()
            $datacenterFolder = $this.GetDatacenterFolder($datacenterFolderLocation)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                return ($null -ne $datacenterFolder)
            else {
                return ($null -eq $datacenterFolder)
        finally {

    [DatacenterFolder] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [DatacenterFolder]::new()

            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.Location = $this.Location


            $datacenterFolderLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocation()
            $datacenterFolder = $this.GetDatacenterFolder($datacenterFolderLocation)

            $this.PopulateResult($datacenterFolder, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Returns the Datacenter Folder from the specified Location if it exists, otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetDatacenterFolder($datacenterFolderLocation) {
        The client side filtering here is used so we can retrieve only the Folder which is located directly below the found Folder Location
        because Get-Folder searches recursively and can return more than one Folder located below the found Folder Location.

        return Get-Folder -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -Location $datacenterFolderLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ParentId -eq $datacenterFolderLocation.Id }

    Creates a new Datacenter Folder with the specified properties at the specified Location.

    [void] AddDatacenterFolder($datacenterFolderLocation) {
        $datacenterFolderParams = @{}

        $datacenterFolderParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $datacenterFolderParams.Name = $this.Name
        $datacenterFolderParams.Location = $datacenterFolderLocation
        $datacenterFolderParams.Confirm = $false
        $datacenterFolderParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        try {
            New-Folder @datacenterFolderParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot create Datacenter Folder $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Removes the Datacenter Folder from the specified Location.

    [void] RemoveDatacenterFolder($datacenterFolder) {
        $datacenterFolderParams = @{}

        $datacenterFolderParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $datacenterFolderParams.Confirm = $false
        $datacenterFolderParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        try {
            $datacenterFolder | Remove-Folder @datacenterFolderParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot remove Datacenter Folder $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Datacenter Folder from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($datacenterFolder, $result) {
        if ($null -ne $datacenterFolder) {
            $result.Name = $datacenterFolder.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent

class DatastoreCluster : DatacenterInventoryBaseDSC {
    DatastoreCluster() {
        $this.InventoryItemFolderType = [FolderType]::Datastore

    Specifies the maximum I/O latency in milliseconds allowed before Storage DRS is triggered for the Datastore Cluster.
    Valid values are in the range of 5 to 100. If the value of IOLoadBalancing is $false, the setting for the I/O latency threshold is not applied.

    [nullable[int]] $IOLatencyThresholdMillisecond

    Specifies whether I/O load balancing is enabled for the Datastore Cluster. If the value is $false, I/O load balancing is disabled
    and the settings for the I/O latency threshold and utilized space threshold are not applied.

    [nullable[bool]] $IOLoadBalanceEnabled

    Specifies the Storage DRS automation level for the Datastore Cluster. Valid values are Disabled, Manual and FullyAutomated.

    [DrsAutomationLevel] $SdrsAutomationLevel = [DrsAutomationLevel]::Unset

    Specifies the maximum percentage of consumed space allowed before Storage DRS is triggered for the Datastore Cluster.
    Valid values are in the range of 50 to 100. If the value of IOLoadBalancing is $false, the setting for the utilized space threshold is not applied.

    [nullable[int]] $SpaceUtilizationThresholdPercent

    hidden [string] $CreateDatastoreClusterMessage = "Creating Datastore Cluster {0} in Folder {1}."
    hidden [string] $ModifyDatastoreClusterMessage = "Modifying Datastore Cluster {0} configuration."
    hidden [string] $RemoveDatastoreClusterMessage = "Removing Datastore Cluster {0}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateDatastoreClusterMessage = "Could not create Datastore Cluster {0} in Folder {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyDatastoreClusterMessage = "Could not modify Datastore Cluster {0} configuration. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRemoveDatastoreClusterMessage = "Could not remove Datastore Cluster {0}. For more information: {1}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $datastoreClusterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)

            $datastoreCluster = $this.GetDatastoreCluster($datastoreClusterLocation)
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $datastoreCluster) {
                    $datastoreCluster = $this.NewDatastoreCluster($datastoreClusterLocation)

                if ($this.ShouldModifyDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster)) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $datastoreCluster) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $datastoreClusterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)

            $datastoreCluster = $this.GetDatastoreCluster($datastoreClusterLocation)
            $result = $null

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $datastoreCluster) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !$this.ShouldModifyDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $datastoreCluster)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [DatastoreCluster] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [DatastoreCluster]::new()

            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $datastoreClusterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)

            $datastoreCluster = $this.GetDatastoreCluster($datastoreClusterLocation)
            $this.PopulateResult($result, $datastoreCluster)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the Datastore Cluster with the specified name located in the specified Folder if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetDatastoreCluster($datastoreClusterLocation) {
        $getDatastoreClusterParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Name = $this.Name
            Location = $datastoreClusterLocation
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        $whereObjectParams = @{
            FilterScript = {
                $_.ExtensionData.Parent -eq $datastoreClusterLocation.ExtensionData.MoRef

            Multiple Datastore Clusters with the same name can be present in a Datacenter. So we need to filter
            by the direct Parent Folder of the Datastore Cluster to retrieve the desired one.

        return Get-DatastoreCluster @getDatastoreClusterParams | Where-Object @whereObjectParams

    Checks if the specified Datastore Cluster configuration should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifyDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster) {
        $shouldModifyDatastoreCluster = @(
                [string] $datastoreCluster.SdrsAutomationLevel,

        return ($shouldModifyDatastoreCluster -Contains $true)

    Creates a new Datastore Cluster with the specified name located in the specified Folder.

    [PSObject] NewDatastoreCluster($datastoreClusterLocation) {
        $newDatastoreClusterParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Name = $this.Name
            Location = $datastoreClusterLocation
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.CreateDatastoreClusterMessage, @($this.Name, $datastoreClusterLocation.Name))

            return New-DatastoreCluster @newDatastoreClusterParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateDatastoreClusterMessage -f $this.Name, $datastoreClusterLocation.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Modifies the configuration of the specified Datastore Cluster.

    [void] ModifyDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster) {
        $setDatastoreClusterParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            DatastoreCluster = $datastoreCluster
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if ($null -ne $this.IOLatencyThresholdMillisecond) { $setDatastoreClusterParams.IOLatencyThresholdMillisecond = $this.IOLatencyThresholdMillisecond }
        if ($null -ne $this.IOLoadBalanceEnabled) { $setDatastoreClusterParams.IOLoadBalanceEnabled = $this.IOLoadBalanceEnabled }
        if ($this.SdrsAutomationLevel -ne [DrsAutomationLevel]::Unset) { $setDatastoreClusterParams.SdrsAutomationLevel = $this.SdrsAutomationLevel.ToString() }
        if ($null -ne $this.SpaceUtilizationThresholdPercent) { $setDatastoreClusterParams.SpaceUtilizationThresholdPercent = $this.SpaceUtilizationThresholdPercent }

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyDatastoreClusterMessage, @($datastoreCluster.Name))

            Set-DatastoreCluster @setDatastoreClusterParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyDatastoreClusterMessage -f $datastoreCluster.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Removes the specified Datastore Cluster.

    [void] RemoveDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster) {
        $removeDatastoreClusterParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            DatastoreCluster = $datastoreCluster
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RemoveDatastoreClusterMessage, @($datastoreCluster.Name))

            Remove-DatastoreCluster @removeDatastoreClusterParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRemoveDatastoreClusterMessage -f $datastoreCluster.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $datastoreCluster) {
        $result.Server = $this.Server
        $result.Location = $this.Location
        $result.DatacenterName = $this.DatacenterName
        $result.DatacenterLocation = $this.DatacenterLocation

        if ($null -ne $datastoreCluster) {
            $result.Name = $datastoreCluster.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.IOLatencyThresholdMillisecond = $datastoreCluster.IOLatencyThresholdMillisecond
            $result.IOLoadBalanceEnabled = $datastoreCluster.IOLoadBalanceEnabled
            $result.SdrsAutomationLevel = $datastoreCluster.SdrsAutomationLevel.ToString()
            $result.SpaceUtilizationThresholdPercent = $datastoreCluster.SpaceUtilizationThresholdPercent
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.IOLatencyThresholdMillisecond = $this.IOLatencyThresholdMillisecond
            $result.IOLoadBalanceEnabled = $this.IOLoadBalanceEnabled
            $result.SdrsAutomationLevel = $this.SdrsAutomationLevel
            $result.SpaceUtilizationThresholdPercent = $this.SpaceUtilizationThresholdPercent

class DatastoreClusterAddDatastore : BaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the Datacenter where the specified
    Datastore Cluster and Datastores are located.

    [string] $DatacenterName

    Specifies the location of the Datacenter where the specified Datastore Cluster and
    Datastores are located. The Root Folder of the Inventory is not part of the location.
    Empty location means that the Datacenter is in the Root Folder of the Inventory.
    The Folder names in the location are separated by '/'.
    Example Datacenter location: 'MyDatacentersFolderOne/MyDatacentersFolderTwo'.

    [string] $DatacenterLocation

    Specifies the name of the Datastore Cluster located in the Datacenter specified in 'DatacenterName' key property.

    [string] $DatastoreClusterName

    Specifies the location of the Datastore Cluster with name specified in 'DatastoreClusterName' key property in the Datacenter
    specified in 'DatacenterName' key property. Location consists of 0 or more Folders.
    Empty location means that the Datastore Cluster is located in the Datastore Folder of the Datacenter.
    The Root Folders of the Datacenter are not part of the location. Folder names in the location are separated by '/'.
    Example location for a Datastore Cluster: 'MyDatastoreClusterFolderOne/MyDatastoreClusterFolderTwo'.

    [string] $DatastoreClusterLocation

    Specifies the names of the Datastores that should be located in the specified Datastore Cluster.

    [string[]] $DatastoreNames

    Specifies the instance of the 'InventoryUtil' class that is used
    for Inventory operations.

    hidden [InventoryUtil] $InventoryUtil

    hidden [string] $AddDatastoresToDatastoreClusterMessage = "Adding Datastores {0} to Datastore Cluster {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotFindDatastoreMessage = "Could not find Datastore {0} in Datacenter {1}."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotAddDatastoresToDatastoreClusterMessage = "Could not add Datastores {0} to Datastore Cluster {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $datacenter = $this.InventoryUtil.GetDatacenter($this.DatacenterName, $this.DatacenterLocation)
            $datacenterDatastoreFolderName = [FolderType]::Datastore.ToString() + 'Folder'
            $datastoreCluster = $this.InventoryUtil.GetDatastoreCluster(

            $datastores = $this.GetDatastores($datacenter)
            $datastoresToAddToDatastoreCluster = $this.GetDatastoresToAddToDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster, $datastores)

            $this.AddDatastoresToDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster, $datastoresToAddToDatastoreCluster)
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $datacenter = $this.InventoryUtil.GetDatacenter($this.DatacenterName, $this.DatacenterLocation)
            $datacenterDatastoreFolderName = [FolderType]::Datastore.ToString() + 'Folder'
            $datastoreCluster = $this.InventoryUtil.GetDatastoreCluster(

            $datastores = $this.GetDatastores($datacenter)
            $datastoresToAddToDatastoreCluster = $this.GetDatastoresToAddToDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster, $datastores)
            $result = !($datastoresToAddToDatastoreCluster.Length -gt 0)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [DatastoreClusterAddDatastore] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [DatastoreClusterAddDatastore]::new()

            $datacenter = $this.InventoryUtil.GetDatacenter($this.DatacenterName, $this.DatacenterLocation)
            $datacenterDatastoreFolderName = [FolderType]::Datastore.ToString() + 'Folder'
            $datastoreCluster = $this.InventoryUtil.GetDatastoreCluster(

            $datastores = $this.GetDatastoresInDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster)

            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.DatacenterName = $datacenter.Name
            $result.DatacenterLocation = $this.DatacenterLocation
            $result.DatastoreClusterName = $datastoreCluster.Name
            $result.DatastoreClusterLocation = $this.DatastoreClusterLocation
            $result.DatastoreNames = $datastores | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

            return $result
        finally {            

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Initializes an instance of the 'InventoryUtil' class.

    [void] InitInventoryUtil() {
        if ($null -eq $this.InventoryUtil) {
            $this.InventoryUtil = [InventoryUtil]::new($this.Connection, [Ensure]::Present)

    Retrieves the Datastores with the specified names located in the specified Datacenter.

    [array] GetDatastores($datacenter) {
        $result = @()
        if ($this.DatastoreNames.Length -gt 0) {
            $getDatastoreParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $this.DatastoreNames
                Location = $datacenter
                ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
                Verbose = $false

            $result = Get-Datastore @getDatastoreParams

        if ($this.DatastoreNames.Length -gt $result.Length) {
            $notFoundDatastoreNames = $this.DatastoreNames | Where-Object -FilterScript { $result.Name -NotContains $_ }
            foreach ($notFoundDatastoreName in $notFoundDatastoreNames) {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', $this.CouldNotFindDatastoreMessage, @($notFoundDatastoreName, $datacenter.Name))

        return $result

    Retrieves the Datastores located in the specified Datastore Cluster.

    [array] GetDatastoresInDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster) {
        $getDatastoreParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Location = $datastoreCluster
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        return Get-Datastore @getDatastoreParams

    Retrieves only the Datastores that are still not added to the specified
    Datastore Cluster.

    [array] GetDatastoresToAddToDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster, $datastores) {
        $whereObjectParams = @{
            FilterScript = {
                $_.ParentFolderId -ne $datastoreCluster.Id

        return $datastores | Where-Object @whereObjectParams

    Adds the specified Datastores to the Datastore Cluster.

    [void] AddDatastoresToDatastoreCluster($datastoreCluster, $datastoresToAddToDatastoreCluster) {
        $moveDatastoreParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Datastore = $datastoresToAddToDatastoreCluster
            Destination = $datastoreCluster
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.AddDatastoresToDatastoreClusterMessage, @(
                ($datastoresToAddToDatastoreCluster.Name -Join ', '),
            Move-Datastore @moveDatastoreParams
        catch {
            throw (
                $this.CouldNotAddDatastoresToDatastoreClusterMessage -f @(
                    ($datastoresToAddToDatastoreCluster.Name -Join ', '),

class DRSRule : BaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the DRS rule.

    [string] $Name

    Specifies the name of the Datacenter where the Cluster, for which the DRS rule applies, is located.

    [string] $DatacenterName

    Specifies the location of the Datacenter where the Cluster, for which the DRS rule applies, is located.
    The Root Folder of the Inventory is not part of the location.
    Empty location means that the Datacenter is located in the Root Folder of the Inventory.
    The Folder names in the location are separated by '/'.
    Example Datacenter location: 'MyDatacentersFolderOne/MyDatacentersFolderTwo'.

    [string] $DatacenterLocation

    Specifies the name of the Cluster for which the DRS rule applies.

    [string] $ClusterName

    Specifies the location of the Cluster, for which the DRS rule applies, located in the
    Datacenter specified in 'DatacenterName' key property.
    The Root Folders of the Datacenter are not part of the location.
    Empty location means that the Cluster is located in the Host Folder of the Datacenter.
    The Folder names in the location are separated by '/'.
    Example Cluster location: 'MyClusterFolderOne/MyClusterFolderTwo'.

    [string] $ClusterLocation

    Specifies the type of the DRS rule - affinity or anti-affinity.

    [DRSRuleType] $DRSRuleType

    Specifies the names of the virtual machines that are referenced by the DRS rule.

    [string[]] $VMNames

    Specifies whether the DRS rule should be present or absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Specifies whether the DRS rule is enabled or disabled for the specified Cluster.

    [nullable[bool]] $Enabled

    Specifies the instance of the 'InventoryUtil' class that is used
    for Inventory operations.

    hidden [InventoryUtil] $InventoryUtil

    hidden [string] $CreateDrsRuleMessage = "Creating DRS Rule {0} for Cluster {1}."
    hidden [string] $ModifyDrsRuleMessage = "Modifying DRS rule {0} for Cluster {1}."
    hidden [string] $RemoveDrsRuleMessage = "Removing DRS rule {0} for Cluster {1}."

    hidden [string] $InvalidVMCountMessage = "At least 2 Virtual Machines should be specified."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotFindVMMessage = "Could not find Virtual Machine {0} in Cluster {1}."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateDrsRuleMessage = "Could not create DRS rule {0} for Cluster {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyDrsRuleMessage = "Could not modify DRS rule {0} for Cluster {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRemoveDrsRuleMessage = "Could not remove DRS rule {0} for Cluster {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $datacenter = $this.InventoryUtil.GetDatacenter($this.DatacenterName, $this.DatacenterLocation)
            $datacenterHostFolderName = [FolderType]::Host.ToString() + 'Folder'
            $cluster = $this.InventoryUtil.GetInventoryItem(

            $drsRule = $this.GetDrsRule($cluster)
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $virtualMachines = $this.GetVirtualMachines($cluster)
                if ($null -eq $drsRule) {
                    $this.NewDrsRule($cluster, $virtualMachines)
                else {
                    $this.ModifyDrsRule($drsRule, $virtualMachines)
            else {
                if ($null -ne $drsRule) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $datacenter = $this.InventoryUtil.GetDatacenter($this.DatacenterName, $this.DatacenterLocation)
            $datacenterHostFolderName = [FolderType]::Host.ToString() + 'Folder'
            $cluster = $this.InventoryUtil.GetInventoryItem(

            $drsRule = $this.GetDrsRule($cluster)
            $result = $null

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $drsRule) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !$this.ShouldModifyDrsRule($drsRule)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $drsRule)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [DRSRule] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [DRSRule]::new()

            $datacenter = $this.InventoryUtil.GetDatacenter($this.DatacenterName, $this.DatacenterLocation)
            $datacenterHostFolderName = [FolderType]::Host.ToString() + 'Folder'
            $cluster = $this.InventoryUtil.GetInventoryItem(

            $drsRule = $this.GetDrsRule($cluster)

            $result.DatacenterName = $datacenter.Name
            $result.ClusterName = $cluster.Name
            $this.PopulateResult($result, $drsRule)

            return $result
        finally {            

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Initializes an instance of the 'InventoryUtil' class.

    [void] InitInventoryUtil() {
        if ($null -eq $this.InventoryUtil) {
            $this.InventoryUtil = [InventoryUtil]::new($this.Connection, $this.Ensure)

    Retrieves the DRS Rule with the speciifed name located in the specified Cluster.

    [PSObject] GetDrsRule($cluster) {
        $getDrsRuleParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Name = $this.Name
            Cluster = $cluster
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        return Get-DrsRule @getDrsRuleParams

    Retrieves the Virtual Machines with the specified names located in the specified Cluster.

    [array] GetVirtualMachines($cluster) {
        $result = @()
        if ($this.VMNames.Length -gt 0) {
            $getVMParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $this.VMNames
                Location = $cluster
                ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
                Verbose = $false

            $result = Get-VM @getVMParams

        if ($result.Length -lt 2) {
            throw $this.InvalidVMCountMessage

        if ($this.VMNames.Length -gt $result.Length) {
            $notFoundVMNames = $this.VMNames | Where-Object -FilterScript { $result.Name -NotContains $_ }
            foreach ($notFoundVMName in $notFoundVMNames) {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', $this.CouldNotFindVMMessage, @($notFoundVMName, $cluster.Name))

        return $result

    Retrieves the names of the Virtual Machines with the specified Ids.

    [string[]] GetVirtualMachineNames($vmIds) {
        $getVMParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Id = $vmIds
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        return Get-VM @getVMParams | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

    Checks if the specified DRS rule should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifyDrsRule($drsRule) {
        $shouldModifyDrsRule = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Enabled', $drsRule.Enabled, $this.Enabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('VMNames', $this.GetVirtualMachineNames($drsRule.VMIds), $this.VMNames)

        return ($shouldModifyDrsRule -Contains $true)

    Creates a new DRS rule with the specified name for the specified Cluster.

    [void] NewDrsRule($cluster, $virtualMachines) {
        $newDrsRuleParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Name = $this.Name
            Cluster = $cluster
            KeepTogether = ($this.DRSRuleType -eq [DRSRuleType]::VMAffinity)
            VM = $virtualMachines
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Enabled) { $newDrsRuleParams.Enabled = $this.Enabled }

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.CreateDrsRuleMessage, @($this.Name, $cluster.Name))

            New-DrsRule @newDrsRuleParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateDrsRuleMessage -f $this.Name, $cluster.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Modifies the specified DRS rule.

    [void] ModifyDrsRule($drsRule, $virtualMachines) {
        $setDrsRuleParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Rule = $drsRule
            VM = $virtualMachines
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Enabled) { $setDrsRuleParams.Enabled = $this.Enabled }

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyDrsRuleMessage, @($drsRule.Name, $drsRule.Cluster.Name))

            Set-DrsRule @setDrsRuleParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyDrsRuleMessage -f $drsRule.Name, $drsRule.Cluster.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Removes the specified DRS rule.

    [void] RemoveDrsRule($drsRule) {
        $removeDrsRuleParams = @{
            Rule = $drsRule
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RemoveDrsRuleMessage, @($drsRule.Name, $drsRule.Cluster.Name))

            Remove-DrsRule @removeDrsRuleParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRemoveDrsRuleMessage -f $drsRule.Name, $drsRule.Cluster.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $drsRule) {
        $result.Server = $this.Server
        $result.DatacenterLocation = $this.DatacenterLocation
        $result.ClusterLocation = $this.ClusterLocation

        if ($null -ne $drsRule) {
            $result.Name = $drsRule.Name
            $result.DRSRuleType = [string] $drsRule.Type
            $result.VMNames = $this.GetVirtualMachineNames($drsRule.VMIds)
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.Enabled = $drsRule.Enabled
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.DRSRuleType = $this.DRSRuleType
            $result.VMNames = $this.VMNames
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.Enabled = $this.Enabled

class Folder : DatacenterInventoryBaseDSC {
    The type of Root Folder in the Datacenter in which the Folder is located.
    Possible values are VM, Network, Datastore, Host.

    [FolderType] $FolderType

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.FolderType)Folder"
            $folderLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $folder = $this.GetInventoryItem($folderLocation)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $folder) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $folder) {
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.FolderType)Folder"
            $folderLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $folder = $this.GetInventoryItem($folderLocation)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                return ($null -ne $folder)
            else {
                return ($null -eq $folder)
        finally {

    [Folder] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [Folder]::new()

            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.Location = $this.Location
            $result.DatacenterName = $this.DatacenterName
            $result.DatacenterLocation = $this.DatacenterLocation
            $result.FolderType = $this.FolderType


            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.FolderType)Folder"
            $folderLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $folder = $this.GetInventoryItem($folderLocation)

            $this.PopulateResult($folder, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Creates a new Folder with the specified properties at the specified Location.

    [void] AddFolder($folderLocation) {
        $folderParams = @{}

        $folderParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $folderParams.Name = $this.Name
        $folderParams.Location = $folderLocation
        $folderParams.Confirm = $false
        $folderParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        try {
            New-Folder @folderParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot create Folder $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Removes the Folder from the specified Location.

    [void] RemoveFolder($folder) {
        $folderParams = @{}

        $folderParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $folderParams.Confirm = $false
        $folderParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        try {
            $folder | Remove-Folder @folderParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot remove Folder $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Folder from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($folder, $result) {
        if ($null -ne $folder) {
            $result.Name = $folder.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent

class NfsUser : VMHostEntityBaseDSC {
    Specifies the Nfs User name used for Kerberos authentication.

    [string] $Name

    Specifies the Nfs User password used for Kerberos authentication.

    [string] $Password

    Specifies whether the Nfs User should be present or absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Specifies whether to change the password of the Nfs User. When the property is not specified or is $false, it is ignored.
    If the property is $true and the Nfs User exists, the password of the Nfs User is changed.

    [nullable[bool]] $Force

    hidden [string] $CreateNfsUserMessage = "Creating Nfs User {0} on VMHost {1}."
    hidden [string] $ChangeNfsUserPasswordMessage = "Changing Nfs User {0} password on VMHost {1}."
    hidden [string] $RemoveNfsUserMessage = "Removing Nfs User {0} from VMHost {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateNfsUserMessage = "Could not create Nfs User {0} on VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotChangeNfsUserPasswordMessage = "Could not change Nfs User {0} password on VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRemoveNfsUserMessage = "Could not remove Nfs User {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $nfsUser = $this.GetNfsUser()

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $nfsUser) {
                else {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $nfsUser) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $nfsUser = $this.GetNfsUser()
            $result = $null

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $nfsUser) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !($null -ne $this.Force -and $this.Force)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $nfsUser)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [NfsUser] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [NfsUser]::new()


            $nfsUser = $this.GetNfsUser()
            $this.PopulateResult($result, $nfsUser)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the Nfs User with the specified name from the VMHost if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetNfsUser() {
        The Verbose logic here is needed to suppress the Verbose output of the Import-Module cmdlet
        when importing the 'VMware.VimAutomation.Storage' Module.

        $savedVerbosePreference = $global:VerbosePreference
        $global:VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

        $nfsUser = Get-NfsUser -Server $this.Connection -Username $this.Name -VMHost $this.VMHost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false

        $global:VerbosePreference = $savedVerbosePreference

        return $nfsUser

    Creates a new Nfs User with the specified name and password on the VMHost.

    [void] NewNfsUser() {
        $newNfsUserParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Username = $this.Name
            VMHost = $this.VMHost
            Password = $this.Password
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.CreateNfsUserMessage,  @($this.Name, $this.VMHost.Name))

            New-NfsUser @newNfsUserParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateNfsUserMessage -f $this.Name, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Changes the password of the specified Nfs User on the VMHost.

    [void] ChangeNfsUserPassword($nfsUser) {
        $setNfsUserParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            NfsUser = $nfsUser
            Password = $this.Password
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ChangeNfsUserPasswordMessage,  @($nfsUser.Username, $this.VMHost.Name))

            Set-NfsUser @setNfsUserParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotChangeNfsUserPasswordMessage -f $nfsUser.Username, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Removes the specified Nfs User from the VMHost.

    [void] RemoveNfsUser($nfsUser) {
        $removeNfsUserParams = @{
            NfsUser = $nfsUser
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RemoveNfsUserMessage,  @($nfsUser.Username, $this.VMHost.Name))

            Remove-NfsUser @removeNfsUserParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRemoveNfsUserMessage -f $nfsUser.Username, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $nfsUser) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name
        $result.Force = $this.Force

        if ($null -ne $nfsUser) {
            $result.Name = $nfsUser.Username
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent

class PowerCLISettings {
    Specifies the scope on which the PowerCLI Settings will be applied.
    LCM is the only possible value for the Settings Scope.

    [PowerCLISettingsScope] $SettingsScope

    Specifies the proxy policy for the connection through which Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) data is sent to VMware.

    [ProxyPolicy] $CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy = [ProxyPolicy]::Unset

    Specifies the server connection mode.

    [DefaultVIServerMode] $DefaultVIServerMode = [DefaultVIServerMode]::Unset

    Indicates whether you want to see warnings about deprecated elements.

    [nullable[bool]] $DisplayDeprecationWarnings

    Define the action to take when an attempted connection to a server fails due to a certificate error.

    [BadCertificateAction] $InvalidCertificateAction = [BadCertificateAction]::Unset

    Specifies if PowerCLI should send anonymous usage information to VMware.

    [nullable[bool]] $ParticipateInCeip

    Specifies whether VMware PowerCLI uses a system proxy server to connect to the vCenter Server system.

    [ProxyPolicy] $ProxyPolicy = [ProxyPolicy]::Unset

    Defines the timeout for Web operations. The default value is 300 sec.

    [nullable[int]] $WebOperationTimeoutSeconds

    hidden [string] $Scope = "User"

    [void] Set() {
        $powerCLIConfigurationProperties = $this.GetPowerCLIConfigurationProperties()

        $commandName = 'Set-PowerCLIConfiguration'
        $namesOfPowerCLIConfigurationProperties = $powerCLIConfigurationProperties.Keys

        For testability we use this function to construct the Set-PowerCLIConfiguration cmdlet instead of using splatting and passing the cmdlet parameters as hashtable.
        At the moment Pester does not allow to pass hashtable in the ParameterFilter property of the Assert-MockCalled function.
        There is an open issue in GitHub: (https://github.com/pester/Pester/issues/862) describing the problem in details.

        $constructedCommand = $this.ConstructCommandWithParameters($commandName, $powerCLIConfigurationProperties, $namesOfPowerCLIConfigurationProperties)
        Invoke-Expression -Command $constructedCommand

    [bool] Test() {
        $powerCLICurrentConfiguration = Get-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope $this.Scope
        $powerCLIDesiredConfiguration = $this.GetPowerCLIConfigurationProperties()

        return $this.Equals($powerCLICurrentConfiguration, $powerCLIDesiredConfiguration)

    [PowerCLISettings] Get() {
        $result = [PowerCLISettings]::new()
        $powerCLICurrentConfiguration = Get-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope $this.Scope

        $this.PopulateResult($powerCLICurrentConfiguration, $result)

        return $result

    Imports the needed VMware Modules.

    [void] ImportRequiredModules() {
        $savedVerbosePreference = $global:VerbosePreference
        $global:VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

        Import-Module -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core

        $global:VerbosePreference = $savedVerbosePreference

    Returns all passed PowerCLI configuration properties as a hashtable.

    [hashtable] GetPowerCLIConfigurationProperties() {
        $powerCLIConfigurationProperties = @{}

        # Adds the Default Scope to the hashtable.
        $powerCLIConfigurationProperties.Add("Scope", $this.Scope)

        if ($this.CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy -ne [ProxyPolicy]::Unset -and $this.ParticipateInCeip -eq $true) {
            $powerCLIConfigurationProperties.Add("CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy", $this.CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy)

        if ($this.DefaultVIServerMode -ne [DefaultVIServerMode]::Unset) {
            $powerCLIConfigurationProperties.Add("DefaultVIServerMode", $this.DefaultVIServerMode)

        if ($null -ne $this.DisplayDeprecationWarnings) {
            $powerCLIConfigurationProperties.Add("DisplayDeprecationWarnings", $this.DisplayDeprecationWarnings)

        if ($this.InvalidCertificateAction -ne [BadCertificateAction]::Unset) {
            $powerCLIConfigurationProperties.Add("InvalidCertificateAction", $this.InvalidCertificateAction)

        if ($null -ne $this.ParticipateInCeip) {
            $powerCLIConfigurationProperties.Add("ParticipateInCeip", $this.ParticipateInCeip)

        if ($this.ProxyPolicy -ne [ProxyPolicy]::Unset) {
            $powerCLIConfigurationProperties.Add("ProxyPolicy", $this.ProxyPolicy)

        if ($null -ne $this.WebOperationTimeoutSeconds) {
            $powerCLIConfigurationProperties.Add("WebOperationTimeoutSeconds", $this.WebOperationTimeoutSeconds)

        return $powerCLIConfigurationProperties

    Constructs the Set-PowerCLIConfiguration cmdlet with the passed properties.
    This function is used instead of splatting because at the moment Pester does not allow to pass hashtable in the ParameterFilter property of the Assert-MockCalled function.
    There is an open issue in GitHub: (https://github.com/pester/Pester/issues/862) describing the problem in details.
    So with this function we can successfully test which properties are passed to the Set-PowerCLIConfiguration cmdlet.

    [string] ConstructCommandWithParameters($commandName, $properties, $namesOfProperties) {
        $constructedCommand = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()

        # Adds the command name to the constructed command.
        [void]$constructedCommand.Append("$commandName ")

        # For every property name we add the property value with the following syntax: '-Property Value'.
        foreach ($propertyName in $namesOfProperties) {
            $propertyValue = $properties.$propertyName

            For bool values we need to add another '$' sign so the value can be evaluated to bool.
            So we check the type of the value and if it is a boolean we add another '$' sign, because without it the value will
            not be evaluated to boolean and instead it will be evaluated to string which will cause an exception of mismatching types.

            if ($propertyValue.GetType().Name -eq 'Boolean') {
                [void]$constructedCommand.Append("-$propertyName $")
                [void]$constructedCommand.Append("$propertyValue ")
            else {
                [void]$constructedCommand.Append("-$propertyName $propertyValue ")

        # Adds the confirm:$false to the command to ignore the confirmation.

        # Converts the StringBuilder to String and returns the result.
        return $constructedCommand.ToString()

    Returns a boolean value indicating if the current PowerCLI Configuration is equal to the Desired Configuration.

    [bool] Equals($powerCLICurrentConfiguration, $powerCLIDesiredConfiguration) {
        foreach ($key in $powerCLIDesiredConfiguration.Keys) {
            Currently works only for properties which are numbers, strings and enums. For more complex types like
            Hashtable the logic needs to be modified to work correctly.

            if ($powerCLIDesiredConfiguration.$key.ToString() -ne $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.$key.ToString()) {
                return $false

        return $true

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the PowerCLI settings from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($powerCLICurrentConfiguration, $result) {
        $result.SettingsScope = $this.SettingsScope
        $result.CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy = if ($null -ne $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy) { $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy.ToString() } else { [ProxyPolicy]::Unset }
        $result.DefaultVIServerMode = if ($null -ne $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.DefaultVIServerMode) { $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.DefaultVIServerMode.ToString() } else { [DefaultVIServerMode]::Unset }
        $result.DisplayDeprecationWarnings = $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.DisplayDeprecationWarnings
        $result.InvalidCertificateAction = if ($null -ne $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.InvalidCertificateAction) { $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.InvalidCertificateAction.ToString() } else { [BadCertificateAction]::Unset }
        $result.ParticipateInCeip = $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.ParticipateInCEIP
        $result.ProxyPolicy = if ($null -ne $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.ProxyPolicy) { $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.ProxyPolicy.ToString() } else { [ProxyPolicy]::Unset }
        $result.WebOperationTimeoutSeconds = $powerCLICurrentConfiguration.WebOperationTimeoutSeconds

vCenterSettings inherits BasevSphereConnection instead of BaseDSC because it is a specific case where
the resource does not have it's own DSC key property. That's why were define a $Server property here in order to
use it as a key.

class vCenterSettings : BasevSphereConnection {
    Name of the Server we are trying to connect to. The Server must be a vCenter.

    [string] $Server

    Logging Level Advanced Setting value.

    [LoggingLevel] $LoggingLevel = [LoggingLevel]::Unset

    Event Max Age Enabled Advanced Setting value.

    [nullable[bool]] $EventMaxAgeEnabled

    Event Max Age Advanced Setting value.

    [nullable[int]] $EventMaxAge

    Task Max Age Enabled Advanced Setting value.

    [nullable[bool]] $TaskMaxAgeEnabled

    Task Max Age Advanced Setting value.

    [nullable[int]] $TaskMaxAge

    Motd Advanced Setting value.

    [string] $Motd

    Indicates whether the Motd content should be cleared.

    [bool] $MotdClear

    Issue Advanced Setting value.

    [string] $Issue

    Indicates whether the Issue content should be cleared.

    [bool] $IssueClear

    hidden [string] $LogLevelSettingName = "log.level"
    hidden [string] $EventMaxAgeEnabledSettingName = "event.maxAgeEnabled"
    hidden [string] $EventMaxAgeSettingName = "event.maxAge"
    hidden [string] $TaskMaxAgeEnabledSettingName = "task.maxAgeEnabled"
    hidden [string] $TaskMaxAgeSettingName = "task.maxAge"
    hidden [string] $MotdSettingName = "etc.motd"
    hidden [string] $IssueSettingName = "etc.issue"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = !$this.ShouldUpdatevCenterSettings()


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [vCenterSettings] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [vCenterSettings]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the advanced settings of the specified vCenter Server.

    [PSObject] GetvCenterAdvancedSettings() {
        $getAdvancedSettingParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Entity = $this.Connection
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        return Get-AdvancedSetting @getAdvancedSettingParams

    Returns a boolean value indicating if at least one Advanced Setting value should be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdatevCenterSettings() {
        $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings = $this.GetvCenterAdvancedSettings()

        $currentLogLevel = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.LogLevelSettingName }
        $currentEventMaxAgeEnabled = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.EventMaxAgeEnabledSettingName }
        $currentEventMaxAge = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.EventMaxAgeSettingName }
        $currentTaskMaxAgeEnabled = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.TaskMaxAgeEnabledSettingName }
        $currentTaskMaxAge = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.TaskMaxAgeSettingName }
        $currentMotd = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.MotdSettingName }
        $currentIssue = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.IssueSettingName }

        $motdDesiredValue = if ($this.MotdClear) { [string]::Empty } else { $this.Motd }
        $issueDesiredValue = if ($this.IssueClear) { [string]::Empty } else { $this.Issue }

        $shouldUpdatevCenterSettings = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('LoggingLevel', [string] $currentLogLevel.Value, $this.LoggingLevel.ToString()),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('EventMaxAgeEnabled', $currentEventMaxAgeEnabled.Value, $this.EventMaxAgeEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('EventMaxAge', $currentEventMaxAge.Value, $this.EventMaxAge),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('TaskMaxAgeEnabled', $currentTaskMaxAgeEnabled.Value, $this.TaskMaxAgeEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('TaskMaxAge', $currentTaskMaxAge.Value, $this.TaskMaxAge),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Motd', $currentMotd.Value, $motdDesiredValue),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Issue', $currentIssue.Value, $issueDesiredValue)

        return ($shouldUpdatevCenterSettings -Contains $true)

    Sets the desired value for the Advanced Setting, if update of the Advanced Setting value is needed.

   [void] SetAdvancedSetting($advancedSettingName, $advancedSetting, $advancedSettingDesiredValue, $advancedSettingCurrentValue) {
        if ($this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting($advancedSettingName, $advancedSettingCurrentValue, $advancedSettingDesiredValue)) {
            $setAdvancedSettingParams = @{
                AdvancedSetting = $advancedSetting
                Value = $advancedSettingDesiredValue
                Confirm = $false
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false
            Set-AdvancedSetting @setAdvancedSettingParams

    Sets the desired value for the Advanced Setting, if update of the Advanced Setting value is needed.
    This handles Advanced Settings that have a "Clear" property.

    [void] SetAdvancedSetting($advancedSettingName, $advancedSetting, $advancedSettingDesiredValue, $advancedSettingCurrentValue, $clearValue) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}" , @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        if ($clearValue) {
              if ($this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting($advancedSettingName, $advancedSettingCurrentValue, [string]::Empty)) {
                $setAdvancedSettingParams = @{
                    AdvancedSetting = $advancedSetting
                    Value = [string]::Empty
                    Confirm = $false
                    ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                    Verbose = $false
                Set-AdvancedSetting @setAdvancedSettingParams
        else {
            $this.SetAdvancedSetting($advancedSettingName, $advancedSetting, $advancedSettingDesiredValue, $advancedSettingCurrentValue)

    Performs update on those Advanced Settings values that needs to be updated.

    [void] UpdatevCenterSettings($vCenter) {
        $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings = $this.GetvCenterAdvancedSettings()

        $currentLogLevel = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.LogLevelSettingName }
        $currentEventMaxAgeEnabled = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.EventMaxAgeEnabledSettingName }
        $currentEventMaxAge = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.EventMaxAgeSettingName }
        $currentTaskMaxAgeEnabled = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.TaskMaxAgeEnabledSettingName }
        $currentTaskMaxAge = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.TaskMaxAgeSettingName }
        $currentMotd = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.MotdSettingName }
        $currentIssue = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.IssueSettingName }

        $this.SetAdvancedSetting('LoggingLevel', $currentLogLevel, $this.LoggingLevel.ToString(), $currentLogLevel.Value)
        $this.SetAdvancedSetting('EventMaxAgeEnabled', $currentEventMaxAgeEnabled, $this.EventMaxAgeEnabled, $currentEventMaxAgeEnabled.Value)
        $this.SetAdvancedSetting('EventMaxAge', $currentEventMaxAge, $this.EventMaxAge, $currentEventMaxAge.Value)
        $this.SetAdvancedSetting('TaskMaxAgeEnabled', $currentTaskMaxAgeEnabled, $this.TaskMaxAgeEnabled, $currentTaskMaxAgeEnabled.Value)
        $this.SetAdvancedSetting('TaskMaxAge', $currentTaskMaxAge, $this.TaskMaxAge, $currentTaskMaxAge.Value)
        $this.SetAdvancedSetting('Motd', $currentMotd, $this.Motd, $currentMotd.Value, $this.MotdClear)
        $this.SetAdvancedSetting('Issue', $currentIssue, $this.Issue, $currentIssue.Value, $this.IssueClear)

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the advanced settings from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($result) {
        $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings = $this.GetvCenterAdvancedSettings()

        $currentLogLevel = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.LogLevelSettingName }
        $currentEventMaxAgeEnabled = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.EventMaxAgeEnabledSettingName }
        $currentEventMaxAge = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.EventMaxAgeSettingName }
        $currentTaskMaxAgeEnabled = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.TaskMaxAgeEnabledSettingName }
        $currentTaskMaxAge = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.TaskMaxAgeSettingName }
        $currentMotd = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.MotdSettingName }
        $currentIssue = $vCenterCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.IssueSettingName }

        $result.LoggingLevel = $currentLogLevel.Value
        $result.EventMaxAgeEnabled = $currentEventMaxAgeEnabled.Value
        $result.EventMaxAge = $currentEventMaxAge.Value
        $result.TaskMaxAgeEnabled = $currentTaskMaxAgeEnabled.Value
        $result.TaskMaxAge = $currentTaskMaxAge.Value
        $result.Motd = $currentMotd.Value
        $result.Issue = $currentIssue.Value

class vCenterStatistics : BaseDSC {
    The unit of period. Statistics can be stored separatelly for each of the {Day, Week, Month, Year} period units.

    [Period] $Period

    Period for which the statistics are saved.

    [nullable[long]] $PeriodLength

    Specified Level value for the vCenter Statistics.

    [nullable[int]] $Level

    If collecting statistics for the specified period unit is enabled.

    [nullable[bool]] $Enabled

    Interval in Minutes, indicating the period for collecting statistics.

