function Set-vCAVReplicationManagerCred(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Configures the SSO Credentials used by the H4 Manager to perform replication operations against the registered vCloud Resource vCenter .DESCRIPTION Configures the SSO Credentials used by the H4 Manager to perform replication operations against the registered vCloud Resource vCenter .PARAMETER ManagerURL The API URI for the H4 Manager Service .PARAMETER SSOCredentials A PSCredential object with a user account with administrator rights to the SSO domain set as the vSphere Lookup Service .EXAMPLE Set-vCAVReplicationManagerCred -SSOCredentials (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("administrator@vsphere.local",(ConvertTo-SecureString "Password!123" -AsPlainText -Force))) Sets the Resource vCenter Service Account for the H4 Manager to "administrator@vsphere.local" .NOTES AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2019-07-31 VERSION: 2.0 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateScript({[system.uri]::IsWellFormedUriString($_,[System.UriKind]::Absolute)})] [string] $ManagerURL, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [PSCredential] $SSOCredentials ) # Configure the SSO Credentials for the Resource vCenter [string] $ConfigURI = $global:DefaultvCAVServer.ServiceURI + "config/manager" $objvCenterConfig = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $objvCenterConfig | Add-Member Note* managerUrl $ManagerURL $objvCenterConfig | Add-Member Note* managerCertificate "" $objvCenterConfig | Add-Member Note* ssoUsername ($SSOCredentials.Username) $objvCenterConfig | Add-Member Note* ssoPassword ($SSOCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password) $vCenterConfigResponse = Invoke-vCAVAPIRequest -URI $ConfigURI -Data (ConvertTo-JSON $objvCenterConfig) -Method Post -APIVersion $DefaultvCAVServer.DefaultAPIVersion $vCenterConfigResponse.JSONData } |