function Set-vCAVProviderVDCFilters(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Sets a filter on the currently connected vCloud Availability service to restrict the accessible Provider VDCs to vCloud Availability. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet can be used in order to support the following use cases for vCloud Availability: - Datacenters in different locations managed by a single vCD (for example when seperate vCloud Availability instances are in each DC and scope/backed by PVDCs in each location) - For leveraging vCloud Availability with multiple unfederated VCs as well as with dedicated customer VCs .EXAMPLE Set-vCAVProviderVDCFilters -ProvidedVDCIds @("2241c7fe-7319-4d89-bf0e-3eb647474416","38d407ce-9d5c-4c96-90d5-63e9749dfa44") Sets the Provider VDC filter for the currently connected vCloud Availabilty service to the Provider VDCs with the Ids "2241c7fe-7319-4d89-bf0e-3eb647474416" and "38d407ce-9d5c-4c96-90d5-63e9749dfa44" overwriting any currently configured filters .EXAMPLE Set-vCAVProviderVDCFilters -ProvidedVDCIds "2241c7fe-7319-4d89-bf0e-3eb647474416" -Preserve Adds a new Provider VDC with the Id "2241c7fe-7319-4d89-bf0e-3eb647474416" to the Provider VDC filter for the currently connected vCloud Availabilty service and preserves the currently configured filters. .EXAMPLE Set-vCAVProviderVDCFilters -Reset Removes any Provider VDC filters and makes all Provider VDCs in the currently connected vCloud Availabilty service available. .NOTES AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2019-09-17 VERSION: 1.0 #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="Set", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String[]] $ProvidedVDCIds, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Set")] [switch]$Preserve, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Reset")] [switch]$Reset ) # Check the environment is correct/supported if($DefaultvCAVServer.DefaultAPIVersion -lt "4"){ throw "This cmdlet is only supported on vCloud Availability API version 4 or higher. The current default API version is $($DefaultvCAVServer.DefaultAPIVersion)" } if($DefaultvCAVServer.buildVersion -lt "3.5"){ throw "This cmdlet is only supported on vCloud Availability 3.5+. The current connected version is $($DefaultvCAVServer.buildVersion)" } # First check if a set or a reset Operation [PSObject[]] $colFilters = @() if(!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Reset")){ # Check if the provided Provider VDCs are valid foreach($objProviderVDC in $ProvidedVDCIds){ if($null -eq (Get-vCAVProviderVDCs -Id $objProviderVDC)){ throw "The Provider VDC with the Id $objProviderVDC does not exist in the current installation. Please check the Id and try the cmdlet again." } } # If the preserve filter is provided retrieve a list of currently configured filters [PSObject[]] $colFilters = @() if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Preserve")){ $colFilters += (Get-vCAVProviderVDCFilters | Select-Object Id).id $colFilters += $ProvidedVDCIds } else { $colFilters = $ProvidedVDCIds } # Filter any duplicates in the event that Preserve was provided $colFilters = $colFilters | Select-Object -Unique } # Make the API call to set the filters $URI = $global:DefaultvCAVServer.ServiceURI + "config/pvdc-filter" (Invoke-vCAVAPIRequest -URI $URI -Method Post -Data (ConvertTo-JSON $colFilters) -APIVersion $DefaultvCAVServer.DefaultAPIVersion).JSONData > $null # Now return the currently connected filters Get-vCAVProviderVDCFilters } |