    [nullable[long]] $IntervalMinutes

    hidden [int] $SecondsInAMinute = 60

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $performanceManager = $this.GetPerformanceManager()
            $currentPerformanceInterval = $this.GetPerformanceInterval($performanceManager)

            $this.UpdatePerformanceInterval($performanceManager, $currentPerformanceInterval)
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $performanceManager = $this.GetPerformanceManager()
            $currentPerformanceInterval = $this.GetPerformanceInterval($performanceManager)

            $result = !((
                $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Level', $currentPerformanceInterval.Level, $this.Level),
                $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Enabled', $currentPerformanceInterval.Enabled, $this.Enabled),
                $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('IntervalMinutes', $currentPerformanceInterval.SamplingPeriod / $this.SecondsInAMinute, $this.IntervalMinutes),
                $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('PeriodLength', $currentPerformanceInterval.Length / $this.Period, $this.PeriodLength)
            ) -Contains $true)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [vCenterStatistics] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [vCenterStatistics]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.Period = $this.Period

            $performanceManager = $this.GetPerformanceManager()
            $currentPerformanceInterval = $this.GetPerformanceInterval($performanceManager)

            $result.Level = $currentPerformanceInterval.Level
            $result.Enabled = $currentPerformanceInterval.Enabled

            # Converts the Sampling Period from seconds to minutes
            $result.IntervalMinutes = $currentPerformanceInterval.SamplingPeriod / $this.SecondsInAMinute

            # Converts the PeriodLength from seconds to the specified Period type
            $result.PeriodLength = $currentPerformanceInterval.Length / $this.Period

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Returns the Performance Manager for the specified vCenter.

    [PSObject] GetPerformanceManager() {
        $getViewParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Id = $this.Connection.ExtensionData.Content.PerfManager
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        return Get-View @getViewParams

    Returns the Performance Interval for which the new statistics settings should be applied.

    [PSObject] GetPerformanceInterval($performanceManager) {
        $currentPerformanceInterval = $performanceManager.HistoricalInterval | Where-Object { $_.Name -Match $this.Period }

        return $currentPerformanceInterval

    Returns the value to set for the Performance Interval Setting.

    [PSObject] SpecifiedOrCurrentValue($desiredValue, $currentValue) {
        if ($null -eq $desiredValue) {
            # Desired value is not specified
            return $currentValue
        else {
            return $desiredValue

    Updates the Performance Interval with the specified settings for vCenter Statistics.

    [void] UpdatePerformanceInterval($performanceManager, $currentPerformanceInterval) {
        $performanceIntervalArgs = @{
            Key = $currentPerformanceInterval.Key
            Name = $currentPerformanceInterval.Name
            Enabled = $this.SpecifiedOrCurrentValue($this.Enabled, $currentPerformanceInterval.Enabled)
            Level = $this.SpecifiedOrCurrentValue($this.Level, $currentPerformanceInterval.Level)
            SamplingPeriod = $this.SpecifiedOrCurrentValue($this.IntervalMinutes * $this.SecondsInAMinute, $currentPerformanceInterval.SamplingPeriod)
            Length = $this.SpecifiedOrCurrentValue($this.PeriodLength * $this.Period, $currentPerformanceInterval.Length)

        $desiredPerformanceInterval = New-PerformanceInterval @performanceIntervalArgs

        try {
            Update-PerfInterval -PerformanceManager $performanceManager -PerformanceInterval $desiredPerformanceInterval
        catch {
            throw "Server operation failed with the following error: $($_.Exception.Message)"

class vCenterVMHost : DatacenterInventoryBaseDSC {
    vCenterVMHost() {
        $this.InventoryItemFolderType = [FolderType]::Host

    Credentials needed for authenticating with the VMHost.

    [PSCredential] $VMHostCredential

    Specifies the port on the VMHost used for the connection.

    [nullable[int]] $Port

    Indicates whether the VMHost is added to the vCenter if the authenticity of the VMHost SSL certificate cannot be verified.

    [nullable[bool]] $Force

    Specifies the location of the Resource Pool in the Cluster. Location consists of 0 or more Resource Pools. The Root Resource Pool of the Cluster is not part of the location.
    If '/' location is passed, the Resource Pool is the Root Resource Pool of the Cluster. Resource Pools names in the location are separated by '/'.
    The VMHost's Root Resource Pool becomes the last Resource Pool specified in the location and the VMHost Resource Pool hierarchy is imported into the new nested Resource Pool.
    Example location for a Resource Pool: 'MyResourcePoolOne/MyResourcePoolTwo'.

    [string] $ResourcePoolLocation

    hidden [string] $ClusterType = 'VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Inventory.Cluster'

    hidden [string] $AddVMHostTovCenterMessage = "Adding VMHost {0} to vCenter {1} and location {2}."
    hidden [string] $MoveVMHostToDestinationMessage = "Moving VMHost {0} to location {1} on vCenter {2}."
    hidden [string] $RemoveVMHostFromvCenterMessage = "Removing VMHost {0} from vCenter {1}."

    hidden [string] $FoundLocationIsNotAClusterMessage = "Resource Pool location {0} is specified but the found location {1} for VMHost {2} is not a Cluster."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveRootResourcePoolOfClusterMessage = "Could not retrieve Root Resource Pool of Cluster {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $InvalidResourcePoolLocationInClusterMessage = "Resource Pool location {0} is not valid in Cluster {2}."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotAddVMHostTovCenterMessage = "Could not add VMHost {0} to vCenter {1} and location {2}. For more information: {3}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotMoveVMHostToDestinationMessage = "Could not move VMHost {0} to location {1} on vCenter {2}. For more information: {3}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRemoveVMHostFromvCenterMessage = "Could not remove VMHost {0} from vCenter {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
                $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
                $vmHostLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)

                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.ResourcePoolLocation)) {
                    If the Resource Pool location is specified it means that the desired VMHost location should be a Cluster and the Resource Pool needs to be passed to the cmdlets
                    as VMHost location instead of the Cluster.

                    if (!$this.IsVIObjectOfTheCorrectType($vmHostLocation, $this.ClusterType)) {
                        throw ($this.FoundLocationIsNotAClusterMessage -f $this.ResourcePoolLocation, $vmHostLocation.Name, $this.Name)
                    $rootResourcePool = $this.GetRootResourcePoolOfCluster($vmHostLocation)
                    $vmHostLocation = $this.GetClusterResourcePool($rootResourcePool, $vmHostLocation.Name)

                if ($null -eq $vmHost) {
                else {
                    if ($vmHost.ParentId -ne $vmHostLocation.Id) {
                        $this.MoveVMHost($vmHost, $vmHostLocation)
            else {
                if ($null -ne $vmHost) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $result = $null

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $vmHost) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
                    $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
                    $vmHostLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)

                    $result = ($vmHost.ParentId -eq $vmHostLocation.Id)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $vmHost)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [vCenterVMHost] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [vCenterVMHost]::new()


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the VMHost with the specified name if it is on the vCenter Server system.

    [PSObject] GetVMHost() {
        return Get-VMHost -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false

    Retrieves the Root Resource Pool of the specified Cluster.

    [PSObject] GetRootResourcePoolOfCluster($cluster) {
        try {
            $rootResourcePool = Get-ResourcePool -Server $this.Connection -Location $cluster -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false |
                                Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ParentId -eq $cluster.Id }
            return $rootResourcePool
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveRootResourcePoolOfClusterMessage -f $cluster.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the Resource Pool with the specified name from the specified Cluster.

    [PSObject] GetClusterResourcePool($rootResourcePool, $clusterName) {
        $clusterResourcePool = $null

        if ($this.ResourcePoolLocation -eq '/') {
            # Special case where the Resource Pool location does not contain any Resource Pools. So the Root Resource Pool is the searched Resource Pool from the Cluster.
            $clusterResourcePool = $rootResourcePool
        elseif ($this.ResourcePoolLocation -NotMatch '/') {
            # Special case where the Resource Pool location is just one Resource Pool.
            $clusterResourcePool = Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.ResourcePoolLocation -Location $rootResourcePool -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false |
                                           Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ParentId -eq $rootResourcePool.Id }
        else {
            $resourcePoolLocationItems = $this.ResourcePoolLocation -Split '/'

            # Reverse the Resource Pool location items so that we can start from the bottom and go to the Root Resource Pool.

            $resourcePoolName = $resourcePoolLocationItems[0]
            $foundResourcePools = Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Name $resourcePoolName -Location $rootResourcePool -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false

            # Remove the name of the Resource Pool from the Resource Pool location items array as we already retrieved it.
            $resourcePoolLocationItems = $resourcePoolLocationItems[1..($resourcePoolLocationItems.Length - 1)]

            For every found Resource Pool in the Cluster with the specified name we start to go up through the parents to check if the Resource Pool location is valid.
            If one of the Parents does not meet the criteria of the Resource Pool location, we continue with the next found Resource Pool.
            If we find a valid Resource Pool location we stop iterating through the Resource Pools and mark it as the searched Resource Pool from the Cluster.

            foreach ($foundResourcePool in $foundResourcePools) {
                $foundResourcePoolAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $foundResourcePool.Id -Property Parent -Verbose:$false
                $validResourcePoolLocation = $true

                foreach ($resourcePoolLocationItem in $resourcePoolLocationItems) {
                    $foundResourcePoolAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $foundResourcePoolAsViewObject.Parent -Property Name, Parent -Verbose:$false
                    if ($foundResourcePoolAsViewObject.Name -ne $resourcePoolLocationItem) {
                        $validResourcePoolLocation = $false

                if ($validResourcePoolLocation) {
                    $clusterResourcePool = $foundResourcePool

        if ($null -eq $clusterResourcePool) {
            throw ($this.InvalidResourcePoolLocationInClusterMessage -f $this.ResourcePoolLocation, $clusterName)

        return $clusterResourcePool

    Adds the VMHost to the specified location and to be managed by the vCenter Server system.

    [void] AddVMHost($vmHostLocation) {
        $addVMHostParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Name = $this.Name
            Location = $vmHostLocation
            Credential = $this.VMHostCredential
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Port) { $addVMHostParams.Port = $this.Port }
        if ($null -ne $this.Force) { $addVMHostParams.Force = $this.Force }

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.AddVMHostTovCenterMessage, @($this.Name, $this.Connection.Name, $vmHostLocation.Name))

            Add-VMHost @addVMHostParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotAddVMHostTovCenterMessage -f $this.Name, $this.Connection.Name, $vmHostLocation.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Moves the VMHost to the specified location on the vCenter Server system.

    [void] MoveVMHost($vmHost, $vmHostLocation) {
        $moveVMHostParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            VMHost = $vmHost
            Destination = $vmHostLocation
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.MoveVMHostToDestinationMessage, @($vmHost.Name, $vmHostLocation.Name, $this.Connection.Name))

            Move-VMHost @moveVMHostParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotMoveVMHostToDestinationMessage -f $vmHost.Name, $vmHostLocation.Name, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Removes the VMHost from the vCenter Server system.

    [void] RemoveVMHost($vmHost) {
        $removeVMHostParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            VMHost = $vmHost
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RemoveVMHostFromvCenterMessage, @($vmHost.Name, $this.Connection.Name))

            Remove-VMHost @removeVMHostParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRemoveVMHostFromvCenterMessage -f $vmHost.Name, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Location = $this.Location
        $result.DatacenterName = $this.DatacenterName
        $result.DatacenterLocation = $this.DatacenterLocation
        $result.Force = $this.Force
        $result.ResourcePoolLocation = $this.ResourcePoolLocation

        if ($null -ne $vmHost) {
            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.Port = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Summary.Config.Port
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.Port = $this.Port

class VDPortGroup : BaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the Distributed Port Group.

    [string] $Name

    Specifies the name of the vSphere Distributed Switch associated with the Distributed Port Group.

    [string] $VdsName

    Value indicating if the Distributed Port Group should be Present or Absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Specifies a description for the Distributed Port Group.

    [string] $Notes

    Specifies the number of ports that the Distributed Port Group will have.
    If the parameter is not specified, the number of ports for the Distributed Port Group is 128.

    [nullable[int]] $NumPorts

    Specifies the port binding setting for the Distributed Port Group.
    Valid values are Static, Dynamic, and Ephemeral.

    [PortBinding] $PortBinding = [PortBinding]::Unset

    Specifies the VLAN ID for the Distributed Port Group.
    Valid values are integers in the range of 1 to 4094.
    If 0 is specified, the VLAN type is 'None'.

    [nullable[int]] $VLanId

    Specifies the name for the reference Distributed Port Group.
    The properties of the new Distributed Port Group will be cloned from the reference Distributed Port Group.

    [string] $ReferenceVDPortGroupName

    hidden [string] $RetrieveVDSwitchMessage = "Retrieving distributed switch {0}."
    hidden [string] $CreateVDPortGroupMessage = "Creating distributed port group {0} on distributed switch {1}."
    hidden [string] $ModifyVDPortGroupMessage = "Modifying distributed port group {0}."
    hidden [string] $ModifyVDPortGroupVlanConfigurationMessage = "Modifying the VLAN ID of distributed port group {0} to {1}."
    hidden [string] $RemoveVDPortGroupMessage = "Removing distributed port group {0} from distributed switch {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveVDSwitchMessage = "Could not retrieve distributed switch {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateVDPortGroupMessage = "Could not create distributed port group {0} on distributed switch {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyVDPortGroupMessage = "Could not modify distributed port group {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyVDPortGroupVlanConfigurationMessage = "Could not modify the VLAN ID of distributed port group {0} to {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRemoveVDPortGroupMessage = "Could not remove distributed port group {0} from distributed switch {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch()
            $distributedPortGroup = $this.GetDistributedPortGroup($distributedSwitch)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $distributedPortGroup) {
                else {
                    if ($this.ShouldUpdateVLanId($distributedPortGroup)) {

                    if ($this.ShouldUpdateDistributedPortGroup($distributedPortGroup)) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $distributedPortGroup) {
        finally {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch()
            $distributedPortGroup = $this.GetDistributedPortGroup($distributedSwitch)

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $distributedPortGroup) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = if ($this.ShouldUpdateDistributedPortGroup($distributedPortGroup) -or $this.ShouldUpdateVLanId($distributedPortGroup)) { $false } else { $true }
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $distributedPortGroup)


            return $result
        finally {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VDPortGroup] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))
            $result = [VDPortGroup]::new()


            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch()
            $distributedPortGroup = $this.GetDistributedPortGroup($distributedSwitch)

            $this.PopulateResult($distributedPortGroup, $result)

            return $result
        finally {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the Distributed Switch with the specified name from the server if it exists.
    If the Distributed Switch does not exist and Ensure is set to 'Absent', $null is returned.
    Otherwise it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetDistributedSwitch() {
            The Verbose logic here is needed to suppress the Verbose output of the Import-Module cmdlet
            when importing the 'VMware.VimAutomation.Vds' Module.

        $savedVerbosePreference = $global:VerbosePreference
        $global:VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

        try {
            $getVDSwitchParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $this.VdsName
                Verbose = $false
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) {
                $getVDSwitchParams.ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
                return Get-VDSwitch @getVDSwitchParams
            else {
                try {
                    $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RetrieveVDSwitchMessage, @($this.VdsName))
                    $getVDSwitchParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                    return Get-VDSwitch @getVDSwitchParams
                catch {
                    throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveVDSwitchMessage -f $this.VdsName, $_.Exception.Message)
        finally {
            $global:VerbosePreference = $savedVerbosePreference

    Retrieves the Distributed Port Group with the specified name, available on the specified Distributed Switch from the server if it exists.
    Otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetDistributedPortGroup($distributedSwitch) {
        if ($null -eq $distributedSwitch) {
            If the Distributed Switch is $null, it means that Ensure was set to 'Absent' and
            the Distributed Port Group does not exist for the specified Distributed Switch.

            return $null

        $getVDPortgroupParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Name = $this.Name
            VDSwitch = $distributedSwitch
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false
        return Get-VDPortgroup @getVDPortgroupParams

    Checks if the passed Distributed Port Group needs be modified based on the passed properties.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateDistributedPortGroup($distributedPortGroup) {
        $shouldUpdateDistributedPortGroup = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('NumPorts', $distributedPortGroup.NumPorts, $this.NumPorts),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('PortBinding', [string] $distributedPortGroup.PortBinding, $this.PortBinding.ToString()),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Notes', [string] $distributedPortGroup.Notes, $this.Notes)

        return ($shouldUpdateDistributedPortGroup -Contains $true)

    Checks if the VLAN ID of the specified distributed port group should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVLanId($distributedPortGroup) {
        $currentVLanId = if ($null -ne $distributedPortGroup.VlanConfiguration) { $distributedPortGroup.VlanConfiguration.VlanId } else { 0 }
        return $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('VLanId', $currentVLanId, $this.VLanId)

    Returns the populated Distributed Port Group parameters.

    [hashtable] GetDistributedPortGroupParams() {
        $distributedPortGroupParams = @{}

        $distributedPortGroupParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $distributedPortGroupParams.Confirm = $false
        $distributedPortGroupParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'
        $distributedPortGroupParams.Verbose = $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Notes) { $distributedPortGroupParams.Notes = $this.Notes }
        if ($null -ne $this.NumPorts) { $distributedPortGroupParams.NumPorts = $this.NumPorts }

        if ($this.PortBinding -ne [PortBinding]::Unset) {
            $distributedPortGroupParams.PortBinding = $this.PortBinding.ToString()

        return $distributedPortGroupParams

    Creates a new Distributed Port Group available on the specified Distributed Switch.

    [void] AddDistributedPortGroup($distributedSwitch) {
        $distributedPortGroupParams = $this.GetDistributedPortGroupParams()
        $distributedPortGroupParams.Name = $this.Name
        $distributedPortGroupParams.VDSwitch = $distributedSwitch

        ReferencePortGroup and VLanId are parameters only for the New-VDPortgroup cmdlet
        and are not used for the Set-VDPortgroup cmdlet.

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.ReferenceVDPortGroupName)) { $distributedPortGroupParams.ReferencePortgroup = $this.ReferenceVDPortGroupName }
        if ($null -ne $this.VLanId) { $distributedPortGroupParams.VlanId = $this.VLanId }

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.CreateVDPortGroupMessage, @($this.Name, $distributedSwitch.Name))
            New-VDPortgroup @distributedPortGroupParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateVDPortGroupMessage -f $this.Name, $distributedSwitch.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Modifies the configuration of the specified Distributed Port Group with the passed properties.

    [void] UpdateDistributedPortGroup($distributedPortGroup) {
        $distributedPortGroupParams = $this.GetDistributedPortGroupParams()

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyVDPortGroupMessage, @($distributedPortGroup.Name))
            $distributedPortGroup | Set-VDPortgroup @distributedPortGroupParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyVDPortGroupMessage -f $distributedPortGroup.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Modifies the VLAN configuration of the specified Distributed Port Group.

    [void] UpdateDistributedPortGroupVlanConfiguration($distributedPortGroup) {
        $setVDVlanConfigurationParams = @{
            VDPortgroup = $distributedPortGroup
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if ($this.VLanId -eq 0) {
            $setVDVlanConfigurationParams.DisableVlan = $true
        else {
            $setVDVlanConfigurationParams.VlanId = $this.VLanId

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyVDPortGroupVlanConfigurationMessage, @($distributedPortGroup.Name, $this.VLanId))
            Set-VDVlanConfiguration @setVDVlanConfigurationParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyVDPortGroupVlanConfigurationMessage -f $distributedPortGroup.Name, $this.VLanId, $_.Exception.Message)

    Removes the specified Distributed Port Group from the vSphere Distributed Switch that it belongs to.

    [void] RemoveDistributedPortGroup($distributedPortGroup) {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RemoveVDPortGroupMessage, @($distributedPortGroup.Name, $distributedPortGroup.VDSwitch.Name))
            $removeVDPortGroupParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                VDPortGroup = $distributedPortGroup
                Confirm = $false
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false
            Remove-VDPortGroup @removeVDPortGroupParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRemoveVDPortGroupMessage -f $distributedPortGroup.Name, $distributedPortGroup.VDSwitch.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method.

    [void] PopulateResult($distributedPortGroup, $result) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.ReferenceVDPortGroupName = $this.ReferenceVDPortGroupName

        if ($null -ne $distributedPortGroup) {
            $result.Name = $distributedPortGroup.Name
            $result.VdsName = $distributedPortGroup.VDSwitch.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.Notes = $distributedPortGroup.Notes
            $result.NumPorts = $distributedPortGroup.NumPorts
            $result.PortBinding = $distributedPortGroup.PortBinding.ToString()
            $result.VLanId = [int] $distributedPortGroup.VlanConfiguration.VlanId
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.VdsName = $this.VdsName
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.Notes = $this.Notes
            $result.NumPorts = $this.NumPorts
            $result.PortBinding = $this.PortBinding
            $result.VLanId = [int] $this.VLanId

class VDSwitch : DatacenterInventoryBaseDSC {
    DistributedSwitch() {
        $this.InventoryItemFolderType = [FolderType]::Network

    Specifies the contact details of the vSphere Distributed Switch administrator.

    [string] $ContactDetails

    Specifies the name of the vSphere Distributed Switch administrator.

    [string] $ContactName

    Specifies the discovery protocol type of the vSphere Distributed Switch that you want to create.
    The valid values are CDP, LLDP and Unset. If you do not set a value for this parameter, the default server setting is used.

    [LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol] $LinkDiscoveryProtocol = [LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol]::Unset

    Specifies the link discovery protocol operation for the vSphere Distributed Switch that you want to create.
    The valid values are Advertise, Both, Listen, None and Unset. If you do not set a value for this parameter, the default server setting is used.

    [LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation] $LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation = [LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation]::Unset

    Specifies the maximum number of ports allowed on the vSphere Distributed Switch that you want to create.

    [nullable[int]] $MaxPorts

    Specifies the maximum MTU size for the vSphere Distributed Switch that you want to create. Valid values are positive integers only.

    [nullable[int]] $Mtu

    Specifies a description for the vSphere Distributed Switch that you want to create.

    [string] $Notes

    Specifies the number of uplink ports on the vSphere Distributed Switch that you want to create.

    [nullable[int]] $NumUplinkPorts

    Specifies the Name for the reference vSphere Distributed Switch.
    The properties of the new vSphere Distributed Switch will be cloned from the reference vSphere Distributed Switch.

    [string] $ReferenceVDSwitchName

    Specifies the version of the vSphere Distributed Switch that you want to create.
    You cannot specify a version that is incompatible with the version of the vCenter Server system you are connected to.

    [string] $Version

    Indicates whether the new vSphere Distributed Switch will be created without importing the port groups from the specified reference vSphere Distributed Switch.

    [nullable[bool]] $WithoutPortGroups

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $distributedSwitchLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitchLocation)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $distributedSwitch) {
                else {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $distributedSwitch) {
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $distributedSwitchLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitchLocation)

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $distributedSwitch) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $distributedSwitch)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VDSwitch] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VDSwitch]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.Location = $this.Location
            $result.DatacenterName = $this.DatacenterName
            $result.DatacenterLocation = $this.DatacenterLocation
            $result.ReferenceVDSwitchName = $this.ReferenceVDSwitchName
            $result.WithoutPortGroups = $this.WithoutPortGroups


            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $distributedSwitchLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitchLocation)

            $this.PopulateResult($distributedSwitch, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Distributed Switch from the specified Location in the Datacenter if it exists, otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitchLocation) {
        The Verbose logic here is needed to suppress the Exporting and Importing of the
        cmdlets from the VMware.VimAutomation.Vds Module.

        $savedVerbosePreference = $global:VerbosePreference
        $global:VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

        $distributedSwitch = Get-VDSwitch -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -Location $distributedSwitchLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        $global:VerbosePreference = $savedVerbosePreference

        return $distributedSwitch

    Checks if the passed Distributed Switch needs be updated based on the specified properties.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch) {
        $shouldUpdateDistributedSwitch = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('ContactDetails', [string] $distributedSwitch.ContactDetails, $this.ContactDetails),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('ContactName', [string] $distributedSwitch.ContactName, $this.ContactName),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Notes', [string] $distributedSwitch.Notes, $this.Notes),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Version', [string] $distributedSwitch.Version, $this.Version),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('MaxPorts', $distributedSwitch.MaxPorts, $this.MaxPorts),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Mtu', $distributedSwitch.Mtu, $this.Mtu),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('NumUplinkPorts', $distributedSwitch.NumUplinkPorts, $this.NumUplinkPorts),
                [string] $distributedSwitch.LinkDiscoveryProtocol,
                [string] $distributedSwitch.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation,

        return ($shouldUpdateDistributedSwitch -Contains $true)

    Returns the populated Distributed Switch parameters.

    [hashtable] GetDistributedSwitchParams() {
        $distributedSwitchParams = @{}

        $distributedSwitchParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $distributedSwitchParams.Confirm = $false
        $distributedSwitchParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.ContactDetails)) { $distributedSwitchParams.ContactDetails = $this.ContactDetails }
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.ContactName)) { $distributedSwitchParams.ContactName = $this.ContactName }
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.Notes)) { $distributedSwitchParams.Notes = $this.Notes }
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.Version)) { $distributedSwitchParams.Version = $this.Version }

        if ($null -ne $this.MaxPorts) { $distributedSwitchParams.MaxPorts = $this.MaxPorts }
        if ($null -ne $this.Mtu) { $distributedSwitchParams.Mtu = $this.Mtu }
        if ($null -ne $this.NumUplinkPorts) { $distributedSwitchParams.NumUplinkPorts = $this.NumUplinkPorts }

        if ($this.LinkDiscoveryProtocol -ne [LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol]::Unset) {
            $distributedSwitchParams.LinkDiscoveryProtocol = $this.LinkDiscoveryProtocol.ToString()

        if ($this.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation -ne [LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation]::Unset) {
            $distributedSwitchParams.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation = $this.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation.ToString()

        return $distributedSwitchParams

    Creates a new Distributed Switch with the specified properties at the specified location.

    [void] AddDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitchLocation) {
        $distributedSwitchParams = $this.GetDistributedSwitchParams()
        $distributedSwitchParams.Name = $this.Name
        $distributedSwitchParams.Location = $distributedSwitchLocation

        ReferenceVDSwitch and WithoutPortGroups are parameters only for the New-VDSwitch cmdlet
        and are not used for the Set-VDSwitch cmdlet.

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.ReferenceVDSwitchName)) { $distributedSwitchParams.ReferenceVDSwitch = $this.ReferenceVDSwitchName }
        if ($null -ne $this.WithoutPortGroups) { $distributedSwitchParams.WithoutPortGroups = $this.WithoutPortGroups }

        try {
            New-VDSwitch @distributedSwitchParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot create Distributed Switch $($this.Name) at Location $($distributedSwitchLocation.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Updates the Distributed Switch with the specified properties.

    [void] UpdateDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch) {
        $distributedSwitchParams = $this.GetDistributedSwitchParams()

        try {
            $distributedSwitch | Set-VDSwitch @distributedSwitchParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot update Distributed Switch $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Removes the Distributed Switch from the specified location.

    [void] RemoveDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch) {
        try {
            $distributedSwitch | Remove-VDSwitch -Server $this.Connection -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw "Cannot remove Distributed Switch $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Distributed Switch from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($distributedSwitch, $result) {
        if ($null -ne $distributedSwitch) {
            $result.Name = $distributedSwitch.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.ContactDetails = $distributedSwitch.ContactDetails
            $result.ContactName = $distributedSwitch.ContactName
            $result.LinkDiscoveryProtocol = $distributedSwitch.LinkDiscoveryProtocol.ToString()
            $result.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation = $distributedSwitch.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation.ToString()
            $result.MaxPorts = $distributedSwitch.MaxPorts
            $result.Mtu = $distributedSwitch.Mtu
            $result.Notes = $distributedSwitch.Notes
            $result.NumUplinkPorts = $distributedSwitch.NumUplinkPorts
            $result.Version = $distributedSwitch.Version
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.ContactDetails = $this.ContactDetails
            $result.ContactName = $this.ContactName
            $result.LinkDiscoveryProtocol = $this.LinkDiscoveryProtocol
            $result.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation = $this.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation
            $result.MaxPorts = $this.MaxPorts
            $result.Mtu = $this.Mtu
            $result.Notes = $this.Notes
            $result.NumUplinkPorts = $this.NumUplinkPorts
            $result.Version = $this.Version

class VDSwitchVMHost : BaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the vSphere Distributed Switch to/from which you want to add/remove the specified VMHosts.

    [string] $VdsName

    Specifies the names of the VMHosts that you want to add/remove to/from the specified vSphere Distributed Switch.

    [string[]] $VMHostNames

    Value indicating if the VMHosts should be Present/Absent to/from the specified vSphere Distributed Switch.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch()
            $vmHosts = $this.GetVMHosts()
            $filteredVMHosts = $this.GetFilteredVMHosts($vmHosts, $distributedSwitch)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $this.AddVMHostsToDistributedSwitch($filteredVMHosts, $distributedSwitch)
            else {
                $this.RemoveVMHostsFromDistributedSwitch($filteredVMHosts, $distributedSwitch)
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch()
            $vmHosts = $this.GetVMHosts()

            if ($null -eq $distributedSwitch) {
                # If the Distributed Switch is $null, it means that Ensure is 'Absent' and the Distributed Switch does not exist.
                return $true

            return !$this.ShouldUpdateVMHostsInDistributedSwitch($vmHosts, $distributedSwitch)
        finally {

    [VDSwitchVMHost] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VDSwitchVMHost]::new()


            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch()
            $vmHosts = $this.GetVMHosts()

            $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
            $result.VMHostNames = $vmHosts | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
            $result.Ensure = $this.Ensure

            if ($null -eq $distributedSwitch) {
                # If the Distributed Switch is $null, it means that Ensure is 'Absent' and the Distributed Switch does not exist.
                $result.VdsName = $this.Name
            else {
                $result.VdsName = $distributedSwitch.Name

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Distributed Switch with the specified name from the server if it exists.
    If the Distributed Switch does not exist and Ensure is set to 'Absent', $null is returned.
    Otherwise it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetDistributedSwitch() {
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) {
            $distributedSwitch = Get-VDSwitch -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.VdsName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            return $distributedSwitch
        else {
            try {
                $distributedSwitch = Get-VDSwitch -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.VdsName -ErrorAction Stop
                return $distributedSwitch
            catch {
                throw "Could not retrieve Distributed Switch $($this.VdsName). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Retrieves the VMHosts with the specified names from the server if they exist.
    For every VMHost that does not exist, a warning message is shown to the user without throwing an exception.

    [array] GetVMHosts() {
        $vmHosts = @()

        foreach ($vmHostName in $this.VMHostNames) {
            $vmHost = Get-VMHost -Server $this.Connection -Name $vmHostName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($null -eq $vmHost) {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', "The passed VMHost {0} was not found and it will be ignored.", @($vmHostName))
            else {
                $vmHosts += $vmHost

        return $vmHosts

    Checks if VMHosts should be added/removed from the Distributed Switch depending on the value of the Ensure property.
    If Ensure is set to 'Present', checks if all passed VMHosts are part of the Distributed Switch.
    If Ensure is set to 'Absent', checks if all passed VMHosts are not part of the Distributed Switch.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVMHostsInDistributedSwitch($vmHosts, $distributedSwitch) {
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
            foreach ($vmHost in $vmHosts) {
                $addedVMHost = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.Network.ProxySwitch | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DvsName -eq $distributedSwitch.Name }
                if ($null -eq $addedVMHost) {
                    return $true
        else {
            foreach ($vmHost in $vmHosts) {
                $removedVMHost = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.Network.ProxySwitch | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DvsName -eq $distributedSwitch.Name }
                if ($null -ne $removedVMHost) {
                    return $true

        return $false

    Returns the filtered VMHosts based on the value of the Ensure property. If Ensure is set to 'Present', it returns only
    these VMHosts that are currently not part of the Distributed Switch. The other VMHosts in the array are ignored because they are already part
    of the Distributed Switch. If Ensure is set to 'Absent', it returns only these VMHosts that are currently part of the Distributed Switch. The other VMHosts
    in the array are ignored because they are not part of the Distributed Switch. In both cases a warning message is shown to the user when a specific VMHost is

    [array] GetFilteredVMHosts($vmHosts, $distributedSwitch) {
        $filteredVMHosts = @()

        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
            foreach ($vmHost in $vmHosts) {
                $addedVMHost = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.Network.ProxySwitch | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DvsName -eq $distributedSwitch.Name }
                if ($null -ne $addedVMHost) {
                    $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', "VMHost {0} is already added to Distributed Switch {1} and it will be ignored.", @($vmHost.Name, $distributedSwitch.Name))


                $filteredVMHosts += $vmHost
        else {
            foreach ($vmHost in $vmHosts) {
                $removedVMHost = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.Network.ProxySwitch | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DvsName -eq $distributedSwitch.Name }
                if ($null -eq $removedVMHost) {
                    $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', "VMHost {0} is not added to Distributed Switch {1} and it will be ignored.", @($vmHost.Name, $distributedSwitch.Name))


                $filteredVMHosts += $vmHost

        return $filteredVMHosts

    Adds the VMHosts to the specified Distributed Switch.

    [void] AddVMHostsToDistributedSwitch($filteredVMHosts, $distributedSwitch) {
        try {
            Add-VDSwitchVMHost -Server $this.Connection -VDSwitch $distributedSwitch -VMHost $filteredVMHosts -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw "Could not add VMHosts $filteredVMHosts to Distributed Switch $($distributedSwitch.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Removes the VMHosts from the specified Distributed Switch.

    [void] RemoveVMHostsFromDistributedSwitch($filteredVMHosts, $distributedSwitch) {
        try {
            Remove-VDSwitchVMHost -Server $this.Connection -VDSwitch $distributedSwitch -VMHost $filteredVMHosts -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw "Could not remove VMHosts $filteredVMHosts from Distributed Switch $($distributedSwitch.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

class VMHostAccount : BaseDSC {
    Specifies the ID for the host account.

    [string] $Id

    Value indicating if the Resource should be Present or Absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Permission on the VMHost entity is created for the specified User Id with the specified Role.

    [string] $Role

    Specifies the Password for the host account.

    [string] $AccountPassword

    Provides a description for the host account. The maximum length of the text is 255 symbols.

    [string] $Description

    hidden [string] $AccountPasswordParameterName = 'Password'
    hidden [string] $DescriptionParameterName = 'Description'

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHostAccount = $this.GetVMHostAccount()

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $vmHostAccount) {
                else {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $vmHostAccount) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHostAccount = $this.GetVMHostAccount()

            $result = $null

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $vmHostAccount) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = if ($this.ShouldUpdateVMHostAccount($vmHostAccount) -or $this.ShouldCreateAcountPermission($vmHostAccount)) { $false } else { $true }
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $vmHostAccount)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostAccount] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostAccount]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHostAccount = $this.GetVMHostAccount()

            $this.PopulateResult($vmHostAccount, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Returns the VMHost Account if it exists, otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostAccount() {
        $getVMHostAccountParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Id = $this.Id
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        return Get-VMHostAccount @getVMHostAccountParams

    Checks if a new Permission with the passed Role needs to be created for the specified VMHost Account.

    [bool] ShouldCreateAcountPermission($vmHostAccount) {
        $getVIPermissionParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Entity = $this.Server
            Principal = $vmHostAccount
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        $existingPermission = Get-VIPermission @getVIPermissionParams

        return ($null -eq $existingPermission)

    Checks if the VMHost Account should be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVMHostAccount($vmHostAccount) {
        If the Account Password is passed, we should check if we can connect to the ESXi host with the passed Id and Password.
        If we can connect to the host it means that the password is in the desired state so we should close the connection and
        continue checking the other passed properties. If we cannot connect to the host it means that
        the desired Password is not equal to the current Password of the Account.

        if ($null -ne $this.AccountPassword) {
            $connectVIServerParams = @{
                Server = $this.Server
                User = $this.Id
                Password = $this.AccountPassword
                ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
                Verbose = $false

            $hostConnection = Connect-VIServer @connectVIServerParams

            if ($null -eq $hostConnection) {
                return $true
            else {
                $disconnectVIServerParams = @{
                    Server = $hostConnection
                    ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    Verbose = $false
                    Confirm = $false

                Disconnect-VIServer @disconnectVIServerParams

        return $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Description', $vmHostAccount.Description, $this.Description)

    Populates the parameters for the New-VMHostAccount and Set-VMHostAccount cmdlets.

    [void] PopulateVMHostAccountParams($vmHostAccountParams, $parameter, $desiredValue) {
        if ($null -ne $desiredValue) {
            $vmHostAccountParams.$parameter = $desiredValue

    Returns the populated VMHost Account parameters.

    [hashtable] GetVMHostAccountParams() {
        $vmHostAccountParams = @{}

        $vmHostAccountParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $vmHostAccountParams.Confirm = $false
        $vmHostAccountParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'
        $vmHostAccountParams.Verbose = $false

        $this.PopulateVMHostAccountParams($vmHostAccountParams, $this.AccountPasswordParameterName, $this.AccountPassword)
        $this.PopulateVMHostAccountParams($vmHostAccountParams, $this.DescriptionParameterName, $this.Description)

        return $vmHostAccountParams

    Creates a new Permission with the passed Role for the specified VMHost Account.

    [void] CreateAccountPermission($vmHostAccount) {
        $getVIRoleParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Name = $this.Role
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        $accountRole = Get-VIRole @getVIRoleParams
        if ($null -eq $accountRole) {
            throw "The passed role $($this.Role) is not present on the server."

        try {
            $newVIPermissionParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Entity = $this.Server
                Principal = $vmHostAccount
                Role = $accountRole
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false
            New-VIPermission @newVIPermissionParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot assign role $($this.Role) to account $($vmHostAccount.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Creates a new VMHost Account with the specified properties.

    [void] AddVMHostAccount() {
        $vmHostAccountParams = $this.GetVMHostAccountParams()
        $vmHostAccountParams.Id = $this.Id

        $vmHostAccount = $null

        try {
            $vmHostAccount = New-VMHostAccount @vmHostAccountParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot create VMHost Account $($this.Id). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"


    Updates the VMHost Account with the specified properties.

    [void] UpdateVMHostAccount($vmHostAccount) {
        $vmHostAccountParams = $this.GetVMHostAccountParams()

        try {
            $vmHostAccount | Set-VMHostAccount @vmHostAccountParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot update VMHost Account $($this.Id). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

        if ($this.ShouldCreateAcountPermission($vmHostAccount)) {

    Removes the VMHost Account.

    [void] RemoveVMHostAccount($vmHostAccount) {
        try {
            $removeVMHostAccountParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                HostAccount = $vmHostAccount
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false
                Confirm = $false

            Remove-VMHostAccount @removeVMHostAccountParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot remove VMHost Account $($this.Id). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the VMHost Account from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHostAccount, $result) {
        if ($null -ne $vmHostAccount) {
            $getVIPermissionParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Entity = $this.Server
                Principal = $vmHostAccount
                ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
                Verbose = $false

            $permission = Get-VIPermission @getVIPermissionParams

            $result.Id = $vmHostAccount.Id
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.Role = $permission.Role
            $result.Description = $vmHostAccount.Description
        else {
            $result.Id = $this.Id
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.Role = $this.Role
            $result.Description = $this.Description

class VMHostAdvancedSettings : VMHostBaseDSC {
    Hashtable containing the advanced settings of the specified VMHost, where
    each key-value pair represents one advanced setting - the key is the name of the
    setting and the value is the desired value for the setting.

    [hashtable] $AdvancedSettings

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            return !$this.ShouldUpdateVMHostAdvancedSettings($vmHost)
        finally {

    [VMHostAdvancedSettings] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostAdvancedSettings]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $result.AdvancedSettings = @{}

            $this.PopulateResult($vmHost, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Advanced Settings of the specified VMHost from the server.

    [array] GetAdvancedSettings($vmHost) {
        try {
            $retrievedAdvancedSettings = Get-AdvancedSetting -Server $this.Connection -Entity $vmHost -ErrorAction Stop
            return $retrievedAdvancedSettings
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve the Advanced Settings of VMHost $($vmHost.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Returns the Advanced Setting if it is present in the retrieved Advanced Settings from the server.
    Otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetAdvancedSetting($retrievedAdvancedSettings, $advancedSettingName, $vmHostName) {
        $advancedSetting = $retrievedAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $advancedSettingName }
        if ($null -eq $advancedSetting) {
            Here a warning log is used instead of 'throw' to ensure that the execution will not stop
            if an invalid Advanced Setting is present in the passed hashtable and in the same time to
            provide an information to the user that invalid data is passed.

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', "Advanced Setting {0} does not exist for VMHost {1} and will be ignored.", @($advancedSettingName, $vmHostName))

        return $advancedSetting

    Converts the desired value of the Advanced Setting from the hashtable to the correct type of the value
    from the server. Works only for primitive types.

    [object] ConvertAdvancedSettingDesiredValueToCorrectType($advancedSetting) {
        $advancedSettingDesiredValue = $null
        if ($advancedSetting.Value -is [bool]) {
            # For bool values the '-as' operator returns 'True' for both 'true' and 'false' strings so specific conversion is needed.
            $advancedSettingDesiredValue = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($this.AdvancedSettings[$advancedSetting.Name])
        else {
            $advancedSettingDesiredValue = $this.AdvancedSettings[$advancedSetting.Name] -as $advancedSetting.Value.GetType()

        return $advancedSettingDesiredValue

    Checks if the Advanced Setting should be updated depending on the passed desired value.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVMHostAdvancedSetting($advancedSetting) {
        Each element in the hashtable is of type MSFT_KeyValuePair where the value is a string.
        So before comparison the value needs to be converted to its original type which can be
        retrieved from its server value.

        $advancedSettingDesiredValue = $this.ConvertAdvancedSettingDesiredValueToCorrectType($advancedSetting)

        $result = $advancedSettingDesiredValue -ne $advancedSetting.Value
        if ($result) {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SettingIsNotInDesiredStateMessage, @(

        return $result

    Checks if any of the Advanced Settings present in the hashtable need to be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVMHostAdvancedSettings($vmHost) {
        $retrievedAdvancedSettings = $this.GetAdvancedSettings($vmHost)

        foreach ($advancedSettingName in $this.AdvancedSettings.Keys) {
            $advancedSetting = $this.GetAdvancedSetting($retrievedAdvancedSettings, $advancedSettingName, $vmHost.Name)

            if ($null -ne $advancedSetting -and $this.ShouldUpdateVMHostAdvancedSetting($advancedSetting)) {
                return $true

        return $false

    Returns the Advanced Option Manager of the specified VMHost.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostAdvancedOptionManager($vmHost) {
        try {
            $vmHostAdvancedOptionManager = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $vmHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.AdvancedOption -ErrorAction Stop
            return $vmHostAdvancedOptionManager
        catch {
            throw "VMHost Advanced Option Manager could not be retrieved. For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Performs an update on these Advanced Settings that are present in the hashtable and
    need to be updated.

    [void] UpdateVMHostAdvancedSettings($vmHost) {
        $retrievedAdvancedSettings = $this.GetAdvancedSettings($vmHost)
        $vmHostAdvancedOptionManager = $this.GetVMHostAdvancedOptionManager($vmHost)
        $options = @()

        foreach ($advancedSettingName in $this.AdvancedSettings.Keys) {
            $advancedSetting = $this.GetAdvancedSetting($retrievedAdvancedSettings, $advancedSettingName, $vmHost.Name)

            if ($null -ne $advancedSetting -and $this.ShouldUpdateVMHostAdvancedSetting($advancedSetting)) {
                Each element in the hashtable is of type MSFT_KeyValuePair where the value is a string.
                So before setting the value of the option, we need to convert it to its original type which can be
                retrieved from its server value.

                $option = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
                $option.Key = $advancedSettingName
                $option.Value = $this.ConvertAdvancedSettingDesiredValueToCorrectType($advancedSetting)

                $options += $option

        if ($options.Length -eq 0) {

        try {
            Update-VMHostAdvancedSettings -VMHostAdvancedOptionManager $vmHostAdvancedOptionManager -Options $options
        catch {
            throw "The Advanced Settings Update operation failed with the following error: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Advanced Settings from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHost, $result) {
        $retrievedAdvancedSettings = $this.GetAdvancedSettings($vmHost)

        foreach ($advancedSettingName in $this.AdvancedSettings.Keys) {
            $advancedSetting = $this.GetAdvancedSetting($retrievedAdvancedSettings, $advancedSettingName, $vmHost.Name)

            if ($null -ne $advancedSetting) {
                The LCM converts the hashtable to MSFT_KeyValuePair class which has the following properties:
                Key of type string and Value of type string. So the value of the Advanced Setting from the server
                should be converted to string to avoid an error to be thrown. This will only work for primitive types
                like bool, int, long and so on. If a non-primitive type is introduced for Advanced Setting, invalid result
                will be returned from the conversion.

                $result.AdvancedSettings[$advancedSettingName] = $advancedSetting.Value.ToString()

class VMHostAgentVM : VMHostBaseDSC {
    Specifies the Datastore used for deploying Agent VMs on this host.

    [string] $AgentVmDatastore

    Specifies the Management Network for Agent VMs on this host.

    [string] $AgentVmNetwork

    hidden [string] $AgentVmDatastoreName = 'AgentVmDatastore'
    hidden [string] $AgentVmNetworkName = 'AgentVmNetwork'
    hidden [string] $GetAgentVmDatastoreAsViewObjectMethodName = 'GetAgentVmDatastoreAsViewObject'
    hidden [string] $GetAgentVmNetworkAsViewObjectMethodName = 'GetAgentVmNetworkAsViewObject'

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            # vCenter Connection is needed to retrieve the EsxAgentHostManager.

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxAgentHostManager = $this.GetEsxAgentHostManager($vmHost)

            $this.UpdateAgentVMConfiguration($vmHost, $esxAgentHostManager)
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            # vCenter Connection is needed to retrieve the EsxAgentHostManager.

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxAgentHostManager = $this.GetEsxAgentHostManager($vmHost)

            return !$this.ShouldUpdateAgentVMConfiguration($esxAgentHostManager)
        finally {

    [VMHostAgentVM] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostAgentVM]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server


            # vCenter Connection is needed to retrieve the EsxAgentHostManager.

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxAgentHostManager = $this.GetEsxAgentHostManager($vmHost)

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $this.PopulateResult($esxAgentHostManager, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the EsxAgentHostManager of the specified VMHost from the server.

    [PSObject] GetEsxAgentHostManager($vmHost) {
        try {
            $esxAgentHostManager = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $vmHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.EsxAgentHostManager -ErrorAction Stop
            return $esxAgentHostManager
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve the EsxAgentHostManager of VMHost $($vmHost.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Retrieves the AgentVM Datastore of the EsxAgentHostManager of the specified VMHost from the server as a View Object.

    [PSObject] GetAgentVmDatastoreAsViewObject($esxAgentHostManager) {
        try {
            $datastoreAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $esxAgentHostManager.ConfigInfo.AgentVmDatastore -ErrorAction Stop
            return $datastoreAsViewObject
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve the AgentVM Datastore of the EsxAgentHostManager. For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Retrieves the AgentVM Network of the EsxAgentHostManager of the specified VMHost from the server as a View Object.

    [PSObject] GetAgentVmNetworkAsViewObject($esxAgentHostManager) {
        try {
            $networkAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $esxAgentHostManager.ConfigInfo.AgentVmNetwork -ErrorAction Stop
            return $networkAsViewObject
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve the AgentVM Network of the EsxAgentHostManager. For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Checks if the AgentVM Setting needs to be updated with the desired value.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateAgentVMSetting($esxAgentHostManager, $agentVmSetting, $agentVmSettingName, $getAgentVmSettingAsViewObjectMethodName) {
        if ($null -eq $agentVmSetting) {
            if ($null -ne $esxAgentHostManager.ConfigInfo.$agentVmSettingName) {
                return $true
        else {
            if ($null -eq $esxAgentHostManager.ConfigInfo.$agentVmSettingName) {
                return $true
            else {
                $agentVmSettingAsViewObject = $this.$getAgentVmSettingAsViewObjectMethodName($esxAgentHostManager)
                if ($agentVmSetting -ne $agentVmSettingAsViewObject.Name) {
                    $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SettingIsNotInDesiredStateMessage, @(

                    return $true

        return $false

    Checks if the AgentVM Configuration needs to be updated with the desired values.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateAgentVMConfiguration($esxAgentHostManager) {
        if ($this.ShouldUpdateAgentVMSetting($esxAgentHostManager, $this.AgentVmDatastore, $this.AgentVmDatastoreName, $this.GetAgentVmDatastoreAsViewObjectMethodName)) {
            return $true
        elseif ($this.ShouldUpdateAgentVMSetting($esxAgentHostManager, $this.AgentVmNetwork, $this.AgentVmNetworkName, $this.GetAgentVmNetworkAsViewObjectMethodName)) {
            return $true
        else {
            return $false

    Retrieves the Datastore for AgentVM from the server if it exists.
    If the Datastore name is not passed it returns $null and if the Datastore does not exist
    it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetDatastoreForAgentVM($vmHost) {
        if ($null -eq $this.AgentVmDatastore) {
            return $null

        try {
            $datastore = Get-Datastore -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.AgentVmDatastore -RelatedObject $vmHost -ErrorAction Stop
            return $datastore.ExtensionData.MoRef
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve Datastore $($this.AgentVmDatastore) for VMHost $($vmHost.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Retrieves the Network for AgentVM from the specified VMHost if it exists.
    If the Network name is not passed it returns $null and if the Network does not exist
    it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetNetworkForAgentVM($vmHost) {
        if ($null -eq $this.AgentVmNetwork) {
            return $null

        $foundNetwork = $null
        $networks = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Network

        foreach ($network in $networks) {
            $networkAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $network
            if ($this.AgentVmNetwork -eq $networkAsViewObject.Name) {
                $foundNetwork = $network

        if ($null -eq $foundNetwork) {
            throw "Could not find Network $($this.AgentVmNetwork) for VMHost $($vmHost.Name)."

        return $foundNetwork

    Performs an update on the AgentVM Configuration of the specified VMHost by setting the Datastore and Network.

    [void] UpdateAgentVMConfiguration($vmHost, $esxAgentHostManager) {
        $datastore = $this.GetDatastoreForAgentVM($vmHost)
        $network = $this.GetNetworkForAgentVM($vmHost)

        $configInfo = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostEsxAgentHostManagerConfigInfo

        $configInfo.AgentVmDatastore = $datastore
        $configInfo.AgentVmNetwork = $network

        try {
            Update-AgentVMConfiguration -EsxAgentHostManager $esxAgentHostManager -EsxAgentHostManagerConfigInfo $configInfo
        catch {
            throw "The AgentVM Configuration of VMHost $($vmHost.Name) could not be updated: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Returns the AgentVM Setting value from the Configuration on the server.

    [string] PopulateAgentVmSetting($esxAgentHostManager, $agentVmSettingName, $getAgentVmSettingAsViewObjectMethodName) {
        if ($null -eq $esxAgentHostManager.ConfigInfo.$agentVmSettingName) {
            return $null
        else {
            $agentVmSettingAsViewObject = $this.$getAgentVmSettingAsViewObjectMethodName($esxAgentHostManager)
            return $agentVmSettingAsViewObject.Name

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the AgentVM Settings from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($esxAgentHostManager, $result) {
        $result.AgentVmDatastore = $this.PopulateAgentVmSetting($esxAgentHostManager, $this.AgentVmDatastoreName, $this.GetAgentVmDatastoreAsViewObjectMethodName)
        $result.AgentVmNetwork = $this.PopulateAgentVmSetting($esxAgentHostManager, $this.AgentVmNetworkName, $this.GetAgentVmNetworkAsViewObjectMethodName)

class VMHostAuthentication : VMHostBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the domain to join/leave. The name should be the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

    [string] $DomainName

    Value indicating if the specified VMHost should join/leave the specified domain.

    [DomainAction] $DomainAction

    The credentials needed for joining the specified domain.

    [PSCredential] $DomainCredential

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostAuthenticationInfo = $this.GetVMHostAuthenticationInfo($vmHost)

            if ($this.DomainAction -eq [DomainAction]::Join) {
                $this.JoinDomain($vmHostAuthenticationInfo, $vmHost)
            else {
                $this.LeaveDomain($vmHostAuthenticationInfo, $vmHost)
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostAuthenticationInfo = $this.GetVMHostAuthenticationInfo($vmHost)

            $result = $null
            if ($this.DomainAction -eq [DomainAction]::Join) {
                $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DomainName', [string] $vmHostAuthenticationInfo.Domain, $this.DomainName)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $vmHostAuthenticationInfo.Domain)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostAuthentication] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostAuthentication]::new()


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostAuthenticationInfo = $this.GetVMHostAuthenticationInfo($vmHost)

            $this.PopulateResult($vmHostAuthenticationInfo, $vmHost, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Authentication information for the specified VMHost.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostAuthenticationInfo($vmHost) {
        try {
            $vmHostAuthenticationInfo = Get-VMHostAuthentication -Server $this.Connection -VMHost $vmHost -ErrorAction Stop
            return $vmHostAuthenticationInfo
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve Authentication information for VMHost $($vmHost.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Includes the specified VMHost in the specified domain.

    [void] JoinDomain($vmHostAuthenticationInfo, $vmHost) {
        $setVMHostAuthenticationParams = @{
            VMHostAuthentication = $vmHostAuthenticationInfo
            Domain = $this.DomainName
            Credential = $this.DomainCredential
            JoinDomain = $true
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        try {
            Set-VMHostAuthentication @setVMHostAuthenticationParams
        catch {
            throw "Could not include VMHost $($vmHost.Name) in domain $($this.DomainName). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Excludes the specified VMHost from the specified domain.

    [void] LeaveDomain($vmHostAuthenticationInfo, $vmHost) {
        $setVMHostAuthenticationParams = @{
            VMHostAuthentication = $vmHostAuthenticationInfo
            LeaveDomain = $true
            Force = $true
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        try {
            Set-VMHostAuthentication @setVMHostAuthenticationParams
        catch {
            throw "Could not exclude VMHost $($vmHost.Name) from domain $($this.DomainName). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHostAuthenticationInfo, $vmHost, $result) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name

        if ($null -ne $vmHostAuthenticationInfo.Domain) {
            $result.DomainName = $vmHostAuthenticationInfo.Domain
            $result.DomainAction = [DomainAction]::Join
        else {
            $result.DomainName = $this.DomainName
            $result.DomainAction = [DomainAction]::Leave

class VMHostCache : VMHostBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the Datastore used for swap performance enhancement.

    [string] $DatastoreName

    Specifies the space to allocate on the specified Datastore to implement swap performance enhancements, in GB.
    This value should be less than or equal to the free space capacity of the Datastore.

    [double] $SwapSizeGB

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            return !$this.ShouldUpdateHostCacheConfiguration($vmHost)
        finally {

    [VMHostCache] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostCache]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $this.PopulateResult($vmHost, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    hidden [int] $NumberOfFractionalDigits = 3

    Retrieves the Cache Configuration Manager of the specified VMHost from the server.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostCacheConfigurationManager($vmHost) {
        try {
            $vmHostCacheConfigurationManager = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $vmHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.CacheConfigurationManager -ErrorAction Stop
            return $vmHostCacheConfigurationManager
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve the Cache Configuration Manager of VMHost $($vmHost.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Retrieves the Datastore for Host Cache Configuration from the server if it exists.
    If the Datastore does not exist, it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetDatastore($vmHost) {
        try {
            $foundDatastore = Get-Datastore -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.DatastoreName -RelatedObject $vmHost -ErrorAction Stop
            return $foundDatastore
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve Datastore $($this.DatastoreName) for VMHost $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Retrieves the Cache Info for the specified Datastore from the Host Cache Configuration.
    If the Datastore is not enabled for swap performance, it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetDatastoreCacheInfo($vmHostCacheConfigurationManager, $foundDatastore) {
        $datastoreCacheInfo = $vmHostCacheConfigurationManager.CacheConfigurationInfo | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $foundDatastore.ExtensionData.MoRef }
        if ($null -eq $datastoreCacheInfo) {
            throw "Datastore $($foundDatastore.Name) could not be found in enabled for swap performance Datastores."

        return $datastoreCacheInfo

    Converts the passed MB value to GB value by rounding it down with 3 fractional digits in the return value.

    [double] ConvertMBValueToGBValue($mbValue) {
        return [Math]::Round($mbValue * 1MB / 1GB, $this.NumberOfFractionalDigits)

    Converts the passed GB value to MB value by rounding it down.

    [long] ConvertGBValueToMBValue($gbValue) {
        return [long] [Math]::Round($gbValue * 1GB / 1MB)

    Checks if the Host Cache Configuration should be updated for the specified VMHost by checking
    if the current Swap Size is equal to the desired one for the specified Datastore.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateHostCacheConfiguration($vmHost) {
        $vmHostCacheConfigurationManager = $this.GetVMHostCacheConfigurationManager($vmHost)
        $foundDatastore = $this.GetDatastore($vmHost)
        $datastoreCacheInfo = $this.GetDatastoreCacheInfo($vmHostCacheConfigurationManager, $foundDatastore)

        return $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('SwapSizeGB', $this.ConvertMBValueToGBValue($datastoreCacheInfo.SwapSize), $this.SwapSizeGB)

    Performs an update on the Host Cache Configuration of the specified VMHost by changing the Swap Size for the
    specified Datastore.

    [void] UpdateHostCacheConfiguration($vmHost) {
        $vmHostCacheConfigurationManager = $this.GetVMHostCacheConfigurationManager($vmHost)
        $foundDatastore = $this.GetDatastore($vmHost)

        if ($this.SwapSizeGB -lt 0) {
            throw "The passed Swap Size $($this.SwapSizeGB) is less than zero."

        if ($this.SwapSizeGB -gt $foundDatastore.FreeSpaceGB) {
            throw "The passed Swap Size $($this.SwapSizeGB) is larger than the free space of the Datastore $($foundDatastore.Name)."

        $hostCacheConfigurationSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostCacheConfigurationSpec
        $hostCacheConfigurationSpec.Datastore = $foundDatastore.ExtensionData.MoRef
        $hostCacheConfigurationSpec.SwapSize = $this.ConvertGBValueToMBValue($this.SwapSizeGB)

        $hostCacheConfigurationResult = Update-HostCacheConfiguration -VMHostCacheConfigurationManager $vmHostCacheConfigurationManager -Spec $hostCacheConfigurationSpec
        $hostCacheConfigurationTask = Get-Task -Server $this.Connection -Id $hostCacheConfigurationResult

        try {
            Wait-Task -Task $hostCacheConfigurationTask -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw "An error occured while updating Cache Configuration for VMHost $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "Cache Configuration was successfully updated for VMHost {0}.", @($this.Name))

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Host Cache Configuration from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHost, $result) {
        $vmHostCacheConfigurationManager = $this.GetVMHostCacheConfigurationManager($vmHost)
        $foundDatastore = $this.GetDatastore($vmHost)
        $datastoreCacheInfo = $this.GetDatastoreCacheInfo($vmHostCacheConfigurationManager, $foundDatastore)

        $result.DatastoreName = $foundDatastore.Name
        $result.SwapSizeGB = $this.ConvertMBValueToGBValue($datastoreCacheInfo.SwapSize)

class VMHostConfiguration : VMHostBaseDSC {
    Specifies the state of the VMHost. If there are powered on VMs on the VMHost, the VMHost can be set into Maintenance mode, only if it is a part of a Drs-enabled Cluster.
    Before entering Maintenance mode, if the VMHost is fully automated, all powered on VMs are relocated. If the VMHost is not fully automated,
    a Drs recommendation is generated and all powered on VMs are relocated or powered off.
    Valid values are Connected, Disconnected and Maintenance.

    [VMHostState] $State = [VMHostState]::Unset

    Specifies the license key to be used by the VMHost. You can set the VMHost to evaluation mode by passing the '00000-00000-00000-00000-00000' evaluation key.

    [string] $LicenseKey

    Specifies the name of the Time Zone for the VMHost.

    [string] $TimeZoneName

    Specifies the name of the Datastore that is visible to the VMHost and can be used for storing swapfiles for the VMs that run on the VMHost. Using a VMHost-specific
    swap location might degrade the VMotion performance.

    [string] $VMSwapfileDatastoreName

    Specifies the swapfile placement policy.
    Valid values are InHostDatastore and WithVM.

    [VMSwapfilePolicy] $VMSwapfilePolicy = [VMSwapfilePolicy]::Unset

    Specifies the name of the host profile associated with the VMHost. If the value is an empty string, the current profile association should not exist.

    [string] $HostProfileName

    Specifies the name of the KmsCluster which is used to generate a key to set the VMHost. If the property is passed and the VMHost is not in CryptoSafe state,
    the DSC Resource makes the VMHost CryptoSafe. If the property is passed and the VMHost is already in CryptoSafe state, the DSC Resource resets the CryptoKey in the VMHost.

    [string] $KmsClusterName

    If the value is $true, vCenter Server system automatically reregisters the VMs that are compatible for reregistration. If they are not compatible, they remain on the VMHost.
    The Evacuate property is valid only when the connection is to a vCenter Server system and the State property is 'Maintenance'. Also, the VMHost must be in a Drs-enabled Cluster.

    [nullable[bool]] $Evacuate

    Specifies the special action to take regarding Virtual SAN data when moving in Maintenance mode. The VsanDataMigrationMode property is valid only when the connection is to a
    vCenter Server system and the State property is 'Maintenance'.

    [VsanDataMigrationMode] $VsanDataMigrationMode = [VsanDataMigrationMode]::Unset

    hidden [string] $ClusterType = 'VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Inventory.Cluster'
    hidden [int] $EnterMaintenanceModeTaskSecondsToSleep = 5

    hidden [string] $ModifyVMHostConfigurationMessage = "Modifying the configuration of VMHost {0}."
    hidden [string] $ApplyingDrsRecommendationsFromClusterMessage = "Applying Drs Recommendations from Cluster {0}."
    hidden [string] $VMHostStateWasChangedSuccessfullyMessage = "The state of the VMHost {0} was changed successfully to {1}."
    hidden [string] $ModifyVMHostCryptoKeyMessage = "Modifying the Crypto Key of VMHost {0} by using Kms Cluster {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveTimeZoneMessage = "Could not retrieve Time Zone {0} available on VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveDatastoreMessage = "Could not retrieve Datastore {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveHostProfileMessage = "Could not retrieve Host Profile {0} from Server {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveHostProfileAssociatedWithVMHostMessage = "Could not retrieve Host Profile associated with VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveKmsClusterMessage = "Could not retrieve Kms Cluster {0} from the Server. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyVMHostConfigurationMessage = "Could not modify the configuration of VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyVMHostCryptoKeyMessage = "Could not modify the Crypto Key of VMHost {0} by using Kms Cluster {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            if ($this.ShouldModifyVMHostConfiguration($vmHost)) {
                $setVMHostParams = $this.GetVMHostParamsToModify($vmHost)

                if ($this.ShouldApplyDrsRecommendation($vmHost)) {
                else {

            if ($this.ShouldModifyCryptoKeyOfVMHost($vmHost)) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $result = $true

            if ($this.ShouldModifyVMHostConfiguration($vmHost) -or $this.ShouldModifyCryptoKeyOfVMHost($vmHost)) {
                $result = $false


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostConfiguration] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostConfiguration]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the Time Zone with the specified name available on the specified VMHost.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostTimeZone($vmHost) {
        $getVMHostAvailableTimeZoneParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Name = $this.TimeZoneName
            VMHost = $vmHost
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $vmHostTimeZone = Get-VMHostAvailableTimeZone @getVMHostAvailableTimeZoneParams
            return $vmHostTimeZone
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveTimeZoneMessage -f $this.TimeZoneName, $vmHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the Datastore with the specified name that is used for storing swapfiles for the VMs that run on the specified VMHost.

    [PSObject] GetVMSwapfileDatastore($vmHost) {
        $getDatastoreParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Name = $this.VMSwapfileDatastoreName
            VMHost = $vmHost
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $vmSwapfileDatastore = Get-Datastore @getDatastoreParams
            return $vmSwapfileDatastore
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveDatastoreMessage -f $this.VMSwapfileDatastoreName, $vmHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the Host Profile with the specified name from the Server.

    [PSObject] GetHostProfile() {
        $getVMHostProfileParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Name = $this.HostProfileName
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $hostProfile = Get-VMHostProfile @getVMHostProfileParams
            return $hostProfile
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveHostProfileMessage -f $this.HostProfileName, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the Host Profile associated with the specified VMHost if the VMHost is associated with a Host Profile.
    Otherwise returns $null, which indicates that the VMHost is not associated with a Host Profile.

    [PSObject] GetHostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost($vmHost) {
        $getVMHostProfileParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Entity = $vmHost
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.HostProfileName)) {
            $getVMHostProfileParams.Name = $this.HostProfileName

        try {
            $hostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost = Get-VMHostProfile @getVMHostProfileParams
            return $hostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveHostProfileAssociatedWithVMHostMessage -f $vmHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the Kms Cluster with the specified name from the Server.

    [PSObject] GetKmsCluster() {
        try {
            $kmsCluster = Get-KmsCluster -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.KmsClusterName -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            return $kmsCluster
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveKmsClusterMessage -f $this.KmsClusterName, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates and returns the parameters which should be modified with the Set-VMHost cmdlet.

    [hashtable] GetVMHostParamsToModify($vmHost) {
        $setVMHostParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            VMHost = $vmHost
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if (
            ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.LicenseKey) -and
            $this.LicenseKey -ne $vmHost.LicenseKey
        ) { $setVMHostParams.LicenseKey = $this.LicenseKey }

        if (
            ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.TimeZoneName) -and
            $this.TimeZoneName -ne $vmHost.TimeZone.Name
        ) { $setVMHostParams.TimeZone = $this.GetVMHostTimeZone($vmHost) }

        if (
            ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.VMSwapfileDatastoreName) -and
            $this.VMSwapfileDatastoreName -ne $vmHost.VMSwapfileDatastore.Name
        ) { $setVMHostParams.VMSwapfileDatastore = $this.GetVMSwapfileDatastore($vmHost) }

        if (
            $this.VMSwapfilePolicy -ne [VMSwapfilePolicy]::Unset -and
            $this.VMSwapfilePolicy.ToString() -ne $vmHost.VMSwapfilePolicy.ToString()
        ) { $setVMHostParams.VMSwapfilePolicy = $this.VMSwapfilePolicy.ToString() }

        if ($null -ne $this.HostProfileName) {
            if ($this.HostProfileName -eq [string]::Empty) {
                # Profile value '$null' cannot be passed if the specified VMHost does not have a Host Profile associated with it.
                $hostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost = $this.GetHostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost($vmHost)
                if ($null -ne $hostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost) {
                    $setVMHostParams.Profile = $null
            else {
                $setVMHostParams.Profile = $this.GetHostProfile()

        if (
            $this.State -ne [VMHostState]::Unset -and
            $this.State.ToString() -ne $vmHost.ConnectionState.ToString()
        ) {
            $setVMHostParams.State = $this.State.ToString()
            if ($this.State -eq [VMHostState]::Maintenance) {
                if ($null -ne $this.Evacuate) { $setVMHostParams.Evacuate = $this.Evacuate }
                if ($this.VsanDataMigrationMode -ne [VsanDataMigrationMode]::Unset) { $setVMHostParams.VsanDataMigrationMode = $this.VsanDataMigrationMode.ToString() }

        return $setVMHostParams

    Checks if the configuration of the specified VMHost should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifyVMHostConfiguration($vmHost) {
        $shouldModifyVMHostConfiguration = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('State', [string] $vmHost.ConnectionState, $this.State.ToString()),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('LicenseKey', [string] $vmHost.LicenseKey, $this.LicenseKey),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('TimeZoneName', [string] $vmHost.TimeZone.Name, $this.TimeZoneName),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('VMSwapfileDatastoreName', [string] $vmHost.VMSwapfileDatastore.Name, $this.VMSwapfileDatastoreName),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('VMSwapfilePolicy', [string] $vmHost.VMSwapfilePolicy, $this.VMSwapfilePolicy.ToString())

        If the Host Profile name is specified and it is an empty string, the VMHost should not be associated with a Host Profile.
        If the Host Profile name is not an empty string, the VMHost should be associated with the specified Host Profile.

        if ($null -ne $this.HostProfileName) {
            $hostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost = $this.GetHostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost($vmHost)
            if ($this.HostProfileName -eq [string]::Empty) {
                $shouldModifyVMHostConfiguration += ($null -ne $hostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost)
            else {
                $shouldModifyVMHostConfiguration += ($null -eq $hostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost)

        return ($shouldModifyVMHostConfiguration -Contains $true)

    Checks if the CryptoKey of the specified VMHost should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifyCryptoKeyOfVMHost($vmHost) {
        $result = $false

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.KmsClusterName)) {
            $kmsCluster = $this.GetKmsCluster()
            $result = ($kmsCluster.Id -ne $vmHost.ExtensionData.Runtime.CryptoKeyId.ProviderId.Id)

        return $result

    Checks if a Drs recommendation should be generated and applied. A Drs recommendation is generated when the following criteria is met:
    1. State property is specified with 'Maintenance' value.
    2. The current State of the VMHost is not 'Maintenance'.
    3. The VMHost is part of a Drs Cluster and the Cluster is not 'Fully Automated'.

    [bool] ShouldApplyDrsRecommendation($vmHost) {
        $result = $false
        $vmHostParent = $vmHost.Parent

        if (
            $this.State -ne [VMHostState]::Unset -and
            $this.State -eq [VMHostState]::Maintenance -and
            $vmHost.ConnectionState.ToString() -ne ([VMHostState]::Maintenance).ToString() -and
            $this.IsVIObjectOfTheCorrectType($vmHostParent, $this.ClusterType)
        ) {
            $clusterAutomationLevel = $vmHostParent.DrsAutomationLevel.ToString()
            $result = (
                $vmHostParent.DrsEnabled -and
                $clusterAutomationLevel -ne ([DrsAutomationLevel]::FullyAutomated).ToString()

        return $result

    Modifies the specified configuration parameters of the VMHost.
    Generates and applies the Drs Recommendation from the Cluster of the specified VMHost.

    [void] ModifyVMHostConfigurationAndApplyDrsRecommendation($setVMHostParams) {
        $setVMHostParams.RunAsync = $true

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyVMHostConfigurationMessage, @($setVMHostParams.VMHost.Name))

            $modifyVMHostConfigurationTask = Set-VMHost @setVMHostParams

            # The Drs Recommendation is not generated immediately after 'EnterMaintenance' task generation.
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $this.EnterMaintenanceModeTaskSecondsToSleep

            $getDrsRecommendationParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Cluster = $setVMHostParams.VMHost.Parent
                Refresh = $true
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false

            $clusterDrsRecommendations = Get-DrsRecommendation @getDrsRecommendationParams
            if ($null -ne $clusterDrsRecommendations) {
                $applyDrsRecommendationParams = @{
                    DrsRecommendation = $clusterDrsRecommendations
                    RunAsync = $true
                    Confirm = $false
                    ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                    Verbose = $false

                # All generated Drs Recommendations from the Cluster should be applied and when the Task is completed all powered on VMs are relocated or powered off.
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ApplyingDrsRecommendationsFromClusterMessage, @($setVMHostParams.VMHost.Parent.Name))

                $applyDrsRecommendationTask = Apply-DrsRecommendation @applyDrsRecommendationParams
                Wait-Task -Task $applyDrsRecommendationTask -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false

            Wait-Task -Task $modifyVMHostConfigurationTask -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            # The state of the VMHost should be verified when the Task completes.
            if ($vmHost.ConnectionState.ToString() -eq ([VMHostState]::Maintenance).ToString()) {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.VMHostStateWasChangedSuccessfullyMessage, @($vmHost.Name, $vmHost.ConnectionState.ToString()))
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyVMHostConfigurationMessage -f $setVMHostParams.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Modifies the specified configuration parameters of the VMHost.

    [void] ModifyVMHostConfiguration($setVMHostParams) {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyVMHostConfigurationMessage, @($setVMHostParams.VMHost.Name))

            Set-VMHost @setVMHostParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyVMHostConfigurationMessage -f $setVMHostParams.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Modifies the CryptoKey of the specified VMHost.

    [void] ModifyVMHostCryptoKey($vmHost) {
        $setVMHostParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            VMHost = $vmHost
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        $kmsCluster = $this.GetKmsCluster()
        $setVMHostParams.KmsCluster = $kmsCluster

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyVMHostCryptoKeyMessage, @($vmHost.Name, $kmsCluster.Name))

            Set-VMHost @setVMHostParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyVMHostCryptoKeyMessage -f $vmHost.Name, $kmsCluster.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
        $result.State = $vmHost.ConnectionState.ToString()
        $result.Evacuate = $this.Evacuate
        $result.VsanDataMigrationMode = $this.VsanDataMigrationMode
        $result.LicenseKey = $vmHost.LicenseKey
        $result.TimeZoneName = $vmHost.TimeZone.Name
        $result.VMSwapfileDatastoreName = $vmHost.VMSwapfileDatastore.Name
        $result.VMSwapfilePolicy = $vmHost.VMSwapfilePolicy.ToString()

        $hostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost = $this.GetHostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost($vmHost)
        $result.HostProfileName = $hostProfileAssociatedWithVMHost.Name

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.KmsClusterName)) {
            $kmsCluster = $this.GetKmsCluster()
            $result.KmsClusterName = if ($kmsCluster.Id -ne $vmHost.ExtensionData.Runtime.CryptoKeyId.ProviderId.Id) { $kmsCluster.Name } else { $null }
        else {
            $result.KmsClusterName = $this.KmsClusterName

class VMHostDnsSettings : VMHostBaseDSC {
    List of domain name or IP address of the DNS Servers.

    [string[]] $Address

    Indicates whether DHCP is used to determine DNS configuration.

    [bool] $Dhcp

    Domain Name portion of the DNS name. For example, "vmware.com".

    [string] $DomainName

    Host Name portion of DNS name. For example, "esx01".

    [string] $HostName

    Desired value for the VMHost DNS Ipv6VirtualNicDevice.

    [string] $Ipv6VirtualNicDevice

    Domain in which to search for hosts, placed in order of preference.

    [string[]] $SearchDomain

    Desired value for the VMHost DNS VirtualNicDevice.

    [string] $VirtualNicDevice

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $vmHostDnsConfig = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.Network.DnsConfig

            $result = !((
                $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Dhcp', $vmHostDnsConfig.Dhcp, $this.Dhcp),
                $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DomainName', $vmHostDnsConfig.DomainName, $this.DomainName),
                $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('HostName', $vmHostDnsConfig.HostName, $this.HostName),
                $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Ipv6VirtualNicDevice', $vmHostDnsConfig.Ipv6VirtualNicDevice, $this.Ipv6VirtualNicDevice),
                $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('VirtualNicDevice', $vmHostDnsConfig.VirtualNicDevice, $this.VirtualNicDevice),
                $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('Address', $vmHostDnsConfig.Address, $this.Address),
                $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('SearchDomain', $vmHostDnsConfig.SearchDomain, $this.SearchDomain)
            ) -Contains $true)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostDnsSettings] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostDnsSettings]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostDnsConfig = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.Network.DnsConfig

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.Address = $vmHostDnsConfig.Address
            $result.Dhcp = $vmHostDnsConfig.Dhcp
            $result.DomainName = $vmHostDnsConfig.DomainName
            $result.HostName = $vmHostDnsConfig.HostName
            $result.Ipv6VirtualNicDevice = $vmHostDnsConfig.Ipv6VirtualNicDevice
            $result.SearchDomain = $vmHostDnsConfig.SearchDomain
            $result.VirtualNicDevice = $vmHostDnsConfig.VirtualNicDevice

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Updates the DNS Config of the VMHost with the Desired DNS Config.

    [void] UpdateDns($vmHost) {
        $dnsConfigArgs = @{
            Address = $this.Address
            Dhcp = $this.Dhcp
            DomainName = $this.DomainName
            HostName = $this.HostName
            Ipv6VirtualNicDevice = $this.Ipv6VirtualNicDevice
            SearchDomain = $this.SearchDomain
            VirtualNicDevice = $this.VirtualNicDevice

        $dnsConfig = New-DNSConfig @dnsConfigArgs

        $getViewParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Id = $vmHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.NetworkSystem
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false
        $networkSystem = Get-View @getViewParams

        try {
            Update-DNSConfig -NetworkSystem $networkSystem -DnsConfig $dnsConfig
        catch {
            throw "The DNS Config could not be updated: $($_.Exception.Message)"

class VMHostFirewallRuleset : VMHostEntityBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the firewall ruleset.

    [string] $Name

    Specifies whether the firewall ruleset should be enabled or disabled.

    [nullable[bool]] $Enabled

    Specifies whether the firewall ruleset allows connections from any IP address.

    [nullable[bool]] $AllIP

    Specifies the list of IP addresses. All IPv4 addresses are specified using dotted decimal format. For example ''.
    IPv6 addresses are 128-bit addresses represented as eight fields of up to four hexadecimal digits. A colon separates each field (:).
    For example 2001:DB8:101::230:6eff:fe04:d9ff. The address can also consist of symbol '::' to represent multiple 16-bit groups of contiguous 0's only once in an address.

    [string[]] $IPAddresses

    hidden [string] $ModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetStateMessage = "Modifying the state of firewall ruleset {0} on VMHost {1}."
    hidden [string] $ModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesListMessage = "Modifying the allowed IP addresses list of firewall ruleset {0} on VMHost {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveFirewallSystemOfVMHostMessage = "Could not retrieve the FirewallSystem managed object of VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveFirewallRulesetMessage = "Could not retrieve firewall ruleset {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetStateMessage = "Could not modify the state of firewall ruleset {0} on VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesListMessage = "Could not modify the allowed IP addresses list of firewall ruleset {0} on VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHostFirewallRuleset = $this.GetVMHostFirewallRuleset()

            if ($this.ShouldModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetState($vmHostFirewallRuleset)) {

            if ($this.ShouldModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesList($vmHostFirewallRuleset)) {
                $vmHostFirewallSystem = $this.GetVMHostFirewallSystem()
                $this.ModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesList($vmHostFirewallSystem, $vmHostFirewallRuleset)
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHostFirewallRuleset = $this.GetVMHostFirewallRuleset()

            $result = !($this.ShouldModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetState($vmHostFirewallRuleset) -or $this.ShouldModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesList($vmHostFirewallRuleset))


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostFirewallRuleset] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostFirewallRuleset]::new()


            $vmHostFirewallRuleset = $this.GetVMHostFirewallRuleset()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHostFirewallRuleset)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the FirewallSystem of the specified VMHost.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostFirewallSystem() {
        try {
            $firewallSystem = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $this.VMHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.FirewallSystem -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            return $firewallSystem
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveFirewallSystemOfVMHostMessage -f $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the firewall ruleset with the specified name on the specified VMHost.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostFirewallRuleset() {
        try {
            $vmHostFirewallRuleset = Get-VMHostFirewallException -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -VMHost $this.VMHost -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            return $vmHostFirewallRuleset
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveFirewallRulesetMessage -f $this.Name, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Converts the passed string array containing IP networks in the following format: '' to HostFirewallRulesetIpNetwork array,
    where the 'Network' is '' and the 'PrefixLength' is '22'.

    [array] ConvertIPNetworksToHostFirewallRulesetIpNetworks($ipNetworks) {
        $hostFirewallRulesetIpNetworks = @()

        foreach ($ipNetwork in $ipNetworks) {
            $ipNetworkParts = $ipNetwork -Split '/'

            $hostFirewallRulesetIpNetwork = New-Object -TypeName VMware.Vim.HostFirewallRulesetIpNetwork
            $hostFirewallRulesetIpNetwork.Network = $ipNetworkParts[0]
            $hostFirewallRulesetIpNetwork.PrefixLength = $ipNetworkParts[1]

            $hostFirewallRulesetIpNetworks += $hostFirewallRulesetIpNetwork

        return $hostFirewallRulesetIpNetworks

    Converts the passed HostFirewallRulesetIpNetwork array containing IP networks in the following format: 'Network' = '' and 'PrefixLength' = '22' to string array,
    where each IP network is in the following format: ''.

    [array] ConvertHostFirewallRulesetIpNetworksToIPNetworks($hostFirewallRulesetIpNetworks) {
        $ipNetworks = @()

        foreach ($hostFirewallRulesetIpNetwork in $hostFirewallRulesetIpNetworks) {
            $ipNetwork = $hostFirewallRulesetIpNetwork.Network + '/' + $hostFirewallRulesetIpNetwork.PrefixLength
            $ipNetworks += $ipNetwork

        return $ipNetworks

    Checks if the current firewall ruleset state (enabled or disabled) is equal to the desired firewall ruleset state.

    [bool] ShouldModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetState($vmHostFirewallRuleset) {
        return $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Enabled', $vmHostFirewallRuleset.Enabled, $this.Enabled)

    Checks if the current firewall ruleset IP addresses allowed list is equal to the desired firewall ruleset IP addresses allowed list.

    [bool] ShouldModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesList($vmHostFirewallRuleset) {
        $vmHostFirewallRulesetAllowedHosts = $vmHostFirewallRuleset.ExtensionData.AllowedHosts

        $shouldModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesList = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('AllIP', $vmHostFirewallRulesetAllowedHosts.AllIp, $this.AllIP)

        if ($null -ne $this.IPAddresses) {
            $desiredIPAddresses = $this.IPAddresses -NotMatch '/'
            $desiredIPNetworks = $this.IPAddresses -Match '/'

            $shouldModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesList += $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting(
            $shouldModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesList += $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting(

        return ($shouldModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesList -Contains $true)

    Modifies the firewall ruleset state depending on the specified value (enables or disables the firewall ruleset).

    [void] ModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetState($vmHostFirewallRuleset) {
        $setVMHostFirewallExceptionParams = @{
            Exception = $vmHostFirewallRuleset
            Enabled = $this.Enabled
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetStateMessage, @($vmHostFirewallRuleset.Name, $this.VMHost.Name))

            Set-VMHostFirewallException @setVMHostFirewallExceptionParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetStateMessage -f $vmHostFirewallRuleset.Name, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Modifies the firewall ruleset IP addresses allowed list.

    [void] ModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesList($vmHostFirewallSystem, $vmHostFirewallRuleset) {
        $vmHostFirewallRulesetSpec = New-Object -TypeName VMware.Vim.HostFirewallRulesetRulesetSpec
        $vmHostFirewallRulesetSpec.AllowedHosts = New-Object -TypeName VMware.Vim.HostFirewallRulesetIpList

        if ($null -ne $this.AllIP) { $vmHostFirewallRulesetSpec.AllowedHosts.AllIp = $this.AllIP }

        if ($null -ne $this.IPAddresses) {
            $desiredIPAddresses = $this.IPAddresses -NotMatch '/'
            $desiredIPNetworks = $this.IPAddresses -Match '/'

            $vmHostFirewallRulesetSpec.AllowedHosts.IpAddress = $desiredIPAddresses
            $vmHostFirewallRulesetSpec.AllowedHosts.IpNetwork = $this.ConvertIPNetworksToHostFirewallRulesetIpNetworks($desiredIPNetworks)

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesListMessage, @($vmHostFirewallRuleset.Name, $this.VMHost.Name))

            Update-VMHostFirewallRuleset -VMHostFirewallSystem $vmHostFirewallSystem -VMHostFirewallRulesetId $vmHostFirewallRuleset.ExtensionData.Key -VMHostFirewallRulesetSpec $vmHostFirewallRulesetSpec
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyVMHostFirewallRulesetAllowedIPAddressesListMessage -f $vmHostFirewallRuleset.Name, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHostFirewallRuleset) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHostFirewallRuleset.Name
        $result.Enabled = $vmHostFirewallRuleset.Enabled

        $vmHostFirewallRulesetAllowedHosts = $vmHostFirewallRuleset.ExtensionData.AllowedHosts
        $result.AllIP = $vmHostFirewallRulesetAllowedHosts.AllIp
        $result.IPAddresses = $vmHostFirewallRulesetAllowedHosts.IpAddress + $this.ConvertHostFirewallRulesetIpNetworksToIPNetworks($vmHostFirewallRulesetAllowedHosts.IpNetwork)

class VMHostIScsiHba : VMHostIScsiHbaBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [string] $Name

    Specifies the name for the VMHost Host Bus Adapter device.

    [string] $IScsiName

    hidden [string] $ConfigureIScsiHbaMessage = "Configuring iSCSI Host Bus Adapter {0} from VMHost {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotConfigureIScsiHbaMessage = "Could not configure iSCSI Host Bus Adapter {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $iScsiHba = $this.GetIScsiHba($this.Name)

        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $iScsiHba = $this.GetIScsiHba($this.Name)

            $shouldConfigureiScsiHba = @(
                $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('IScsiName', $iScsiHba.IScsiName, $this.IScsiName)
            $result = !($shouldConfigureiScsiHba -Contains $true)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostIScsiHba] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostIScsiHba]::new()


            $iScsiHba = $this.GetIScsiHba($this.Name)

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $iScsiHba)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Configures the CHAP properties and the iScsi name of the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [void] ConfigureIScsiHba($iScsiHba) {
        $setVMHostHbaParams = @{
            IScsiHba = $iScsiHba
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.IScsiName)) { $setVMHostHbaParams.IScsiName = $this.IScsiName }

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ConfigureIScsiHbaMessage, @($iScsiHba.Device, $this.VMHost.Name))

            Set-VMHostHba @setVMHostHbaParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotConfigureIScsiHbaMessage -f $iScsiHba.Device, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $iScsiHba) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name
        $result.Name = $iScsiHba.Device
        $result.IScsiName = $iScsiHba.IScsiName
        $result.ChapType = $iScsiHba.AuthenticationProperties.ChapType.ToString()
        $result.ChapName = [string] $iScsiHba.AuthenticationProperties.ChapName
        $result.MutualChapEnabled = $iScsiHba.AuthenticationProperties.MutualChapEnabled
        $result.MutualChapName = [string] $iScsiHba.AuthenticationProperties.MutualChapName
        $result.Force = $this.Force

class VMHostIScsiHbaTarget : VMHostIScsiHbaBaseDSC {
    Specifies the address of the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target.

    [string] $Address

    Specifies the TCP port of the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target.

    [int] $Port

    Specifies the name of the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter of the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target.

    [string] $IScsiHbaName

    Specifies the type of the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target.

    [IScsiHbaTargetType] $TargetType

    Specifies whether the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target should be present or absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Specifies the iSCSI name of the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target. It is required for Static iSCSI Host Bus Adapter targets.

    [string] $IScsiName

    Indicates that the CHAP setting is inherited from the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [nullable[bool]] $InheritChap

    Indicates that the Mutual CHAP setting is inherited from the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [nullable[bool]] $InheritMutualChap

    Specifies the <Address>:<Port> that uniquely identifies an iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target.

    hidden [string] $IPEndPoint

    hidden [string] $CreateIScsiHbaTargetMessage = "Creating iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target with IP address {0} on iSCSI Host Bus Adapter device {1}."
    hidden [string] $ModifyIScsiHbaTargetMessage = "Modifying CHAP settings of iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target with IP address {0} on iSCSI Host Bus Adapter device {1}."
    hidden [string] $RemoveIScsiHbaTargetMessage = "Removing iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target with IP address {0} from iSCSI Host Bus Adapter device {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateIScsiHbaTargetMessage = "Could not create iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target with IP address {0} on iSCSI Host Bus Adapter device {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyIScsiHbaTargetMessage = "Could not modify CHAP settings of iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target with IP address {0} on iSCSI Host Bus Adapter device {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRemoveIScsiHbaTargetMessage = "Could not remove iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target with IP address {0} from iSCSI Host Bus Adapter device {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $this.IPEndPoint = $this.Address + ':' + $this.Port.ToString()

            $iScsiHba = $this.GetIScsiHba($this.IScsiHbaName)
            $iScsiHbaTarget = $this.GetIScsiHbaTarget($iScsiHba)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $iScsiHbaTarget) {
                else {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $iScsiHbaTarget) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $this.IPEndPoint = $this.Address + ':' + $this.Port.ToString()

            $iScsiHba = $this.GetIScsiHba($this.IScsiHbaName)
            $iScsiHbaTarget = $this.GetIScsiHbaTarget($iScsiHba)

            $result = $null

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $iScsiHbaTarget) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !$this.ShouldModifyCHAPSettings($iScsiHbaTarget.AuthenticationProperties, $this.InheritChap, $this.InheritMutualChap)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $iScsiHbaTarget)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostIScsiHbaTarget] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostIScsiHbaTarget]::new()

            $this.IPEndPoint = $this.Address + ':' + $this.Port.ToString()

            $iScsiHba = $this.GetIScsiHba($this.IScsiHbaName)
            $iScsiHbaTarget = $this.GetIScsiHbaTarget($iScsiHba)

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $iScsiHbaTarget)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target with the specified IPEndPoint for the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetIScsiHbaTarget($iScsiHba) {
        $getIScsiHbaTargetParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            IScsiHba = $iScsiHba
            IPEndPoint = $this.IPEndPoint
            Type = $this.TargetType.ToString()
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        return Get-IScsiHbaTarget @getIScsiHbaTargetParams

    Creates a new iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target of the specified type with the specified address for the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [void] NewIScsiHbaTarget($iScsiHba) {
        $newIScsiHbaTargetParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Address = $this.Address
            Port = $this.Port
            IScsiHba = $iScsiHba
            Type = $this.TargetType.ToString()
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if ($this.TargetType -eq [IScsiHbaTargetType]::Static) { $newIScsiHbaTargetParams.IScsiName = $this.IScsiName }
        $this.PopulateCmdletParametersWithCHAPSettings($newIScsiHbaTargetParams, $this.InheritChap, $this.InheritMutualChap)

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.CreateIScsiHbaTargetMessage, @($this.IPEndPoint, $this.IScsiHbaName))

            New-IScsiHbaTarget @newIScsiHbaTargetParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateIScsiHbaTargetMessage -f $this.IPEndPoint, $this.IScsiHbaName, $_.Exception.Message)

    Modifies the CHAP settings of the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target.

    [void] ModifyIScsiHbaTarget($iScsiHbaTarget) {
        $setIScsiHbaTargetParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Target = $iScsiHbaTarget
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        $this.PopulateCmdletParametersWithCHAPSettings($setIScsiHbaTargetParams, $this.InheritChap, $this.InheritMutualChap)

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyIScsiHbaTargetMessage, @($this.IPEndPoint, $this.IScsiHbaName))

            Set-IScsiHbaTarget @setIScsiHbaTargetParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyIScsiHbaTargetMessage -f $this.IPEndPoint, $this.IScsiHbaName, $_.Exception.Message)

    Removes the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter target from its iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [void] RemoveIScsiHbaTarget($iScsiHbaTarget) {
        $removeIScsiHbaTargetParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Target = $iScsiHbaTarget
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RemoveIScsiHbaTargetMessage, @($this.IPEndPoint, $this.IScsiHbaName))

            Remove-IScsiHbaTarget @removeIScsiHbaTargetParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRemoveIScsiHbaTargetMessage -f $this.IPEndPoint, $this.IScsiHbaName, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $iScsiHbaTarget) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name
        $result.IScsiHbaName = $this.IScsiHbaName
        $result.Force = $this.Force

        if ($null -ne $iScsiHbaTarget) {
            $result.Address = $iScsiHbaTarget.Address
            $result.Port = $iScsiHbaTarget.Port
            $result.TargetType = $iScsiHbaTarget.Type.ToString()
            $result.IScsiName = $iScsiHbaTarget.IScsiName
            $result.InheritChap = $iScsiHbaTarget.AuthenticationProperties.ChapInherited
            $result.ChapType = $iScsiHbaTarget.AuthenticationProperties.ChapType.ToString()
            $result.ChapName = [string] $iScsiHbaTarget.AuthenticationProperties.ChapName
            $result.InheritMutualChap = $iScsiHbaTarget.AuthenticationProperties.MutualChapInherited
            $result.MutualChapEnabled = $iScsiHbaTarget.AuthenticationProperties.MutualChapEnabled
            $result.MutualChapName = [string] $iScsiHbaTarget.AuthenticationProperties.MutualChapName
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
        else {
            $result.Address = $this.Address
            $result.Port = $this.Port
            $result.TargetType = $this.TargetType
            $result.IScsiName = $this.IScsiName
            $result.InheritChap = $this.InheritChap
            $result.ChapType = $this.ChapType
            $result.ChapName = $this.ChapName
            $result.InheritMutualChap = $this.InheritMutualChap
            $result.MutualChapEnabled = $this.MutualChapEnabled
            $result.MutualChapName = $this.MutualChapName
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent

class VMHostIScsiHbaVMKernelNic : VMHostEntityBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [string] $IScsiHbaName

    Specifies the names of the VMKernel Network Adapters that should be bound/unbound
    to/from the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [string[]] $VMKernelNicNames

    Value indicating if the VMKernel Network Adapters should be bound/unbound
    to/from the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Specifies whether to bind VMKernel Network Adapters to iSCSI Host Bus Adapter
    when VMKernel Network Adapters aren't compatible for iSCSI multipathing.
    Specifies whether to unbind VMKernel Network Adapters from iSCSI Host Bus Adapter
    when there're active sessions using the VMKernel Network Adapters.

    [nullable[bool]] $Force

    hidden [string] $IScsiDeviceType = 'iSCSI'

    hidden [string] $RetrieveIScsiHbaMessage = "Retrieving iSCSI Host Bus Adapter {0} from VMHost {1}."
    hidden [string] $RetrieveEsxCliInterfaceMessage = "Retrieving EsxCli interface for VMHost {0}."
    hidden [string] $RetrieveVMKernelNicsMessage = "Retrieving VMKernel Network Adapters {0} from VMHost {1}."

    hidden [string] $VMKernelNicAlreadyBoundMessage = "VMKernel Network Adapter {0} is already bound to iSCSI Host Bus Adapter {1} and will be ignored."
    hidden [string] $VMKernelNicAlreadyUnboundMessage = "VMKernel Network Adapter {0} is already unbound from iSCSI Host Bus Adapter {1} and will be ignored."

    hidden [string] $VMKernelNicBindMessage = "Binding VMKernel Network Adapter {0} to iSCSI Host Bus Adapter {1}."
    hidden [string] $VMKernelNicUnbindMessage = "Unbinding VMKernel Network Adapter {0} from iSCSI Host Bus Adapter {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveIScsiHbaMessage = "Could not retrieve iSCSI Host Bus Adapter {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveEsxCliInterfaceMessage = "Could not retrieve EsxCli interface for VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveVMKernelNicMessage = "VMKernel Network Adapter {0} could not be retrieved from VMHost {1} and will be ignored."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotBindVMKernelNicMessage = "Could not bind VMKernel Network Adapter {0} to iSCSI Host Bus Adapter {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotUnbindVMKernelNicMessage = "Could not unbind VMKernel Network Adapter {0} from iSCSI Host Bus Adapter {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $esxCli = $this.GetEsxCli()
            $iScsiHba = $this.GetIScsiHba()

            $vmKernelNics = $this.GetVMKernelNetworkAdapters()
            $filteredVMKernelNics = $this.GetFilteredVMKernelNetworkAdapters($esxCli, $iScsiHba, $vmKernelNics)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $this.BindVMKernelNicsToIScsiHba($esxCli, $iScsiHba, $filteredVMKernelNics)
            else {
                $this.UnbindVMKernelNicsToIScsiHba($esxCli, $iScsiHba, $filteredVMKernelNics)
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $esxCli = $this.GetEsxCli()
            $iScsiHba = $this.GetIScsiHba()
            $vmKernelNics = $this.GetVMKernelNetworkAdapters()

            $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateIScsiHbaBoundNics($esxCli, $iScsiHba, $vmKernelNics)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostIScsiHbaVMKernelNic] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

            $result = [VMHostIScsiHbaVMKernelNic]::new()


            $esxCli = $this.GetEsxCli()
            $iScsiHba = $this.GetIScsiHba()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $esxCli, $iScsiHba)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the EsxCli version 2 interface to ESXCLI for the specified VMHost.

    [PSObject] GetEsxCli() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RetrieveEsxCliInterfaceMessage, @($this.VMHost.Name))

            $getEsxCliParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                VMHost = $this.VMHost
                V2 = $true
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false
            return Get-EsxCli @getEsxCliParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveEsxCliInterfaceMessage -f $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter with the specified name from the specified VMHost.
    If the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter is not found, it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetIScsiHba() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RetrieveIScsiHbaMessage, @($this.IScsiHbaName, $this.VMHost.Name))

            $getVMHostHbaParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                VMHost = $this.VMHost
                Device = $this.IScsiHbaName
                Type = $this.IScsiDeviceType
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false

            return Get-VMHostHba @getVMHostHbaParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveIScsiHbaMessage -f $this.IScsiHbaName, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the VMKernel Network Adapters with the specified names from the specified VMHost.
    For every VMKernel Network Adapter that doesn't exist, a warning message is shown to the user without throwing an exception.

    [array] GetVMKernelNetworkAdapters() {
        $vmKernelNics = @()

        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RetrieveVMKernelNicsMessage, @(($this.VMKernelNicNames -Join ', '), $this.VMHost.Name))

        $getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            VMHost = $this.VMHost
            VMKernel = $true
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false
        $retrievedVMKernelNics = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter @getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams

        foreach ($vmKernelNicName in $this.VMKernelNicNames) {
            $vmKernelNic = $retrievedVMKernelNics | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $vmKernelNicName }
            if ($null -eq $vmKernelNic) {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', $this.CouldNotRetrieveVMKernelNicMessage, @($vmKernelNicName, $this.VMHost.Name))
            else {
                $vmKernelNics += $vmKernelNic

        return $vmKernelNics

    Returns the filtered VMKernel Network Adapters based on the value of the Ensure property.
    If Ensure is set to 'Present', it returns only those VMKernel Network Adapters that are currently not bound
    to the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter. The other VMKernel Network Adapters in the array are ignored because they're already bound
    to the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter. If Ensure is set to 'Absent', it returns only these VMKernel Network Adapters that are currently
    bound to the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter. The other VMKernel Network Adapters in the array are ignored because they're not bound to the
    iSCSI Host Bus Adapter. In both cases a warning message is shown to the user when a specific VMKernel Network Adapter is ignored.

    [array] GetFilteredVMKernelNetworkAdapters($esxCli, $iScsiHba, $vmKernelNics) {
        $filteredVMKernelNics = @()

        $boundVMKernelNics = Get-IScsiHbaBoundNics -EsxCli $esxCli -IScsiHbaName $iScsiHba.Device
        foreach ($vmKernelNic in $vmKernelNics) {
            $boundVMKernelNic = $boundVMKernelNics | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Vmknic -eq $vmKernelNic.Name }
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present -and $null -ne $boundVMKernelNic) {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', $this.VMKernelNicAlreadyBoundMessage, @($vmKernelNic.Name, $iScsiHba.Device))
            elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent -and $null -eq $boundVMKernelNic) {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', $this.VMKernelNicAlreadyUnboundMessage, @($vmKernelNic.Name, $iScsiHba.Device))

            $filteredVMKernelNics += $vmKernelNic

        return $filteredVMKernelNics

    Checks if VMKernel Network Adapters should be bound/unbound to/from the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
    If Ensure is set to 'Present', checks if all passed VMKernel Network Adapters are bound to the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
    If Ensure is set to 'Absent', checks if all passed VMKernel Network Adapters are unbound from the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateIScsiHbaBoundNics($esxCli, $iScsiHba, $vmKernelNics) {
        $result = $false

        $boundVMKernelNics = Get-IScsiHbaBoundNics -EsxCli $esxCli -IScsiHbaName $iScsiHba.Device
        foreach ($vmKernelNic in $vmKernelNics) {
            $boundVMKernelNic = $boundVMKernelNics | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Vmknic -eq $vmKernelNic.Name }
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present -and $null -eq $boundVMKernelNic) {
                $result = $true
            elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent -and $null -ne $boundVMKernelNic) {
                $result = $true

        return $result

    Binds the specified VMKernel Network Adapters to the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [void] BindVMKernelNicsToIScsiHba($esxCli, $iScsiHba, $vmKernelNics) {
        foreach ($vmKernelNic in $vmKernelNics) {
            try {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.VMKernelNicBindMessage, @($vmKernelNic.Name, $iScsiHba.Device))
                Update-IScsiHbaBoundNics -EsxCli $esxCli -IScsiHbaName $iScsiHba.Device -VMKernelNicName $vmKernelNic.Name -Operation 'Add' -Force $this.Force
            catch {
                throw ($this.CouldNotBindVMKernelNicMessage -f $vmKernelNic.Name, $iScsiHba.Device, $_.Exception.Message)

    Unbinds the specified VMKernel Network Adapters from the specified iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.

    [void] UnbindVMKernelNicsToIScsiHba($esxCli, $iScsiHba, $vmKernelNics) {
        foreach ($vmKernelNic in $vmKernelNics) {
            try {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.VMKernelNicUnbindMessage, @($vmKernelNic.Name, $iScsiHba.Device))
                Update-IScsiHbaBoundNics -EsxCli $esxCli -IScsiHbaName $iScsiHba.Device -VMKernelNicName $vmKernelNic.Name -Operation 'Remove' -Force $this.Force
            catch {
                throw ($this.CouldNotUnbindVMKernelNicMessage -f $vmKernelNic.Name, $iScsiHba.Device, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $esxCli, $iScsiHba) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name
        $result.IScsiHbaName = $iScsiHba.Device
        $result.Force = $this.Force

        $boundVMKernelNics = Get-IScsiHbaBoundNics -EsxCli $esxCli -IScsiHbaName $iScsiHba.Device
        if ($boundVMKernelNics.Length -gt 0) {
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.VMKernelNicNames = $boundVMKernelNics.Vmknic
        else {
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.VMKernelNicNames = $this.VMKernelNicNames

class VMHostNtpSettings : VMHostBaseDSC {
    List of domain name or IP address of the desired NTP Servers.

    [string[]] $NtpServer

    Desired Policy of the VMHost 'ntpd' service activation.

    [ServicePolicy] $NtpServicePolicy = [ServicePolicy]::Unset

    hidden [string] $ServiceId = 'ntpd'

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $vmHostNtpConfig = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.DateTimeInfo.NtpConfig
            $vmHostServices = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.Service
            $vmHostNtpService = $vmHostServices.Service | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Key -eq $this.ServiceId }

            $result = !((
                $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('NtpServer', $vmHostNtpConfig.Server, $this.NtpServer),
                $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('NtpServicePolicy', $vmHostNtpService.Policy.ToString(), $this.NtpServicePolicy.ToString())
            ) -Contains $true)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostNtpSettings] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostNtpSettings]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $vmHostNtpConfig = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.DateTimeInfo.NtpConfig
            $vmHostServices = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.Service
            $vmHostNtpService = $vmHostServices.Service | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Key -eq $this.ServiceId }

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.NtpServer = $vmHostNtpConfig.Server
            $result.NtpServicePolicy = $vmHostNtpService.Policy

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Updates the VMHost NTP Server with the desired NTP Server array.

    [void] UpdateVMHostNtpServer($vmHost) {
        $vmHostNtpConfig = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.DateTimeInfo.NtpConfig
        if (!$this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('NtpServer', $vmHostNtpConfig.Server, $this.NtpServer)) {

        $dateTimeConfig = New-DateTimeConfig -NtpServer $this.NtpServer

        $getViewParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Id = $vmHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.DateTimeSystem
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false
        $dateTimeSystem = Get-View @getViewParams

        Update-DateTimeConfig -DateTimeSystem $dateTimeSystem -DateTimeConfig $dateTimeConfig

    Updates the VMHost 'ntpd' Service Policy with the desired Service Policy.

    [void] UpdateVMHostNtpServicePolicy($vmHost) {
        $vmHostServices = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.Service
        $vmHostNtpService = $vmHostServices.Service | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Key -eq $this.ServiceId }
        if (!$this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('NtpServicePolicy', $vmHostNtpService.Policy.ToString(), $this.NtpServicePolicy.ToString())) {

        $getViewParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Id = $vmHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.ServiceSystem
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false
        $serviceSystem = Get-View @getViewParams

        Update-ServicePolicy -ServiceSystem $serviceSystem -ServiceId $this.ServiceId -ServicePolicyValue $this.NtpServicePolicy.ToString().ToLower()

class VMHostPciPassthrough : VMHostRestartBaseDSC {
    Specifies the Id of the PCI Device, composed of "bus:slot.function".

    [string] $Id

    Specifies whether passThru has been configured for this device.

    [bool] $Enabled

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostPciPassthruSystem = $this.GetVMHostPciPassthruSystem($vmHost)
            $pciDevice = $this.GetPCIDevice($vmHostPciPassthruSystem)


        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostPciPassthruSystem = $this.GetVMHostPciPassthruSystem($vmHost)

            $pciDevice = $this.GetPCIDevice($vmHostPciPassthruSystem)

            $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Enabled', $pciDevice.PassthruEnabled, $this.Enabled)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostPciPassthrough] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostPciPassthrough]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.RestartTimeoutMinutes = $this.RestartTimeoutMinutes

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostPciPassthruSystem = $this.GetVMHostPciPassthruSystem($vmHost)

            $pciDevice = $this.GetPCIDevice($vmHostPciPassthruSystem)

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $result.Id = $pciDevice.Id
            $result.Enabled = $pciDevice.PassthruEnabled

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the PciPassthruSystem of the specified VMHost from the server.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostPciPassthruSystem($vmHost) {
        try {
            $vmHostPciPassthruSystem = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $vmHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.PciPassthruSystem -ErrorAction Stop
            return $vmHostPciPassthruSystem
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve the PciPassthruSystem of VMHost $($vmHost.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Retrieves the PCI Device with the specified Id from the server.

    [PSObject] GetPCIDevice($vmHostPciPassthruSystem) {
        $pciDevice = $vmHostPciPassthruSystem.PciPassthruInfo | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $this.Id }
        if ($null -eq $pciDevice) {
            throw "The specified PCI Device $($this.Id) does not exist for VMHost $($this.Name)."

        return $pciDevice

    Checks if the specified PCIDevice is Passthrough capable and if not, throws an exception.

    [void] EnsurePCIDeviceIsPassthruCapable($pciDevice) {
        if (!$pciDevice.PassthruCapable) {
            throw "Cannot configure PCI-Passthrough on incapable device $($pciDevice.Id)."

    Performs an update on the specified PCI Device by changing its Passthru Enabled value.

    [void] UpdatePciPassthruConfiguration($vmHostPciPassthruSystem) {
        $vmHostPciPassthruConfig = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostPciPassthruConfig

        $vmHostPciPassthruConfig.Id = $this.Id
        $vmHostPciPassthruConfig.PassthruEnabled = $this.Enabled

        try {
            Update-PassthruConfig -VMHostPciPassthruSystem $vmHostPciPassthruSystem -VMHostPciPassthruConfig $vmHostPciPassthruConfig
        catch {
            throw "The Update operation of PCI Device $($this.Id) failed with the following error: $($_.Exception.Message)"

class VMHostPermission : BaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the Entity to which the Permission applies.

    [string] $EntityName

    Specifies the location of the Entity with name specified in 'EntityName' key property. Location consists of 0 or more Inventory Items.
    When the Entity is a Datacenter, a VMHost or a Datastore, the property is ignored. If the Entity is a Virtual Machine, a Resource Pool or a vApp and empty location
    is passed, the Entity should be located in the Root Resource Pool of the VMHost. Inventory Item names in the location are separated by '/'.
    Example location for a Datastore Inventory Item: ''. Example location for a Virtual Machine Inventory Item: 'MyResourcePoolOne/MyResourcePoolTwo/MyvApp'.

    [string] $EntityLocation

    Specifies the type of the Entity of the Permission. Valid Entity types are: 'Datacenter', 'VMHost', 'Datastore', 'VM', 'ResourcePool' and 'VApp'.

    [EntityType] $EntityType

    Specifies the name of the User to which the Permission applies. If the User is a Domain User, the Principal name should be in one of the
    following formats: '<Domain Name>/<User name>' or '<User name>@<Domain Name>'. Example Principal name for Domain User: 'MyDomain/MyDomainUser' or 'MyDomainUser@MyDomain'.

    [string] $PrincipalName

    Specifies the name of the Role to which the Permission applies.

    [string] $RoleName

    Specifies whether the Permission should be present or absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Specifies whether to propagate the Permission to the child Inventory Items.

    [nullable[bool]] $Propagate

    hidden [string] $CreatePermissionMessage = "Creating Permission for Entity {0}, Principal {1} and Role {2} on VMHost {3}."
    hidden [string] $ModifyPermissionMessage = "Modifying Permission for Entity {0} and Principal {1} on VMHost {2}."
    hidden [string] $RemovePermissionMessage = "Removing Permission for Entity {0}, Principal {1} and Role {2} on VMHost {3}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveRootResourcePoolMessage = "Could not retrieve Root Resource Pool from VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $InvalidEntityLocationMessage = "Location {0} for Entity {1} on VMHost {2} is not valid."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotIdentifyVMMessage = "Could not uniquely identify VM with name {0} on VMHost {1}. {2} VMs with this name exist on the VMHost."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotFindEntityMessage = "Entity {0} of type {1} was not found on VMHost {2}."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrievePrincipalMessage = "Could not retrieve Principal {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveRoleMessage = "Could not retrieve Role from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreatePermissionMessage = "Could not create Permission for Entity {0}, Principal {1} and Role {2} on VMHost {3}. For more information: {4}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyPermissionMessage = "Could not modify Permission for Entity {0} and Principal {1} on VMHost {2}. For more information: {3}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRemovePermissionMessage = "Could not remove Permission for Entity {0}, Principal {1} and Role {2} on VMHost {3}. For more information: {4}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $foundEntityLocation = $this.GetEntityLocation()
            $entity = $this.GetEntity($foundEntityLocation)
            $vmHostPrincipal = $this.GetVMHostPrincipal()

            $vmHostPermission = $this.GetVMHostPermission($entity, $vmHostPrincipal)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $vmHostPermission) {
                    $this.NewVMHostPermission($entity, $vmHostPrincipal)
                else {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $vmHostPermission) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $foundEntityLocation = $this.GetEntityLocation()
            $entity = $this.GetEntity($foundEntityLocation)
            $vmHostPrincipal = $this.GetVMHostPrincipal()

            $vmHostPermission = $this.GetVMHostPermission($entity, $vmHostPrincipal)
            $result = $null

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $vmHostPermission) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !$this.ShouldModifyVMHostPermission($vmHostPermission)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $vmHostPermission)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostPermission] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostPermission]::new()


            $foundEntityLocation = $this.GetEntityLocation()
            $entity = $this.GetEntity($foundEntityLocation)
            $vmHostPrincipal = $this.GetVMHostPrincipal()

            $vmHostPermission = $this.GetVMHostPermission($entity, $vmHostPrincipal)
            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHostPermission)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the Root Resource Pool from the VMHost.

    [PSObject] GetRootResourcePool() {
        try {
            $vmHost = Get-VMHost -Server $this.Connection -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            $rootResourcePool = Get-ResourcePool -Server $this.Connection -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false |
                                Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ParentId -eq $vmHost.Id }

            return $rootResourcePool
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveRootResourcePoolMessage -f $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the location of the Entity with the specified name on the VMHost if it exists. For VMs, Resource Pools and vApps
    if Ensure is 'Present' and the location is not found, an exception is thrown. If Ensure is 'Absent' and the location is not found, $null is returned.

    [PSObject] GetEntityLocation() {
        $foundEntityLocation = $null

        if (
            $this.EntityType -eq [EntityType]::Datacenter -or
            $this.EntityType -eq [EntityType]::VMHost -or
            $this.EntityType -eq [EntityType]::Datastore
        ) {
            # The location is not needed to identify the Entity when it is a Datacenter, VMHost or a Datastore.
            $foundEntityLocation = $null
        else {
            $rootResourcePool = $this.GetRootResourcePool()

            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.EntityLocation)) {
                # Special case where the Entity location does not contain any Inventory Items. So the Root Resource Pool is the location for the Entity.
                $foundEntityLocation = $rootResourcePool
            elseif ($this.EntityLocation -NotMatch '/') {
                # Special case where the Entity location is just one Resource Pool or vApp. On VMHosts the vApps are also retrieved with the Get-ResourcePool cmdlet.
                $foundEntityLocation = Get-ResourcePool -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.EntityLocation -Location $rootResourcePool -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false |
                                       Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ParentId -eq $rootResourcePool.Id }
            else {
                $entityLocationItems = $this.EntityLocation -Split '/'

                # Reverses the Entity location items so that we can start from the bottom and go to the top of the Inventory.

                $entityLocationName = $entityLocationItems[0]
                $foundEntityLocations = Get-Inventory -Server $this.Connection -Name $entityLocationName -Location $rootResourcePool -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false

                # Removes the name of the Entity location from the Entity location items array as we already retrieved it.
                $entityLocationItems = $entityLocationItems[1..($entityLocationItems.Length - 1)]

                For every found Entity Location with the specified name we start to go up through the parents to check if the Entity Location is valid.
                If one of the Parents does not meet the criteria of the Entity location, we continue with the next found Entity location.
                If we find a valid Entity location we stop iterating through the Entity locations and mark it as the found Entity location.

                foreach ($entityLocation in $foundEntityLocations) {
                    $foundEntityLocationAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $entityLocation.Id -Verbose:$false -Property Parent
                    $validEntityLocation = $true

                    foreach ($entityLocationItem in $entityLocationItems) {
                        $foundEntityLocationAsViewObject = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $foundEntityLocationAsViewObject.Parent -Verbose:$false -Property Name, Parent
                        if ($foundEntityLocationAsViewObject.Name -ne $entityLocationItem) {
                            $validEntityLocation = $false

                    if ($validEntityLocation) {
                        $foundEntityLocation = $entityLocation

            $exceptionMessage = $this.InvalidEntityLocationMessage -f $this.EntityLocation, $this.EntityName, $this.Connection.Name
            $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourIfTheEntityIsNotFound($foundEntityLocation, $exceptionMessage)

        return $foundEntityLocation

    Retrieves the Entity with the specified name from the specified location on the VMHost if it exists. For VMs, Resource Pools and vApps
    if Ensure is 'Present' and the Entity is not found, an exception is thrown. If Ensure is 'Absent' and the Entity is not found, $null is returned.

    [PSObject] GetEntity($entityLocation) {
        $entity = $null

        if ($this.EntityType -eq [EntityType]::Datacenter) {
            # Each VMHost has only one Datacenter, so the name is not needed to retrieve it.
            $entity = Get-Datacenter -Server $this.Connection -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false
        elseif ($this.EntityType -eq [EntityType]::VMHost) {
            # If the Entity is a VMHost, the Entity name and location are ignored because the Connection is directly to an ESXi host.
            $entity = Get-VMHost -Server $this.Connection -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false
        elseif ($this.EntityType -eq [EntityType]::Datastore) {
            # If the Entity is a Datastore, the Entity location is ignored because the name uniquely identifies the Datastore.
            $entity = Get-Datastore -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.EntityName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false
        elseif ($this.EntityType -eq [EntityType]::VM) {
            If the Entity is a VM, the Entity location is either a Resource Pool or a vApp where the VM is placed. If the VMHost is managed by a vCenter,
            there is a special case where two VMs could be created with the same name on the same VMHost but on different vCenter folders. And this way the
            VM could not be uniquely identified on the VMHost.

            $entity = Get-VM -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.EntityName -Location $entityLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false

            # Only throw an exception if Ensure is 'Present', otherwise ignore that multiple VMs were found.
            if ($entity.Length -gt 1 -and $this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                throw ($this.CouldNotIdentifyVMMessage -f $this.EntityName, $this.Connection.Name, $entity.Length)
        else {
            If the Entity is a Resource Pool or vApp, the Entity location is either a Resource Pool or a vApp where the Entity is placed. For a specific Resource Pool
            or vApp, the name does not uniquely identify the Entity because there can be other Resource Pools or vApps below in the hierarchy with the same name placed in the
            Entity location. So additional filtering is needed to verify that the Entity is directly placed in the specified Entity location.

            $entity = Get-ResourcePool -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.EntityName -Location $entityLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false |
                      Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ParentId -eq $entityLocation.Id }

        $exceptionMessage = $this.CouldNotFindEntityMessage -f $this.EntityName, $this.EntityType.ToString(), $this.Connection.Name
        $this.EnsureCorrectBehaviourIfTheEntityIsNotFound($entity, $exceptionMessage)

        return $entity

    Retrieves the Principal with the specified name from the VMHost if it exists.
    If the name contains '\' or '@', it means that the Principal is part of a Domain, so the search for the Principal should be done by filtering by Domain.
    If Ensure is 'Present' and the Principal is not found, an exception is thrown. If Ensure is 'Absent' and the Principal is not found, $null is returned.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostPrincipal() {
        $getVIAccountParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Verbose = $false

        # If the Principal is a Domain User, we should extact the Domain and User names from the Principal name.
        if ($this.PrincipalName -Match '\\') {
            $principalNameParts = $this.PrincipalName -Split '\\'
            $domainName = $principalNameParts[0]
            $username = $principalNameParts[1]

            $getVIAccountParams.Domain = $domainName
            $getVIAccountParams.User = $true
            $getVIAccountParams.Id = $username
        elseif ($this.PrincipalName -Match '@') {
            $principalNameParts = $this.PrincipalName -Split '@'
            $username = $principalNameParts[0]
            $domainName = $principalNameParts[1]

            $getVIAccountParams.Domain = $domainName
            $getVIAccountParams.User = $true
            $getVIAccountParams.Id = $username
        else {
            $getVIAccountParams.Id = $this.PrincipalName

        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) {
            $getVIAccountParams.ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            return Get-VIAccount @getVIAccountParams
        else {
            try {
                $getVIAccountParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                $vmHostPrincipal = Get-VIAccount @getVIAccountParams

                return $vmHostPrincipal
            catch {
                throw ($this.CouldNotRetrievePrincipalMessage -f $this.PrincipalName, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the Permission applied to the specified Entity and Principal from the VMHost if it exists.
    If one of the Entity and Principal parameters is $null, $null is returned.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostPermission($entity, $vmHostPrincipal) {
        if ($null -eq $entity -or $null -eq $vmHostPrincipal) {
            return $null

        return Get-VIPermission -Server $this.Connection -Entity $entity -Principal $vmHostPrincipal -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false

    Retrieves the Role with the specified name from the VMHost if it exists.
    Otherwise it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostRole() {
        try {
            $vmHostRole = Get-VIRole -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.RoleName -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            return $vmHostRole
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveRoleMessage -f $this.RoleName, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Ensures the correct behaviour if the Entity is not found based on the passed Ensure value.
    If Ensure is 'Present' and the Entity is not found, the method should throw an exception.

    [void] EnsureCorrectBehaviourIfTheEntityIsNotFound($entity, $exceptionMessage) {
        if ($null -eq $entity) {
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                throw $exceptionMessage

    Checks if the specified Permission should be modified. The Permission should be modified if the desired Role is different
    from the current one or if the Propagate behaviour should be different.

    [bool] ShouldModifyVMHostPermission($vmHostPermission) {
        $shouldModifyVMHostPermission = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('RoleName', [string] $vmHostPermission.Role, $this.RoleName),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Propagate', $vmHostPermission.Propagate, $this.Propagate)

        return ($shouldModifyVMHostPermission -Contains $true)

    Creates a new Permission and applies it to the specified Entity, Principal and Role.

    [void] NewVMHostPermission($entity, $vmHostPrincipal) {
        $vmHostRole = $this.GetVMHostRole()
        $newVIPermissionParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Entity = $entity
            Principal = $vmHostPrincipal
            Role = $vmHostRole
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Propagate) {
            $newVIPermissionParams.Propagate = $this.Propagate

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.CreatePermissionMessage, @($entity.Name, $vmHostPrincipal.Name, $vmHostRole.Name, $this.Connection.Name))

            New-VIPermission @newVIPermissionParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreatePermissionMessage -f $entity.Name, $vmHostPrincipal.Name, $vmHostRole.Name, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Modifies the properties of the specified Permission. Changes the Role if the desired one is not the same as the current one.
    It also changes the propagate behaviour of the Permission if the 'Propagate' property is specified.

    [void] ModifyVMHostPermission($vmHostPermission) {
        $setVIPermissionParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Permission = $vmHostPermission
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if ($vmHostPermission.Role -ne $this.RoleName) {
            $vmHostRole = $this.GetVMHostRole()
            $setVIPermissionParams.Role = $vmHostRole

        if ($null -ne $this.Propagate) {
            $setVIPermissionParams.Propagate = $this.Propagate

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyPermissionMessage, @($vmHostPermission.Entity.Name, $vmHostPermission.Principal, $this.Connection.Name))

            Set-VIPermission @setVIPermissionParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyPermissionMessage -f $vmHostPermission.Entity.Name, $vmHostPermission.Principal, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Removes the specified Permission.

    [void] RemoveVMHostPermission($vmHostPermission) {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RemovePermissionMessage, @($vmHostPermission.Entity.Name, $vmHostPermission.Principal, $vmHostPermission.Role, $this.Connection.Name))

            $vmHostPermission | Remove-VIPermission -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRemovePermissionMessage -f $vmHostPermission.Entity.Name, $vmHostPermission.Principal, $vmHostPermission.Role, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHostPermission) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.EntityLocation = $this.EntityLocation
        $result.EntityType = $this.EntityType

        if ($null -ne $vmHostPermission) {
            $result.EntityName = $vmHostPermission.Entity.Name
            $result.PrincipalName = $vmHostPermission.Principal
            $result.RoleName = $vmHostPermission.Role
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.Propagate = $vmHostPermission.Propagate
        else {
            $result.EntityName = $this.EntityName
            $result.PrincipalName = $this.PrincipalName
            $result.RoleName = $this.RoleName
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.Propagate = $this.Propagate

class VMHostPowerPolicy : VMHostBaseDSC {
    Specifies the Power Management Policy for the specified VMHost.

    [PowerPolicy] $PowerPolicy

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostPowerSystem = $this.GetVMHostPowerSystem($vmHost)

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $currentPowerPolicy = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.PowerSystemInfo.CurrentPolicy

            $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('PowerPolicy', $currentPowerPolicy.Key, $this.PowerPolicy)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostPowerPolicy] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostPowerPolicy]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $currentPowerPolicy = $vmHost.ExtensionData.Config.PowerSystemInfo.CurrentPolicy

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $result.PowerPolicy = $currentPowerPolicy.Key

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Power System of the specified VMHost from the server.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostPowerSystem($vmHost) {
        try {
            $vmHostPowerSystem = Get-View -Server $this.Connection -Id $vmHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.PowerSystem -ErrorAction Stop
            return $vmHostPowerSystem
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve the Power System of VMHost $($vmHost.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Performs an update on the Power Management Policy of the specified VMHost.

    [void] UpdatePowerPolicy($vmHostPowerSystem) {
        try {
            Update-PowerPolicy -VMHostPowerSystem $vmHostPowerSystem -PowerPolicy $this.PowerPolicy
        catch {
            throw "The Power Policy of VMHost $($this.Name) could not be updated: $($_.Exception.Message)"

class VMHostRole : BaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the Role on the VMHost.

    [string] $Name

    Specifies whether the Role on the VMHost should be present or absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Specifies the ids of the Privileges for the Role on the VMHost. The Privilege ids should be in the following format: '<Privilege Group id>.<Privilege Item id>'.
    Exampe Privilege id: 'VirtualMachine.Inventory.Create' where 'VirtualMachine.Inventory' is the Privilege Group id and 'Create' is the id of the Privilege item.

    [string[]] $PrivilegeIds

    hidden [string] $CreateRoleMessage = "Creating Role {0} on VMHost {1}."
    hidden [string] $CreateRoleWithPrivilegesMessage = "Creating Role {0} with Privileges {1} on VMHost {2}."
    hidden [string] $ModifyPrivilegesOfRoleMessage = "Modifying Privileges of Role {0} on VMHost {1}."
    hidden [string] $RemoveRoleMessage = "Removing Role {0} on VMHost {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotFindPrivilegeMessage = "The passed Privilege {0} was not found and it will be ignored."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveRolePrivilegesMessage = "Could not retrieve Privilege {0} of Role {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateRoleMessage = "Could not create Role {0} on VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateRoleWithPrivilegesMessage = "Could not create Role {0} with Privileges {1} on VMHost {2}. For more information: {3}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyPrivilegesOfRoleMessage = "Could not modify Privileges of Role {0} on VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRemoveRoleMessage = "Could not remove Role {0} on VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $vmHostRole = $this.GetVMHostRole()

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $desiredPrivileges = $this.GetPrivileges()

                if ($null -eq $vmHostRole) {
                    if ($desiredPrivileges.Length -gt 0) {
                    else {
                else {
                    $currentPrivileges = $this.GetRolePrivileges($vmHostRole, $desiredPrivileges)
                    $this.ModifyPrivilegesOfVMHostRole($vmHostRole, $currentPrivileges, $desiredPrivileges)
            else {
                if ($null -ne $vmHostRole) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $vmHostRole = $this.GetVMHostRole()
            $result = $null

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $vmHostRole) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $desiredPrivileges = $this.GetPrivileges()
                    $desiredPrivilegeIds = if ($desiredPrivileges.Length -eq 0) { $null } else { $desiredPrivileges.Id }

                    $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('PrivilegeList', $vmHostRole.PrivilegeList, $desiredPrivilegeIds)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $vmHostRole)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostRole] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostRole]::new()


            $vmHostRole = $this.GetVMHostRole()
            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHostRole)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the Role with the specified name on the VMHost if it exists, otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostRole() {
        return Get-VIRole -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false

    Retrieves the Privileges with the specified ids on the VMHost if they exist.
    For every Privilege that does not exist, a warning message is shown to the user without throwing an exception.

    [array] GetPrivileges() {
        $privileges = @()

        foreach ($privilegeId in $this.PrivilegeIds) {
            $privilege = Get-VIPrivilege -Server $this.Connection -Id $privilegeId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false
            if ($null -eq $privilege) {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', $this.CouldNotFindPrivilegeMessage, @($privilegeId))
            else {
                $privileges += $privilege

        return $privileges

    Retrieves the Privileges of the Role on the VMHost.

    [array] GetRolePrivileges($vmHostRole, $desiredPrivileges) {
        $rolePrivileges = @()

        foreach ($privilegeId in $vmHostRole.PrivilegeList) {
            Here we can check if the desired Privilege list already contains the Role Privilege and this way
            we can skip the server call because the Privilege object is already available in the array of Privileges.

            if ($desiredPrivileges.Length -gt 0 -and $desiredPrivileges.Id.Contains($privilegeId)) {
                $rolePrivileges += ($desiredPrivileges | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Id -eq $privilegeId })
            else {
                try {
                    $rolePrivilige = Get-VIPrivilege -Server $this.Connection -Id $privilegeId -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
                    $rolePrivileges += $rolePrivilige
                catch {
                    throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveRolePrivilegesMessage -f $privilegeId, $vmHostRole.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

        return $rolePrivileges

    Creates a new Role with the specified name on the VMHost.

    [void] NewVMHostRole() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.CreateRoleMessage, @($this.Name, $this.Connection.Name))

            New-VIRole -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateRoleMessage -f $this.Name, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Creates a new Role with the specified name on the VMHost and applies the provided Privileges.

    [void] NewVMHostRole($desiredPrivileges) {
        $desiredPrivilegeIds = [string]::Join(', ', $desiredPrivileges.Id)

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.CreateRoleWithPrivilegesMessage, @($this.Name, $desiredPrivilegeIds, $this.Connection.Name))

            New-VIRole -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -Privilege $desiredPrivileges -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateRoleWithPrivilegesMessage -f $this.Name, $desiredPrivilegeIds, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Modifies the Privileges of the Role on the VMHost. The 'Set-VIRole' cmdlet has two parameters for Privileges - 'AddPrivilege' and 'RemovePrivilege'.
    So based on the provided desired Privileges we need to add those of them that are not yet Privileges of the Role and also remove existing ones
    from the Privilege list of the Role because they are not specified as desired.

    [void] ModifyPrivilegesOfVMHostRole($vmHostRole, $currentPrivileges, $desiredPrivileges) {
        $setVIRoleParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Role = $vmHostRole
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false
        $privilegesToAdd = @()
        $privilegesToRemove = @()

        If the Role does not have Privileges, it means that all desired Privileges need to be marked as Privileges to add.
        Otherwise Privileges to add are those that are not present in the Privilege list of the Role and Privileges
        to remove are those that are not present in the desired Privilege list.

        if ($currentPrivileges.Length -eq 0) {
            $privilegesToAdd = $desiredPrivileges
        else {
            $privilegesToAdd = $desiredPrivileges | Where-Object -FilterScript { $currentPrivileges -NotContains $_ }
            $privilegesToRemove = $currentPrivileges | Where-Object -FilterScript { $desiredPrivileges -NotContains $_ }

        If the Privileges to add array is empty, it means that only removal of Privileges is needed. Otherwise, we first add
        all the specified Privileges that are not present in the list of Privileges of the Role and after that check if there are
        Privileges to remove from that list. The 'AddPrivilege' entry needs to be removed from the params hashtable because 'AddPrivilege'
        and 'RemovePrivilege' parameters of 'Set-VIRole' cmdlet are in different parameter sets, so two cmdlet invocations need to be made.

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyPrivilegesOfRoleMessage, @($vmHostRole.Name, $this.Connection.Name))

            if ($privilegesToAdd.Length -eq 0) {
                $setVIRoleParams.RemovePrivilege = $privilegesToRemove
                Set-VIRole @setVIRoleParams
            else {
                $setVIRoleParams.AddPrivilege = $privilegesToAdd
                Set-VIRole @setVIRoleParams

                if ($privilegesToRemove.Length -gt 0) {
                    $setVIRoleParams.RemovePrivilege = $privilegesToRemove

                    Set-VIRole @setVIRoleParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyPrivilegesOfRoleMessage -f $vmHostRole.Name, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Removes the Role on the VMHost. All Permissions associated with the Role will be removed as well.

    [void] RemoveVMHostRole($vmHostRole) {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RemoveRoleMessage, @($vmHostRole.Name, $this.Connection.Name))

            $vmHostRole | Remove-VIRole -Server $this.Connection -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRemoveRoleMessage -f $vmHostRole.Name, $this.Connection.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHostRole) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name

        if ($null -ne $vmHostRole) {
            $result.Name = $vmHostRole.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.PrivilegeIds = $vmHostRole.PrivilegeList
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.PrivilegeIds = $this.PrivilegeIds

class VMHostSatpClaimRule : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    Value indicating if the SATP Claim Rule should be Present or Absent.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Name of the SATP Claim Rule.

    [string] $RuleName

    PSP options for the SATP Claim Rule.

    [string] $PSPOptions

    Transport Property of the Satp Claim Rule.

    [string] $Transport

    Description string to set when adding the SATP Claim Rule.

    [string] $Description

    Vendor string to set when adding the SATP Claim Rule.

    [string] $Vendor

    System default rule added at boot time.

    [nullable[bool]] $Boot

    Claim type for the SATP Claim Rule.

    [string] $Type

    Device of the SATP Claim Rule.

    [string] $Device

    Driver string for the SATP Claim Rule.

    [string] $Driver

    Claim option string for the SATP Claim Rule.

    [string] $ClaimOptions

    Default PSP for the SATP Claim Rule.

    [string] $Psp

    Option string for the SATP Claim Rule.

    [string] $Options

    Model string for the SATP Claim Rule.

    [string] $Model

    Value, which ignores validity checks and install the rule anyway.

    [nullable[bool]] $Force

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $satpClaimRule = $this.GetSatpClaimRule()
            $satpClaimRulePresent = ($null -ne $satpClaimRule)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if (!$satpClaimRulePresent) {
            else {
                if ($satpClaimRulePresent) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $satpClaimRule = $this.GetSatpClaimRule()
            $satpClaimRulePresent = ($null -ne $satpClaimRule)

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $result = $satpClaimRulePresent
            else {
                $result = -not $satpClaimRulePresent


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostSatpClaimRule] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostSatpClaimRule]::new()

            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.RuleName = $this.RuleName
            $result.Boot = $this.Boot
            $result.Type = $this.Type
            $result.Force = $this.Force

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name

            $satpClaimRule = $this.GetSatpClaimRule()
            $satpClaimRulePresent = ($null -ne $satpClaimRule)

            if (!$satpClaimRulePresent) {
                $result.Ensure = "Absent"
                $result.Psp = $this.Psp
                $this.PopulateResult($result, $this)
            else {
                $result.Ensure = "Present"
                $result.Psp = $satpClaimRule.DefaultPSP
                $this.PopulateResult($result, $satpClaimRule)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Returns a boolean value indicating if the desired SATP Claim Rule is equal to the passed SATP Claim Rule.

    [bool] Equals($satpClaimRule) {
        if ($this.RuleName -ne $satpClaimRule.Name) {
            return $false

            For every optional property we check if it is not passed(if it is null), because
            all properties on the server, which are not set are returned as empty strings and
            if we compare null with empty string the equality will fail.

        if ($null -ne $this.PSPOptions -and $this.PSPOptions -ne $satpClaimRule.PSPOptions) {
            return $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Transport -and $this.Transport -ne $satpClaimRule.Transport) {
            return $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Description -and $this.Description -ne $satpClaimRule.Description) {
            return $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Vendor -and $this.Vendor -ne $satpClaimRule.Vendor) {
            return $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Device -and $this.Device -ne $satpClaimRule.Device) {
            return $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Driver -and $this.Driver -ne $satpClaimRule.Driver) {
            return $false

        if ($null -ne $this.ClaimOptions -and $this.ClaimOptions -ne $satpClaimRule.ClaimOptions) {
            return $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Psp -and $this.Psp -ne $satpClaimRule.DefaultPSP) {
            return $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Options -and $this.Options -ne $satpClaimRule.Options) {
            return $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Model -and $this.Model -ne $satpClaimRule.Model) {
            return $false

        return $true

    Returns the desired SatpClaimRule if the Rule is present on the server, otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetSatpClaimRule() {
        $foundSatpClaimRule = $null
        $satpClaimRules = Get-SATPClaimRules -EsxCli $this.EsxCli

        foreach ($satpClaimRule in $satpClaimRules) {
            if ($this.Equals($satpClaimRule)) {
                $foundSatpClaimRule = $satpClaimRule

        return $foundSatpClaimRule

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the SATP Claim Rule properties from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $satpClaimRule) {
        $result.PSPoptions = $satpClaimRule.PSPOptions
        $result.Transport = $satpClaimRule.Transport
        $result.Description = $satpClaimRule.Description
        $result.Vendor = $satpClaimRule.Vendor
        $result.Device = $satpClaimRule.Device
        $result.Driver = $satpClaimRule.Driver
        $result.ClaimOptions = $satpClaimRule.ClaimOptions
        $result.Options = $satpClaimRule.Options
        $result.Model = $satpClaimRule.Model

    Populates the arguments for the Add and Remove operations of SATP Claim Rule with the specified properties from the user.

    [void] PopulateSatpArgs($satpArgs) {
        $satpArgs.satp = $this.RuleName
        $satpArgs.pspoption = $this.PSPoptions
        $satpArgs.transport = $this.Transport
        $satpArgs.description = $this.Description
        $satpArgs.vendor = $this.Vendor
        $satpArgs.type = $this.Type
        $satpArgs.device = $this.Device
        $satpArgs.driver = $this.Driver
        $satpArgs.claimoption = $this.ClaimOptions
        $satpArgs.psp = $this.Psp
        $satpArgs.option = $this.Options
        $satpArgs.model = $this.Model

        if ($null -ne $this.Boot) { $satpArgs.boot = $this.Boot }

    Installs the new SATP Claim Rule with the specified properties from the user.

    [void] AddSatpClaimRule() {
        $satpArgs = Add-CreateArgs -EsxCli $this.EsxCli
        if ($null -ne $this.Force) { $satpArgs.force = $this.Force }


        try {
            Add-SATPClaimRule -EsxCli $this.EsxCli -SatpArgs $satpArgs
        catch {
            throw "EsxCLI command for adding satp rule failed with the following exception: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Uninstalls the SATP Claim Rule with the specified properties from the user.

    [void] RemoveSatpClaimRule() {
        $satpArgs = Remove-CreateArgs -EsxCli $this.EsxCli


        try {
            Remove-SATPClaimRule -EsxCli $this.EsxCli -SatpArgs $satpArgs
        catch {
            throw "EsxCLI command for removing satp rule failed with the following exception: $($_.Exception.Message)"

class VMHostScsiLun : VMHostEntityBaseDSC {
    Specifies the canonical name of the SCSI device. An example of a SCSI canonical name is 'vmhba0:0:0:0'.

    [string] $CanonicalName

    Specifies the policy that the Lun must use when choosing a path. The following values are valid:
    Fixed - uses the preferred SCSI Lun path whenever possible.
    RoundRobin - load balance.
    MostRecentlyUsed - uses the most recently used SCSI Lun path.

    [MultipathPolicy] $MultipathPolicy = [MultipathPolicy]::Unset

    Specifies the name of the preferred SCSI Lun path to access the SCSI Lun.

    [string] $PreferredScsiLunPathName

    Specifies the maximum number of I/O blocks to be issued on a given path before the system tries to select a different path. Modifying this setting affects all SCSI Lun devices that are connected to the same VMHost.
    The default value is 2048. Setting this parameter to zero (0) disables switching based on blocks.

    [nullable[int]] $BlocksToSwitchPath

    Specifies the maximum number of I/O requests to be issued on a given path before the system tries to select a different path. Modifying this setting affects all SCSI Lun devices that are connected to the same VMHost.
    The default value is 50. Setting this parameter to zero (0) disables switching based on commands. This parameter is not supported on vCenter Server 4.x.

    [nullable[int]] $CommandsToSwitchPath

    Specifies whether to remove all partitions from the SCSI disk.

    [nullable[bool]] $DeletePartitions

    Marks the SCSI disk as local or remote. If the value is $true, the SCSI disk is local. If the value is $false, the SCSI disk is remote.

    [nullable[bool]] $IsLocal

    Marks the SCSI disk as an SSD or HDD. If the value is $true, the SCSI disk is SSD type. If the value is $false, the SCSI disk is HDD type.

    [nullable[bool]] $IsSsd

    hidden [string] $ModifyScsiLunConfigurationMessage = "Modifying the configuration of SCSI device {0} from VMHost {1}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveScsiLunMessage = "Could not retrieve SCSI device {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveScsiLunPathMessage = "Could not retrieve SCSI Lun path {0} to SCSI device {1} from VMHost {2}. For more information: {3}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrievePreferredScsiLunPathMessage = "Could not retrieve the preferred SCSI Lun path to SCSI device {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveScsiLunDiskInformationMessage = "Could not retrieve SCSI Lun disk information for SCSI device {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotModifyScsiLunConfigurationMessage = "Could not modify the configuration of SCSI device {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $scsiLun = $this.GetScsiLun()

        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $scsiLun = $this.GetScsiLun()

            $result = !$this.ShouldModifyScsiLunConfiguration($scsiLun)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostScsiLun] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostScsiLun]::new()


            $scsiLun = $this.GetScsiLun()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $scsiLun)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the SCSI device with the specified canonical name from the specified VMHost if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetScsiLun() {
        try {
            $scsiLun = Get-ScsiLun -Server $this.Connection -VmHost $this.VMHost -CanonicalName $this.CanonicalName -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            return $scsiLun
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveScsiLunMessage -f $this.CanonicalName, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the SCSI Lun path with the specified name to the specified SCSI device if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetScsiLunPath($scsiLun) {
        try {
            $scsiLunPath = Get-ScsiLunPath -Name $this.PreferredScsiLunPathName -ScsiLun $scsiLun -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            return $scsiLunPath
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveScsiLunPathMessage -f $this.PreferredScsiLunPathName, $scsiLun.CanonicalName, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the preferred SCSI Lun path to the specified SCSI device.

    [PSObject] GetPreferredScsiLunPath($scsiLun) {
        try {
            # For each SCSI device there is only one SCSI Lun path which is preferred.
            $preferredScsiLunPath = Get-ScsiLunPath -ScsiLun $scsiLun -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false |
                                    Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Preferred }
            return $preferredScsiLunPath
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrievePreferredScsiLunPathMessage -f $scsiLun.CanonicalName, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves SCSI Lun disk information for the specified SCSI device.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostDisk($scsiLun) {
        try {
            $vmHostDisk = Get-VMHostDisk -ScsiLun $scsiLun -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            return $vmHostDisk
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveScsiLunDiskInformationMessage -f $scsiLun.CanonicalName, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Checks if the SCSI device configuration should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifyScsiLunConfiguration($scsiLun) {
        $shouldModifyScsiLunConfiguration = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('MultipathPolicy', [string] $scsiLun.MultipathPolicy, $this.MultipathPolicy.ToString()),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('IsLocal', $scsiLun.IsLocal, $this.IsLocal),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('IsSsd', $scsiLun.IsSsd, $this.IsSsd)

        # 'BlocksToSwitchPath' and 'CommandsToSwitchPath' properties should determine the Desired State only when the desired Multipath policy is 'Round Robin'.
        if ($this.MultipathPolicy -eq [MultipathPolicy]::RoundRobin) {
            $shouldModifyScsiLunConfiguration += $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting(
                [int] $scsiLun.BlocksToSwitchPath,
            $shouldModifyScsiLunConfiguration += $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting(
                [int] $scsiLun.CommandsToSwitchPath,

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.PreferredScsiLunPathName) -and $this.MultipathPolicy -eq [MultipathPolicy]::Fixed) {
            $scsiLunPath = $this.GetScsiLunPath($scsiLun)

            # If the found SCSI Lun path is not preferred, the SCSI device is not in a desired state.
            $shouldModifyScsiLunConfiguration += !$scsiLunPath.Preferred

        # If the VMHost disk has existing partitions and 'DeletePartitions' is specified, the SCSI device is not in a desired state.
        if ($null -ne $this.DeletePartitions -and $this.DeletePartitions) {
            $vmHostDisk = $this.GetVMHostDisk($scsiLun)
            $shouldModifyScsiLunConfiguration += ($null -ne $vmHostDisk.ExtensionData.Spec.Partition)

        return ($shouldModifyScsiLunConfiguration -Contains $true)

    Modifies the configuration of the specified SCSI device.

    [void] ModifyScsiLunConfiguration($scsiLun) {
        $setScsiLunParams = @{
            ScsiLun = $scsiLun
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if ($this.MultipathPolicy -ne [MultipathPolicy]::Unset) { $setScsiLunParams.MultipathPolicy = $this.MultipathPolicy.ToString() }
        if ($null -ne $this.IsLocal) { $setScsiLunParams.IsLocal = $this.IsLocal }
        if ($null -ne $this.IsSsd) { $setScsiLunParams.IsSsd = $this.IsSsd }

        # 'BlocksToSwitchPath' and 'CommandsToSwitchPath' parameters should be passed to the cmdlet only if the desired Multipath policy is 'Round Robin'.
        if ($this.MultipathPolicy -eq [MultipathPolicy]::RoundRobin) {
            if ($null -ne $this.BlocksToSwitchPath) { $setScsiLunParams.BlocksToSwitchPath = $this.BlocksToSwitchPath }
            if ($null -ne $this.CommandsToSwitchPath) { $setScsiLunParams.CommandsToSwitchPath = $this.CommandsToSwitchPath }

        if ($null -ne $this.DeletePartitions) {
            # Force should be specified to avoid the user being asked for confirmation when deleting disk partitions.
            $setScsiLunParams.DeletePartitions = $this.DeletePartitions
            $setScsiLunParams.Force = $true

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.PreferredScsiLunPathName) -and $this.MultipathPolicy -eq [MultipathPolicy]::Fixed) {
            $scsiLunPath = $this.GetScsiLunPath($scsiLun)
            $setScsiLunParams.PreferredPath = $scsiLunPath

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ModifyScsiLunConfigurationMessage, @($scsiLun.CanonicalName, $this.VMHost.Name))

            Set-ScsiLun @setScsiLunParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotModifyScsiLunConfigurationMessage -f $scsiLun.CanonicalName, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $scsiLun) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name
        $result.CanonicalName = $scsiLun.CanonicalName
        $result.MultipathPolicy = $scsiLun.MultipathPolicy.ToString()
        $result.BlocksToSwitchPath = [int] $scsiLun.BlocksToSwitchPath
        $result.CommandsToSwitchPath = [int] $scsiLun.CommandsToSwitchPath
        $result.IsLocal = $scsiLun.IsLocal
        $result.IsSsd = $scsiLun.IsSsd

        $preferredScsiLunPath = $this.GetPreferredScsiLunPath($scsiLun)
        $result.PreferredScsiLunPathName = $preferredScsiLunPath.Name
        $result.DeletePartitions = $this.DeletePartitions

class VMHostScsiLunPath : VMHostEntityBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the SCSI Lun path to the specified SCSI device in 'ScsiLunCanonicalName' key property.

    [string] $Name

    Specifies the canonical name of the SCSI device for the specified SCSI Lun path in 'Name' key property.

    [string] $ScsiLunCanonicalName

    Specifies whether the SCSI Lun path should be active.

    [nullable[bool]] $Active

    Specifies whether the SCSI Lun path should be preferred. Only one SCSI Lun path can be preferred, so when a SCSI Lun path is made preferred, the preference is removed from the previously preferred SCSI Lun path.

    [nullable[bool]] $Preferred

    hidden [string] $ActiveScsiLunPathState = 'Active'

    hidden [string] $ConfigureScsiLunPathMessage = "Configuring SCSI Lun path {0} to SCSI device {1} from VMHost {2}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveScsiLunMessage = "Could not retrieve SCSI device {0} from VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveScsiLunPathMessage = "Could not retrieve SCSI Lun path {0} to SCSI device {1} from VMHost {2}. For more information: {3}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotConfigureScsiLunPathMessage = "Could not configure SCSI Lun path {0} to SCSI device {1} from VMHost {2}. For more information: {3}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $scsiLun = $this.GetScsiLun()
            $scsiLunPath = $this.GetScsiLunPath($scsiLun)

        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $scsiLun = $this.GetScsiLun()
            $scsiLunPath = $this.GetScsiLunPath($scsiLun)

            $result = !$this.ShouldConfigureScsiLunPath($scsiLunPath)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostScsiLunPath] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostScsiLunPath]::new()


            $scsiLun = $this.GetScsiLun()
            $scsiLunPath = $this.GetScsiLunPath($scsiLun)

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $scsiLunPath)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the SCSI device with the specified canonical name from the specified VMHost if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetScsiLun() {
        try {
            $scsiLun = Get-ScsiLun -Server $this.Connection -VmHost $this.VMHost -CanonicalName $this.ScsiLunCanonicalName -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            return $scsiLun
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveScsiLunMessage -f $this.ScsiLunCanonicalName, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Retrieves the SCSI Lun path with the specified name to the specified SCSI device if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetScsiLunPath($scsiLun) {
        try {
            $scsiLunPath = Get-ScsiLunPath -Name $this.Name -ScsiLun $scsiLun -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            return $scsiLunPath
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveScsiLunPathMessage -f $this.Name, $scsiLun.CanonicalName, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Checks if the SCSI Lun path should be configured depending on the desired 'Active' and 'Preferred' values.

    [bool] ShouldConfigureScsiLunPath($scsiLunPath) {
        $shouldConfigureScsiLunPath = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Preferred', $scsiLunPath.Preferred, $this.Preferred)

        if ($null -ne $this.Active) {
            $currentScsiLunPathState = $scsiLunPath.State.ToString()
            if ($this.Active) {
                $shouldConfigureScsiLunPath += ($currentScsiLunPathState -ne $this.ActiveScsiLunPathState)
            else {
                $shouldConfigureScsiLunPath += ($currentScsiLunPathState -eq $this.ActiveScsiLunPathState)

        return ($shouldConfigureScsiLunPath -Contains $true)

    Configures the SCSI Lun path with the specified name with the desired 'Active' and 'Preferred' values.

    [void] ConfigureScsiLunPath($scsiLunPath) {
        $setScsiLunPathParams = @{
            ScsiLunPath = $scsiLunPath
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        if ($null -ne $this.Active) { $setScsiLunPathParams.Active = $this.Active }
        if ($null -ne $this.Preferred) { $setScsiLunPathParams.Preferred = $this.Preferred }

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ConfigureScsiLunPathMessage, @($scsiLunPath.Name, $scsiLunPath.ScsiLun.CanonicalName, $this.VMHost.Name))

            Set-ScsiLunPath @setScsiLunPathParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotConfigureScsiLunPathMessage -f $scsiLunPath.Name, $scsiLunPath.ScsiLun.CanonicalName, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $scsiLunPath) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name
        $result.Name = $scsiLunPath.Name
        $result.ScsiLunCanonicalName = $scsiLunPath.ScsiLun.CanonicalName
        $result.Active = if ($scsiLunPath.State.ToString() -eq $this.ActiveScsiLunPathState) { $true } else { $false }
        $result.Preferred = $scsiLunPath.Preferred

class VMHostService : VMHostBaseDSC {
    The key value of the service.

    [string] $Key

    The state of the service after a VMHost reboot.

    [ServicePolicy] $Policy = [ServicePolicy]::Unset

    The current state of the service.

    [nullable[bool]] $Running

    Host Service Label.

    [string] $Label

    Host Service Required flag.

    [bool] $Required

    Firewall rules for the service.

    [string[]] $Ruleset

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateVMHostService($vmHost)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostService] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $result = [VMHostService]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $this.PopulateResult($vmHost, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Returns a boolean value indicating if the VMHostService should to be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVMHostService($vmHost) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vmHostCurrentService = Get-VMHostService -Server $this.Connection -VMHost $vmHost | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $this.Key }

        $shouldUpdateVMHostService = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Policy', [string] $vmHostCurrentService.Policy, $this.Policy.ToString()),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Running', $vmHostCurrentService.Running, $this.Running)

        return ($shouldUpdateVMHostService -Contains $true)

    Updates the configuration of the VMHostService.

    [void] UpdateVMHostService($vmHost) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vmHostCurrentService = Get-VMHostService -Server $this.Connection -VMHost $vmHost | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $this.Key }

        if ($this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Policy', [string] $vmHostCurrentService.Policy, $this.Policy.ToString())) {
            Set-VMHostService -HostService $vmHostCurrentService -Policy $this.Policy.ToString() -Confirm:$false

        if ($this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Running', $vmHostCurrentService.Running, $this.Running)) {
            if ($vmHostCurrentService.Running) {
                Stop-VMHostService -HostService $vmHostCurrentService -Confirm:$false
            else {
                Start-VMHostService -HostService $vmHostCurrentService -Confirm:$false

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the VMHostService from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHost, $vmHostService) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vmHostCurrentService = Get-VMHostService -Server $this.Connection -VMHost $vmHost | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $this.Key }
        $vmHostService.Name = $vmHost.Name
        $vmHostService.Server = $this.Server
        $vmHostService.Key = $vmHostCurrentService.Key
        $vmHostService.Policy = $vmHostCurrentService.Policy
        $vmHostService.Running = $vmHostCurrentService.Running
        $vmHostService.Label = $vmHostCurrentService.Label
        $vmHostService.Required = $vmHostCurrentService.Required
        $vmHostService.Ruleset = $vmHostCurrentService.Ruleset

class VMHostSettings : VMHostBaseDSC {
    Motd Advanced Setting value.

    [string] $Motd

    Indicates whether the Motd content should be cleared.

    [bool] $MotdClear

    Issue Advanced Setting value.

    [string] $Issue

    Indicates whether the Issue content should be cleared.

    [bool] $IssueClear

    hidden [string] $IssueSettingName = "Config.Etc.issue"
    hidden [string] $MotdSettingName = "Config.Etc.motd"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateVMHostSettings($vmHost)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostSettings] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $result = [VMHostSettings]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $this.PopulateResult($vmHost, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Returns a boolean value indicating if at least one Advanced Setting value should be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVMHostSettings($vmHost) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vmHostCurrentAdvancedSettings = Get-AdvancedSetting -Server $this.Connection -Entity $vmHost

        $currentMotd = $vmHostCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.MotdSettingName }
        $currentIssue = $vmHostCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.IssueSettingName }

        $motdDesiredValue = if ($this.MotdClear) { [string]::Empty } else { $this.Motd }
        $issueDesiredValue = if ($this.IssueClear) { [string]::Empty } else { $this.Issue }

        $shouldUpdateVMHostSettings = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Motd', $currentMotd.Value, $motdDesiredValue),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Issue', $currentIssue.Value, $issueDesiredValue)

        return ($shouldUpdateVMHostSettings -Contains $true)

    Sets the desired value for the Advanced Setting, if update of the Advanced Setting value is needed.

      [void] SetAdvancedSetting($advancedSettingName, $advancedSetting, $advancedSettingDesiredValue, $advancedSettingCurrentValue, $clearValue) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        if ($clearValue) {
              if ($this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting($advancedSettingName, $advancedSettingCurrentValue, [string]::Empty)) {
                Set-AdvancedSetting -AdvancedSetting $advancedSetting -Value [string]::Empty -Confirm:$false
        else {
              if ($this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting($advancedSettingName, $advancedSettingCurrentValue, $advancedSettingDesiredValue)) {
                Set-AdvancedSetting -AdvancedSetting $advancedSetting -Value $advancedSettingDesiredValue -Confirm:$false

    Performs update on those Advanced Settings values that needs to be updated.

    [void] UpdateVMHostSettings($vmHost) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vmHostCurrentAdvancedSettings = Get-AdvancedSetting -Server $this.Connection -Entity $vmHost

        $currentMotd = $vmHostCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.MotdSettingName }
        $currentIssue = $vmHostCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.IssueSettingName }

        $this.SetAdvancedSetting('Motd', $currentMotd, $this.Motd, $currentMotd.Value, $this.MotdClear)
        $this.SetAdvancedSetting('Issue', $currentIssue, $this.Issue, $currentIssue.Value, $this.IssueClear)

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the advanced settings from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHost, $result) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vmHostCurrentAdvancedSettings = Get-AdvancedSetting -Server $this.Connection -Entity $vmHost

        $currentMotd = $vmHostCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.MotdSettingName }
        $currentIssue = $vmHostCurrentAdvancedSettings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $this.IssueSettingName }

        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
        $result.Motd = $currentMotd.Value
        $result.Issue = $currentIssue.Value

class VMHostStorage : VMHostBaseDSC {
    Specifies whether the software iSCSI is enabled on the VMHost storage.

    [bool] $Enabled

    hidden [string] $RetrieveVMHostStorageMessage = "Retrieving VMHost storage for VMHost {0}."
    hidden [string] $ConfigureVMHostStorageMessage = "Configuring VMHost storage for VMHost {0}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveVMHostStorageMessage = "Could not retrieve VMHost storage for VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotConfigureVMHostStorageMessage = "Could not configure VMHost storage for VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostStorage = $this.GetVMHostStorage($vmHost)
        finally {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostStorage = $this.GetVMHostStorage($vmHost)

            $result = !$this.ShouldConfigureVMHostStorage($vmHostStorage)

            return $result
        finally {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostStorage] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))
            $result = [VMHostStorage]::new()


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostStorage = $this.GetVMHostStorage($vmHost)

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHostStorage)

            return $result
        finally {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the VMHost storage for the specified VMHost.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostStorage($vmHost) {
        $getVMHostStorageParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            VMHost = $vmHost
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RetrieveVMHostStorageMessage, @($vmHost.Name))
            return Get-VMHostStorage @getVMHostStorageParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveVMHostStorageMessage -f $vmHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Checks if the specified VMHost storage should be configured - whether to
    enable or disable the software iSCSI support.

    [bool] ShouldConfigureVMHostStorage($vmHostStorage) {
        return $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Enabled', $vmHostStorage.SoftwareIScsiEnabled, $this.Enabled)

    Configures the VMHost storage - enables or disables the software iSCSI support.

    [void] ConfigureVMHostStorage($vmHostStorage) {
        $setVMHostStorageParams = @{
            VMHostStorage = $vmHostStorage
            SoftwareIScsiEnabled = $this.Enabled
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.ConfigureVMHostStorageMessage, @($vmHostStorage.VMHost.Name))
            Set-VMHostStorage @setVMHostStorageParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotConfigureVMHostStorageMessage -f $vmHostStorage.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHostStorage) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHostStorage.VMHost.Name
        $result.Enabled = $vmHostStorage.SoftwareIScsiEnabled

class VMHostSyslog : VMHostBaseDSC {
    The remote host(s) to send logs to.

    [string] $Loghost

    Verify remote SSL certificates against the local CA Store.

    [nullable[bool]] $CheckSslCerts

    Default network retry timeout in seconds if a remote server fails to respond.

    [nullable[long]] $DefaultTimeout

    Message queue capacity after which messages are dropped.

    [nullable[long]] $QueueDropMark

    The directory to output local logs to.

    [string] $Logdir

    Place logs in a unique subdirectory of logdir, based on hostname.

    [nullable[bool]] $LogdirUnique

    Default number of rotated local logs to keep.

    [nullable[long]] $DefaultRotate

    Default size of local logs before rotation, in KiB.

    [nullable[long]] $DefaultSize

    Number of rotated dropped log files to keep.

    [nullable[long]] $DropLogRotate

    Size of dropped log file before rotation, in KiB.

    [nullable[long]] $DropLogSize

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateVMHostSyslog($vmHost)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostSyslog] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $result = [VMHostSyslog]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $this.PopulateResult($vmHost, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Returns a boolean value indicating if VMHostSyslog needs to be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVMHostSyslog($VMHost) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $esxcli = Get-Esxcli -Server $this.Connection -VMHost $vmHost -V2
        $current = Get-VMHostSyslogConfig -EsxCLi $esxcli

        $shouldUpdateVMHostSyslog = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('LogHost', [string] $current.RemoteHost, $this.LogHost),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('CheckSslCerts', $current.EnforceSSLCertificates, $this.CheckSslCerts),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DefaultTimeout', $current.DefaultNetworkRetryTimeout, $this.DefaultTimeout),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('QueueDropMark', $current.MessageQueueDropMark, $this.QueueDropMark),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Logdir', [string] $current.LocalLogOutput, $this.Logdir),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('LogdirUnique', [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($current.LogToUniqueSubdirectory), $this.LogdirUnique),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DefaultRotate', $current.LocalLoggingDefaultRotations, $this.DefaultRotate),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DefaultSize', $current.LocalLoggingDefaultRotationSize, $this.DefaultSize),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DropLogRotate', $current.DroppedLogFileRotations, $this.DropLogRotate),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DropLogSize', $current.DroppedLogFileRotationSize, $this.DropLogSize)

        return ($shouldUpdateVMHostSyslog -contains $true)

    Updates the configuration of the VMHostSyslog.

    [void] UpdateVMHostSyslog($VMHost) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $esxcli = Get-Esxcli -Server $this.Connection -VMHost $vmHost -V2

        $vmHostSyslogConfig = @{
            queuedropmark = $this.QueueDropMark
            defaultrotate = $this.DefaultRotate
            droplogrotate = $this.DropLogRotate

        if ($null -ne $this.CheckSslCerts) { $vmHostSyslogConfig.checksslcerts = $this.CheckSslCerts }
        if ($null -ne $this.DefaultTimeout) { $vmHostSyslogConfig.defaulttimeout = $this.DefaultTimeout }
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.Logdir)) { $vmHostSyslogConfig.logdir = $this.Logdir }
        if ($null -ne $this.LogdirUnique) { $vmHostSyslogConfig.logdirunique = $this.LogdirUnique }
        if ($null -ne $this.DefaultSize) { $vmHostSyslogConfig.defaultsize = $this.DefaultSize }
        if ($null -ne $this.DropLogSize) { $vmHostSyslogConfig.droplogsize = $this.DropLogSize }
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.LogHost)) { $vmHostSyslogConfig.loghost = $this.Loghost }

        Set-VMHostSyslogConfig -EsxCli $esxcli -VMHostSyslogConfig $vmHostSyslogConfig

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the VMHostService from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($VMHost, $syslog) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $esxcli = Get-Esxcli -Server $this.Connection -VMHost $vmHost -V2
        $currentVMHostSyslog = Get-VMHostSyslogConfig -EsxCLi $esxcli

        $syslog.Server = $this.Server
        $syslog.Name = $VMHost.Name
        $syslog.Loghost = $currentVMHostSyslog.RemoteHost
        $syslog.CheckSslCerts = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($currentVMHostSyslog.EnforceSSLCertificates)
        $syslog.DefaultTimeout = [long] $currentVMHostSyslog.DefaultNetworkRetryTimeout
        $syslog.QueueDropMark = [long] $currentVMHostSyslog.MessageQueueDropMark
        $syslog.Logdir = $currentVMHostSyslog.LocalLogOutput
        $syslog.LogdirUnique = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($currentVMHostSyslog.LogToUniqueSubdirectory)
        $syslog.DefaultRotate = [long] $currentVMHostSyslog.LocalLoggingDefaultRotations
        $syslog.DefaultSize = [long] $currentVMHostSyslog.LocalLoggingDefaultRotationSize
        $syslog.DropLogRotate = [long] $currentVMHostSyslog.DroppedLogFileRotations
        $syslog.DropLogSize = [long] $currentVMHostSyslog.DroppedLogFileRotationSize

class VMHostTpsSettings : VMHostBaseDSC {
    Share Scan Time Advanced Setting value.

    [nullable[int]] $ShareScanTime

    Share Scan GHz Advanced Setting value.

    [nullable[int]] $ShareScanGHz

    Share Rate Max Advanced Setting value.

    [nullable[int]] $ShareRateMax

    Share Force Salting Advanced Setting value.

    [nullable[int]] $ShareForceSalting

    hidden [string] $TpsSettingsName = "Mem.Sh*"
    hidden [string] $MemValue = "Mem."

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateTpsSettings($vmHost)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostTpsSettings] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostTpsSettings]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name

            $tpsSettings = $this.GetTpsAdvancedSettings($vmHost)

            $vmHostTpsSettingsDscResourcePropertyNames = $this.GetType().GetProperties().Name
            foreach ($tpsSetting in $tpsSettings) {
                $tpsSettingName = $tpsSetting.Name.TrimStart($this.MemValue)
                if ($vmHostTpsSettingsDscResourcePropertyNames -Contains $tpsSettingName) {
                    $result.$tpsSettingName = $tpsSetting.Value

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the Tps advanced settings for the specified VMHost from the server.

    [PSObject] GetTpsAdvancedSettings($vmHost) {
        $getAdvancedSettingParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            Entity = $vmHost
            Name = $this.TpsSettingsName
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        return Get-AdvancedSetting @getAdvancedSettingParams

    Returns a boolean value, indicating if update operation should be performed on at least one of the TPS Settings.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateTpsSettings($vmHost) {
        $tpsSettings = $this.GetTpsAdvancedSettings($vmHost)

        foreach ($tpsSetting in $tpsSettings) {
            $tpsSettingName = $tpsSetting.Name.TrimStart($this.MemValue)

            if ($null -ne $this.$tpsSettingName -and $this.$tpsSettingName -ne $tpsSetting.Value) {
                $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SettingIsNotInDesiredStateMessage, @($tpsSettingName, $tpsSetting.Value, $this.$tpsSettingName))

                return $true

        return $false

    Updates the needed TPS Settings with the specified values.

    [void] UpdateTpsSettings($vmHost) {
        $tpsSettings = $this.GetTpsAdvancedSettings($vmHost)

        foreach ($tpsSetting in $tpsSettings) {
            $tpsSettingName = $tpsSetting.Name.TrimStart($this.MemValue)

            if ($null -eq $this.$tpsSettingName -or $this.$tpsSettingName -eq $tpsSetting.Value) {

            $setAdvancedSettingParams = @{
                AdvancedSetting = $tpsSetting
                Value = $this.$tpsSettingName
                Confirm = $false
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false
            Set-AdvancedSetting @setAdvancedSettingParams

class NfsDatastore : DatastoreBaseDSC {
    Specifies the Nfs Host for the Datastore.

    [string[]] $NfsHost

    Specifies the access mode for the Nfs Datastore. Valid access modes are 'ReadWrite' and 'ReadOnly'.
    The default access mode is 'ReadWrite'.

    [AccessMode] $AccessMode = [AccessMode]::ReadWrite

    Specifies the authentication method for the Nfs Datastore. Valid authentication methods are 'AUTH_SYS' and 'Kerberos'.
    The default authentication method is 'AUTH_SYS'.

    [AuthenticationMethod] $AuthenticationMethod = [AuthenticationMethod]::AUTH_SYS

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $datastore = $this.GetDatastore()

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $datastore) {
                    $datastore = $this.NewNfsDatastore()

                if ($this.ShouldModifyDatastore($datastore)) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $datastore) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $datastore = $this.GetDatastore()
            $result = $null

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $datastore) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !$this.ShouldModifyDatastore($datastore)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $datastore)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [NfsDatastore] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [NfsDatastore]::new()


            $datastore = $this.GetDatastore()
            $this.PopulateResultForNfsDatastore($result, $datastore)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Creates a new Nfs Datastore with the specified name on the VMHost.

    [PSObject] NewNfsDatastore() {
        $newDatastoreParams = @{
            Nfs = $true
            NfsHost = $this.NfsHost

        if ($this.AccessMode -eq [AccessMode]::ReadOnly) { $newDatastoreParams.ReadOnly = $true }
        if ($this.AuthenticationMethod -eq [AuthenticationMethod]::Kerberos) { $newDatastoreParams.Kerberos = $true }

        return $this.NewDatastore($newDatastoreParams)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResultForNfsDatastore($result, $datastore) {
        if ($null -ne $datastore) {
            $result.NfsHost = $datastore.RemoteHost
            $result.Path = $datastore.RemotePath
            $result.AccessMode = [AccessMode] $datastore.ExtensionData.Host.MountInfo.AccessMode
            $result.AuthenticationMethod = $datastore.AuthenticationMethod.ToString()
        else {
            $result.NfsHost = $this.NfsHost
            $result.Path = $this.Path
            $result.AccessMode = $this.AccessMode
            $result.AuthenticationMethod = $this.AuthenticationMethod

        $this.PopulateResult($result, $datastore)

class VmfsDatastore : DatastoreBaseDSC {
    Specifies the maximum file size of Vmfs in megabytes (MB). If no value is specified, the maximum file size for the current system platform is used.

    [nullable[int]] $BlockSizeMB

    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateVmfsDatastoreWithTheSpecifiedNameMessage = "Could not create Vmfs Datastore {0} on VMHost {1} because there is another Vmfs Datastore with the same name on vCenter Server {2}."

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $datastore = $this.GetDatastore()

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $datastore) {
                    $datastore = $this.NewVmfsDatastore()

                if ($this.ShouldModifyDatastore($datastore)) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $datastore) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $datastore = $this.GetDatastore()

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $datastore) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !$this.ShouldModifyDatastore($datastore)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $datastore)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VmfsDatastore] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

            $result = [VmfsDatastore]::new()


            $datastore = $this.GetDatastore()

            $this.PopulateResultForVmfsDatastore($result, $datastore)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Checks if a Vmfs Datastore with the specified name can be created on the vCenter Server.

    [void] ValidateVmfsDatastoreCreation($datastore) {
            If the established connection is to a vCenter Server, Ensure is 'Present' and the Vmfs Datastore does not exist on the specified VMHost,
            we need to check if there is a Vmfs Datastore with the same name on the vCenter Server.

        if ($this.Connection.ProductLine -eq $this.vCenterProductId -and $this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present -and $null -eq $datastore) {
            $getDatastoreParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $this.Name
                ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
                Verbose = $false

                If there is another Vmfs Datastore with the same name on the vCenter Server but on a different VMHost, we need to inform the user that
                the Vmfs Datastore cannot be created with the specified name. vCenter Server accepts multiple Vmfs Datastore creations with the same name
                but changes the names internally to avoid name duplication. vCenter Server appends '(<index>)' to the Vmfs Datastore name.

            $datastoreInvCenter = Get-Datastore @getDatastoreParams
            if ($null -ne $datastoreInvCenter) {
                throw ($this.CouldNotCreateVmfsDatastoreWithTheSpecifiedNameMessage -f $this.Name, $this.VMHost.Name, $this.Connection.Name)

    Creates a new Vmfs Datastore with the specified name on the VMHost.

    [PSObject] NewVmfsDatastore() {
        $newDatastoreParams = @{
            Vmfs = $true

        if ($null -ne $this.BlockSizeMB) { $newDatastoreParams.BlockSizeMB = $this.BlockSizeMB }

        return $this.NewDatastore($newDatastoreParams)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResultForVmfsDatastore($result, $datastore) {
        if ($null -ne $datastore) {
            $result.BlockSizeMB = $datastore.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.BlockSizeMB
            $result.Path = $datastore.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DiskName -eq $this.Path } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DiskName
        else {
            $result.BlockSizeMB = $this.BlockSizeMB
            $result.Path = $this.Path

        $this.PopulateResult($result, $datastore)

class VMHostVssPortGroup : VMHostVssPortGroupBaseDSC {
    Specifies the Name of the Virtual Switch associated with the Port Group.
    The Virtual Switch must be a Standard Virtual Switch.

    [string] $VssName

    Specifies the VLAN ID for ports using this Port Group. The following values are valid:
    0 - specifies that you do not want to associate the Port Group with a VLAN.
    1 to 4094 - specifies a VLAN ID for the Port Group.
    4095 - specifies that the Port Group should use trunk mode, which allows the guest operating system to manage its own VLAN tags.

    [nullable[int]] $VLanId

    hidden [int] $VLanIdMaxValue = 4095

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $virtualSwitch = $this.GetVirtualSwitch()
            $portGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup($virtualSwitch)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $portGroup) {
                else {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $portGroup) {
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $virtualSwitch = $this.GetVirtualSwitch()
            $portGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup($virtualSwitch)

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $portGroup) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('VLanId', $portGroup.VLanId, $this.VLanId)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $portGroup)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostVssPortGroup] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostVssPortGroup]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server


            $virtualSwitch = $this.GetVirtualSwitch()
            $portGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup($virtualSwitch)

            $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name
            $this.PopulateResult($portGroup, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Virtual Switch with the specified name from the server if it exists.
    The Virtual Switch must be a Standard Virtual Switch. If the Virtual Switch does not exist and Ensure is set to 'Absent', $null is returned.
    Otherwise it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetVirtualSwitch() {
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) {
            return Get-VirtualSwitch -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.VssName -VMHost $this.VMHost -Standard -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        else {
            try {
                $virtualSwitch = Get-VirtualSwitch -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.VssName -VMHost $this.VMHost -Standard -ErrorAction Stop
                return $virtualSwitch
            catch {
                throw "Could not retrieve Virtual Switch $($this.VssName) of VMHost $($this.VMHost.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Retrieves the Virtual Port Group with the specified Name, available on the specified Virtual Switch and VMHost from the server if it exists,
    otherwise returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetVirtualPortGroup($virtualSwitch) {
        if ($null -eq $virtualSwitch) {
            If the Virtual Switch is $null, it means that Ensure was set to 'Absent' and
            the Port Group does not exist for the specified Virtual Switch.

            return $null

        return Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -VirtualSwitch $virtualSwitch -VMHost $this.VMHost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Ensures that the passed VLanId value is in the range [0, 4095].

    [void] EnsureVLanIdValueIsValid() {
        if ($this.VLanId -lt 0 -or $this.VLanId -gt $this.VLanIdMaxValue) {
            throw "The passed VLanId value $($this.VLanId) is not valid. The valid values are in the following range: [0, $($this.VLanIdMaxValue)]."

    Returns the populated Port Group parameters.

    [hashtable] GetPortGroupParams() {
        $portGroupParams = @{}

        $portGroupParams.Confirm = $false
        $portGroupParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        if ($null -ne $this.VLanId) {
            $portGroupParams.VLanId = $this.VLanId

        return $portGroupParams

    Creates a new Port Group available on the specified Virtual Switch.

    [void] AddVirtualPortGroup($virtualSwitch) {
        $portGroupParams = $this.GetPortGroupParams()

        $portGroupParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $portGroupParams.Name = $this.Name
        $portGroupParams.VirtualSwitch = $virtualSwitch

        try {
            New-VirtualPortGroup @portGroupParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot create Virtual Port Group $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Updates the Port Group by changing its VLanId value.

    [void] UpdateVirtualPortGroup($portGroup) {
        $portGroupParams = $this.GetPortGroupParams()

        try {
            $portGroup | Set-VirtualPortGroup @portGroupParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot update Virtual Port Group $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Removes the specified Port Group available on the Virtual Switch. All VMs connected to the Port Group must be PoweredOff to successfully remove the Port Group.
    If one or more of the VMs are PoweredOn, the removal would not be successful because the Port Group is used by the VMs.

    [void] RemoveVirtualPortGroup($portGroup) {
        try {
            $portGroup | Remove-VirtualPortGroup -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw "Cannot remove Virtual Port Group $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Port Group from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($portGroup, $result) {
        if ($null -ne $portGroup) {
            $result.Name = $portGroup.Name
            $result.VssName = $portGroup.VirtualSwitchName
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.VLanId = $portGroup.VLanId
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.VssName = $this.VssName
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.VLanId = $this.VLanId

class VMHostVssPortGroupSecurity : VMHostVssPortGroupBaseDSC {
    Specifies whether promiscuous mode is enabled for the corresponding Virtual Port Group.

    [nullable[bool]] $AllowPromiscuous

    Specifies whether the AllowPromiscuous setting is inherited from the parent Standard Virtual Switch.

    [nullable[bool]] $AllowPromiscuousInherited

    Specifies whether forged transmits are enabled for the corresponding Virtual Port Group.

    [nullable[bool]] $ForgedTransmits

    Specifies whether the ForgedTransmits setting is inherited from the parent Standard Virtual Switch.

    [nullable[bool]] $ForgedTransmitsInherited

    Specifies whether MAC address changes are enabled for the corresponding Virtual Port Group.

    [nullable[bool]] $MacChanges

    Specifies whether the MacChanges setting is inherited from the parent Standard Virtual Switch.

    [nullable[bool]] $MacChangesInherited

    hidden [string] $AllowPromiscuousSettingName = 'AllowPromiscuous'
    hidden [string] $AllowPromiscuousInheritedSettingName = 'AllowPromiscuousInherited'
    hidden [string] $ForgedTransmitsSettingName = 'ForgedTransmits'
    hidden [string] $ForgedTransmitsInheritedSettingName = 'ForgedTransmitsInherited'
    hidden [string] $MacChangesSettingName = 'MacChanges'
    hidden [string] $MacChangesInheritedSettingName = 'MacChangesInherited'

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $virtualPortGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup()
            $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy = $this.GetVirtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy($virtualPortGroup)

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $virtualPortGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup()

            $result = $null
            if ($null -eq $virtualPortGroup) {
                # If the Port Group is $null, it means that Ensure is 'Absent' and the Port Group does not exist.
                $result = $true
            else {
                $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy = $this.GetVirtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy($virtualPortGroup)
                $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy($virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostVssPortGroupSecurity] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostVssPortGroupSecurity]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.Ensure = $this.Ensure


            $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name

            $virtualPortGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup()
            if ($null -eq $virtualPortGroup) {
                # If the Port Group is $null, it means that Ensure is 'Absent' and the Port Group does not exist.
                $result.Name = $this.Name
                return $result

            $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy = $this.GetVirtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy($virtualPortGroup)
            $result.Name = $virtualPortGroup.Name

            $this.PopulateResult($virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Virtual Port Group Security Policy from the server.

    [PSObject] GetVirtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy($virtualPortGroup) {
        try {
            $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy = Get-SecurityPolicy -Server $this.Connection -VirtualPortGroup $virtualPortGroup -ErrorAction Stop
            return $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve Virtual Port Group $($this.PortGroup) Security Policy. For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Checks if the Security Policy of the specified Virtual Port Group should be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy($virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy) {
        $shouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('AllowPromiscuous', $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.AllowPromiscuous, $this.AllowPromiscuous),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('AllowPromiscuousInherited', $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.AllowPromiscuousInherited, $this.AllowPromiscuousInherited),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('ForgedTransmits', $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.ForgedTransmits, $this.ForgedTransmits),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('ForgedTransmitsInherited', $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.ForgedTransmitsInherited, $this.ForgedTransmitsInherited),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('MacChanges', $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.MacChanges, $this.MacChanges),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('MacChangesInherited', $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.MacChangesInherited, $this.MacChangesInherited)

        return ($shouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy -Contains $true)

    Performs an update on the Security Policy of the specified Virtual Port Group.

    [void] UpdateVirtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy($virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy) {
        $securityPolicyParams = @{}
        $securityPolicyParams.VirtualPortGroupPolicy = $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy

        $this.PopulatePolicySetting($securityPolicyParams, $this.AllowPromiscuousSettingName, $this.AllowPromiscuous, $this.AllowPromiscuousInheritedSettingName, $this.AllowPromiscuousInherited)
        $this.PopulatePolicySetting($securityPolicyParams, $this.ForgedTransmitsSettingName, $this.ForgedTransmits, $this.ForgedTransmitsInheritedSettingName, $this.ForgedTransmitsInherited)
        $this.PopulatePolicySetting($securityPolicyParams, $this.MacChangesSettingName, $this.MacChanges, $this.MacChangesInheritedSettingName, $this.MacChangesInherited)

        try {
            Set-SecurityPolicy @securityPolicyParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot update Security Policy of Virtual Port Group $($this.PortGroup). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Security Policy of the specified Virtual Port Group from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy, $result) {
        $result.AllowPromiscuous = $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.AllowPromiscuous
        $result.AllowPromiscuousInherited = $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.AllowPromiscuousInherited
        $result.ForgedTransmits = $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.ForgedTransmits
        $result.ForgedTransmitsInherited = $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.ForgedTransmitsInherited
        $result.MacChanges = $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.MacChanges
        $result.MacChangesInherited = $virtualPortGroupSecurityPolicy.MacChangesInherited

class VMHostVssPortGroupShaping : VMHostVssPortGroupBaseDSC {
    The flag to indicate whether or not traffic shaper is enabled on the port.

    [nullable[bool]] $Enabled

    The average bandwidth in bits per second if shaping is enabled on the port.

    [nullable[long]] $AverageBandwidth

    The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled on the port.

    [nullable[long]] $PeakBandwidth

    The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if shaping is enabled on the port.

    [nullable[long]] $BurstSize

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $virtualPortGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $virtualPortGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup()

            $result = $null
            if ($null -eq $virtualPortGroup) {
                # If the Port Group is $null, it means that Ensure is 'Absent' and the Port Group does not exist.
                $result = $true
            else {
                $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupShapingPolicy($virtualPortGroup)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostVssPortGroupShaping] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostVssPortGroupShaping]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.Ensure = $this.Ensure


            $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name

            $virtualPortGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup()
            if ($null -eq $virtualPortGroup) {
                # If the Port Group is $null, it means that Ensure is 'Absent' and the Port Group does not exist.
                $result.Name = $this.Name
                return $result

            $result.Name = $virtualPortGroup.Name
            $this.PopulateResult($virtualPortGroup, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Checks if the Shaping Policy of the specified Virtual Port Group should be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupShapingPolicy($virtualPortGroup) {
        $shapingPolicy = $virtualPortGroup.ExtensionData.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy

        $shouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupShapingPolicy = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Enabled', $shapingPolicy.Enabled, $this.Enabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('AverageBandwidth', $shapingPolicy.AverageBandwidth, $this.AverageBandwidth),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('PeakBandwidth', $shapingPolicy.PeakBandwidth, $this.PeakBandwidth),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('BurstSize', $shapingPolicy.BurstSize, $this.BurstSize)

        return ($shouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupShapingPolicy -Contains $true)

    Performs an update on the Shaping Policy of the specified Virtual Port Group.

    [void] UpdateVirtualPortGroupShapingPolicy($virtualPortGroup) {
        $virtualPortGroupSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostPortGroupSpec

        $virtualPortGroupSpec.Name = $virtualPortGroup.Name
        $virtualPortGroupSpec.VswitchName = $virtualPortGroup.VirtualSwitchName
        $virtualPortGroupSpec.VlanId = $virtualPortGroup.VLanId

        $virtualPortGroupSpec.Policy = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostNetworkPolicy
        $virtualPortGroupSpec.Policy.ShapingPolicy = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostNetworkTrafficShapingPolicy

        if ($null -ne $this.Enabled) { $virtualPortGroupSpec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.Enabled = $this.Enabled }
        if ($null -ne $this.AverageBandwidth) { $virtualPortGroupSpec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.AverageBandwidth = $this.AverageBandwidth }
        if ($null -ne $this.PeakBandwidth) { $virtualPortGroupSpec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.PeakBandwidth = $this.PeakBandwidth }
        if ($null -ne $this.BurstSize) { $virtualPortGroupSpec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.BurstSize = $this.BurstSize }

        try {
            Update-VirtualPortGroup -VMHostNetworkSystem $this.VMHostNetworkSystem -VirtualPortGroupName $virtualPortGroup.Name -Spec $virtualPortGroupSpec
        catch {
            throw "Cannot update Shaping Policy of Virtual Port Group $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Shaping Policy of the specified Virtual Port Group from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($virtualPortGroup, $result) {
        $result.Enabled = $virtualPortGroup.ExtensionData.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.Enabled
        $result.AverageBandwidth = $virtualPortGroup.ExtensionData.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.AverageBandwidth
        $result.PeakBandwidth = $virtualPortGroup.ExtensionData.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.PeakBandwidth
        $result.BurstSize = $virtualPortGroup.ExtensionData.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.BurstSize

class VMHostVssPortGroupTeaming : VMHostVssPortGroupBaseDSC {
    Specifies how a physical adapter is returned to active duty after recovering from a failure.
    If the value is $true, the adapter is returned to active duty immediately on recovery, displacing the standby adapter that took over its slot, if any.
    If the value is $false, a failed adapter is left inactive even after recovery until another active adapter fails, requiring its replacement.

    [nullable[bool]] $FailbackEnabled

    Determines how network traffic is distributed between the network adapters assigned to a switch. The following values are valid:
    LoadBalanceIP - Route based on IP hash. Choose an uplink based on a hash of the source and destination IP addresses of each packet.
    For non-IP packets, whatever is at those offsets is used to compute the hash.
    LoadBalanceSrcMac - Route based on source MAC hash. Choose an uplink based on a hash of the source Ethernet.
    LoadBalanceSrcId - Route based on the originating port ID. Choose an uplink based on the virtual port where the traffic entered the virtual switch.
    ExplicitFailover - Always use the highest order uplink from the list of Active adapters that passes failover detection criteria.

    [LoadBalancingPolicy] $LoadBalancingPolicy = [LoadBalancingPolicy]::Unset

    Specifies the adapters you want to continue to use when the network adapter connectivity is available and active.

    [string[]] $ActiveNic

    Specifies the adapters you want to use if one of the active adapter's connectivity is unavailable.

    [string[]] $StandbyNic

    Specifies the adapters you do not want to use.

    [string[]] $UnusedNic

    Specifies how to reroute traffic in the event of an adapter failure. The following values are valid:
    LinkStatus - Relies solely on the link status that the network adapter provides. This option detects failures, such as cable pulls and physical switch power failures,
    but not configuration errors, such as a physical switch port being blocked by spanning tree or misconfigured to the wrong VLAN or cable pulls on the other side of a physical switch.
    BeaconProbing - Sends out and listens for beacon probes on all NICs in the team and uses this information, in addition to link status, to determine link failure.
    This option detects many of the failures mentioned above that are not detected by link status alone.

    [NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy] $NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy = [NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy]::Unset

    Indicates that whenever a virtual NIC is connected to the virtual switch or whenever that virtual NIC's traffic is routed over a different physical NIC in the team because of a
    failover event, a notification is sent over the network to update the lookup tables on the physical switches.

    [nullable[bool]] $NotifySwitches

    Indicates that the value of the FailbackEnabled parameter is inherited from the virtual switch.

    [nullable[bool]] $InheritFailback

    Indicates that the values of the ActiveNic, StandbyNic, and UnusedNic parameters are inherited from the virtual switch.

    [nullable[bool]] $InheritFailoverOrder

    Indicates that the value of the LoadBalancingPolicy parameter is inherited from the virtual switch.

    [nullable[bool]] $InheritLoadBalancingPolicy

    Indicates that the value of the NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy parameter is inherited from the virtual switch.

    [nullable[bool]] $InheritNetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy

    Indicates that the value of the NotifySwitches parameter is inherited from the virtual switch.

    [nullable[bool]] $InheritNotifySwitches

    hidden [string] $FailbackEnabledSettingName = 'FailbackEnabled'
    hidden [string] $InheritFailbackSettingName = 'InheritFailback'
    hidden [string] $LoadBalancingPolicySettingName = 'LoadBalancingPolicy'
    hidden [string] $InheritLoadBalancingPolicySettingName = 'InheritLoadBalancingPolicy'
    hidden [string] $NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicySettingName = 'NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy'
    hidden [string] $InheritNetworkFailoverDetectionPolicySettingName = 'InheritNetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy'
    hidden [string] $NotifySwitchesSettingName = 'NotifySwitches'
    hidden [string] $InheritNotifySwitchesSettingName = 'InheritNotifySwitches'
    hidden [string] $MakeNicActiveSettingName = 'MakeNicActive'
    hidden [string] $MakeNicStandbySettingName = 'MakeNicStandby'
    hidden [string] $MakeNicUnusedSettingName = 'MakeNicUnused'
    hidden [string] $InheritFailoverOrderSettingName = 'InheritFailoverOrder'

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $virtualPortGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup()
            $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy = $this.GetVirtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy($virtualPortGroup)

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $virtualPortGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup()

            $result = $null
            if ($null -eq $virtualPortGroup) {
                # If the Port Group is $null, it means that Ensure is 'Absent' and the Port Group does not exist.
                $result = $true
            else {
                $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy = $this.GetVirtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy($virtualPortGroup)
                $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy($virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostVssPortGroupTeaming] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostVssPortGroupTeaming]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.Ensure = $this.Ensure


            $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name

            $virtualPortGroup = $this.GetVirtualPortGroup()
            if ($null -eq $virtualPortGroup) {
                # If the Port Group is $null, it means that Ensure is 'Absent' and the Port Group does not exist.
                $result.Name = $this.Name
                return $result

            $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy = $this.GetVirtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy($virtualPortGroup)
            $result.Name = $virtualPortGroup.Name

            $this.PopulateResult($virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Virtual Port Group Teaming Policy from the server.

    [PSObject] GetVirtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy($virtualPortGroup) {
        try {
            $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy = Get-NicTeamingPolicy -Server $this.Connection -VirtualPortGroup $virtualPortGroup -ErrorAction Stop
            return $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve Virtual Port Group $($this.Name) Teaming Policy. For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Checks if the Teaming Policy of the specified Virtual Port Group should be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy($virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy) {
        $shouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('FailbackEnabled', $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.FailbackEnabled, $this.FailbackEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('NotifySwitches', $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.NotifySwitches, $this.NotifySwitches),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('InheritFailback', $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.IsFailbackInherited, $this.InheritFailback),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('InheritFailoverOrder', $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.IsFailoverOrderInherited, $this.InheritFailoverOrder),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('InheritLoadBalancingPolicy', $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.IsLoadBalancingInherited, $this.InheritLoadBalancingPolicy),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('InheritNotifySwitches', $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.IsNotifySwitchesInherited, $this.InheritNotifySwitches),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('LoadBalancingPolicy', [string] $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.LoadBalancingPolicy, $this.LoadBalancingPolicy.ToString()),
                [string] $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy,
            $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('ActiveNic', $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.ActiveNic, $this.ActiveNic),
            $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('StandbyNic', $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.StandbyNic, $this.StandbyNic),
            $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('UnusedNic', $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.UnusedNic, $this.UnusedNic)

        return ($shouldUpdateVirtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy -Contains $true)

    Populates the specified Enum Policy Setting. If the Inherited Setting is passed and set to $true,
    the Policy Setting should not be populated because "Parameters of the form "XXX" and "InheritXXX" are mutually exclusive."
    If the Inherited Setting is set to $false, both parameters can be populated.

    [void] PopulateEnumPolicySetting($policyParams, $policySettingName, $policySetting, $policySettingInheritedName, $policySettingInherited) {
        if ($policySetting -ne 'Unset') {
            if ($null -eq $policySettingInherited -or !$policySettingInherited) {
                $policyParams.$policySettingName = $policySetting

        if ($null -ne $policySettingInherited) { $policyParams.$policySettingInheritedName = $policySettingInherited }

    Populates the specified Array Policy Setting. If the Inherited Setting is passed and set to $true,
    the Policy Setting should not be populated because "Parameters of the form "XXX" and "InheritXXX" are mutually exclusive."
    If the Inherited Setting is set to $false, both parameters can be populated.

    [void] PopulateArrayPolicySetting($policyParams, $policySettingName, $policySetting, $policySettingInheritedName, $policySettingInherited) {
        if ($null -ne $policySetting -and $policySetting.Length -gt 0) {
            if ($null -eq $policySettingInherited -or !$policySettingInherited) {
                $policyParams.$policySettingName = $policySetting

        if ($null -ne $policySettingInherited) { $policyParams.$policySettingInheritedName = $policySettingInherited }

    Performs an update on the Teaming Policy of the specified Virtual Port Group.

    [void] UpdateVirtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy($virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy) {
        $teamingPolicyParams = @{}
        $teamingPolicyParams.VirtualPortGroupPolicy = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy

        $this.PopulatePolicySetting($teamingPolicyParams, $this.FailbackEnabledSettingName, $this.FailbackEnabled, $this.InheritFailbackSettingName, $this.InheritFailback)
        $this.PopulatePolicySetting($teamingPolicyParams, $this.NotifySwitchesSettingName, $this.NotifySwitches, $this.InheritNotifySwitchesSettingName, $this.InheritNotifySwitches)

        $this.PopulateEnumPolicySetting($teamingPolicyParams, $this.LoadBalancingPolicySettingName, $this.LoadBalancingPolicy.ToString(), $this.InheritLoadBalancingPolicySettingName, $this.InheritLoadBalancingPolicy)
        $this.PopulateEnumPolicySetting($teamingPolicyParams, $this.NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicySettingName, $this.NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy.ToString(), $this.InheritNetworkFailoverDetectionPolicySettingName, $this.InheritNetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy)

        $this.PopulateArrayPolicySetting($teamingPolicyParams, $this.MakeNicActiveSettingName, $this.ActiveNic, $this.InheritFailoverOrderSettingName, $this.InheritFailoverOrder)
        $this.PopulateArrayPolicySetting($teamingPolicyParams, $this.MakeNicStandbySettingName, $this.StandbyNic, $this.InheritFailoverOrderSettingName, $this.InheritFailoverOrder)
        $this.PopulateArrayPolicySetting($teamingPolicyParams, $this.MakeNicUnusedSettingName, $this.UnusedNic, $this.InheritFailoverOrderSettingName, $this.InheritFailoverOrder)

        try {
            Set-NicTeamingPolicy @teamingPolicyParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot update Teaming Policy of Virtual Port Group $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Teaming Policy of the specified Virtual Port Group from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy, $result) {
        $result.FailbackEnabled = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.FailbackEnabled
        $result.NotifySwitches = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.NotifySwitches
        $result.LoadBalancingPolicy = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.LoadBalancingPolicy.ToString()
        $result.NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.NetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy.ToString()
        $result.ActiveNic = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.ActiveNic
        $result.StandbyNic = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.StandbyNic
        $result.UnusedNic = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.UnusedNic
        $result.InheritFailback = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.IsFailbackInherited
        $result.InheritNotifySwitches = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.IsNotifySwitchesInherited
        $result.InheritLoadBalancingPolicy = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.IsLoadBalancingInherited
        $result.InheritNetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.IsNetworkFailoverDetectionInherited
        $result.InheritFailoverOrder = $virtualPortGroupTeamingPolicy.IsFailoverOrderInherited

class VMHostAcceptanceLevel : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    VMHostAcceptanceLevel() {
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'software.acceptance'

    Specifies the acceptance level of the VMHost. Valid values are VMwareCertified, VMwareAccepted, PartnerSupported and CommunitySupported.

    [AcceptanceLevel] $Level

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            # The 'Level' value needs to be converted to a string type before being passed to the base class method.
            $modifyVMHostAcceptanceLevelMethodArguments = @{
                level = $this.Level.ToString()

            $this.ExecuteEsxCliModifyMethod($this.EsxCliSetMethodName, $modifyVMHostAcceptanceLevelMethodArguments)
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)

            $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Level', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult, $this.Level.ToString())


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostAcceptanceLevel] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostAcceptanceLevel]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name

        $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)

        $result.Level = $esxCliGetMethodResult

class VMHostDCUIKeyboard : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    VMHostDCUIKeyboard() {
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'system.settings.keyboard.layout'

    Specifies the name of the Direct Console User Interface Keyboard Layout.

    [string] $Layout

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)

            $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Layout', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult, $this.Layout)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostDCUIKeyboard] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostDCUIKeyboard]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name

        $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)
        $result.Layout = $esxCliGetMethodResult

class VMHostNetworkCoreDump : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    VMHostNetworkCoreDump() {
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'system.coredump.network'

    Specifies whether to enable network coredump.

    [nullable[bool]] $Enable

    Specifies the active interface to be used for the network coredump.

    [string] $InterfaceName

    Specifies the IP address of the coredump server (IPv4 or IPv6).

    [string] $ServerIp

    Specifies the port on which the coredump server is listening.

    [nullable[long]] $ServerPort

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            The 'Enable' argument of the 'set' method of the command should be passed separately from the other method arguments.
            So if any of the other method arguments is passed, the method of the command should be invoked twice - the first time
            without 'Enable' and the second time only with 'Enable' argument.

            if ($null -ne $this.Enable) {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.InterfaceName) -or ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.ServerIp) -or $null -ne $this.ServerPort) {
                    The desired 'Enable' value must be set to $null, so that the base class can ignore it when constructing the arguments of the method of the command.
                    The value is stored in a separate variable, so that it can be used when the second invocation of the command method occurs.

                    $enableArgumentDesiredValue = $this.Enable
                    $this.Enable = $null


                    # The property value is restored to its initial value.
                    $this.Enable = $enableArgumentDesiredValue

                    # All property values except the desired 'Enable' value should be set to $null, because the command method was invoked with them already and their values are not needed.
                    $this.InterfaceName = $null
                    $this.ServerIp = $null
                    $this.ServerPort = $null

                else {
            else {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)

            $result = !$this.ShouldModifyVMHostNetworkCoreDumpConfiguration($esxCliGetMethodResult)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostNetworkCoreDump] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostNetworkCoreDump]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))

    Checks if the VMHost network coredump configuration should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifyVMHostNetworkCoreDumpConfiguration($esxCliGetMethodResult) {
        $shouldModifyVMHostNetworkCoreDumpConfiguration = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Enable', [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($esxCliGetMethodResult.Enabled), $this.Enable),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('InterfaceName', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.HostVNic, $this.InterfaceName),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('ServerIp', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.NetworkServerIP, $this.ServerIp),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('ServerPort', [long] $esxCliGetMethodResult.NetworkServerPort, $this.ServerPort)

        return ($shouldModifyVMHostNetworkCoreDumpConfiguration -Contains $true)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name

        $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)

        $result.Enable = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($esxCliGetMethodResult.Enabled)
        $result.InterfaceName = $esxCliGetMethodResult.HostVNic
        $result.ServerIp = $esxCliGetMethodResult.NetworkServerIP
        $result.ServerPort = [long] $esxCliGetMethodResult.NetworkServerPort

class VMHostSharedSwapSpace : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    VMHostSharedSwapSpace() {
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'sched.swap.system'

    Specifies if the Datastore option should be enabled or not.

    [nullable[bool]] $DatastoreEnabled

    Specifies the name of the Datastore used by the Datastore option.

    [string] $DatastoreName

    Specifies the order of the Datastore option in the preference of the options of the system-wide shared swap space.

    [nullable[long]] $DatastoreOrder

    Specifies if the host cache option should be enabled or not.

    [nullable[bool]] $HostCacheEnabled

    Specifies the order of the host cache option in the preference of the options of the system-wide shared swap space.

    [nullable[long]] $HostCacheOrder

    Specifies if the host local swap option should be enabled or not.

    [nullable[bool]] $HostLocalSwapEnabled

    Specifies the order of the host local swap option in the preference of the options of the system-wide shared swap space.

    [nullable[long]] $HostLocalSwapOrder

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $modifyVMHostSharedSwapSpaceMethodArguments = @{}
            if ($null -ne $this.DatastoreName) { $modifyVMHostSharedSwapSpaceMethodArguments.datastorename = $this.DatastoreName }

            $this.ExecuteEsxCliModifyMethod($this.EsxCliSetMethodName, $modifyVMHostSharedSwapSpaceMethodArguments)
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)

            $result = !$this.ShouldModifySystemWideSharedSwapSpaceConfiguration($esxCliGetMethodResult)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostSharedSwapSpace] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostSharedSwapSpace]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, ($this.DscResourceName))

    Checks if the system-wide shared swap space configuration should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifySystemWideSharedSwapSpaceConfiguration($esxCliGetMethodResult) {
        $shouldModifySystemWideSharedSwapSpaceConfiguration = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DatastoreEnabled', [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($esxCliGetMethodResult.DatastoreEnabled), $this.DatastoreEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DatastoreName', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.DatastoreName, $this.DatastoreName),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DatastoreOrder', [long] $esxCliGetMethodResult.DatastoreOrder, $this.DatastoreOrder),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('HostCacheEnabled', [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($esxCliGetMethodResult.HostcacheEnabled), $this.HostCacheEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('HostCacheOrder', [long] $esxCliGetMethodResult.HostcacheOrder, $this.HostCacheOrder),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('HostLocalSwapOrder', [long] $esxCliGetMethodResult.HostlocalswapOrder, $this.HostLocalSwapOrder),

        return ($shouldModifySystemWideSharedSwapSpaceConfiguration -Contains $true)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name

        $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)

        $result.DatastoreEnabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($esxCliGetMethodResult.DatastoreEnabled)
        $result.DatastoreName = $esxCliGetMethodResult.DatastoreName
        $result.DatastoreOrder = [long] $esxCliGetMethodResult.DatastoreOrder
        $result.HostCacheEnabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($esxCliGetMethodResult.HostcacheEnabled)
        $result.HostCacheOrder = [long] $esxCliGetMethodResult.HostcacheOrder
        $result.HostLocalSwapEnabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($esxCliGetMethodResult.HostlocalswapEnabled)
        $result.HostLocalSwapOrder = [long] $esxCliGetMethodResult.HostlocalswapOrder

class VMHostSNMPAgent : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    VMHostSNMPAgent() {
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'system.snmp'

    Specifies the default authentication protocol. Valid values are none, MD5, SHA1.

    [string] $Authentication

    Specifies up to ten communities each no more than 64 characters. Format is: 'community1[,community2,...]'. This overwrites previous settings.

    [string] $Communities

    Specifies whether to start or stop the SNMP service.

    [nullable[bool]] $Enable

    Specifies the SNMPv3 engine id. Must be between 10 and 32 hexadecimal characters. 0x or 0X are stripped if found as well as colons (:).

    [string] $EngineId

    Specifies where to source hardware events - IPMI sensors or CIM Indications. Valid values are indications and sensors.

    [string] $Hwsrc

    Specifies whether to support large storage for 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' * 'hrStorageSize'. Controls how the agent reports 'hrStorageAllocationUnits', 'hrStorageSize' and 'hrStorageUsed' in 'hrStorageTable'.
    Setting this directive to $true to support large storage with small allocation units, the agent re-calculates these values so they all fit into 'int' and 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' * 'hrStorageSize' gives real size
    of the storage. Setting this directive to $false turns off this calculation and the agent reports real 'hrStorageAllocationUnits', but it might report wrong 'hrStorageSize' for large storage because the value won't fit
    into 'int'.

    [nullable[bool]] $LargeStorage

    Specifies the SNMP agent syslog logging level. Valid values are debug, info, warning and error.

    [string] $LogLevel

    Specifies a comma separated list of trap oids for traps not to be sent by the SNMP agent. Use the property 'reset' to clear this setting.

    [string] $NoTraps

    Specifies the UDP port to poll SNMP agent on. The default is 'udp/161'. May not use ports 32768 to 40959.

    [nullable[long]] $Port

    Specifies the default privacy protocol. Valid values are none and AES128.

    [string] $Privacy

    Specifies up to five inform user ids. Format is: 'user/auth-proto/-|auth-hash/priv-proto/-|priv-hash/engine-id[,...]', where user is 32 chars max. 'auth-proto' is 'none', 'MD5' or 'SHA1',
    'priv-proto' is 'none' or 'AES'. '-' indicates no hash. 'engine-id' is hex string '0x0-9a-f' up to 32 chars max.

    [string] $RemoteUsers

    Specifies whether to return SNMP agent configuration to factory defaults.

    [nullable[bool]] $Reset

    Specifies the System contact as presented in 'sysContact.0'. Up to 255 characters.

    [string] $SysContact

    Specifies the System location as presented in 'sysLocation.0'. Up to 255 characters.

    [string] $SysLocation

    Specifies up to three targets to send SNMPv1 traps to. Format is: 'ip-or-hostname[@port]/community[,...]'. The default port is 'udp/162'.

    [string] $Targets

    Specifies up to five local users. Format is: 'user/-|auth-hash/-|priv-hash/model[,...]', where user is 32 chars max. '-' indicates no hash. Model is one of 'none', 'auth' or 'priv'.

    [string] $Users

    Specifies up to three SNMPv3 notification targets. Format is: 'ip-or-hostname[@port]/remote-user/security-level/trap|inform[,...]'.

    [string] $V3Targets

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $modifyVMHostSNMPAgentMethodArguments = @{}
            if ($null -ne $this.NoTraps) { $modifyVMHostSNMPAgentMethodArguments.notraps = $this.NoTraps }
            if ($null -ne $this.SysContact) { $modifyVMHostSNMPAgentMethodArguments.syscontact = $this.SysContact }
            if ($null -ne $this.SysLocation) { $modifyVMHostSNMPAgentMethodArguments.syslocation = $this.SysLocation }

            $this.ExecuteEsxCliModifyMethod($this.EsxCliSetMethodName, $modifyVMHostSNMPAgentMethodArguments)
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)

            $result = !$this.ShouldModifyVMHostSNMPAgent($esxCliGetMethodResult)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostSNMPAgent] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostSNMPAgent]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Checks if the VMHost SNMP Agent should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifyVMHostSNMPAgent($esxCliGetMethodResult) {
        $shouldModifyVMHostSNMPAgent = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Authentication', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.authentication, $this.Authentication),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Communities', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.communities, $this.Communities),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Enable', [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($esxCliGetMethodResult.enable), $this.Enable),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('EngineId', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.engineid, $this.EngineId),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Hwsrc', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.hwsrc, $this.Hwsrc),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('LargeStorage', [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($esxCliGetMethodResult.largestorage), $this.LargeStorage),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('LogLevel', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.loglevel, $this.LogLevel),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('NoTraps', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.notraps, $this.NoTraps),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Port', [int] $esxCliGetMethodResult.port, $this.Port),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Privacy', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.privacy, $this.Privacy),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('RemoteUsers', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.remoteusers, $this.RemoteUsers),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('SysContact', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.syscontact, $this.SysContact),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('SysLocation', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.syslocation, $this.SysLocation),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Targets', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.targets, $this.Targets),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Users', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.users, $this.Users),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('V3Targets', [string] $esxCliGetMethodResult.v3targets, $this.V3Targets),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Reset', $false, $this.Reset)

        return ($shouldModifyVMHostSNMPAgent -Contains $true)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
        $result.Reset = $this.Reset

        $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)

        $result.Authentication = $esxCliGetMethodResult.authentication
        $result.Communities = $esxCliGetMethodResult.communities
        $result.Enable = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($esxCliGetMethodResult.enable)
        $result.EngineId = $esxCliGetMethodResult.engineid
        $result.Hwsrc = $esxCliGetMethodResult.hwsrc
        $result.LargeStorage = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($esxCliGetMethodResult.largestorage)
        $result.LogLevel = $esxCliGetMethodResult.loglevel
        $result.NoTraps = $esxCliGetMethodResult.notraps
        $result.Port = [int] $esxCliGetMethodResult.port
        $result.Privacy = $esxCliGetMethodResult.privacy
        $result.RemoteUsers = $esxCliGetMethodResult.remoteusers
        $result.SysContact = $esxCliGetMethodResult.syscontact
        $result.SysLocation = $esxCliGetMethodResult.syslocation
        $result.Targets = $esxCliGetMethodResult.targets
        $result.Users = $esxCliGetMethodResult.users
        $result.V3Targets = $esxCliGetMethodResult.v3targets

class VMHostSoftwareDevice : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    VMHostSoftwareDevice() {
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'device.software'

    Specifies the device identifier from the device specification for the software device driver. Valid input is in reverse domain name format (e.g. com.company.device...).

    [string] $DeviceIdentifier

    Specifies whether the software device should be present or absent.

    [DscProperty(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Specifies the unique number to address this instance of the device, if multiple instances of the same device identifier are added. Valid values are integer in the range 0-31. Default is 0.

    [nullable[long]] $InstanceAddress

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $softwareDevice = $this.GetVMHostSoftwareDevice()
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $softwareDevice) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $softwareDevice) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result = $this.IsVMHostSoftwareDeviceInDesiredState()


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostSoftwareDevice] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostSoftwareDevice]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the Software device with the specified id and instance address if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostSoftwareDevice() {
        $esxCliListMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliListMethodName)
        $softwareDeviceInstanceAddress = if ($null -ne $this.InstanceAddress) { $this.InstanceAddress } else { 0 }
        $softwareDevice = $esxCliListMethodResult | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DeviceID -eq $this.DeviceIdentifier -and [long] $_.Instance -eq $softwareDeviceInstanceAddress }

        return $softwareDevice

    Checks if the Software device is in a Desired State depending on the value of the 'Ensure' property.

    [bool] IsVMHostSoftwareDeviceInDesiredState() {
        $softwareDevice = $this.GetVMHostSoftwareDevice()

        $result = $false
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
            $result = ($null -ne $softwareDevice)
        else {
            $result = ($null -eq $softwareDevice)

        return $result

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name

        $softwareDevice = $this.GetVMHostSoftwareDevice()
        if ($null -ne $softwareDevice) {
            $result.DeviceIdentifier = $softwareDevice.DeviceID
            $result.InstanceAddress = [long] $softwareDevice.Instance
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
        else {
            $result.DeviceIdentifier = $this.DeviceIdentifier
            $result.InstanceAddress = $this.InstanceAddress
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent

class VMHostVMKernelActiveDumpFile : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    VMHostVMKernelActiveDumpFile() {
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'system.coredump.file'

    Specifies whether the VMKernel dump file should be enabled or disabled.

    [nullable[bool]] $Enable

    Specifies whether to select the best available file using the smart selection algorithm. Can only be used when 'Enabled' property is specified with '$true' value.

    [nullable[bool]] $Smart

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)

            $result = !$this.ShouldModifyVMKernelDumpFile($esxCliGetMethodResult)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostVMKernelActiveDumpFile] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostVMKernelActiveDumpFile]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Checks if the VMKernel dump file should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifyVMKernelDumpFile($esxCliGetMethodResult) {
        $result = $null

        if ($null -ne $this.Enable) {
            if ($this.Enable) { $result = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($esxCliGetMethodResult.Active) }
            else { $result = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($esxCliGetMethodResult.Active) }
        else {
            $result = $false

        return $result

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
        $result.Smart = $this.Smart

        $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)
        $result.Enable = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($esxCliGetMethodResult.Active)

class VMHostVMKernelActiveDumpPartition : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    VMHostVMKernelActiveDumpPartition() {
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'system.coredump.partition'

    Specifies whether the VMKernel dump partition should be enabled or disabled.

    [nullable[bool]] $Enable

    Specifies whether to select the best available partition using the smart selection algorithm. Can only be used when 'Enabled' property is specified with '$true' value.

    [nullable[bool]] $Smart

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)

            $result = !$this.ShouldModifyVMKernelDumpPartition($esxCliGetMethodResult)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostVMKernelActiveDumpPartition] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostVMKernelActiveDumpPartition]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Checks if the VMKernel dump partition should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifyVMKernelDumpPartition($esxCliGetMethodResult) {
        $result = $null

        if ($null -ne $this.Enable) {
            if ($this.Enable) { $result = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($esxCliGetMethodResult.Active) }
            else { $result = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($esxCliGetMethodResult.Active) }
        else {
            $result = $false

        return $result

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
        $result.Smart = $this.Smart

        $esxCliGetMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliGetMethodName)
        $result.Enable = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($esxCliGetMethodResult.Active)

class VMHostVMKernelDumpFile : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    VMHostVMKernelDumpFile() {
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'system.coredump.file'

    Specifies the name of the Datastore for the dump file.

    [string] $DatastoreName

    Specifies the file name of the dump file.

    [string] $FileName

    Specifies whether the VMKernel dump Vmfs file should be present or absent.

    [DscProperty(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Specifies the size in MB of the dump file. If not provided, a default size for the current machine is calculated.

    [nullable[long]] $Size

    Specifies whether to deactivate and unconfigure the dump file being removed. This option is required if the file is active.

    [nullable[bool]] $Force

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveFileSystemsInformationMessage = "Could not retrieve information about File Systems on VMHost {0}. For more information: {1}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $addVMKernelDumpFileMethodArguments = @{
                    datastore = $this.DatastoreName
                    file = $this.FileName

                $this.ExecuteEsxCliModifyMethod($this.EsxCliAddMethodName, $addVMKernelDumpFileMethodArguments)
            else {
                $esxCliListMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliListMethodName)
                $vmKernelDumpFile = $this.GetVMKernelDumpFile($esxCliListMethodResult)
                $removeVMKernelDumpFileMethodArguments = @{
                    file = $vmKernelDumpFile.Path

                $this.ExecuteEsxCliModifyMethod($this.EsxCliRemoveMethodName, $removeVMKernelDumpFileMethodArguments)
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxCliListMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliListMethodName)
            $vmKernelDumpFile = $this.GetVMKernelDumpFile($esxCliListMethodResult)

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $result = ($vmKernelDumpFile.Count -ne 0)
            else {
                $result = ($vmKernelDumpFile.Count -eq 0)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostVMKernelDumpFile] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostVMKernelDumpFile]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Translates the Datastore name from a volume UUID to volume name, if required.

    [string] TranslateDatastoreName($datastoreName) {
        $foundDatastoreName = $null
        $fileSystemsList = $null

        try {
            $fileSystemsList = Invoke-EsxCliCommandMethod -EsxCli $this.EsxCli -EsxCliCommandMethod 'storage.filesystem.list.Invoke({0})' -EsxCliCommandMethodArguments @{}
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveFileSystemsInformationMessage -f $this.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

        foreach ($fileSystem in $fileSystemsList) {
            if ($fileSystem.UUID -eq $datastoreName) {
                $foundDatastoreName = $fileSystem.VolumeName

            if ($fileSystem.VolumeName -eq $datastoreName) {
                $foundDatastoreName = $fileSystem.VolumeName

        return $foundDatastoreName

    Retrieves the name of the specified dump file.

    [string] GetDumpFileName($dumpFile) {
        $fileParts = $dumpFile -Split '\.'
        return $fileParts[0]

    Converts the passed bytes value to MB value.

    [double] ConvertBytesValueToMBValue($bytesValue) {
        return [Math]::Round($bytesValue / 1MB)

    Retrieves the VMKernel dump file if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetVMKernelDumpFile($esxCliListMethodResult) {
        $foundDumpFile = @{}
        $result = @()

        foreach ($dumpFile in $esxCliListMethodResult) {
            $dumpFileParts = $dumpFile.Path -Split '/'
            $dumpFileDatastoreName = $this.TranslateDatastoreName($dumpFileParts[3])
            $dumpFileName = $this.GetDumpFileName($dumpFileParts[5])

            $result += ($this.DatastoreName -eq $dumpFileDatastoreName)
            $result += ($this.FileName -eq $dumpFileName)

            if ($null -ne $this.Size) {
                $result += ($this.Size -eq $this.ConvertBytesValueToMBValue($dumpFile.Size))

            if ($result -NotContains $false) {
                $foundDumpFile.Path = $dumpFile.Path
                $foundDumpFile.Datastore = $dumpFileDatastoreName
                $foundDumpFile.File = $dumpFileName
                $foundDumpFile.Size = $this.ConvertBytesValueToMBValue($dumpFile.Size)


            $result = @()

        return $foundDumpFile

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
        $result.Force = $this.Force

        $esxCliListMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliListMethodName)
        $vmKernelDumpFile = $this.GetVMKernelDumpFile($esxCliListMethodResult)

        if ($vmKernelDumpFile.Count -ne 0) {
            $result.DatastoreName = $vmKernelDumpFile.Datastore
            $result.FileName = $vmKernelDumpFile.File
            $result.Size = $vmKernelDumpFile.Size
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
        else {
            $result.DatastoreName = $this.DatastoreName
            $result.FileName = $this.FileName
            $result.Size = $this.Size
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent

class VMHostVMKernelModule : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    VMHostVMKernelModule() {
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'system.module'

    Specifies the name of the VMKernel module.

    [string] $Module

    Specifies whether the module should be enabled or disabled.

    [bool] $Enabled

    Specifies whether to skip the VMkernel module validity checks.

    [nullable[bool]] $Force

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $esxCliListMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliListMethodName)

            $result = !$this.ShouldModifyVMKernelModule($esxCliListMethodResult)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostVMKernelModule] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostVMKernelModule]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Checks if the specified VMKernel module should be modified.

    [bool] ShouldModifyVMKernelModule($esxCliListMethodResult) {
        $vmKernelModule = $esxCliListMethodResult | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $this.Module }
        return $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Enabled', [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($vmKernelModule.IsEnabled), $this.Enabled)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
        $result.Force = $this.Force

        $esxCliListMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliListMethodName)
        $vmKernelModule = $esxCliListMethodResult | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $this.Module }

        $result.Module = $vmKernelModule.Name
        $result.Enabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($vmKernelModule.IsEnabled)

class VMHostvSANNetworkConfiguration : EsxCliBaseDSC {
    VMHostvSANNetworkConfiguration() {
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'vsan.network.ip'

    Specifies the name of the interface.

    [string] $InterfaceName

    Specifies whether the IP interface of the vSAN network configuration should be present or absent.

    [DscProperty(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Ensure] $Ensure

    Specifies the IPv4 multicast address for the agent group.

    [string] $AgentMcAddr

    Specifies the IPv6 multicast address for the agent group.

    [string] $AgentV6McAddr

    Specifies the multicast address port for the agent group.

    [nullable[long]] $AgentMcPort

    Specifies the unicast address port for the VMHost unicast channel.

    [nullable[long]] $HostUcPort

    Specifies the IPv4 multicast address for the master group.

    [string] $MasterMcAddr

    Specifies the IPv6 multicast address for the master group.

    [string] $MasterV6McAddr

    Specifies the multicast address port for the master group.

    [nullable[long]] $MasterMcPort

    Specifies the time-to-live for multicast packets.

    [nullable[long]] $MulticastTtl

    Specifies the network transmission type of the vSAN traffic through a virtual network adapter. Supported values are vsan and witness. Type 'vsan' means general vSAN transmission, which is used for both
    data and witness transmission, if there is no virtual adapter configured with 'witness' traffic type; Type 'witness' indicates that, vSAN vmknic is used for vSAN witness transmission.
    Once a virtual adapter is configured with 'witness' traffic type, vSAN witness data transmission will stop using virtual adapter with 'vsan' traffic type, and use first dicovered virtual adapter with 'witness' traffic type.
    Multiple traffic types can be provided in format -T type1 -T type2. Default value is 'vsan', if the property is not specified.

    [string[]] $TrafficType

    Specifies whether to notify vSAN subsystem of the removal of the IP Interface, even if is not configured.

    [nullable[bool]] $Force

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface = $this.GetvSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface()
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result = $this.IsvSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterfaceInDesiredState()


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostvSANNetworkConfiguration] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostvSANNetworkConfiguration]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHost)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the IP interface with the specified name of the vSAN network configuration.

    [PSObject] GetvSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface() {
        The 'list' method of the command is not on the same element as the 'add' and 'remove' methods. So the different methods
        need to be executed with different commands.

        $initialEsxCliCommand = $this.EsxCliCommand
        $this.EsxCliCommand = 'vsan.network'

        $esxCliListMethodResult = $this.ExecuteEsxCliRetrievalMethod($this.EsxCliListMethodName)

        # The command needs to be restored to its initial value, so that it can be used by the 'add' and 'remove' methods.
        $this.EsxCliCommand = $initialEsxCliCommand

        return ($esxCliListMethodResult | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.VmkNicName -eq $this.InterfaceName })

    Checks if the vSan network configuration IP interface is in a Desired State depending on the value of the 'Ensure' property.

    [bool] IsvSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterfaceInDesiredState() {
        $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface = $this.GetvSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface()

        $result = $false
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
            $result = ($null -ne $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface)
        else {
            $result = ($null -eq $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface)

        return $result

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHost) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
        $result.Force = $this.Force

        $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface = $this.GetvSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface()
        if ($null -ne $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface) {
            $result.InterfaceName = $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface.VmkNicName
            $result.AgentMcAddr = $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface.AgentGroupMulticastAddress
            $result.AgentMcPort = [long] $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface.AgentGroupMulticastPort
            $result.AgentV6McAddr = $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface.AgentGroupIPv6MulticastAddress
            $result.HostUcPort = [long] $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface.HostUnicastChannelBoundPort
            $result.MasterMcAddr = $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface.MasterGroupMulticastAddress
            $result.MasterMcPort = [long] $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface.MasterGroupMulticastPort
            $result.MasterV6McAddr = $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface.MasterGroupIPv6MulticastAddress
            $result.MulticastTtl = [long] $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface.MulticastTTL
            $result.TrafficType = $vSanNetworkConfigurationIPInterface.TrafficType
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
        else {
            $result.InterfaceName = $this.InterfaceName
            $result.AgentMcAddr = $this.AgentMcAddr
            $result.AgentMcPort = $this.AgentMcPort
            $result.AgentV6McAddr = $this.AgentV6McAddr
            $result.HostUcPort = $this.HostUcPort
            $result.MasterMcAddr = $this.MasterMcAddr
            $result.MasterMcPort = $this.MasterMcPort
            $result.MasterV6McAddr = $this.MasterV6McAddr
            $result.MulticastTtl = $this.MulticastTtl
            $result.TrafficType = $this.TrafficType
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent

class VMHostVDSwitchMigration : VMHostNetworkMigrationBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the vSphere Distributed Switch to which the VMHost and its Network should be part of.
    VMHost Network consists of the passed Physical Network Adapters, VMKernel Network Adapters and Port Groups.

    [string] $VdsName

    Specifies the names of the Port Groups to which the specified VMKernel Network Adapters should be attached. Accepts either one Port Group
    or the same number of Port Groups as the number of VMKernel Network Adapters specified. If one Port Group is specified, all Adapters are attached to that Port Group.
    If the same number of Port Groups as the number of VMKernel Network Adapters are specified, the first Adapter is attached to the first Port Group,
    the second Adapter to the second Port Group, and so on.

    [string[]] $PortGroupNames

    Specifies whether the user wants to migrate only the Physical Network
    Adapters when no VMKernel Network Adapters are specified. Migrating a
    Physical Network Adapter that takes care of the Management traffic without a
    VMKernel Network Adapter could result in an ESXi network connectivity loss.

    [nullable[bool]] $MigratePhysicalNicsOnly

    hidden [string] $RetrieveVDSwitchMessage = "Retrieving VDSwitch {0} from vCenter {1}."
    hidden [string] $RetrieveStandardPortGroupMessage = "Retrieving Standard Port Group {0} located on VMHost {1}."
    hidden [string] $CreateVDPortGroupMessage = "Creating VDPortGroup {0} on VDSwitch {1}{2}"
    hidden [string] $AddVDSwitchToVMHostMessage = "Adding VDSwitch {0} to VMHost {1}."
    hidden [string] $AddPhysicalNicsToVDSwitchMessage = "Migrating Physical Network Adapters {0} to VDSwitch {1}."
    hidden [string] $AddPhysicalNicsAndVMKernelNicsToVDSwitchMessage = "Migrating Physical Network Adapters {0} and VMKernel Network Adapters {1} to VDSwitch {2}."

    hidden [string] $MigratePhysicalNicsOnlyNotSpecified = "When migrating Physical Network Adapters without VMKernel Network Adapters, the MigratePhysicalNicsOnly parameter should be specified in order for the migration to occur."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveVDSwitchMessage = "Could not retrieve VDSwitch {0}. For more information: {1}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRetrieveStandardPortGroupMessage = "Could not retrieve Standard Port Group {0} located on VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateVDPortGroupMessage = "Could not create VDPortGroup {0} on VDSwitch {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotAddVDSwitchToVMHostMessage = "Could not add VDSwitch {0} to VMHost {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotAddPhysicalNicsToVDSwitchMessage = "Could not migrate Physical Network Adapters {0} to VDSwitch {1}. For more information: {2}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotAddPhysicalNicsAndVMKernelNicsToVDSwitchMessage = "Could not migrate Physical Network Adapters {0} and VMKernel Network Adapters {1} to VDSwitch {2}. For more information: {3}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch()

            if (!$this.IsVMHostAddedToDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch)) {

            $physicalNetworkAdapters = $this.GetPhysicalNetworkAdapters()
            if ($this.VMkernelNicNames.Length -eq 0) {
                $this.AddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersToDistributedSwitch($physicalNetworkAdapters, $distributedSwitch)
            else {
                $vmKernelNetworkAdapters = $this.GetVMKernelNetworkAdapters()

                $this.AddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersAndVMKernelNetworkAdaptersToDistributedSwitch($physicalNetworkAdapters, $vmKernelNetworkAdapters, $distributedSwitch)
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))



            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch()

            $result = $null

            if (!$this.IsVMHostAddedToDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch)) {
                $result = $false

            # The $null checks ensure that the desired state has not been determined yet from the previous statements.
            if ($null -eq $result -and $this.ShouldAddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersToDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch)) {
                $result = $false

            if ($null -eq $result -and $this.VMkernelNicNames.Length -eq 0 -and $this.PortGroupNames.Length -eq 0) {
                $result = $true
            elseif ($null -eq $result) {
                $result = !$this.ShouldAddVMKernelNetworkAdaptersAndPortGroupsToDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostVDSwitchMigration] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostVDSwitchMigration]::new()


            $distributedSwitch = $this.GetDistributedSwitch()

            $this.PopulateResult($distributedSwitch, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the Distributed Switch with the specified name from the server if it exists.
    Otherwise it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetDistributedSwitch() {
        The Verbose logic here is needed to suppress the Exporting and Importing of the
        cmdlets from the VMware.VimAutomation.Vds Module.

        $savedVerbosePreference = $global:VerbosePreference
        $global:VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RetrieveVDSwitchMessage, @($this.VdsName, $this.Connection.Name))

            $getVDSwitchParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $this.VdsName
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false

            return Get-VDSwitch @getVDSwitchParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveVDSwitchMessage -f $this.VdsName, $_.Exception.Message)
        finally {
            $global:VerbosePreference = $savedVerbosePreference

    Retrieves the Standard Port Group with the specified name if it exists.
    Otherwise it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetStandardPortGroup($standardPortGroupName) {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RetrieveStandardPortGroupMessage, @($standardPortGroupName, $this.VMHost.Name))
            $getVirtualPortGroupParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $standardPortGroupName
                VMHost = $this.VMHost
                Standard = $true
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false

            return Get-VirtualPortGroup @getVirtualPortGroupParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRetrieveStandardPortGroupMessage -f $standardPortGroupName, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Creates a hashtable containing the parameters for the Add-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter cmdlet.

    [hashtable] GetAddVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams($distributedSwitch, $physicalNics) {
        return @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            DistributedSwitch = $distributedSwitch
            VMHostPhysicalNic = $physicalNics
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

    Creates a hashtable containing the parameters for the Add-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter cmdlet.

    [hashtable] GetAddVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams($distributedSwitch, $physicalNics, $vmKernelNics, $portGroups) {
        $addVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams = $this.GetAddVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams($distributedSwitch, $physicalNics)

        $addVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams.VMHostVirtualNic = $vmKernelNics
        $addVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams.VirtualNicPortgroup = $portGroups

        return $addVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams

    Checks if the specified VMHost is part of the Distributed Switch.

    [bool] IsVMHostAddedToDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch) {
        $addedVMHost = $this.VMHost.ExtensionData.Config.Network.ProxySwitch | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DvsName -eq $distributedSwitch.Name }
        return ($null -ne $addedVMHost)

    Checks if all passed Physical Network Adapters are added to the Distributed Switch.

    [bool] ShouldAddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersToDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch) {
        $physicalNetworkAdapters = $this.GetPhysicalNetworkAdapters()
        if ($physicalNetworkAdapters.Length -eq 0) {
            throw 'At least one Physical Network Adapter needs to be specified.'

        if ($null -eq $distributedSwitch.ExtensionData.Config.Host.Config.Backing.PnicSpec) {
            # No Physical Network Adapters are added to the Distributed Switch.
            return $true

        foreach ($physicalNetworkAdapter in $physicalNetworkAdapters) {
            $addedPhysicalNetworkAdapter = $distributedSwitch.ExtensionData.Config.Host.Config.Backing.PnicSpec | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.PNicDevice -eq $physicalNetworkAdapter.Name }
            if ($null -eq $addedPhysicalNetworkAdapter) {
                return $true

        return $false

    Checks if all passed VMKernel Network Adapters and Port Groups are added to the Distributed Switch.

    [bool] ShouldAddVMKernelNetworkAdaptersAndPortGroupsToDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch) {

        if ($this.PortGroupNames.Length -eq 1) {
            $portGroupName = $this.PortGroupNames[0]

            foreach ($vmKernelNetworkAdapterName in $this.VMKernelNicNames) {
                $getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams = @{
                    Server = $this.Connection
                    Name = $vmKernelNetworkAdapterName
                    VMHost = $this.VMHost
                    VirtualSwitch = $distributedSwitch
                    PortGroup = $portGroupName
                    VMKernel = $true
                    ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    Verbose = $false

                $vmKernelNetworkAdapter = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter @getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams
                if ($null -eq $vmKernelNetworkAdapter) {
                    return $true
        else {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $this.VMKernelNicNames.Length; $i++) {
                $vmKernelNetworkAdapterName = $this.VMKernelNicNames[$i]
                $portGroupName = $this.PortGroupNames[$i]

                $getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams = @{
                    Server = $this.Connection
                    Name = $vmKernelNetworkAdapterName
                    VMHost = $this.VMHost
                    VirtualSwitch = $distributedSwitch
                    PortGroup = $portGroupName
                    VMKernel = $true
                    ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    Verbose = $false

                $vmKernelNetworkAdapter = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter @getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams
                if ($null -eq $vmKernelNetworkAdapter) {
                    return $true

        return $false

    Ensures that the specified Distributed Port Groups exist. If a Distributed Port Group is specified and does not exist,
    it is created on the specified Distributed Switch.

    [array] EnsureDistributedPortGroupsExist($distributedSwitch, $vmKernelNetworkAdapters) {
        $portGroups = @()
        foreach ($distributedPortGroupName in $this.PortGroupNames) {
            $getVDPortGroupParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $distributedPortGroupName
                VDSwitch = $distributedSwitch
                ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
                Verbose = $false
            $distributedPortGroup = Get-VDPortgroup @getVDPortGroupParams
            if ($null -eq $distributedPortGroup) {
                $distributedPortGroup = $this.CreateDistributedPortGroup($distributedPortGroupName, $distributedSwitch, $vmKernelNetworkAdapters)

            $portGroups += $distributedPortGroup

        return $portGroups

    Ensures that the passed VMKernel Network Adapter names and Port Group names count meets the following criteria:
    If at least one VMKernel Network Adapter is specified, one of the following requirements should be met:
    1. The number of specified Port Groups should be equal to the number of specified VMKernel Network Adapters.
    2. Only one Port Group is passed.
    If no VMKernel Network Adapter names are passed, no Port Group names should be passed as well.

    [void] EnsureVMKernelNetworkAdapterAndPortGroupNamesCountIsCorrect() {
        if ($this.VMkernelNicNames.Length -gt 0) {
            if ($this.PortGroupNames.Length -eq 0 -or ($this.VMkernelNicNames.Length -ne $this.PortGroupNames.Length -and $this.PortGroupNames.Length -ne 1)) {
                throw "$($this.VMKernelNicNames.Length) VMKernel Network Adapters specified and $($this.PortGroupNames.Length) Port Groups specified which is not valid."
        else {
            if ($this.PortGroupNames.Length -ne 0) {
                throw "$($this.PortGroupNames.Length) Port Groups specified and no VMKernel Network Adapters specified which is not valid."

    Creates a new Distributed Port Group with the specified name on the specified Distributed Switch.
    If a Standard Port Group with the same name exists on the Standard Switch from which the VMKernel Network Adapters are migrated
    and the Standard Port Group is associated with a VLAN, the new Distributed Port Group is created with the same VLAN to avoid
    any network misconfigurations due to VLANs not configured correctly.

    [PSObject] CreateDistributedPortGroup($distributedPortGroupName, $distributedSwitch, $vmKernelNetworkAdapters) {
        try {
            $createVDPortGroupMessageEnd = "."
            $newVDPortGroupParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $distributedPortGroupName
                VDSwitch = $distributedSwitch
                Confirm = $false
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false

            $vmKernelNetworkAdapterOfStandardPortGroup = $vmKernelNetworkAdapters | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.PortGroupName -eq $distributedPortGroupName }
            if ($null -ne $vmKernelNetworkAdapterOfStandardPortGroup) {
                $standardPortGroup = $this.GetStandardPortGroup($distributedPortGroupName)

                # The VLAN for Distributed Port Groups is valid only in the specified range.
                if ($standardPortGroup.VLanId -In 1..4094) {
                    $newVDPortGroupParams.VlanId = $standardPortGroup.VLanId
                    $createVDPortGroupMessageEnd = " with VLAN ID $($standardPortGroup.VLanId)."

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.CreateVDPortGroupMessage, @($distributedPortGroupName, $distributedSwitch.Name, $createVDPortGroupMessageEnd))
            return New-VDPortgroup @newVDPortGroupParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateVDPortGroupMessage -f $distributedPortGroupName, $distributedSwitch.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Adds the VMHost to the specified Distributed Switch.

    [void] AddVMHostToDistributedSwitch($distributedSwitch) {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.AddVDSwitchToVMHostMessage, @($distributedSwitch.Name, $this.VMHost.Name))

            $addVDSwitchVMHostParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                VDSwitch = $distributedSwitch
                VMHost = $this.VMHost
                Confirm = $false
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                Verbose = $false
            Add-VDSwitchVMHost @addVDSwitchVMHostParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotAddVDSwitchToVMHostMessage -f $distributedSwitch.Name, $this.VMHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Adds the Physical Network Adapters to the specified Distributed Switch.

    [void] AddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersToDistributedSwitch($physicalNetworkAdapters, $distributedSwitch) {
        if ($null -eq $this.MigratePhysicalNicsOnly -or !$this.MigratePhysicalNicsOnly) {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Warning', $this.MigratePhysicalNicsOnlyNotSpecified)


        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.AddPhysicalNicsToVDSwitchMessage, @(
                ($physicalNetworkAdapters.Name -Join ', '),

            $addVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams = $this.GetAddVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams($distributedSwitch, $physicalNetworkAdapters)

            Add-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter @addVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams
        catch {
            throw (
                $this.CouldNotAddPhysicalNicsToVDSwitchMessage -f @(
                    ($physicalNetworkAdapters.Name -Join ', '),

    Adds the Physical Network Adapters and VMKernel Network Adapters to the specified Distributed Switch.

    [void] AddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersAndVMKernelNetworkAdaptersToDistributedSwitch($physicalNetworkAdapters, $vmKernelNetworkAdapters, $distributedSwitch) {
        $portGroups = $this.EnsureDistributedPortGroupsExist($distributedSwitch, $vmKernelNetworkAdapters)

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.AddPhysicalNicsAndVMKernelNicsToVDSwitchMessage, @(
                ($physicalNetworkAdapters.Name -Join ', '),
                ($vmKernelNetworkAdapters.Name -Join ', '),

            $addVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams = $this.GetAddVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams(

            Add-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter @addVDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams
        catch {
            throw (
                $this.CouldNotAddPhysicalNicsAndVMKernelNicsToVDSwitchMessage -f @(
                    ($physicalNetworkAdapters.Name -Join ', '),
                    ($vmKernelNetworkAdapters.Name -Join ', '),

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method.

    [void] PopulateResult($distributedSwitch, $result) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name
        $result.VdsName = $distributedSwitch.Name

        if ($null -eq $distributedSwitch.ExtensionData.Config.Host.Config.Backing.PnicSpec) {
            $result.PhysicalNicNames = @()
        else {
            $result.PhysicalNicNames = [string[]]($distributedSwitch.ExtensionData.Config.Host.Config.Backing.PnicSpec | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PNicDevice)

        $result.VMkernelNicNames = @()
        $result.PortGroupNames = @()

        if ($this.VMKernelNicNames.Length -eq 0) {

        $getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            VMHost = $this.VMHost
            VirtualSwitch = $distributedSwitch
            VMKernel = $true
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false
        $vmKernelNetworkAdapters = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter @getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams | Where-Object -FilterScript { $this.VMKernelNicNames.Contains($_.Name) }

        foreach ($vmKernelNetworkAdapter in $vmKernelNetworkAdapters) {
            $result.VMkernelNicNames += $vmKernelNetworkAdapter.Name
            $result.PortGroupNames += $vmKernelNetworkAdapter.PortGroupName

class VMHostVssMigration : VMHostNetworkMigrationBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the Standard Switch to which the passed Physical Network Adapters, VMKernel Network Adapters and Port Groups should be part of.

    [string] $VssName

    Specifies the names of the Port Groups to which the specified VMKernel Network Adapters should be attached. Accepts the same number of
    Port Groups as the number of VMKernel Network Adapters specified. The first Adapter is attached to the first Port Group,
    the second Adapter to the second Port Group, and so on.

    [string[]] $PortGroupNames

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $standardSwitch = $this.GetStandardSwitch()

            $physicalNetworkAdapters = $this.GetPhysicalNetworkAdapters()
            if ($this.VMkernelNicNames.Length -eq 0) {
                $this.AddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersToStandardSwitch($physicalNetworkAdapters, $standardSwitch)
            else {
                $vmKernelNetworkAdapters = $this.GetVMKernelNetworkAdapters()

                $this.AddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersAndVMKernelNetworkAdaptersToStandardSwitch($physicalNetworkAdapters, $vmKernelNetworkAdapters, $standardSwitch)
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $standardSwitch = $this.GetStandardSwitch()

            if ($this.ShouldAddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersToStandardSwitch($standardSwitch)) {
                return $false

            if ($this.VMkernelNicNames.Length -eq 0 -and $this.PortGroupNames.Length -eq 0) {
                return $true
            else {
                return !$this.ShouldAddVMKernelNetworkAdaptersAndPortGroupsToStandardSwitch($standardSwitch)
        finally {

    [VMHostVssMigration] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostVssMigration]::new()


            $standardSwitch = $this.GetStandardSwitch()

            $this.PopulateResult($standardSwitch, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Standard Switch with the specified name from the specified VMHost if it exists.
    Otherwise it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetStandardSwitch() {
        try {
            $standardSwitch = Get-VirtualSwitch -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.VssName -VMHost $this.VMHost -Standard -ErrorAction Stop
            return $standardSwitch
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve Standard Switch $($this.VssName). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Checks if all passed Physical Network Adapters are added to the Standard Switch.

    [bool] ShouldAddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersToStandardSwitch($standardSwitch) {
        $physicalNetworkAdapters = $this.GetPhysicalNetworkAdapters()
        if ($physicalNetworkAdapters.Length -eq 0) {
            throw 'At least one Physical Network Adapter needs to be specified.'

        if ($null -eq $standardSwitch.Nic) {
            # No Physical Network Adapters are added to the Standard Switch.
            return $true

        foreach ($physicalNetworkAdapter in $physicalNetworkAdapters) {
            $addedPhysicalNetworkAdapter = $standardSwitch.Nic | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -eq $physicalNetworkAdapter.Name }
            if ($null -eq $addedPhysicalNetworkAdapter) {
                return $true

        return $false

    Checks if all passed VMKernel Network Adapters and Port Groups are added to the Standard Switch.

    [bool] ShouldAddVMKernelNetworkAdaptersAndPortGroupsToStandardSwitch($standardSwitch) {

        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $this.VMKernelNicNames.Length; $i++) {
            $vmKernelNetworkAdapterName = $this.VMKernelNicNames[$i]

            $getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                Name = $vmKernelNetworkAdapterName
                VMHost = $this.VMHost
                VirtualSwitch = $standardSwitch
                VMKernel = $true
                ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'

            if ($this.PortGroupNames.Length -gt 0) {
                $getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams.PortGroup = $this.PortGroupNames[$i]

            $vmKernelNetworkAdapter = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter @getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams
            if ($null -eq $vmKernelNetworkAdapter) {
                return $true

        return $false

    Ensures that the passed VMKernel Network Adapter names and Port Group names count meets the following criteria:
    If VMKernel Network Adapter names are passed, the following requirements should be met:
    No Port Group names are passed or the number of Port Group names is the same as the number of VMKernel Network Adapter names.
    If no VMKernel Network Adapter names are passed, no Port Group names should be passed as well.

    [void] EnsureVMKernelNetworkAdapterAndPortGroupNamesCountIsCorrect() {
        if ($this.VMKernelNicNames.Length -gt 0) {
            if ($this.PortGroupNames.Length -gt 0 -and $this.VMkernelNicNames.Length -ne $this.PortGroupNames.Length) {
                throw "$($this.VMKernelNicNames.Length) VMKernel Network Adapters specified and $($this.PortGroupNames.Length) Port Groups specified which is not valid."
        else {
            if ($this.PortGroupNames.Length -gt 0) {
                throw "$($this.VMKernelNicNames.Length) VMKernel Network Adapters specified and $($this.PortGroupNames.Length) Port Groups specified which is not valid."

    Ensures that the specified Standard Port Groups exist. If a Standard Port Group is specified and does not exist,
    it is created on the specified Standard Switch.

    [void] EnsureStandardPortGroupsExist($standardSwitch) {
        foreach ($standardPortGroupName in $this.PortGroupNames) {
            $standardPortGroup = Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $this.Connection -Name $standardPortGroupName -VirtualSwitch $standardSwitch -Standard -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($null -eq $standardPortGroup) {
                try {
                    New-VirtualPortGroup -Server $this.Connection -Name $standardPortGroupName -VirtualSwitch $standardSwitch -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
                catch {
                    throw "Cannot create Standard Port Group $standardPortGroupName on Standard Switch $($standardSwitch.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Adds the Physical Network Adapters to the specified Standard Switch.

    [void] AddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersToStandardSwitch($physicalNetworkAdapters, $standardSwitch) {
        try {
            $addVirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                VirtualSwitch = $standardSwitch
                VMHostPhysicalNic = $physicalNetworkAdapters
                Confirm = $false
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'

            Add-VirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter @addVirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams
        catch {
            throw "Could not migrate Physical Network Adapters $($physicalNetworkAdapters) to Standard Switch $($standardSwitch.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Adds the Physical Network Adapters and VMKernel Network Adapters to the specified Standard Switch.

    [void] AddPhysicalNetworkAdaptersAndVMKernelNetworkAdaptersToStandardSwitch($physicalNetworkAdapters, $vmKernelNetworkAdapters, $standardSwitch) {

        try {
            $addVirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams = @{
                Server = $this.Connection
                VirtualSwitch = $standardSwitch
                VMHostPhysicalNic = $physicalNetworkAdapters
                VMHostVirtualNic = $vmKernelNetworkAdapters
                Confirm = $false
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'

            if ($this.PortGroupNames.Length -gt 0) {
                $addVirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams.VirtualNicPortgroup = $this.PortGroupNames

            Add-VirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter @addVirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapterParams
        catch {
            throw "Could not migrate Physical Network Adapters $($physicalNetworkAdapters) and VMKernel Network Adapters $($vmKernelNetworkAdapters) to Standard Switch $($standardSwitch.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method.

    [void] PopulateResult($standardSwitch, $result) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name
        $result.VssName = $standardSwitch.Name
        $result.PhysicalNicNames = $standardSwitch.Nic
        $result.VMkernelNicNames = @()
        $result.PortGroupNames = @()

        if ($this.VMKernelNicNames.Length -eq 0) {

        $vmKernelNetworkAdapters = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Server $this.Connection -VMHost $this.VMHost -VirtualSwitch $standardSwitch -VMKernel -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
                                   Where-Object -FilterScript { $this.VMKernelNicNames.Contains($_.Name) }

        foreach ($vmKernelNetworkAdapter in $vmKernelNetworkAdapters) {
            $result.VMkernelNicNames += $vmKernelNetworkAdapter.Name
            $result.PortGroupNames += $vmKernelNetworkAdapter.PortGroupName

class VMHostPhysicalNic : VMHostEntityBaseDSC {
    Specifies the Name of the Physical Network Adapter which is going to be configured.

    [string] $Name

    Indicates whether the link is capable of full-duplex. The valid values are Full, Half and Unset.

    [Duplex] $Duplex = [Duplex]::Unset

    Specifies the bit rate of the link.

    [nullable[int]] $BitRatePerSecMb

    Indicates that the host network adapter speed/duplex settings are configured automatically.
    If the property is passed, the Duplex and BitRatePerSecMb properties will be ignored.

    [nullable[bool]] $AutoNegotiate

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $physicalNetworkAdapter = $this.GetPhysicalNetworkAdapter()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $physicalNetworkAdapter = $this.GetPhysicalNetworkAdapter()

            return !$this.ShouldUpdatePhysicalNetworkAdapter($physicalNetworkAdapter)
        finally {

    [VMHostPhysicalNic] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostPhysicalNic]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $physicalNetworkAdapter = $this.GetPhysicalNetworkAdapter()

            $result.VMHostName = $this.VMHost.Name
            $result.Name = $physicalNetworkAdapter.Name

            $this.PopulateResult($physicalNetworkAdapter, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Physical Network Adapter with the specified name from the server if it exists.
    The Network Adapter must be a Physical Network Adapter. If the Physical Network Adapter does not exist, it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetPhysicalNetworkAdapter() {
        try {
            $physicalNetworkAdapter = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.Name -VMHost $this.VMHost -Physical -ErrorAction Stop
            return $physicalNetworkAdapter
        catch {
            throw "Could not retrieve Physical Network Adapter $($this.Name) of VMHost $($this.VMHost.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Checks if the Physical Network Adapter should be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdatePhysicalNetworkAdapter($physicalNetworkAdapter) {
        $shouldUpdatePhysicalNetworkAdapter = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('BitRatePerSecMb', $physicalNetworkAdapter.BitRatePerSec, $this.BitRatePerSecMb)

        The Duplex value on the server is stored as boolean indicating if the link is capable of full-duplex.
        So mapping between the enum and boolean values needs to be performed for comparison purposes.

        if ($this.Duplex -ne [Duplex]::Unset) {
            if ($physicalNetworkAdapter.FullDuplex) {
                $shouldUpdatePhysicalNetworkAdapter += ($this.Duplex -ne [Duplex]::Full)
            else {
                $shouldUpdatePhysicalNetworkAdapter += ($this.Duplex -ne [Duplex]::Half)

        If the network adapter speed/duplex settings are configured automatically, the Link Speed
        property is $null on the server.

        if ($null -ne $this.AutoNegotiate) {
            if ($this.AutoNegotiate) {
                $shouldUpdatePhysicalNetworkAdapter += ($null -ne $physicalNetworkAdapter.ExtensionData.Spec.LinkSpeed)
            else {
                $shouldUpdatePhysicalNetworkAdapter += ($null -eq $physicalNetworkAdapter.ExtensionData.Spec.LinkSpeed)

        return ($shouldUpdatePhysicalNetworkAdapter -Contains $true)

    Performs an update operation on the specified Physical Network Adapter.

    [void] UpdatePhysicalNetworkAdapter($physicalNetworkAdapter) {
        $physicalNetworkAdapterParams = @{}

        $physicalNetworkAdapterParams.PhysicalNic = $physicalNetworkAdapter
        $physicalNetworkAdapterParams.Confirm = $false
        $physicalNetworkAdapterParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        if ($null -ne $this.AutoNegotiate -and $this.AutoNegotiate) {
            $physicalNetworkAdapterParams.AutoNegotiate = $this.AutoNegotiate
        else {
            if ($this.Duplex -ne [Duplex]::Unset) { $physicalNetworkAdapterParams.Duplex = $this.Duplex.ToString() }
            if ($null -ne $this.BitRatePerSecMb) { $physicalNetworkAdapterParams.BitRatePerSecMb = $this.BitRatePerSecMb }

        try {
            Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter @physicalNetworkAdapterParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot update Physical Network Adapter $($physicalNetworkAdapter.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Physical Network Adapter from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($physicalNetworkAdapter, $result) {
        AutoNegotiate property is not present on the server, so it should be populated
        with the value provided by user.

        $result.AutoNegotiate = $this.AutoNegotiate
        $result.BitRatePerSecMb = $physicalNetworkAdapter.BitRatePerSec

        if ($physicalNetworkAdapter.FullDuplex) {
            $result.Duplex = [Duplex]::Full
        else {
            $result.Duplex = [Duplex]::Half

class VMHostVdsNic : VMHostNicBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the VMKernel NIC connected
    to the specified Distributed Port Group on the specified VDSwitch.

    [string] $Name

    Specifies the name of the VDSwitch to which the
    VMKernel NIC is added.

    [string] $VdsName

    Specifies the instance of the 'InventoryUtil' class that is used
    for Inventory operations.

    hidden [InventoryUtil] $InventoryUtil

    hidden [string] $VMHostIsNotAddedToVDSwitchMessage = "VMHost {0} should be added to VDSwitch {1} before configuring the VMKernel NIC."
    hidden [string] $CouldNotFindVMKernelNICMessage = "VMKernel NIC {0} connected to Distributed Port Group {1} on VDSwitch {2} could not be found."

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))




            $vdSwitch = $this.InventoryUtil.GetVDSwitch($this.VdsName)

            $vmKernelNic = $this.GetVMKernelNic($vdSwitch)
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $vmKernelNic) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))




            $vdSwitch = $this.InventoryUtil.GetVDSwitch($this.VdsName)

            $vmKernelNic = $this.GetVMKernelNic($vdSwitch)
            $result = $null

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateVMHostNetworkAdapter($vmKernelNic)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $vmKernelNic)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostVdsNic] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostVdsNic]::new()



            $vdSwitch = $this.InventoryUtil.GetVDSwitch($this.VdsName)

            $vmKernelNic = $this.GetVMKernelNic($vdSwitch)
            if ($null -eq $vmKernelNic) {
                $result.VdsName = $this.VdsName
                $result.Name = $this.Name
            else {
                $result.VdsName = $vdSwitch.Name
                $result.Name = $vmKernelNic.Name

            $this.PopulateResult($vmKernelNic, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Initializes an instance of the 'InventoryUtil' class.

    [void] InitInventoryUtil() {
        if ($null -eq $this.InventoryUtil) {
            $this.InventoryUtil = [InventoryUtil]::new($this.Connection, $this.Ensure)

    Retrieves the VMKernel NIC connected to the specified Distributed Port Group and added
    to the specified VDSwitch from the server if it exists,
    otherwise the method returns $null.

    [PSObject] GetVMKernelNic($vdSwitch) {
        if ($null -eq $vdSwitch) {
                If the VDSwitch is $null, it means that Ensure was set to 'Absent' and
                the VMKernel NIC is not added to the specified VDSwitch.

            return $null

        $getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            VMHost = $this.VMHost
            Name = $this.Name
            VirtualSwitch = $vdSwitch
            PortGroup = $this.PortGroupName
            VMKernel = $true
            ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Verbose = $false

        $vmKernelNic = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter @getVMHostNetworkAdapterParams
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present -and $null -eq $vmKernelNic) {
            throw ($this.CouldNotFindVMKernelNICMessage -f $this.Name, $this.PortGroupName, $vdSwitch.Name)

        return $vmKernelNic

    Checks if the specified VMHost is part of the specified VDSwitch
    and if not, throws an exception.

    [void] EnsureVMHostIsAddedToTheVDSwitch($vdSwitch) {
        if ($null -eq $vdSwitch) {
                If the VDSwitch is $null, it means that Ensure was set to 'Absent' and
                the VMKernel NIC does not exist for the specified VDSwitch.
                So there is no need to ensure that the VMHost is part of the VDSwitch.


        $whereObjectParams = @{
            FilterScript = {
                $_.DvsName -eq $vdSwitch.Name

        $addedVMHost = $this.VMHost.ExtensionData.Config.Network.ProxySwitch | Where-Object @whereObjectParams
        if ($null -eq $addedVMHost) {
            throw ($this.VMHostIsNotAddedToVDSwitchMessage -f $this.VMHost.Name, $vdSwitch.Name)

class VMHostVssNic : VMHostNicBaseDSC {
    Specifies the name of the Virtual Switch to which the VMKernel Network Adapter should be connected.

    [string] $VssName

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $virtualSwitch = $this.GetVirtualSwitch()
            $vmHostNetworkAdapter = $this.GetVMHostNetworkAdapter($virtualSwitch)

            if ($null -ne $vmHostNetworkAdapter) {
                Here the retrieval of the VMKernel is done for the second time because retrieving it
                by Virtual Switch and Port Group produces errors when trying to update or delete it.
                The errors do not occur when the retrieval is done by Name.

                $vmHostNetworkAdapter = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Server $this.Connection -Name $vmHostNetworkAdapter.Name -VMHost $this.VMHost -VMKernel

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $vmHostNetworkAdapter) {
                    $vmHostNetworkAdapter = $this.AddVMHostNetworkAdapter($virtualSwitch, $null)

                if ($this.ShouldUpdateVMHostNetworkAdapter($vmHostNetworkAdapter)) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $vmHostNetworkAdapter) {
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $virtualSwitch = $this.GetVirtualSwitch()
            $vmHostNetworkAdapter = $this.GetVMHostNetworkAdapter($virtualSwitch)

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $vmHostNetworkAdapter) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateVMHostNetworkAdapter($vmHostNetworkAdapter)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $vmHostNetworkAdapter)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostVssNic] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostVssNic]::new()


            $virtualSwitch = $this.GetVirtualSwitch()
            $vmHostNetworkAdapter = $this.GetVMHostNetworkAdapter($virtualSwitch)

            $result.VssName = $virtualSwitch.Name
            $this.PopulateResult($vmHostNetworkAdapter, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Virtual Switch with the specified name from the server if it exists.
    The Virtual Switch must be a Standard Virtual Switch. If the Virtual Switch does not exist and Ensure is set to 'Absent', $null is returned.
    Otherwise it throws an exception.

    [PSObject] GetVirtualSwitch() {
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent) {
            return Get-VirtualSwitch -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.VssName -VMHost $this.VMHost -Standard -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        else {
            try {
                $virtualSwitch = Get-VirtualSwitch -Server $this.Connection -Name $this.VssName -VMHost $this.VMHost -Standard -ErrorAction Stop
                return $virtualSwitch
            catch {
                throw "Could not retrieve Virtual Switch $($this.VssName) of VMHost $($this.VMHost.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

class VMHostIPRoute : VMHostBaseDSC {
    Specifies the gateway IPv4/IPv6 address of the route.

    [string] $Gateway

    Specifies the destination IPv4/IPv6 address of the route.

    [string] $Destination

    Specifies the prefix length of the destination IP address. For IPv4, the valid values are from 0 to 32, and for IPv6 - from 0 to 128.

    [int] $PrefixLength

    Specifies whether the IPv4/IPv6 route should be present or absent.

    [DscProperty(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Ensure] $Ensure

    hidden [string] $CreateVMHostIPRouteMessage = "Creating IP Route with Gateway address {0} and Destination address {1} on VMHost {2}."
    hidden [string] $RemoveVMHostIPRouteMessage = "Removing IP Route with Gateway address {0} and Destination address {1} on VMHost {2}."

    hidden [string] $CouldNotCreateVMHostIPRouteMessage = "Could not create IP Route with Gateway address {0} and Destination address {1} on VMHost {2}. For more information: {3}"
    hidden [string] $CouldNotRemoveVMHostIPRouteMessage = "Could not remove IP Route with Gateway address {0} and Destination address {1} on VMHost {2}. For more information: {3}"

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostIPRoute = $this.GetVMHostIPRoute($vmHost)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $vmHostIPRoute) {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $vmHostIPRoute) {
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.SetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostIPRoute = $this.GetVMHostIPRoute($vmHost)

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $result = ($null -ne $vmHostIPRoute)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $vmHostIPRoute)


            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.TestMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    [VMHostIPRoute] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodStartMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))


            $result = [VMHostIPRoute]::new()

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostIPRoute = $this.GetVMHostIPRoute($vmHost)

            $this.PopulateResult($result, $vmHostIPRoute)

            return $result
        finally {

            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.GetMethodEndMessage, @($this.DscResourceName))

    Retrieves the configured IPv4/IPv6 route with the specified Gateway and Destination addresses if it exists.

    [PSObject] GetVMHostIPRoute($vmHost) {
        return (Get-VMHostRoute -Server $this.Connection -VMHost $vmHost -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false |
                Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Gateway -eq $this.Gateway -and $_.Destination -eq $this.Destination -and $_.PrefixLength -eq $this.PrefixLength })

    Creates a new IP route with the specified Gateway and Destination addresses.

    [void] NewVMHostIPRoute($vmHost) {
        $newVMHostRouteParams = @{
            Server = $this.Connection
            VMHost = $vmHost
            Gateway = $this.Gateway
            Destination = $this.Destination
            PrefixLength = $this.PrefixLength
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.CreateVMHostIPRouteMessage, @($this.Gateway, $this.Destination, $vmHost.Name))

            New-VMHostRoute @newVMHostRouteParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotCreateVMHostIPRouteMessage -f $this.Gateway, $this.Destination, $vmHost.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Removes the IP route with the specified Gateway and Destination addresses.

    [void] RemoveVMHostIPRoute($vmHostIPRoute) {
        $removeVMHostRouteParams = @{
            VMHostRoute = $vmHostIPRoute
            Confirm = $false
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Verbose = $false

        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', $this.RemoveVMHostIPRouteMessage, @($this.Gateway, $this.Destination, $this.Name))

            Remove-VMHostRoute @removeVMHostRouteParams
        catch {
            throw ($this.CouldNotRemoveVMHostIPRouteMessage -f $this.Gateway, $this.Destination, $this.Name, $_.Exception.Message)

    Populates the result returned from the Get method.

    [void] PopulateResult($result, $vmHostIPRoute) {
        $result.Server = $this.Connection.Name
        $result.Name = $this.Name

        if ($null -ne $vmHostIPRoute) {
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.Gateway = $vmHostIPRoute.Gateway
            $result.Destination = $vmHostIPRoute.Destination
            $result.PrefixLength = $vmHostIPRoute.PrefixLength
        else {
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.Gateway = $this.Gateway
            $result.Destination = $this.Destination
            $result.PrefixLength = $this.PrefixLength

class VMHostGraphics : VMHostGraphicsBaseDSC {
    Specifies the default graphics type for the specified VMHost.

    [GraphicsType] $GraphicsType

    Specifies the policy for assigning shared passthrough VMs to a host graphics device.

    [SharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy] $SharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostGraphicsManager = $this.GetVMHostGraphicsManager($vmHost)

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostGraphicsManager = $this.GetVMHostGraphicsManager($vmHost)

            return !$this.ShouldUpdateGraphicsConfiguration($vmHostGraphicsManager)
        finally {

    [VMHostGraphics] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostGraphics]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.RestartTimeoutMinutes = $this.RestartTimeoutMinutes

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostGraphicsManager = $this.GetVMHostGraphicsManager($vmHost)

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $result.GraphicsType = $vmHostGraphicsManager.GraphicsConfig.HostDefaultGraphicsType
            $result.SharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy = $vmHostGraphicsManager.GraphicsConfig.SharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy

            return $result
        finally {

    Checks if the Graphics Configuration needs to be updated with the desired values.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateGraphicsConfiguration($vmHostGraphicsManager) {
        $shouldUpdateGraphicsConfiguration = @(
                [string] $vmHostGraphicsManager.GraphicsConfig.HostDefaultGraphicsType,
                [string] $vmHostGraphicsManager.GraphicsConfig.SharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy,

        return ($shouldUpdateGraphicsConfiguration -Contains $true)

    Performs an update on the Graphics Configuration of the specified VMHost.

    [void] UpdateGraphicsConfiguration($vmHostGraphicsManager) {
        $vmHostGraphicsConfig = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostGraphicsConfig

        $vmHostGraphicsConfig.HostDefaultGraphicsType = $this.ConvertEnumValueToServerValue($this.GraphicsType)
        $vmHostGraphicsConfig.SharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy = $this.ConvertEnumValueToServerValue($this.SharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy)

        try {
            Update-GraphicsConfig -VMHostGraphicsManager $vmHostGraphicsManager -VMHostGraphicsConfig $vmHostGraphicsConfig
        catch {
            throw "The Graphics Configuration of VMHost $($this.Name) could not be updated: $($_.Exception.Message)"

class VMHostGraphicsDevice : VMHostGraphicsBaseDSC {
    Specifies the Graphics device identifier (ex. PCI ID).

    [string] $Id

    Specifies the graphics type for the specified Device in 'Id' property.

    [GraphicsType] $GraphicsType

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostGraphicsManager = $this.GetVMHostGraphicsManager($vmHost)

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostGraphicsManager = $this.GetVMHostGraphicsManager($vmHost)
            $foundDevice = $this.GetGraphicsDevice($vmHostGraphicsManager)

            $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting(
                [string] $foundDevice.GraphicsType,


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostGraphicsDevice] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [VMHostGraphicsDevice]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.RestartTimeoutMinutes = $this.RestartTimeoutMinutes

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vmHostGraphicsManager = $this.GetVMHostGraphicsManager($vmHost)
            $foundDevice = $this.GetGraphicsDevice($vmHostGraphicsManager)

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $result.Id = $foundDevice.DeviceId
            $result.GraphicsType = $foundDevice.GraphicsType

            return $result
        finally {

    Retrieves the Graphics Device with the specified Id from the server.

    [PSObject] GetGraphicsDevice($vmHostGraphicsManager) {
        $foundDevice = $vmHostGraphicsManager.GraphicsConfig.DeviceType | Where-Object { $_.DeviceId -eq $this.Id }
        if ($null -eq $foundDevice) {
            throw "Device $($this.Id) was not found in the available Graphics devices."

        return $foundDevice

    Performs an update on the Graphics Configuration of the specified VMHost by changing the Graphics Type for the
    specified Device.

    [void] UpdateGraphicsConfiguration($vmHostGraphicsManager) {
        $vmHostGraphicsConfig = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostGraphicsConfig

        $vmHostGraphicsConfig.HostDefaultGraphicsType = $vmHostGraphicsManager.GraphicsConfig.HostDefaultGraphicsType
        $vmHostGraphicsConfig.SharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy = $vmHostGraphicsManager.GraphicsConfig.SharedPassthruAssignmentPolicy
        $vmHostGraphicsConfig.DeviceType = @()

        $vmHostGraphicsConfigDeviceType = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostGraphicsConfigDeviceType
        $vmHostGraphicsConfigDeviceType.DeviceId = $this.Id
        $vmHostGraphicsConfigDeviceType.GraphicsType = $this.ConvertEnumValueToServerValue($this.GraphicsType)

        $vmHostGraphicsConfig.DeviceType += $vmHostGraphicsConfigDeviceType

        try {
            Update-GraphicsConfig -VMHostGraphicsManager $vmHostGraphicsManager -VMHostGraphicsConfig $vmHostGraphicsConfig
        catch {
            throw "The Graphics Configuration of VMHost $($this.Name) could not be updated: $($_.Exception.Message)"

class VMHostVss : VMHostVssBaseDSC {
    The maximum transmission unit (MTU) associated with this virtual switch in bytes.

    [nullable[int]] $Mtu

    The virtual switch key.

    [string] $Key

    The number of ports that this virtual switch currently has.

    [int] $NumPorts

    The number of ports that are available on this virtual switch.

    [int] $NumPortsAvailable

    The set of physical network adapters associated with this bridge.

    [string[]] $Pnic

    The list of port groups configured for this virtual switch.

    [string[]] $PortGroup

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vss = $this.GetVss()

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $result = ($null -ne $vss -and $this.Equals($vss))
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $vss)


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostVss] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

            $result = [VMHostVss]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $this.PopulateResult($vmHost, $result)

            $result.Ensure = if ([string]::Empty -ne $result.Key) { 'Present' } else { 'Absent' }

            return $result
        finally {

    Returns a boolean value indicating if the VMHostVss should be updated.

    [bool] Equals($vss) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vssTest = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('VssName', $vss.Name, $this.VssName),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Mtu', $vss.Mtu, $this.Mtu)

        return ($vssTest -NotContains $true)

    Updates the configuration of the virtual switch.

    [void] UpdateVss($vmHost) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vssConfigArgs = @{
            Name = $this.VssName
            Mtu = $this.Mtu
        $vss = $this.GetVss()

        if ($this.Ensure -eq 'Present') {
            if ($null -ne $vss) {
                if ($this.Equals($vss)) {
                $vssConfigArgs.Add('Operation', 'edit')
            else {
                $vssConfigArgs.Add('Operation', 'add')
        else {
            if ($null -eq $vss) {
            $vssConfigArgs.Add('Operation', 'remove')

        try {
            Update-Network -NetworkSystem $this.vmHostNetworkSystem -VssConfig $vssConfigArgs -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw "The Virtual Switch Config could not be updated: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the virtual switch.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHost, $vmHostVSS) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $currentVss = $this.GetVss()

        if ($null -ne $currentVss) {
            $vmHostVSS.Key = $currentVss.Key
            $vmHostVSS.Mtu = $currentVss.Mtu
            $vmHostVSS.VssName = $currentVss.Name
            $vmHostVSS.NumPortsAvailable = $currentVss.NumPortsAvailable
            $vmHostVSS.Pnic = $currentVss.Pnic
            $vmHostVSS.PortGroup = $currentVss.PortGroup
            $vmHostVSS.Key = [string]::Empty
            $vmHostVSS.Mtu = $this.Mtu
            $vmHostVSS.VssName = $this.VssName

class VMHostVssBridge : VMHostVssBaseDSC {
    The list of keys of the physical network adapters to be bridged.

    [string[]] $NicDevice

    The beacon configuration to probe for the validity of a link.
    If this is set, beacon probing is configured and will be used.
    If this is not set, beacon probing is disabled.
    Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent.

    [nullable[int]] $BeaconInterval

    The link discovery protocol, whether to advertise or listen.

    [LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation] $LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation = [LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation]::Unset

    The link discovery protocol type.

    [LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol] $LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol = [LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol]::Unset

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vss = $this.GetVss()

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $result = ($null -ne $vss -and $this.Equals($vss))
            else {
                $this.NicDevice = @()
                $this.BeaconInterval = 0
                $this.LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol = [LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol]::Unset

                $result = ($null -eq $vss -or $this.Equals($vss))


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostVssBridge] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

            $result = [VMHostVssBridge]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $this.PopulateResult($vmHost, $result)

            $result.Ensure = if ([string]::Empty -ne $result.VssName) { 'Present' } else { 'Absent' }

            return $result
        finally {

    Returns a boolean value indicating if the VMHostVssBridge should to be updated.

    [bool] Equals($vss) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vssBridgeTest = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('NicDevice', $vss.Spec.Bridge.NicDevice, $this.NicDevice),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('BeaconInterval', $vss.Spec.Bridge.Beacon.Interval, $this.BeaconInterval),
                [string] $vss.Spec.Bridge.LinkDiscoveryProtocolConfig.Protocol,
                [string] $vss.Spec.Bridge.LinkDiscoveryProtocolConfig.Operation,

        return ($vssBridgeTest -NotContains $true)

    Updates the Bridge configuration of the virtual switch.

    [void] UpdateVssBridge($vmHost) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vssBridgeArgs = @{
            Name = $this.VssName
            NicDevice = $this.NicDevice

        # The Bridge configuration of the Standard Switch should be populated only when the Nic devices are passed.
        if ($this.NicDevice.Count -gt 0) {
            if ($null -ne $this.BeaconInterval) { $vssBridgeArgs.BeaconInterval = $this.BeaconInterval }
            if ($this.LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol -ne [LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol]::Unset) {
                $vssBridgeArgs.Add('LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol', $this.LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol.ToString())
                $vssBridgeArgs.Add('LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation', $this.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation.ToString())

        $vss = $this.GetVss()

        if ($this.Ensure -eq 'Present') {
            if ($this.Equals($vss)) {
        else {
            $vssBridgeArgs.NicDevice = @()
        $vssBridgeArgs.Add('Operation', 'edit')

        try {
            Update-Network -NetworkSystem $this.vmHostNetworkSystem -VssBridgeConfig $vssBridgeArgs -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw "The Virtual Switch Bridge Config could not be updated: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Bridge settings of the Virtual Switch.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHost, $vmHostVSSBridge) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $currentVss = $this.GetVss()

        if ($null -ne $currentVss) {
            $vmHostVSSBridge.VssName = $currentVss.Name
            $vmHostVSSBridge.NicDevice = $currentVss.Spec.Bridge.NicDevice
            $vmHostVSSBridge.BeaconInterval = $currentVss.Spec.Bridge.Beacon.Interval

            if ($null -ne $currentVss.Spec.Bridge.linkDiscoveryProtocolConfig) {
                $vmHostVSSBridge.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation = $currentVss.Spec.Bridge.LinkDiscoveryProtocolConfig.Operation.ToString()
                $vmHostVSSBridge.LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol = $currentVss.Spec.Bridge.LinkDiscoveryProtocolConfig.Protocol.ToString()
        else {
            $vmHostVSSBridge.VssName = $this.VssName
            $vmHostVSSBridge.NicDevice = $this.NicDevice
            $vmHostVSSBridge.BeaconInterval = $this.BeaconInterval
            $vmHostVSSBridge.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation = $this.LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation
            $vmHostVSSBridge.LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol = $this.LinkDiscoveryProtocolProtocol

class VMHostVssSecurity : VMHostVssBaseDSC {
    The flag to indicate whether or not all traffic is seen on the port.

    [nullable[bool]] $AllowPromiscuous

    The flag to indicate whether or not the virtual network adapter should be
    allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address than that of
    the virtual network adapter.

    [nullable[bool]] $ForgedTransmits

    The flag to indicate whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address
    can be changed.

    [nullable[bool]] $MacChanges

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vss = $this.GetVss()

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $result = ($null -ne $vss -and $this.Equals($vss))
            else {
                $this.AllowPromiscuous = $false
                $this.ForgedTransmits = $true
                $this.MacChanges = $true

                $result = ($null -eq $vss -or $this.Equals($vss))


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostVssSecurity] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

            $result = [VMHostVssSecurity]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $this.PopulateResult($vmHost, $result)

            $result.Ensure = if ([string]::Empty -ne $result.VssName) { 'Present' } else { 'Absent' }

            return $result
        finally {

    Returns a boolean value indicating if the VMHostVssSecurity should to be updated.

    [bool] Equals($vss) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vssSecurityTest = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('AllowPromiscuous', $vss.Spec.Policy.Security.AllowPromiscuous, $this.AllowPromiscuous),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('ForgedTransmits', $vss.Spec.Policy.Security.ForgedTransmits, $this.ForgedTransmits),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('MacChanges', $vss.Spec.Policy.Security.MacChanges, $this.MacChanges)

        return ($vssSecurityTest -NotContains $true)

    Updates the configuration of the virtual switch.

    [void] UpdateVssSecurity($vmHost) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vssSecurityArgs = @{
            Name = $this.VssName
            AllowPromiscuous = $this.AllowPromiscuous
            ForgedTransmits = $this.ForgedTransmits
            MacChanges = $this.MacChanges
        $vss = $this.GetVss()

        if ($this.Ensure -eq 'Present') {
            if ($this.Equals($vss)) {
            $vssSecurityArgs.Add('Operation', 'edit')
        else {
            $vssSecurityArgs.AllowPromiscuous = $false
            $vssSecurityArgs.ForgedTransmits = $true
            $vssSecurityArgs.MacChanges = $true
            $vssSecurityArgs.Add('Operation', 'edit')

        try {
            Update-Network -NetworkSystem $this.vmHostNetworkSystem -VssSecurityConfig $vssSecurityArgs -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw "The Virtual Switch Security Config could not be updated: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Security settings of the Virtual Switch.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHost, $vmHostVSSSecurity) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $currentVss = $this.GetVss()

        if ($null -ne $currentVss) {
            $vmHostVSSSecurity.VssName = $currentVss.Name
            $vmHostVSSSecurity.AllowPromiscuous = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.Security.AllowPromiscuous
            $vmHostVSSSecurity.ForgedTransmits = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.Security.ForgedTransmits
            $vmHostVSSSecurity.MacChanges = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.Security.MacChanges
        else {
            $vmHostVSSSecurity.VssName = $this.VssName
            $vmHostVSSSecurity.AllowPromiscuous = $this.AllowPromiscuous
            $vmHostVSSSecurity.ForgedTransmits = $this.ForgedTransmits
            $vmHostVSSSecurity.MacChanges = $this.MacChanges

class VMHostVssShaping : VMHostVssBaseDSC {
    The average bandwidth in bits per second if shaping is enabled on the port.

    [nullable[long]] $AverageBandwidth

    The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if shaping is enabled on the port.

    [nullable[long]] $BurstSize

    The flag to indicate whether or not traffic shaper is enabled on the port.

    [nullable[bool]] $Enabled

    The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled on the port.

    [nullable[long]] $PeakBandwidth

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vss = $this.GetVss()

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $result = ($null -ne $vss -and $this.Equals($vss))
            else {
                $this.AverageBandwidth = 100000
                $this.BurstSize = 100000
                $this.Enabled = $false
                $this.PeakBandwidth = 100000

                $result = ($null -eq $vss -or $this.Equals($vss))


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostVssShaping] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $result = [VMHostVssShaping]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $this.PopulateResult($vmHost, $result)

            $result.Ensure = if ([string]::Empty -ne $result.VssName) { 'Present' } else { 'Absent' }

            return $result
        finally {

    Returns a boolean value indicating if the VMHostVssShaping should to be updated.

    [bool] Equals($vss) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vssShapingTest = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('AverageBandwidth', $vss.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.AverageBandwidth, $this.AverageBandwidth),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('BurstSize', $vss.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.BurstSize, $this.BurstSize),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Enabled', $vss.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.Enabled, $this.Enabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('PeakBandwidth', $vss.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.PeakBandwidth, $this.PeakBandwidth)

        return ($vssShapingTest -NotContains $true)

    Updates the configuration of the virtual switch.

    [void] UpdateVssShaping($vmHost) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vssShapingArgs = @{
            Name = $this.VssName
            AverageBandwidth = $this.AverageBandwidth
            BurstSize = $this.BurstSize
            Enabled = $this.Enabled
            PeakBandwidth = $this.PeakBandwidth
        $vss = $this.GetVss()

        if ($this.Ensure -eq 'Present') {
            if ($this.Equals($vss)) {
            $vssShapingArgs.Add('Operation', 'edit')
        else {
            $vssShapingArgs.AverageBandwidth = 100000
            $vssShapingArgs.BurstSize = 100000
            $vssShapingArgs.Enabled = $false
            $vssShapingArgs.PeakBandwidth = 100000
            $vssShapingArgs.Add('Operation', 'edit')

        try {
            Update-Network -NetworkSystem $this.vmHostNetworkSystem -VssShapingConfig $vssShapingArgs -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw "The Virtual Switch Shaping Policy Config could not be updated: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Security settings of the Virtual Switch.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHost, $vmHostVSSShaping) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $currentVss = $this.GetVss()

        if ($null -ne $currentVss) {
            $vmHostVSSShaping.VssName = $currentVss.Name
            $vmHostVSSShaping.AverageBandwidth = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.AverageBandwidth
            $vmHostVSSShaping.BurstSize = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.BurstSize
            $vmHostVSSShaping.Enabled = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.Enabled
            $vmHostVSSShaping.PeakBandwidth = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.ShapingPolicy.PeakBandwidth
        else {
            $vmHostVSSShaping.VssName = $this.Name
            $vmHostVSSShaping.AverageBandwidth = $this.AverageBandwidth
            $vmHostVSSShaping.BurstSize = $this.BurstSize
            $vmHostVSSShaping.Enabled = $this.Enabled
            $vmHostVSSShaping.PeakBandwidth = $this.PeakBandwidth

class VMHostVssTeaming : VMHostVssBaseDSC {
    The flag to indicate whether or not to enable beacon probing
    as a method to validate the link status of a physical network adapter.

    [nullable[bool]] $CheckBeacon

    List of active network adapters used for load balancing.

    [string[]] $ActiveNic

    Standby network adapters used for failover.

    [string[]] $StandbyNic

    Flag to specify whether or not to notify the physical switch if a link fails.

    [nullable[bool]] $NotifySwitches

    Network adapter teaming policy.

    [NicTeamingPolicy] $Policy = [NicTeamingPolicy]::Unset

    The flag to indicate whether or not to use a rolling policy when restoring links.

    [nullable[bool]] $RollingOrder

    hidden [string] $PhysicalNicNotInBridgeMessage = "Physical network adapter {0} is not in the bridge with standard switch {1}."

    [void] Set() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()
            $vss = $this.GetVss()

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                $result = ($null -ne $vss -and $this.Equals($vss))
            else {
                $this.CheckBeacon = $false
                $this.ActiveNic = @()
                $this.StandbyNic = @()
                $this.NotifySwitches = $true
                $this.Policy = [NicTeamingPolicy]::Loadbalance_srcid
                $this.RollingOrder = $false

                $result = ($null -eq $vss -or $this.Equals($vss))


            return $result
        finally {

    [VMHostVssTeaming] Get() {
        try {
            $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


            $result = [VMHostVssTeaming]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server

            $vmHost = $this.GetVMHost()

            $result.Name = $vmHost.Name
            $this.PopulateResult($vmHost, $result)

            $result.Ensure = if ([string]::Empty -ne $result.VssName) { 'Present' } else { 'Absent' }

            return $result
        finally {

    Returns a boolean value indicating if the VMHostVssTeaming should to be updated.

    [bool] Equals($vss) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $vssTeamingTest = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('CheckBeacon', $vss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.FailureCriteria.CheckBeacon, $this.CheckBeacon),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('NotifySwitches', $vss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.NotifySwitches, $this.NotifySwitches),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('RollingOrder', $vss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.RollingOrder, $this.RollingOrder),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('Policy', [string] $vss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.Policy, $this.Policy.ToString().ToLower()),
            $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('ActiveNic', $vss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.NicOrder.ActiveNic, $this.ActiveNic),
            $this.ShouldUpdateArraySetting('StandbyNic', $vss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.NicOrder.StandbyNic, $this.StandbyNic)

        return ($vssTeamingTest -NotContains $true)

    Validates that all provided physical network adapters: (ActiveNic and StandbyNic) are in the bridge
    with the specified standard switch.

    [void] ValidatePhysicalNetworkAdapters() {
        $physicalNics = $this.ActiveNic + $this.StandbyNic

        if ($physicalNics.Length -gt 0) {
            $standardSwitch = $this.GetVss()
            foreach ($physicalNic in $physicalNics) {
                if (!($standardSwitch.Spec.Bridge.NicDevice -Contains $physicalNic)) {
                    throw ($this.PhysicalNicNotInBridgeMessage -f $physicalNic, $standardSwitch.Name)

    Updates the configuration of the virtual switch.

    [void] UpdateVssTeaming($vmHost) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))


        $vssTeamingArgs = @{
            Name = $this.VssName
            ActiveNic = $this.ActiveNic
            StandbyNic = $this.StandbyNic
            NotifySwitches = $this.NotifySwitches
            RollingOrder = $this.RollingOrder

        if ($null -ne $this.CheckBeacon) { $vssTeamingArgs.CheckBeacon = $this.CheckBeacon }
        if ($this.Policy -ne [NicTeamingPolicy]::Unset) { $vssTeamingArgs.Policy = $this.Policy.ToString().ToLower() }

        $vss = $this.GetVss()
        if ($this.Ensure -eq 'Present') {
            if ($this.Equals($vss)) {
            $vssTeamingArgs.Add('Operation', 'edit')
        else {
            $vssTeamingArgs.CheckBeacon = $false
            $vssTeamingArgs.ActiveNic = @()
            $vssTeamingArgs.StandbyNic = @()
            $vssTeamingArgs.NotifySwitches = $true
            $vssTeamingArgs.Policy = ([NicTeamingPolicy]::Loadbalance_srcid).ToString().ToLower()
            $vssTeamingArgs.RollingOrder = $false
            $vssTeamingArgs.Add('Operation', 'edit')

        try {
            Update-Network -NetworkSystem $this.vmHostNetworkSystem -VssTeamingConfig $vssTeamingArgs -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw "The Virtual Switch Teaming Policy Config could not be updated: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Security settings of the Virtual Switch.

    [void] PopulateResult($vmHost, $vmHostVSSTeaming) {
        $this.WriteLogUtil('Verbose', "{0} Entering {1}", @((Get-Date), (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName))

        $currentVss = $this.GetVss()

        if ($null -ne $currentVss) {
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.VssName = $currentVss.Name
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.CheckBeacon = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.FailureCriteria.CheckBeacon
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.ActiveNic = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.NicOrder.ActiveNic
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.StandbyNic = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.NicOrder.StandbyNic
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.NotifySwitches = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.NotifySwitches
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.Policy = [NicTeamingPolicy]$currentVss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.Policy
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.RollingOrder = $currentVss.Spec.Policy.NicTeaming.RollingOrder
        else {
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.VssName = $this.Name
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.CheckBeacon = $this.CheckBeacon
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.ActiveNic = $this.ActiveNic
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.StandbyNic = $this.StandbyNic
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.NotifySwitches = $this.NotifySwitches
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.Policy = $this.Policy
            $vmHostVSSTeaming.RollingOrder = $this.RollingOrder

class DrsCluster : DatacenterInventoryBaseDSC {
    DrsCluster() {
        $this.InventoryItemFolderType = [FolderType]::Host

    Indicates that VMware DRS (Distributed Resource Scheduler) is enabled.

    [nullable[bool]] $DrsEnabled

    Specifies a DRS (Distributed Resource Scheduler) automation level. The valid values are FullyAutomated, Manual, PartiallyAutomated, Disabled and Unset.

    [DrsAutomationLevel] $DrsAutomationLevel = [DrsAutomationLevel]::Unset

    Threshold for generated ClusterRecommendations. DRS generates only those recommendations that are above the specified vmotionRate. Ratings vary from 1 to 5.
    This setting applies to Manual, PartiallyAutomated, and FullyAutomated DRS Clusters.

    [nullable[int]] $DrsMigrationThreshold

    For availability, distributes a more even number of virtual machines across hosts.

    [nullable[int]] $DrsDistribution

    Load balance based on consumed memory of virtual machines rather than active memory.
    This setting is recommended for clusters where host memory is not over-committed.

    [nullable[int]] $MemoryLoadBalancing

    Controls CPU over-commitment in the cluster.
    Min value is 0 and Max value is 500.

    [nullable[int]] $CPUOverCommitment

    hidden [string] $DrsEnabledConfigPropertyName = 'Enabled'
    hidden [string] $DrsAutomationLevelConfigPropertyName = 'DefaultVmBehavior'
    hidden [string] $DrsMigrationThresholdConfigPropertyName = 'VmotionRate'
    hidden [string] $DrsDistributionSettingName = 'LimitVMsPerESXHostPercent'
    hidden [string] $MemoryLoadBalancingSettingName = 'PercentIdleMBInMemDemand'
    hidden [string] $CPUOverCommitmentSettingName = 'MaxVcpusPerClusterPct'

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $clusterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $cluster = $this.GetInventoryItem($clusterLocation)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $cluster) {
                else {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $cluster) {
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $clusterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $cluster = $this.GetInventoryItem($clusterLocation)

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $cluster) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateCluster($cluster)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $cluster)


            return $result
        finally {

    [DrsCluster] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [DrsCluster]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.Location = $this.Location
            $result.DatacenterName = $this.DatacenterName
            $result.DatacenterLocation = $this.DatacenterLocation


            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $clusterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $cluster = $this.GetInventoryItem($clusterLocation)

            $this.PopulateResult($cluster, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Checks if the Cluster should be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateCluster($cluster) {
        $drsConfig = $cluster.ExtensionData.ConfigurationEx.DrsConfig

        $currentDrsDistributionOption = ($drsConfig.Option | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Key -eq $this.DrsDistributionSettingName }).Value
        $currentMemoryLoadBalancingOption = ($drsConfig.Option | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Key -eq $this.MemoryLoadBalancingSettingName }).Value
        $currentCPUOverCommitmentOption = ($drsConfig.Option | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Key -eq $this.CPUOverCommitmentSettingName }).Value

        $shouldUpdateCluster = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DrsEnabled', $drsConfig.Enabled, $this.DrsEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DrsAutomationLevel', [string] $drsConfig.DefaultVmBehavior, $this.DrsAutomationLevel.ToString()),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DrsMigrationThreshold', $drsConfig.VmotionRate, $this.DrsMigrationThreshold),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('DrsDistribution', $currentDrsDistributionOption, $this.DrsDistribution),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('MemoryLoadBalancing', $currentMemoryLoadBalancingOption, $this.MemoryLoadBalancing),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('CPUOverCommitment', $currentCPUOverCommitmentOption, $this.CPUOverCommitment)

        return ($shouldUpdateCluster -Contains $true)

    Populates the DrsConfig property with the desired value.

    [void] PopulateDrsConfigProperty($drsConfig, $propertyName, $propertyValue) {
            Special case where the passed property value is enum type. These type of properties
            should be populated only when their value is not equal to Unset.
            Unset means that the property was not specified in the Configuration.

        if ($propertyValue -is [DrsAutomationLevel]) {
            if ($propertyValue -ne [DrsAutomationLevel]::Unset) {
                $drsConfig.$propertyName = $propertyValue.ToString()
        elseif ($null -ne $propertyValue) {
            $drsConfig.$propertyName = $propertyValue

    Returns the Option array for the DrsConfig with the specified options in the Configuration.

    [PSObject] GetOptionsForDrsConfig($allOptions) {
        $drsConfigOptions = @()

        foreach ($key in $allOptions.Keys) {
            if ($null -ne $allOptions.$key) {
                $option = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue

                $option.Key = $key
                $option.Value = $allOptions.$key.ToString()

                $drsConfigOptions += $option

        return $drsConfigOptions

    Returns the populated Cluster Spec with the specified values in the Configuration.

    [PSObject] GetPopulatedClusterSpec() {
        $clusterSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterConfigSpecEx
        $clusterSpec.DrsConfig = New-Object VMware.Vim.ClusterDrsConfigInfo

        $this.PopulateDrsConfigProperty($clusterSpec.DrsConfig, $this.DrsEnabledConfigPropertyName, $this.DrsEnabled)
        $this.PopulateDrsConfigProperty($clusterSpec.DrsConfig, $this.DrsAutomationLevelConfigPropertyName, $this.DrsAutomationLevel)
        $this.PopulateDrsConfigProperty($clusterSpec.DrsConfig, $this.DrsMigrationThresholdConfigPropertyName, $this.DrsMigrationThreshold)

        $allOptions = [ordered] @{
            $this.DrsDistributionSettingName = $this.DrsDistribution
            $this.MemoryLoadBalancingSettingName = $this.MemoryLoadBalancing
            $this.CPUOverCommitmentSettingName = $this.CPUOverCommitment

        $clusterSpec.DrsConfig.Option = $this.GetOptionsForDrsConfig($allOptions)

        return $clusterSpec

    Creates a new Cluster with the specified properties at the specified location.

    [void] AddCluster($clusterLocation) {
        $clusterSpec = $this.GetPopulatedClusterSpec()

        try {
            Add-Cluster -Folder $clusterLocation.ExtensionData -Name $this.Name -Spec $clusterSpec
        catch {
            throw "Server operation failed with the following error: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Updates the Cluster with the specified properties.

    [void] UpdateCluster($cluster) {
        $clusterSpec = $this.GetPopulatedClusterSpec()

        try {
            Update-ClusterComputeResource -ClusterComputeResource $cluster.ExtensionData -Spec $clusterSpec
        catch {
            throw "Server operation failed with the following error: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Removes the Cluster from the specified Datacenter.

    [void] RemoveCluster($cluster) {
        try {
            Remove-ClusterComputeResource -ClusterComputeResource $cluster.ExtensionData
        catch {
            throw "Server operation failed with the following error: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Cluster from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($cluster, $result) {
        if ($null -ne $cluster) {
            $drsConfig = $cluster.ExtensionData.ConfigurationEx.DrsConfig

            $result.Name = $cluster.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.DrsEnabled = $drsConfig.Enabled

            if ($null -eq $drsConfig.DefaultVmBehavior) {
                $result.DrsAutomationLevel = [DrsAutomationLevel]::Unset
            else {
                $result.DrsAutomationLevel = $drsConfig.DefaultVmBehavior.ToString()

            $result.DrsMigrationThreshold = $drsConfig.VmotionRate

            if ($null -ne $drsConfig.Option) {
                $options = $drsConfig.Option

                $result.DrsDistribution = ($options | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $this.DrsDistributionSettingName }).Value
                $result.MemoryLoadBalancing = ($options | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $this.MemoryLoadBalancingSettingName }).Value
                $result.CPUOverCommitment = ($options | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $this.CPUOverCommitmentSettingName }).Value
            else {
                $result.DrsDistribution = $null
                $result.MemoryLoadBalancing = $null
                $result.CPUOverCommitment = $null
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.DrsEnabled = $this.DrsEnabled
            $result.DrsAutomationLevel = $this.DrsAutomationLevel
            $result.DrsMigrationThreshold = $this.DrsMigrationThreshold
            $result.DrsDistribution = $this.DrsDistribution
            $result.MemoryLoadBalancing = $this.MemoryLoadBalancing
            $result.CPUOverCommitment = $this.CPUOverCommitment

class HACluster : DatacenterInventoryBaseDSC {
    HACluster() {
        $this.InventoryItemFolderType = [FolderType]::Host

    Indicates that VMware HA (High Availability) is enabled.

    [nullable[bool]] $HAEnabled

    Indicates that virtual machines cannot be powered on if they violate availability constraints.

    [nullable[bool]] $HAAdmissionControlEnabled

    Specifies a configured failover level.
    This is the number of physical host failures that can be tolerated without impacting the ability to meet minimum thresholds for all running virtual machines.
    The valid values range from 1 to 4.

    [nullable[int]] $HAFailoverLevel

    Indicates that the virtual machine should be powered off if a host determines that it is isolated from the rest of the compute resource.
    The valid values are PowerOff, DoNothing, Shutdown and Unset.

    [HAIsolationResponse] $HAIsolationResponse = [HAIsolationResponse]::Unset

    Specifies the cluster HA restart priority. The valid values are Disabled, Low, Medium, High and Unset.
    VMware HA is a feature that detects failed virtual machines and automatically restarts them on alternative ESX hosts.

    [HARestartPriority] $HARestartPriority = [HARestartPriority]::Unset

    hidden [string] $HAEnabledParameterName = 'HAEnabled'
    hidden [string] $HAAdmissionControlEnabledParameterName = 'HAAdmissionControlEnabled'
    hidden [string] $HAFailoverLevelParameterName = 'HAFailoverLevel'
    hidden [string] $HAIsolationResponseParameterName = 'HAIsolationResponse'
    hidden [string] $HARestartPriorityParemeterName = 'HARestartPriority'

    [void] Set() {
        try {

            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $clusterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $cluster = $this.GetInventoryItem($clusterLocation)

            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $cluster) {
                else {
            else {
                if ($null -ne $cluster) {
        finally {

    [bool] Test() {
        try {

            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $clusterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $cluster = $this.GetInventoryItem($clusterLocation)

            $result = $null
            if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) {
                if ($null -eq $cluster) {
                    $result = $false
                else {
                    $result = !$this.ShouldUpdateCluster($cluster)
            else {
                $result = ($null -eq $cluster)


            return $result
        finally {

    [HACluster] Get() {
        try {
            $result = [HACluster]::new()
            $result.Server = $this.Server
            $result.Location = $this.Location
            $result.DatacenterName = $this.DatacenterName
            $result.DatacenterLocation = $this.DatacenterLocation


            $datacenter = $this.GetDatacenter()
            $datacenterFolderName = "$($this.InventoryItemFolderType)Folder"
            $clusterLocation = $this.GetInventoryItemLocationInDatacenter($datacenter, $datacenterFolderName)
            $cluster = $this.GetInventoryItem($clusterLocation)

            $this.PopulateResult($cluster, $result)

            return $result
        finally {

    Checks if the Cluster should be updated.

    [bool] ShouldUpdateCluster($cluster) {
        $shouldUpdateCluster = @(
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('HAEnabled', $cluster.HAEnabled, $this.HAEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('HAAdmissionControlEnabled', $cluster.HAAdmissionControlEnabled, $this.HAAdmissionControlEnabled),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('HAFailoverLevel', $cluster.HAFailoverLevel, $this.HAFailoverLevel),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('HAIsolationResponse', [string] $cluster.HAIsolationResponse, $this.HAIsolationResponse.ToString()),
            $this.ShouldUpdateDscResourceSetting('HARestartPriority', [string] $cluster.HARestartPriority, $this.HARestartPriority.ToString())

        return ($shouldUpdateCluster -Contains $true)

    Populates the parameters for the New-Cluster and Set-Cluster cmdlets.

    [void] PopulateClusterParams($clusterParams, $parameter, $desiredValue) {
            Special case where the desired value is enum type. These type of properties
            should be added as parameters to the cmdlet only when their value is not equal to Unset.
            Unset means that the property was not specified in the Configuration.

        if ($desiredValue -is [HAIsolationResponse] -or $desiredValue -is [HARestartPriority]) {
            if ($desiredValue -ne 'Unset') {
                $clusterParams.$parameter = $desiredValue.ToString()


        if ($null -ne $desiredValue) {
            $clusterParams.$parameter = $desiredValue

    Returns the populated Cluster parameters.

    [hashtable] GetClusterParams() {
        $clusterParams = @{}

        $clusterParams.Server = $this.Connection
        $clusterParams.Confirm = $false
        $clusterParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        $this.PopulateClusterParams($clusterParams, $this.HAEnabledParameterName, $this.HAEnabled)

        # High Availability settings cannot be passed to the cmdlets if 'HAEnabled' is $false.
        if ($null -eq $this.HAEnabled -or $this.HAEnabled) {
            $this.PopulateClusterParams($clusterParams, $this.HAAdmissionControlEnabledParameterName, $this.HAAdmissionControlEnabled)
            $this.PopulateClusterParams($clusterParams, $this.HAFailoverLevelParameterName, $this.HAFailoverLevel)
            $this.PopulateClusterParams($clusterParams, $this.HAIsolationResponseParameterName, $this.HAIsolationResponse)
            $this.PopulateClusterParams($clusterParams, $this.HARestartPriorityParemeterName, $this.HARestartPriority)

        return $clusterParams

    Creates a new Cluster with the specified properties at the specified location.

    [void] AddCluster($clusterLocation) {
        $clusterParams = $this.GetClusterParams()
        $clusterParams.Name = $this.Name
        $clusterParams.Location = $clusterLocation

        try {
            New-Cluster @clusterParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot create Cluster $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Updates the Cluster with the specified properties.

    [void] UpdateCluster($cluster) {
        $clusterParams = $this.GetClusterParams()

        try {
            $cluster | Set-Cluster @clusterParams
        catch {
            throw "Cannot update Cluster $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Removes the Cluster from the specified Datacenter.

    [void] RemoveCluster($cluster) {
        try {
            $cluster | Remove-Cluster -Server $this.Connection -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw "Cannot remove Cluster $($this.Name). For more information: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Populates the result returned from the Get() method with the values of the Cluster from the server.

    [void] PopulateResult($cluster, $result) {
        if ($null -ne $cluster) {
            $result.Name = $cluster.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $result.HAEnabled = $cluster.HAEnabled
            $result.HAAdmissionControlEnabled = $cluster.HAAdmissionControlEnabled
            $result.HAFailoverLevel = $cluster.HAFailoverLevel
            $result.HAIsolationResponse = $cluster.HAIsolationResponse.ToString()
            $result.HARestartPriority = $cluster.HARestartPriority.ToString()
        else {
            $result.Name = $this.Name
            $result.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $result.HAEnabled = $this.HAEnabled
            $result.HAAdmissionControlEnabled = $this.HAAdmissionControlEnabled
            $result.HAFailoverLevel = $this.HAFailoverLevel
            $result.HAIsolationResponse = $this.HAIsolationResponse
            $result.HARestartPriority = $this.HARestartPriority

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# SIG # End signature block